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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1930, p. 11

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PACE ELEVEN DSHAWA PROGRAM "WELL RECFIVED (Continued from Page 1) General Motor of Canada Limited, which has its Head Office and main lant here, manufacturing all mo- Gels of automobiles of General Mo- tors. You, no doubt, are aware that a considerable proportion of their output is for export trade to some 40 countries of the world, Makem---Do your other indus- tries depend entirely upon General Motors. for the sale of their pro- ducts? C| Conant--Why, no, Take for in- stant the Pedlar People with their id sheet metal products, Fittings Ltd., if pipe 'fittings, castings, chains and if valves, Ontario Malleable Iron Company which; by the way Is now 1§ = division of the Grinnell Company, the Williams Piano Company man- ufactyring pianos, radios and on dred persons. There induspels ave 1 not depending upon the automobile boats, (I think they call them Sea Fleas or some such animal) the Robson Leather Compdny, manu- facturing patent leather, Schofield Woollen Mills, underwear--each industry employing over hun- industry for the sale of their pro- ducts. We have the W, E, Phillips Company manufacturing mould- ings and processing plate glags, the Central Spring Canpany, the Skin- ner Company making bumpers and the Oriental 'Textiles Limited, manufacturing plushes and velours, who products 'are manufactured largely for the automobile indus- try. . Makem--Then I suppose, Mr. Conant, Oshawa would be a fairly decent sized City even if automo- biles were replaced by aeroplanes, which obviously will never be. Tell me, what is your honest opinion .Conant--Personally, '1 cannot sec anything else but that Oshawa will continue to expand, possibly not so fast as during the past five egarding the future of Oshawa? THE OSHAWA' DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 /' years, largely due to the rapid strides of the automobile industry, but in a gradual development. bas- ed on the expansion of our present industries and the establishment of others, Only last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the officials of the Skinner Company, a divi- sion of the Houdaille-Hershey Cor- poration of Chicago, which on March 1st will commence o-era- tions with 200 men in "their new $500,000 plant, ; Makem--1 realize that all cities and towns are doing everything they can to secure industries and they all have what they term 'par- ticulgr advantages,' I suppose Osh- awa has something extraordinry, otherwise you could not be so hope- ful of the future. Conant---This is getting interest- ing to me and I will just take one minute tc tell you of "the extra- ordinary advantages for manufac- turing in Oshawa. I mean by that, only those things that are quite dif- ferent to the average city or town. First. The City owns 130 acres of industrial land with all facilities which iseavailable to industries at ar ble cost, \ A "Cheerful and Good" CANADIAN PACIFIC RADIO HOUR Friday Nights, 10 to-11 p.m. Stations CKAC and CKGW An Your of real enjoyment has heen planned for your entertainment cach Fridey evening from 10 to 11 o'clock by The Canadian Pacific. Rex Battle and his light symphony erchestra in 3 instr say musicians. Broad selections from Canadian Pacific festival programs finder the distinguished direction of Alfred Heather of "Beggar's Opera' fame---a weekly fes- tival of the lighter types of good music exquisitely done under the direction b Light Opera and of these accomplished Montreal and p.m, cach Friday cveming ly from Stations CKAC, CKGW, Toronto, beginning at 10 Second. Transportation facilities by road, rail and water cannot be excelled. No. 2 King's Highway | from Windsor to Quebec passes { through. Connection with Cana- dian National afd Canadian Paci- fic Railwtys is available to every in- dustrial sit€ throwgh the Oshawa Electric Rallway, there being no additional switching charges-- through rates apply to and from any point. Oshawa Harbour n Lake Ontario is now being develbp- ed by the Dominion Government and should be ready for navigation during the. coming summer. Third, The Chamber of - Com~ merce ,has formed & company known as Oshawa Industrial Foundation Limited, which - will erect buildings for manufdcturers who have proved sucessful in the past, and the buildings will be turned over to them oa lease at at rental of 10 per cent., per an- num of the capital cost of land and buildings, with an option to pur- chase. Fourth, All citizens, including the City Council, Chamber of Com- merce and manufacturers, are cos operating fully with the Industri- al Commissioner, Mr. Leon Frazer, to secure new industries. Makem---That third extraordin- ary advantage appeals to me, I have been operating a plant suc- cessfully for three yers in leased premises and the profits each year have been put into more machinery and equipment to. produce mare goods, I must get into larger quar- ters but I am anxious to keep my overhead costs down as low as pos- sible. It your Campany-----what is the name? Conant -- Oshawa Industria) Foundation Limited. Makem---If that Company will put up a building to suit my re- quirements and lease it to me on a 10 per cent, per apnum basis CANNED tive prices a selection canned vegetables. VEGET ABLE WEEK - We are offering this week at very attrac- y+ 9 of the most popular Stock your pantry shelves now for the remainder of the winter, -and save on these well-known Brands. AYLMER Tomatoes 6 Choice Quality Size 2. tor 55¢ 2Tins ] 9 S444 4 0004040004444 Arnold's Pure Kettle Rendered LARD ® Burford Peas 2's Sieve tor 69¢ Delmonte Size 3 Franco Peas oa Aylmer Golden Wax Beans, 2' Aylmer Diced Carrots, 2's Libby's Dill Pickles, 215 Heinz Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce. mediam Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, med. 14¢ assed ld een a nd ia a 4 Fancy Croshy, 2's . . Golden Bantam, 2's. Choice Quality, 1's . Choice Quality, 2's. ...tin 13¢ 6 tins 75¢ Asparagus Tips, 1's square tin 35¢ Del Monte Fancy 'Spinach, 2's $8¢ Ww i 1 % 2tins 19¢ tin 17¢ 2 tins 25¢ tin 28¢ 2 tins 27 ¢ + * + CHUCK Young Fresh Young PEt ttt iterate * +e A Fresh S + ..tin 18¢ in l17¢ ..tin 10¢ ~~. +044 » +44 antes ssid FHEPEEEE ELIE PEEVE tadasusmnssd ; Tin 12 PRAARASRSAA Las casas toes asasan an ~ WING ROAST ~ v.35e * : RUMP ROAST : Round Shoulder Ontario LEGS LOINS BUTT ROAST houlder PORK Ib. 20¢ Beef Bologna hb. 28¢ 1 lb. Carton 16¢ PEPE EPR ease assas an] ib. 2§¢ b.22e ROAST © 20e LAMB Ib. 34¢ Ib. 28¢ Pork Cut Ib. 29¢ PN N\ N Chicken Roll v. 4§¢ S444448 044440040444 Lada dddibibi ttt dt tbbotiitdos Smoked Fillets; selécted . .1b. 16¢ - Fresh Fillets, very choice. .1b. 24¢ | be glud to have our Industrial €omn- BAS anc dscns sssss nd Choice Oranges ...........c.....c......doz. 29¢ Grapefruit ,............5000000000000...2 for 28e Whitefish (winter caught)..lb. 15¢ Fillets of Lake Trout. ....lb. 28¢ Chicken Haddie, mild cured, Ib.14¢ CARNATION Finest 2 1bs. §5¢ BUT Creamery COTTAGE [ER 2 ibs. 83 HEE I ARNOLD'S ALL CANADIAN MARKETS Il TN 1 _|. missioners who is also the Secre- TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, Feb, 20.--Cattlo re ceiptp 26. The few cattle offerea on the Dominion Livestock Mx. change sold steady. Butcher steers #0ld up to $10.00 and butcher cows up to $800. Calf receipts 7. Chole calves closed at a top of $14.50. Hog receipts 37. Hogs were weak at $13.00 f.0.b., for becons or $14. off-car. Sheep receipts 24. Lamby were steady at $12.60 for the best. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers ,on the Torontu, Board of Trade arem aking the fol- lowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba 'wheat--No, "L northern,' $1.19%; No. 2, do., $1.17; No. 3, $1.13%; No. 6, $1.01; Ng 6, 8lc; feed, 76¢; (e:lf, Goderiel¥ and Bay ports). Manitoba oate--No, 1 feed bfc; No. 2, do, bbe, Amdrican corn--No. 2 yellow, 94ic No. 3, do., 91%¢; No. 4, do., 80ic Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included---Bran, per ton, $36.25; shorts, per ton, $37. 26; middlings, $44.25, Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.15 to $1.18; oats, 0 to 42¢; barley, 52 to 58¢c; rys, 73 to The; buckwheat 80 to 82c STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Feb. 20.--~Though little important action was anticipated, it was generally expected the an- nouncement of corrective measures to be introduced into' the broker- age system would make itself felt in a more optimistic tone in the mining market, No chapge was evident {n the attitude of traders during the early session today, however, the list, as a whole, still lacking definite trend while trad- ing showed only slight improve- ment. Ajax Oil was again in the lime- light, adding further ground to last night's late advance with a gain-pof 3 to $1.18 at noon after touching a high of $1.24. The balance ot the oils, possibly as a result of re- ports of high winds and the explo- sion of Royalite No. 23, wero gen- erally soft, International Nickel, Noranda and Hudson Bay, at $38.35, $40.05 and $12,958, respectively, were all slightly lower, the continued uncer. tainty regarding the pricé of cop- per and the large increase in stocks nf the metal having an adverse ef- fect, The 'golds were rather irregular, McIntyre, receding a quarter, Teck Hughes 15 and Vipond 2, while Wright Hargreaves moved up 7 and the balance of the group held un- changed. Sherritt Gordon recover- ed somewhat on the strength of the optimism displayed at yesterday's meeting, but Ventures dropped 13 to $2.05 and Falconbridee was off 5. Pend Oreille weakened again to- day, selling oft 2 to $3.05. The balance of the Pacific coast group exhibited a slightly lower tendency. Abana featured the gen- eral list with a gain of 6 fo $1.25. probably in anticipation of the ear- ly issuing of the company's supple- mentary report. St. Anthony, Am- nlet and Barry were firm, but Man- dy, Mining Corp, and Arno suffer- 'ed small recessions. A -------- - CHICAGO PRODUCE FUZURES Chicago, Feb, 19.--For the third consecutive day spot egg quotations were off in the neighborhood of 3% cents, The early undertone was weak even at these pripes but firm- ed up later, All fututes, with the exception of April storage packed, were lower at the opening but ral- lied some during the session, loss. gistered on part of the listed grades during the spot butter call this ! morning but general undertone ap- peared reasonably steady. During .the session of the futures. the March contract was the object of the time. Open commitments---February | eggs,359;) March eggs, 62: April | eggs, 10; Nov. eggs, 67; Feb, but- ter, 180; March butter, 406; Nov. | butter, 185, i Two market receipts-- Butter to- day', 23,442; last year, 18,821; eggs today, 17,367; last year, 22, 890. | New York spot market Butter, extras, 256% to'36 cents; tone un- | settled; eggs, firsts, 33 to 331% | cents, tone none. Chicago spot market--DButter, | estras, 35% cents, standards, 35 with an option to purchase, I | think I will go into the matter more fully and everything else be- ing satisfactory, I would not be gurprised if I contributed to the development in Oshawa which you feel rightfully assured of, You must have a real, live City, Mr Conant. ; Conant---If you prefer, we will missiloner call, upon you and give you as much information as you desire. By the way, if you-require high-class Yemale help, I should have included that among our ex- traordinary attractions because we liave a large surplus availble owing to 6,000 men being employed in our industries at present. Makem----Thanks very much! 1t iss only an hour's trip.to Oshawa and I think I will un down in the near future. By the way, is your Chamber of Commerce a real live torganization? Conant--It centaiply is! We have over 400 members and Mr, G, W. Mclaughlin is the President. 1 am sure that the Industrial Com- tary of the Chamber of Commerce, will ba of real setvice to you, 'Makem----That sounds good. 1 will be down you way tie first part of next week. address on this occasion but I'gue this conversation has filled una pil so Mr, Operator on with the music! Stock Market Markey Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and'Orawford, Alger Building, Oshawa though net enough to erase all the ! Small fractional losses were re- | TH rices cents; tong steady firsts, ars, 28 cents; 27%. Stroet stocks--Butier today, 96,- 849; last year, 110,328; eggs to- day, 52,026; last year, 35,733. Four markets on hand-- Butter, 19,449,731; eggs, 18,117. Six cities--Butter, 7,459,593; eggs, 661. Moverment at ten markets--Dut- ter, net out, 358,222; last year, net out, 140,774¢ eggs, net out, 0,334; last year, net out, 3,181, ;eggs, graded less car-lots, CRICKETERS ADD TO LAURELS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, New Zealand, ¥eb. 20. -----The touring Marylebone Club Cricket team today defeated Wait- ako by an innings and 155 runs. Scores 'were M.C.C., 346 for ren wickets, declared (Nichols, 1 2 Waikato, 36 and 105. NEW YORK FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, N.Y., Feb. 20.-- Foreizu Exchange (Great Britain in dollars: others in cents): Great Britain 4.85%; Canadian dollar 7-16 per cent. discount. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Ont., Feh, 20.-----~Opera- tors for the advance found it in- creasingly dificult to boost. prices on Toronto Stock Exchange today as the local securities market fal- tered in the face of another reac- tion in the wheat market, There was nothing in the general situa- tion today that could be said to be of a buoyant nature, -conse- quently only Individual stocks on, which reports had been issued on were expected shortly and of favorable nature, were open bullish influence. While selling was in preponder- ance, the outstanding 'characte tic of the market was the conflict- ing gross-currents occurring not only in different groups but in the same class of securities. 'While Brazilian Traction was hoiding around the level of last night, C. P.R., and Twin City both were low- er, Lake Superior and Steel of Can- ada were down, the latter off near- ly two points during the morning, while at the same time Hamilton Bridge firmed on the curb, Ford of Canada made a new low for the year, slipping below 30; on the curb Durant Motors made a | Cattle, 125; ai to | 560 900 92 1325 4 2260 4000 of | Holl, ., to | He. Oil 950 Hy. Gold 92 new high since the beginning 560 +930, adding a small fraction last night's closing price of 9's. Oils generally were heavy, Super- | Hd. Bay 1325 test unchanged from last night. B. | Kt, Flr, 4 A. Oil old gdeclined again but up | Lk, Sh, 2260 untjl middgy the new gtock had | Nrnda, 4065 not a single trade, { 8h. Grd. 285 :nhini Sd. Bs. 380 CHICAGO GRAIN | Tk. Hg. 630 Chicago, Feb. 20.--All deliverice | Ventures 215 of wheat here and at every leading | Wr.-Hr. 190 market, foreign and domestic Wainwell 6 smashed down early today to mew | | low-price records for the season. | Fredictions from gz leading British | Stock trade authority that European | Amer, Can. 141 138 import buying of wheat will not, Am. I'r, Pr, 98 again become active until April} Anaconda 72 had a good deal to do with selling | Balt & Ohio 116 rushes here and elsewhere, opening | Can, Pac. 215 % to 2% off, Chicago wheat fut-! Chrysler 37 ure deliveries rebounded afterward Cs, Gs. N.Y. to near yesterday's finish, Corn.{Col. Gra .. oats and provisions weakened with { Dupont | wheat, and then rallied, corn start- | Erie Rail .. {ing 1% to-% off, and subsequently { Gn, Fds. .. | scoring slight gains, i Gen, Mot, .. | ; Int, Com, | EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK jot Tele, .. ! East Buffalo, Feb. 20.--Hogs|Jns, Man, 900: holdovers 700; slow, 10 to|Lsc, Wis, 25¢ lower; bulk 160-210 1bs., 11.| Mex, Sbhrd. 65 a 11875. Few early 11.85: 230-| Mt. Ward 260 1bs., 11.10 a 11.50; 130 bs, | Poore Co. down 11.25: packing: sows, 9.00 «| Ihil. Pet. 19,50, Pb. Sr. N.J. | unchanged; | Radio Simmons Oil lamb Oil NJ. NEW YORK High Low COWS I cutter grades 14.00 to 6.25. Calves 100: vealers barely dy, 16.50 Si, down. Sheep 1500: | St. | steady, good to choice, 87 pounds | Utd. Air. down 11.75 a 12.00; Dome held | U.3. Steel weirhts | Woolworth 12.25; medium and strong v i | Yel, 1 Fk, 10.00 a 11.00 shorn lambs 10.50; i Warner [FARMERS WORRY 2 | AS WHEAT BREAKS Dump Wheat Holdings as Market Drops Six Cents | Winnipeg, eb, De | I ste ol 185 64 20 62 i TORONTO Stock High Low los2 Br. A. : Braz. Can, 1st Cockshutt Cty. Dry, Dis. Sgrm, Dm. Sire. Gypsum Hr, Wal, ' Int, Nkl. Int. Pet. Ind. Alch. Tmp. Oil Ms, Hr. Me, Mt. | Pg. | Shaw. .. | | 36 28 87 " Oil 28 20 hearted-farmers arc worried abo a in market cr | Many of them after holding * wheat for. months that 1 brought only dwindling values | sacrificed their tenurc yesterday 96 . -- lo Standard Mines 119 119 122 100 1566 164 64 675 775 500 | Abana Ajax | Amulet | Big. Mis. | Ch. Res. | De. Mns, | Falcon. | break and set up new seasonal lows. Others, hanging on in the | face of fast-reccding prices, dreaa- Jed possible further recession ted wide open. | when prices toppled into a six-cent | WITH PENSLAR WHITE PINE & SPRUCE BALSAM Mentholated { AT | KARN'S Drug Store Pr. 0. Phone 378 Wi DELIVER Next - -- tomorrow, wheat quotations fell back 414 to cents per bushel! and they would have dropped till farther had not sudden buying eloped at the close, The break e suddenly and as unheralded lightning flash in a clear sky. | Near the close of zn orderly ses- | sion, the bottom fell "out of the ! market when a report from Lon- don said that wheat pool officials {| had accomplished nothing by their journey to Britain. | To James Stews dealer gn the pez Exchange, ervers credit the halt in wheat's cl rout yesterday. He strode into the pit as sales came rushing | down in tremendous volume and bought in the face of prices speed- ling downward. Jefore the slight ally that at the close, May wheat had made another new low- price record for the season at $1.14 ! per bushel, the opening Yesterday, 921, , veteran grain oh reckless | came "» it known," said the vicar, vould particularly welcome he poor here; and judging by the | amount of the collection they are cer~ at | tainly with us! iil N\A \\ x / 4 RX Model 701 Screen-Grid Radio and Phonograph Complete with Receiver, Electro. dypamic Speaker and Phonograph, Cabinet finished in genuine NO-MAR. $325 ess tubs Think of the enduring pleasure of an Atwater Kent, the radio built with such exacting care that you'll hot only enjoy it next season,but for manyseasons to come, If your home lacks radio, or if you have a set that doesn't do full justice to the really fine programs, say "Atwater Kent Screen-Grid" to your dealer now! MALCOLM & HILL LIMITED, Kitchener, Ont. Cagadian Licensees Simcoe St. S.: 'Phone 701 gem ite © Adams Furniture Co,

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