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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 Broke Leg in Fall Peterborough,--Jim.. McCauley, n of Mr, and Mrs. Roland McCau- ley, of Warsaw, fractured his right #leg' ahove the ankle when he fell fle playing at a nearby residence "Sunday. To Promote Memorial Peterborough.--The nucleus of | '® general committee to advance the projected memorial to David Fife, a township pioneer, was formed nday by Reeve Fred McIntyre of A abee township, acting upon au- 'thority of the county council. Reeve _ #Melntyre will be chairman, while « "other members will be Deputy- Reeve Alex Houston, Councillors "Percy Davidson, Joseph Burns and "Gus Boland. - Awarded Veteran Degree Lindsay.--Six veteran Odd Fel- «lowg,. members for twenty-five § "years, were presented jewels at a | Jargely attended gathering of Lind- iT ~say lodge No. 100, 1.0.0.F., Mon- "day night. They were: George "Miller, now of Toronto, Charles 'Carr, of North Bay, and James "Baldwin, F, J. Maunder, W. J. Mul- "len and B. L. McLean, of Lindsay. To Re-OPen Theatre Pembroke.--With the commence- «ment of k on the alterations in connection with The Grand Thea- tre, comes the announcement that when it 1s again open to the pub- lic it will be under a new name, that after that date Pembroke's opera house will be known as the O'Brien Theatre. Wrist Broken Pembroke.--~Whten she sustained a fall while in the locker room at the Curling Club Friday evening last, Mrs. M. BE, Richardson suffer- ed a broken right wrist. Motorists Warned Pembroke.--Now that the auto markers for Pembroke and district have been available for some 3 weeks, the Pembroke Police De- partment are considering the early enforcement of the Highway Traffic Act as it concerns the display of new license plates. Reduce Estimates Peterborough.--Continuingz ite attempt to cut the 1930 tax rate to the limit, the local Board of Works Monday night reduced its estimates $4,900 over those of the year 1929, 'This year the sum of $81,- 000 will be required to finance the city's heaviest spending depart- ment, while last year there was $86,000 placed in the estimates and $89, 224.15 spent. Visited Lodge Port Hope.--Rt. Wor. Dro, G. M. Linton, of Orono, District Dep. uty Grand Master of- this district paid his official visit to Ontario Lodge A.F, and AM. No. 26, here Monday night, Good Reports Presented Port Hope.--The annual congre- gational meeting of the Port Hope United Church was held in the school room on Thursday evening, Feb. 13. There was a good at- tendance considering the severity of the weather and encouraging re ports were presented. Accepted As Officer Kingston.--G. H. C. Warren, the first member of the Kingston Fly- ing. Club to obtain a commercial pilot's certificate, has been accept- ed as a Pilot Officer in the Royal Canadian Air ¥orce and has been ordered to report at Carap Borden immediately. Endorse Social Service Kingston.---Endorsipg the plan to form a Social Service Board in the city, the Kiwanis Club, at their meeting in the La Salle Hotel on Monday noon decided to give $300 a year for three years, for this work, following an interesting talk by Chief of Police R. J. Robinson. Nominations Held Kingston.--Nominations were held on Monday night at Picton for Mayor and one councillor.. There were four nominations for the may- oralty, although it was stated that one will not seek the office. Met With Accident Kingston.--Mr. C. J. Helmes, of Kingston, met with an accident last week while driving in Leland. His sleigh was upset and he suffered a fractured leg. He is confined to the General Hospital where he fis doing as well as can be expected. To Study Sign Question Belleville.--The city council through a committee of Aldermen George O. Tice, F. R. Wotten, Jack Fisher and the city solicitor, A. B. Collins, is investigating the bylaws respecting the placing of signs on highways within the city and re- strictions with regards to type of puilding in certain residential areas, : Player recovered Belleville.--Bob Scott, popular young Belleville senior O.H.A, play- er who was injured in Oshawa on Friday night last by Lane, of Osh- awa, is up and around again after having been attended by the doctor. Scott received a nasty jab in the mouth and it necessitated nine stitches to close the wound. ------------ A. clergyman's wife ran away with a chicken. farmer. She was probably tired of cating chickens donated 'by the parishoners. -- B'nai Messenger: Matrimony, says a writer, ig an institution of learning. In which a man loses his bachelor's degree without acquiring a master's.--Ar- kansas Gazette. There is enough alcohol in the yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the field for a hundred years.--Henry Ford. ol Fromadl Foods from all the world are brought to you tins for : SPECIAL! -- CHOICE QUALI No. 21/4 tin TOMATOES IPR (ATON GR OCETERIA op bars for 10¢ SPECIAL -- FRUIT Try a Pound r table through VALENCIA Rich and Fresh--Made From Pure Ingredients SPECIAL! for all fine Laundering this groceteria--Foods of Quality at low prices. "LARGE PACKAGE GILCHRIST'S CAKE Per 18c¢c Ib. I VEGETABLE AND TOMATO 2 |" Extra seeciaL. | | Clarks' Soups Tins i5¢ SNAP Unsurpassed Cleaning Fast for 24 .. | MONARCH 1 07 CLASSIC CLEANSER Per 8 c tin EATON'S MEAT SPECIAL Bananas 29c¢ and 33c Dozen "alonia BAKING POWDER Delicious Real Coffee HAG. Caffein- Free asm CATSUP Large bottle TIGER BRAND 18¢ Per Tin 68c Per bottle The Peer of Sauces H.P. Sauce 26¢ KARAVAN Dates Re 35¢ for Chateau or SPECIAL! CHEESE Per EATON'S Jelly Powders 4 °° 2§5¢ AND FRUITS SPECIAL! FOR WEEK END ONLY, BREAKFAST BACON PCR oii iii ii <.34¢ lb. Sliced ....... vinensnndBe 1b BEEF Blade Roast 24c™ 5c" . PORK LIVER BEEF Shoulder Roast Ib. Dainty Lunch Mayonnaise fre 9 horde 20c 2lc BEEF Sirloin 32 ¢ | PN 25¢ RIPE TOMATOES 30c™ . | fi LEMONS Doz. New Carrots 10¢ Bunch mS SPERATED o BY + 71, EAT COOKING APPLES 29¢ ™ PARLIMENT IS OPENED TODAY (Continued from Page 1) way belt, An offer similar to that made Alberta is now under consid- eration by Saskatchewan, All these agreements, assuming that one fis reached with 'Saskatchewan will be presented to parliament. Text of the Speech Ottawa, Ont., Feb, 20.--The text of the speech from the throne follows: LS oneurable members of the sen- ate: Members of the House of Com- mons: It affords me much pleasure to greet you at the commencement of another session of parliament, and to be able to congratulate you upon the continued prosperity of. the country. The year 1929 was the most productive year in the history of Canada, In industries, other htan agriculture, employ- ment roached the highest point on record: new construction was the largest known. Mining production was of unequalled value, Manu- facturing production surpassed all prev, inci e in the development of Hydro Electric power, The pro- ducts of our fields and car herds rached higher standards of excell- ence and quality than at any pre- vious time, The Dominion is al- ready recovering from the seasonal slackness evident at the end of the year, and it is not to be forgotten that the bulk of the 1929 wheat crop still remains in Canadian hands for final disposition. Foreign Trade Our trade with foreign countries has shown marked Increase, Dur- ing tho year additional trade com- missioners' offices have been open- ed in several countries, and "addi- tional steamship services Inaugur- ated to Australia and South Amer- ica. Tenders have been called for proposed extensions of steamship services to India and British East Africa. Our two railway systems have car- ried out extensive construction and development plans, and are contemp- lating further construction and devcl opments. The final section of the udson's Bay Railway has been com pleted. The construction of the Wel- land Ship Canal is now nearing com- pletion. On the opening of the new canal the Upper Lake grain carners will be able to reach Lake Ontario and Upper St. Lawrence Ports. The work of providing suitable terminals is proceeding. Legislation will be introduced re- specting the several railway proper- ties formerly privately owned and now embraced in the CaMadian Na- tional System. For some time past my ministers have been giving special attention to those problems which for many ycars have been a source of controversy between the provinces of Canada and the Dominion. Among matters of concern have been certain economic and financial readjustments deemed by the provinces essential' to their being placed in a position of equal- ity one with the other. To a greater or lesser extent, problems have aris- en with respect to all the provinces of Canada. Those of the 'maritime provinces were investigated by the royal commission on maritime claims and have been ini large part solved by the effect given to the recommens« dations of that body. Consideration is at present being given to the fin- al revision of the financial arrange- ments contemplated by the commis- sion's report. The provinces of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan and Alberta have nego- tiated for many years with the gov- ernment of Canada for the return of their natural resources. The province of British Columbia has sought the restoration to the province of lands comprising what is known as the rail way belt and Peace River block. With the provinces of Manitoba and Alberta and with the province of British Columbia agreements have us records, There was a vast" ted to you for approval, An offer similar in character and terms to that accepted by Alberta hasbeen made to Saskatchewan witly respect to the transfer to that province of its natural resources. The provinces of Ontario an Que- bec have been concerned over the question of water powers in their relation to navigation. It having become apparent, through a refer- ence to the supreme court, that this question cannot readily be settled by judicial determination, a solu- tion has been sought by conference which it is hoped will lead to a satisfactory settlement of this high- ly controversial problem. 'Pensions Legislation My ministers have also been making careful inquiry into the workers of the provisions and ad- ministration of the pensions act with a view to ascertaining what, in the light of past and present ex- peri , may be n ry to en- sure full effect being given to toe purpose of parliament in that enact- ment, As a result your attention will be invited to legislation to make more adequate provision for the needs of the veterans of the great war and their dependents, Broadcasting Report The report of the royal cqmmise sion appointed to inquire into the existing situation with respect to radio broadcasting in Canada will be presented for your consideration, The report of the royal commis- sion appointed to inquire into the classification and ermuneration of technical and professional officials of the civil service of Canada will also be presented for your consid- eration, Grain Board Legislation During the year a complete re- organization was effected in the personnel ' of the board of grain commissioners. Men of outstand- ing business, agricultural and sci- entific experience have beén ap- pointed to administer the Canada grain act. A bill will be presented for the consolidation of the Canada Grain Act, In accordance with the recommendation of the standing committee of the Hous¢ of Com- mons on agriculture at the last ses- sion. At the September meeting of the ssembly of the League of Nations, the optional clause of the statute of the permanent court, providing for the submission of justifiable disputes to arbitration, was signed on behalf of Canada and all the other nations of the British Com- monwealth, It will be submitted for your approval, In accordance with the recom- mendations of the imperial ®onfer- ence of 1926, a conference was held in London durfhg the past autumn to consider aud report on certain phases of the operation of domin- fon legislation and merchant ship- ping. The report of this conference will be submitted. Imperial Conference In the summer of last year an invitation was extended by His Majesty's Government in Canada to all His Majesty's other govern- ments to participate in an Imperial Economic Conference in Canada at the earliest possible date, It was found that the convenience of the majority of the governments could best be met by an arrangement to hold the Imperial Economic Con- forence along with the Imperial Conference in London in the early autumn of the present year. This has accordingly been arranged. Naval Conference Canada. in common with the other members of the British Com- monwealth of Nations, is partici- paitng in the conference, on the limitation of naval armament, which was opened in London by His Majesty on January 21st, It is confidnetly hoped that the discus- sions so auspiciously beguu will re- sult in a marked lessening of in- ternational rivalries and the growth of security and good-will Woman in Senate The eligibility of women for ap- pointmnet to the senate of Can- ada has been declared by the jud- felal committee of the privy coun- cil, and I have been pleased, on the advice of my ministers, to avail myself of the earliest oppor- tunity to summon a woman to the { been reached, which will be submit- FOR SCRAP BOARD AND GENERAL MOTORS HEAPING BIG TRUCKLOADS OF PROMPT DELIVERY ALSO GENERAL MOTORS HARD W00D Truck and Wagon Loads Jeddo Premium Coal - Solvay Coke DIXON COAL CO. SALE WO0O0D PLANK ENDS In 6 oz. Flasks, and Tins of 4and 10 Cubes senate, For the first time, in Cana- dian history, women have been ac- corded an equal right with men to representation in both houses of parliament. Among other measures to which your attention' will be invited are amendments to the elections act, the bankruptcy act, and companies act, ard the criminal code. Members of the House of Com- mons: The public accounts of the last fiscal year and the estimator for the coming year will be submitted for your consideration. Honourable. Members Senate: Members of the House of Com- mons: In again inviting consideration to the important matters which will engage your attention, I pray that divine prov- idence may continue to guide and bless your deliberations. of the your careful A MISSIONARY'S SUCCESS Charlottetown, P. E. I, Feb, 20-- The Maritime Provinces have sent out many of their sons and daught- ers as missionaries but few have had the distinction of Miss Jennie Robb, of Saint John, N. B., Miss Robb is now in her twenty-sixth year of mis- sion work in Korea, She celebrated her quarter of a century mark last fall when she was the receipient of many varied gifts from her mission folk. The most prized of these girts was a large map, woven in silk, of the territory in which she worked. CERTAINLY Johnnie: that star, Daddy?" Daddy: "That's the Dog Star, my boy!" SOME TRUTH AT THAT Son--I understand your father i a southern planter. Is that true? Lou.--Sure is. He is down in Mobile, | "What is the name of | skin disorders. an undertaker | | Johnnie: "But what dog, dad- dy?" Daddy: '""That T can't tell you!" Johnnie: "Well, I can guess. It Druggist Tells 4 Easy Way To Enp Bladder Weakness Pleasant, Inexpensive Home Treat ment Quickly Relieves Daily Trrita. tion and Getting-Up-Nights No matter what your age may he, how long you have been troubled or how many medicines you have tried without success--if you are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethral Irritation, causing days of troublesome annoyance and nights of broken rest--you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's URATABS at once! Made from a special formula, successfully used in the Doctor private practice for nearly 50 years --URATABS particularly de- signed to swiftly relieve the pain and misery of burning Urethral Ir- ritation, Backaches, Bladder Weak- ness and Getting-Up-Nights, Pleasant, Inexpensive--and supi ed by all good Arugeists on a guar- antee of money back on very first package if not fully satisfied. If you need a medicine of this kind, try URATABS today! Arash----askinsore Eczema? DDD has no rival in the treatment of A doctor's formula that doctors recommend. An active fluid that destroys the disease germs in the skin. DDD cools, soothes, heals, The blemished skin is washed clean. ¥. W, Thompson Drug Store ENERGY wn YOUR STEP °F Energy comes from food that contains the elements of nutrition in well- balanced proportion and easily di- gested form. Get into partnership with Nature and step up your energy by eating Shredded Wheat with milk. All the carbohydrates you need to furnish heat and energy, all the min- eral salts for bones and teeth. Deli- cious for any meal with sliced bananas or stewed fruits. DDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT J CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD,

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