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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1930, p. 6

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PAGE Six THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1 930 OSHAWA SRS. HAVE ONE-GOAL LEAD TO OVERCOME SAT. NIGHT Queen Bees Defeat Local Seniors in First Game of Group Playofts 4 to 3 Oshawa Team Scores With Only Ten Seconds Left to Play, to Cut Down Queen's Lead -- Return Game Here Tomorrow Night Kingston, Senior "B" team find themselves faced with a one goal lead to pull flown on Saturday night. as the re- sult of their defeat at the hands of Queen's here last night, the pros- pects look good for a victory at home. It was not until the last ten seconds of the game, when the Tri-Color were minus both their de- fence players that Oshawa scored an obviously offside goal, and so glaring did the offense appear to the crowd and the players that Referee Mollenhauer was roundly jeered as he left the ice. Queen's on the play should have had a four or five goal lead, for it was a case of poor shooting losing them many chances in the first and second per- fod, this despite the fact that the Oshawa team were fighting for all they were worth to at least keep score down, The return game is being played in Oshawa on Satur. day might and another torrid battle is. looked for. Queen's had the count 4 to 2 go- ing into the Inst few minutes of the ame and Oshawa put forth every effort to clip off the lead. With less than two minutes to play, Mur- phy and Squires were penalized in quick succession and while the Tri- color were short handed, Bond went down centre ice and shot one past the nets. Bond remained a few feet in front of the nets, while Gil- fallen chased the rubber behind the goal, being obviously offside to anyone who has ever seen hotkey. Gilfallen got the puck, shot it up to Bond who rapped it past Morris. Queen's expected that the goal would not be allowed, hut Referee Mollenhauer allowed it to count, much to the amusement of the Tri- Color and the surprise of the fans. Quéens provided the fans with plenty of action last night and the fans were given something for their money every minute. Murphy and Squires played brilliantly con de- fence, breaking up many attacks, while their rushes were always dan- gerous. Morris in the nets played a steady game, though in the last period his work bordered on the Feb. 21.~--Oshawa's spectaculag. He stopped drives that looked like certain goals, and stood at times alone to break-two and three man rushes. But the Queens forwards should have potted half a dozen counters, for they weaved in and out and only some pcor shoot- ing stopped them from registering more goals. McDowell played a cle- ver game at centre, while the back- checking by Gibson was sparkling. Patterson's two goals were welt earned. Sheppard, Morin and At- chison worked hard while on the ice, with the former having several goals at his mercy, but his wide shooting spoiled them, Doc Rowden was the most effec- tive of the Oshawa team, the clever right wing displaying a brand of stick-handling and back checking that stamped him as a star. Bond covered miles of territory, but gen- erally ran against the defence, though he did score two goals for his team. Black worked hard on the wing until laid cold when he crashed into Murphy and had to be carried from the ice. The Oshawa defence opened up a great deal, and te Tri-Color did not have a great deal of difficulty beating them, though they did find an obstacle in Leveque who was in no way to blame for his team's defeat, for he picked off some hard drives that were trained on the nets. Oshawa uncorked a brisk offen- sive from the start, but Queens matched their speed and the play was going up and down thé ice. Gibson almost scored on a slow rol- ler that teased along to the nets, but Leveque cleared. Murphy pull- ed a pretty rush only to have Leve- que stop his shot and also Gibson's rebound. Doc Rowden then took the puck down the side, shoved it far over to Bond, who skated in on the side and lifted a high one | that sailed past Mofris for the first | goal of the game. Several times | after that Queens were top of Leveque, but over-anxious- ness caused them to lift the rubber wide of the mark, and the pressure was being relieved as the visitors succeeded in returning the play. Ten minutes after their first goal, counter and it started to lvok like | a big score for the visitors. Kip | Rowden bore in fast Hardly had the puck been faced | when Queens jumped into the scor- (ing. MeDowell shooting a pass to Patterson who carried the play far up the side and scored from a seem- Oshawa went through for another | on the side | and gave Morris no chance to save. | ingly impossible angle. Just ag the period was coming to a close, Mc- Dowell rushed again, passed to Gibson who drilled ont onto Leve- que's pads and as the goaler wen to his knees, Patterson broke in fast to shove the rebound in for the tying goal. New Martin Theatre Saturday, Monday and Tuesday "The Lone. Star Ranger' with GEORGE O'BRIEN and SUE CAROL and a large cast of Para- mont Players | | in the second period and had their shots been. trained on the nets would probably have landed several counters. Oshawa messed up sev- eral plays by offsides, but for the | most part were shoved back on to the defensive as the Tri-Color broke through to shoot wide of the nets time after time. It was not until the period was almost over that Murphy scored a sparkling goal. With Gibson he carried the play to the Oshawa nets, where Levequeo stopped the former's easy shot. Murphy tore in with lightning speed to bat in the rebound and at the | same time crashed into the goal posts, injuring his side, but he re- mained in the fray, Queens were determined to add to their lead in the. last period and at the start Murphy tricked the de- fence and then shot over the nets. Gibson carried the puck in to slam one at Leveque but Paterson lifted the rebound over the nets. Houck i tore through to rattle one off Mor- ris' pads and then Black went down fast but ran against Murphy, The Oshawa man went down for the count and was carried from the ice. Seven minutes after the period opened, Squires pulled a brilliant rush, but his shot missed 'the nets by a yard. He chased it himself, shoved the rubber up to Gibson, who quickly batted it past Leve- Prices are Lower Buy Now and Save Money FREE STORAGE FOR ONE MONTH $565.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach in first class condi- tion every way. A real bargain for $295.00 Ford Sein that has been well taken care $95. 00 $335.00 $485.00 We give you more Car Value for your dollar than any place in Ontario (Lowest Carrying Charges) in Canada), Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED USED CAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR MERCURY SERVICE LIMITED THE: DARK SECRET A HALF HOUR SKETCH A.Y.M.C, SIXTH ANNUAL MINSTREL SHOW St. George's Parish Hall FEB. 26-27-28 Tickets on sale at T. B. Mitchell's and Puckett Bros, 1929p Chevrolet Coach only driven very small milage, price . | | | CO "eco vvesvvisnnssncrerns 1927 Chevrolet Sedan -- two new tires, motor overhauled, finish just like new 1928 Chevrolet Sedan -- looks and runs like mew car. Price ........,. | | | | | | red, HOCKEY RESULTS See Hockey games resulted as follows National League Maple Leafs ...4 Pittsburg ......0 Ottawa 5 Chicago .. Montreal 3 Americans . International League Detroit .......11 Niagara Falls ,.1 Canadian L ague played yesterday sensed 4 Oshawa .. O.H.A. Junior Parry Sound ..1 Varsity ... zWindsor Tech 2 Kitchener zWindsor Tech. ORT SNAPSHOT By Go. Camrnxiy, Sports Editor A One-Goal Lead to Overcome The Oshawa Seniors lost their third game of the season last night to Quecns in Kingston, and the game was the first of the group playoffs, The score was 4 to 3, The Queen Bees now have a one- goal lead to defend in the return game which will be played at the local Arena tomorrow night, The Oshawa Seniors will have to start working right at the drop of the puck, tomorrow night, and the fans assured of a real battle. The locals feel sure that they can overcome the lead, which means winning by two goals or more, but they will have a tough job on their hands, Curly Lane may be back for the game Saturday. can be * * A Record Crowd? The number of spectators for tomorrow night's game should make a record, The winner of the round meets the Western Ontario rep- resentative in the Senior "B" Ontario championship finals, The tick- cts went on sale this morning at Mike's Place and judging by the pre- sent sale, there is likely to be a near sell out. All persons who have seats held, are especially requested to get the tickets before 1.00 p.m. Get your tickets carly and make sure of a good scat, * * * aturday. i ¥ Oshawa Juniors in Toronto Tonight Oshaw their toughest battle of the scason, up- tonight, when they clash with the fast Junior team, the West Th aking strong bid for the cham and if they win this round they will be in the of fans will travel to the Aren: Oshawa Kids along, Phe 35 for results, The to-date a Juniors face Torontos, local Kids are m a ion=- irs sem ship hone A cheer the \ . 1 large following 1 Gardens ton me 'fer their home games in the semi- '| vised draw is as follows: | ments, O.H.A. BULLETIN Owing to the mild weather Walkerton, Bradford 'and Paris intermediates has decided to trans- finals to artificial ice, and the re- Intermediate Seme-finals Friday, ¥eb. 21--Paris at Jor- dan (at Grimsby). Monday, ¥eb, 24--Jordan Paris (at Galt). Saturday, Feb. 22---Bradford at Walkerton (at Stratford). Monday, Feb, 24--Walkerton at Bradford (at Arena Gardens, 8.30 p.m.). at Junior Semi-finals. Monday, Feb. 25--Windsor-Wal- kerville Tech at Niagara Falls, Wednesday, Feb, 26--Niagara Falls at Windsor-Walkerville Tech, Mac McCarthy of Toronto re- places Ernie Wortley of Toronto as referee for to-night's Peterboro-St. John's at Kingston junior game. and referees {for 22, follow: Senjor B Series Port Colborne at Hamilton-- Earl Balkwill, Brantford. Queen's at Oshawa--Jack Hemp- hill, Waterloo. Intermediate Series Bradford v. Walkerton gt Strat- ford--H, H. Jacobi, Torohto. Junior Series Sound at Varsity 3 p.m.--Norm Cooke, Games Satur- day, Feb. (Arena Or- Parry Gardens, illfa. Referees kindly confirm appoint- Ld + LJ From The Toronto Globe The: following is a clipping taken from the Spc w rt Column of this rning's Globe ; West ni ill get into Osh- puck-chasers Toronto juniors, after a week's lay-off, w ace t the Arena Gard they encounter the mar regation of ARENA NEWS by The revious to this game, Wd ship ambitions a battle, I strong teams in their path thing wy team with champ ungsters have not have turned back some the West Oshawa ye but they appeared here and Toronto team is taking nc for g right in ou ! | GORD COOK | Defence player of the Oshawa Sen- | dors. Gord has been out of the | game for some time, owing to a dis- located shoulder first game in Gord Belleville, down in Kingston, | que as the Oshs « je knees, Osh shoved four {men into the attack, with Doc Row- den leading veral rous thrusts, but Moris rose to the ocet sion and picked off shots from ¢ angles. With only a minute and a wall to play Murphy drew a penalty for flooring Rowden, and a few gec- onds later Squires followed for some offence which nix of the fans didn't s men short, Queens dang Playin fou ght | despe Queens had the better of the play ately to protect their two goal lead, | in the the goal lass arous sed {and then came the | ten seconds that f of the Tri-Color and the s | the fans. | The teams were: Queens--Goal, Morris; de | Murphy, Squires; centre, McDowell; wings, Pattersol, Gibson; sheppard, Morin, Atchison, Oshawa, Goal, lLevegue; | Cook, Conlan; centre, Bond; | Doc Rowden, Black: subs, Kip Row den, Gilfallen, Houck. Referee--A Mollenhauer, to. rprise of fence, defence Toron- The Summary First Period Oshawa--Bond, 9.20. Oshawa--K. Rowden, 8.10. Queens-- Patterson, .135. Queens--Patterson, 2.00. Penalties--Bond, Patterson. Second Period Queens--Murphy, 18.45, Penalties-- McDowell. Third Yeriod Queens---Gibson, 7.00. Oshawa--Bond, 12.50. Penalties----Squires Murphy Pigeon Racing The Oshawa Homing Society which is now affiliated with the Canadian Homing Union held their first gen- eral meeting of the ycar and plans for the 1930 programme of pigeon races were got under way. A! good majority of the members were present and by the interest shown it is quite evident that 1930 will be a big year for the local pig- eon fanciers. One of the main items before the club was the staging of some ama- teur pigeon races. Lhese races will be open to anyone who has racing | homers and arc not a member of any ! pigeon club, a pleasing feature of | these races will be that all members {of the Oshawa Homing Society or | any other pigeon club will be bar- the local club members have | kindly consented to stage these races | absolutely for the benefit of ama- | teurs and in this way give the ama- hs pigeon keeper a chance to sce what their birds can do in a race, | A competitor does not have to join the Oshawa Homing Society, If you have racing homers and | would like to see them win a race, i also a nice prize, just get in touch | with hs club secretary, M, J. As- | kew, 157 Nassau street, right away, It is very important that you get in ! touch with Mr. Askew as carly as i possible because a meeting will have {to be held for all those "wishing to i enter birds in these races as there | are quite a number of details to be | gone into in order to stage a race of this kind, so don't delay in get- ting your name an address in. A competitor must live githin a five suffered in the | got back into harness last night | r went to It tonigh I'he will line-up their endeavour to winning the round f{ at Oshawa heir customar have invaders fr the resu locals ry what happens ) Enders 1 their final meeting ng faithfully since, and should Motor bu Tor these juni a fairly ins to to give Oshaw and the vsual excite he a will bring a found at all . Oshawa Nats. Banquet t 4 ¢ fruits Rotary 1 the of thei in Hall, and each pient of plave a be: | sadly week. | only to he | of | for next w determined. | HOCKEY band. nety per cent | g two wings, | hockey. "Pop" Hockey Ind Houck 1 strange to su; , the | Mot AY.) and lustrial mes last night ar In the juvenile gan 3 Oshawa » to nil score Ld Canadian Lawn Bowlers Win s received M. Black, Manage l minent men Os 1 r of the Osh- who is g the yesterday by H y= Telephone, ber of the hawa bowler , at present, tourir wids is also a member of anui, N Zealand, the Canadian s and that they b ng is good | | [ subs, | | ew Ie wled in a temp- |OTTAWA, 5 | CHI-HAWKS, 2 | va Senators | r as the contest prog -1 trounced the Chicago Black | night 5 to 2 wu their in- National Leaguc hockey Parry Sound - 1 U.of T. - 0 -- 2]. --OQtts nd ago, Feb, 21. Pari ing bette Feb. lumberjacks as | ated | tcated | Hawks last to 0 an OH unior playdown game on soft i here last night. But despite the heay 1 ametimes cal 5. Varsity 1 juniors, 1 sed, | Te art ont | ter-division | match. y The Senators were slightly outplay- | going both teams gave a clever hoc-| ed in the first two periods, but finish- key display and it was clean hockey | ed the second session with a 1 to 0 trroughout, The return fixture will Ue | jead. From there on the Canadians played in Toronto Arena Saturday |gyiskated and outfought the Black afternoon and on the hard ice Par-| f{awks, scoring four goals. ry Sound should give their college rr in dle baa dnin opponents a battle worth while, : The only goal of the game was Maroons and Americans Tie scored "in the second frame, Morri- son, the star of the locals, carrying| the puck the length of the ice and] circling the net drove at Hunnisett | who stopped the flip but Morrison} New York, Feb. 21.--The light but banked in the rebound. speedy New York Americans battled ---------- | their way to a 3 to 3 tie with the | heavy Montreal Maroons last nifiht lin a game between the first and last place teams of the National Hockey league, International group, Despite warm weather and soft ice, the con- test was fairly fast and frequently rough. The Americans kept the score ev- cn all the way through although they barely held off the powerful Maroon ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE SEVEN period and the overtime session, It was close to the. 15-minute mark of the third frame when Nels Stewart pushed in the goal that gave the Ma- roons a tie, NEW YORK WOMEN GOLFERS JOIN TEAM FOR ENGLAND New York, Feb, 21.--~Four of i the leading women golfers of the New York States have accepted the invitation of Glenna Collett to accompany her on an invasion of (ireat Britain this summer for the first women's international team match in history, she announced yesterday. Miss Collett recently an- nounced her plans for the forma- tion of the team, of which she will be captain. The four tentative acceptances have come from Maureen Orcutt of Englewood, N.J., Helen Hicks of Hewlett, N.Y.. Bernice Wall of Osh- kosh, Wis.,, and Mrs, Dorothy Campbell Hurd of Philadelphia. Miss Molly Gourlay of Camber- ley Heath will captain the English team for the international competi- A Different Woman ** I have great pleasure in informing you that Kruschen Satis ta have worked wonders for me, 1 have been a great sufferer of liver and kidney trouble, and after trying one bottle I am a Jillerent woman. ad to give wo my work, but thanks KEruschen Salts I am back at work again, and 7 nd ny io jon ol a liltle every morning, and 1 don't complaints now which & id hemaily x sia Sapte A Ys Jappier an pit a snap- son and 43 Years, Jie halt es ighty ema Bre on tn, M. P. them myself in a 8 bury. | Kruschen Salts open pvicurkn at di and department stores in Canafa at 76c. 8 atte A bottle contains Beatty tout last for 4 or wonths-=-good healih half-acent » Hy "nd | WANTS | FAIR. | hours of 1 o'cloc) Ll SEPPALA WINNER OF | romped home attack toward the end of the third{ U'sual program routine has been broken up at the Arena this > . =» skaters came last night disappointed on account hockey being played. program of activities eek as far as can now be | Many "Pop" is the Herc . Skating. band. Tanight O.H.A. SENIORS SATURDAY. FEB. 22, OSHAWA QUEENS * ve N Monday, Feb, 24 key---Oshawa. Junior * 0.H.A. hoe- . West Tor- { onto. Tuesday, Wedne Feb, -- "Pop" day, THURSDAY. FEB KARNIVAL 27 KI- ND WINTER Friday, Fe Pop" hockey. Saturday, 1---Skating, band Maple Leajs Win From Pirates 4-0 21.--~Art Duncan's tong shot that Toronto, Feb, goal, scored on a came from well outside the Iitts- burg defence, started tottering a jinx that had pursued the Maple Leafs in last night's N.H.L, game at the Arena Gardens, With this slight show of surrender on the part of their hoodoo the Leafs bore down and made the jinx-chase a complete run. Wtihin four minutes the locals had raised their total to fqur goals on brilliant efforts by Conacher. Nighber and Cotton, and turned what would have been a fizzle, as far as the fans were concerned, into asgame with an exxelting finish. Their 4 to 0 vic tory allows the leafs to still be optimistic concerning their chance to earn a play-off position in the quests for the National League hon- ors, Miller Plays Brilliantly In Miller, Pittsburg's goalkeep- the Leaf jinz had a strong ally. Throughout the game the visiting petminder played sensationally and turned back thrust alter thrust by the locals when goals emedq im- minent., It was ch through Miller's fine de sive perform ance and Lowrcy's persistent and pestiferous efforts on the attack that the Smoky City team was able to stay in contention as long as it did. Throughout the first two per- fods and a half the Leafs carried jods and a half the lc carried a great deal of the play and re- peatedly wormed in close to the er, a f With Stone : And Broom: AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS i pp pe po A A, There is only one Oshawa rin} left in the running at the Toronte Bonspiel, Yesterday was a disas trous day for several of the loca rinks. 1°. Michael's rink, who hac} been going strong were eliminate? from three different competition while L. O. Clifford's rink wen down to defeat in the fourth roun: of the Seiberling Trophy and F. Eliis' rink lost out in the fourt round of the Ryrie-Birks Trophy § Dr. F. L. Henry won his third anc § fourth games in the Wrigley Tro § hy. > { The following is the results o | the 'games: i Ryrie-Birks Trophy Fourth Round Lindsay R. Butler ..1 Tor. Granites Oshawa E. H. Bower ..14 F. E, Ellis ...{ Wrigley Trophy Third Round Tor. Victorias 10 H. H. Chrisholm Round 6 R. Michael ) F. Oshawa F. L. Henry Iourth ct. Thomas Oshawa R. D. Emslie 10 TF. R. Michael Oshawa Tor Oakwood Dr. Henry ,.12 J. Rothchild Seiterline Tronhy Third Round Oshawa R. Michael Round Scarboro J. Baird 1 Oshawa 10 1. O. Clifford ¢ rink meets a rin! ' Tindsav R. Butler 14 1, Fourth Oshawa L.. O. Clifford 12 Owen Sound D. 1. Barss Dr. Henry's 8. Pittsburg net, both individual and combination efforts, However, lack of care in shooting, clever | goalkeeping by Milier, and a gen-! eral inability to 'lick' locals several fine scoring on 1 i1 cost chances, GUELPH HOLD TERRIERS TO 2-2 TIE ON GALT ICE Galt, Feb, 21.--The Leafs and Terriers split points last night battling 70 minutes to 2-2 tie, It was one of the téresting games of the both teams using their w the result that there were 16 pen- alties. The Galt team Herbie Mat- thews iced tonight was the best he has trotted out this Winter, the crowd showing its here d most in- season, the | Guelph | ¢ight with | appreciation | | from Barrie, skipped by Rev, J Shortt, today | | with | applause. their chances the Ter s should have won tI | game, ng three golden oppor tunities in the overtime, althoug! | Burmister .made some great save: coLD COMING ON? It us discharg t? Get "Nc you ca H. Kars | | the I ons 1 | reach or p ru Store, | Your Nose Needs "Nostroline usec "Nostrol clear and stops t what you wa just as soon t ne order to W. head nt a as You have this Opportunity to Save Money on this Saturday after- to be limited to the | t 30, Skating or noon will have 03 . is needed this in proper shape ; in the evening. time get ice The extra weather to for the game LAP I OF E ANTE RN DOG DERBY | Quebec, Feb, 21 Leonard Sep- pala, rugged Alaskan musher, winner of yesterday's | 40-mile' lap of the eighth annual international dog derby, covering the distance In 2 hours 52 minutes and 4 seconds. Emile St, Goddard of The Pas, Seppala's perpetual | rival. was second in 7.02. Other | times H. Chevrette, Quebec, 4.02.25; F. Dupuis, Quebec, 4.15.10; Girard, | Quebec, 4.18.53; Brydges, The Pas, | 4.19.55; Berube, Quebec, 4.20.15: dsssb Quebec, 4.21.56; Sav- ard, Quebec, 4.34.00; O. Dupuis, Murray Bay. 4 Lafond, Lor- ette, Que., 4.50.32 Morissette, Quebec, 4.54.40; O. Cote, Quebec, 4.00.67 Routhier, Quebee, 5. 12.35. Eat 101" PLAN ISS of FN J \0 B Tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday NES + Jack Duchanan Last 'Times Tonight GLORIA SWANSON In mile radius of Oshawa tion, Victor IO Records at any ictor Dealer! All cent > 65¢ Records now Every Victor Dealer in the Dominion is authorized to grant you this opportunity ..and all will do so willingly. Make a collection of your used Victor Records | .. today ...and take advantage of their | cash value in bringing your record library | up to date. Thousands now doing it! Here is an unparalleled chance of obtaining that class of music to be heard 'only on Victor Records... at a double saving to you. Act at once! LC Return offer good until further notice Bring in a used Victor Record for each new one and pay only Montreal "The Trespasser"

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