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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Mar 1930, p. 12

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PP Sr PAGE TWELVE ! Deer Jumps 25 Feet : Lindsay.~A deer was seen goilg south on let 6, con. 3. Mariposa, Wednesday evening, by Ldith Tre- nieer, cutting across the field a few rods from the buildings heading for a nearby swamp... When tracing the tracks. i the morning it was found that the deer made a jump of almost twenty- five feet in jumping over i wire fence. Its ordinary pace being twelve feel. EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS the first gold commissionér of the Yukoh, died Friday morning at her home here after a long illness. Cheese Factories Open May 1 Belleville --~Although a report from Kingston recently stated that due to the present fine weather, some little work had started in the cheese fac- tories in. the county of Frontenac,' production in the Belleville district will prdbably not get under way until May first, "We rarely cver start be- fore that in this section of the pro- NEWS OF NESTLETON Nestleton, Mar, 4,~0On Wedncs- | "day, March 5, a dance will be held in the COF. Hall. A good turn out is expected. Farmers are busy getting their supply of wood out of the woods now that the snow has returned. Some farmers who were fortunate had theirs out before and Had it cut in stove lengths. Sid Staples attended two sales out Manver's way last week. On Friday, Feb. 28, a progressive euchre party was held in the C.OF. hallN Nestleton, where about 40 peo- ple attended. Prizes were given 'as follows: Mrs. L. Watson and Wn. Steele. Tamblyn, retu-ning with the:r to Enniskillen. Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Rodman, Scugog, spent Sunday with E, C Ashton. Harold Slemon, Bowmanville, vis- ited hisc ousin, John Slemon, ou Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Stevens, W. Moore and Milton Stainton at. tended the funeral of the late G. C. Rodd in\Oshawa on Sunday, Mrs. J. W. Virtue is under the doctor's care. Arthur Simmins, Toronto is vis- iting friends and i$ a guest of Mr. and Mrs, Levi Brunt, A. Hills is much . improved iu health, He expects to be able to come home in a few Save from Bowmanville hospital. CRIPPLED WOMAN FATALLY BURNED } --r---- Edmonton, Aha, March 10, -- A strange freak of fate was recorded recently when a woman crippled for five years, Mrs. Charles Lowe, was fatally burned when fire spread from a gas radiant to a rug thrown over her knees. The chair had been in front of the radiant all winter and went up in flames "like gasoline." Singing while he poured . water for his bath her husband discovered her enveloped 'in a mass of flames when he left the bathroom to get a towel he had forgotten. "I found my wife on fire, and I threw a rug over lier to stop the flames, then a blanket and thensa quilt. I called for help and someone then came in od n Theft Charge Gets Remand on the big thaw and the cold Port Hope~Chargéd with the theit §vince," J. L. Irwin, Dairy Produce / ] § ; re : Siter ane . : : af four automobile tires, Lawrence{ Grader, stated, 1 ; "NB i 4 . "i a weather, cars arc beginning to run MOS UITOES ARE and rot her shai to te sopr, 2 wo il © next fe i : ] ; ] : d. people threw water on her from di Hiway 'Wien he. appear before Financial Help Promised a . fom "Last Tuesday a dance was given in pans of something. © ire'ci agistrate W. A. F. Campbell in Peterboro.--Promises of "financial : honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ar- Lowe testified that his wife had a Sa Hope po lice court Friday morn- {assistance for the establishment of a gue, who are moving from Nestle- habit of throwing papers which she ton to Cadmus. A party is expected ; had been reading to the floor beside 1 1 extended trip through Western at their home alsg before they leave. hey InvpiQ Shai sod Shot the phat hon, pleaded not guilty to the charge. jan extend ¥ steri -- yi 2 33, 2 > radi Soi Ontario as far as Sarnia, during " J y ; . : a lock: He had warned her against this prac Want Town Planning which He mtcrriewed rete entatives re g op 1 J ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Flocks o Crows Also Fore- | Port Hope.--Considering the Shon of various commercial and industrial oy 2 a =H - v JE) I i Yer i L I tel Approach of _ Enniskillen, Mar, Mrs. E. ( . Spring n given, the re-{companics. ; y 5. onl the Board ol - Following some friendly banter) pital from a gunshot wound and | whom he wanted - to cash the | Ashton and June, Orville Ashton, Tighe. held : Paving Plant Moved about the cashing of a cheque in a | Walter Gregor, 28, store assistant | cheque to take her to a dance. (8) | C. Stainton, Miss M. Dalton and ing. He elected 'summary trial an 1d | Fife memorial were reported Friday through his counsel, W. FE. McMa=}by J. J. Duffus on his return from ~ ~ Lic rlain:nont at strategic point training Leaver Bro- i c ad a ay night, was fairly Agi 4 A ------ Trade, held Fri day nigh 3 Kingston. -- Friday was "moying | Mimico, Ont., grocery store, an au- | and close friend of the dead man, | Store at Mimico, scene of the shoot | iss M. Martin visited friends in Bethesda, Feb. 27.--Spring ap- dustrial expansion should be aban-] Grounds; when the works department off. As a result, Edward King, 29, | slaughter. (2) Rita MacKenzie, to June remaining for a further visit|a few days of warm sunshine and Mrs. Sweetman has returned to | a lower temperature and snow and informatio 1 local | ment to new loca t the Mur- NOW PLAYING reaching 1 its cftects for the oper of the paving sca : : | been made public. According to the | part well Gill, Toronto, spent Sur vith | corne several crows are seen | 'Pair 1 > d ~ | : { : 1 \ : in- on ce 3 k of d catch on the machine gun in the | thankoffering s ce x . I ped with areat rat since its in-to n nced the work of fe 1 sach 5 ! J thankoffering services. "World Brotherhood. of Man." stress | sper ny a rk eption three veats ago. held its an-|ishing the old Royal Hotel Building { Fater near the stern of the Con- Congratulations are cxtended tol. od 5 gin of diy rs. W. G. Rundle is visiting her Za ne - k. In-lon Mill str P e foot of Walton a ALL cord and the gun began firing. Be-| Ar, and Mrs. C. L. Hindman, on the | }!8 '0¢ 8r€ Tat 40 1d r, rs. Elsie Oke at Eben- HA EN KD : og 5 ARLES counties of Prescott, Russell, Gren-{made in the work. had killed one man and wounded Frank Hastings, O.A.C,, Guelph, ng a duet. Mrs, Ronald Scott visited She ga Hull and Pontiac. al Hote! building. The bu . | manouevres with cruisers attached | spending a few days at home, Ti wad : Mr, and Mrs. Sid Hoar and Franchise Cancellation he league had the pleasure of a cicvi ille.--L. Pri \ Was Port Hope by tractor 1 the Mar! i" Hewsor : 5 his | vessel to witness .the lapding of | (he former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Jcb- president, Mi A. D rland, was New Rink Holds Big Crowd laceburg og a Eats a | stern of the cruiser. It was among Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, | The Han der J 5 a s largest crowd on Tuesday) I Hh ; accordar , vote of than what you expect and consequences | NOW PLAYING he season was held k leal weath ! . the People's' League meeting | i 0 Mi | JAMES LIVINGSTON, The: hecting | provided. Miss po ion Saturday on evening « m ng The move ecut ollow loe, Chapman had charge | refreshments were served. aN -- 1] 8 } offices which i tod f the Dean. of Moc 3:3 i ] 3 2) Oo bean enjoyable affai 1ird Street brid ty work- | died here on Saturday night, in his Bick. Mrytle 'Bradley and Floren | Dalton winning first prize | ar i838 | internal nedy can remove the , Pp n z 3 e G - 1 h " h gs entertan nt ownes and lisher of the Grim Peters, Misses Anne and | Orchard moved a \ot hanks | 3 harmless tablet, succeeds, because s delivered a brief addres . wen to work t veplace the | EL male Ernest Horn nded the un quick, sate and lasting re- If you enjoy action with : tha dian Sportsgan, Canadian Poultry | . Sout : aT Sp a N and the Fruit Grower and |? niribut 1 y : Trough and Dc Found- | ficials calling on police office: ay I the Frui DO a1 | of the Tia y ted' Mrs. Wm. Oke ick. Jury & Lovell Ltd. and drug- Hi yyiideats." Hamilton the first morning paper | clo PUOt ENfrs Gordon and Mr and no further move was made by { brief, but spectacular career | | CONSIDERING THE BABY watchn at the bridge | well attended. George W. Garnett doned in favor of a br te under the supervisic of the City En- shown in (1), Mimico, died in hos- | whom King was engaged, and for | with Mr. and Mrs! S. May. wildness, retreats in confusion, with her home here after spending sev- | winds, Vinter may tilt make a -- or 1] i : * A ' y ) 1( H Held Seed Fair : { information received here: Lieut. v. Wm, Scctt, returned mission- Mr, and Mrs. Levi Brunt in orc 5 and forests also, | D NAMI E onte.-- a he Ottawa Valley Sce First Brick Building Goes ! | Wm. A, Watson, piloting a gunning | ary from Korea W ill occupy the pul Sunday evertop Rev. J. M. Whyte Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy mio- : ! y show at Arr last week. - street at th i Pied . ama Lan ual show at Ar i SiR fore it could be taken in charge it Ihe. choir contributed several selec- ' knot 0y- Takes Drastic Move in Long-| 12 others. SHELL fen lies at' home Tecentls. Ca yet So -- erccted in 1323, 107 years ago to the scouting fleet and a number Mrs. H.W. Wilcox, has returned . a0 ! : 2 | Master Lloyd, mctored to Toronto visit from Hampton Young People| = y : at Port Pr : vith one or of ceupi ied in 1826 1 *Unci WA | gathered near the stern of that! Ayr. and Mrs. Cyril Jebson, visited te act to prevent t atham-Wi Company then ¢ the ! created by here was a splendid attendance at | } : what you get." | men to toe up ection ot he Tals | NEWSPAPERMAN, DIES, vas unde: the Juderstip of the st} JS mis Soions Jo the | Hoot Gibson Held Annual Social i 4 i the city Grimsh Mat eh 10 James A sf the devotional period, durinf| Mr. and Mr tone c 3 quit ie '2 * McLarry pleaded . ering of the Kingston Pot bc pany contempla serating a | Prominent citizens and oF Short papers were given on | ing. - Several con 5 ro Piles "Courtin' d to plead Tand gentienten seventy-first year, after an illness 3 i > be es and gentle n ( rai a hoth ap- | seven A yea AEE an Bun M. Orchard, the lowest poi cause, Tha s why salves and cut-| er alii . y { the 1 p : ge EEE | by (Tndependent and during that eg while severa i in afternoon. wher ympany | Renan ih ainton, Olga Co and congratulat » 1 g the : t relieves this congestion and streng- | | ritton. Advance, Smithville Ad- ' Mary Peters ac- aster Advance and Cana- and Mar i Ste Soak you're laughs, you'll enjoy 'Was held on Monday evening, | « } here wis no | Farmer In" 1900 he commenced | 3 i n Monday eV +| see that there was no and "Mrs, WV. Staint | gis ts everywhere sell Hem-Roid with ; i ered in the auditorium, W. S r-| move. With the appearance of the | ooh certifi- " 1 the guests the company to act in opposition to i ; (Montreal Stas) HAMPTON MAN HAD I) mint plant at the F tomatic pistol, aimed in fun, went | is held upon a charge of man- | ing. IS ' p ¢ 2 chal' aw ' ' 1 suggested that concentrations on iti=}day" for the paving plant at the | I } I [3 8 Toronto Sunday. Mrs. Ashton and | pears to be a bit bashtul and after ; api' atters as ir beauti- ] gineer removed twetlty tons of equip~- TAA | a yy sined \ 3 aldock Farm. .T plant will be as- Fhe accident happened several | church on Tuesday night, by the 10- | ¢ral weeks with her sister Osh- | brave fight, but spring's advance community spirit which 1 t bo far-}sembled.s ¢ and put in readiness days ago, but for some unexplain- | cal young people, was quite a suc-| jwa | scouts are already in si sight. Mos- om n n 1 4 \ roa tails 7 A \ Va ry his or r hu ' i . 1 ng 4 a l { ed reason, the details have not | cess, every player acting his or her Miss Myrtle Brunt and Franlk Me- | quitoes » in swarms in sheltered nt ane, neglecte 'lose the safe a n : has "devel- Port Hope.~A week ago co plane, neglected to close the safety | pit on Sunday, it being the an nual delivered 3 fitic. 'se nto on Monday and Withee \ fiatior ar he | stree 3 rapi FC . tof fi gr " i it cluded in the associat are the |street. anil rapid pr arrival of a son, Orville Wood. | tions, H. McGill and Mrs. R. Orm- | €2¢t. BB JULIA FAYE ville. Carleton, Lanark the structure was kno : | * . | The plane had been engaged in s R Terguso \ 1 hid 1 wn St standing War Over plane had been eng Miss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa, is] | = Bog Salem Sunday. T ADDED ATTRACTIONS Prescott Workman Dies s the first brick building to b ; row of the crew of the Concord had | from visitinf relatives in Oshawa. ! : | on Wednesday. The Enniskillen Chatha a ab he plane in the water near the | son, over the week end. charge, e oupening devo | ing to stat i! nee betwee: | gum ---- rms os Norwood's new rin ; 1108 Ce A these men that the machine gun rot ited the latter's father el 1 el 1 , hI ? ki | {vie locomot Hy stroets. 1 ' ) t 1 onto, visited the latter's father, | then A | ; 1 quences M j with a am) A lected its toll hy Irvin Trull gram. Rev, J. M. ae Hoye "A bright girl replied: "Results are ew ar n ening when the second carnival of oS g : ' o HN § § for the ¢ lent the compu e¢ excelle ice-president, Mrs, Harold | Joyinent or each g ; J 3 ¥ i .r 1' 1 3 information 1« hori ing 16 i "ne shv's 1r & of Stephen Jennings - ingston.--Ti mual soci Livingstone, one of Grimsby"s most «hich 'Rev. J. R. Bick lead in pray- | tained the choir jed to jail for veek for oid Of hurs | Lincoln C EWS wr yok anded to ja = }ciation held on Thursday incoln ounty newspapermen, | oo "yooh 3nd India, by M sive Lost He vlaved vl vi a week. tte " The first 1 i lof a week. For over 40 years he was t h > : L attendance. fi st art o t [of a week. For over Jears \ Missionary play was stag ged by | ter a dair bri was seri Miss | ting onhardt"s Hem-Roid, | Wi cats" time owned and published the Mer- , : hy | ) I Misses | y of Mr Mrs. Mz ie affected parts. I Roid | | Yooh : tai 3 An | vance. An¢ Ady ' on d i Workers Hold Banque. A hs : { 1 vy Mrs cat the fm | lief to-thousands of Pile Sufferers. It | ced. ~The annual b It the compa l 1 i yart | and Mr haw pte \ I ne for 1 n yl : . e com ical part 1 M >. Shaw, Hampton, | will do the sane for you or money (I! Hoot Gibson in *Courtin' 1 ves f both ray wat) ® ' | 1blicatio ) he Morning Post throug : . when employees of both firms gat! by radial workmen o Publication of the nd Post in | . » "fri in Orono Thursday, Mrs. A. this guarantee, don, pres sider it and n ger vith | men in uniform. the work stopped, | ever in that city vhich ---- the city's edict. The city posted lindsay. "Relatives of Dr i ne i : : hr Scully, of Cleveland, who was mur-} hild specialists of the Unit Rl By tered in tl "ity on Tuesday, ve } United States, 1m convention assem- recel hat his r ill | bled, have j i l » Vl » ! j baby is no joke. Most people will 1 4 be inclined to agree with them, | REAKER y HT tho many parents wo ould ch je | # H the 1 "I t» "having' But when Eats proceed to in torm the fathers and mothers of the years Geo.) land that the ancestors of hile \ made applica- be studied before i aturalizatio He was born e-up can be deterr y | ited States, and was a re-| are forecas g a lot of trou | t decided that being a Jainos Lee Recognized by TRI RIVER Police Circulars--To Be Brought to Napanee countr Jon ' ol 1 the average family infa tile pre 2 r ilections will often be set down to 4s ious peculiarities or prejudiz iitentiary, but has been } n ror fat her, or in ai nent for the past 1ew at Te ida But not one fami} Winnipe 10- Recognized a thousand goes book any farth from circulars distributed through Oddfellows Get Jewels than that. A grandfather can hard- | out the Dominion, James Lee, alias Peterboro A bright spot wa ly be 1ermed an ancestor. It would! Coulter, who broke out of the Na- touched in the hives of "fifteen mem- be. a difficult, if an impossible | panee County jail eb. 24 and bérs of Peterboro Lodge No. 111, In- tor the m3 ! ' dependent Order of Oddfellows, wh: / : heir long membership of twenty - ars in the lodge was du ed Friday njght by tlre i tion to them of "Veteran J The 'lodge room was packed to ca- pacity with the brethren anxious to do them honor oi 5 occasion, to- gother" with a umber of vist- tors. rity of parents to] made a successful escape, was in trace back their infant's peculiarities | possession of a n when arrested to ancestral sources. but made no effort to use it g This business of making life more The arrest of Lee in Toronto vork Hasting difficult seems to intr good] Feb, 14 brought to an end a series | 5; Lave bees n engaged in many people, but it is no of bold thefts in Napance County Mr. Rogers life : sreatly those towards whom it is directed, | The post office at Centveville was | coerced, He found himself in about | In some blind, blundering manner, | broken into and robbed and many | fourteen feet of water, but mana our forefathers brought up their | houses and stores were entered and | (, climly out of the cabin on the top | children, and the latter followed | stripped of valuables. Lee was |. ; the truck and finally through the 3 suit, down to the present generation | brought back to Napanee and was | pong of a part of the truck which | Prominent Lady Dies and nobody seems to have suffered | lodged in soynty jail to await rind he used for a raft he reached safety. | Brockville.--Mrs. Walsh, widow of | any acute injustice. The parents of on: three charges of shopbreaking | phe truck and some' of the lumber | Major J. M. Walsh, onc of the ear] today as a class favour Icaving the ne ot atte Lifall teh 94. | Was recovered later, The truck has | superintendents of the Royal North- baby "alone and letting nature do the i ios 3 ne ; re ihe "*' L undergone repairs and is again Jin 36 ; i west Mounted Police, who suppressed | job as much as possible. The re- Hy Dok Lhe. De Cin ar ou operating order 6 in. wide spot muslins in pretty self-colored de- Sitting Bull and his band after their] sulis do nqt appear to be disquiet- Waike dOnt nto oo a ne Clifford Allin made an c¢xchange of signs make ideal kitchen or bedroom cur- ~ 42 arrival in Canada and who later was' ing, up to date. all over ae riven a des. | Sars on Saturday. : tain. Reg. 50c. Special, yard ........... Cc eription of the fugitive but all ef- fom Wrayhad quite a successful | forts at re-capture failed wood bee on Wednesday : | "He is a dangerous man dnd has) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw visited evved three terms in penitentiary." | 4t the hone. of Wi. Oke recently. W. W. Horn installed a new pian MADRAS MUSLIN said Provincia] Constable Barrett | an s oy 5a ih A hats ) Constable | recently, Fine quality 'Madras Curtain Muslin in smart, all- Barrett was one of the officers who | Miss' Ruby Clatworthy, has taken over designs. Comes 36 in. wide with scal- "29 loped border. Special, yard ............... C Madras Muslin Colored Filet Nets Beautiful rich designs in extra good quality Madgas Splendid quality colored Filet Nets, 50 in. wide. 'marked at a big reduction for this week only. T The colors are blue, rose and arab, guaranteed edges are finished with wide band border and come Sunfast. Makes ideal sunroom curtains, where in ecru and two tone effects. Reg. 85¢ yd. lots of light is required. Reg. $1.25 Special, yard : 59¢ Special, yard ... $1.00 TTT TRI Ty REMNANTS Remnants of Curtain Nets, Madras, Silk Drapery, Repps, Casement Cloths have been put out and marked exactly half price, SPOT MUSLIN SEE CHINTZ Heavy quality chintz in splendid designs and color- ings suitable for drapes and upholstering. 6 36 in. wide. Reg. $1.00 yd. Special, yard 9c Se arrested Lee in Toronfo. "Winni- | the position of night supervisor at peg police recognized him from Bowmanville Hospital, which was circulars and we received word that | vacated by mma Niddery recently, he had been captured." Miss Eileen: Wray entertained a Lee will be brought back to Na | few of her playmates on the occa- CURTAIN NETS panee hy Napanee officers and will | sion of her birthday on Monday ' \ d e- { face an. additional charge of jail- Mr, and Mrs, H. E. Rundle were Fine quality Filet' Nets in smart conventional breaking. dinner: guests of Mr. and Mrs, G. - EE Adcock on Tuesday. Citizens of Hampton are express- SOFT SLAB ! A | ing thanks#and appreciation for the a > . ! signs,' 36 in. wide with lace edge borders. Will interect A. E. Billett and F. J, Groat wear and launder well. Reg. 4c. 39 terns. Now is the time to buy your drapes. $1 79 Wl c . have taken in trying to extend the | Hydro Electric Power line from Bowmanville to this village. It would Special, yard ....... Sea Ran Reg. $2.25. Special, yard .....osnvivennne. surely be a great incentive to. the Cut to Stove-Length And Guaranteed No. 1 and Dry Window Shades Table Oilcloth | community. : Good quality Window Shades in white or green, 36 in, Best quality Table Oilcloths are always in stock, 45 x Also Miss Bernita Wallac c and R, wide mounted on good serviceable spring rollers. Com- 54 inches wide in white, fancy tile and floral designs. J Johns, Loronto were Meek end vise plete with brackets and ring. 45 in. wide ...........45¢ yard ri itors at the formers' home. Special." each 54 in. wide ............55¢c yard Fires Into Ships Stern When | ;, "ii 3 i 5 OF fe oth Acroplane Alights Dur- Mr. John Trull,s Bowmanville, 63 King Street E. Phone 78-79 SILK DRAPERY Smart desgins in rich silk draperies--a large selec- tion to choose from in the newest: shades and pat- = 1b be rot Pl wl wl LCS General Motors Hardwood | ing Manouevres Miss L. Horn was a guest at the home of F. W. Bowen, M.P.,, New- castle, recently. Norfolk, Va., March 10----One Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo 'Lrull, Mr, man 'is' reported killed and 2 {and Mrs. CE, Horn, and My, and | others injured as a result of a ma- | Mre. W.'W, Horn, attended the fun- chine zunon a navy aeroplane run- | €ral of Mr. Johit Trull, Bowmanville ning amuck in Cuban waters where | on Saturday. the scouting fleet is now engaged The Yorinig People's League vis- in winter manouevres, according to | ited the Enniskillen young people on reports received at the naval oper- | Wednesday evening and report a ating base here, and in letters from | splendid time. | members of the crew of the cruiser The play, "The Pill Bottle," given | Concord to relatives in in ths city, in the Sunday, shoul fe ol the AA DIXON COAL CO. Tel. 262 Five Direct Lines

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