a i Residence 432] THE USHAWA DAILY 1IMEDS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAKY 19, 1930 PACE ELEVEN THE C 242646" where ED SECTION ~~ meets Mr. Scller N29 \005e0 J W\ , BARRISTER. Public; - Convey- "Money to ran.' Third floor Solicitor Notary ancer. rister, Solicitor, Notary Puhlic, Con- veyancer. Money to loan; Office 144 King St. East, Oshawa ' Phone 445 Residence phone 837 . (EICHTON AND Conveyancers, Notaries PubMe, ete. Office over Standard Bank. 'Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 18. J. F. Grierson, K.C. T. K. Creighten, B.A, 'N. GC Fraser, B.A. LOUIS S. [IVMAN. BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 1¢ Simcoe Nicer north Phone 67, Residence GREER AND HUMPHREYS. BAR risters, Solicitors, eic. 24% Sir.coe St. N. Phone 3160. Mcney to_ loan. ALEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRI® ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. East Phone 3237, para 1.0.0 HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS ters, Solicitors, ete, 41 "Alger Bldg. Ozhawa and Port Perry. Phones 759 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 an 71 r 3, (Feb. 3-1 mo) A.J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER ete: Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office. Phone 1614. Medical ----------------U ee ee DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Ezst, corner Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PH 'Sl cian, Surgeon. Obstctrician, Special references to maternity work and di- seases of women. Tio years' post graduate experience. Office and resi. dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 302 DR. GRANT REZRRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obscetrician, diseases of infants end children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone T1535 PR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, HYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work ana Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Residence 161 Kinz East Phone 2416. DR. DAVID ARCHER, ) L R C P and S Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N Phone 3020 residence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155 [ "ARCHER BROWN. M.D. L. R C. P. & S. Edinburgh Physician Surgeon, Obstetrician, special , at- tention to maternity work and dis- eases of children. Office: and resi dence. 185 Simcue 3t. North. Phone 107. -- he i C. W. CARE, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, 512 Simcoe street north. Phone 2415. DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office ani residence, 185 Simcoe Street, North phone 3107. DR. J. G. FERGUSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialist in kidney and bladder diseases, Brock ani Mary streets, Whitby, Phone 179. Whitby. (Jan, 80-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will Le at his office over Jury & Loveli's Drug Store each Saturday. from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments mav be mad: at drug store, Phone 97. "Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. F. RICHARDSON. OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. = Hours 10 to 12 am. 2 to 5 Evenings by ppointment, Office. phone 2660. M.D, CM. TERE BAR M0 ~ 5 «mem | tention 1243 an 806A. Ei i . Swiss warchinaker Dental 'R. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- set's. Seal aitantion to X-ray k. Gas :r'raction.' Nurse in at- al Phone 959. House 1312. OR H M E. 9 SIMCOE ST north. over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for exiraction. Phone 54. DR. L E_BUBBELL DEN=IST, id oxvgen gas for extra. img Office Roval Bank Bide Phone 948, residence, 1378M. J. F. BROCK. DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St N. over Dewland's. 957. Res, 202W: &vevings by R Ww. H. GIFFORD. OFFICE BR Theatre Bldg. Yhone 1780 Resi iy : GMAIL 4 AVES tists, 37 King St. E. Special at- to gas extraction and X-rav Nurse in attendance. Phones ~ Architects CC STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 149% Res. paone 909). OMSON ANC sociate architects. Over Felt Bros. Public Stenographer MARIE NM. HILTON, 74 SIMCOR street north. Phone 1600, Special rates for mailing lsts and circular work. (Jan. 281 mo) Simcoe "| and reasonable, war 8, TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, muscfe anomalies, glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chila and Its Development, Dis- ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 1516. (Feb, 12-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR 10 Land Surveyors and Civil Engin: eers, sub-divisions. town planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532) or 2544. * Undertaking BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST Q.. H. specialist in eyesight and LUKE coe street morth. Phone 210J and 210W. : DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bryce street. Ambulance. Phone Insurance i DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old: est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re nutable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING". INSURANCE consult R. N. Johps, 80 Simcoe north, Your ihsurapecé -vants at- tended to and your nterests pro- tected. East. Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim: || I All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature. snd collect for same. For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient lo come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT yo . Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE man's, 86 Bond West. Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment Phone 82... CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL | sand ard cinders. Local and ton | distan havling Phone 3048 and 2692F, Smith aud Cox, 387 King St, W, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- hshe! furn'ture movers. Park' Road car ace. Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd Sout; Phone 216. (Feb, 18-1 mo) Beauty "Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENI wave. Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1. Facial .75¢ Hair cuttiig 25c. Phone 2948 or 8» Simcoe North. a EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1. Phone 2968. WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe: cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2 v (Feb, 15-1 mo) MADAME. MARIE, LATE OF Paris, France and T, Baton, To ronto, high class beauty culture at moderate prices, Disncy Building Flat No. 1, above Dr. Tuck's. Phone 1376. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory,. To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa Tussday,. 63 Wil liam street west, upriairs, Phone 2764F. (120t1) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday. afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St. E. Phone 739M (Feb. 18-1 mo) HERBERT G, TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply 50 william street east Phone 2896. (Feb. 3-1 mo) LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR of music, . Oshawa Collegiate and Public "Schools." Studio--47- Gibb St. phone 1984], (Feb. 5-1 mo.) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SBRVICE, AC- cessories for sale, repairs on elec- tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged. rental supplied $1. Phone 3350). Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, (Feb. 6-1 mo) RADIO' SETS TESTED FREE OF charge, expert repairs on electric and battery sets, prices' moderate, satis- faction guaranteed. Batteries re- charged 50c 'delivered. Geo. Bur- roughs, certified radiotrician, King Street West, Phone 382-11. (Feb. 11-1 mo.) Real Estate For Sale ! For Rent FOR SALE-THREE HUNDRED and fifty dollars buys new three- roomed dwelling with coal shed and lot 40x115 College hill district, Easy terms. Apply 85 Cromwell Avenue, (41c) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING. CHESTER. fields made to o~der. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1593). f) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered. 75 cents, "If ren- FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD ern suites including electric refrig eration, stove, lasndry, conven! ences, ete.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt phone 2671. ur The Trusts and Guarantee Co td., manager for owner, I'oronto (37-1) APARTMENT.--MODERN, HOME like suites. Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, elec dryer, etc., elec stoves, elec refrigeration, hot water year round. Phone 1550 or 2847W. (8t1) OFFICES TO RENT OVER AND- erson's. Clothing Store, h d, 'cen- trally located, suitable for legal or tal supplied $'. Batteries Stan Blideon, 20 Mi'l St. Phone 18856W, + (Feb, 14-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED, for and delivered, 75c, rental 25¢. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W. (Feb, 6-1 mo) JOBBING, CARPENTERING AND general house repairs, cabinet making furniture repaired, refinished and up- holstering. Phone 2598]. : (Feb. 18-1, Mo.) LADY WANTS WORK SEWING housework or work by day, sleep out. Phone 996]. (41c) Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALF To insure prompt delivery. place orders in advance of delivery date W. Borrowdale, phone 1618, Contracting CONTRACTING --~ CONCRETE plastering, + electric or alterations Phone 139 for estimates (13th) - DE A. a Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30FT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood Waterous Meek Limited Ae 1288 on 26t1) FO SALS~~HAEIN AN CO. Ltd. planos, new and used pianos, uso radios, latest models; terws arranged Apply C. Trull. Phone 1666J. (111-tf) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896. (Jan. 20-1 mo) FOR SALE-FIFTEEN JEWEL Wrist watches, complete: with latest style metal bracelets, $7.50. Genuine diamond rings, $8.75. Small deposits secures any article. Dell's Jewelry, 26% Simcoe South. Upstair, (Jan, 1 Mo.) FOR SALB--ELECTRIC WASH- er. 3 pleco suite, Beds, Apply 50 Elgin St. West. (41c) FOR SALE--HEINTZMANN UP- right Plano. Excellent condition. Cost $425, will take "$225 cash. Apply Box 424 Times. (40c) Painting. and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA erbanger, pai graini % g an rices right, work guaranteed. Pine "Ave. phone w or 2007w. id (72t4) PAINTER, PAPERHANGER AND decorator, Estimates given on work. Phope 1367J. P. J. Brady. a (Jan, 29-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney pies. hot or cold brawn, ~akes and pastries, etc, etc. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple s'reet. Phone 2372F. (77te) Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST 'AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh- awa for men who SHE: Prices fait th Pranic sa avy, eve Street yo (Jan, 30-1 mo) ~' Hemstitching NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ete. All kinds of beautiful fancy i on sale. Mrs. Dell, 26% Sim- uth, Phone 1658, Jan, 17-1 mo): ; w bh Rep ifing ; F._A VON GUNTEN EXPERT repair shop at FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. Prices moderate, phone 1436M or Furniture Repairing Lemee. 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited ' Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. |. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Si. S. We can sell your odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our 'vards, 41 Kine Sr W. Oshawa Ontario. pb A Pets and Live Stock JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from trap-nested breeders, S. C. White Leghorns, barred rocks, White Wyandottes. Write or phone for cat- alogue. Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North. Phones 1337J, 1337F. (Feb. 156-1 mo) Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse, with reference, open for en- gagements March first. Maternity or general nursing." Phone 742M. pat (Feb. 18-1 Mo.) Builders' in Special '+ bargains Aebruary * and March. Glazed sash $1.35, Fir doors with 'hardware $385. Combination [doors with glass and screen $5.95. House paint $2.35 gal. Two-ply roof- ing $175, 'Hardwood foot. Wallboard $28. 'Outside doors with gla Ev ~ 3 piece bathroom outfit, $50, | Ready' cut es, sum- mer cottages and tourist cabins, small cash deposit, balance easy payments Liberal 'delivery offer. Bargain cata- 2830W, Gedrge id (Feb, 11:1 mo.) logue free. Write Halliday, box 311, Hamilton, ! ' ring 8c per Hii Agents Wanted $4 A DAY PAID CHRISTIAN man or woman for distributing reli- gious literature, Particulars write stating age and church connection, Mr. Conrad, Tower Bldg., Toronto, (27-30-33-26-39-42-45-48) Wanted To Buy | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FAT hens. Telephone 81 Whitby and reverse charges, (Jan. 30-1 mo) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD $7.00 PER week. Apply 39 Ontario Street. -- (391) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED bedroom. One block from four cor ners, Board if desired. Apply 78 Bond Street West. (41c) WARM PLEASANT KOOM WITH board, private family, very central, Phone 1928J. (42¢) PARLOR BEDROOM WITH board, suit two, ladies or gentle- men. Also single room. Private family, Phone 2530J. (41c) "Lost and Found LOST--LIGHT BROWN AND white Pekinese dog, female, An- swers to "Fluff" Finder leave at 23 William Street East. Reward (40c) LOST-- THURSDAY EVENING brown robe, 3% ' mile north of five points and C.N.R. corner. Phone 1653 r 3-2. (420) Room and Board Wanted YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WISHES room and board with private fam- ily. Fairly central location, Box 436 Times, (42a) Motor Cars FOR SALE, CHEVROLET COACH 1929, A 1 condition. Phone 717], be- tween 5 and 7. (42b) Sheriff's Sale of Lands dental p ons, Apply C,'M. An- derson, (35 ti) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED apartments, one large and one small. Phone 2671. (381) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOR| rent, with all conveniences and gar- | age. Apply 554 Oxford St. (395) FOR RENT---THREE UNFUR- nished rooms, suitable for light housekecping. All conveniences. , Apply 314 Elgin St. E. or phone 3343M after six p.m. (40¢c) OR RENT--8 ROOM house, newly decorated, French doors, hardwood floors, Close to Motors. Suitable for two families, adults. $30. Apply 491 Simcoe south, (40¢) TO RENT--TWO ~ FURNISHED bedrooms, or partly furnisheq and suitable for light housekeeping. Phone 3019F, Seven minutes west of four corners. (41c) E house in Columbus, Will lease. Electric lights and furnace, Phone 1655 r 5. (41c) FOR RENT -- SIX ROOMED brick house, all conveniences: $40 per month. Apply 47 McLaughlin Blvd, (42) APARTMENT TO RENT --OVER New Martin Theatre, moderate rent- al. Immediate possession. Apply FEr- nie Marks. 42c) HOUSE TO RENT -- LIGHT, water, §16 per month. Apply 46 Roy- (4 al Street. 2c) NICELY FURNISHED APART- ment, with or without a garage, one block from Motors, Apply 97 Col~ borne St. E. 4 (42¢) Help Wanted--Female EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for general housework, Apply 92 King street east, (39d) WANTED -- CAPABLE WOMAN for general housework? Good with children. Phone 425F, (41e) Livestock FOR SALE --- THREE GOOD grade Holstein cows, T. B, tested, al- so yearligs. Apply fourth house south Thornton's Corners, (42h) For Sale or Rent THREE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale or rent, $156 per month. Water and light included. Phone 1410M. (420) Rates for | Classified Ads. Pirst Insertion--115 cents per word, Minimum charge 80c. 'Bach subsequent consecn- tive losertion 1c per word, Three consecutive inser- tions for thy price of two first tnsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge fur three insertions, G0 cexnts, Box number 10¢ additiona) Professional or Business J fas. $2.60 per month xy wordy or less; 10 , eents word per wonth "each additional TIMES CLASSIFIED COST ; County of Ontario To Wit: On Saturday, the 8th day of March, A.D, 1930, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, I will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, all the right, title and interest of the Defendant in the under-mentioned lands and tenements seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, and to me directed, in which Albert Crowle, Executor of the Estate of Ellen Luke, deceased is the Plaintitf and W. H. Tonkin, is the Defendant, The said lands and tenements being all and singu- lar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being on the east side of Ritson Road, South in the City of Oshawa, in the County and Province of On- tario, and being part of Lot mum ber elzht laid out in the first con- ¢essfon of the Township of East Whitby, more particularly describ- ed as follows: Commencing at an fron pipe marking the point of in- tersection of the easterly boundary of Ritson Road South, with the southerly limit of lands registered sald point southerly along the said easterly limit of Ritson Road South a distance of one hundred and sixty-seven feet eight Inches, more or less to a point marking the north-westerly angle of lands heres tofore conveyed by the within Grantor to one Brown; Thence easterly to and along the northerly limit of lands heretofore conveyed to the sald Brown a distance of one hundred 'and eighteen feet more or less to the north-easterly angle of the said lands: Thence southerly along the easterly limit of the lands so conveyed to Brown a distance of three feet more or less to the north-westerly angle of lands Theretofore conveyed by the within Grafitor to one Can- field: Thence from the said point easterly along the northerly limit of 'lands heretofore conveyed by the within Grantor to one Canfield, and to one Carter, and continuing easterly in.a straight line eighty- six feet four inches more or lesa to a fence marking the easterly limit of lands owned by the within Gran- tor; Thence from the. said point northerly 'to and along the said fence line-one hundred and seventy feet eight itiches more or less to an iron pipe marking the souther- 1y limit of lands registered as Plan No. 153; Thence from the said iron pipe to and along the souther- 1y limit of lands registered as Plan No. 153, two hundred. and' four feet, four inches..more or less, to the place of beginning, And also the lands and tenements being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of number twenty-nine, and the south halves of lot numbers thirty, thirty- one and thirty-two, ag marked on plan of lots laid out on part of Jot number eight in the first con- cession in the said Town of Osh- awa, by Fmmannel Cawker being Plan number 153. J. F. Paxton, : Sheriff County of Ontario. Sheriff's Office, Ta Whitby, November 20th, 1929. (30-6:42-48) ; ni \ I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT after 'this date I will not be re- sponajble for any debts contracted in my hame by one except' my- self or'onsmy written order. yw (Bigned) THOMAS BROCK. Dated 'at Oshawa, Feb. 4,'1930. dai (80-86-42) as Plan No. 153; €hence from the |' Oshawa and being composed of lot) horse and cutter, whon he looked Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN WILLIAM JAMES of the city of Oshawa, in the County and Province of Ontario, 'Laborer, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada, at the present or next session thereof, for a bill of Divorce, fromm his wife, LILIAN MAY JAMES, of the city of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, on the grounds of adultery and deser- tion, . . DATED at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, this 23rd. day of January, A.D. 1930. LOUIS S. HYMAN, 16 Simcoe Street, N., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for Applicant. (31-36-42-48-54) BEAVERBROOK FORMS NEW PARTY FOR FREE TRADE British Peer Issues Manifesto Setting Forth Policy London, Feb, 19.--A new party has emerged from Lord Beaver- brook's Empire free trade crusade and {its rejection by the Conserva- tive, Liberal and Labor organiza- tions. In a manifesto issued on Monday afternoon the Canadian peer and newspaper owner declares he sees no hope in "the old parties, slaves to tradition and impervious to new ideas" and announces He and his colleagues of the crusade have de- cided to lauch a new party called the United Empire Party, and he expects to enroll as members .at once "a hundred thousand men and womeén who have enlisted as foun- der members of the Empire free trade crusade." The announcement declares the old parties are shackled by tactical considerations and temporizing counsels and urges that "it is use- less to look for mew wine out of old bottles." . ; "Events of the last few weeks," says Lord Beaverbrook, "have made it plain that no one of the existing parties is big enough to embrace the doctrine of Empire free trade in its entirety," There is then add- Commerce, Quite a few attended the car- nival which was held in Port Perry on' February 5. Born~--To Mr. and Mrs, Charles Clark on Saturday, February 1, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sutherland spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sid Smith of Utica.. Mrs. Jim Wilson spent a day with Mrs. Diamond and her son Lion last week, . Mr, and Mrs. Urich Diamond and children at hte home of Mr, and Mrs, Ganton Webster one day last week. Mies Irene Barker. of Pickering, is home on account of sickness in the family, Some in this district have been suffering with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Miller, of Hamilton. and visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, . Mrs. E. Sherratt and Frank are visting in Toronto. Mrs. Enoch Kendall Brooklin for a few days. Mrs, N. 8. McDonald spent last wek in Toronto. L. Wagner held a successful wood bee last week. Mr. and Mrs. R, Butson with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall on Sunday Miss Violet Pickard has gone to Toronto fora month. Miss KE, Hoste and Mrs, C. W. Lakey were in Toronto recently. I. Lakey and Harry Davis of Utica visited Geo. Smith one day last week. Ross Prentice, of Port Perry, called on Mr. and Mrs, Chet. Geer on Monday. Gordon Cormack and C. Geer are busy drawing lray purchased from G. D. Bentley. A. Claughton has disposed of the building on his farm on the 6th concession, Mrs. C. W. Lakey and Miss E. Hosle visited Mrs. Russell Harper on Tuesday last, Ralph Miller is somewhat im- proved in health but still unable to get up. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hortop in Oshawa and Toronto recently, hn, a a HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like new 'storm windows, combination doors. General contractors. B. W. HAYNES, Residence 180 r 2 161 King St. W. Phone 481 was In Mrs. Geo. Mitchel visite ucr sister, Mrs, Snelling, of Prince Al- bert last week, Mrs. H. B, MeKercher is with her moter, Mrs. Warden, at Prince Albert for a few days. George Skerratt. of Utica has been engaged with Geo. Smith for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kerry and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Ward on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Till of Green- bank visited her sister, Mrs, Wm, Philip, last Friday, Miss Elsie Gibson visited her Jiotiser, Mrs. G. D. Bentley, recent~ y: Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ouderkirk vis- ited his mother, Mrs. Ouderkirk. The Ladies' Aid meeting is being held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mc- Intosh on Wednesday, February 19, The ladies are planning to work a a couple of quilts, : Thorold Man Acquitted' On Charge of Murder Welland, Ont., Fcb, 19) Frank Pietro. of Thorold South, was found not guilty of the murder of Joseph H. Lupuschinski. also of Thorold South, at the Welland as- sizes yesterday, The jurors took only g half hour to reach a verdict despite thc fact they had listened to evidence for almost two days. Pietro was immediately discharged, but not before Justice Garrow had administered a warning to him. The charge arose out of the shooting of Lupuschinski op the night of Oct, 14 last when his bullet riddled-body was found in a vacant lot in Thorold township the following morning, after he, with five companions, Lae sought to enter a house in the neighborhood. A fight resulted when they were refused admittance and Pietro, a boarder at the house, and another Italian, who has not yet been lo- cated, attacked the six Poles with clubs, Two shots were fired, the evidence disclosed, one of which mortally wounded Lupuschinski, who travelled 400 yards before falling dead. HARDWOOD FLOORS L AID Electric Sanded and Finish ed Complete , W. J. TRICK (O., LTD. 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 231 Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats ed the implied threat that no party bas been big enough to 'find room within its tabernacle for the multi tude of men and women of all po- litical parties believing as I and my colelagues believe." TROUBLE OVER ELEVATOR SITE Work at Kingston Delayed by Dispute Over Property Kingston, Feb, 19.--Tenders have been received for the super- structure of the Kingston grain elevator bat will not be opened pending settlement of a legal con- troversy which has arisen in regard to this property, according to a re- port received here from Montreal. The report from Montreal says this information was secured from official sources. Canada Steamship Lines, it is stated, does not wish to proceed further at this time win the elevator construction while the immediate future is clouded by le- gal action which has been taken in- volving the elevator company's pro- perty. Unless some settlement is reach- ed during the next few days the project will,it is understood, have to be dropped for the 1930, season. PROSPECT MAN HAS NARROW ESCAPE Truck Demolishes Cutter In Which Charles Wilson , 'Was Riding Prospoct--TFeb, 17--On the road between Port Perry and Manchest er on Monday evening Charles Wil- son nearly met his death, He was homeward bound and driving a behind and saw bright lights com- ing which proved to be a big truck. There was a heavy storm of snow Lat the time as the truck neared he Aurned off the road gradually but the truck was approaching very fast and faster than he realized. He had just stood up in the cut. ter whon the truck hit it and de- molighed it. Mr. Wilson stated aft. erwards that if he had not stood up he would have been killed. ° Owing to the pastor, Rey, R. J. Merrjam, still being'ill, the sermon was preached on Sunday afternoon by. Mn. West of Ashburn. 3 Quite a number from this district are planning to attend the hockye | tournament which is being held in' port Perry, on February 19, 20, 21. and 22. The teams playing are asd "follows: Oshawa Hockey Club, Osh awa Simcoes, Port Perry Hockey Club, Lindsay Hockey Club, Bow- manvile Sonlors, Btockyards, Whit. DOMINION CLOTHING ©O 68 KING ST. W {hone 2141 We Deliver : LUMBER F. L. BLZECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard I'hone Oshawa 324 ~ Whitby 12 n \ oo "xpert V' atch Repairnig BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, 1516--Phone~--1516 Opposite Post Office rs ra] W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's 'Fanltless Lenses Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 MONEY 4 LOANED ¢ Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS- COUNTS LTD. Felt Block Room 6 "hone 2790 WHAT MOST USE STRUCTION, AND WHY, AND WHERE IS Sitka Spruce is the wood: best suited : . for and most commonly used in Aero- plane construction. It is bett than any other because of its long fi- bre and great strength combined with _ extreme light weight. : Phi Mpa The greatest producing area is in s the Queen Pacific, off umbia. Osha by Hockey Club, Cana; {an Bank of There are small stands on the mainland and in the States of Wash- ington and Oregon. SPECIES OF WOOD IS | D IN AEROPLANE CON- | IT PROCURED? er adapted for this use \ r Charlotte Islands in the the Coast of British Cal. : awa Lumber | COMPANY LIMITED Telephone 2821--2820