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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 9

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PAGE NINE % British Army Recruits 8 fa . Are Fewer This Year 44 : (Ganadian Press Leased Wire) Loddon, Mar, 12---Recruiting for tish army last year fell off ¥ more than 2000 men, according to res made public yesderay. Only 181 recruits joined the arm, in » 1929, as. eompared with 30,185 in «2928, and at the present time there i' &re 'no indications of An early re- "uri to normal. Is ral causes are attributed for pins them organized i migration seas, the uncertainty Secalding future or the army ow: ing. to the publicity given to disar- ent, and the replacement in in- | Hustry of older by younger men. | JESSEL'S FIRST FOX | FILM HAS "LOVE, LIVE AND LAUGH" THEME Stage Star Portrays Immigrant Who ' Grins at Fate in Production Directed fd By Howard A colorful story of an Italian im- nt boy in New York supplies 'the" background for "Love, Live & Laugh," Fox Movietone all-talking drama starring George Jessel, coming ; gio in op Songh. BRY TUESDAY DURING # MARCH AND APRIL + ~'We 'will sell BUSH HORSES horses are right out of lo Sale starts at 11 am, sharp. :..THE REPOSITORY 16.88 Nelson st., Rens 'Coulter Bros., Props. 'Toronto, Ontarie | 9 © function. Companionate Husband Finds _ Marriage Rights Are Limited Chicago, Mar, 12--A companion- ate .usband has no rights to dam- ages if the affections of his compan- ion bride are alienated, according to a ruling of superior Judge Michael L. McKinley here after an attorney had quoted "Romeo and Juliet" as a lesson :gainst parental inte fc cnce with young married folks. The julge instructed a jury to bring in a not guilty verdict in the $50,000 damage suit Leo Dolan, 22, University of Chicago law student, brought against his father-in-law, Edgar Roth, architect. Young Dolan met Virginia Roth, now 22, and also a university student in a classroom, and' they were mar- ried in September, 1929, after a pré- nuptial agreemunt that Judge Kinley declared was "the most out- rageous contract | have ever heard of" . The <intract provided the husband was to assume none of the ordinary | responsibilities of marriage until 1933 He promised to 'help his wife in her vocation as a school teacher, provid ed she lived with "im three montis of the year. and never went mgfc than 600 miles from where he Was. Mrs. Dolan was to assume all the duties of a wife and help her hus- band in his preparation for the Bar. His judgment was to be final in all to the New Martin Theatre on Wed- nesday. Jessel as "Lugi," makes a bit of "whoopee" on his accordion as part of his farewell party for David Roi- Tins, playing the role of "Pasquale Gallupi," who is leaving for Italy to serve two years in the army. Lila Lee, "Margharita," knocks at the door, and asks him to play softly as her friend's baby is very ill across the hall. Jessel apologizes and stops his music. hil 'Later he inquires about the baby although he's much more interested in Lila." She is the niece of the music store owner, "Enrico," enacted by Henry Kolker, and when Jessel gets a job there as a salesman, she sees him frequently, Their friend. ship ripens to love, and it is under- stood that they will be married when Jessel makes more money. Jessel, called back to Tealy by his | father's grave illness, arrives to find his father dead. Italy having enter ed the war, he joins the same regi- ment of which Rollins is a member. Shortly afterward, Jessel is blinded by a shell and taken to-a hospital. Lila reads that his entirc company has been wipd out and when his lgt- ters abruptly - stop, believes - he is dead, She enters a children's hos- pital as a nurse fo forget her grief over 'her 'Swectheart. Dr. Price, played by Kefineth MacKenna, falls in love with her. Convinced that Jessel is dead, she finally consents to marry the doctor. After the 'war, Jessel returns to New York but can't find Lila, The only work he cap find to do is play- ing a hurdy gurdy. - He is playing near 'Central 'Park one day when a little girl ;runs out and invites him to * er house to play for lier party. She is Lila's 'daughter. Jessel recognizes his former sweet- heatt's voice, but with rare feeling restrains himself when he learns she is happily married, She interests her husband in Jessel, he operates 'and restores the hurdy gurdy man's eyesight. Then he bows out of their lives, a gdy song on his lips. An oll burning furpace in the Nero* building, Welland, exploded when the iguition apparatus fail- " Fortunately no persons were in the immediate viefaity when ' the blast occurred. AUGER RECEIVES TWO YEAR TER Is Found Guilty of Seduc- ing Young Hawkesbury . Girl : Ottawa, March 12.--Louis M. Auger, ex-member. of Parliament fo® Prescott County, Was yesterday found guilty by County. Judge E. J. Daly of a charge of seduction, He was immediately sentenced to'a two-year term , in Portsmouth Penitentiary. His Honor made 'the specifica tion that no time off would be granted for the period of almost one year which Auger spent in jail awaiting trial, The case grew out of the alléga- tions of .a Hawkesbury girl that She was criminally attacked' on b. 15 and 16 last year by Auger in his House of Commons room. The girl was 17 years old at that time. He was acquitted a few weeks ago of a 'more serious charge after his third trial. On first being tried, he was sentenced to nine years' im- prisonment on the major count, but successful appealed on the ground of misdirection of the jury by. the presiding Judge. Besides the charge of:seduction on which he was found' guilty to- day, Auger faces a charge of per- jury in connection with evidence he gave at his third trial on the assault count. At all of his trials. Auger has steadfastly maintained he was in- nocent of the offenses charged. Fire Destroys Dock But Ship is Saved New Orleans. March 12.--The Mandeville dock, a wooden struc ture stretching three blocks along the Mississippl River, was burned late yesterday by a mysterious fire which started under the structure. It was filled with 'Jumber and eh [ Lord Balfour; noted British states. man, who is ill at his home at the da 4f 82. His gondition is seport- to be not satisfactory.| Ja staves 'and was bellbved to be a total loss. The flames spread to the steam- ship Munaires of the Munson Line, tied 'alongside, and - it burned until the fire tugs Samson and Deluge cut her loose apd towed her blazing across'the river, where the fire was put out,' During the rescue the Deluge caught fire but escaped with slight damage, An early check failed to disclose any serious injuries to persons, KIWANIS CARNIVAL "NETTED $1,000 (Continued from Page 3 the body he stated but they can not pass thr h bore, Neither can they pa orang certain metals such "lead or iron, An X-ray picture is made up of contrasts of light and dark he pointed out. The objects through which the rays pass show up on the finished plates as dark while parts which the rays cannot pene- trate are shown as light. The vary- ing. shades of dark and light de- pend upon the degree to which the rays 'pass through the objects photographed. Not a Diagnosis An X-ray pictur is made up accepted as a diagnosis to the con- dition of the patient photographed but is an ald to diagnosis the speaker emphasized. The X-ray pictures could /be of little use un- less the patient's symptoms were known. According to the ethics of the medical profession the X-ray pictures are turned over to the physician who then can- explain them to the patient. "In performing this work," stat- ed Dr. Donevan, "I always try to ( 2 | | The London 1) SAGAN Lite alli [CLC CX Fa IP oubled) Protection | WhenYou Need it Most Fo could of the insurance he only part ww type afford to Protection Policy provides double the amount of insur- ance through the years when the need is greatest. Be sure to ask one of our representatives -lto stand in the correction relationship to the physician and to the pa- tient." Illustrating his lecture, Dr. Don~ evan showed a number of plates which be haa taken during the time n° which he has been In charge of the X-ray department of the hospital, These plates in¢lud- ed photographs of arm and leg fractures, the chest, Jurgs, kidneys; stomach and appendix. He explain- ed that in order to take a picture of the stomach, kidneys or: other organs it is necessary to. feed the patient a gruel containing borium 80 that these organs may show up clearly, He also demonstrated that two pletures should always be taken, the one at right angles to the other, A great deal of study was necessary, he said, in or. der to read and understand the pigtures as given by the X-ray, Dr. Donevan was introduced by Dr. Archer Brown while a hearty vote of thanks for his splendid ad- dress was moved by Dr, B, J. Hazlewood. Carnival Nets $1,000 President Bob Smith was In charge of yesterday's luncheon meeting and a large number of members were in attendance. An announcement made by Kiwanlan T. W. Joyce that the net proceeds of the recent winter fair and carn- ival would almost total $1,000 was received with enthusiasm, 'This fund will be devoted to the club's work. among underprivileged chil- dren, Kiwanian John Graves reported that he had ipterviewed Mr. Max Soanes in connection with the es- tablishment of a special commit. lee to sponsor Boy Scout wogk {in the elty that Mr. Soanes had expresse e desire that the Kiwanis Club® be represented on this committed of which Mr. C. M. Mundy is chairman, Upon the tecommendation of Kiwanlan | Graves, the club appointed Kiwan: lun Jack Warrel as its representa- tive. ; " The Women's Association of the Port Perry United Church held a social afternoon dt the home of Mrs. | Howard Stone & Wednesday, March { 6th, Plans wéye made for a social and program evening to be held in April." While refreshments were be ing served 'the ladies had the plea sure of listening to a musical pro- gram given by «a three piece orches- tra--Miss Stone, piano; Miss Mary, Stone, cello, and Master Geo. Stone, violin, Mr. Lorne McAlpine, a former re- sident of Port Perry, was the gues oo ; A. J, Carnegle, last ath : | : Oshawa beat Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of 'Poronto are guests at the home of | Mr. and ge. Mi Mr. and Mrs, rank Mitenell, < Jas, Swan hive gone wk Fis 3 lvo on thelr farm at Utica. local team 4-0. » Miss Edith Peters and Mr. Irvine Carruthers of Uxbridge spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A, D, Peters, Mrs. Alex Woods 'is in "Toronto, where she 'is the guest of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Moffitt. Mr. Douglas Lucas of Toronto was home for the week-end. Miss Hilda Rose of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Toronto, Wallace, of .| spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Mace of the Port Perry High School staff, has taken the house on Shanley street recently occupied by Mr. Jas. Swan. Miss Aileen Cooney, who has been in Los Angeles for some'time, has returned home. Mr. W. 8. 'S8hort of Oshawa has been quite ill, we are. glad to hear he is improving. Mr. Robert Wells was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wells, last week. Mr. and Mrs, D. W. McIntosh spent the week-end with friends in War- saw, Mr. Irvin Coates of Toronto 'was with his mother, Mrs, Geo.' Coates, over the week-end. ° Mr. Gould of Warkworth spent Sunday with Port Perry friends, Myr. Ploss of Toronto was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. F. Mitchell last week. : Miss Greta Pollard of Bowman- ville is. visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Britton. Mr. Forbes Nasmith of Toronto University, was in town ovey the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, 8. C. Cawker cele brated the 'sixty-fourth anniversary of their wedding on Friday. SOLINA PERSONALS Soling, March 3~There was a good attendance at Sunday school when 8. E. Werry and A, P., McKes- sock had charge of the session. The C.G.LT. girls had charge of the spe- cial singing and their selection was much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Bick gave a thoughtful sermon and the cholr as usual was splendid in their mission of song. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Kathaleen, Bowmanville, were Sun- day visitors with H, E. Tink apd family, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam Port Perry on Sunday, J. J. Smith is progressing favor ably at Toronto General Hospital 8S. BE. Werry lost a valuable cow this week. Mrs. A. L. Pascoe is visiting Ked- ron friends this week, League at Eldad opened in the usual form with Will Westlake, pre- sident, in the chair. After the open- ing hymn Miss Ruth McKessock took charge. Alan Balsen read the Scripture lesson, Misses Helen Baker and Ruby Dewell sang a duet while Miss Ileen Baker played a plano solo, Miss Squire took up the topic in a very splendid paper, on "Getting ac quainted with ourselves" Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction, Miss Vera Baker and Mr, Sam Dewell attended a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson of Osh- awa on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blanchard visit- ed Levi Ellins, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Kathaleen, Bowmanville, visited ; White, oe Ee Millson and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees were recent visitors 'in Toronto. iMss Squires visited her home in Peterboro. : Ernest Twist was with friends on Sunday. Miss Marjory Collacutt spent the week-end with Mrs, H. A. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne and: Miss Amy Hampton visited at Mr. George White's. Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Ho- J at Temptations of Man and Woman" to report, is recovering nicely and is able to get up for a few hours each day, Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach? "Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any | minute to drop dead, This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved, , Take Carter's Little Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the 8. Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion, The stomach, liver and bowels will | be cleansed of poi painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't delay, Ask your druggist for a 25¢ pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills, garth visited at Mrs. A. J. Reynolds', Bowmanville, Miss Evelyn Massie, Oshawh, ent the week-end with 'Miss Mar- ret McKessock, * Miss Florence Ashton, Shaw's, visited with Miss Evelyn Tink, Sunday at Eldad was Missionary Sunday, when Miss 'S, E. Werry pre- sided. Master Jimmie Smales recit. ed the short poem, "My Indian Friend. Wg'T. Taylor gave an inter- esting talk %n "The Indians in Can- ada," saying that there were 18,000 Indians to be dealt with by the nited Church, he mentioned several init missionaries and spoke of domestic science the schools and classes. Then Rey. Mr. Bick took up i and next Sunday will preach on the ¢ "Temptations of Jesus." MANCHESTER NOTES e Manchester, March 7.--Mr. and Mrs. Walls are visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs, Vernon, Miss Elizabeth Hooey, Port Perry, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. Sonley. Miss Aletha Barrett spent a few days visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Angel and daughter Velma, of Burgessville, are visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. Grant|e Christie. t Mr. Grant Christie was in To- ronto for a few days. Mr. Jones, Messrs. Clifford and James Martin, were visitors at the home of Mr. Chas, Lamb. Mrs. Moore, who has been visiting c 1] a on the teaching staff of St. Bern- ard's College, Antigonish, N.8., left recently will join Scott expects to return to the dio- teaching. rendered by Miss 8. J, Wilson were recently paid by mémbers of the H nuation after nition of her work, which she has been forced to undargo on account of ill health, Miss Wilson will re- liner far from waters before being rescued. You'll Not 'Be Satisfied When you Have tried the New Gillette Blade you will use no other. And \' you'll. not be satisfied with your old razor when you see the new Gillette with its many advantages --- cut out cor- , ners prevent razor. pull -- full shaving clearance -- stronger corners preventing damage when dropped = square blade ends safer to handle. See the The New Gillette Razor in Five Models $1.00 At the Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell King E, Phone 28 Appointmen tof L.C, M of the Dominion's loading as iene turists, as general agricultural ager of Tie Sa ian Pacific Ratl- A need recently, is fu evidence 'of the railway's re In the development of Canada, Mr, McOuat has had 15 years' experl- ence in agricultural and lvestock affairs and enjoys the distinction of having represented Canada on an Imperial committee to study the meat supply of the British Empire, t, one Shriners making the Royal York. Hotel, Toronto, their Mecca next June for their Imperial Council sessions, will find a city ready built and equipped for 8,000 people at their service. The Canadian Pacl- fic Railway are now building "Fez City" composed of railway sleeping cars and marquees to take the place of administration and service buildings. The new city will closely adjoin the Ixhibition grounds where the convention is to be held. It will be divided by "The Midway" and its full length will be adorned with a motor road to be known as "Rameses Drive." Streets numbered 1st, 2nd, 8rd, etc., will radiate from "Midway", Simcoe 8S. Phone 68, TEACHER JOINS RELIGIOUS ORDER Miss Electa Scott, who hae been for Montreal where she a religious order. On he completion of har training Miss ISHBEIL, MacDONALD PRAISES WORK Miss Ishbel MacDonald, daugh- ter of the British Prime Minister, has paid high tribute to the lit- erary work of Mrs. D. Leslie, of Cape Breton, who recently com- pleted a poem entitled "Mount Ish- bel," the peak of the Rocky Moun- tains named after Miss MacDonald, The poem was sent to Miss Mac- Donald at No. 10 Downing Street, London. She sent Mrs, Leslie a personal reply expressing her ap- preciation of the complimentary lines and requesting one. of the book poems Mrs, Leslie is complet- ing ese of Antigonish to resume her PAY TRIBUTE TO TEACHER Many tributes to the services alifax School Board, on the oc- asion of Miss Wilson's super-an twenty-six years as ecretary of the board. In recog- eive a pension commensurate with hirty years of service. Thomas Betts, St, Catharines, reports the unique experience of being stung by a bee in February. This i8 because the warm sunshine brought the bees out many weeks ahead of their usual time. Four stowaways leaped from. a shore at Jamaica nd swam hours in shark-infested | a few days in Oshawa, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crozier and gon visited one day last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Samells, Scugog. Mrs. Thos. McKee spent a few days last week in Lindsay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. McGaf- fey. Miss Edna McKee has been spend- ing the last couple of weeks in Raglan, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Evans. Mr. Reginald Cooper was a recent visitor in Ashburn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. West. Mr. Cooper has purchased a Ford car from Carnegle Motors. We extend our sympathy to the be reaved relatives of Mrs, Read, Mrs. Rodd and son. Miss Hattie Lamb, Oshawa, spent the week-end at the home of her father, Mr. Chas. Lamb. Mrs. I. Vernon jis on the sick list We hopé slie recovers soon. Miss Ackney is now employed by Mr. Thos. Barrett, of Manchester. Mrs. Frank Johnston was a visl tor at tiie home of Mrs, Carnegie of Port Perry on Sunday. 4 Mrs. Roach attended the funeral f her aunt, Mrs. Wedlock of Peter Boro, recently. 4 y ° Miss Laura Thompson fs emt ployed for a month by Mrs, Dam Christie. . \ Mr. Dan. Chriftie, we are pleased Most Heat for the Money. CONGER"S high grade fuels are each selected for low ash, long burn- ing and high heating efficiency. Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Lid King St. E. : 4M, R, LUKE Phones: 871.931-687W Oshawa Manager. 3 : Pas 1 | EE 15 [7 Men's Suits Made of a fine serge with Pin Stripe Pattern. Single & Double Breasted styles. A Reg. $25 value. 'A real bar- gain at -- 'Men - Attention! Our Spring Suits arid Coats | They must be paid for, and due to the present Are Here @ 1 it 'business I must sell these at sacrifice prices--Yours is the opportunity. ol SXONY...o 8 MEN'S SUITS] <=. Grey and Blue Serghs. Small izes only. Original Value $25.00, ~" Thursday Morning $4.95 a Attention : forthe = © Well 'Dressed Man We have purchased 87 Only ° Me's' Tallored suits: -- These. rare. all hand tailored 'and made ' for customers and are un- 25 Men's Indigo Navy Bluc Serge Suits A very fine quality Serge, used and Linings of 'the beet. : Suits that are made to, fit proper] From' 30 Ys to 42. Extra Pants, Spring Coat Made of fine Herringbone Tweeds in Spring's Newest Shadse. smartly dressed young man around town. Values Reg. called for =-- | have been | able to purchase: these at a fraction of their regular worth. And now offer same-to you at the out- / standing : $25. 00 price Some suits have extra trousers, Sizes 37, 38, "$29.00 39, 40, ~ Reg. $45.00.t0 $55.00 | MEN'S A coat for the 2 00, $12.95 Price ... hi aN [21 Bond]. St., W.

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