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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Mar 1930, p. 9

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"Office 142 Simcoe St N / THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1930 PAGE NINg A : » THE C SSNS REIED ECTION ts Mr. Seller NNN \N\\0C : Legal CONANT & ANNIs BARRISTERS Solicitors Notaries Public Etc Con. Vveva icine and grneral proctce of Lam Offices 1% Simcoe St South Jshawa. Phone 4 GD. Conaar BA. LIB: AF asnis, BA. LL. B. WANK S LBDS. BARRISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public, Convev ancer Money to wan - Third floor new Alger Building Opposite Post Office; Phone 2996 W- E. N SINCLAIR of Commerce Bu'lding JOSEPH ® MANCAN BA -BAR rister Solicitor. Notary Pr'ilic Con veyauncer Mcnev to loan Office 14'% King 'St East Ochawa Phone 415 Residence phone 837 GRTERSON. CREIGHTON AND Fraser. Barristers, Conveyancers Notaries Public, etc Office over Standard Bank. Kuotrance Simcoe St Phone 13. J F. Grierson, K.C.. T. KB Creighten, BA, NC Fraser, B.A. % LOUIS 'S TIVMAN BARRISTER Solicitor = Notary over Dewland's Store. Money. to loan (6 Simcoe street! north. Phene 67 Residence 2586F. K.C. BANK ------------ i R } io -- GREER AND IHHUMPHEREYS BAR risters Solicitors eic 24V; Sir.coc St. N' Phone 3160 Mcney to Inan ALES C. HALL, BA. BARRI® ter. ete' Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St East Fhone 5237 ag. tig (er) HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS ters, Solicitors, ete. 41 Alzes Bldg. Orhawa and Port Perry Phones 759 Oshawa Port Perry 24 an1 71 r 3. (Feb. 3-1 mo) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER etc. Money to loan: Alger Bidz, op posite Post Office. Phone 1614. Medical ie a Optometrist C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight 'and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chila and Its Development. Dis ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 1516. (Feb, 12-1 mo) Engipeering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR io Land Survevors and Civil Engin eers, - sub divisions. town planning municipal engineers. 365-or 411 King St _E Phones 25321 or 2544. tS Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance Residence 542 Sim cee street north. .Phone 210) and SOW. ie aul OSHAWA BURIAL COMPANY 87 Celina street. Oshawa Corner Bruse street Ambulance. Phone 1082. Insurance DAVIS AND SON INSURANC! 19 King St' west, Oshawa, The old est Fir Aceney in Oshawa 30 Re wtable ie Companies WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult BR. N. Jobrs, 80 Simcoe north. Your Insurance vante at «ended to and your nterests) pro tected =m Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE man's, 86 Bond West Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82 CRASS All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature. and collect for same. Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTFRING CHESTER fields made to o~der We save. you money Esumates free. G. \ Con stable 74 Mechani- street Phgne 1595) (561) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand arc cinders local and long histar hauling Phone 30MR and 2692F, Smith aud Cox, 387 King St. W. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN SUR geon, - Accoucher. Office and res dence. Kinz St. Ez3t, corner Victoria St Oshawa. Phone 94 ' + DR HAROLD '#4 TRICK. PH 'SI cian, Surgeon Obstetrician. Special references to maternity work a+ di seases of wonen. Two vears' rast graduate sxperience. Office and res dence 167 Simcoe St N. {cor Brock phone 302 DK. GRANT BZRRY PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obscetrician. diseases of infants ¢nd children Office and residence. 97 Bond East Phone 1133 DR BJ HAZLEWOOD. PHYSI clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work ana Electro theopy Office, Disney Block Phone 2050 Office open 9 am to 12 a.m Residence 161 Kinz East Phone 2416. DR DAVID ARCHER MD CM LR C P and S Edinburgh ician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Phone 3020 residence 161 King St E Phone 3155 ~DR. C. W CARE, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simcoe street north Phone 2415 DR. | ARCHER BPRCWN, PHYSI cian. Surgeon and Obstetrician. office ani residence, 185 Simcoe Street North phone 3107 = DR. J. G. FERGUSON, PHYSICIANS and Surgeon Specialist ln" kidney and bladder diseases. Brock an} Mary streetg, Whitby Phone 179 Whitby. (Jan 30-1 mo) * * Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR FT BRYANS OF 160 BLOW) Street West. Toronto. will be at fis | ~ office over Jury & Loveli's Drug | Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose and throat only Appointments mav be mo" a drue store Phone 97 = = Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . DR. E.. F RICHARDSON OFFIC ¢1 Mitchell's Dru~ Store Hous rs to 12 am. 2 to 5 Evenings by appointment Office 2650 Residence 432) Dental DR. S. J. BHII LIPS. OVER BAS sert's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas 'racticn Nurse in At- tendance. Phone 959 House 1312 OR H M COOKE, 9 TIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for exiraction Phone 54. DR L. E. HUBBELL. DENTIST Nitrous: oxid oxveen gas for extra. ions. fice Rova! Bank Bide Phone 948. residence, 1378M DR ) BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe" Sf N.° over Dewland's Phone 1957 Res 292W Zvevings bv apnointment. 7 DR Ww _H Regent Theatre Bldz Phone 1780 Residence 60Y DR LaNGMAIT. DR DAV'ES Dentists, 37 Rig St E Special at tention to gas extract'on and X.rav work Nurse in attendance Phones £243 nd 864 An Mans " Architects C. C. STENHOUSE architectural work Roval Bank Buildink Res r.one 909] THOMSON ANCL JOHNSON AS snciate archjiects Simcoe St 8 Over Felt Bros a ed Public Stenographer MARIE M HILTON 74 SIMCOE street north Phone 1600 Special rates for melling lists and/ "ireuiar work. (Jan. 28-1 mo) REA AER ae - Ok : Watch Repairing fF A VON GUNTEN - EXPERT Swiss watchrnaker repair shop at #4Y, King Street West Your oat: cennve ja enlicited Auctioneer PHONE 716) WwW SUTLEY wetionect 36 Smee Sg S We can sell vou odd meces of fnmingre and other articles, at our vards, 41 King St. W. Osbawa, Ontario phone GIFFORD OFFICE GENFRAL Second floor Phone 149% OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB lishe! furniture movers. Park Road car ave Local amd long distance Frank Cowle. Pron 65 Park R! Sout; Phone 215 (Feb. 18-1 mo: CARTAGE,. MOVING GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long dis tance hauling. Phone 2739W. T. Sib lock, 215 Bloor St. E. (Feb. 22-1 mo.) WHY PAY RENT--MOVING IS cheaper, moving or hauling 50 cents up. Try us. tocal and Tong distance, Eagle Cartage. Phone 290, (Feb, 28-1 mo) Ea Beauty Parlors BETTY 4.0L PERMAWEN wave Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1 Facial 75¢ Hair cuttih g .25¢ Phone 2948 or & Simcoe North EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lov Perman ent Wave Shopre Marcel and shan poc_$1 Phone 2968 os BARBER WATSON S§ Beauty shop 9 Celina St satize mn ladies' hair cutting elling. shampooing. facials Mare) 3 or _apnamtment: phone 2655 ¥ 2p (Feb. 15-1 mo) MADAME MARIE. LATE OF Paris, France and T. Eaton, To ronto, hirh class beauty culture at moderate prices Disney Buildibg Flat No 1. above Dr Tuck's Phone 1376. (Feb. 4-Mar. §) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To ronto) pupils prepared for all xams. Oshawa Tuassday, 61s Wi liam street - st, upr.airs Phone 2754F. (12911) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH. ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, +s in Oshawa on Thuzsday afterncons i i t EK. one 74 Srudio 86 Elgin S ade Too) HERBERT C. TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in piano, organ and voeal music. For particulars apply 50 William street east Phone 2896. (Feb. 3-1 mo) LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR of music, 'Oshawa Collegiate and Public Schools. Studio--47 Gibb St. phone 1984]. (Feb. 5-1 mo.) ANI We sp mar BATTERIES ( HARGED, CALLED for and delivered 75 cents If ren: tal supplied $' Batteries repaired Stan Blideon 20 Mil St Phone 1885W. (Feb. 14-1 mo» BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75c, rental 26c¢. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W. (Feb. 5-1 mo) JOBBING, CARPENTERING AND general house repairs, cabinet making furniture repaired, refinished and up- holstering. Phone 2398). (Ech. 18-1 Mo.) PLASTERING, TINTING, ALSO repair work done promptly, prices reaconaile. Apply 78 Jond strees west. (61c) FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders and genera) trucking. Chris Graham, phone 2621M., Feb, 24-1 mo) == Building Supplies EMENT BLOUKS FOR SALE To insure prompt delivery place rders in advance of delivery date W Borrowdale phone 1618 pha Articles For Sale For th: cenvenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement mp ---------- "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | i Phone 506M. & SRR For Rent APARTVENT ~mOOERN, HOME like suites. Some furuished, laun dry, conveniences, ¢'ec dyer. etc., e'cc stoves, elec refrireration, hot water year round. Phone 15560 or 2347TW. (8th) FOUR AND FIVE ROONEDL MOD ern suites including electric refrig eration, stove, laendry conven! ences, ele.; continuous not water eupplied. Apply Supt phone 671 ur The Trusts and Guarantee Co Ad., manager for owner. [oronto (271 "Room and Board : LEASANT FRONT BEDROOM, every 'convenience, private home, board if desired. Business men pre- ferred. Phone 8170W. (60¢) NICELY FURNISHED M rent, very close to four corners and business section. Board if desired. Apply 78 Bond strect west. (51c) All conveniences. board if desired. Private home, Phone 3344W, 75 Charles. (5lc) PARIS CONCIERGE REFUTES CAESAR Caesareen Edict that Paris- ians are Fond of Change Disproved by Lodging Houses BY JOSEPHINE HAMBLETON Pets and Live Stock. JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from trap-nested breeders, S. C. White Leghorns, barred rocks, White Wyandottes. Write or phone for cat- alogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Park toad North, Phones 1337J, 1337F. (Feb. 156-1 mo) TOY SIZE BOSTON BULL BITCH for sale. 6 months. Phone 2508. (52h) SALE -- COLLIE PUPS, brown" and white, good cattle and House dogs, twe months hold, Phone d6r1 &3. .* (532) HORSES FOR SALE--2 CLYDE mares weighing around 1300 lbs. also 3 horse King Cultivator in good shape. Apply to Noble Metcalf, Maple Grove, phone Bowmanville 477-3-1. (53b) ALSATIAN POLICE FOR sale, § months old, bred Phone 2875F. (63¢c) _Position Wanted YOUNG WOMAN WITH CHILD would like position as = house- keeper. Good home considered more than renumeration. Apply Box 467 Times or phone 1492M. FOR DOG Well [| C dian Press Staff Correspondent Paris, March 3.--The concierges, the hundred thousand keepers of the potrals of Paris, have laid Julius Caesar by the heels. Passing by Paris in 43 B.C, Caesar lightly noted in his diary: "The people here. are change." The concierges have proved it a myth. The note, read in the Roman Scn- ate 2 centuries ago, has been cited ever since as indicating a people fri- volous and unstable. But it's only a few days ago that Madame Mer- cier, doyenne of the honorable or- der of concierges, read it for the first time. Thence came one of the quaintest enquiries in the city's history. Madame Mercier (like most of that strange army which guards not only the treasures but the reputations of Parls) is an old woman. With a broom and duster in her hand, the arms of her order, she sleeps like most of them in a kind of den un- der the stairs, a mysterious hole, in which a pot like a witch's cauldron boils incessantly. Indeed they seem, some of them, more like witches than human beings. One rarely sees them with any human affiliation. They al- ways appear alone. Fro their vague fond of x (52b) WANTED--POSITION TO TAKE care of horses or stock, first class references, apply 10 Jones Ave. (53c) Fil Wanisl--Famic~ TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED apartments one large and one small, Phone 2671. (Feb, 22-1 mo) TWO FURNISHED ROOM APART- ment, - all conveniences or three room furnished apartment ou ground floor, 251 Arthur Street, Phone 969W. (481 SIX ROOM MODERN HOME AND garace, corner lot in good residen- tal district. Will lease to respon- sible party for $35 ber month. (52¢) TO RENT---TWO FURNISHED rooms, for light housekeeping, tath flat, All electric rangette. 313 Jarvis street, (62¢c) MIAED HARD ad UF WOO slabs $350 per Joad Alse bone dry nody wood Watkrons Meck Limied Phone 1288 (Aur i FOR Atlus HEINTZMAN COU Ltd., pianos, new apd used planus uso radios lastest wodels, terws arranged Apoly C Trull Phone 1850d (BEAR: FOR SALE -- QUANTITY OF clean timothy hay, also spring wagon with single and double shafts. Apply Harry Hoozer, Lakeview Gardens. (53¢) HEAVY TWO PLATE ELECTRIC Stove, nickled with stand, oven and 25 foot cable. 562 Simcoe St. South. WER WRI FOR SALE -- CHEAP -- 1 SET Traps, almost new. Apply 10 Jones Ave. (53¢) SALE -- ONE ENGLISH style baby carriage and divanette tapestry trim. Phonc 1388M. ] (53¢c) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN --- FUNDS available for first mortgages, on well located residences. Bradley Bros. 29% Simcoe South (upstairs). (Feb. 25-1 mo.) Wanted To Buy Radio Service (GSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC cessorivs for sale, repairs on elec tric a battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged rental supplied $1 Phone 3350). Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, (Feb. 6-1 mo) RADIO SETS TESTED FREE OF charge, expert repairs on electric and battery sets, prices moderate, satis faction guaranteed. Batteries re- charged 50c delivered. Geo, Bur- roughs, certified radiotrician, King Street West. Phone a €D. '1-1 mo) | MR. JACOB, BUYING SECOND hand cars, old batteries and radi- ators. Phone 3198. (March 1-1 mo) A ND HA top. desk. Phone 2379F, Wanted To Rent WANTED. AT ONCE--FURNISH- od house or apartment. State rent. Box 466 Times. (51e) WANTED TO RENT--ONE ROOM for light housekeeping. All con- veniences. Central, Apply to Box 469 Times, ". (53a) D R (53b) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney pies hot or cold brawn, 'akes and pastries, ete.; ete. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street. Phone 2372F. 3 (17th) Tailoring PAUL VERLAND. BEST AND 'most artistic clothes 'maker: in Osh- awa for men who care, Prices fan ane reasonable, 12%; Simcue Street south. Phone 1683W, (Jan, 30-1 mo) H tit 1 * NINB OENTS PER YARD, PLBAT- ed Skirts, one dollar.. alterations, etc. All kinds of beautiful fanoy work on/sale. Mrs. Dell, 26% Sim- we South. Phone 1656, (Feb. 18-1 mo) CONTRA(TING - CONCRETE plastering. electric or alterations Phone 133 for estimates /13t - Veterinary OR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Ani- 1 «1s. Cat and dog hospital, 203 King W. Tel. 629. (Mar. 1-1mo) _ Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA frhanget, painting and rices right, work Pine Ave. 'phoue FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired: Prices moderate, phone 1436Msr 2830W. George Lemee, (Feb. 11.1 Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse, with reference, open for en= gagements March first. Maternity or eneral nursing. Phone 742M. Emre (Feb, 8-1. Mo.) RSE, A ma) "RACTICAL f) ! ity, '\fnvalid, or geaeral nursing. a ee A Biv Som FIVE ROOM HOUSE AND BATH, turnished. 287 St. Kiol street $30 per month. Apply J. Fitzgerald, 116 Division Street. (52b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, AL: conveniences for light housexeep- ing. 352 Jarvis street. (62c \ int ~-b ROOMED HOUSE ~onveniences and garage, 205 Nas- sau St. $20 per month, Apply aL 216 Nassau St. (ble) TO LET--FIVE-ROOMED*BRICK bungalow, all conveni newly decorated, furnished or unfurnished, will Jease. Apply 651 Carnegie Ave. possession April 1, (53¢c) TO RENT--6-ROOMED HOUSE with double garage. Apply 338 Jarvis St (53¢c) | sary. | Co. Ltd. eonvenionces including | | | nished rooms free to | coup.e GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN hoslery repairing. Must be active and of good appearance, Sewing experience preferred hut not neces Apply after ten a.m, Burns (52tf) WANTED -- WOMAN MIDDLE aged preferrea to act as house- keeper. Small family. Phone 877W (52¢» -- Help-- Wanted Male WANTED -- SINGLE MAN TO work on farm, must be reliable and good horseman, Good wages and yearly engagement to right man. Ap- ply stating experience and wages ex- pests! *n Rox 468, Times. (53b) EEL a Help Wanted [ELD WaNisiy1iWO UNFUR: middle ag: for care of the day (63a) in exchange three children during Phone 2530W evenings. "Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--Four RUUMS and bath, all conveniences. Inquire at 190 Burke Street, (53c) A SPLuNDID CHANCE TO BUY a country home, Fifteen acre lots for sale. Close to Ushawa, Small cash payment, Easy terms. Also house and ten acres. Apply P.O. Box 745 or 140 Agnes St., Oshawa, (63¢c) Lost and Found DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOM TO rent, with or without board, 255 Cel- ina Street, (53c) THREE APARTMENTS TO RENT all conveniences, rent reasonable. Apply 428 Simcoe St. South. (53c) FIVE ROOMED - HOUSE FOR rent, with all convenlences ana garage. Apply 5564 Oxford street (531) BATH ROOM FLAT TO RENT-- All conveniences, Apply 54 Hill- crest. Phone 2907M, (631) LOST--FEMALE SCOTCH COL- lie, Sable, any person found in pos- session of same atter this date will be presccuted. Phone 1868]. (53c) LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, lady's wrist watch between Albert St. and Arena or .in Arena. Finder kindly phone 964J. Reward. (53a) LOST-- SABLE POMERANIAN Answers to Paddy'. Owner's name and phone on tag. Phone 2624W. (53c) FOR RENT--FURNISHED TWO room bath flat, gas and phone, all conveniences. Apply to 202 Haig street. (53¢c) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH- ed bed sitting room, down town. Bachelor Apt. 693% Simcoe north, Fhone 3348W. (53c) Rates for Clagsified Ads. first tnsertion--11; cents per word, Minimom charge 30c. Each subsequent consecy- tive {insertion 1e¢- per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for th price of two first = (insertions (three cents a word). Minimam ¢harge fur three insertions, G0 cexts, Boz number 10¢ additional Professional . or Rusiness Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or lese; 10 cents s word per month for each additional word. ' TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE: AC- COMP'LISH MUCH TELEPHONE 85 1 Ask for. Classified Ad Department Motor Cars GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond stree: west. Phone 3198. All cars at one price $1.25. (March 1-1 mo) Mulching Paper GARDENERS EVERYWERE ARE, getting wonderful results with Mulch Paper. This year every wide awake gardener will be using it. Crops will be EARLIER, MORE PRODUC- TIVE, with less LABOR. Reports from last ycars' users say:-- "We had a good crop in spite of the dry season"--"We had cucumbers long before our neighbors, melons and tomatoes were earlier and yielded far more than ever before." Send now for FREE SAMPLES and reports. Try Mulching Paper yourself this season, Write Halliday, Box 212, Hamilton, (54-57-60-63-66-69-72-75) Auction Sale TRUSTEES OF TAUNTON HALL lot 1, concession 4, will offer for sale by public auction hall and contents also shed, good building material iin hall, Tuesday, March 11th, at 2 p.m. W. J. Suliey, Auctioneer, (T-T48) | | and mysterious retreat, they emerge, wisps of hair hanging about their eyes, at all hours, to let in the late night reveller or to let out his be- lated, guest. It is said of them they have al- ways been old. It is said they never slec Pp. One night, late in December, Ma- dame Mercier was awaiting a belated tenant. She picked up a book a ten- ant had left. It was Caesars Wars in Gaul -- a crib. lhcre she found the offendnig phrase. Her pride as a Parisian was pricked. In the morning she repair- ed to the meeting place of the guard- ians of the doors. Fhere and then it was decided to open an enquiry. Caesar had uttered a libel against Paris. The world must know it. Here are a few facts gleaned in the enquiry. Seventeen hundred concierges have kept the same doors in the same places for 30 years. Of these, over 1000 have had th same employers for the same number of years. In one of these houses, on the Rue St. Narc, the famous Ernest Le- ,8ouve was born, lived and finally died at the age of 96, Madame Mercier, doyenne of the order, is 93. She has kept the door of a 16th 'century house, at the corner of the oldest street in Paris, for 43 years. IGE HARVEST AT HAMPTON FINISHED About 4,000 Blocks Remov- ed From the Pond by Men of the District Hampton, Feb, 27.--The ice har- vest is complete for this year, be- tween three and four thousand blocks have been taken from the pond. This is about half of the amount cut some years previously but the inferior quality at the begin- ning of the season when some farm- ers went elsewhere for their supply and the installing of an automatic, freezing plant at the creamery re- cently, accounts for this. Mrs, J. Clarke is suffering from in. juries from a recent fall. W. Hastings and son, Morley, are at Bobcaygeon where they purpose building some cottages. Frank Rog- ers has been hauling lumber for them recently. A car load of corn was unloaded at Hampton Mill this week. The parsonage was the place of meeting for the Women's Missionary Society this month. The president, Mrs, Bick, was in her place. Group two had charge of the program which was led by Mrs. Clatworthy. Mrs. C. Stephenson very ably dealt with the secomd chapter of the study book. Devotional period was conducted by Mrs. C, Johns, Mrs. Will Wilbur contributed to the musical part of the program with a vocal solo. Mrs. F. Rogers and Mrs. W, W, Horn gave reports of the Oshawa Presbyterial held at Whitby recently, March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wilcox, The fuel supply at the school is be- ing replenished by Messrs. R. Lang: maid and W. Baker, Solina, who have drawn several loads from Baker's Woods at Solina, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Horn were on a business trip to Toronto on Mon- ay. Mrs. Arthur Allin has been on the sick list suffering from appendicitis, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Colwill and twin daughters visited at the home of Mrs, Colville's' mother, Mrs. Auction Sale SAND AND GRAVEL PIT WILL be sold by public auction under a re- serve bid at 2 o'clock a.m, March 10th. One acreand a half more or less subject to the original contract eing located in the township of Whitby, Lot 13, fourth concession on Brock estate. W. J. Sulley, Auction- eer, (53-56) - d, Mrs, Colwill's mother, last Sunday. © Mrs. W. Small is visiting her daughters at Rochester. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Solina, re. cently visited her mother, Mrs. Mar garet Pascoe, The church choir is preparing spe- cial music for thankoffering services to be held on March 9. Miss Edna Reynolds visited friends at Solina recently. the funeral of Mrs. Caroline Montgo- wmery, Toronto, on Tuesday. Inter ment at Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Montgomery were fornier residents of this village, occupying the farm where Tom Taylor now resides. David McBride visited at the home of W. Smale over the week-end. Miss Lillian Phillips, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs, Wilbert Craig on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker and family, Oshawa, visited at the home of J. Wakely recently. Quilting bees and mat bees are the order of the day among some of the ladies. Another heavy fall of snow came on Wednesday, just to show that winter is still with us, despite the weather last week. HAYDON HAPPENINGS Haydon, Feb, 26.--League meeting on Tuesday evening was well at- tended, President Mrs. Henry Ash- ton conducting the opening exercis- es, after which Bert. Ashton took charge of a nice program; Bible reading by Lorna Thompson. Topic was taken by Mrs. T. ing. Freda Bradley, Roland Thompson, Ada Beech. Selections of music were given by Misses Annie Trewin, Ma- bel Beech,' Muriel Thompson, Rema Bradley. A lively contest completed the program; refreshments Cowl- bers. number of the young people recent. ly. Mr. Earle Trewin is visiting friends in Cartwright. Stanley Head of Oshawa visited Miss M. McLaughlin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley visi ed Mrs. Bradley's mother, Mrs, KE gerton of Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. [Herb Orono visited Mr. and Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Burkton, spent Thursday home of Mr. A. Beech. Miss Meta and Fred Ashton, Roy t- 1- Scott Mrs. Wm. at the week-end at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. tained a number of young people on Saturday evening in honor of their daughter, Helen's, birthday. MINOR AUTOMOBILE Pickering, March 1.--A motor col- lision in which fortunately no one was injured, occurféed on Thursday afternoon on the highway, two miles east of the village, An Oakland car, driven by A. M. Hodson, Toronto, IF WANTING - INSURANCE an kind Kea! Lctate mone: other Leman frame tary low <A ® serve you J. H R LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, Phone 871 or #87 102 NED Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD Felt Block Room 6 "hone 2790 Expert Watch Repairnig BURNS JEWELRY STORE" King & Prince Sts." was procecding east on the south side of the road, when a Pontiac coupe, driven by D. McLaughlin, To- ronto appeared over the brow of a small hill. The latter driver applied his brakes and his car swung around on the icy pavement in front of the Oakland car. The Pontiac car was thrown into the south ditch, by the force of the impact, and both cars were badly damaged, and had to be taken to a garage. Constable Cam- merer investigated the accident, and no charge was laid. GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 Tailor-made Readings were given by Misses | were | ---- served by a number of the mem. | Miss Mabel Beech entertained al Larmer, | Thompson, Helen Worden, spent the | Worden enter- MISHAP, PICKERING | LAID Specializing caciusively in muscle Suits -.... $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills | S. ROTISH, Manager "COLEMAN CARYAGE © LOCAL AND | i { | . LONG DISTANCE K: 0) | 85 BOND BT. WEs1 | EO LUMBER | F. L. BEECROFT Yard 'hone Oshawa 324 | Whitby 12 Whitby Lumber and Wood es Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING ©O0. 68 KING ST. W 2141 We Deliver | | | t hone | HARDWOOD FLOORS Electric Sanded and Pinish. ed Complete J. TRICK CO. Albert Street "hone 230, 23 Ww 25 LTD. W.A. HARE OPTOMVETRING 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faunltiess Lenses . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 omeirgst EYESIGHT SPECIALIST anomalia eyesight 'ang glasses. 1516--Phone--1516 Disney Block - Opposite Sart Offs ¥ TIME. comfort? time. In guaranteed The most expensive commodity toe day, in any field of endeavor, is Why shouldn't you save it? These days they even advertise a time-saving washing worthwhile to save time on a simple matter of washing dishes, how much more necessary in your building and repair jobs, Get them started and finished on thing definite to*pin to; that is -- our vice « « « one hour « ¢ « Oshawa Lumber COMPANY - LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North - Telephone 2821 2520 If it is soap. which really make for this respect you have one "on time" delivery ser- Mr. and. Mrs. C. E. Horn attended

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