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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Mar 1930, p. 6

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ET "DECIDE wry and. Tare Dead Locke & rl ww ir WE Oror Seventy ocke utes of Play)! 4% 'Team Battle All the Way FR ; The first. winner of the: Sheriff axton 1: is still undecided, t night | So ore a small crowd of about two hundred people, the Post |. Perry team, and the Orono squad ttled seventy, minutes to a two-all aw. As the, score indicates, the «+ teams were evenly matched, but loose ork around the 'nets cost both teams plenty of goals. The forwards «could stickhandle the Port Terry teams, having a: slight advantage 'i 'this respect, but they had trouble n lifting the puck off the ice. Orono presented;a strong defence, ~ the two Bowmanville junior stars, Lunney and O.:Jamieson, composing the rear guard. T! two boys were the backbone of the Orono team and they each scored a goal. The Port Perry boys backchecked well, but they were inclined to bunch together too much, not being used to the large ice surface. Lunney scored the. first goal, , for Orono, halfway through the first session, when he 'sailed right in on / Williams, and 'gave him no chance. The second 'chukker produced the best hockey of thé night and: both « teams showed flashes or good hockey. The Port Perry supporters were gi- ven a shires fo Jet Shen Callacott "slipped through the ono defence sand fooled Kinsella, With an Orono han ih the penalty box, Port Perry worked all the harder and they were © rewarded 'when Deowson's 'Jong 'shot «from outside the defence tricked Kinsella to put the Ports oné goal "in the lead. Early irc the fast period, Jamicson went down the ice but was run into the corner. He shot the rubber out towards the net and it glanced in off "a Port Perry man. For the rest of the period and a ten-mingte over: Aime session, the two teams battled in vain to break the score and the game was. called, For Port Perry, Dowson, Colla- ..cutt, and Williams, the goalie, were the best while Orono's defence pair were the best for their team, It has been decided to play another game, at the Arena, but when the game will. be played has not yet been de- Position Goal » defence defence centre wings wing Alternates \ P, Perry Williams Dowson Cawker y "0. Jamieson Gallagher * Payden % SW inters Nip Collacutt Hooe #t Referee--Cliff. Pound, Oshawa. 4 A ------------ a ---- MOVE GAMES TO VANCOUVER .. Vancouver, March 11.--Calgary Canadians, Albeyta junior hockey ..shampions and ex-King George. 'British Columbia = winners, will 'meet in the inter-provincial finals .+for the junior bockey title and the Abbott Memerial cup in Vancouver + Wednesday and Friday this week, .' "the games being transferred from Ualgary owing to poor ice condi- tions in that city, Thursday and © Saturday had originally been set for the lay-off. ; "OCIAA- Team sanding ig das date, March 10: : PWL TFAP Times soisavne-5-3:1 (1: Textile: cervane 5 AY MC, ones Moffatts .i.oue Dimcoes "4. i Oshawa Laun.: J Oshawa Laun.. King street ., Gollegiate NON S LINN 5 4 4 5 RR ] H oe 2 we 2 2 " 3 2 ® 2 1 30 J Red Aces .... Oshawa Laun.. Simcoes ,..uv King street ... Gomes Wed, March: 12h Juvenile--Oshawa Laundry vs. Red Aces. (1st), Junior-~King street Laundry, (2nd), Intermediate-- Moffatt Simeoes, (3rd). Junior and Juvenile games, goals to count, Home and home games, Niagara Falls Juniors Are Confident Niagara Kalls, Ont, March 1l.-- West Toronto, with a two-goal ad- vantage, will be here tonight to meet Niagara Falls juniors in the second game of the O.H.A. finals. . Not since the senior playoffs of five years ago has a hockey cyent created as much local interest as the classic now 'undery way. The fren management announce a complete sell out of reserved seats, and with the standing-room custo- mers who will pile in just before the game-time, it is estimated that a crowd of 5000 will witness the con- test, Opinions as to the outéome of to- night's struggle are varied. Many local fans who witnessed Saturday's game at Toronto are of the opine ion that the strange Surroundings at the big Queen City amphitheatre, with its bumper crowd of nine thou- sand fans, had a "stage:fright" 'ef- fect upomw the Niagara Falls youth and that they could not find their legs until 'the final period, when they niade it quite interesting for Bill Hancock's team. A feeling of optim- ism seems to' prevail locally 'and a popular 'belief is that the Falls *will be dowh out of the clouds on their homie ice tonight and will give one of their best performances of the season and probably win or tic the final round, 1 4 1 4 1 3 2 1 vs: Oshawa Motors vs. a Millionaires Win Game From Windsor . 4-2 Toronto, March 11.--Teddy Okc's Millionaires are not of championship calibre, but they have become regu- lar 'giant killers. Last night at" Ra- vina Rink they manhandled ~ the Windsor Bi and whipped them by 4 to 2, thus lessening Windsor's chances of getting into the playoffs series' for 'the Igernational League Chainpionship. Bui of peak ya op TIEN TO RON (1 IN MARITIMES} $ {| aa Leigh Miller, Hamilton Star, \ Lagh 3 Shone In Halifax By W. J. FOLEY, Sports Writer Halifgx, N.S, March 11--Leigh Miller, whose sensational victories over Jack Elder, Simpson ana other United States cracks have dian writers. to successor to rey Williams," double Olympic sprint winner in 1928, learned his running fundamentals in high school circles of Halifax, It wgs in the fall of 1927 that Miller 'was given the opportunity of displaying his wares outside the Maritimes, 8 Jialinas Chzonicle sent Miller to th hi) Canadian cham- plonships at ToroAto that year. Miller did not win a meal but he | made a splendid showing. The next spring the Chronicle sent Miller to the Olympic trials at Hamilton, Again the Maritimer failed to win an event, although he chased the fleetest Canadian runners to the tape in the century and the furlong. revious to the Olympic Trials Miller was sent to Hamilton to train under the watch- ful eye of Bobby Kerr, a Canadian Olympic winner in 1908. Miller failed to place on the Canadian team, of which Percy Williams was the outstanding man, but his show- ing in the trials attracted attention and the Maritime champion was offered a position at Hamilton. During the summer .of 1928 Miller startled the world when he raced the 100 yards in 9 3-5 seconds, tie- 4ng the world's record, at Pletou, Nova Scotia, Shortly after his great run at Pictou, Miller went to Hamilton to reside. At thet time, he was "tape shy" and poor at starting. The ma- jority of his victories came through his driving speed in the stretch, al- though he had the bad habit of "shying" at the tape, When Miller joined the Hamii- ton Olympic Club he was placed un- der the watchful eye of competent coaches. It was not long before his startling speed became notice- able and many bi; things were predicted of the "Maritime flyer." Last year, in preference to at- tending the Canadian champlon- ship sports at Banff, Miller jour- neyed to Picton, 'the scene of his record-tieing run the year before and, easily defeated the cream of New England college sprinters. Before the outdoor season clos- ed he distinguished himself in Tor- onto and Hamilton meets, During the indoor season of 1930 Miller came into his own. He now has a world's indoor sprint record to his credit and has been lined np for meets during the summer = with some of the outstanding sprint men across the Border, LONDON WINS FROM NIAGARA FALLS, 2-1 London, Ont, March 11.--London defeated Niagara Falls by the score of 2 to 1 in an International Profes- sionai Hockey League game staged here last night and retained third place in the league race. Pete Pal- angio scored the winning goal after 15 minutes of play in' the third per- iod on an individual effort, London's first goal was scored by Toots Hol- way after four minute of play in the second period. Russell Oatman evened the count for the Cataracts carly in the third: session, SCORES TECHNICAL XNOCK- our Flint, Mich., March 11.-Roger Bernard, Flint featherweight, scored a technical knockout here last Bight oc over Das Zivie, of Pitts- burg in fhe zound of sched 'welg 9 ton 2 rognd ba 126%. SODEREY WINS A BOUT Philadelphia, Mar, 11.--George Godfrey, negro heavy, ight of Lelperville, . Gross, Sa kn 10-p ; annual father and son banquet of the Lions Club, Held last night at ire Hotel, Melville Ed- the collegiate team was th the Lions trophy, rded seid Willie vie fo save Charlie J ¢ ne uf cricd his" "Did vou ump i after hing | wiother, replied Willie, *} imped | in first su as to be there when he {81 in" NF ORT SN. APSHOT ---- « SARA of endeavour, The hocke! lowing the use of their time, best juvenile tussle of the year. son and Burr, game will start at 7.00 pan, the Oshawa Laundry Juyéniles. count on the round. the battle. ont Wednesday * "The O.H.A. Senior Hamilton, The hockey ? 34 Oho Charan, Sports Bbw "Sheriff Paxton Trophy The Sheriff Paxton's Trophy' game at the Arena last night between Port Perry and Orono resulted in a two-all tie, after Seventy minutes 0 was ngt of the best, but the game did not Lick interest for all that, because the teams neyer quit trying, the next game will be played has not yet been decided, but it will be" in the near future, The officials, in charge of the Trophy game, wish to thank 'the executive of the O.CLA.A. for their kindness in al * Tndustilel Gamiea ; There tete two more' games of Tndustrial hockey played last night, one game before the Trophy game and another after. "In the first game, the Oshawa Laundry defeated the King, street juveniles in the Peterson, the King street goalie, put up a smart exhibition 'of goal tending. Laundry are tie with Red Aces for first place in the group. had lost the tilt they would have be en at the bottom of That's how close the juvenile league is. Times team worked tooth and nail to defeat the Anglicans by a score of 1 to 0." The Newsies were strengthened by the addition of Morri- The victory gives the Newsies the league leadership. W * # Playoffs Wednesday Night Ii the Belleville Collegiate and Oshawa Collegiate do. mot play dt the Arena tomorrow night in the first game of the IntersScholastic playoffs, the City and Industrial playoffs will be started. and will be between they Red Aces and The second game wills be between the Oshawa Laundry and the King street juniors: will be 'the first games of the playoffs in that group. Goals are to The final game will be the last 'scheduled game of the intermediate group, between the Moffatts and the Simcoes. The Moffatts can make a three-cornered tie for second place by winning These games will prod uce the fans cannot afford to pass them up. night, they will likely be played Friday, od d Well Done, Hamilton No longer will' the Senior "B" "B" champs defeated the "A" Tigers performed a remarkable feat 'in putting the Varsity Seniors out of the runging. If by any chance, Niagara Falls juniors should win the round from West Toronto tonight, well, it will be just but stranger things have happened. When By winning the game the It they the heap. In the last game, The Daily The first These two games som¢ smart hockey 'and the It, the games are not played teams looked upon with contempt. champs last night in Maybe Varsity has had too mugh too bad. It isn't likely AT THE REGENT Ziegfeld's "Glorifying the Andi | ican Girl" which opens at the Re- gent Wednesday is all the gorgeous splendor that one would expect from any production, stage or screen. bearing the magic name of Florenz Ziegfeld, With" many of its scenes reproduced in full colors by the improved Technicolor Process, ensembles, with lavish across the all-talking in & continual parade of highly ab- sorbing amusement, Mary Eaton, dancing star of Ziegfeld shows on Broadway, and lately the leading woman in *'The Cocoanuts" with the Four Marx Brothers on tha talking screen, is the ambitious young, dancer whe finally makes good afd becomes & glorified beauty with Ziegfeld fol- lowing a series of glamorous ex- periences. She is adequatély sup- ported by Dgn Healy, Edward Crandall, Olive Shea, Kaye Renard, and Sarah Edwards---all of them well-known Broadway performers. In a special revue s¢ene---a show within the 'hig show---audiences are treated to the inimithble per- formances of Eddie Cantor, .who appears in a hilarious skit; Helen ne 'who ings a typlet es song; and R allee. w in the "Valles ater, sem: | panied by his band. It is all to , Sole eolts to attempt Je i 55 safe' bet 'that who and heirs "Glorifying t American Gn Tiny jog spectacle | | Three Are Dead in! Indian 2 OF GANDHL'S | with scores of stunningly beautiful | girls in the singing and dancing | settings, | with comedy, drama and atheart- | gripping story this moving panor- | ama of womanly pulchritude moves | silverscreen | persons in Mehatma Gandhi's Col- | f oni a hors ol in this limited space. | his 'anyone' LEER dine Tt Chad i FOLLOWERS DOWN WITH SMALLPOX Deliverer's College of Devotees London, Mar. 11.--Twenty-two lege of Devotees al Sabaramati, near Ahmadab, have been stricken | with smallpox, and three are dead a despatch to the Dally Express said this morning, x The outbreak of smallpox, how- ever, has pot, deterred Gandhi from his intention of starting the march opening his civil €isobeai~ ence campaign Wednesday mori ing, Th respondent press- visited the "Ashram" on Monday and compared it to an army headquarters - in. war time, Messengers were coming and go- ing and thousands of letters pour- ed in by every mail. "Gandhi "himeel! was 'observing Kis. we «day of silence; but broke. hfs retreat to'visit the. iso ation tents, where he went to see smallpox without 1 of the Ex- HOCKEY RESULTS vr OMA. inal . ZHamilt Jak} Vanity... sHamijton, Jas round and cham- plonship, 3 Inte London .,. .2 Niagara Falls ,1 MilMonaires .4 Windsor ......2 , Allan Cup Eliminations 2Truro .,...3 Bathurst .,....2 zTruro wins round, 4 to 2, American Association Duluth' sails? THISE .2's0ess. Kansas City .3 Minneapolis ,..Y 'Eastern Ontario Junior Final zOttawa Rideaus 5 Pembroke ..1 zRideatis win round, 8 to 3. Nels. Stewart. Leads N.H.L. For Goals Montreal,, March 11,--Nelsou Stewart, centre of the Montreal Maroons, enters the closing stages of. the = National Hockey League race with a two-goal margin over "Dit" Clapper, Boston right-wing: er, in the race of goal-getting hon- ors, according to the averages ise sued last night from the offices of President Frank Calder, of the National Hockey League. Stewart has scored 20 goals, while Clapper has annexed 37. Howie Morenz, whirlwind ace of Canadiens, is in fourth position among the scorers with' 38 goals to his eredit, The list' Includes games of Sunday, March 9. Chances for any Canadian sec~ tion player becoming the ' point- making leaders in the league are decidedly remote, the averages show, While Stewart leads all ac- tual goal-getters, his points. total, which combine goals with assists On. an even basis of value, is but 52,, as against 64 for Ralph ("Cooney") Welland, clever eentre of the Boston Bruing. Welland has scored 3G goals, and has assisten In 28, Frankie Boucher, centre of the New York Rangers, has 63, with 26 goals and '36 assists, Bul! Coqk, also of Rangers, follows Boucher with 56 points, while Clapper's 37 goals are augmented by 18 assists for a points total or 55. 2; { CARLTON BEATS FLOWERS Holyoke, March 11,--Harry Carlton, young 'Jersey City light- weight, made a gurprisingly able tight against the veteran Bruce Flowers, of New Rochelle; N.Y. last night. USED GARS SWELL CANADIAN IMPORTS Total of 44,724 Cars and Trucks Entered Canada . Last Year Ottawa. March ET total ot 5,278 new and second-hand auto- trucks were importad into Canada during the calendar year 1929, ac- cording to an answer given in the House of Commons yesterday to a question asked by Col, James Ar- thurs (Cons; Parry Sound), The number of new and second-hand passenger automobiles was 39,446. The total value of the trucks was $6,817,176, and the duty collect- ed amounted tb" $1,316,729.41; while the value 'of the passenger cars was $32,605,958 and the Quix collected $7/679,574. 86. Awarded $500,000 3 Tection Alienation -------- New York, March il.--Mrs, Adelaide Ward Gibbons yesterday was awarded a verdiet.of $500,000 by a sheriff's jury at White Plains, "ig Mrs, Blanche Powell of the alienation of Rh Pe, awyer. {| tion award rs. ow Pri She ee 45 and the lumliprman. Hamilton Tigers Win 'Game and Round to Put | "Varsity Seniors Out O.H.A. Senior rior "BY" Champs, Defeat "A" Winners 3-2 on Round--McKay Scores sng Co in Last Hamilton, Ont., March 11.--With a minute to go, "Beef" McKay, hero of the first game of the first round Allan Cup series at Toronto last Fri- day night, barged through the entire Varsity 'line-up in the return con- test last might and scored the goal that gave Tigers a 2-0 victory over the Students and sent them further into the Allan Cup play-downs. True to promises, the Yellow and Black clad squad came through with a tri- umph, but what a victory A goal half way ne the first period, op an individual effort by Dave Neville, who was not a bit conspicuous in the game at Toronto, owing to an injury that kept his ac- tivities at a mimmimum, put the Ben- gals on even terms i the Blue squad, and. from. the. until the - nal nunute of play, the battle raged with honors even, Then, with:an ov- ertime in sight, and the teams stag- gering from the terrific pace maine tained through the regular frames, McKay picked up the puck at his own defence, Broke fast along the let boards, and wormed his way past the 'Loronto defence to flip a sizzling shot past. Ames, in the Varsity cit- adel, for the winning goal 'and the right to meet Iroquois Falls in the next round. insky is Blue's Best When the Varsity coach substitu- ted: Alex Levinsky forsDewar, he wiadei no mistake. Front:a Hamilton point' of view, the Collegians were much stronger with the hefty junior on the rearguard, and #*Wwas seldom that local 'puck-carriers were allow- ed to sweep around his side of the defence, Levinsky laid his body into all and sundry and it was noticeable that be slowed the Tiger teatn up on many occasions. With Levinsky, the Collegians played infpired hoc- key, and it was only the great work of Marsh, in the Hamilton nets, that saved the situation on a dozen oc casions. Apart from the magnificent work of Levinsky and:Paul, on the Var- sity' defence, and the work these boys did om the, stack, the work or Marsh was a" standout; and the rest were practically even, although "Gooney" MdeGowan, the Tiger cen- tre ice star, again turned.in a whirl- wind contest. Varsity beat to their work with: a+ will, and while they j did mot score, they were "always {so threatening . 'that 'the - capacity | erowd: was ever trembling in fear of rid Varsity showed slightly = better team play than the Tigers, but their individual work was not of the same calibre and wheh the combined plays were wrecked on the stalwart Ham- ilton. Wefence, the Jone sallics were forced tosshoot from: outside the de- fence, with little' success. Ou the other hand, the Varsity front line harried the Bengals repeatedly, and on 'the few 'occasions when Hamil. torr attackers went past, the Var. sity rearguard proved capable of handling the 'charges. : Paul is 'Always Dangerous The play forged from ehd 'to end, from 'start to finish, on comparative. ly even tgnps, but there were nloin- ents when Individuals stood out. On the Toronto team, :s in the previous game at Toronto, Bruce Paul was a knoclout, His defence work left lit- tle to be desired,cand his charges were all fraught with danger and polished with ability that. stamped him as one apart front. the common run. He was inside the Hamilton de- ferice. on two or three occasions through sheer stickhandling brillian- | cys but he could not outguess Marsh | in the Hamilton net, and when he b- | failed, there was small hope for his mages to succeed althongh to 'their credit, it must be said that they tried steadily and persistently, Marshall was steady throughout, .Jalthough he did' not shife as much * the rest, while, Murray: and Le- nsky were always "dangertul and played great hockey from staft to second 'and finish, Ames, in tHe Varsify "goal was another who played great hoc key, saving the situation time and again, swhen it appeared 'the Bengals had hinmieaten, /a.gers were led again by McGow ap and McKay, duplicating the gam¢ in Toronto, The Bengal rearguard did not exhibit the same devastating style of body checking, but the: were effective, nevertheless, and Mc Gotan, Schwab, Hayhoe and Nev ille on the front line, altowed but fev attacks to pass them. The first goal cathe after near 11 Butiutes of play in the first per} iad syhen Dave Neville raced fron to end with a brilliant rusly copping a goal by fooling Ames fron close in. In the balance of the firs and throughout the second and thir frames there was no score, despit numerous escapes, until McKay mad. his great rush with a minute to gd to place victory 'in the laps of 'th Hamilton team-and to send . th crowded house wild with: delight. Th teams: Varsity--Goal, Ames; - derencd Paul and Levinsky; centre, Stewart right wing, Marshall; left wing Murray; subs, Whitehead, Harle and McMullen. Tigers--Goal, Marsh; defence, Oli ver and Farrell; centre, McGowan right wing, Louch; left wing, Hay] hoe; subs, Neville, Schwab and Mc y. Referee--H. Batstone, Kingston, Summary First Period 1 Hamilton, Neville, 10.39. Second "Period No: Score, Third Period 2. Hamilton, McKay, 19.30 Final score--Hamilton 2, Varsity 0 on round, Hamilton 3, Varsity 2. Penalties: First | . period--Pau Schwab, Marshall, Levinsky. Secon period=Oliver, McKay, Whitehea: Third period--Marshall, Oliver, Mur ray, Levinsky, McKay. Rosenbloom Wins Bout by a Fou New York, March 11.--Maxey Ro senblooni, play boy of Harlem, wo from Larry Johnson, stiff punchi Chicago negro, on a foul last nig! in the sixth round of their ten-roun feature match in Madison' Squar Garden. Rosenbloom weighed 173% and Johnson 174%. ARTHUR SHIRES NOT © YET, REINSTATEI Chicago, March 11~Statements rl ported to have been made by A Shires, recalcitrant Chicago Whit} Sox first baseman, saying his su pension had been lif od two week ago, were declared false by Cu. arl A. Comiskey, owner of the club. "Shires las not been reinstated t good standing," Comiskey. said; * will he be until he answers the ques tions asked in my letter of Feb; 2 He may sign a contract and repor to Manager Bush for: bul he is still under, suspension, and wi be yntil he replies to the. letter." RIM TRURQ WINS 1 "AMATEUR TI' Halifax, N. Sys March 11=Th Truro. Bearcats 'won the aniaten hockey . championshi of 'the time Provinces here last night by de feating' Bathurst,' N.B., 3'to 2-in th final game for the Hite The Bearcats had a one-goal lead: a result' of their 10040 Bathurst 'on' Friday. Thus the tof score: for. the two games was to 4 CTORIA UNIONS WIN arlottetown, P.E.L, March 11 --The 'Victoria = Unions, Hocke: champions of the South Shore oc Prince Bdward Island last yea! again captured the Site Jagt, DIE! defeating the Abbles'd Ao and securing a margin of two po. for the pee ofitwo matches. "Ziegfeld's FLORENZ ZIEGFELD'S FYIN/ 'Gorgeous Revue. "Romance. ad ante die Ca oy anlpini Ps qi Vallee = " Halen n Mos Revue Senet,

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