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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1930, p. 7

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YHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Trading anu Prices Confined 'Lo omali Range on Mining Mart * Toronto, March 6.--Tradign was light andrprice changes contined to a narrow range on the Mining market during the "early session toaay, chief interest being in a few independent issues, Cobalt Contact, which has fecaturcd Jor several days, weakened under gome evident liquidation, easing 2 tu 28 at noon, Noranda and Hudson Bay werg also better, both stocks drop- ping 40 to $40.60 and $12.60 respec- tively. International Nickel, which displayed late weakness yesterday; firmed 10 10 $38 today, Sudbury Basin, whose annual re- port was published yesterday, was weak, selling down to a low of $295 and standing off 12 at £3.03 at noo. Moving sympathetically, Falcon- bgidge and Ventures were of 5 and 4, respectively. 'I'he golds were fir;n, Vipond show- ing the only loss at $1.03, oft Z trom last nig ght's close. Mcintyre and Teck Hughes moved up a few points and .lowey gained a point to 8, Pa- cific Coast were also relatively strong Base Metals and Pe..l Oreille gan- ing 10 cach and Big Missouri a point. Small gains predominated in the generul hst Barry Hollinger Mining | corporation, Abana and Waite all standing a little higher at noon. The | oils were mixed, Home Oil and May- land gaining 5 each any Southwest 21:2 "while Ajax cased 5 5, Dalhousie 4 and Assuciated 2 DISCOUNT RATE IS LOWERED BY BANK OF ENGLAND -- Différence of 1 1 Per Cent. Be- §00, holdover 2,200: tween Market Discounts and Official Minimum Is Cause London, March 6--The Bank of England reduced its discount rate today from 47% to 4 per cent. Principal reason for the reduc- tion of the bank rate was found in the difference of 1 percent between market discounts and the official minimum, which made the latter ineffective. The recent inflow of gold, with more to come, from Australia, placed the banks of gold position with sufficient strength to enable it largely to ignore the continental demand. NEW YORK EXCHANGES New York, March 6--Foreign exchanges firm; Demand rates: Great Britain 4.35 13-16; Canadian dollar 13-31 of one per cent. dis- # count. Factory Representative Established Washing Mach- ine Manufactarer requires Representative for Oshawa | 'to look after sales, service | and collections. Well known | make of Washer, sold on | very gasy terms. We supply the washing machines and finance the time payments Box 478 Times WINNIPEG GRAIN PRICFS CONTINUE Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Capadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar ané Crawtog, Algor -Hulluing, vstiana Toronto Stock Exchange DOWNWARD MOVE New York Exchange Liverpool and Buenos Aires Markets Weak--After Chicago and Winnipeg Winnipeg, Man., Mar. 6.--Very little support was forthcoming at the opening of the wheat market today and prices dropped 3e to 1%e below yesterday's close, Ex- port business was small over night and Liverpool cables weak, plac- ing an uneasy feeling in the mar- ket here. Chicago Also Weak Chicago, Mar. 6.--Affected by downturns at Liverpool and Bue- nos Aires, wheat values here av- |erazed lower early today, with rye f Sutdeing previous bottom price re- cords for the season. Announce- {ment that , government sponsored | organizations would support the wheat market was more effective for at least the time being. Open- {ing unchanged to 1% off, Chicago | wheat futures afterward pursued lan irrecular downward course | Corn, oats ana nrovisions were al- so weaker, with corn starting ¥ to Zz off and subsequently declining more. | Livestock ST BUFFALO LIVESTOUK Buffalo, Mar, 6.--Hogs | scarcely il | ough, done to establish market: scattering sales stendy to. 15¢ ow] er, 160-210 Ibs 11.30 to 11.40: 230-260 Ibs. 10.75 to 11.25; pack- ing sows 8.75 to 9.25. Cattle 2 nominally steady. Calves- 100; unchanged 16.00 down. Sheep 900: week's advance: weivhts 11.50: anoted 11.7%: mediom and strong weights 9.75 to 10.75: zood clin- ners 10.50; and fat ewes 6.50 down. Has vealers steadv at choice 90 Ibs. handi wei~hts lambs TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, Mar. 6.--Therp were no cattle on the Deminion Livestock exchange this morning. Calf re- ceipts were Calves closed steady at $14.00 for top. Hog receipts were 90. Hogs were unsettled with packers bid- ding $12.50 f.o.b. for haeons or $13.75 off-car. There were Ro sheep. | | AMERICAN GRAIN SHIPPED FROM CANADIAN PORTS 37. | | i | Stratford, March 6.~Upward of | 100 freight cars Bure boon pes into service on this division of the CN. R. within the past 24 hours to move 155000 bushels of grain from the Great Lakes elevator in Owen Sound f [to St. John's N.B,, for export to Eur- | ope. As shipments go, this one is | by no means large, but it is the big- | gest movement from Lake Huron | | ports since last Fall \ Makes Chicks Live, Thrive which clears out destructive bacteria from the bowels, and the balanced Nourishment which assures a vigorous development. Sunbeam Chick Starter is mild and easily digested. thousands of chicks that would die without it. My. Gordon Girven relates his actual experience with ** Sunbeam Chick Starter" :-- Standard Milling Co., Toronto, Ont Dear Sirs "We have fed your Sunbeam Chick Starter to thousands of chickens this year, with the least mortality we have ever jad and the chicks developed y rapidly, We are more than satisfied with Sunbeam Poultry Feeds. Sincerely Soringiide P ide Poultry Farm, Gordon R. Girven, Prop., Norwood, Ont. TARTER and Grow. Sunbeam Chick Starter is safe for baby chicks, and produces rapid growth. It possesses the long-lived vitamins in the Cod- Liver Meal, the Lactic Acid It saves Norwood, Ont. Sept. 20, 1928. : Sunbean Chick Starter Saves Baby Chicks' Lives. STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 'Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Saint John, Halifa : Sold in Oshawa by . COOPER SMITH & COMPANY, { De. | Holl. ... | Nrnda. |in a tirm position. | had eased up some, Trade on fut- Close 36 40 19 46 Stock Br. A. Oil 36 Braz. .. Cockshutt Cty. Dry. Dis, Sgrm. Dm, Strs. Gypsum Hr. Wal. int. Util Int. Nkl Int. Pet. Imp. Oil Lob. "A" Ms. Hr, Me. ¥Frt. Mt. Pwr. Pg. Hr. Shaw, S. Station Low 36 High BIC ONI: ORI S 13; a s1 ED OO RS 0S 1D HC = OF Ot Ot Standard Mining Exchange Abana Ajax .. Amulet Big Mis. Ch, Res. Mns. Falcon, Te. O11 Iy. Gold Id. By. Kt. Flr. Lk. Sh. 2275 4125 | Ins, Stock Amer. Can. Am, Fr. Pr. 91 Anaconda I] Balt & Ohio 117 Can. Pac. Chrylser Cs, Gs. } Col. Gra, Dupont Erie Rail Gen, Fds, Gen. Mot, Hud. Mot, Int. Com, Int. Tel. Man, Lge, Wis, X. Sbrd. High 141 LOW 141 91 75 117 Simmohs .. Sin, O11 ... St. Oil N.J. Utd. Air. U.S. Steel Wool rorth Yel. Truck Money rate 65 19 4 per Sh. Gor. 260 Sd. Bs, Tk. Hg. Ventures wr. Hr. \. .inwell Grains and Produce WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Man.,, March 6. Wheat, May 10 to 3% c. lower at $110 to 3.10%; July 3%c. to %c. lower at 1.1215 fo $1.12; Oct., %e. to 1%ec. lower at $1.12 5 to $1.12%. | Oats: May, Sac. to 4c. lower at | 53%c. to 63%c.; July lac. to¥ke. | lower at 5314 to 63¢. CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES | Chicago, March ~The better | undertone that seemed to be de- veloping in cash trading late yee- terday was sufficient to raise quotations on the spot egg call this morning leaving the market At close of the spot conditions 0 future markets, ures was rather limited and al- though prices were up selling did not come out in sufficient volume to cause any setback till near close, Quotations were advanced \ | Miss Peach always has a new complexion -- it is al- ways as fresh as the dawn and as natural. Miss Peach has learned how to look after her etkin, She las found that 'the soap we sell cleanses her. pores without damaging them and that our other aids to her toilette are dependable. Establish a Bond of Service Between This Store and Your Home RFEWS "DP DRUG ARN Sir NEXT TO POST OFFICE }? PHONE 376 BTiS BY, | ket but {1.06% | TORONTO | Board of Trade | do., | treights, on butter to a level that is likely to suffice for the minute, On the futures trade was not heavy and except for a spurt of buying nea: the opening, the market lacked the snap that might well have ac- companied the price upturn, Open commitments -- March eggs, 146; March storage eggs, 7 April eggs, 31; November, eggs, 146; April butter, 7; March but- ter, 382; November butter, 34, Two market receipts-- Butter, 17,915; last year, 21,181, Kggs to- day,, 54,425; last year, 35,518. Chicago spot market--DButte extras, 84lac; standards, 24% tone firm. Eggs, graded fir A to 243%c; tone steady to firm. New York spot market--Buttc extras, 3534¢; no tone. Eggs, firsts, 20% to 26c; no lon Street stocks--D 95,670; last year, today, 112,637; 245. Four marke 17,647,768. Eggs, 5 Six cities Butter, 6.3 Eggs, 18,367. Movement at ten market ter, net out, 220,112; last ° 921, Eggs, net in, 2 today 8PO 8pO again today, Egg a= diy ts on hand 9,844 90,971 net out, t year, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Mar. - Wheat May 1.10%; July Corn. Mar, 813%; May 85% | 873%; Oats. Mar, 428; May July 43% ® GRAIN QUOTATIONS on the Toronto are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat No, 1 2 do, 31.11%; Grain dealers and Bay ports). No. 1 feed, No. ... Goderich Manitoba oats-- No. 2 do, American 95% c; No. 3, 90% ¢ RO woul, corn--No, do., 9%%c¢; yellow, No. a Millteed, delivered Montreal bags included---Bran, per ton, $83.25; shorts, per $35.25; middlings, $40.20. Ontario grain--Whea $1.15; oats, 45 to 48¢; to 56c: rye, 73e¢; buckwheat, barley, b NOT SO GOOD Ingenue--"1'm thrilled When Gushing to hear you're a dramatist. play?" The night." Dramatist-- "On the first McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets Fine | For Thin Frail Kids Children Love Them Because They | Are Bugar Coated and as Easy to Take as Candy | It's your duty, Mother to see that the frail, peaked, sickly young- ster grows up to be strong in body keen in mind and robust in health. Extracted from the livers of the lowly codfish are the health, weight © and strength producing vitamines that are found in Mec- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, which are sold by pharmacists all over North and South . America. Doctors know about them and so does Jury and Lovell, T. B. Mit- chell, W. H, Karn and druggists everywhere and if your children need building up ask for these tai- lets today if you want to give your loved ones a good appetite and put pounds of good healthy flesh' on their bones, But be sure and get McCoy's. | They are not expensive--60 tab- lets--60 cents and if you are not pleased with the improvement after 30 days--your money back. A very sickly child, age 9, gained 12 pounds in seven months and is strong and healthy. One skinny woman gained 9 pounds in 24 days. MAY BE CAUSED BY A WORN TUBE kf (zericeine Westinghouse *Y Yo llengelel IY Close | mar- | Butter, | Mar. | 1.07%: | sy north- | 54c¢; | 80. | Brazilian Traction Dull Trading on Toronto Xchange Toronto, March 6.--Action of the market on Toronto Stock lixchange | this mroning was another repetition | of these featurcless days latterly when operations consist almost whol- ly of bank and filling, when fluctua- tions are limited to a small fraction {and carry no meaning to the trad | er, whether they be on the side of [ the advance or retreat, | The "almost" used to describe thi morning's transactions because of the | | standout position occupied on | board with transactions heavier thin | in any other issue. Buying opera | tions commence] right at "the out set, and ontinued intermittent] throughout a firs ipl ok of hours. The } 10 was only | low price | when the wa | demand | Blocks of two and five h | es appearing on the ta strong interest igh of the best stock sistent the | Features r some esa ct, nor did Noranda 1a! any progress, Implement stock merchandising group, steelssand suc! pivotal stocks as Ford and Gypst swung idly, Oils eame out fir. a maintained their position, thou ithout tin drest 1 a. oll AND TINE AT NEW YORK BY STANLEY W. PRENOSIL, |; | (Associated Press Financial Editor) | Me » N. Y., March, 6.--1 asi attr points were voll ab A full, rich flavour that gives complete enjoyment *SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' ( 2 per cent, leral Rescrve | , meet after the close between Ye ARO TACT and Since the Great War producers have advanced to the greatest degree of efficiency the world has ever known: In turn distribution methods had to be improved to meet these changed conditions. Itis here where the Loblaw Grocet- crias play such an important role by adopting the most modern methods, thus reducing the spread between pro- ducer and consumer to a minimum. This direct system of contact has resulted in a tremendous saving to all Loblaw customers during the past ten years. This opportunity is yours also. World's Finest Foods HEALTH & HAPPINESS Stores relose every Weduesday prompely at I2.30 p.m. Our store employees enjoy both to a much greater degree because | they are able to spend Wednesday afternoon away from business. These Specials on Sale | | | these. "DONORA-| | Macaroon Cookies HESE delicious macaroon cookies are "Just like Mother used to Make." Fresh from CHRISTIE'S OVENS, volume alone that enables us to pass along to you a price of 2lc for such exedllunt macaroons Je for Weel of March 6-12 Special Sweet Mixed We are Featuring this Week: QUEENLAND PICKLES For taste and flavor they rank supreme. They improve any lunch or dinner table. Put a jar in your basket this week, and discover their appetizing flavor for your- self. You will surely come back for more. Sweet Mustard 35 oz. Jar = o BE)" y 3 LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES 2/; Size Tin 2c PE Aylmer Choice Bartlett 14-0z. Jar 34 Shirriff's Pure Pineapple Marmalade 400z. Jar 5 6° ARS OVALTINE The Tonic Fovd Beverage Med. Size Tin 75° e Itis 21° THE BRITISH MILK Nestle's Condensed MILK MAGIC BAKING POWDER TIN 17¢ Contains 1.1b. 34¢ SPECIAL=MACONOCHIE'S IMPORTED KIPPER HERRINGS Plain and in Tomato Sauee 14=0z. TIN 19° { { | SPECIAL~PRIDE OF ONTARIO--FINEST QUALITY~PURE was the last performance of your | {HONEY a { most wholesome and delicious Jood It will pay you to take agvantuge of this Me . Take a pail ome this week. 415 =1h. PAIL 54° ------ e---- sans m-- SPECIAL--LOBLAW'S FRESH VALENCIA CAK The Family Cake 1b. | 19° SPECIAL=SURPRISE~A PURE HARD SOAP SOAP LIMIT 20 BARS TO A CUSTOMER 10: sans 4 45° SPECIAL=~SNOWDRIFT SHREDDED~FRESH AND EE ICOCOANUT. . 19°

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