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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Mar 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA. DAILY TIMES, MoNDAY, MARCH 3, 1930 . OSHAWA'S 18th ANNUAL BONSPIEL OPENS TOMORROW MORNIN -- : Varsity and Sea Fleas Play Goalless Draw But Varsity Wins Sr, "A" Title would, possibly, have earned a goal. Sea Fleas Try i in Vain- to However, Mueller from that time - Overcome Stuednts' Slim on kept shots well under - control. Lead and Lose Title by "Doc" Ames, while possibly lacking thq finish of Mueller, was fone the One Lone Goal Toronto, Mar, 3--One goal does lesh effective and kicked out ~ Sea not sound like much if you say it Fleas' shots completely. quickly, but it was sufficient to let Varsity seniors. win the OHA, title and John Robertson Cup from Na- tional Yacht Club's Sea Fleas. The second game of the series, played on Saturday night at Varsity Areha, was a goalless contest but the Stud- ents' 3 to 2 victory over the Fleas in their first encounter meant the difference between victory and de- feat. "Goalless" might suggest an un- interesting affair but such was not the case. Throughout the game the two teams, all playess of which act- ed stellar roles in their respective po- sitions, battled valiantly the Students in an attempt to increase their lead and Sea Fleas in order to - batter down Varsity"s slim advantage. 'There was not a dull moment in the whole fixture and the crowd that packed the arena provided a constant uproar, < LC J 0 SS BY With Stone i And Broom: AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS El J JJ J J J J a Rasy 2. Jos Jeg: Tomorrow morning will see the starf* of the biggest cvent of the season, for the Oshawa Curling Clab. Oshawa's 18th annual curling bonspiel gets under way tomorrow morning at 9.30 This is the biggest event of the season for the Oshawa Club. It is ex- pected that there will be nearly fifty rinks entered in the "Spiel, a large number of the rinks coming from outside clubs, There will be rinks from Peter- boro, Lindsay, Cobourg, Colborne, Ingersoli, Unionville, Markham, Ag- incourt, Thornehill, Royal Canadians, Toronto, Granite Club, Toronto, Lakeview, Toronto. J 4 Better Bal While their margin of victory was small the Students proved that they are a better balanced and more com- bining team thdn Sea~Fleas, It was the winners' ability of seemingly knowing what to do with the puck at the right moment that had a great deal to dd with the victory on the round. In both contests Varsity's at- tacks and recoveries following Seu Fleg rushes provided a pace that had Nationals in a state of exhaustion half way through the final period, Al- though the Varsity players were in no fresh condition as this time they were still able to outspeed their op- ponents. Defensive forces for both teams featured Saturday's contest. Ames and Mueller, goalkeepers for Varsity and Sea Fleas respectively, gave bril- liant displays, and repcatedly turned back efforts that seemed sure of re- sulting in goals. Half way through the second period Varsity forwards unloosed a terrific offensive and while Mueller was unbeatable his clearing was a little erratic and, had it not been for Nugent and McKay, defence pair, taking the puck from near their net in short order, the Students Chas, Peacock, former President of the. Oshawa Club, is bringing a rink down from Guelph to enter the hon- v will be made by John and will likely take place soon after 9.00 a.m Th. 'spiel will likely last three days or more, the finals taking place on 7hursday or Friday. Weather conditions will have very little ef- feet on the schedule, owing to the fact that the Osha ficial ice. There will be three trop shies up Yo competition, The prizes, for th win- nérs and the members of the sun- ner-up rinks, are now on display in the window of Canning's, King street west. And by the time they finally get it working the- Young Plan will be young no longer.--Judge. DIVIDENDS EARNED OVER THREE TIMES AND A YIELD OF 7% + "PROVINCIAL Paper Limited has had steady growth for twenty years and is now the largest manufacturer of book and magazine paper in Canada. The Company is in a sound and highly favorable position and we recommend its Bonds and Preferred Stock for investment. The Company's earnings in 1929, before depreciation, represent bond interest earned over four times and preferred dividends earned over three times, Its current assets at the 'end of 1929, were over five times its current liabilities. The 7% % Cumulative Preferred Stock of the Company, at current price © 100, yields 79. The Company's 5%4%, First Mortgage Bonds, at current price of 96, yield 5.87%. We shall be glad, 10 send you a new descriplive folder on request. TORONTO MONTREAL VA VER NEW YORK 26 King Street East; Toronto LONDON, ENG. To The One Who Seeks Health PLEASE NOTE Whe President of Our Organization M. H. THUNA WiLL BE AT OUR HERBAL STORE. 79. SIMCOE ST. NORTH, PHONE 2536 . OSHAWA "ALL DAY TUESDAY, MARCH' 4th He will be pleased to interview anyone FRER OF C iE, who \ desires information "about our FAMQUS HERBAL REMEDIES for var- pus Human Ailments. > He speaks, in addition to English, German, Polish, Ukrainian, ele, You Mared if you get back to Nature for sip. I Re have been before the. public , since our et "hak advanced to. the stage, Te ez flow | maintain 25 OF GUR OWN HERB- AL NTAR] ugencies RE C i you are ailing, see rir "while he is in Oshawa and get started on the path back to health, DR.-THUNA BALSAM REMEDIES, LIMITED Russian, RIO as well as distributing va. Club has arti-/ Rodden. O.H.A. BULLETIN \ Both games in the O.H.A, jor, semi-final round between West Toronto and Varsity will be played at the Arena Gardens, the first tonight with Jack Hemphill as re. feree, 'and the second on Wednes- day with M, J. Rodden as the offi- cial 4n charge. - Games -and referees for games scheduled for this 'week follow: oN Ponight O.H.A, Senior "B" Final Queen's; at "Hamilton. Harry Watson, Toronto. O.H.A. Intermediate Final .. Walkerton at Paris (at Galt). H. H. Jacobi, Toronto. O.H.A. Junior Semi-final Varsity v. West Toronto (Arena Gardens, 8.30 p.m.). Jack Hemp- hill, "Waterloo. Wednesday, March 5 Allan Cup Elimination Varsity at Hamilton or Queen's. Jack Hemphill, Waterloo. O,H.A. Junior Semi-Final West Toronto v. Varsity (Arena Gardens, 8.30 p.m), M. J. Rod- den, Toronto. Thursday, March 6 llan Cup Elimination Iroghols Falls v. Walkerton or Paris. - Harrx Watson, Toronto, Friday, March 7 lan Cup Elimination Hamilton or Queen's at Varsity (Arena Gardens, 8.30 p.m.), Jack Hemphill, Waterloo. Saturday, March 8 Allan Cup Elimination Walkerton or Paris v. Iroquois Falls at Galt. Harry Watson, Terouto. O.H.A. Niagara Falls v. Toronto (Arena Gardens, Official to be appointed. Junior Final Varsity or West 3 pm.). The second game between Niag- ara Falls and either Varsity or| West Toronto wil be played = at | Niagara Falls, Tuesday, March 11. Officials for the Varsity- West | Toronto game tonight and the one | on Wednesday between the same teams will be as follows: Referee tonight--Jack hill, Waterloo. Referee Wednesday night-- Toronto. Goal umpires (both games)--- Ernie Wortley, Toronto; Joe Leake Toronto. Timekeepers (both Christie, Toronto; W. onto. Penalty timekeepers (both games) --Glen Armstrong and Jack Carmichael, Toronto. Hemp- M. J. Ww. Tor- | games) Long, PEPPIN AND SULLIVAN DRAW Winnipeg, March 2 2.--Llauric Peppin, Winnipeg middleweight, fought a 10-rovnd draw here Sat urday. night with Sullivan, flashy St. Paul, Minn,, battler feature bout of an impressive card. | in the | . PORT SNAPSHOT! By Gzo. 'CaurseLy, Sports Editor Industrial Hockey Tonight There will be three more ganies of "Pop" tonjght. These games are creating number of spectators is gradually i is of the best, the players never quit trying "till the final bell has rung, One of the features of these indust goals, This is due mostly to the by the rival netminders. Outside of the none of Laundry and the Collegiate, more than two goals, " admission is "fwo-bits, pr , The Oshawa City Football Club on Tuesday, (tomorrow. night), and many others who are intereste The Club are asked to-be present, 50 it is requested that the play ers be Bowmanville Sheiks Lose The Bowmanyille.Sheiks lost to Perry tournament on Saturddy n The Sheiks tried hard to 2 against then. * * Junior Battle Tenight A large number of Oshawa fans tonight, ho see the big jumor Not only will this game the winner: will enter the dec O.H.A usually the case, there is sure 1 One-Goal Lead f The Queen Bees earned a one-g Sr "tithe I'l Whet We hope Hamiltontor the the score was 2 to | remains to be seen. have not yet lost ane away game, and hopes. Varsity N (Sea Fl Nat tering ¥A to play forfthem, it looked as +i Their showing m the gro Varsity Sr clinch When the nals, Senior company year. but the | he this opinion, win the laurels the return. game Satut the title, This feat will will also stimulate on 2 interest in thei uid 7 Oshawa Public Schools Give the girls a nice big They sure can turn in a neat littl game of Basketball, and no 1 what, the score is you find them al- ways trying. The openicg gangs of thts week tvere smart affair closest contest being in the when Mary St. defeated Centre 121-20 in a red hot battle. | In next week's exhibiticus in the south, Albert meets Cedardale and ¢iison has a little argument with S. Simcoe. Cedardale are playing us nice a game as there is in the lea- gue and Abert will have to step Bil, wide and handsome to take thew into camp. No matter w hat sport there is when Ritson and 5, Snocoe lock horns the fans are dead sure 10 gew an eyefull of an wp an" at 'em fracas, In the North, King and Mary are slated for one tilt and Centre and Nosth Simcoe are lined up for the other. If King St. can turn in a full game like the sample they hand- ed out in the third frame this weck, the young dadies from Mary St. arc going to be mighty disappointed on Luesday night, North Simcoe' is playing pretty smooth sbasketball and if Centfe St, wins' it will be after a long bard' pull, but they sure will have to turn in and work hard or the North gchool is going to wipe them right off the map. GIRLS' BASKETBALL North Group P St Team North Simcoe ... Ritson Cedardale Albert South Simcoe, sannen cco 'cccc™ North Simcoe ys. King St. - At the Collegiate, Feb. 25th, Positions-- Helen Ried Forwa® Jean Tamblyn Ruby Adams Forward Esther Logan Ida Diamond Centre P. Sandford R. Coulton Centre I. Morson Mary Ried Guard +P. Connelly E, Copeland Guard IE. Dalziel M. Breault Alternates. S. Brooks Alternates A. 'MacDonald Alternates J. Soanes Alternates M. Swartz Alternates Jean Bard Alternates H. Weir Alternates A. Rumblugh Score by Periods -- 6 0 0 0 hand, * |league; little Ruby | business. | showe {about to tun Nichol. Referee -- TI. The Game Ta the red and white oi Simcoe goes the honor of the score of the local girls' basket! ball Adams {hi School forward did Play ran up and dow few moments' and North Simcoe scored another. In spite of girls from King St. could do, play was largely in their third this period, snap- the n the py North Gym for a wide-a-wake King -St. opened the second trame | with a determined rush which car- ried the ball into the enemy's tcr- ritory, but North Simcoe by a lever | bit of passing mangevered, it back into the capable hands of Helen Reid who dropped it in the basket, Again King St. weakened and the North Girls piled up the score. King St. staged a strong conmchack in thé last half of the game and Lept the play pretty well in North Simcoe Third. Iza Morson kept feeding the forwards, Jean Tamblyn and I sthfer Logan, who made stveral deserving tries, the ball even running ardund and around the rim of the basket without going. in. The period ended with no score. North Simcoe started the fireworks in the final episode and scored a pair of baskets before King St. knew what happened. Another determined rally carried the play into eNorth Simcoe's territogy and there it was when time was called. King 'st. girls put up a real battle against a much more . experienced team. They have lots of good material and with a little more practice ought to prove dan- gerous opponents in the future. Albert St. vs. Ritson Rd. At YM.CA, Feb. 26th. Positions -- . D, Cooke B. Gutorski B. Gutofski N. Saunders V. Thompson Forward L. Leg Forward * L. Walker Centre D. Vampleau Centre E. Cheatham) Guard A. Pishak F. Bowler Guard . J. Sponder S. Stebon Alternate D. Hornby A. Chaszwisky Alternate K. Marchuk 'D, Ballan Alternates R. Musid J. Muire Alternates P. Hays Score by Periods -- 2 Referee -- E. G, Nichol. The Game Showing a brand of combination | play often dsiplayed by-older play- ! ers, Ritson Rd. dashed through to a excellent goaltending There have been fifteen eleven of these struggles there has been no more than 3 goals scored. The games tonight are between the Simcoes and A.Y-M.C, and Textiles and Laundry 'Oshawa City Football Club at 7 Int, and went d Sinks the and when \ hockey at the Arena a great tical of interest and the nereasing.. The hockey dished! up rial games is the suprising Jack of * that is put up between the een won by any games played and gin junior ga the games have Ked Aces and Laundry juveniles, internicdiates, The * will 00 pa. Y.M.CA. year's players tgaining at the All of last d Tn playing tart 1 the for Oshawa City workout will last only one hour, on tin 1¢ ® Eat Port Th inners get gold watches, | 3 n's, in the final of the wi hghtng ore ol Arena 1 Wd West Toront« nto, but Gardens As" is | stuff we said about being a or Queen Bees | Canadiens -sRangers ... Nationals .... have on the | trying tourseli on the back for a whole week HOCKEY RESULTS * National League Maple Leafs 2 N.Y. Rangers 3 Montreal oo. 5 Americans ... 1 Boston i..... 2 Ottawa .J... 4 Pittsburg ... 2 Detroit ........ 8 Pittsburg ... 0 senior HAY 0 Varsity 0 zVarsity wins championship 3-2. O.H.A. Senior "B"" Queen's 2, Hamilton" .-, 1 International Buffalo 4 'Toronto: .... 2 Detroit .. \ 1 Hamilton 1 Cleveland 7 'Niagara Falls 0 Canadian League Kitchener ..... 4 Galt American, Association Duluth Minneapolis xKansas City 1 St. Paul . x---Qvertime, Canadian-American Tearue Roston 72 Snorinefield aProvidence .. 2 Philadelnhia sNew 'Haven 3 SQnrinefield 5 2 . 8Chicago ... . OHA. Sty; count for South Simcoe. The rally continued throughout the period and the girls from the other side of the railway tracks hal to De content with 4 baskets. The second half opened with South Simcoe on their toes and forcing the play all along 'the line. (teenie Sills and Neska Sheplac did some fine work and earned three baskets for the South school. ' The final period found hotivateams {more or less tuckered out and the [vim and dash of the previous frarhe |in comparison with it made the fin- {ish appear a little weak. Cedardale a great team and if they keep way they are they ous : a smart chance for th ' HOCKEY said, we take back all that ather- to olir own line of After pattinz "Nough prophet and stick to dope games, hic old thermometer bad to lay down and craw®way down to, oh, well never mind, as we remarked before, | noug | Sen {lads I'leas ) Were poli n their first staengthen ne finish to In Queens Albert St. | Had Ritso nw ut services wer however the scor Albert -St.'s das for 20 of Rit- them Albert play, | eff 1 unted dropping over the toor fendid mj St. poit pnbination which the but shot alter shot ible in basket, hesi- | 1 decided not | sible fe +l | 5 respon Centre At the Coll St. Mary St. at 27h, Rosse Stanton | Andrews | O Montgomery | B. Fuller | L. Peavoy | Crussinan | G De nn Pe round "Law | M. M. . hott 3, dukstgter Watsor Centre } Guard He Alternate Alternate Alternate J H. 0 Fal | Overtyme Total Referee "= 15, G. Nichol, The Game The closest game. ob the series was ayed between Centre SY, and Mary . at the Collegiate Thursday even- ling, resulting in a 20-21 victory for [Mary Sto. During the first quarter, {Centre had everything their own way { the score being 7<04in their favour [At half time the score was 10-8 still {in Centre's favour. SVith a minute to go thé score was 20-18 in Mary's [favour when Edith' Eliott dropped lin ww nedat.one frem well out to tic the score. In the overtime petiod, Marion "Stanton wou the game for Mary S§ when she dropped Jone in after a direct pags from toss up. Mu- | rion Stanton sand Helen Rossan did {most ut the seoting for Mary, while Edith Eliott*fand Mary Lalonde 'were accountable for Centre's points, ---------- South Simcoe vs. Cedardale Af the Y.MiCA,, Feb, 27th, Positions he N. Shepldc Q. Sills te Kim A, Sheplac G. Snlith R. Carneg.c +A, Ballingham IV. Harper Alternates A. Grey Alternates Alternates Fériods ~-- 0 ) O 0 i) ok MacDonald K. Siblock I. Clarke I. Holmes Guard R. Smith Guard OQ. Fraesr Alternate H. Worsley M. Arnold 11. Lycam V. Andrews Forward R. Forward Celnre Centre Scere by y -- Miss A. The Game Referee and httle Katie Sib- Cedardale forward made the first score. Kati¢yand hep agile: teammate, Ruth MacDonald, peppered the goal with ghots and the period ended~ with 'Simcoe South 14 points down, ? Cedardale continged 'to »{orce the play tn the second} frame, but the by Cedardale lock the stellar | that we {chasing | | surface | South Sir appeared | | Lhe game was opened with a sush |* h said. All of which just gogs to show are all set to play Luckey wain., Thanks to Mr, Gilbert, enial manager of the Arena, the of the public schools are going to have a whale of a time puck- all over thut great big ice of his, for the next week. HOCKEY STANDING SENIOR Northern Ritsdn Cedardale Northern the | 21. i| the Maple YL.cafs { National Hockey Queen Bees Win First Game of Sr. "B" Playoff " Lead for Return Game -- Murphy and and Squires Score Queen's Goals Kingston, Mar, 3--Scoring the winning tally with less than two min " |utes to play, Queen's obtained « one goal lead on Hamilton Tigers. in the first of the finals for the senior "B" championship of the O.H.A. here on Saturday night, taking the game 2 to 1 after a gruelling battle, % The Tigers were the better team on the offensive all through the three periods 'of play, but it was the re- markable v-ork in the nets of Morris fof Queen's that kept the score down. Morris had almost twice as many shots 'to handle as Marsh, and with the exception of one drive, which caine thrpugh a bunch of legs, he turned aside everything that came his way. The Bengal forwards, McGow- an, Hayhoe and Louch, turned in some flashy work and were continu- ally breaking through - Morris, but the latter was in rare . ,m to carry his team to victory, 3 With Hamilton by 2. Ii ts' Have One-Goal | Defence Players Score Both Queen's goals were scored by defence players, Murphy getting the nrst midway through the last period, while Squire's counter came in the lasts two minutes. In fact, all scor- { ing in the game was accomplished in the last period. McGowan opening the counting two minutes after the'! frame" started when he took a pass! from Louch, who had been foc in to the corner, and shoved the puck past Morris as three or four other players stood in front of the net- guardian, It was a hard battle fror to end, and for a final ne a poor crowd was on hand. The receipts were just $50, extremely disappoint- ing for a final. The Tigers had the edge offensive work im the first period when they stormed around on the Tricolor nets, but were thwarted on every turn by Morris. In the second period Queen's showed an improve- ment ing their play and their check- ing was better, but again the Ben- grals held the upper hand and were continually forcing the play. 1 beginning on the 2 1 1 2 Ritson South Simcoe . Cedardale Albert Classroom Leagues Fourths North Centre Street {South -- Ritson Rd. Thirds North -- Centre Street = North Simnc South -- South Simc Maple Leafs And Rangers Play Tie 3-3 Toronto, Mar, 3.--Struggling to keep in front of the Chicago Black Hawks in the race for second place in the Amcrican group of the League the New York Rangers obtained more suc cees here on Saturday night against than they had ec i3 { { '| encountered in the three previous 3 mectings of the two clubg this gea~ | son as in the fourth 2nd final clash of the pair the. visitors secured. sn to 3 tle after ten minutes Of rgthér slow and unexciting over he play, The game meant noth: re ing to the locals except the filling of a scheduled engagement but it was of great importance to the vis- itors and it was a fairly pleasinz | oxhibition. The Leafs scored the first goal but the teams were dead- | locked at the end of the first pericd while in the middle stanza the Rangers notched the enly counter. J Twice in the third period the Leafs came from PFehind and concluded | their son's activities against | Lister Patrick's Blue Shirts with | a record of three wins and a tie.} With all chances of a place in the play-ofis gone the locals took advantage of the opportunity to test some of the many suggestions § advanced to Manazer Smythe by the numerous would-be managers | thé mostgimportant being the move of "Beiley to centre ice with Con-§ aghier and Jackson on the wings § and: teaming Primeau up with Cot- § topand Pettinger on the other at- tacking line. Before the game was over the lines that have been used throughout most of the seasony were functioning as usual., sca BOY D IS SUSPENDED «1X Providence, R.1., March 3.--The Boston Tigers' hopes of downing} | the,Rhode Island Reds in their all-§ - | important clash here next Wednes- day night were dealt a severe blow yestgrday when Judge James E. Dogley, president of the Canadian- i American League, - announced that | Yank Boyd stands suspended for| one game, Joyd received a match £3 filty for fighting in Springfield | a¥f night and his suspensin fol- { lows the league ruling. Every Corporation avoid penalties. i» OTTAWA, ONT. Daly Building HAMILTON, ONT. Lennox Building HON. W. D. EULER, South Simcoe girls rallied and Helen Kimsdropped the ball in for the first ' 31st is liable to a penalty of $10.00 for Yasin penalty not to exceed $50.00 ). Information Returns are to beimade on Forms T4 and T5, copies of which can be had from your Postmaster, or the Inspector of Income? Tax in your district, Act promptly and "BELLEVILLE, ONT. 27-29 Campbell Street Dominion of Canada Income Tax CORPORATION DIVIDEND, WAGE AND SALARY RETURNS . Due March 31st: The law régiiires that all Gotpomtions, Joint Stock Companies and Associations shall make information returns covering all dividends, bonuses, wages and salaries paid during the year 1929. person who fails to make such returns on or before March each. day of default \ SECRET. ARIES NOTE: Do not aeglest to obtain forms T4 and T5 and file returns immediately. 'Where Income Tax Inspectors Are Located : . KINGSTON, ONT. Custos Building o Bn "The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA Minister of National Revenue ~ C. 8S. WALTERS, TORONTO 2, ONT. 21 Lombard St. FORT WILLIAM, ONT. Customs Building Commissioner of Income Tax : "10

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