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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Mar 1930, p. 11

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YHE OSHAWA DAILY- TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1930 PAGE SEVEN atest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges a A. WELFARE LEAGUE CE i T0 ENGAGE OWN RN ty Lr SOCIAL WORKER the tity 'to investigate the many [how to budget their snoney for food Ys i I 5 Joker, 5 (Continued from Page 6) tions, 14 pairs gloves, 2 caps, 3 suits, cases here and to organize properly | supplies, and how to cook, and even | pp AW ES atv the work that had been Eo 48 nto sew and make over for themsel- Hare, Mes. w. oy Eastwood, Mis. She came here in the month of De-|ves clothing that may be donated to Aa i Thing Li cember. Misk Jackson, since she le : mittee 'whose work is to' examine, Oshawa, last month, has been in| Following the address a vote of | sort and arrange the clothing CON London doing organizing work there. [thanks was extended to Miss Jack- Ets of Mos J F Grierson Conven- Her address yesterday contained Then the president brought up | er. afrs. W. R. Geikie, Asst. Con- many points that were of great value the discussion: of fees for the next ors Mrs, A 'Williams, Mrs. Mc- 3 mitts, 5 toques, 2 caps, 1 scarf and |" the ladies. She did not go into lycar. It was decided that the feed Myrtry, Mrs. H. P. Schell, Mrs. sweater; from Dewland's, box of detail about the distribution of cloth- | of one dollar, be charged those who Creighton, Miss Millichamp, Mrs. N. shirts, 22 suits underwear, 6 bloon- ing, thinking, she said, that the w join thi le . Further discussion! Daniels and Mrs. Farncomb. The ers, 1 overcoat; 25 ths. of oatmeal, ers herc ad, that phase particularly | succecded in clearing up a point | Dictributing Committee will be as 2 bags of potatoes from Hogg & well an hand, but she went on the allotment of money 101 | follows: Mrs.\R. Morphy, Conven- Little; 2 dozen jars of canned goods give the aims social worker, | Women's Welfare" League. This will er: Mrs. Ho R, Wilber, Mrs. C. and enough ham sandwiches, tarts, crullers: and rolls from the Rotarian banquet to provide supper for a dez. hungry families, The donations from within the or» ganization have already been men- tioned. Three hundred and twelve families of the that they were investigate and bet- [be handed oyer to the leagtie at the | Cynninghani, Mrs, T. W Joyce, Mrs ter the m, Mrs. T. W. Joyce, Mrs, and several transients have benefit ed ty this organization since its in that were cats next ycar, after the Mis F Lh unhappiness, i J . E. Wilson, Mrs, F. Storie, Mrs. tiation; those actually assisted be- lig Lh cca Social servic Scneral pp al _ Irwin, and Mrs. C. M. Mundy. a law of Kaman ; AWE aor : Collecting Committee of eight Ra Vs the: «i. of Wig have been collect {members is Mrs. R. Mills, Conven- ft. deals with the fof. poverty Coo jery Mrs, J, B. Pangman, Mrs. W, It is also the estion seitled the bus Phillips, Miss Millman, Mrs. J. tee worker was' cor . Mrs. | Burns, . A. E. O'Neill, and Mrs, Yice Worke! en took ¢l i the 10 tok the election ot officer ar. The report of the | 'ng 917 children and 245 adults. Only nit bet 36 of these families have been for- |they can, if cigners the rest have been English, {171 to, make Irish, Scotch or Canadian. The help |" given these families varies all the hint, that nc way from 1 overcoat and 1 pair of | ithout fir shoes to such a formidable list as a |!&aLON family of 7--5 pairs shoes and rub | She ad bers; 7 suits underwear, 4 sweaters, investigation 3 overcoats, . suits, 2 dresses, 2 pairs [nection wil blromers, 2 pairs 'mitts, 2 pillow slips, | ! 2 sheets and a quilt. This is by means an exception. , There are 2 families to which we | 285 have béen giving milk and eggs reg- |! ularly on advice of the nurse. Per-|ing ou haps one of our most interesting bc next year. cure Miss Grace A. Jackson, the| It was suggested that when the welfare worked who was hired by | society is sufficiently organized, the the Associate 'Welfare Societies of [women of needy families be taught League had the good fortune to A | Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets ome "Stock Market . Prices Marke; Summary by Canadiap Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by .. Biggar and Crawford, Alger Building, Oshawa ; = | Grains and Produce ft | them, FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence | Market, Toronto: Produce Eggs, extras per doz $060 to 0 00 do firsts, per dozen 0 45 0.00 Butter, dairy, per 1b 085 00v do® creamery, per 1b 0 42 Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, bush. do 6 qt. .. Beets, bush, .. do 6 qt. Brussels sprouts, qt. 000 Onions, dry, '11-qt. 0 00 do 6-qt. basket .,.0 00. Cabbage esos sommes 0 00 Cauliflower weeeeews «026 Endive, dozen .......000 Spinach, peck oi. .0 00 Mushrooms, per 1b. ..0 00 Leaf lettuce, three for 0 00 Head lettuce, two for 0 00- Parsley, per bunch ...0 00 Cress, three for ....000 Celery, dozen --......+125 Oranges, per dozen ...0 25 Grapefruit, each ..,.007 Potatoes, bag -.z....2 00 Cucumbers, each ....000 Lemons, per dozen ...0 23 Bananas, per dozen ...0 25 Apples, 6-qt basket -.0 00 Cal, green peas, 6-qt 000 Green beans, 6-qt. ..0 00 Green Peppers, 4 for 000 Turnips, bushel ,....000 Apples, bushel! ._.....125 Leeks,, 6-qt. basket _._0 00 Pineapples, each ....000 I. conn +0 00 Son, Nrnda. 4210 4150 4150 Sk. Gr. 285 282 282 Sd. Bs. 3560 330 350 Tk. Hg. 640 635 640 Ventures 200 195 200 Wr. Hr. 190 190 190 Wainwell 7 7 7 i Toronto Stock Exchange Stock Br. A. Oil 36 B 40 PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- ed, fresh extras, 34c; fresh firsts, 9 32c; seconds, 27 to 20c. 21 New York Exchan e Butter--~No. 1 creamery, solids or. ; 8 343 to 348e; No. 3, 34 to 34%c. 9 Churning cream---Special, 38 to 4 4 i rack High Close 3901 No 1, 37 to 38c; No. 2, 34] § y 21 234 - | ; 4 9 Amer, Con Fh 142% Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, i 24 24 Am, Fe. Pr: if, 14% Jaraliineg and government grad- 18 + 13% | Bait & onto 119 119 Sa AS : 3% |Can. Pac. 204% 204% y Rot 24 33 howling ied 12 28 Spring chickens over 5 25 2 74 |Cs Gs N.Y 120 13 er om. TRE 47 47 |Col. Gra, 30 29% | Hens, over 6 Ibs. ; Dupont ... 129 1293 Fells, Over 3 [he Erie Rail 58% 58% % 21 do, 4 lbs Gen. Fds. 51% 513% d Gen, Mot. 43 427% |, do, under 4 lbs. te , | Young ducks, 5 lbs 8 32 - 7 y 6 : Hud, Met. 56% 4 hes Young turkeys, dressed, 35 to 40c. Int, Tele. G Guinea fowl, pair, $1.75. 6814 681% Jus. Man, 141 % 13 (Selling) Lee. Yi 65% Sh Toronto wholesale dealers are Ag 46 joftering produce to retail dealers PEI Pet. 35 at the following prices: Pb. Sr NJ 96 Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, Rody. Farle 497 dlc; fresh extras, loose, 39c; firsts Sin oil 2 63 37¢; seconds, 34c. * "le Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, Low Close 36 56 40 88 38 88 19 19 19 9 ) 21 21 24 24 9 9 High tot about Low 142% 9135 T4% 117% 203% Where there's a Hen, there's a way--to get more Eggs; give her peaker WHRAOEHREOROIGIEORG Mpc oSrMe coco oo Ic, oQroonNnoOogOoCcCOoOO~MOOOSS 110 154 26 57 47 35 96 650% 64 ca J | cases is that of the little blind girl {Oshaw: whom we completely clothed supply- 10 Makes Hens Lay More Eggs Sold by all dealers a --. 62 62 107 66 21 St. Cil N.J. Utd. Afr. 17.5. Steel Woolworth Yel, Truck 181 20 21 ---------- AT YOUR SERVICE TWO $COTTISH H of FAMOU S Smokes and drinks ... when and how 'you SISTER SHIPS iq them... . Your Anchor-Donaldson Smok- LETITIA ing Room Steward is always concerned with ATHENIA 1 Apply corner of Bay and Vel- lington Sts, Toronto, (Tel. Elgin 3471), or any steamship agent. 233-1 CABIN + TOURIST THIRD CABIN + your comfort, always essentially respectful. This service is typical of the spi:it of hospi- tality that characterizes these two Scottish ships. + + ¢ + + Anchor-Donaldson Cabin travel r.ov costs less than ever . . . $130 (miuimur: =): Britain + + + and on additions 172% =" :~ on Cabin round trip b- lings for the ton off-season months. Tourist Third Cabin rates also adjusted. 4 NALDSON 62 62 65 PITALITY THIRD CLASS CALMONY OILS, LIMITED 39 to 40c; No 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 39c. Cheese--New, large, to 233%: twins, 23% to 24c; triplets, 233%c; ftiltons, 27c. Old, large, 29¢; twins, 293¢c; triplets and cuts, 30c: old stiltons, 31c. Poultry Chickens, 5 1bs up do, 4 to 5 lbs. do, 8% to 4 lbs. do, 8 to 3% lbs. 29 do, 8 lbs. 29 Hens, over 5 lbs 32 Broilers 35-40 Ducks 33-36 Turkeys 45-48 Geese 26-28 9a 23 Dressed 35 an 33 30 PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 35¢; cooked loins, 48 to 52c; smoked rolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40c: backs. pea-meal- ed, 36 to 40c; do, smoked, 46 to 55e. Pork loins, 30c; butts, 25%c; hams, shoulder, 21c; 25e. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES| Chicago, March 7.--The under- tone was not quite so firm during the spot egg call tnis morning. and although offerings in comparison with the forepart, of the week were not heavy there was nevertheless only a limitd amount of bidding. The few alterations in quotations were downward. Much the same state of affairs was noticeable in futures market with only a limited trade for the day, On the face of it butter appeared to be rather closely held this morning ana reasonably firm at the quotation, which were but little changed from yesterday, The futures were by no means active and registered only minor ghanges. Open Commitments -- March shipping. eggs, 132; March storage eggs, 10; April eggs, 32; Novem- ber eggs, 174; April butter, 10; March butter, 380 November butter, 34. Two market receipts-- Butter, 18,664; last year, 22,904; - eggs, 61,846; last year, 41,109. Chicago Spot Market--Butter extras, 3534c; stds, 35%c; tone steady to firm; eggs, graded firsts, 233% to 24c; tone unsettled, New York Spot Market---Butter extras, 36¢; no tone; eggs, firsts, 25% to 26%c; tone steady to firm, Street Stocks--Butter today, 90,5640; last year, 91,276; eggs today, 111,824; last year, 33,802. Four markets on hand--Butter, 17,044,082; eggs, 85,407. Six cities--Butter, 6,231,058; eggs, 43,610. Tomatoes, Rhubarb, buneh ....000 Horseradish Bel. 1b 0 00 Egg Plant, each ....000 Brockley, bunch .....000 Strawberries, pt. .....000 Tangerine come wa 00 Radish, 4 for so» QO Green Onions, fforen 000 Bitter Oranges, dozen 0 00 11-qt. bekt 000 073 Parsnips, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol- Jowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.12 1-2; No. 2 do, $1.10; No. 3, $1.07 1-4; No. 4, $1.05; No. §, $1.02; No. 6, 74 3-4c; feed, 70 3-4c (cif. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No. 1 feed, 54; No. 2 do, S53c. * American corn--No, 2: yellow, 95 1-4c; No. 3, do, 92 1-4c; No. 4, do, 88c. Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $33.25; shorts, per ton, $35.25; middlings, $40.25, Ontario grain--~Wheat, $105 to $1,10; oats, S0 to S5c; barley, 52 to 55¢c; rye, 73c; buckwheat, 80c. FRENCH DILIGENTLY REPAIRING DAMAGE CAUSED BY FLOODS (Continued from Page 1) At Villemur, on thé Agout rive er, resuce workers with provisions, had to detour nearly twenty miles to get from that part of the city on the right bank of gjhe Agout to that part of the left, since not on- ly the. big bridge there but also those at Macdelaine, Leyrac Mire- poix were swept away. If in the department of the Tarn the loss of life was light--there were only four dead there----dam- age to property was immens, Half the department notably the regions of Lavour, Castres and Mazamet, was covered with the flood water. Weaving and spinning mills and leather and dressing factories were swept away 'and the power plants along the river disabled. Mazamet alorie had an annual turnover of more than a billion france and the Chamber of Com- merce estimates provisionally the damage at a hundred millions of france. The work of restoration here will require time as well as money. 'Phousands of flood vie- tims will be forced to remaln in idleness for weeks until factories are rebujlt and reconstituted. A report on the Qils Turner Valle No. tivities of Calmont development: 1--Putting in whipstock 300 feet above the limestone. 2--Installed new Diamond Drill. 3--Standing cemented at 1575 feet, waiting Rotary Drill from No. 1. 4--At 3731 feet, waiting for Rotary crew from No. 2, 5--At 3900 feet; closed down tem- porarily. 6--Waliting left-hand drill rods; at 3770 feet. 7--Drilling at depth of 3440 feet. 8--Waliting for Rotary tools at 1602 feet. 9---Closed down temporarily; 4663 feet. depth vo. 10--Drilling at 1205 feet. . 11--Rigging up; expect to spud in March 5th, . 12~Rigging up. (These figures as at Feb. 25th) We Advise the purchase of Calmont Oils Outright (Quaker Finance Corporation Lid ALSIKE -- ALFALFA, UTAH GROWN---SWEET . CLOVER -- RED CLOVER -- Cooper - Smith Co. y OSHAWA TIMOTHY ing even tooth brush and travelling [ed th: bag, thus enzlling her to attend a | for i school in Brantford where she will jone wo learn the Brille system ladies : Then followed the Treasurer's re- [an port, prepared by Mrs. T. R, Cald- |: well. As a speaker for the afternoon ti Write for Pratts Poultry Book-Free PRATT FOUD CO. af Cansda Led. oronts 3, Out. 323 Carle COOPER SMITH CO. 14 Celina St. Phone 8 \ 3 \ \\ W AN } | . ve it In Fast Get-away --against any car regardless of price or size. In Speed --pit itagainst the cars most famous for speed. : In Hill Climbing -- the hardest hills in your community --and in America. In Reliability --in Comfort and Operating Ease. In Economy --Note its even greater advantage. Fl You are invited. to be one of the drivers to ~prove Essex' right to Challenge. We want you to drive and ride in this entirely new Essex Challenger. es 16 CELINA ST. Ross, Ames 135 King Street West Ee YOURSEILF... no lesser car can satisfy / This is a *""'Drive-it- Yourself Challenger Week'. A week when motorists every- where will pit the new Essex Challenger against every performance that makes for driving enjoyment. Nearly 6000 dealers in the U. 8. and Canada have standard stock cars to turn over to motorists for this Challenge. These cars will 'prove Fast Get-away -- Speed -- Hill climbing ability -- Easy Driving, Easy Oper- ation, Luxury and Comfort. The Challenge is to all and for all to prove. ; Ring us up or call on your nearest dealer now and say you want to be one of the many thousands who this week will prove the: right of the new Essex to Challenge. ft will convince you that Essex represents the greatest dollar for dollar value in car satisfaction that the industry offers. & Gartshore Co., Lid. toned one 160,

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