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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Mar 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930 FIND ETHER IS ¥ ! L vm eel a ™ NOT FACTOR IN OPERATION DEATHS Toronto Academy Says Lack of Confidence Has Increased Toll" ------ March 1.--Following investigations which covered not only the factors caus- ing deaths 0 cramih to anaes- Toronto, thetic but alo examimption of the chemicals and the methods of their employment, the Academy of Medi- cine last night issued an interim report on its findings. No deaths have been found to which anaesthetics could have con- tributed the examining body 'of the that chemicals have been found to be pure but that a fear has been caused through the attraction of public attention to a few deaths of patients who died from other causes while under anaesthetics, This fear, the, report stresses, | and an unwarranted lack of con- dence have caused deaths and suf fering. As a result Whgue reflec- tions have been cast upon anaes- théties and persons whose physi- cal conditions necessitate opera- tions are avoiding trzatment, The report handed out by Dr. R. Stirling Pentecost, honoraty) secretary of the Academy reads: "In view of recént reports in Toronto -papers regarding deaths from gnaesthesia, the Academy of Medicine, Toronto, has had under investigation, particularly for tle pas three months the subject of deaths occurring during opera- tion, The academy has ascertained that a certain proportion of deaths represented as due to anaesthesia, have been proven to be the result of factors other than tHe anaesthdy | this clear stainless URGES PROVINCE DDD for the severer forms of eczema An getive fluid that washes into the skin, A doctor's formula with a brils liant' record. Itching stops instantly treatment pene~ trates the sick tissues, y F. W. Thompson, Drug Store ASSIST EASTERN ONTARIO FARMERS Russell Member Says Soil Surveys Are Needed Quickly FIELD SEEDS A Complete Stock of No. | Seeds on hand ALFALFA, UTAH GROWN--SWEET CLOVER -- RED CLOVER -- ALSIKE -- TIMOTHY tic itself. "They have also ascertained that drugs in all cases of deaths attributed to the anaesthetic, are chemically re. "The ynwarranted lack of confi- dence and fear engendered in the minds of parents and adult patients has already beep responsible for unnecessary deaths and suffering. It has caused deep anxiety to those about to undergo operations--a condition most = undesirable in those to whom an anaesthetic is to be given. "The Academy of Medicine on completion of present investiga- tions will issue to the public through the press a detailed re- port of its findings, which from in- formation already obtained. wilh be of a most reassuring character." He was to be married, and went to his tailor to be measured for the wedding outfit. When the agony was over the tailor coughed apolo- getically. "I am sorry, Mr. Smith, but I must ask vou to pay cash for these suits!" "What! T've had an account with you for fourteen years and I've al- ways settled half-yearly!" "I know," said the tailor, "but up to now you've always had the hand- ling of your own money! Academy finds. Instead it states + Toronto, March 1---Urging that Provincial soil surveys should be extended as rapidly as possible to al parts: of rural Ontario, C, A. Seguin, Conservative member for Russell, stated yesterday in the Ag- ricultural Committee of the Legis- lature that Eastern Ontario par- ticularly needed attention. Mr. Seguin's statement was made following the announcement of Prof. R. Harcourt, of the On- tario Agricultural College, that the preliminary survey made in South- western Ontario counties would be developed in the other sections of the province as fast as the depart- ment was able to do the work. "Our biggest difficulty is the lack of trained men," remarked Prof. Harcourt. "Then,when we do train men we find it difficult to keep them." "Pay them more money," coun- tered Mr, Seguin. "They're the men who should be getting the big sal- aries anyway." J. 8. Denis, Conservative mem- ber for Prescott, supported Mr. Se- guin inthe statement that Eastern Ontario particularly needed soil surveys. Agricultfire, he This Your Set? Why put up with squeaks, squeals, growls that spoil your program. Call me. I'll end the trouble, and give it months of new life and usefulness. I guar- antee my work. - - Battries recharged 50c Delivered Phone 382 R-11 G. BURROUGHS Radio-trician and assistance as could be given. KILLS HIS WIFE HOLD POLICE AT New Oshawa Office Opened AMAZING FREE OFFER! 7 want every ill person in Oshawa and district te try THER- ONOID FREE. Come to our office and use the THERONOID twice daily for a week or longer absolutely free! Use it until you are satisfled it is helping you, as it has helped thousands of others. Use our Phone and we will gladly arrange a home demonstration. I could not make this offer unless I was satisfied that THER- ONOID will make good. Listen in on Station CFRB Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 1.30 p.m, W. €. HUTCHESON 154 WILLIAM ST. E. OSHAWA, PHONE 269 gonly Sppesiis General Motors Emplovmen. Office Dynamite Second Storey Barricade Floehr, 60, former inmate of the Toledo State asylum killed his wife in their home, stood and national guardsmen for three hours and then committed guiside in bis, second floor barricade stated, | was in need of as much attention | BAY THREE HOURS Man Suicides W When Officers Defiance, Ohio, Marcih 1--Henry yesterday off a small army of officers, gitizens just | before dynamide ended the battle. | Brokers i POND ST. EAST PHONE 869 P. MORDEN > $13,000 $4,000 NICE BRICK BUNGALOW--To Exchange--wiltdake Clear Lot for Equity. THOS. FARROW ) 100 ACRES -- 26 room Brick house and good barns. On highway, 25 miles from Oshawa. Good location for road house 100 ACRES -- 8 room brick house, one half mile off highway, three miles from Port Hope -- LARGE AND SMALL FARMS TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY Business Sites for Sale HOUSES TO EXCHANGE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY-- SPECIAL : 57 Acres on No, 2 highway. Large frame house. 100 yards from canning factory. 1 mile from a good village of 1100 population. Price $2,200 FARROW rr MORDEN 9 BOND STREET EAST | Indian | Boods, said R. J. Q a! INSIST Soae 2 NL AZZZE dq Rex Battle series of radip broadcasts has by the Canadian Pacific Railway every Friday night from 10 to 11 over CKAC CKGW in Toronto with possibility other major Canadian cities in the near future, basis \of the programme has been the baton of Rex Battle, whose wo Royal York, Toronto, has won him A small opera company has been organized for production of light ballad operas s tured the Canadian Pacific Music Festivals at Tor- rk as of concert orchestras in Montreal and latterly at the Cooper - Smith Co. PHONE 8 OSHAWA 16 CELINA ST. 7S / - th 0ss AIF eather 2 onto, Winnipeg, Regina, Vancouver and Victoria, and these will be given under the direction of Alfred Heather, well-known character actor and impresario. Ballad operas in French produced at the Quebec Fes- tival, together with French-Canadian folk songs, wil! be produced under the direction of Charles Marchand, popular folksinger. The 1 er il lustrat ion show: a sea-chantey scene from the ballad, "Bound for the Rio Grande," with inset of John Goss, who will star in the radio production. The other insets are of Rex Battle, leader of the orchestra, and Alfred Heather, character actor and producer of the ballad operas to be broadcast. John been inaugurated in Montreal and of extension to The organized under the director great popularity. the uch as have fea- were while Eight sticks of dynamide thrown up the stairway machine gun and a one Sip ily operated by the Deflance unit of the guard, played a bullet scres mn | on Floehr's bedroom retreat, The | charge destroyed the second floor | of the house, but Floehr's body was found with a bullet wound in the forehead and powder marks round it, indicating to the coroner that he bad shot himself Tone | time earlier WEST INDIES TRADE NEEDS DEVELOPING: | Canadian Manufacturers As-| sociation President Re- turns from Tour | Montreal, Mar, 1.---Canada i" help increase the purchasing power of the people of the British West by buying their Hutchings, pre- sident of the Canadian Manufac- turers' Association, who came tq! Montreal from Saint John, N.H., | when he arrived following a tour of the Indies, | Mr. Hutchings was the head of a | party representing the association | which made the trip in the infer- ests of improved trading relations | between these sections of the Em pire. Accompanying the president was J, E. Walsh, general manager of the Canadian Manufacturers' As- sociation, who also went to Toron- to. A sentiment was discovered very favorable to trade with Canada and | an intense desire to cultivate im- perial trade gencrally. This feeling has h¥en developed by the growing United States tariff barriers. So potent is the enthusiasm for fur- thering this trade that the actin? governor of British Guiana said he favored a customs union, amount. ing practically to free trade, be- tween Canada and the West Indies islands and British Guiana. Definite steps are being taken to increase production for consump- tion in the Dominion. Mr. Hutch- ings pointed out, calling attention to a .conference held recently in Trinidad of representatives of the Islands and of Canada from which it 18 hoped to obtain immediate re- aults. In Dominica, he added, the Government has set aside many acres to be divided into small plots for the natives to grow produats for 'onsumption in thjs country, Among the artifles which can be vken in increasing quantities by Islands nie Dominion, the C.M.A. president 1entioned vegetables and citrus ruits, Tradg will be facilitated oo, he sug, by the effort being ade now to provide modern cold he West Indies. : Mr. Hutchings was assured that Janadian commercial travellers vill bo welcomed. At the present time, he remarked, Canada geta only' a small market in canned goods, a very small clothing market and little leather footwear, Dif- ficulties of Canadian firms in the past, he said, have lain in the fact that representatives have been obliged to remain some days in the jslands waiting for a boat after | having transacted all the business | possible, but this problem has been overcome by manufacturers in other countries he explained by having one man to represent three or four houses. : ven if a second short winter is to come, the preseht mild spell is more than weltome.--Guelph Mer- cury. li Idealists are getting a lesson from the naval conference that the theory tand practice of idealism are two dir- gad | ferent things.--Lethbridge Herald. | DOCTORS PRAISE | Dr. Collip to Distribute Per- |! | bio-chemists, torage plants at shipping ports in | | Torofito branch, when the youthful { blond and ruddy-faced figure of NOT JUST AS GOOD--BUT THE BEST Not Equal To -- But Superior To All D.L.B8W. SCRANTON COAL E. V. LANDER King and Centre Streets Phone 58 | Canadian medical seclence"s latest se to speak, somewhat slight--he ensation Short i lost = pound in the course of the ors whiep brought him 1e outlined to an audi- osed mainly of 'his fel- Tow-eraft men, his experiments, the | nature of his discovery, what has |1 heen achieved so far gnd the theor- | les arising therefrom. { Dr. Collip concluded his brief address, which was illustrated with slidos, by an announcement that 'he was preparsd to supply | physicians with limited quantities | of his precious extract under speci- fied conditions. WGILL : SUIENTIST | triump a4 1 | | dog | | | comp ce fected Insulin to Wo- man Sufferers Toronto, Mar. 1,--Warm and unrestrained tribute to Dr. J. B Collip of McGill University, Mont real, their former associate in the perfection of insulin and recent dis- coverer of a new extract for the reatment of women's functional | | deorders, was paid last night by Dr. F. GG. Banting and Dr. C. H Best, co-discoverers "of insulin, at a | notable gathering of medics al men, | chemi and re h Government bust- xy of chic American enjoying arines Standard, urely search worker Several Hundred men and women ; "goldfish disease" would w, if a , maybe we could get building of the University of To- [only break out BARGAINS IN SED CAR 1927 Star Sedan . $525.00 1929 Essex Coach .. $600.00 1929 Chev. Coach ...... $650.00 Only gone 2000 miles an ' MANY OTHERS Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Lid. HUDSON-ESSEX Phone 1160 135 KING ST. W, st useless domestic Times. ronto, at a meeting sponsored by |ri d of the two | | | | were assembled in the mining | N the Canadian Chemical Association, es --L« dic pests Only CHEVROLET offers "Body by Fisher" in the Lowest Price Field Bom mose line of the new Chevrolet Six. For Chevrolet . . alone among all cars in the lowest price field . . boasts the supreme style and roomy com- fort of bodies by Fisher. And Chevrolet offers, moreover, the completeness of detail, finish and equipment hitherto associated with the finest cars. The interiors of all Chevrolet closed models are upholstered In rich plush. Wide, deep seat cushions and form-fitting backs provide a luxurious degree of restful com- fort. Arm rests are furnished for the convenience of rear seat passengers. All the smooth, quiet power which nothing less than a six can give is yours in the new Chevrolet Six . . with ample reserve to meet your 'every demand for flashing acceler- ation and sustained high speeds. Most important of all, from the standpoint of investment, is the extremely low price range at which this new Chevrolet Six is offered . . and the manner in which it com. - bines the superior performance of the six with exceptional economy. A ride in the new Chevrolet tells a wonderful story . . of perfor. mance + . comfort . . economy. Drive the ear yourself. Judge it by all your standards of what a good car should be. And remember, the new Chevrolet Six may be pur- chased on the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan. for Economical Transportation Ontario WHITBY : IT*S BETTER BECAUS OSHAWA Motor Sales Ltd. BOWMANVILLE E CANADIAN ' a ' ~

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