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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Mar 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1530 PAGE THRTERg THE C wes" where " SRE meets DS / & ANNIS. BARRISTERS tors. Notaties Public. Ete. Coa. if and general practice of w, Offices 134 Simcoe St. South. p Phone 4. G. D. Conaar. A. F, Annls, B.A, Wolicitor, . Notary Public, Convev- meer. Macy to oan. Third floor Alger Building. Opposite Post fice. Phone 2996 \ N. SINCLAIR. K.C. BANK Tt Commerce Building. OSEPH ». MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- ster; Solicitor. Notary Public, Con- 'eyaueer. Money to loan. Office 14% ng St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. i Residence phone 837. aR: N, E IN AN raser, Barristers, Conveyancers, otaries Public, ete. Office over tandard Bank. Rutrance Simcoe 3t. Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, K.C., if. K. Creighten, B.A, N. C. Fraser, B.A. Sook LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER. "Lolicitor, Notarv, over Dewland's Store. Mcney to loan. 16 Simeoe ¢ HN north. Phoue 67. Residence ST DITI p---------------- REER AND HUMPHREYS. BAR isters, Solicitors, eic. 24'4 Siricoe it. N. Phone 316). Mcnev to logh LEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRIS: (ler, ett. Conveyancing and general bractice. 22% King Si, East hone 3237. (tr) TATRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS ers, Solicitors, etc, 41 Alger dg. Oshawa - and Port Perry. Phones 759 Oshawa, Port Perry '4 an] 71 r 3. i. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER. ite. Money to loan. Alger Bidz, op- a "Post Office. Phone 1614. f Medical -- re R. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher. ce and resi- ® ence, King St. East, corner Victoria | 't. Oshawa, Phone HOR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PH/SI- ian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, Special ferences fo maternity work and di- es of women. Two years' post duate experience, Office and vesi- nee 167 Simcoe St. N.. (cor. Breck) one R. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN urgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of Rants and children. Office and Weidence, 97 Bond East. Phdne SR. B. J. H AZLEWOOD, PHYSI- an and Surgeon, specidl attention Jiven to X-ray work anda Electro: 'heopy. ffice, Disney Block. hone 2050, Office open 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. Residence 161 King East. "hone 2416. ; SR. DAVID ARCHER, M w EF. R. bs and os uf, i hysician, Surgeon an stetrician. Bffce 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020. Whsidence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155. 3 . W. CARL, PHYSICIAN, argeon, Obstetrician. Office and dence, 512 Simcoe street north. hone 2416. IR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- an, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office d residence, 183 Simcoe Street, orth, phone 3107. by BR. J. G. FERGUSON, PHYSICIAN hd Surgeon. Specialist in kidney hd bladder diseases, Brock and Wary streets, Whitby. Phone 179. Whitby. (Jan. 30-1 mo) . Nose, Throat Specialist RF. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR reet West, Toronto, will be at his fice over Jury & Loveli's Drug ore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 Bim. for consultation and treatment BF diseases of car, mosec and throat ly. Appointments mav be made al it ug store. Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat R. E. F. RICHARDSON. OF MCE Wer Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours to 12 am. 2 to 5. Evenings by bpointment. ~~ Office phone 2660. esidence 432]. a ; Dental R. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- 1's. Special attention to X-rav brk. Gas ~vtraction. Nurse in at- ndance. Phone 959. House 1312. H. M. COOKE. 9 SIMCOE ST. brth, over Mitchell's Drug Store. s for extraction. Phone 54 #R. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Titrous oxid oxvgen gas for extra.- #bns. Office. Roval Bank Bide ¥1one 048, residence, 1378M. Rv F. BROCK : DENTIST. 16 J ¥mcoe St _N. er Dewland's. one 1957. Res. 292W. Evenings by poointment. JR Ww. H. GIFFORD. OFFICE agent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1 =sidence 609. LANGMAILD DR. DAVIES. tists, 37 King St. E. Special at- ations to gas extraction and X-ray . Nurse in atténdance. Phones and 864. Architects ENHOUSE -- GENERAL shitectural work. Second floor, > Bank Building. Phone 14%. s, pnone 909]. OMSON AN ) iate architects. | Simcoe rer Feit Cros (Feb, 3-1 mo) JOHNSON, AS- St. 8. Optometrist C. HM. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in - muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eyu Strain, The Chilg and lis Development. Diss ney Bleck opposite Post Office. Phone 1516, (I'eb, 12-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Survevors and Civil Engin. eers," sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544 Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence. 542 Sim. coe street porth, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL COMPANY 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Brus street. Ambulance. Phone Insurance DAVIS AND SON. INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old: est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re: putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johrs, 80 Simcoe north. Your fnsuramce 'vants at tended to and your .nterests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phoue 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. local and long distage hauling. Phone 3048 am 2692, Smith and Cox, 387 King St. W, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lished furn'ture movers. Park Road car age. 'Local and Jona distance. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd Sout; Phone 215. (Feb. 18-1 mo) CARTAGE," MOVING GRAVEL, sand and cinders. Local and long dis- tance hauling. Phone 2739W. T. Sib- lock, 215 Bloor St. E. (Feb. 22-1 mo.) WHY PAY REN¥--MOYING IS cheaper, moving or hauling 60 cents up. Try us. local and long distance. Eagle Cartage. Phone 290. (Feb. 28-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT wave, Special $5 and $7.50. Finger wave and shampoo $1. . Facial J+ Hair cuttirg 25 one 2968 or .| Simcoe North. EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- eut Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham. poo $1. Phone WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. Ve spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. (Feb. 15-1 mo) MADAME MARIE, LATE OF Paris, France aud 'T, Eaton, To- ronto, high class beauty culture at moderate prices. Disney Building Flat No. 1, above Dr. Tuck's. Phone 1376. (Mar 5-1 mo) Music of this nature. and collect for same. Work Wanted All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. , STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and' loss arising from handling a large number of smal] accounts \ For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient «0 come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT For Rent RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. . Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 15951. (56t6) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and deliverzd, 75 cents. If ren- tal supplied $). Batteries repaired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Jil St. Phone 1885W. Feb, 14-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED tor and delivered, 75e, rental 26e. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 8113W. (Feb. 5-1 mo) JOBBING, CARPENTERING AND general house repairs, cabinet making furniture repaired, refinished and up- bolstering. Phone 2398]. (Feb. 18-1 Mo.) FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders and general trucking. Chris Graham, phone 2621M. (Feb, 24-1 mo) HOUSE ALTERATIONS, HOUSE. hold articles and furniture repaired. Upholsetring and refinishing. Sign painting and card writ The Handy Repair Shop, 27 Bond St. E, (856) DRY CLEAN'NG, PRESSING, DY- ing, 1214 King Street West." Phone 309. (Mar. 8-1 Mo.) Building Supplies To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, phone 1618. "Articles For Sale MIXED HARD aND 5011 WOOL slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wool. Waterous Meek Limited Phoné 1288. (Apr. 26t1) FOR SALL--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd., planos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest wodels; terms arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1668J. (111-8) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH- or (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, Oshawa Tuesday, 6513 Wil liam street yest, upsiairs. Phoue 2754F. (129tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thureday ahamoons Studi Elgin St. E. Phone M. Studio 86 Elgin, St, et. 18:1 Too) HERBERT €: 'TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in piano, ofgan and vocal music. For particulars apply 50 William street east. Phone 2896. (Mar 4,1 mo) LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR of music, Oshawa Collegiate and Public Schools, Studio--47 Gibb St. phone 1984J. (Mar 6-1 mo) Radio Service FOR SALE--PLAYER _ PIANO, light touch, rich tone, goad as new, $500. Cost $800. Phone 5129F. (551) FOR SALE --ATWATER RENT Radio 6 tube battery set, also speaker, Write or call at William Pike's, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Ont. (doe) FOR SALE-- Small or large quantities, I'or full particulars apply Citizens' Dairy, Whitby, phone 52. (bbe) FOR SALE MILLER OIL brooder, 250 chick capacity. First class condition, phone 1613-r-22. (67b) BUTTERMILK CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE--{ APARTMENT..~MODERN, HOME like suites, Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, e¢lec dryer, etc, elec stoves, elec refrireration, hot water year round, Phone 1560 or 2347TW. (8tf) FOCR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD ern suites, including electric relfrig- eration, stove, laundry, conven) ences, elc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2673, or The Trusts apd Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. (37441) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED apartments, one large and one small. Phone 2671, (Feb, 22-1 mo) TO LET--=ATTRACIIVE APART- ment and double garage, rent rea- sonable. Phone 589. (55c) For Rent Help--Wanted Maie TO RENT--8, ROOMS ON GROUND floor, heated, telephone, water and light. $15 per month, 86 Gib- bon St, (6c) TWO OR THREE FURNISHED vooms for light housekeeping. Every convenience. Call at 123 Huron St. Phone 711M. (66c) "Room and B oom and Board BRIGHT FRONT BEDROOM TO ront, with or without board. All conveniences, Private home, Close to Motors offices, Apply to 318 Athol street east, (56 ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen, private home. All counven- fences. 143 Agnes Street. 330, | 1778J. (5062) | COMFORTABLE LARGE BED. | room, suit two gentlemen with or | without board. 70 Oshawa Blvd. 1 minute G.M.C. offices. (B6c) ROOM AND BOARD IN QUIET comfortable home, private family, central, phone 19281, (56¢) COMFORTABLE ROOM : WITH board, central, five minutes from 4 corners, also piano wanted for stor- age; no small children, Apply Box 484, Times. (57¢) ROOM AND BOARD J1'OR ONE young man, Apply 43 Elena St. or phone 2426. (87c¢) Pets and Live Stock. JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from trap-nested breeders, S. C White Leghorns, barred rocks, White Wyandottes. Write or phone for cat» alogue. Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Park Qoad North. Phones 1337J, 1387F. (Feb. 15-1 mo) CANARIES FOR SALE-GUAR-{ anteed singerm. $5. Hens ready for nesting. Oshawa Aviaries. 185 Cen- tre St. Phone 3118]. (55¢) For Exchange EXCHANGE 1928 CHEVROLET WANTED--A SALESMAN, MAR- ried man preferred. Salary and commission, In reply state age and experience Box 483 Times, (56h) VUXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Must be able to use typewriter, Male preferred, Apply 80 Times. AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men _ allowed fifty cents hour, learn- ing best paving trades, Engineering, Electricity, Garage work, Chauffeur- ing, Bricklaying, Barbering, Hair- dressing. Literature free, Write or call Dominion Trade Schools, East- ern Headquarters, 163 King St. WV, Toronto, (33-39-45-51-57-63-69-753) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF 18 HEAD OF Halstein cattle, registered, the pro- perty of S. A. Burgess, on King- ston Road, East, of Oshawa, lot 23/4 Sale Tuesday, March 1th, 1930 at 1.30 sharp. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. Ode Mason, clerk. (56¢) AUCTION SALE AUCTION Sale of 5 horses and 25 milk cows and stockers the yp operty of Gim- blett and Clemens, eastern limits of Oshawa on Kingston Road on Wed- nesday, March 19, 1930. Sale at 1 o'- | clock, sharp. Geo. Jackson & Son, | Auctioneers. (57b-63b) TRUSTEES OF TAUNTON HALL lot ), concession 4, will offer for sale by public auction hall and contents also shed, good building material in hall, Tuesday, March llth, at 2 p.m, W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (T-7T-8) AUCTION SALE---UNDER AND by virtue of the Warehousemans' | Lien Act,, R.8.0. 1927, Chapter | 169, there will be sold by public auction 1 1920-A model A Ford | touring car, serial Neo. C.A. 11976, 1029, Ontario License No, 214-088, said to be the property of one Perey Reid, or the Traders Finanee Corporation. The said sale to be held on the premises of Roy Nich- roadster, excellent condition, part cash apd good used furniture) value $325. Phone 1836W. i (56D) f "Real Estate For Sale | TO RENT--APARTMENT, ALL conveniences, also garage, 148 Athol St. East, Phone 475F, (55¢) FIVE ROOMED HOUSE FOK rent, with all conveniences anu garage. Apply 554 Oxford street. (531) BATH ROOM FLAT TO RENT-- All conveniences. Apply G4 Hill- croft. Phone 2907M, 53 TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms, ground floor, hardwood floors, reasonable, 154 Roxborough Ave (56h) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS ALL conveniences for light housekeeping. 352 Jravis St TO RENT -- POULTRY, and garden farm, good soil, and building, north of Bowmanville, Albin Clemens, R.R. No. 6. Bow- manville, (55¢) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM. All conveniences. Phone 1778W or call 216 Alice Street, (552) TO RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE. New brick six rooms. All conveni- ences, Reasonable to careful ten- ants. Apply 49 Warren Ave. (531) (56¢) FRUIT - (o0c) FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooms and bed sitting room, Also garage. 165 Ritson Rd. Ss. (66F) FIVE ROOM HOUSE AND BATH, furnished, 287 St. Eloi street. $30 per month, = Apply J. Fitzgerald, 116 Division street. (56¢) FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT 2 or 3 rooms. All conveniences. Prene 774W. 140 Tylor Crescent. (B7c) FOR SALE--- THREE GOOD building lots at Thornton's Cor. ners'. Frontage on highway, § tc 12 dollars per foot. O'Donnell, Thornton's Corners. (56b) FOR SALE--816 VER MONTH buys four room cottage on Wind- sor strect. Phoue 2473W. ! (6bc) STX FOR SALE--MUST SELL roomed house, on paved street, All conveniences, double cellar, elec- tric fixtures, all decorated, gar age, wired for stove, small down payment. A snap for some one, No reasonable offer will be refused, | Phone 2710M (55¢) ) 7, FIVE ROOMED dOUSES FROM | $2,000 to $8.500. 6 rooms all cox veniences, Division street, close to Motors $3,800, small eash pay- ment. Several nice new houses, modern in every way. A good buy | at $5,000 to $6,500. DeGuerre, ! 84 Alice Street, 'hone 2001. (bse) 5 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE ON Palace St. All conveniences and fur- nace, also chicken house and garage. Posssesion April 1st, Apply W. H. Sturgess, Palace St, Whitby. (56¢) FOR SALE---LOT 30x135 on Park Rd, North, Phone 920 r 2. (57h) SIX ROOM, RUG BRICK HOUSE, hardwood floors, french doors, three piece bath, paved street, good loca- tion, would accept good car, one or two lots, good first or second mort- gage as down payment. Balance easy terms. Apply Box 481. Times. (57a) For Sale or Rent : FOR RENT--7 ROOM BRICK house and garage, 39 Bruce St, (58¢c) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. Aisb local and long distance hauling, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M, (Mar 7-1 mo) -- R JE, EX cellent condition. Apply Central Ho- tel Office. : (57a) GSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC- cessories for sale, repairs on elec. tric and battéry sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged. rental supplied. $1. Phone 3350]. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, AFeb, 6-1 mo) -------------------------------------------------------- RADIO SETS TESTED FREE OF charge, expert repairs on electric and battery sets, prices moderate, satis: faction guaranteed. Batteries re. charged 50c delivered. Geo. Bure roughs, certified radiotrician, King Street West, Phone 382-11. (Feb. 11-1 mo.) Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and: kiduey ples. hot or cold brawn, cakes and pastries, ete., etc. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street. Phone 2372F, ' (77tey Tailoring Public Stenographer ARIE M HILTON, 74 SIMCOB rect north. Phone 1600, Special tes for malling lists and circular ork. (Mar 1-1 mo) PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh- awa fur men who care, I'rices fair and reasonable, 12; Simcoe Street south. Phone -1533W. (Mar. 1-1 mo) Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT viss watch:naker, repair shop at 41/4 King Sgeet West. Your oat- nage is solicited Auctioneer HONE 716) Ictioneer 346 Simcoe S. in sell vour odd pirces of furniture id other articles at our yards, 4l 1% St. W,. Oshawa, Qalasio, a_i Wo SULLEY 3 We \ TAII ORING=ALL KINDS OF RE- pairs, spring aud summer suits to measure, your own material made up. 12% King "West. Phone 509. d 4 (Mar. 8-1 mo.) : Hemstitching NINB GENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, etc, All kigds of beautiful fancy work on sale. Nurs. Dell, 2615 Sim- soe Scuth, Phone 1658, (Fel, 184 mo), FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FUR- niture. Apply Apt. 2, over Ward's Store. (67¢) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN -- FUNDS vailable for first mortgages, on well 16cated residences, "Bradley Bros. 2% Simcoe South (upstairs). : (Feb, 25-1 mo.) Wanted To Buy MR. JACOB .BUYING SECOND bang cars, old batteries and radi- ators. Phone 8198. (March 1-1 mo) WANTED TO BUY-- A BIC in good condition, also sleeping tent. Apply Box 489 Times. Veterinary Dit. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist iseascs romestic Ani. r r1s. Cat dnd doz hospital, 203 King W. Tel, 629. (b7¢) (Mar. I-1mo) Mulching Paper Reports from users of Mulching Paper in Ontario say: "We hadia son"--*We had cucumbers long bes fore our neighbors, melons and toma- toes were carlier and yielded far more than ever before." Send for FREE SAMPLES, Write Halliday, B~x 212, Hamilton. (56-39-62-63-68-71-74) Contracting CONTRACIING = CONCRETE plasiel ing, i Phone 13 for ealimales gocl crop in spite of the dry sea- Ji RENT -- FIVE ROOMED Apply 34 TO house on Prince street, Elgin west. (57tf) TO RENT--TWoO FURNISHED rooms, or lizht housekeeping, bath flat. All conveniences including olectric rangette, 313 Jarvis street, (56c) "0 RENT-- UNFUR- rooms, for light housekeeping, bath Phone 2956J. (56¢) [6] --TWO ROOMS, PART- ly furnished for light housekeep- ing. Phone 2717J. | (66¢) Classified Ad ass S. | First insertion-~115 cenis per word, . . Minimum charge 30c. © Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word. Three consecutiye inser tions for thy price of two first. insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 certs. Bos number 100 additional Rd Professional or Husiness Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per wonth for each addilinnal word, AUS WT LITTLE AC COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 85 Ask for Clasaifled Ad Departinent FOR SALE OR RENT-SEVEN- room house in Columbus, clectric lights and furnace, good condition. Phone 165515, (55¢) FOR SALE OH RENT---HOUSE and lot No. 367 Centro street, Oshawa. 9 rooms and bath, All conveniences. Immediate posses- sion. Also house and lot for sale No. 369 Centre street, Oshawa, 6 rooms, All conveniences, Large lot. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris; ters, Oshawa, or Edwin Arnold, 752 Rowena St.,, Oshawa. (W-8-tt) Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse, with reference, open for en- gagementy/March first. Maternity or general rfursing. Phone 742M. (Feb, 18-1 Mo.) PRACTICAL. NURSE, MATERN- ity, invalid, or general nursing. For niamation phone 1298]. (Feb. 24-1 o. / Position Wanted MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS position as housekeeper, experienced, apply 10 Beverly street. (56h YOUNG LADY WANTS HOUSE- work, experienced. Edna McCann, phone Brooklin 105 or write R. R. No. 3, Oshawa, (b6c) eee Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERED and repaired, Prices moderate, phone 1436M or 2830W. George Lemee. (Feb. 11-1 mo.) TSHAW'S CIRCULATING library, You will enjoy reading tbe latest I'lotion at inimum 'cost. Phone 1472, 37 CHocoe St. North. ' *) (ror . . Motor Cars Dominjon Garage, $3 Bond stree: west. Phone 3198. All cars at one prige $1.25. (March 11 mo), ols garage man, Courtice, Ontario, on Monday the 24th day of March, 1950, at 2.30 o'clock in the after- | noon. For further particulars apply | to W. J. Sulley, auctioneer, Con- ant & Annis, solicitors. (57-67) Lost and Found { TOST --PERINGLSE DOG FROM 273 French street. Kindly return to this address Reward. Agents Wanted : SELL FINE" KNIT DRESSES, suits and ensembles for Spring. Also | bathing suits, sweaters, hosiery, | woollen underwear," Direct to cou- | sumer. Men or women prepared give conscientious and steady wanted at once. Excellent re eratiori. British Knitwear Lir Simeoe, Ontario. Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS P'A- | erbauger, painting and praiaing | Prices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave., phoue 3065w. or 2007: Wanted To Rent located. furnished, centrally 485 Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | IN THE ESTATE OF Stephen | 'George Saywell, of the City of Osh- ! awa, in the County of Ontario, | Harness-Maker, deceased. All per- sons having claims against the estate of Stephen Goorge Saywell, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Harness-Maker, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-soventh day of Decem- ber 1929, are notified to send to Fanny Lunetta Saywell, the Execu- trix of the last will and testament of the said deccased or to the un- dersigned Messrs. Grierson, Creigh- ton & Fraser her Solicitors on or before the fifteenth day of March, 1930, their namos and addresses and full particulars of their claims and 'the nature of the securities if any, held by them: duly verified by statutory declaration. Immedi- ately after tho said fifteenth day of March, 1980, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled theroto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then ave notice, Dated this twenty-first February, 1930 GRIERSON CREIGHTON & FRASER, Oshawa, Ontario, for the said Executrix. (41-51-67) day of Solrs. DOUBT By E. Chesley Allen "No God," the fool within his heart has said, ) [forgetful that his questioned Deity Controls the spheres through all eternity And over utmost space their orbits spread; Who through the untold centuries hag led The migrant bird o'er wide un- charted sea, Or, in one tiny pool, infinity Of myriad life has perfected and bred; Who slowly moulded man from meaner clay, Stood him ereet and freed his pliant hand, That he his puny efforts might es- say To bring earth's rarest wealth to his command. Man's very power to doubt or to despise Ito; | Lendon. t I t I JACK 'MINER TO BROADCAS Jack Miner, Canada's famous | bird man, oviginator of the sane- | latter, "and I want it today. 1 don't get it, tomorrow people will be pointing out this house as s lar, b, of the flat, and had expressed him- t I I dren!'"'---Peargon's. ABSENCE MAKES THE LAND- LORD RICHER The poet was famous, but the landlord was irate. "I want my vent," stated the be place where you once lived,' -- Louisville Courier-Journal. THE LETTER OF THE LAW The prospective tenant lad ie- pected all the rooms, the coal cel- and the other conveniences, self satisfied, "Have you any children?' asked he porter. "I have." "Then you can't bave the flat." "But you don't understand. My voungest child is married and lives n Australia, and the other two ure in Ameriea."" "That makes no difference," said he portar. 'I have orders not {o ot this flat to any one with chil- FOR BRAVE CONDUCT First Soldier--Where were yo tury idea for conscrving bivid life, | when the battle was raging? and the first man on carth to tag! wild Canada to study their | routes of migration, has consented to broadcast his intensely interests | ing story in connec Halliday Home Builders' Hour, Commencing March 18th, Jack | Miner will broadcast for six cons secutive Tuesdays, from eight to nine o'clock Eastern Standard Time, over stations CFRB, Toron. | CKOC, Hamilton, and CJIGC, LOATH 'COLEMAN CARYAGE [Wo Tap NI-N 2s] fon with the 'm Second Soldier--I wag right where the bulletg were the tickes!. First Soldier-----Where was that? Second Soldier--Under the an- unition wagon. j Tailor-made ' Suits ' Scotland Woollen Mills | 8, ROTISH, Manager i LONG DISTANCE 83 BOND ST. WEST Final Clearance of Men's and Boys' Overcoats IF WANTING INSURANCE of any kind Keal Estate or monsy mm other tan (rame bouses allow ws to serve you J. H. R. LUKE Regeny Theatre Bldg, Phone 571 or $8TW errr. | JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOR® J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist F. L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber and Wood. | Yard hope Oshawa 324 4 Whitby 12 HARNPWOOD FLOORS L. Electric Sanded and Finish. ed Complete W. J. TRICK CO. LID. 25 Albert Street Phone 280, 281 | Phone 3215 LOANED W.A. HARE OPTOMPTRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses Car: Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTD. . ¥ Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. TIhone 1088 Felt Block Room 6 "hone 2790 Expert Watch Repairnig BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. our prices Is given by the God whom he de- | nies, REMODELING That Will Remain --- When remodelling your store fronts; building on to your home, or doing general construction work and repairing, let us plan with you and provide for you. You will find our judgment helpful; our material reliable and shawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 economical.

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