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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Feb 1930, p. 9

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\ THE NSHAWA' DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930 PAGE NINE The Whitby Daily T Times | Advertising, subs ciptions ane votoy Brancn Office, at Gaz 24 After Business Hours - ews will Lb received at the ane Chronwle,--"Telephone ore 850. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Farmers Accept. Council Offer Of _ett.ement Town Clerk, John R. Frost, has been advised by letter that che farmers who own lands and buildin s in Whitby have accept- ed the Council's offer as made at the meeting last Monday even- ing. The letter advising of the acceptance is signed by G. J. Fothergill, It ir ancevstood that who applied to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for leave to join Whitby Township have withdrawn their applica- tions. It is further understood t -esentatives of the far- mers ed the Beard in To- ronto last week, , when the Coun- cil's latest offer was discussed. A new agreement between the town and the farmers will now be prepared, providing for an ex- emption of seven and a half' mills, based on the assessment of 1928. The new agreement will be in effect for five years. A com. mitte is now seeking to obtain the signatures of - all farmers cdhcerned to the acceptance do- cument. FORMER WHITBY WOMAN IS 98 From the columns of Saturday's is-| sue of The Evening Telegram, To- ronto, the following- interesting rer- erence is made to a former well known resident of Whitby, in the person of Mrs. James Hay. Friends, bearing gifts, joined in the celebration by Mrs. James Hay, 33 Wallace avenue, of her 98th birth- day. 'Tis doubtiul if the gentle old lady realized just what the delight- ful tea party at her bedside meant, but, propped up on pillows (for she 'has been bedridden for two years), she smiled with cyes brightened as friends approached her. It is 69 years since Esther Simmonds (as she was then) came to Canada and made her home with a sister, Mrs, B. Gibson, of Whitby, the wife of Contractor Gibson, who built the old Union Sta tion, the King strcet subway and many other structures. Later, Esther Simmonds became the wife of one James Hay, farmer, living at differ- ent periods of her life in various parts of the province, including the capital, Twelve years ago James Hay died and since then Mrs. Hay has made her home with a daughter, Mrs. A, Vancickler, and a niece, Miss Edith Gibson. Mrs. Hay was the daughter of James and Alice Sim- monds, Hampstead Heath, London, Eng. A sister, Miss Helen 'Simmonds, lives at Hampstead Heath today. A brother made the supreme sacrifice with "the Noble 600" at Balacla, WHITBY HIGH SCHOOL Results of examinations held last week are as follows: Form [1, Eng. Literature--R. Aylesworth, £2; Madge Heard, 80; D. Rice, 78; P. Neal, 76; J. Mc- Quay, 76; D. Butler. 75; A. Scott, 74; G. Levine, 74: F. Manderson, 70; M, MacConnell 69; M. Smith, 69; K. Cooke, 67: M. Barton, 65: FP. Every, 65 B. Dalby, 65; J. Wii- son, 62; M. Roberts, 62; I. Davey, 60; M. Holtby. 58; H, Elms, b&: Marjorie Smith, 57; F. Brooks, 67; D. Smith, 55; Wm. Raddy, 48; N. Clemence, 48: 8S. Correll, 46; M Mowat, 43; M. Niddery. 36; KE. Johnson, 35; A, Downey, 34; B. Price, 31. Form 1B, Algebra--L, Wilson 8; K. McGregor, 92; E, Wilson 79; A. Rousseau, 78; W, Mowat, 78; B. Bartonpy 67; D, Johnson, 63; C. Kerr, 60; 8. Yacobosky 57; R. Blow, 56; R.' Downey. 65; R. Anderson, 51; R. Disney, 47: J. Cowx, 47: O. Ross, 38; M. Cornish 88; N. Wilkinson, 87; K, Sleep 36; M. Karan, 32; M. Bosset, 31. C. Bell, 28; B, Sleep, 28; W. Hark- ness, 22; J. Mudrey, 20; C. Maun- drell. 16; E, Mesher, 14; J. Watts, 11; C. Burr, 0; P. Rodd, 0; J Harding, 0. Form 1€, Algebra--R, Wilsher, 100; G. Steffler, 100; C. Madda- ford 98; E. Southwell, 89; 8. Stel fler. 89; E. Clarke, 88; H. Boyn: ton, 88; M. Michalko, 88; J. Mc Arthur, 87; J. Wilson, 87; M. Cor- bett, 86; J, Webster, 64; K. Hear, 63; E. Benson, 46; N. Bennett, 42. R. Merriam, 42; B., Cameron, 33: HISTORIC CHURCH TO HOLD ANNIVERSARY St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, which will short. ly celebrate a most interesting an- miversary, the plans for which are now in the hands of a C itt to be considered Friday night by the Session and Board of Man- agers. The church was built by the early Scotch pioneers of this dis. trict, and today is in an excellent state of repair. The present min. ister is Rev. John Lindsay. H. Anderson, 30; H. Cloughtun 22; BE. Merriam, 20; D,. Howard, 11; C. Gentles, 11; W. Ritts, ab- sent, Agricultural Dept., First Year, Physiography--MeQuay, , 73; Cassady, 60; B. Salisbury, 5; CG. Willson, 53; J. Barron, 52; 8. Fenemore. 61; J. Patterson, 84; J. Harkness, 29, Shorthand Theory--Mary Nes kel, 74; Walter Armitage, 64; Eil een Gibson, 61; Juia Vaselesky. 60; Mildred Harrison, 652; Ruth Smith, 60; Kathleen Hogg, 46: Margaret Maddaford, 41; Irene Sal- isbury, 38; Edith Newman, 37: Eunice Anderson, 37; Néllie Green 33; Gladys Harlow, 24; Margaret Shaughnessy, absent, i C.A. and Agriculture Dept. Pirst year, Literature--A, Thread- gold, 85; B., Muir, 74; E. Thread- gold, 73; H. Brut, 73; L. McQuay, 69; B. Salisbury, 69; W, 'Osborne, 67; M. Little. 65; M. Park, 60; D Powell, 60; K. McRobinson, 59; M. Sleep, 656; K, Reaves, 04; M Smith, 54; B. Fenemore, 53; EK. Sleightholm, 58; M. Heard, 652; J. Harkness, 52; J. Neskel, 51; J Barron, 51; M, McKinley, 651; JL. Smith. 47; C. Cassady, 47; L. Calderone, 46; G. Wilkon, 46; 1. Gordon, 42; I. Tucker, 42; B. Birkett, 40; 8, Wilson, 39; E Southwell, Richards, 33; Patterson, 26. L. Conlin, 32; J. DEATH OF THOS. HENDERSON on Monday, collapsing at the cor- serious operation, and he had been in failing health since. had many friends who learned with deep regret of his sudden demise. He left Whitby for Toronto six years ago. He was Cumberland, England. About a funeral will take place riving in Whitby at 10 a.m, service will be In charge of Rev. D. B. Langford. suddenly recently at Michigan, sponsible position of superintendent tries. Mr. alley and died within ten minutes. The late Mr, Crawforth was born in Whitby in 1884. Grand Trunk Railway and worked his way up to a responsible posi- tion, succeeded as the result of ambition and hard work. The deceased was a member of Portsmouth Lodge, A.F. of the Elks organization of the B. P.0O.E. He was also a member of the 1.B. Executives' Club. Surviv- ing are two daughters, Mrs. Ed- ward Frank, Mrs. L. H, Pettibone, and one son, William, all of De- troit. 'There are also two sisters. Mrs. Willlam Arksey, of Brooklin, Mrs. Willlam Sonley, of Whithy, and two brothers, William Craw- forth, of Whitby and M, C. Craw- forth, of Whitby Township. wife died about two years ago. Tourist: "Don't you ring the cur- few here anv more?" Native: "Not now. It kept the peo- ple. up too late waitin' to hear it 35; E. Birkett, 36; D. | Thomas D, Henderson, aged 65, a former well-known resident of Whitby, died suddenly in Toronto ner of Yonge and Carlton streets, Pwo years ago he underwent a | The de' ceased was a trusted and capable employee of the™Publie Utility Com- mission while in Whitby, and he a native of vear cro his wife 'passed away. The today (Thursday) from a Toronto under- taking establishment, the body ar. Inter- ment will take place in 'St. John's Cemetery, at Port Whitby, and the FORMER WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN PASSES Mark Crawforth, a former well- known citizen of Whitby, died very Bay City, where he held the re- of one of the city's leading indus- 2. Crawforth was stricken while playing a game in a bowling As a young man he entered the employ of the He was a self-made man who and A.M. His Something specially nice When you make a savoury dish--hot-pot--tasty curry, or meat patties--make it ° with Oxo, The rich Beef-juices of Oxo give charm and flavour-- just that rightness which 'appeals to the palate. Oxo Gravies--delicious--made in a minute! Improves all marketing control of all or any prim ary product." Details of the manner in which the proposed Primary Products act would be worded are not contained in the finally-carried resolution. The details it specifies, arc to be dealt with by a committee appointed from and by the boards of the United Farmers of Canada, A resolution published in the delegates handbook, outlining vossi- ble legislation, was not given appro- val. According to this resolution, later substituted in the.conyention, petition by one-fifth of the producers of any commodity would bring a Govern- | ment plebiscite among such producers as to whether they "desired compul- sory pooling. Should the vote result in 'two-thirds of the vote cast fav- oring law-znforced 100 per cent. pool- ing, the commodity would be declared a commodity under the Primary Products Act. At a date set by the Government, commodity « producers would elect delegates or directors {o control marketing of the commodity in question. While no specific product is men- tioned in the approved resolution, it is generally considered that first com- pulsory pool activity will be toward marketing all grain grown in Sas katchewan through the Wheat Pool Directors of the Saskatchew Wheat Pool, with whom the U directors must "stand ready to act haye declared no definite stand. Pre- sident A. J. McPhail has spoken a gainst the compulsory pool; L. Brouillette, vice-president, vowed' adherent. Formation of a compulsory wheat pool in Saskatchewan--which, « legislation and by a two-thirds vote Meat Dishes "JN TED CLURCHES OF WHITEY are briefly following ne Sunday and the week summarized in the tices: . Saint Andrew's Church. Rev. John Lindsay, tor. Sunday, Mar. 2. Rev. G. M. Dunn from the church offices will bring the message of the morning. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbhatn School and Bible Study. 7 p.m.-- The pastor in the pulpit, subject. "God's Love for them that Love Him." Prov. 8:17. A hearty wel- come extended to all All Saints' Church, Sunday, Mar. Quinquagesima, Holy Commun- Holy Communion--- 11 am. Sunday School--2 p.m. Evening Prayer--7 p.m. Preacher, Mr. A. H. Cuttle, Ash Wednesday, short morning service at 10.30 a. m. Shortened Evening Prayer at 8 p.m., at which the Ven, Archdea- eon Warren, B.A., will preach. St. John's, Port Whitby. Reec- tor--Rev. D. B. Langford, Sunday, Mar. 2. Quinquagesima. ~--Holy Communion. 3 p.m.--S8un. day School and Bible Classes. 7 p. m.--Evening Service. Tuesday, Mar. 4--8 p.m.--Annual of the Bible Society at Church. 8 p.m.--A.Y.P.A, Dean- ery. Local Council meeting at St George's, Oshdwa. Ash Wednes- day, Mar. 6--First of geries of Len- ten Services each Wednesday even. ing at 8 p.m, in the 8.8. Hall, Gen- eral Subject, 'Can I Trust my Bible as the Word of God." All welcome. Whitby United Church. Minis ter, Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Sermon Theme: 'The Duty of Happiness." Story, sermon for children. Stories of Courage, No. 3, "A lame boy who [opame the world's greatest pot- ter. 2.15 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m. -- Evening Worship. Sermon Presbyterian pas- fon--8 a.m, NOW op THE TIME TO LOOK OVER YOUR TIRES . because the owner . . . 1 Many a tire is thrown away . didn't know -- That it could have been -- vulcanized. Let us look over your tires -- No obligation to you -- And just see what can be done to get the remaining miles. The Latest Approved Method -- The Most up-to-date Equipment -- New First Grade Materials -- Enable us to Say -- "Guaranteed Vulcanizing"' A Complete Range of Goodyear Tires & Tubes Always in-Stock GOODYEAR SELECTED DEALER re . Roy Willmot All Weather Tire Shop 1 7 LINA STREET.' Phone 2472 Theme: "Jesus as a Young Man." Monday, 8 p.m.--Young Fellowship. Group studies. A. L. Richards. | Practice of Prayer," led by Rev. A I" «» Richards. Tuesday, 3.30 p. yy -- Women's Missionary Society. { m.~--~Adult Ladies' Bible inst i {the home of Mrs. Wnt, Lideett. | Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mid-week Ser- | vice. The minister will give his | "econd lecture on "Five Great Re: | vivals" Savonarola and the Floren- Friday--6.45--Trail Visit- | tine Revival. | Rangers; 7.45--Tuxis Boys. | day activities. WESTERN FARMERS FAVOR COMPULSORY POOLING OF GRAIN | Jaskatchewan Growers Go on Record for New Legislation Feb. Saskatoon, 27.~Farmers of | Saskatchewan Canada's greatest it-growing pro ince =< yesterday [went on record as favoring compul- sory pooling of commodities. After long hours of debate, United Farm- ers of Canada (Saskatchewan sec tion) gave almost unanimous approve. al to. a compromise resolution pre- | | sented by the Board of Directors, | By the resolution, directors of the {sary body are ordered to 'stand | Iready to work with. the wheat pool | | soard of directors or the directors of | any other pool in requesting that here be placed in the statute books f Saskatchewan an act known as the 'rimary Products Act, whereby the rowers «of any commodity may ob. vin control of the marketing of all |; 'hat commodity grown in the prove ince." : | Only three 'dissenting votes mar- red unanimity of support, according to a statement of the publicity com- mittee, given 'out after the conven. tion had made its decision in camera. The approved resolution stated that it is expedient "that the producers should be able at all times to express their opinion on and obtain, if they so desire, 100 per cent. commodity 11 a.m,-- | 11 am | meeting { -All Saints' | People's | "The | Jerusalem Conference," led by Mrs, | "The Meaning and | | | | ors welcome to Sunday and week | | | ff | | Church activities in Whitby fo | A | F ® of the province's wheat-producers-- | would mean that some 00 per cent. of all Canada's wheat crop would be handled by the Saskatchewan pool, In the 1928-29 scason the Canadian | pools handled 253,000,000 bushels of | a total Canada wheat crop of 547.- 000,000 bushels--and of the pool total some 157,000,000 bushels w vere raised in Saskatchewan, Bill Is Introduced For Change of Name Provincial Highways 27.--~Providing 1or highways Toronto, Feb. change of provincial "The King's Highways," introduced yesterd: in the Legisla- ture by Hon. Geor Henry, m ister of highways, 5 given first reading. ' The same numbers desis cross country routes will om Signs for the changed names : ready and will be erected as soon a the act has been proclaimed. Several minor changes clearing wording of the Highways Improve- | ment Act are provided in the bill. Another provision increases provine | cial road building grants to. town- ships irom 30 to 40 per cent. i iti= ating the | Premier Ferguson remarked » [not King's Highway. It is The Highway. Remember that." JUST A BIT LATE Houscholder: course, would have to be preceded by | notic a bill wus |. NAB | 25 Fruits Soups & Vegetables ARS oy I Jim=My lasher for 1" :rchant ; oung Merchant: * ) Marry No, but I'm go- 13 alo a rich man's daughter. a railroad ; WHO TOLD You THAT "Here's an invi- | tor accidents, no fewer golden vedding." : "Why, you're not even | I friend Jones is a haber- { company, | people were killed by falling can scarcely y of the ne eve that 1 | ed last year in Germany owing to mo- than 4,574 off roofs. cach roof =LU-GRIP Cail [1] physician. Then begin "emergency" treatment bagi vias OVER od MILLION. JARS 1S USED yeary Again We Feature mmm JuNGLo She (eam of 13 . BUTTER the (reameery) Moke this the standard of excellence for your table -- You will like its' sweet deli- cate flavor -- Kiddies leave no crusts when their bread is spread with it, SUNGLO Brand Creamery Butter is sold only by this / ; Groceteria. The Finest Buiter at the Price ~ EXTRA SPECIAL | 2 lbs. for 8lc IT ~ galonia The lowest price at which EXTRA SPECIAL! 23C orange MARMALADE 40-0z. Jar this quality Marmalade has been sold Pays to Shop Here Always = GILCHRIST'S SHORT CAKE Vaelb. 23 Cc Pkg. : .. Oxydol -- Just a little O«ydol and your washing's all dene-- Large _package EXTRA SPECIAL! bars 3S for 35¢ -- WHITE NAPTHA P&G SOAP CHILVERN COTTAGE CHEESE Per 18c Pkg. saronia ity, 1 Ib, pkg SPECIAL r : [ I & No. 2 Tin 21c APRICOTS Aylmer Chojee Large Ti In Bottle EXTRA SPECIAL! CATSUP | CROSSE & BLACKWELL 21c 1 | rR --_-- PEAS Aylmer Juwbe 196 "LUX TOILET SOAP | f f } I 3 ta 2 Pkgs. for Cakes for i5¢c||2 SHIRIFF'S LUSHUS Jelly Powders i15c¢ tin Vie V,-lb. S. 0. ¢ S.. For Pots and Pans 31¢ 3 Pad 14c To 23c PECL ams EEAr Choice Lemons Per Dozen Cooked | Pork Ham | Sic Ib. Sausage 23¢c 1b. [e]:YaYol5 SPECIALS! Choice Spies For Cooking SPECIAL! For Week-end Only ROUND nm I= RATED - | wan Le | 1 Pkg. Ma &alonia COFFEE In the New Sealed Tight Tin English Style Biscuits of qual . san RE = IE hEEEN | Cabbage 1Ec J i f i y

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