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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Feb 1930, p. 8

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BE a ae PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1930 NEW EFFORT FOR SPEED RECORDS Attack to be Made on Mark Set by Sir H. O. D. Seagrave Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 25.-- Twenty-five years ago Henry Ford in a five cylinder automobile of his own design figured among the car- liest attempts to smash speed records in the smooth packed sands forming the natural speedway of Daytona Beach. Eleven vears ago Ralph de Palma gambled with stakes of $15,000 for the establishment of a new record and won as he roared over the straight- away at a rate of ncarly 130 miles an hour. Last year as the climax of a ven- ture costing upwards of $90,000 Sir Henry O. D. Segrave streaked the "measured mile" in his Golden Ar- row at the rate of 231.362 $hiles per hour for a new world's record by a substantial margin, Now, as the climax tish rivalry being American Kave tempt to surpass Segrave's recor with his 24-cylinder Sunbeam "Silver Bullet" in the record trials scheduled March 15-30 on the stretch of sand that has become the most famous battleground of ed in the world. Don, famous driver, is bringing over a m of a keen Dri- fought out. on Don will at- shores, hine designed es cially for the tests hy louis Coate- en, a Frenchman, who has been in motor car business in England about 30 years. Behind this year's attempt is a drama f years of rivalry in the success of speed mac design and records on attempts since 1904 with the ex- ception of one year, 1926, has been confined almost exclusively to British drivers in the last ten years. Three of the las record smas ; per- formances have Deen registered PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. liere For location and surround- ings we offer for sale or ex- *hange on the highway cl @ to Oshawa, a beautiful 10 room, lovely shaded tourist rest home, all conveniences, five bedrooms, ete, Double garage, large lot apd frontage, to have this opportunity sce DISNEY REAL ESTAT | (Opposite Post Office) L'housands Now Eat ! | -- We odiver { | | by Major Segrave and @aptain Mal- colm Campbell. The fourth, by Ray Keech in the ill-fated White Triplex represents the only American contribution. Keech now is dead and the machine in which he sct the record was demolished in a fatal crash last year. Under the direction this year of Val Haresnape, former secretary of the contest board of American Au- mobile Association, the. city of Day- tona Beach has put its speed trials on a basis designed to make them an annual world's championship for at least ten years. The city had underwritten the ven- ture, opened it to the public free and removed any possibility of its be- coming a commercial proposition. The project is based upon the fact that nowhere else is so perfect a na- tural course provided for these dare- devil, dangerous performances. Hare- snape estimates that $25,000 was spent in a vain attempt last year to make the Verneukpan, South Africa, suitable for the attempts of Captain Campbell to set a new record last year. With the prohibition expense of maintaining a proper speedway, measuring at least 10 miles, Daytona Beach furnished a natural speedway. NOMAD ESHINO * REACHES HOSPITAL Travels 700 Miles by Dog Team and Train--Legs, Hands and Face Frozen The Pas, Man., Feb. 25.- A 700- mile journey of mercy over snow- drifted tralls of tLe northland and the drift-packed rai:way line ended here Friday with the arrival of Shoomek, Eskimo, {rent a wander- SSL TIME TABLES = Pe a a 3 . Effective Jan, 9, 1930, | | C. P. R. TIME TABLE | (Standard Time) CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan. 5, 1930, (Standard Time) Eastbound excent Sunday. except Sundar. except Sunday, vr, except Sunday. , except Saturday. ly, eacept Sunday. ily, except Sunday. ly, except Sunday. only. , except Sunday, except Sunday. { | | | | ing tribe of nomads who hunt in the sub-Arectic regions, With both legs, hands and face frogen. Shoemek is in St. Anthony's Hospltol here, while surgeons bai- tle for his life, And he has every prospect of living. Victim of a northland blizzard, Shoomek was brought to eciviliza- tion by white men and Indians, 200 miles by dog team and 500 by spec- fal train. | On February 12, Shoomek, with two companions, was hunting along the coast of Hudson Bay, about 150 giles north of Churchill, Over- |; taken by a sudden storm. his two |; companions sought the shelter of their igloos, while Shoomek start-|{i ed for his northern home, half a mile distant. He lost his dogs and for two days and nights wandered through the bitter cold. MILLION DOLLARS Price Said To Be Asked For Lord Durham, has been considerably tions |: the picture is said to Le $1,000,000. The subject of the painting is Af ter Lambton, a8. There is a pathetic interest in the FOR ONE PAINTING picture, for the little boy, painted when he was seven years old, died in 1821, at the carly age of 13. Wilson, eldes Lambton, 3.1, | was created Earl of Durhan in 1833. sun of who wos Charles Juin George Work of Noted English Artist London, "eb, 25--Fublic interest n Sir. Thomas Lawrence's noted fainting "The Red Boy," ownad by LE 1 Iron. the crimson velvet dress the known as It is a whole-length picture has come to be "The Red Boy." life size portrait on canvas, $4 in. 44 Ya nereased by the talked-of ncgotia-| cr between agents acting for a by It is not only famous and 1 through engravings and Lie reproductions, but pas been frequently exhibited in London and elscahere during the past 10) years, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Inghsh painter, died 100 years ago, yossible buyer in the United States and the owner. The price asked fon He} New Land Is Found in Antarctic Flight Montevideo, Feb, 25.--Manps showing 500 miles of hitherto un- known coast line, discovered by the Wilking expedition to the Ant- aretie, and movie films showing geenes in the eternal ice were land- ed here yesterday on the Norweg- fan steamer Hendrik Ibsen, which brought the' party from the far South, Sir Geopge Hubert head of the expedition, and Pilot Chegsmann left the ship off the coast and flew to land by aeroplane yesterday. After personally supervising the landing of the expedition's person- nel and baggage today, Sir Hubert Wilkins, gave an interview to the Associated | Press, stating that members of the expedition kept in excellent health during their stay in the Antarctic, where they arrived late last year. BOY KILLS HIS CHUM WHILE ROBBING UNCLE Jersey City, Feb. 25.--1fffillea more by a stolen pistol than by the other loot--a pocketful of jewelry and a toy bank jingling with dimes and nickels--John Sidor, 13, aim- ed the weapon at the head of his accomplice. pulled the trigger, and Stanley Ryblewski. 16, fcll deaa. Desperatley John shook his j chum, trying to bring him back to life. Then he fled in terror, and rigorous questioning, insisted h knew nothing of the shooting. No | until nine o'clock last night wer police able to draw his story frog him, He and Stanley went on' Satur | day night to the home of Stanley' uncle, John Torranz, No. 387 Pali | sade Avneue, climbed to g pore! roof and entered the Torranz apart ment on the second floor, throug! | a window, All members of th family were out, The estimated value of fick crops grown in the province New Brunswick in 19829 722.000. Of this amount, one-third 0: § is $25, | near] | was furnished by pota ! toes, which showed in 1929 an in | crease in value of nearly $6,000 all this afternoon, in the face of | 000 over 1928, cect the Corn fiict fo a eaaiock . By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum! | UNHEALTHY LOCATION SOMETHING MUST BE DONE AND THERE'S NO TIME TO THE SHIPIS HEADED FOR. A REER! of SWE'S we! hi RIGHT | WNe'LL BE POUNDED TO 77) WE'LL GO === gu) mony : 41 vr = CHANCE, \N A MILLION, THROW DOW Reg. 1). 8. Pat. Off; Copyright, 1930, by Metropolitan Newspaper Service TELLING TOMMY -- ZEBRAS ARE A GROUP OF CUR] HORSE FAMILY, TOMMY. THEY ARE FOUND WILD IN AFRICA OUR RECOGNIZED ZEBRAS, DIFFER- 1G SLIGHTLY FROM FACH OTHER N SIZE AND PROPORTIONS, AND IN COLOR AND MARKINGS 0 MANY AGO ZEB ROAMED THE PLAINS YEARS ZEBRAS FEED IN FLOCKS £0 YOU KNOw WHAT ZEBRAS or] f CERTAINLY} THEY ARE LITTLE HORSES are. RET? BN comic suis, | FRICA 1H GREAT HERDS, BUT NOW THEY ARE MuC CH RARER EXCEPT IN THE WILDER REGIONS OF THE INTERIOR. THE FLESH OF HIDE RAIN l} LI] En 19% ae TO YORK IN HARN ZEBRA 15 EATEN BY THE NATIVES AND (DE 15 USED FOR LEATHER. THEY (AN FSS Loo. Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. | BRINGING UP FATHER Bv Geo. McManu [ casey- IN JAIL MONAHAN 1S "TAKE THIS { { THEY'RE KEEPING HIM, TOO - HE WAS Ee TE -- r} DID YOu SEND |! { CASEY DOWN | AM, Cy YES- WHAT ABOUT IT? | WANTED FOR | HOUSE -BREAKING MONEY AND GO DOWN AND BAIL. HIM OUT i } i WELL - WHAT Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville | BUS LINE { NOTHING. WEEK DAY SCHEDULE FEAST ERD Men a mr ory ¥ Felt Bros. | Bowmanville Oshawa 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH » Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 1214 / Ld Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner ~ COAL COAL hone 193 W . J. SARGANT y wd--8Y Bloor "treet K. Or ders Promptly Delivered . PHONE' ~793~" LC. YOUNG 4% Prince ST) Ont. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair ard make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 10 King St. W. "hone 180 The Leading Jeweler Established (8K6 Leave Arrive Hospital a.m, 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 4.35 p.m. 6.43 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 11.00 p.m. am, Time marked * are busses to Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa 'Whitby *9.00 a.m, 9.30 am, 45am, *11.30 a.m, 12.15 pm, 1.45 p.m, po. 10,00 a.m. 12,25 pom. 4.30 p.m, 6.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m, 11.00 p.m, ast Arrive Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.30 a.m, *10.00 p.m, Leave Hosnital 10.00 a.m, 12.30 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 11.15 pm, nam, Time marked * are through busses t Whithv Hospital, Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 417 or 348 Oshawa's Waiting Réom, 10 Prince St., Phone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa oron AM. P. » zs 4.30 30 0 .30 3 3 80 9.3 10.5) ellis 2.30 d--Daily except Sunday, Foomuminace Busses ea c--Sunday only. ' JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOLS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8213 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH , DO YOu WANT P TO THE JAIL? | | PH DOLLY DIMP, LES AND BOBBY BOUNCE HAD DROWNED ~ SO HE GOT TIRED OF WAITING AND WENT BACK © TowN Kaur HE SAID To HIMSELF-'T iLL NOW STEAL THE GOOSE THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EES. GOOSEY AND GANDER, HERE {1S YOUR. [ SUPPER - vd anil. "Dn --By Grace G. Drayta . i BR TLL HE SAW DOLLY BRING THE TWO BLUE BOWLS FULL OF SUPPER FOR THE GOOSE AND GANDER TILLIE THE TOILER--"Thanks For The Buggy Ride" By Russ Westove: NCT SO HOT, ILUE THAT CAR MR, BENNETT WANTS MB TO BUY. WHAT BO WOU "THIN RIGHT, TLE -GEY YOUR COAT ON» OUR MOTTO 1I1S- ONE RIDE AND THEN YOURE AN AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN NOW, ~---- Too? - COME DOWN AnD) VLL "TAKE You FOR A RIDE ™w A REAL CAR - HERE'S My CARD © thi | LA ih) J if wi AE er YOURE SATISFIED STOP RIGHT HERE, MAC: THIS |S WHERE ouvT DEMONSTRATION, ONLY A CoupLE | WANT TO GET/| OF BLoCkS- APPOINT MEANT ANOTHER CAR WELL, You SEE | HAVE AN \ TO RIDE NN AT THIS TIME « THANKS A LOT FOR BRINGING

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