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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 10

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SS EE A op te PAU 0 ANE SAT yg oP o ' FIN i y 2 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 121930 Whitefoot Investigates SCL TRL By Thornton W. Burgess He's seldom master of his fate Ro: never will investigate. i 7 ~Whitefoot the Wood Mouse. Whitefoot the Wood Mouse gave Peter Rabbit the 'slip. It wasn't dif- ficult to do, Whitefoot is such a little fellow and can move so quickly that he can slip into 4 hiding place 'without being seen, almost while you are looking at him. When Peter discovered that Whitefoot. had dis- appeared, he grumbled a little and then went off to look for Chatterer the Red Squirrel, to find out if Chat- terer had discovered | Whitefoot's home yet. i Nao sooner had Peter disappeared than Whitefoot slipped over where he could look up at the big wasps' test in' which his own nest had been Built' and which tad se Jong been his sceret home, Courage was com- irg back to him now, He looked hastily in 'all directions to make, sure that mo sharp eyes were watching him. Then he quickly climbed that bush. When he came to the place where Farmer Brown's Boy had tied the branch holding the nest to an- other branch; he stopped to examine the' string. Tt bore the man-smell anid that made him a little uneasy. But now that he was s6 near the entrance to that nest, he just couldn't turn back. In half a minute he was inside. Everything seemed all right. + He went all over that nest of his. every particle of it. Nothing had been disturbed, Just around the en- trance. he caught just a faint whiff of that man-smell. That was where Farmer Brown's Boy had poked his finger in through the doorway, Qtherwise, nothing was wrong. This man-smell was very faint, Whitefoot poked his head ott the doorway and peered down. He couldn't under- stand matters at all, He couldn't un- derstand how that 1est was back where 'it 'had 'been after it had been eut down. Finally, he gave up try- ing to understand. " "Perhaps things are all right after all" said he to himself. "Perhaps Tafity "Browi's' Boy didn't know I Was Yelng Here when hecut down this neste. J guess I'll stay here a while and see what happens. Farmer Brown's Boy is the only one who has found out vet where I live and some~ how: I have a. feeling that he won't bothér me, What 1 need now is a good nap. I'm all tired out, I sup- pose it is the fright I haye had. Never did I have a worse fright." j PHONE 22 "For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S x Siiicoe St, 5. -- We Deliver ite . y Thousands Now Bat A Dealigiitful Breakfast Food hi R oe Machine TOO ams : NOTHING TOO SMALL | AdunachachineShop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 " Hiavy Fi "I tell yom," cried' Chatterer, "I don't believe it is around here." So Whitefoot curled up in his bed and. in no time at all he was fast asleep, Meanwhile, Peter Rabbit had found Chatterer the Red Squirrel and had speedily discovered that Chatterer was no wiser than he was, so far as Whitefoot's home was con- cerned, "1 tell you," said Chatterer, 'Ldon't believe it is around here. Whitefoot is smart, but he never has been and he never will be smart enough to fool me." "You've got a good opinion of yourself, haven't you?" said Sammy Jay, who came up just then. Chatterer turned his back to Sam- my and pretended not to hear him. Peter thoughtfully scratched a long ear with a long hindfoot. "I saw Whitefoot just a few minutes ago," said he, "and I still can't believe that his home can be very far away. You know as well as I do that Whitefoo! never is found very far from home' (Copyright, 1930, T. W, Burgess) The next story: "Chatterer changes His Mind." a oe aa th bn nb : TIME TABLES 3 PE EA rn vn C. P. R. TIME TASLE Effective Jun, 9, 1530, (Standard Time) Goin; West 45 a.m, Daily (Except Sunday). 6.28 a.m. Daily am. Daily (Except Sunday). 3 ms Daily (Except Sunday) » M. al Sunday). > Golng Hast 10. a.m, Daily, p.m. Daily (Except Sunday), p.m, Daily (Except Sunday). pom, Dolly (Except Sunday). .05 a.m. Daily. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan, 5, 1930, (Standard. Time) NNSA NOR Yue I 3 pep 288 4 2 3 man 4 ar on 34 3 Bid RRERRENRENS feadsteiadng ENA FRERFREREES AA 4 BERREREREE 8 WATCHE ' OUR SPECIALTY ff your watch is not giving Satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time ; D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER I Watch Inspector for n National and Osh. awa Railroads - St. WW. Phone 180 =. ; 8 Ee bd # iy Bt ; § 58 it susatisiiess HH Bit - o 8 . 2 ee 3 pil 838 BEREE 28381 258 Eh EEsssnate £8 BRRRERREE a - - T 3 B fee a pm, pm. a pm, 7.48 *10.00 p.m, 1 3 a.m, 1015 A 2.30 p.m, 12.45 p.m, 245 pom. posto loiodon | HIRT I oF WANT MORRIS CHAIRS FOR TIRED STUDENTS _ Evanston, 1, Mar. 12--There is entirely. too sackache in mod. ern e boo Mich Jackach Brownell believes, and so he recommended Northwestern University install Mor- ris chairs and cushions in its class rooms. ' For the sake of scientific methods, Prof, Brownell's students in the socialogy department agreed to back up his recommendations. They in- dicated that if the university refused to supply easy chairs, they would furnish their own cushions, *"Homelike surroundings are favor able to an efficient absorption of knowledge." said Prof, Brownell. "I would like to take the backache' out of education with a few morris chairs upholstered window seats and plenty of cushions, " NEW MEANING GIVEN. TO "DOTORED" FOUDS| "Paris, Mar, 12.~Doctored food is highly .pproved by eminent French physicians but they' give » new: méaning to the word "doctor. ed." Dr. Rene Loubatie, of Bordeaux, In a paper presented to the Aca- demy of Medicine, 'by Professor Acbard, recomumends a dally hal? dozen "oysters a I'lodine" for twn woeks as an ideal method of ad- ministering that drug. Medicated oysters were produced by Dr. Loubatie by dosing the wa- ter in which the oysters grew, He found that they abcorbed the med- icine without any change in flavor and that the fodine ¢pread through the human system In a satisfactory manner, DODDS KIDNEY When you hearga man say that poverty is a great thing for the charaoter. the chances are that you're listening to a millionaire.-- [campaign to increase distribution Eo ANALYST SAYS 1 PROBIFV 1S GROWING WORSE Royal Ditch Interests Plan Distribution Campaign--- Overproduction Heavy "We are facing one of the worms competitive situations the oll in- dustry has ever experienced," says the Brookmire Analyst, "In addi tion to overproduction in the Un- ited States and Increased competi tion from Venezuela, an energetic of ol) products in the LUnjted States is being carried on by the Royal Dutch interests. By the time the war between domestic producers is brought to a culmination, it may be necessary for the surviving un Its to start & campaign to head off / increased competition (rom for | eign companien.. It thig vecurs the! total period of readjustment may run into several more years ) "Purchasing power of the entire country continues to decline to lev: | els well below those seen in the/ past several years, "Unemploy ment is reported as a serious prob fem In nearly every {ndustrinl een. | tre. Credit is tight and collections | poor, United States national in- come for this"sperind 'ia estimated at apnroximately $25.200,000.000, n decline of about 12 per cent, from the same perfod last year" Its dangerois to have new paper bills 'around. John Miles, travell- Kara Coffee Alyays Fresh at } Superior Chain i ores . ing repres tive of an Ontario chemical fim, is suffering from blood poisoning nt a Winnipeg, Man, hotel, He was handling a new one-dollar bill, the edge cut 8 gash in one hand, infection follow. ed. He will be confined for sev: sink Coli ELLA CINDERS--Tackling the Wilderness 4b Wy YH, r 1 na Vd 7/, v9 P3urme THe Monte acts + § THE INHABITANTS OF THE SPANISH CITY OF GRAN- ADA EXPELLED THE GYPSIES FROM THE CITY. THESE GYPSIES MADE HOMES FOR THEMSELVES I THE CAVES OF SOME ROCKY HILLS THAT LIE JUST OUTSIDE TIAARY ISLAND CAV STEAD OF HORKING PREFER T0'SIT 1 THE SUN OUTSIDE THEIR LITTLE HOMES AND BEG MONEY FROM THE TOURISTS 13H COME UP PROM LAS PALMS, LARGE CAVE DWELLINGS DIVIDED INTO A IUMBER OF MEXICAN CAVE oneLi mes ROOMS ARE FOUND IN Sem ® 9, King Foaturss Byndicate, DADDY SAYS LOTS OF PEOPLE fl STILL LIVE IN CAVES, BETTY. a IE DAELLERS ARE LATY AND IN- THE SIERRA MADRE M15, I MEXICO, Ihe. Great Britam rights reserved. GOODNESS I DIDN'T KNOW THE HOUSE SHORTAGE WAS AS BAD AS THAT. Bos aly Er RR NA EAE wo + SLND MLL rr 4 3 ow THE TOW AND THEIR DESCEMDAMTS LIVE THERE TODAY. pp------ IN Ty Wy --_ an RO Sw SA RAR RRE anes Se WS ee ler 7 vette eton BRINGING UP FATHER | THE BELL! NOW WHAT ? | ) MY ANCESTORS CAME QVER. ON 1. THE MAYFLOWER © 1990, Twi] Peatore Service, Inc., Groat Britain rights resarved. By Geo. McManus M's TOO BAD THEY DIDN'T HAVE A ROUNDTRIP TICKET! NURSES AND GUARDIANS AND | ibe PATHER, THE KING WHERE ASKED THE PRINCESS You LITTLR DARLINGS) Bd DID YOU COME FROM" m---- me ar yr THE PRINCRSS BEGERD THE KING TO LET WER GO UP TO THE GARDEN NE ---- sm ---- BUT, TILLIE, WE'VE GOT TO M A EASELS {OUR COSTER, N 7 TE cn A ao Rusa Westover: a = Mtn By \ WE'LL TAKE THE MONEY WE SAVE ON SRT OF THIS OFFICE AND SLY A AND SOME. RS FOR THE R EASY

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