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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Mar 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE "Get the Habit" - Come to Sunday: a onchis King we dt United Charch hi 1.00 a.m. -- "Thy Kingdom Come" 6.45 p.m. -- Song Service -- Mr. Herbert C. Treneer. 3 7 00 p.m. -- Fifth Commandment" of Parents" Can a Child love, honor or respect a disolute, dishonorable unworthy Father or Mother? "Honoring SUNDAY SERVICES, MARCH 9 11 am. SUBJECT: 'Faithfulness Commended' 3 pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS Rev: Ira W. Pierce OF TORONTO Hear this talented Speaker KNOX Presbytcrian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munroe U Brock St. Ww, "hone 2554 Christ tChorch (ANGLICAN) "Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A. Incumbent, 503 Masson St. Sunday, March 9 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion 10 a.m. Confirmation Class 11 a.m. -- Morning Prayer Lessons from the Mounts of Holy . Scripture ' "Moriah, Mount of rifice" ' .30 p.m. = Sunday School p.m. -- Evening Prayer "Pride -- The First of the Seven Deadly Sins nag Sunday, March 9 a.m.-- 'The ' Other Side" 3 p.m. -- Sunday School. 77 pm. = "The French Reformation" Mon., 8 p.m.--Young Peo- ~ : 11 1 ples', Tues., 3 Tea. Wed. 8 Meeting, p.m. '-- Birthday Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church p.m. -- Prayer 811 Celina Street Pastor G. Legge in Charge 10. a.m.--Snnday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ehip. 7 p.m. . ship. Pastor George Legge will speak at both services. Tuesday--% p.m Prayer service. GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rev. A.C. Hahn 132 Alice Street Sunday, 'March 9 9.80 a.m. Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Morning Wor. Wednesday, 8 pm.-- ship Young People's Meeting. Watchea by the Jews' Friday," & v.m.--Rible Thur... 7.30 pm, -- "Christ ALL ARS CORDJALLY Study 'Come and enjoy these bright ELCOME -- Evening Wor- vorth Si coe e St. United Church | MANSELL IRWIN . Pastor 39 Greta St Phone 3263W Children's Choir at Morn- ing Service. John A. MeDonald, soloist. Sunday School -- 2 p.m. and 3 p.m, 7 p.m. -- Evening Worship Mon. 8 p.m. -- Young Peo- ple's League. Cordial Welcome to All Free Methodist CHURCH in Canada (Over Arcade) 19 SIMCOE ST. N. _ Sunday, March 9 2 p.m --Sunday School. 3 p.m. -- Preaching Ser- vice. Rev. R. L. Casement, Pastor Cordial Welcome DOCOOO00000000000000 Sunday Services in the City Churches DOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000000000000000000000 Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Simcoe Street United "The Greater Interpreter" will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev. E. Harston, at the morning service of Simcoe Srteet United Church, Sunday, In the ev- ening the pastor will preach on "Conviction Number One," Albert Street United Rev. 8. C. Moore, the acting pas- tor, will speak on 'Lenten Thoughts" at the morning service of Albert Street United Church, sunday. A song service will be given in the evening while the pastor will speak on 'Dangers of Drifting." Pentecostal Assembly Rev. J. T. Ball, the pastor, will conduct the regular services of Pentecostal Assembly tomorrow. All are welcomed. Grace Lutheran The services of tirace Lutheran Church tomorrow will be in charge of Rev. A. C, Hahn, the pastor, Christian Science "Man," will be the subject for discussion at the regular service ot the First Church of Christ Scien- tist tomorrow. Holy Trinity Anglican The rector, Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, will have charge of the services of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Sunday. Salvation Army "A Silent Conversation" will be the subject of the sermon by En- sign A. Dixon at the morning ser- vice at the Salvation Army Citadel. in the evening the sermon will be on "A Real Christian." During the afternoon from 3.15 o'clock there will be an hour of enjoyable sac- red music by the band and song- sters, Free Methodist Rev, R. L. Casement, the pastor, will preach at the erevices of the Free Methodist Church, Sunday. King Street United "Thy Kingdom Come" ig the ar- resting title of the sermon which will be preached by the pastor, Rev. C. E. Cragg, at the morning service of King Street United Church, tomorrow. In the evening the pastor will speak on "The Fifth Commandment--Honoring of Parents" discussing the question of whether a child can love, honor or respcet an unworthy father or mother . Christ Anglican "Moriah Mount of Sacrifide" lesson from the mounts of Holy Scripture will be the sermon by Rev, R. B. Petterson. the rector, at the morning service of Christ Anglican Church, Sunday, The rector will speak on 'Pride' 'at the evening worship. Unity Truth Centre The regular worship of Unity Truth Centre will be held In Welsh's Parlors Sunday morning. Centre Street United "Voluntary Denial" will be the subject of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Fletcher, at the morning service of al Centre Street United Church to- morrow. In the evening Dr. Flet- cher will preach on "The Meaning of Prayer." Masonic Temple "The Christian Sabbath, Is It the First or the Seventh Day?' Tihs is the subject which will be discus- sed by Evangelists Moffett and Hartin at the srecial service in the Masonic Temple tomorrow night, under the auspices of the Oshawa Missionary College. On Wednesday night the subject of Evangelists Moffett and Hartin will be "Where are the Dead in Hea- ven or Hell, Paradise or Purga- tory." St. George's Anglican The regular services of Bt. (George's Amglican Church will be held Sunday with the rector, Can on C, R. dePencier in charge. A quartet will sing 'O Sacred Head" at the morning service. Knox Presbyterian 'The Other Side" will be the subject of the sermon by the pas- tor, Rev, Duncan Munroe, at the morning service of Knox Preshy- terian Church tomorrow. In the evening the pastor will speak on "The French Reformation." Wesleyan Tabernacle Dr. P. Wiseman. president of Annesley College, Ottawa, will ad- dress special services at the Wes- leyan Tabernacle Church, Sunday. Miss Jean Smith, of Toronto, will be the soloist. Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Pastor G. Legge will be In charge of the regular services of Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church tomorrow. First Baptist Charch On the closing day of the Six- tieth Anniversary of the church, Rev. J. Gordon Jones, B.A, pas- tor of the Parkdale Baptist Church Toronto, will be the speaker, Mr. Jones is President of the Baptist Young People's Union of Ontario and Quebec and the evening ser- vice will appeal particularly to the young people. St. Andrew's United "Faithfulness Commended" fis announced as the subject of the sermon which Rev. ¥. J. Maxwell, the pastor, will rreach at the morning service of St. Andrew's Cfiurch tomorrow. Rev. Ira W. Pierce, of Toronto, will preach in the evening. North Simcoe St. United Rev. A. M. Irwin, the pastor, will be in charge of both services at North Simcoe Street United Church, Sunday. A children's choir will sing at the morning ser- vice while John A. McDonald will be soloist, CALVARY BAPTISH CHURCH The services at Calvary Baptist Church on Sunday will be conduct- ed by Miss Dorman and Miss An- derson of the Faith Mission, Tor- onto. Miss Anderson is an out-go- ing missionary to Africa, while Miss Dorman has been connected with the work of this Mission both in the Old Country and in Canada. FAILED TO SHOW TRUE CHRISTIAN SPIRIT The Christian Century tells an interesting story in its last issue of a woman member of the Church at a presentation of the Passion Play in a city just south, of the Mason-Dixon line, ed a mulatto in front of her and rushed indignantly to the box of- fice to protest against presence of negroes on the main floor. The Century suggests that in agree- ment with the wishes of this wom- an the company putting on the play make use of some such adver- fsement as this: '""Come and see the drama of the sufferings of Christ for all mankind; negroes ALBER1 $1. UNITEL CHURCH REV. 8. C. MOORE, B.A., B.D., Mini 275 Albert St. id ys Ny ? 11 a.m. =~ "Lenten Thoughts" pr SEX Young Worshipper's League--Jun ior Congregation 12.30 p.m. -- Sunday School, Eirra and Royal Oaks Bible Classes 7.00 hm Stirring Song Service--"Dangers of Drifting" EVERYOYE WARMLY WELCOMED NO HOPE / Husband: "Did you get a maid from the registry office?" Wife: "No." Husband: "Weren't there any dere?" Wife: "Dozens--but wé had haa them al," " Unity, Truth Centre H PARLORS ing St. W. Suuday Schoo Morning Service | toa 11am. If tain a three-fifths d| carry, I ther, Ww, admited to the gallery only, Come and look upon the crucifixion of Him who taught the brotherhood of all men, Black brothers strict. ly confined to inferior locations." It isn't easy to be always consist ently Christian, is it? LIQUOR QUESTION BOBS UP AGAIN A compulsory referendum on the question of the prohibition of al- coholic liquors in the staté of Vic- toria, Australia, is to take place on March 29th, Melbourne and some of its suburbs are already dry and a very vigorous campaign for and against the extension of the dry area throughout the state is under way. Prohibition must ob- majority to There is this anyway to be sald, civilized communities the | world over do not seem. to be able to leave the liquor question alone or very long. In spite of every- | thing it does seem to' get on the conscience, TAUNTON BRIEFS Taunton, Mar, 6--These mild days are reminders that Spring is not far away. The snow has been disap- pearing very nicely without making the roads disagreeable for traffic. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Alan Lanis in the death of her fa- ther, the late Mr. John Trull of Bowmanville. Mrs. W, Glaspell visited her bro- Mitchell of Oshawa, on who discover-| Monday, it being the latter's birth- day. Inspector R. A. Hutchison of Whitby made his semi-annual visit at Maxwell's school on Wednesday afternoon. Lewis Pascoe and daughters, Mar- jorie and [Edith visited at Wilbur's, Albert Hillis, who has been visit- ing friends in Orono, has returned nome. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Walter of Toronto were Sunday guests at the home of Murton Walter, Kedron, March. 7.--~ The Women's Association held their March meet- ing at the home of Mrs, R. J. Luke on Wednesday afternoon with a splendid attendance. After the us- ual business meeting. An interesting demonstration/of correct table setting and serving was put on, Mrs. L, Hancock, as hostess, Mrs. F. W, Lee, Mrs, Well Dressed; Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. H, Pascoe, Mrs. Good Manners; Mrs. W. L, Mountjoy, Mrs. Hope- lessly Ignorant; Mrs, H. F. Werry, Mrs, Ill-at-East; Mrs. S. Jewell, Mrs, Bad Manners. " When the seven course dinner was served by Misses Leia Hoskin and Beatrice Mountjoy as maids, Mrs, John Glover ably fulfilled the duties of critic. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brock, Courtice are spending a few days with Mr. N, Gimblett, Mr. R. Wood, Orono, is visiting his daughter, Mrs, W. N., Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hancock spent Monday in Toronto, CHILD MARCH Today March came And in the morning smiled As if he were a very happy child. But now, this afternoon, He wearied of the glow And blotted out the sunshine With a shimmering of snow, Tomorrow he may cry As if his heart would break! But you and I know March; And merely smile and take His periods of quiet and wild As we would hear it in a child, March 1st. 1930. ---0, D, 8. Elmer | Church and Home A great opportunity confronts the church--if the church is big enough to grasp it, Several months ago there was held at Buffalo, New York, a Conference on Mar- riage and the Home, under the au- spices of th Social Hyglens Com- mittee of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in Amefieai The: prob} under qd i the changing status of the family in modern life, and among the con- clusions reached were the follow- ing: "It is our belief that the time has come for an emphasis upon the success of the normal home, as realized by the great majority ot people, rather than stress upon the failures and abnormal relation- ships. "The conference believes that of all the social and educational agencies in the community, the church holds the key to the home's future . . .The Christian minister should consider himself as the moral engineer of family life, "We urge that a larger place be given in the curriculum of our church schools for teaching on marriage and the home, We counsel the ministry of the church to conduct pastoral classes among their young people in the prepara tion for home life. . . . We urge likewise a greater personal ministry to individuals, particular ly extending personal young couples who come to be married. . . . + We urge upon al our theological seminaries a thor- counsel to | ough training of the divinity stu- dent in relation to this home ministration. . , . be hoped that ultimately there will be eéstabished in every city a clinle on marriage and the home, in which there will be a staff consist- ing of a minister of religion a | psychiatrist, a physician and a soc lay worker----in order that the church might give to the home the same expert technical advice in the religious realm that is now given by specialists in other realms.' Big plans these--- magnificent plane, But plans that can scarcely be carried out by the present gen- eration of preachers and churches. How many ministers today have sufficiently dominant personalities to issue orders to their parishion- ers and make those orders stick? How many ministers can exercise real leadership of the young peo- ple in their communities? How many ministers are really inform- ed as to the problems of family life? And if they are not inform- ed. how can they expect to direct changes? When denominational! competi- tion ceases, when we have big, un- ited churches around which com- munity life can really revolve, then only then, will families bring their problems to the church for solu- tion, The Far Hills By H. T. J. Coleman The near hills stand beneath the sun; Clear, and green and high; But the far hills lie faint and blue Along the western sky. One well might climb the near hills Within a single day, But the summits of the far hills Are unknown miles away, Yet thither would my fancy fare On. feet that never tire, Until at length they reach the peaks That guard the sunset fire, The near hills give happiness Without a hint of dole, But it is the call of the far hills That echoes in my soul, D. D. Presjdent of Annesley Col. lege, Ottawa, at | Wesleyan ' Tabernacle 200 King St. West | 10.30 am., 3 & 7 p.m, i also Sat. 7.30 p.m. | Special Singing by Miss Jean Smith, Toronto Do not Fail to Hear This | future | It is to y DOO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 COONAN BOOOCO0000000000 SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" All the Churches id You a Hearty Welcome PHONE 148 Good Singing Minister -- Rev. E, Harston, LL.B, 7.00 p.m. 'The Great Interpreter" 3 p.m. -- Sunday Schoo) 11.00 p. m, "Convict Number One" The Minister will Preach at both Services Fine Fellowship A HEARTY WELCOME' AWAITS YOU HERE 6.45 p.m. -- Song Service OFFICE 3128 Helpful Services 7.30 p.m. -- EVANGELISTS MOFFETT AND HARTIN WILL SPEAK ON Sunday, March 9 7.15 p.m. "The Christain Sabbath" IS IT THE FIRST OR THE SEVENTH DAY? Wednesday, March 12 "Where Are the Dead" IN HEAVEN OR HELL, PARADISE OR PURGATORY? MASONIC TEMPLE CENTRE AND METCALFE STS. Our Platform -- The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. Our Motto--"Prove All Things; Hold Fast That Which Is Good." Ouija Board Magis Used to Kill White Woman by diam Butfalo, March 8§.--A young dlan woman's desire for a white man, seeking to gain its end by employing ancient Cayuga black magic through the latter-day med- fum of the ouija board, brought about the death here Thursday of Mrs. Clotilde Marchand, wife of Henri Marchand, noted museum artist. The ouija board warned that unless "the white woman' were killed she would kill the artist's Indian model, according to letters found by police in the home of Lilac Jamison. The little woman, wko spent her days all alone in her house, was struck down, choked and chlo- roformed by a 66-year-old sassa fras vendor, to whom the ouija board messages had been passed on and who was convinced that Mrs. Marchand bad had a part in the death of her husband, In Hl ow a, ~ ' St. George's ANGLICAN . Bagot and Centre CANON C. RB. dePENU! M.A. Sts. ER, Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 8 am, -- Hcly Communion 11 a.m. -- Morning Prayer Quartette, "0 Sacred Head" 7 p.m. -- Evening Prayer Wed. 8 -- Lenten Service Fri. 8 p.m. -- Confirmation Class. * Baptisms second Sunday each month, 'F = | Baptist 1 Church KING ST. EAST | Aubrey W. Small | 18 Aberdeen St, Rev. J. Gordon Jones B. A. of Parkdale Baptist Church, Toronto President, B.Y.P.U., of Ontario & Quebec 11.00 a.m. -- *'An Unreal ized Vision" 3.90 p.m. -- Sunday School" A 7.00 p.m. -- "Build . Thee More Spacious Mansions, O My Soul." Monday, 8 p.m, -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8.00 p.m, -- ™ Prayer Meeting. na Rev. Cedardale United Church REV, G. W, IRVINE B.A, B.D., Minister THIRD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. F. L. Brown, D.D. of Toronto at both services. Mon. 5.830 p.m, -- Anniver- sary Supper and Coneert, Centre St, - United Church REV. W. P. FLBCUVHER, B.A. O.D. Sunday, March 9 11 s.m. -- "Voluntary De- nial" : 2.30 -- Sunday School, 7.00 p.m, -- "The Meaning of Prayer" Mon, 8 p.m. -- Yourtg Peo- ple's. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer an? Leadership Training. THE SALVATION ARMY r | Emig and Mrs, A. Dixon in charge Simcoe & Oak tA Silent" Conver. "A Real Christian." Sunday School -- 10 am. & a.m, = sation' 7 p.m.-- ii 2 pm. COME TO THE ARMY -- WELCOME Service of Music One hour of Sacred Music rendered by Band and Songsters, Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Centre St. Rev. J. T. Ball Sunday, March 9 10 a.m.--Sunday School 1} am.--Morning Ser- vice 7 p.m, -- Evening Wor- ship. Special Singing All Welcome HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Sts. REV. 8. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. - 8 am. -- Holy Com- munion. ' Il am. -- Matins and Sermon. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. CHRISTADELPHIAN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST SH CHANGE OUR VILE BODY THAT IT MAY BE FASHIONED Fl UNTO HIS RIOUS BODY, The body is to be saved not an immaginary immortal soul "This immortal ou mortal must put on ead Phil. 3, 2-21; 1 Cor, 15,/50-57; Rom, 8, Re ol 5, 23, |. Christian Science | First Church of Christ, Scientisy 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, March 9 SUBJECT » "M AN" Morning Service at 11 am. Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science, You are cordially invited to attend tbe services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room: where the Bible and all authorized: Christian Science literature may be. read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for. Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and § Syiardays' from 2 to 5 p.m, | | CALVARY BAPTI Gospel Centre Athol St. West--North Side Rev. Albert Hughes, B.A, Acting Pastor 11 am. and 7 p.m. -- Faith Mission Pilgrims, Miss Dorman and Miss . Anderson. Sunday School 3 p.m, |i Friday, 7 p.m. --Chil : dren's Meeting. Prayer Meetings Wed: nesday and Saturday, 8 p.m.

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