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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Mar 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1930 + The: Whitby Daily Advertising, subscriptions and news will b recelved at the Whitby Branca Office, at Gaz (i> and Chropicle.~Telephone 24--After Business PRESBYTERIANS TOLDOF GROWTH. OF THEI CHURCH * "The progress being made by the Presbyterian Church in Canada and the great responsibilities o its membership in spreading the gospel throughout the length and th of Canada in foreign lands - Hours « "lone 850. % 2 IIR ARA Er Lg . years a 1926, the year of Church Union, had shown greater growth than at any other similar period in its his- tory, It required men to take charge of its pulpits and go out into the mission flelds of Korea, Japan, India and other stations as- by ag ment to the Presby- In clo v, Mr, Dunn stress AL a db of 'Christ's com- to His disciples to go forth nd h the gospel, and of the fe ane ass | to the Chris- tian Church in al) ages. He spoke p ® importance of the church which was agency for ng Hed ut py! reign lands meeting a e 0 tions 1 Aptis Mie Ehren pant be operated on a business basis and un every member gave what he Bowmanville REPRESENTATIVE. REV.'S. CHILDS: GAVE FINESERMON Extension Secretary of Trin. ity College Spoke in St. John's Church The Rev. Sydney Childs, exten- sion secretary of Trinity College; Toronto, was the preacher at both services in St. John's Anglican Church yesterday in the absence of the rector, the Rev, R. J. Shires, who was conducting the services at St.-John's Church, Port Hope. News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of I'be limes. [elcphones--Othce, 587: -- : Daily Times | HERBERT MORTLQCK Bladder Weakness Can Be Stopped often in 48 Hours." If you are losing pep, health and strength from Gettings Up Nights, Backache, Bladder Weakness, Burn- ing, Leg or Groin Pains, or Rheuma- tic' Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Get Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) today at any Jrug store, CREW OF MINE SWEEPER LANTS AT VICTORIA (Continued from: Page 1) for only 60e. pep. ' GOVERNMENT PAYS Money back if 'you don't soon find pains gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stronger, and full of THIRD OF COST OF RELIEF WORK HERE WILL APPLY TO ANY WORK STARTED BY APRIL 15 hs No Petitions for Work Are cral Dally News, PARTIES MEET 10 REPAIR REGENT POLITICAL DAMAGE (Continued from Page 1) George intends to make it clear that it there are similar in- cidents In the future. he will have to seriously consider his position as party leader," remarks the Lib- eled coal to try and right the ship, which had taken a 60-degree list oh the three quarter ebb tide. im- paled on the pinnacle all efforts to Sree the mine sweeper proved fut- e. At o'clock Thursday evening Lieut.,-Commander Tingley ordered all. hands on deck after the tank had been puraped and the ship still refained her /list. With the tide going down it was felt that the Thiepool might keel over and take the crew to a watery grave. With no clothes, personal ef- fects and little food, hte crew made for shore seventy-six yards away, to wait the arrival of H.C.M.8, Ar. mentiers which had been summon- ed from Esquimalt, Safely ashore the men managed to catch a few crabs and shell fish and these were cooked over a small fire on the rocks. Huddled together for Good teeth Before Council Now, However, re' the two principal keynotes in an address delivered at the morn- ing service in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Sunday, by ths Rev, G. M. Dunn, of the church offices, The speaker is one of the outstand- +ing men of the church and former. ly held an important charge in Toronto. Rev, Mr. Dunn based his dis- course on two words Christ, "My Christ," and first stressed the fact that Christ in His day held the Church to be of great import. 'ance, The same held good today for there was no other body of men and women carrying on more good ,work for Christ and His cause than those who constituted the Chris- « tian chruch The speaker ,asked the congre- gation to think of the greatness of the Presbyteripn Church. He stated that Presbyterians were the larg- est Protestant body in the world, and although in all ages the church had been subjected to martyrdom and had faced many a crisis, it was still strong in membership and The Labor party meets on Wed- nesday to consider the strong dis ngreement which has grown in the party over the slow progress of its schemes to solve the unemploy- ment problem. And this means the party's policy will be again defined on the vastly-important' measurcs it has so far decided on, The Conservatives have perhaps more trouble than their opponents, The formation of thé United Em- pire party by Lord Beaverbrook, pledged to free trade within the Empire as a means to closer econ- omic imperial unity and a' method of bolstering Britain's industrial Jortints, Jrovides 8, direct thbeat thrashed the sea, and the waves Stanley 'Baldwin has promised. rocked the Armentiors nearby. In and the party has accepsed--a pro- ten mites it way all oyer save gramme of Empire economic unity | 'OF Pubbles and pools of ofl in the which parallels. the Beaverbrook Ww hirlpool marking the ship's grave, programme In all' but the vital The Armentiers weighed anchor point of free trade, and Lord Beav- at daybreak Saturday and made for erbrook has made it plain that he Hie naval yard at Esquimalt, where is not sceking a path to power she arrived last night. through the United Empire party. If the Conservatives adopt his pro- At the evening service, Mr. Childs took for his text the verses from the fifteenth chapter of St. Luke's gospel, "Rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost," "and whén she had tound it she called her friends and her neighbors together, saying re- joice with me for I have found the plece which I had lost," and "For this is my son was dead and is alive again. He wag lost and Is found." Opening his remarks, he want- ed, he said, to draw attention to the true. conception of the know- ledge of the character of God, Any- thing learned of Christ's teaching was learned of God, for he sald "He who has seen Me hus scen the Father." This was of immense importance to Christians. for all as Christians were anxious to know "What and who is this God we worship. What is He like and what is His nature?" The fundamen- tals of religion centred around these questions. Many thought of warmth, the men spent the night on the rocks, thirsty and hungry. On Friday the Armentiers arrived and took the ship-wreckeq men aboard, Unable to help the position of the Thiepval, the Armentiers stood by waiting for the arrival of the salvage steamer Salvage King which had left Victoria. The latter vessel's trip, however, was futile for at 7.25 o'clock Friday night, the Thiepval gave a slight lurch and with a loud scraping sound commenced .to turn over on her side. She was in ber death throes Her keel appeared as her masts or she should these obligati sould mot be met. id gig one i © service choir n- PR anthem and Mrs. David Mowat gave a solo, with Mr, Harry Salmon at the organ, \ SUPPERY ROAD - HARD ON MOTORISTS A Few Minor Accidents Were Reported Over the Week-end Several minor accidents were re- ported on the. Kingston Highway oven the week-end owing to slip- pery pavements, but in not one of them was there any person hurt. Trafli¢ Officer Hilliard was very busy Saturday forenoon, when driv. ing was very difficult, = assisting good health "good boy! Lustrous teeth and a clean mouth through GiBBS DENTIFRICE (Gens Dentifrice guards the health that makes for happiness because its fresh, fragrant foam floods every niche and crevice of the teeth to purify the whole mouth. Teach your children to use Gibbs regularly. Use it regularly yourself, Gibbs Dentifrice is economical. Never spills. Never squeczes out, Outlasts more expensive pastes and powders. Just rub the toothbrush over the solid cake. Get each member of the family their individual con. tainer. Two sizes, 15¢ and 25¢. At all druggists'. Use Gibbs Cold Cream Shaving Bowl--its healing, soothing The communication of Premier Ferguson to the mayor of Hamil- ton, stating that the government would pay a third of the cost of relief labor as the government's contribution to the solving of the unemployment problem, applied to Bowmanville, Mayor Elliott stat. ed to The Times on Saturday, If the town has any work to do that is better done in the summer time and which would cost more in the winter, this cost would be paid in part by the government to al- low as many workless to be ab sorbed as possible, Mr. Elliott con- tinued. Although this appMes to Bow- manvdlle, it is not likély to help to any extent unless some petitions are put before the council for work to be done right away, At the present time there are no pe- titions before the council for work Dying from Bullet Wounds active in the preaching of the gos- pel in Canada and foregn lands. It was a blessed thing to have a church and a tragic thing to be without one. Rev. Mr. Dun stated that when the union of the various Presby- terlan bodies was consummated iu Montreal in 1875, the total mem- bership was 80,000, with a Cana- dian budget of $175,200. At the end of 1028, 1,300 congregations 'were reported and approximatey $9,000,000 was raised for all pur- poses, The present budget wag $600,000. The figures for 1029, 'not yet available, would show an even greater growth, motorists who skidded and got in- to deep snow or in some cases took the ditch, In one instance a car was damaged but not to any great 'extent. Traffic on Sunday was very light, owing no doubt to the cold weather and the slippery roads, On the Whitby-Lindsay highway there was considerable traffic fn the after. noon, a large number of cars com. ing out from Oshawa with people attending the funeral of the late George Carman Rodd, of Brooklin, the interment taking place in Groveside cemetery. Quite a num- ber came from Brooklin and Myr- Him aé Love and while this was partly right the true thought should be of God "Seeking men who are lost," he declared, One poet pictured God as a pursuer of men over hill and dale in an endea- vor to bring them back to the fold trom which they were lost. This was a correct picturization of God. Too many thought of God sav- ing from sin but the right thought was one of Him seeking that which was lost for in that purpose He naturally saved from sin. When Christ was on this earth He sel- dom spoke of sin, he sald "I am come to seek and save that which of"this type but should any be un- dertaken before April 15, the gov- ernment will pay its share of the cost, There are at the 'present time more out of work in Bow- manville than there has been at the beginning of March for some years. This is general throughout the province and therc appears little hope of a betterment of the condi- tions for some weeks, until the weather will permit the commence- ment of building operations. Mean- while the town is endeavoring to supply the workless with a few days each week to help out the gramme, he will support Stanley Baldwin, If they do not, he will go ahead in.any event, "It is esscntial that the country be saved even at the expense of dying in hospital here from five bul- let founds' received last night, when, according to polcie, he attempted to protect his daughter when her hus- Sudbury, Ont.--Kost Djogan, 52, si wrecking every political party," he declares, MASS MEETING OF : UKRAINIANS HELD band, Steve Prokopovich, 31, point- ed a revolver at her. A struggle en- sued and Djogan was wounded five times. Prokorovich whose wife had refused to live with him, was arrest- Ottawa: "British subjects of Ukrainian descent assembled at mass meet- ing, Oshawa, Canada, join in gen- eral protest by Ukrainians in Can- cold cream lasts a long time. Gibb Cold for tender skins, is also an aid mir Seem Soop, Distributors: Geo. Borgfeldt & Co., Limited, Toronto Also Gibbs Dental Cream --for those who prefer a paste. HERE ON SUNDAY (Continued from Page 1) citizens to unite in protesting against the conditions, Four reselutiors were unani- mously passed by the meeting. These will be signed by W. Chere- vaty, chairman of the meeting, and 8. Zadorozny, secretary, and sent on to the persons to whem they are addressed. The resolutions were as follows: "Premier Ramsay MacDonald, London: "British subjects of Ukrainian descent assembled at a mass meet- ing, Oshawa, Canada, join in gen- | eral protest against Bolshevistic ac- | tivities in Ukraine and ask your assistance to liberate sufferers." is lost," and those which were lost were those who had strayed from the fold. The three word pictures mentioned in the: text sets forth this meaning of the seeking of the lost. The first was a picture of a shepherd who, when counting his sheep at night, found one missing and, leaving the ninety and nine in safety, went to seek the lost one, He found the lost and returned re- jolcing to the fold. This was a symbol of how God sought men who were lost and when finding them rejoiced, The second picture was of the woman who, having lost a silver coin, spent most of the night seek- ing it and upon finding it callea her neighbors and rejoiced that that which was lost is found. This was a symbol of the trouble God He: situation. This work, however, is limited and each man is limited to a certain earning each week, It is sincerely hoped that an im- provement will be seen in the near future and a summer which will provide work for all will make up for the slackest winter experienc- ed in Bowmanville for many years. WILL DEMAND ENTIRE FIGHT FILM FOR BRITAIN ada against Bolshevistic atrocities, arrests and executions of Ukrainian intellectuals, peasants and work- men In. Ukraine, and ask your ex- cellency to bring this matter to the attention of Imperial Govern- ment and Canadian representative at League of Nations to take steps to effect liberation of the suffer- ers." | . Good A SONG BIRD A woman of uncertain vocal attain. ments deemed it her vocation not merely to lead, but also' to drown the efforts of the village choir. The choir rose in protest, ' and asked the vicar to' inform the of fender that she must sing in har- mony. Calling on her as soon as he could brace himself up for the unpleasant duty, the vicar said blandly: "And now, Miss R------, I have been asked to say a word to you about your singing--" "Don't mention it," the chorister broke in. "Not to me be the praise-- it's a gift." Pictures A Buying Opportunity O! Importance Romantic Soul--I do wish I could OW you can take good pictures inside your house -- or ou the are cloudy, Modern with their fast lenses, admit more light to the film for better exposure. Come in and let us tell more about the Modern daks and their extra picture. bificy. Look over the unusua ues in our com- plete, moderately-priced line. KODAES it As low as $5 here "At the REXALL STORES find a place where I would be cut off from the whole world. Friend--Try a telephone booth. NEVER CONSTIPATED NOW -SIMPLE MIX STOPS IT A. C. Bozette states he was always constipated and tried everything. Then he used the simple mixture of glycerin, saline, etc, known as Ad- lerika, and has had no bowel trou- ble since, Adlerika acts on. BOTH upper and lower:bowel relieving con- stipation in 2 hours! Brings out poi- The third picture was the most superbly beautiful, portraying as it did the return of the prodigal son who, after squandering his in- heritance returned to his home and confesed his folly, and was joyfully received by his father. There was no reproach but the father, being glad to have his son back whom he thought was dead, offered him the best in the house. This was a picture of God who, on finding one that was lost, rejoiced with the angels on the return of the sinner to the fold. Rev. Mr. Childs painted vivid pictures of the lost of this world (Continued from Page 1) probably the most popular sporting fire in Great Britain, is a close-ob- server of the controversy around Scott's defeat by Sharkey but is withholding comment pending fur- ther information, "I cannot express any opinion until I have seen certain: people in London," he said at his country home today. "If I said anything at this stage it might be misleading. I received a short cable from Miam: telling me thé result of the fight and something about foul blows | but shall want to know more." "Sokolinikov, Soviet Ambassa- | dor, London, England: "British subjects of Ukrainian | descent assembled' at mass meet- ing, Oshawa, Canada, join in gen- eral protest against atrocities in Ukraine systematically conducted by your government and demand that sufferers he released." To League of Nations "League of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland: "British subiects of Ukrainian descent assemhled nat mass meet- ing. Oshawa, Canada. join in. gen- eral protest against Rolshevistic atrocities in Ukraine nnd ask us- strayed. \ y / takes to find the lost and To Soviet Ambassador : . I" where economy rues RA ee This important group of values is convincing evidence of A & P's "Quality Plus Low Price" policy. Surely you cannot afford to neglect the greater values offered from day to day. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Blue Peter (Imported) Sardines 4is43¢ Brunswick (Domestic) | | Sardines 6is33¢c (For Shrove Tuesday) Pancake Flour A Nr JEMI A ing your Influence to liberate guf- fevers." To Premier King "Mt Hon. Willlam Lvor Maek- | enzis King, Premier of Canpda, | It is assumed he is waiting a re- port of Lionel Bettison, prominent member of the British Boarq of Control who paid Miami a special visit to see the fight, sons you never thought were in your system, Let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and end constipation and GAS bloating! Jury & Lovell, Ltd, Drugs. Lady Mac Foundation Garment Styled for the new silhou- stte fashions. Catelll Heinz Medium Tins MACARONI | | SPAGHETTI ....... Horse Shoe or Clover Leaf SALMON, %'s ............tin 23¢ Christie Browns TOASTED MALLOWS Ib. 21c Bananas Large Yellow Fruit Loin Rib Jury & Lovell King East Simcoe South Phone 28 Phone 68 16 oz. Pkgs. ..& tins 23¢ pkg. I4¢ SPAGHETTI 2 EC Campbell's : : SOUP, Tomato .......6 tis 59% Tiger Brand CATSUP, 14 oz. bot. 2 bot. 23c 3 ms. 25¢ Tender and Juicy Sirloin Steak, full cuts ....1b. Smoked Picnic Hams, shankless ..1b. Black and White Pudding Ib. New Oren Cabbage ........ 28¢ Stewing Cuts Beef and Lamb Fresh Boiling Brisket ................1b. Apples, Winesap .......... Mackeral, chilled ........... Ib. White Fish winter caught Ib. Fresh Haddock .... Ib. 11c inst damage to your car from either FIRE OR THEFT. 23c 2 lbs. Private. Passenger Cars 27 PER CAR listed up to $1,000 $30 PER CAR Cars not exceeding §1,500 $38 PER CAR Cars not exceeding $2,500 $43 PER CAR Cars not exceeding #3,900 $57 PER CAR Cars not exceeding $4,900 aman wo THE PILOT Automobile & Accident Insurance Co. Ltd. Head Office: Waterloo Toronto Office; 159 Bay St. AGENTS ¢ ' F. S. EBBS « ¢T.'H. McMURTRY D. W. McNICHO| 10c "$50,000 17¢ 18¢ 12¢ rcommengnity D8: PRT) Fresh Cod, by the piece ... Ib. Potatoes New Brunswick Cooking Onions .........7 Ibs. 25¢ NTIC& PACIFIC = LIMITED, OF CANAD* For the short stout figure ..$6.50 and $7.50 ot afd rysl Included in $1,000 List Wrap Around Garments \ 75.87.50 and $8.50 « = Full 1s 1. peck 37c CarrotsCalifornia Grows2 bunches 17¢ We are sole agents for this popular corset. Dewland Ltd. Oshawa, TYR TRW ™ and said that the lost were men | not tultilling their destiny as God | wished. This was sin as Jesus saw | be found snd restored to the fold, In conclusion he sald that being .. | found was the same as salvation ; 4 a ro - as gn insurance policy for heaven and" against hell. Balvation was the finding of one that was strayed AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE proper relationship with God. A ------------------------ FATON'S DEFE AT Protecting Your legal liability up to $10,000, regardless of number of "persons injured, or whether - damage is to p or prop Tournament by One Combination Garments Goal vie... $4.95 to $13.50 iE Brom wl 8 0 Inner Belt Styles ...$6.50 | Bln Futon branch team by the ti. goal in five in a snappy game at | when the fimals of the Port Perry tournament was held. The Sheiks were not expected to lor team which held the fast Osh- awa senfors to a tie a couple of nights previously. Anyway, as run- home the richer by a new Parker fountain pen each, which was not too bad. This will likely see the and thoughts must now turn to baseball which fs in the offing 'and which will provide the fun 'for the A ------------ COUNCIL: MEETING TONIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the town council will take place in o'clock. As far as is known there fg' little of importance to be dis- d and the meeting is expect- and women leading a low life and it and it was these that were to and was not as some saw salvation | and who was brought back to his AT Low Cost ; Protecting You Local Team Loses Port Perry| the Eaton branch team by the oda if Port Perry on Saturday evening, win as they were up against a sen ners-up the Bowmanville ¢ldn came end of hockey for the local teams summer months. the council chamber tonight at 8 'ed to be short. | WA.

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