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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Feb 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930 Bowmanville News, advertising and Pp, BOWNANVILLE DEBENTURES SELL FOR ABOVE PAR $100,000 HIGH SCHOOL + ISSUE BRINGS $102.08 Indicates That Town's Fin- ances Are in Satisfactory ~ 'and Sound Condition The finances of the Corporation of Bowmanville must be in a very sat- isfactory and sound condition if one may judge from the high price real- ized last week on the sale of the $100,000 High School debentures at 5 1-2 per cent, sold to H. R. Bain & Co., of Toronto, for $102.08. Many predicted these debentures would sell much below par. Thirteen bond com- panies submitted tenders for this is- Ladies! IF IT'S STYLE YOU WANT, WE HAVE IT We have the most won- derful assortment of dresses for women and young women in the new- est styles and the newest shades. We also have our New Spring Millinery Come in and See Our Selection Dresses Ranging From $10.00 to $19.75 NO TWO DRESSES ALIKE The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe Street South Phone 3083W Soaks Right In And Limbers Up Stiff Joints Nowadays people don't have to be tormented with inflamed, swol- len creaky joints. If you want your bad acting joints to limber up and work with smoothness the sensible thing to do is to get something that is made for just that purpose. "It's up to you--just ask Jury & Lovell Ltd, Drugs for a tube of Joint-Ease and give your trouble- some joint a good rubbing to- night. When you rub this magical yet scientific emolifent on your sore, painful, stiff joint it has the un- canny power of penetration--it soaks right in and away it goes thru skin and flesh right down to the ligaments and tendons of the joint---right where the trouble starts. Out comes the inflammation and down goes the swelllng--a hard job 1s well and swiftly done--your joint is limber again--it works smoothly---you are thankful, Joint-Ease is a product of Can- ada and every good drugstore -in the Dominion sells lots of it. Make a note of this also--for lumbago and lame aching back one good rubbing is wusnally enough--60 cents for a generous tube and it's guaranteed----you must get results or money back, Who Is Your Skinny . Friend, Ethel? Tell him to take McCoy's Cod Liver Bxtract Tablets for a couple of months and get enough good healthy flesh on his bones to look like a real man. Tell him, it's the only way to take those grave-like hollows from hig cheeks and neck. Tell him that thousands of thin, puny, peaked, scrawny men all over America have improved their phy- sicial health and appearance and bless the day they first heard of these wonderful sugar coated tab- lets so full of weight producing vitamines. Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets. Jury and Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn and every druggist worthy of the name sells them--60 tablets--60 cents, Any thin man or woman can put on five pounds of healthy flesh in 30 days or your druggist will willingly re- fund the purchase price, One woman put on 16 pounds in six weeks. Children grow robust and strong--feeble old people feel younger in a few weeks. subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times. Ielephones--Office, 587; REPRESENTATIVE--B. HERBERT MORTLOCK i Daily Times BY sue and eleven bids were above par. The companies' bids were .as follows: H. R. Bain & Co. ..... 102.08 Dyment, Anderson & Co. 101.53 Fry, Mills, Spence & Co. 101.43 R."A. Daly_& Co. , 101.15 Dominion Securities Corp. 101.037 Gairdner & Co. ..... 100.779 Bell, Gouinlock & Co, 100.60 100.27 100.11 100.09 J: 1+ Graham & Co, ...... McLeod, Young, Weir & Co Matthews & Co. ...vvniie.s 100.06 C. H. Burgess & Cos ....... 9.33 | Bickle, Clarke & Co. ...... 98.90 In submitting tenders for a large municipal debenture issue such as Bowmanville sold last week to cover |, the cost of the new addition to the High School, the bond firms interest- |. ed first want to know the financial position of the corporation. The fol- lowing statistics prepared by John Lyle, Town Treasurer, contain the in- formation required. : Assessed valué for taxation 1929--$2,290,855. Tax rate: general 20%;; debenture 11%; school 13%4--total 45 mills.' Accumulated tax arrears at end of 1929-$18,720.38, Amount of last year's tax levy-- $114,600.41, Amount of last year's tax levy un- collected--$12,648.13, . Value of municipalities' assets, Dec. 31, 1929---$711,525.91. Total debenture debt including pre- sent issue--$583,357.56. Total sinking fund--$23,093.68. Analysis of debt--Waterworks' de- benture outstanding, $67,828.23; local improvement -- ratepayers' share, $228,503.64; municipality's share, $114,251.83; general debentures not ingluding above, $172,773.86; total-- $583,357.56. Sinking fund on hand-- $23,093.68, Total other liabilities floating debt--$37,100.00, Current revenue for 1929--§135,- 080.61, and expenditure of $124,614.73. Present population of Bowmanville --3660; population 5 years ago--3,300. Area of municipality is 2680 acres. Three schools have an average at- tendance of 1100. GEORGE E. ANNIS AGAIN HEADS THE LOCAL FALL FAIR Treasurer's Report Shows a Deficit of $1,270 for 1929 A fairly good attendance was present at the annual meeting of West Durham Agricultural Soclety at which President Geo. ¥. Annis presided. The financial report was present. ed showing a deficit, There*will be no spring show In 1930.-8tanding field crop competi- tions will be held in fall wheat and oats, Same committees as last yegr will secure entries. Department judges will be se- cured where found necessary fo? the fall fair. Officers elected for 1930 are: president, - Geo, F. Annis; first vice-president, W. H, Carruthers; sccond vice-president, - Russell Os- borne; secretary-treasurer, Chas. H. Mason. Executive--Col. L., T, McLaugh- lin and above officers. Directors: Darlington -- John Baker, S. Chas. Allin. L. C. Snow- den, Harold Skinner, H. E, Tink, K. Squair, J. F. Osborne, H. G. Mack- lin, G. A. Stephens, Alf. Ayre; Clarke--W. F. Rickard, Norman Allin, Howard Gibson, Robt. Gray, Austin Turner; .Bowmanville--T. W. Cawker, Neil Mutton. M. J. Elliott, T. P. Bradt, James Nokes, Geo, W. James, Col. L. T. Me- Laughlin, Alan Campbell. Honorary Directors--F. w. Bowman, M.P.; W. J. Bragg, M.P, P., Mayor M. J. Elliott, J. A. Me- Clellan, ¥. O. Mcllveen, A.W. Crawtorth, A. E. Herman, Dr. G, E. Reaman, F. F. Morrie. Lady Directors--Mesdames John Spencer, Alan Campbell, M. J. El- liott, W. F. Rickard, W. R. Strike, year including BE ---- pg Kiddies to PRE-SHOWING KINSMEN'S MIDNIGHT ~ FROLIC Afternoon Performance 4.15 p.m. | Regent Theatre | FRIDAY, FEB. 28th | | | | J | J J ach | i a i f iH Wl, I ill CLAIM MADE FOR HELP T0 BURNT-OUT (Continued from Page 1) to men who have served in an ac- tual theatre of war. In this qual- ification the Legion recognizes the principle that service in an actual 1 theatre of war must be a condition | precedent to a man being burnt out or broken down as 5 result of war service, although there was some agitation that men who were iv training on Salisbury Plains dur- ing the terrible winter of 1914-15 | might well be includtd in the bene- | ficiaries. | No Bonus on Indolence The third qualifying clause asks that the regulations be so. framed us to prevent the benefits of the legislation requested being utilized in any way to bonus indolence. The question of amendments to | the Pensions Act will be considered by a special parliamentary coms mittee, and the problem Of the | "burnt-out'" men is expected to be onc of the most important to be considered. Premier King has al G. F. Annis, Misé Marion Bellman, Auditors--G, E. Chase, G. L. Hall. Offer of Canadian Bank of Com- merce to put up ga silver cup for competition was gratefully accept- ed. Messrs. Macklin, Campbell and McLaughlin were appointed to se- cur outside donations for fair, Lady directors were requested to rtvise prize list and a copy of new list be sent to all past exhibitors, Bowmanville Fair will be held on Friday and Saturday in the same week as Oshawa Fair. Treasurer's statement for 1920 shows: Receipts Legislative Grant .. Municipal Grants Membership fees ....... Donations Admission fees .... Rent for concessions .... Grand stand receipts .. Concert receipts Field erop grant: Shorthorn Breeders' grant Sale of hay Miscellaneous receipts vee $ 384.00 341.60 165.00 192.50 830.10 255.560 2h 64 50.00 .00 24 00 Expenditures Debit balance from 1928 § 436.0 Paid out for prizes Delegates expenses ... Judges' expenses Standing field crop Keep of stock Special attractions . Fixing grounds Insurance Interest Secretary's salary Printing, advertising, etc. Labor Meals, postage. supplies, Debit balance ..$2900.00 1900.00 500.00 800.00 Value land Main building . . Sheep and swine pens ... Poultry house $6100.00 Liabilities Expend. over receipts Owing on note . .. $1270.81 | 1500.00 2770.81 GOODYEAR RUMOR - IS PROVED FALSE No Extensions Contemplat- ed at the Present Time Rumors have been rampant in Bowmanville during the past two or three weeks that the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company was intending to considerably cnlarge their local plant. The Times yesterday questioned A. M. Hardy, the local superintendent, concerning these rumors and was in- formed that there was not an atom of truth in them. In fact, it was un- likely that the company would build any addition to their lodal plnat this year as has been the case for the fast three or four years. Another rumor was circulated to the effect that the company was coni= mencing to manufacture rubber boots and other commercial lines and this also proves to be false. Although the whole town would like to see the company cnlarge the plant here, it is not likely to be done in the near future but. will grow gradually as the extra space is required. ROTARY CHURCH PARADE Members of Bowmanville Rotary Club celebrated the twenty-fifth an- niversary of Rotary by attending di- vine service - at Trinity United church, Sunday morning, Feb. 23rd, when Rotarian Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, delivered a most impressive and enlightening address appropriate to_the occasion, ROCKEFELLER DIME REPLACED BY POEM London and Windsor, Ont., Rotarians Call on John D. Ormond Beach, Fla, Feb, 27 --A simple poem credited to a 19-year-old English girl in domestic service has taken the place of the famons dime as: John D. Rockefcller's gift to visit ors. A group of Rotarians from London and Windsor, Ont. here on an interna tional goodwill tour called ur the Or- mond Beach home of Mr. Rockefell- er the other day, ready expressed the desire of the government to make more adequate | Federal Departments INDIAN SCHOOL FIRE DEATH TOLL INCREASES 70 1 (Continued from Page 1) | at the school, banked his fires for the night and after an inspection on the fourth storcy, refired. It was shortly after 3 am. when | Sister Superior Margarct Marie, sleeping on the third floor, awak- ened to find the building on fire | The flames were sweeping from | the basement to the roof via the | Struggling through the inferno, | main staircase, | the Sister Superior awakened ali | Sisters, and they fought through | the flames to tho dormitories oc-| cupled by the little girls and then to those occupied by the boys, n the far side of » building. | Sister Superior Margaret Marie, | after going to the regcue of others, was cut off by a wall of fire and | perished. Fighting courageously, maining Sisters hurried and bcys toward the fire escape. | They sald there was no panic, The | Sisters cooly checked each pair of | girls as they passed down tho fire | escape, ignoring the crashing of stone and plaster about them. In] the darkness they then searohed f for more children when the check | revealed that' some were missing; and then, as flames enwrapped t entire building, they leaped from | the third storey windows in night | clothing and bare feet. | Sister St. Agathe calmly stood ! on the rim of the Inferno drag-| ging each pair of children to safe- ty, and then fell headlong to the snow and ice below. Boshop Charlebois, year, hurried to the scene by plane and will remain to direct relief operations. | the re- the girls | [ Ye | he | in his it nh | Spend $22,518,147 Ottawa, Feb, 27.--A total of $22,518,147.34 in zoods was, pur- chased by the 14 departments and branches of Government in the fis- cal year of 1928, according to a return tabled in the House of Com mons here yesterday, This was ex- clusive of purchases made on their lehalf by the Government contracts supervision committee, The detall ed purchases follow: Indian affairs, $1,225,614.40; Interior, $741,- § 29; Mar- } Fisheries, .64; nce, $4,840,000; Mines, $153,774.13; R.C.M. Police, $611,531.84; Post Cffice, $1,314,- 979.85; Public Works, $3,419, 916.16; King's Printer, $2,008,- 131.49: Railways, $3,433.381.49; Pensions, $860,676.95; Health $45,680.54. DIFFERENT APPEAL The Girl--I' found that book fent me frightfully dull, Professor. 1 thought you said there was a naugh- ty problem in it? The Prof. --My dear voung lady, 1 said there was a knotty problem in it. you After another month and a half of rotten weather housecleaning time will be back again!---Cincin- nati Enquirer. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises TELLS SAFE, SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME If you have catarrh, catarrhal defeaness or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phlegm drops Jn your throat and has cauped catarrh of the stomach or bowels you wil! be glad to know that these dis- tressing symptoms may be entirely overcome in many instances by the following treatment which you can cagily prepare in your own home at little cost, Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength.) Take this home and add to it 4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tabla- spoonful four times a day, An im- provement ig sometimes noted at ter the first day's treatment Breathing , should Dbecpme "easy. while the distressing head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy think- ing, etc., should gradually disap- pear under the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defective hearing and mucus drop- ping in the back of the throat are | other symptoms which guggest the | pregence of catarrh and which ma) often be overcome hy this effieaci- ous treatment. It is said that nearly ninety per cent, of all ear troubles are caused by catarrh and there must, thereforé, be many people whose hearing may be restored by this simple, harmless, home treat- | ment, provision for men who have broken down early in life as the result of their Great War service, while Hon, R. B. Bennett nad other mem- hers of the opposition have express ed sympathy with. the Legion's proposals, It is expected that a bill covering these proposals will be brought before the House of Commons this afternoon, GEORGE C. RODD DIES OF INJURIES (Continued from Page 1) the mother of Mrs. Geo. Rodd, and grandmother of Carmon Rodd. The accident is possibly the worst to have occurred on the Whitby-Lind- sdy highway in years and keen sympathy has been aroused for the gad loss which has been suffered by one of the best known families in the district. Sustained Terrible Injuries George Rodd sustained a ter- rible fracture of the skull and his death occurred about one o'clock this morning. He was under the care of Dr, F. F, MacLaren, of Whighy. The deceased although a resi- dent of Brooklin had conducted a barber shop at Mary and Colborne streets for some time and was well known in Oshawa. He is survived by two brothers, Ivan, postmaster at Myrtle, and Richard, postmaster at Brooklin, and one sister, Mrs. Roy McCann of Dearborn, Mich. Last Monday a jury was impanel- led unded Coroner Dr, C, McGil- livray of Whitby, to investigate the death of Mrs. Rodd and an adjourn- ment was made indefinitely. Inquest Adjourned This morning the remains of the son was removed to the Luke Bur- ial Parlors here and at 11.30 a.m. were viewed by a jury under Cor- oner Dr, D. 8. Hoig. After the body had been ordered to. be released for burial the jury adjourn€d, the date of the inquest not having as yet been set. \ Crown Attorney MecGibbon suat- ed from her injuries to offer evid- an inquest could not be held until Mrs, Read has sufficiently recover- ed from her inuries to offer evid- ence as she is the only surviving occupant of the Rodd car. Members of the jury include Alex. McLeese, Ernest Flintoff, James Thorborne, W., M. Stacey, Ernest Blair, Wm. Igel, James Bis- hop, Harold Irvine and C. Sturgess, WRONG NUMBER Manager--We want a title for the new musical show. It's all about a girl at the telephone exchange. Producer--Then why not call it the CLAIMS CANADIAN GRAIN BUSINESS 15 DRIVEN TO US. Winnipeg Mayor Says Same : Means Adonted as Hurt Stock Markets Ottawa, Feb. 27.--Mayor Ralph § H. Webb of Winnipeg stated in an } interview here last nizht that he? had it, 'on the mast re'i~»'~ an thority, that a strong undercurrent 18 growing to drive Canadian gra waginess to Chicago and Minnea- § Bpolis He said that the means} adopted were the "same as ha been done to kill Canadian indus- § trial and mining exchanges." "Ninety per eent. of grain trad-s § in FAstern Canada are put through § Chicago, and if American interests can stir up enough adverse propa- «anda it will ruin not only the Win- nipeg Grain Exchange, but 6 Wheat Pool also,"" the Winnipeg Mayor declared. "If this i= done it will be the final blow to Canadian | "Telephone Operetta" financial independence," he added. | of Savings and plisfaction Everything is open to your view in the Loblaw aisles, leisurely or quickly you choose for your- self, delicacies or staple foods. You appreciate Loblaw's economical plan of merchandising, in that you are assured of quality products at prices that enhance our slogan of "WE SELL FOR LESS" THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27th toe MARCH 5th WATCH FOR THE YELLOW TICKETS "All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy"' That is why our Store Employees get Wednesday Afternoon Off. We Close at 12.30 p.m. WHITE SWAN Toilet Tissue 2 Rois 21° "Soaks Clothes Whiter" RINSO 3 pe. 25° We are Featuring This Week-- , Del Monte Whether Jou Lisppen to want fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, "THE HEALTH DRINK" TODDY - 1. Tin S1€ Serve Hot or Cold S08 Canned Fruits Vegetables and Other Foods ts, or any one of a remark- ably wide list of other prepared foods, DEL MONTE has set its quality ideals just as high for all. Choose Your Del Monte Products at Loblaw's Red Label | Special=Loblaw's TEA vb. «DOC 1b. 1 Pancake Special--Aunt Jemima FLOUR Buckwheat PRE. 14° Pkg. 18 Special-- Combination Offer Old English timid Uf Dyes Every floor--every piece of fur- niture glistens with a wonderful sheen, so utterly hard that it is impervious to scratches, heel- marks, and children's rompings. There's only one polish that brings such a perfect surface. That is Old English Wax. casy to apply as mere sweeping. 1-Ib. tin FLOOR WAX and 14-pt. btl. LIQUID WAX ow GC you may be sure Magic Scouring Pads 6-Pad 23 Pkge. Special--Caiifornia PEACHES No. 2 18¢ Size Tin Halves and Sliced Special=-- BEEINMIVE SYRU 2-1b. Tin | 12 As Regular $1.08 No. 2 Size Tin Special=Good Value ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS 19e "The. Antiseptic Hand Cleaner" SNAP Tin 14° Special=Red Maraschino CHERRIES 3=0z. 2c Bottles Mayonnaise Delight SHIELD Brand A delicious Sandwich Spread SHIELD Brand-- Tdeal for Salads SHIELD Brand-- Salad Dressing SHIELD Brand-- Cook: Ric! ed] Peaches Fancy Quality--No. 2; Sige Tin SHIRRIFF'S--40-0s. Jar Red River Cereal Roman Meal Nature's Nut Brown Food Bab-0 Cleanser Prepared specially for Enamel--- 94 Groceterias in Ontario Pimento Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Dressing Has a flavor all its own--8-0m. Jar... oh and Creamy ~8-om. Jafiv,.00000 DELMONTE Brand- Melba Halves Pure Orange Marmalade 'The. Natural Food for Old and Young. . Serer anennes "Something New". ..., Varese aes tessnarnine 8-oz. Jar 27c 314-02. Jar 13¢ 8-0z. Jar 23¢ "The One and Only" H.P.SAUCE| , Bottle 26° Gelatine DAVIS' 2-08. Package. :tcesseccessosscescscss Ricelrinies .... .2P.25 Pkg. 16¢ 314-02. Jar 13¢ Jar 23 XXX ar 23¢ Jar 2c FL Tin 36¢ OUR 746. Bag 32° Kipper Snacks 2 Tins 1c Sardines 5 SKIPPER Brand--Dainty and Delicious. .....< Zebra Liquid Stove Polish. .....0000i0etenennnnsces PASTRY Tins 33¢ Bottle 16¢ 3 Tins 19¢ Jar 36¢ Pkg. 24¢ Pkg. 29¢ "Makes Hard Water Soft" Cocoa 14 1b, Tin 24¢ FRY'S--"Be Wise--Drink Fry's" Apri x OS tata... oii Tim Be Fruit Salad GOLDEN Brand--8-0s. Tis. .ccvsseenivesss 2 Tias 25¢ WE SELL "OR LESS

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