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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1930, p. 10

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- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1930 PAN -- EAST SA sd POPPI oe RN ONTARIO NEWS - Sod idddddddddd FOTO POON L 4 Two Die Same Day Cornwall,--Death visited the home of a Cornwall family twice Tuesday when within a few hours Mrs. Jerome, wife of James Jer- ome, and their daughter, Miss Ol- " ive Jerome, died, the latter sudden- ly. Her mother had been ill about a week. The double funeral took place Thursday morning to St, Col- umba's Church and vault, Found Guilty of Assaunit Port Hope.--L. Micks was found ' guilty of assaulting Edgar Nelson on Queen street on February 22 and was fined $15 and costs in Port Hope Police Court Monday morning before Magistrate W, A. F. Campbell. Micks also faced a charge of intoxication but due to lack of evidence it was dismissed. He was represented by F. W. Mec- Mahon, To Be Tried by Jury Kingston.--Archibald McPhee, who has been on remand of the charge of the theft of goods, ap- POPPI VIIOVITITTVYIOTISY peared before Judge Lavell Wed- nesday morning and elected to be tried by judge and jury. The of- tence is alleged to have occurred on December 23. Jail Governor Dies Belleville.--Lewis Appleby for over twenty-five years governor of the Hastings County Jail at Belle- ville, died on Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. A. Read. in Toronto, Mr. Appleby was. 81 vears of age at the time of his death, and has been retired since April 1, 1905, twenty-five years ago. Bringing Hay ¥rom Island Kingston.--Farmers are busily engaged drawing hay from Wolfe Island to Kingston. The ice is in' excellent condition and farmers are taking the opportunity to catch layed owing to the poor condition of the ice. Kingston.--Although Gen, W. 8 Hughes, inspector of penitentiaries Face Covered With Blackheads up with this work which was de-| Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA (Standard Time) AM. d7.00 d7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30, 11.30 P.M. 12.30 1.30 2.30 P.M. 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 cll.15 LEAVE TORONTO AM. "pM. d7.30 © 3.30 8.30 4.30 9.30 5.30 10.30 6.30 11.30 7.30 P.M. 8.30 12.30 9.30 1.30 10.30 2.30 11.30 d--Daily except Sunday.. c--Sunday only. Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Schomberg, Orangeville, Brantford, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points. Coach connections at Buffalo for all U.S. points. Tickets and information at Trucks Collide Port Hope.--When John Hume and Con's grain truck, driven by H, Haskill, Port Hope, was pro- ceeding southerly on Ontario St., at noon Wednesday, a coupe, dri- ven by F. Briggs, Toronto, drove out of Hope street and as a re- sult the truck went into the ditch and fell over on fits side. Both vehicles were damaged, the coupe having its fender damaged and the truck had part of the fender erumpled with the rack being dam- aged as well, Neither driver was injured. ad Woman Missing Port Hope.--Local and district police are on the lookout for Mrs, Jas, Pencikowski, who wandered {away from her home on Harris su. here early Monday: morning. The situation here is in charge of Chief date no trace of the missing wo- man has been found. Work On Steamers . Kingston.---Very little work is yet being done on the steamers wintering at Kingston, and it is | expected that it will be a few weeka vet before the owners will com- nence fitting out. their boats for he season's work, Extensive work 3 being done on the steamer Char- 'es Dick which is in the drydock of the Kingston Shipbuilding Com- pany and work is #lsé being done lon the steamer Canadian which is laying at the entrance to the dry. To Start Muskrat Farm CGananoque.--The R. J. Devlin Company of Ottawa, is seeking to obtain control of 2,000 acres of drowned land on the Gananoque River, some miles west of this town, to convert it into a muskrat farm. A meeting was held at Sana Bay when the matter wag discuss- ed by a score or more of farmers with properties at Wiltz Creek. The company agreed to fence the area and to prohibit trapping with- in the enclogure. It also stipulat- ed that local trappers only would be engaged each spring. The farm- eré whose lands would be includ- ed in the scheme wanted more time to consider the proposal, Lindsay.--Two important. by- laws have been passed by the Town Council, One was the hylaw completing the agreement for the Consolidated g Nation Combustion Corporation to take over the Bov- ing plant for the manufacture of oil burners and other appliances as previously announced. The oth- er was a rather unique by-law pro- viding for thé assessment and tax- ation of the lands and buildings of the Lindsay Hydro Commission. This was done at the request of the commission as its profits have been so large as to bécome some- | i what embarrassing. ! Changes Exam. System ..... ., | | Belleville.--P. CC. MacLaurin, principal of the Belleville Collegi- ate Institute, has introduced af new system of writing examina- | ~ Made in Canada 4 "The importance of Healthful Cleanli- ness in good cooking can not be over. emphasized. To assure full food value and flavor, utensils must be healthfully clean, free from all impurities, taint or odor." Old Dutch keeps utensils perfectly clean and is therefore one of the greatest helps in good cooking. Perfect for snow-white and gayly coloured cooking utensils; glass and aluminum, etc. For greater economy Old Dutch is unequalled. No cleaning preparation does s0 much as Old Dutch and none can do it so well. tions at the Collegiate. Instead of | Old Resident Dies taking one or two weeks before | . 3 Port Hope, --Thomasg C. T. Stap- | Raster and devoting the whole time | et on, the second oldest resident to writing the examinations, Mr. | Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA Phone 2825 [ dock. | | and Pimples. Healed by Cuticura. "My face was covered with blackheads and pimples. The pimples were hard, large and red, and itched and burned, When I scratched them they would fester and scale over. They were in blotches and lasted about three months. | in Port Hope, died at the residence | MacLaurin has chosen ever Fri- | | of his son-in-law, Mr, Harry|day from now until Easter vaca- | : Black, McCaul street on Sunday at |tion for the purpose, | "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and was surprised to the nipe old age of 100 years and - see the results. I continued using them and in about two months I was y * 23 days. Mr. Stapleton celebrated Division Court is Short | completely healed." (Signed) Theodore Stonehouse, Springhill, Nova : ee ee | hi8 centenary on February 6th and Kingston.--Judge J. E. Madden | cotia. for a pa > Vi 3 resided a OR | ey ; stated here a few days. ago than | the report persists that much land | fox the past. tow Ronis has, been of Napanee, preside d at a session | Soap 25¢. Ointment 25 and 80¢. Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere, Sample each free. no land has been purchased for has been acquired and that nego- | ee. 2 e tuneral was of the Division Court which was Address Canadian Depot: J. T. Wait Company Limited, Montreal. the mew penitentlary, which, it 1s |tiations are rapidly nearing com. | cd Yesterday afternoon from the | held in the Court House yesterday | proposed to erect near Kingston, I pletion. : : {Tesidence of hig-son-in-law and {n- morning, and proved Ulinsuplly, A > i terment was made at the Port |short, being completed in less than | Ee | Hope Union Cemetery. an hour, IT'S = SATISFACTION You Want--~And It's Satisfaction ol © J <3 7 7 ll Eo, - an Mu 6.---A total of 3,- Amplifying his answer Mr. Stew Sef [ 4 Aa &P Stores : - al ARC Rend : [2 sw deported from 2,386 Britishers were 1,000 'far: ou vo i | Canada last according to an trainees" who were deported & A Vain Search given by Hon. Charles their own request last year. Kingst -- , Acting Minister of Imm: ---- A . . i rat to. a question by H. E.| West-- hone 2643--29 Simcoe Street South--Phone 3170 I Spencer. (Pog. Fatty River), in } * the fi ?S ' Hiden _ the House rir : wtorday Read o 1e firm of Steacy By Thornton W. Burgess the House of Commons Yesterday. | gue af the lar st retail ston J port ons were r fw x view sai What though you look and look in| "It isn't in a hollow log, an tell ing reas Medican causes, 558; {ingston, in an juterview said a 3 vain! . you that," declared Chatterer. "I ki i harges, 1,783; criminality, : - ll Or ox he Retall 4 Just turn about and look again, every hollow log around here. 1: other civil cause or | Chants Ssociation are unanimout a ES RS a 4 ple D 3 Goo dl --Pecter Rabbit. | sonally, 1 don't believe Whitefoot has Com "wy d had $ ' HC ly in favor of a street railway ses S ¥, ) \'hitefc ha yan) eported pe toe % hia ati bs : a héme around here. I don't believe | vice for the city of Kingston ratl Our Own Sunnyfield Brand When Peter left his cousin, Jmper | he could have a home 'around here] THE deportees came from 41 er than a bus or other kind d LOIN . : i | : I et N - . nti he worl 1 ag 1 enortati service aus I @ tlie Hare, «in the Green Forest 'he |and I not know it of t world, but immi-| tran¢eportation service because PASTEURIZED CREAMERY straight over to the place on yay QA TT _, grants from England headed the |was cheaper for the working ped Roast Veal = 29; | grrmmen eres Sort dia fa] (Comisht, 1000) T. W. Burges) | EV 2 amen wart ie Cheaper, for 0s clerks PEAMEAL 1b ) 3 Low scveral times seen Whitefoot the with 516. There were 300 stores and the general shoppin . | W ood Jr yg The next story: Back Bacon py ne 1b. 38¢ Silverbrook Fresh Creamery ........ lb. 39¢ PIECE Mouse. le was just about | sh and 207 Welsh, | publie. daylight, so Peter decided that he e et EE | wouldn't go home to the dear Old | 1 1 Sliced ib. 42¢ PROPERLY AGED AND CURED Briar-patch, but Would spend the Hay im a certam HUCK rambie- ngie CHEESE FANCY ib 31 near at hand. First, Peter looked for Mild New 1b. 23¢c Extra Old Ib. 37¢ Sirloin Roast 1b. 28¢ FINE GRANULATED Shoulder Roast 1b.20¢ SUGAR 10 bs. §Fe in he Green Forest TP Hong Peter, "I'll Buse J /N AND a look at all the old stumps. Ole Short Rib Roast 1b. 25¢ OUR OWN BRA | stumps usually are hollow and he voll ye dite lv to make 2 te satokED EGGS E 1B Jee eer em a ! » 2 x <» Now it hap 1 that there wer Breakfast Baconsucib. 35¢ Fresh Extras Fresh Firsts but yo ogni iE Sear Carton Doz. 47¢ Carton Doz. 43¢ wished he could climp up and look at the top of each of those stumps, but this he couldn't do. "I'l have to ask somebody," said | Peter right out loud, "What will you haye to ask some- | body?" inquired a sharp voice. It Cutlet 1b. 3Qe " e S CATELLI BRAND BEEF MACARONI or SPAGHETTI En Pkgs. 2lc ne wat I want to know. ore there i' any holes in the top of this stump, 3 R CLOVER LEAP OR HORSESHOE BRAND or in the top of that stump over yon- 14-LB, der?" ump oast 1b. 25¢ SALMON SOCKEYE TIN 23¢ "What do you want to know for?" demanded Chatterer suspeciously. Blade Roast 1b. 2%¢ CASTILE SOAP--Crest . ...... 6 Bars 15c "Because," replied Peter, "I'm J S . MAYONNAIS ENCORE: 81;-0z Jar 25 looking for the home of Whitefoot ' AND . a 1b. 22 suicep SLICED Mackerel tb. §e MWHITEFISH CHO Th 1b. .14 wFRESHFILLETS .......,....ov.. Ib. .18 FRESH COD .........cc0é0e. vidi 12 FRESH Haddock th, J Re "fg bi rises ni Sr ; Paris Pate .........2 Tins 25¢ : . ib 1c Oxo Cubes. ..... Small Tin 1% Lenten Suggestions . 14-Ib. Tin 3l¢ Creamettes Pkg. Ly) ar [\) ee iz Christie-Brown Toasted Macaroni--Bulk .. 1b. Sc Lib. 6¢ Mallows | Whitefoot. When he couldn't find LOIN Peter visited each of these and look- ib. 28¢ Loose Doz. 45¢ Loose Doz. 41¢ wis the voice of Chatterer the Red Fruits and Vegetables Back. 45: Side. 40 Salmon--Pink. .1-Ib. Tin 180 Tae Great AmAnTic & PAaciric TEA Co. | Dirt Sa SPB "Curie sity a a a aad Den DERE, hd RR i A A J AL 1 BELLE N Ra aad Aa RS FLANK OFF ed oo" AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY No. 21; *H AST, west, north, south, in TOMATOES ba puns 29: aur town and country -- babies. Everywhere, too--~ Eagle Brand milk, the safe food for bottle -fed babies. Eagle Brand is pure, rich milk, obtained under perfect sanitary conditions from healthy cows, condensed and blended with the best refined sugar; éspecially prepared for babies. On each can are the: simple feeding directions, from first week onwards. Moreinfants are successfully reared on Eagle Brand than-on all other baby foods combined. Itisparticularly effective in difficult feeding cases. ONIONS--Yellow Cooking ..... 7 lbs. 25¢ ~~ CALIFORNIA GROWN 2 suxcues 15¢c CARROTS CELERY--Hearts, Florida ...... Each 19¢ NEW BRUNSWICK ¥ 35¢ POTATOES LEMONS--Messina . . ... Doz. 21¢ "MUSHROOMS we Je HOME-GROWN ORANGES €Ayitorna 1b Doz. 57c and 6l1c LETTUCE uncer 2 for 17e Money-Saving More Exceptional Values Values Gillett's Lye Shirriffs Fruit Jellies-- Grown Brand Syrup--No. 2 Tin Encore Brand Mayonnaise-- wilpiger's + 4% ws bean 2 Tins 20e 814-0z. Jar 25¢ 2 In 1 Shoe Polishes. .Tin 12¢ Bright's Maple Syru, y Would you like a lovely little | record book in which to keep your baby's history--and our valuable Baby Welfare book? |. FULL, 15-LE. Then mail coupon! for that secret home of Whitefoot's. He had never looked very thoroughly couldn't climb up on them, but he 3 satisfied himself that there were no A a a acral ba I Ri at ab LLL CATSUP--Tiger Brand. . .2 14-0z. Btls. 23¢- HEINZ SPAGHETTI. ....2 Med. Tins 23c come out to get his breakfast, for it was daylight. CURLY Shoulder or collar 1.38 SLICED ! around there before, because he had | thought that Whitefoot lived deeper holes on the sides and that there were no holes under the roots. He - Rump Fillets v.35 -« @* Loin Rib Chops »- 35 HN SOUP route 67m 59 "Hello, Chatterer!" exclaimed Pet- 16-07. PRG. er. "You are just the fellow to tell Ham "i 1b. 38e cus 1b. 45e Some Lenten Fish Specials sara He wished he could climb up and look CHILLED at the top of each of those stumps the Wood Mouse and I happened to think that it might be in one of these stumps." "Well, it isn't," I can tell you that much," said Chatterer. "Then where is it?" Peter, : "I'hat's something I can't tell you," said Chatterer. "But it certainly isn't around here. It isn't in either of those stumps and it isn't in any tree, for I know cvery hole in every tree around here." "It's around here somewhere," de- clared Peter positively. "If it isn't in a stump or a tree, it must be in a hollow log, or else in a hole in the round" demanded THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal, Please send me free Baby Books. Baby Welfare ois on Request use Coupon | Whitefoot, he began a careful search ¢ L b ed them all over thoroughly. He EE a a aL el J A I a Squirrel, who had just awakened and SPINACH i 3 Ibs. 29¢ SLICED LIMITED OF CANADA de 0

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