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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 12

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iy Ottawa, March 12.--By. a nar- row margin of one vote, the bill for establishing a divorce court in Ontario was defeated in a surprise "division on second reading in the House of Commons last night. It i= the third year that the bill has been introduced. It was first announced that the House had .tied 78 to 78. Mf. Speaker cast the ' deciding vote against the measure following this count, 'A: récount. of the division, however, showed that there had 'been 79 'nays; that Mr. Speaker's vote had not been needed to de- "feat what promised to be the most qpnteationn legislation of the ses* sion. Reasons ' why the bill was de- ' feated inciude the absence of Premier King, which prevented "Hon. R. B: Bennett voting, and the strong. vote of Ontario Conservas . tive and Liberal: members who joined with Quebec to perpetuate Quebec dominance . in legislation of this character. Another reason was the unexpectedness of "the vote tonight. At least a dozen supporters of the bill were absent, many '6f them coming into the ""ehamber after the vote was poll- ed. 1t was a great victory for Quebec., Premier King missed the vote and did got notify Hon. R. B. Bennett of his views. Mr. Bennett is paired with Premier King and could not vote. "I was paired with the Prime Minister," said Mr, Ben- nett after the vote, "I did not know how he would have voted if he had been present. Therefore, I did not . Many Styles to Choose TRICOTENE BROADCLOTH Ask to See the New vole. Tt 1 had. I would have voted for the bilh," . My» tke; faith, but it is felt the Hm: Miu ister 'should _ have n courtesy to notify him, w for was opposed to or favored the b me 80 that the Opposition leader could haye voted if the Prime Minister favored the bill, Among the ministers who vofed for the-bill were Messrs, Crerar, Dun- on and Dr. King, while Hon, J. Eatiot, Hon. James Malcolm, Yion, Peter Veniot and the Quebec miplsery voted against it. Nearly 1 the mem irrespecs rid of party voted Tor the bill Among the Ontario Conservatives in opposition were Messrs, Hubbs, Rowe, Spotton, Arthurs, Manion, Garland, McGibbon, Charters, Em- bree, Cotnam, and Maloney, Megsrs. Bowman, Sanderson, 'McMillan, all, Gray, Hepburn, Telford and Taylor were among the Ontario Liberals in opposition to the bill. Before the vote was taken Hon. Ernest Lapointe said: "I am opposed td this bill for the same reason as I have opposed it before and for the same reason as I have opposed other legislation relating to divorce. "I wish to say I am opposing it from a civil and social point of view, 1t is a fact that jurisdiction has been given this Parliament in matters of divorce but that does not mean that we are bound either to ggant divorce ourselves by priv- ate legislatien or to authorize the courts to dissolve marriage." FAMOUS COW "WITH WINDOW IN STOMAGH DIES Pennstate Jessie Provided Science with Data For Four Years State College; Pa., March 12--- The world-famous cow with a win- dow in her stomach, Pennstate Jes- sie, is dead. the past four years Jessie at- tratted world-wide attention and contributed much important scien- tific data to the feeding of man and beast, with the help of various Pennsylvania State College re- search specialists. Jessie never showed signs of be- ing bother with thé opening and quietly submitted to inspection by thousands of visitors. Recently she had to be moved from her place of honor in the first stall of the dairy, and appar ently she did net like her new quarters in another wing, She seem« ed to resent the imposition, lost her: appetite and reputation as a contented cow, and quietly passed away when no aftendants were about. Scientific studies with Jessie started with a test showing sam- ples from her stomdch to contain Vitamin B. although, all traces of this vitamin' had been removed from her feed. By this experiment it was determined absolutely that all cows manufacture Vitamin 'B within their systems. Hom. Peler Heenan "is right iu saying that a permanent cure for unemployment should be sought. But' in the meanwhile the jobless workers and their families have to live.~Peterboro Examiner. Among articles found in tazi- eabs, a Chicago company confirms the old'story by stating that ome of 4its patrons actually left a base drum behind when he got out, but we have a suspicion that the fel- low adopted that thethod of gett- ing rid of it. ~Philadelphia Inquir- er, 1 Store ours 9 am, to 530 p.m. * Weekdays to 9 p.m. Saturdays i NEW LINES OF SPRING OF LADIES' HIGH CLASS LINGERIE IN PYJAMAS, KIMONAS (Long & Short) BLOOMERS AND VESTS, SLIPS, GOWNS, STEP-INS --THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE LOT OF GAR- . MENTS ON SALE AT EXCEPTIONAL LOW PRICES WINDOWS -- NO PHONE OR C. O. D. ORDERS ACCEPTED -- TO SEE THEM IS TO BUY THEM -- THESE GARMENTS ARE CONFINED TO US FOR OSHAWA MERCHANDISE -- "ARRIVING DAILY -- 100 PAIR ONLY Ladies' HOSIERY SPRING WEIGHT per pair -- Assorted sizes and colors. Size 214 yds. by 40 inches. offered at a wonderful price. FEATHER FILLED Size 17 x 25. ful bargain at, each « In 'wonderful width only. Towels Plain All White towels in heavy | FAMOUS AIRMAN 1S y ficlals Assorted colors 'and sizes -- While they last, at 42¢ 30'PAIR ONLY -- LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE Remember only 30 pair in the lot -- While they last. at, per pair 79¢ SWISS PANELS $1.39 18 ONLY 12 ONLY Rayon Silk Kimonas These come in long and short style (Coolie Coat). wonderful. First come First served. ' Each, while they last This is simply -- WATCH OUR BE SURE AND SEE OUR NEW SPRING LINE OF COATS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY -- 60 PAIR ONLY Ladies' Lisle Hose Spring Weight, 2 shades only. Average range' of These panels are being Only, each '== 49e MARQUISETTE, Ruffled Curtains These curtains are sunfast, and have a silk inset of gold, rose, blue and mauve. Size 2% yards by 28 inches. 14 pair only to go at, pair -- $2.35 CANADIAN GINGHAMS In Checks and plaids, tub fast wide: Yard -- 38 PAIR ONLY Ruffled Curtains colours. 82 inches Pillows Come early and revel in this wonder. 89¢ UNBLEACHED SHEETING fine weave and heavy quality. Comes in 72 in 12 ONLY Ray on Silk nayon Sil Never Such V. 'before in Oshawa -- while they last, per suit, assorted sizes -- $1.89 48 ONLY RAYON SILK VESTS Wonderful colors, Assorted sizes. You will have to hurry for these. While they last, each A9¢ 216 PAIR ONLY -- LADIES' RAYON SILK Assorted sizes. per pair -- ~ New Spring assorted colors at only, ne ' 43 ONLY RAYON SILK GOWNS Lace Trimmed. assorted sizes. Ladies be sure and see these garments. nice. New Spring colops, eacll = ASSORTED LOT OF Ladies' dinas as those shown Cream only. Size 21; yards by 26 inches. To clear y at, per pair w= FUGI SILK 29 in. wide, Comes in gll shades and of the finest quality. ' Yard, 47e PURE BLEACHED TABLE LINEN 72 inches wide $1.95 So dainty and Teddies And slips in Rayon Silk, very attractive colors, assorted sizes, -- Slips, each 8c Teddies, per pair 69¢ THE. ARCADE LIMITED ER--a-- CARDINAL BARS CHARITY BALLS Misery Becomes Excuse To Dance, He Writes In Public Letter "Venice, March 12--Charity bails have come under the ban of Car- dina] La Fontaine, Patriurth of Venige, In'a public letter he wrote: "On such occasions misery be- comes afi 'excise for people to ap- pease their desire to damce by let- ting fall a little money which will be gathered by the poor. - NOT LICENSED PILOT 'rClermont-Fergand, France, Mar. 12.~~Maurice Bellonte, famous air- man, isn't even a licensed pilot. He can fiy well enough to alters nate with Dieudonne Costes while breaking records, but officially he doesn't know how to fly, Bellonte's ability is best attested by Coste's selection of him to'fly the Atlantic last summer, a flight on which the two had turned back at the Avores when the weather became bad. So. Bellonte ig coming here soon to go to "air school," and learn the proper lingo for the govern ment examination, He and all other: pilots will be much surprised if of- tell Costes' partner that he can'¥ fy, A +} lotal absence of wind. a FREAK GOLF MATCH + WON BY BIRD MAN Sonning, Berkshire, March 12 Probably the freakiest golf match | aver played in England---a match in which one competitor was in an airplane and the other on terra firm as usual--resuited in a win for the aerial comptitor over 18 holes recently by a score of 29 strokes to 69. The victor was Captain G. A. R. Pennington, commandant of the National Flying Service airdrome at Reading. He vanquished A, J. Young, a local professional whose 69 incidentally is nine under bogey. The tash for Pennington was to find the green by dropping balls as he flew over the course in his machine, The balls were swathed with white cloth to ensure non- bouncing when they struck the ground. Naturally, he was not re- quired to hole out as his opponent had tp do. In 40 minutes the airman had completed the course ' in 29 "strokes." On several of the greens he required only one 'shot. At the 18th his first ball fell on one of the cars of a London railway, express train. At times he hovere as 100 feet, the lowest he could safely attempt. The mateh was for 25 sterling and 'was the outcome of a recent regulation mateh between the two men when Pennington, badly baat en, challenged 'his opponent 0 found on 's ines tu his: Dj ennington Yours not noiat it under 70. The airman was favored by an tne} a] as low A Helpful (Toronto Mail and Empire) Hon, W. J. Major, K.C., attor- ney-general of Mahitoba, has an- nounced' the intention of the Gov- ernment of the province to adopt new methods of dealing with boys and girls who commit offences and who, in the opinion of the courts, ought to' be committed to some place of detention, In the appli cation of these new methods the attorney-general's department,' tlie department of public welfare and the department of education will co-operate. A new institution for boys will be established on a farm of 260 acres meag Rosser and will take the place of the boy# indus- trial' home in Portage la Prairie, whieh will be used hereafter as a home for mentally defective chil- dren. 'A new home for girls will be' located at West Kildonan. On the farm at Rosser boys who have been convicted of minor offences, will be kept apart from those who have been guilty of more serious wrongdoing. There the - Govern- ment proposes to subject the lads who have erred to wholesome in- fluences, to place them in good undings, to enable them to lead healthy outdoor lives, and to Rive them training that will fit them for. useful work after their reloase. similarly" educative work for delinquent' girls will 'be carri on atthe new home in West Kil. donan and in the Houze of" the Good Shepherd, " Boys' Training School Institution Ih Ontario a new type of insti tution for boys who have been guilty of offences or have proved unmanageable at home was estab- lished a few years ago through co- operation between the Government of the province and certain phil- anthropic. organizations and indi- viduals. This institution {is the Bowmanyille Industrial Home for Boys. Boys who are committed to this establishment are trained in the work of the farm or of cer- tain trades, They are taught the subjects of the curriculum of the elementary schools and they are given opportunities to indulge in outdoor sports: and exerciges. Fur- thermore, they have, during their stay on the farm and afterward, the advantage of the interest that a number of good citizens are taking in their welfare. The es- tablishment . of the Bowmanville Home for Boys is asserted to have produced good results and is re. garded as having been a step fore ward in the treatment of lads 'who show a tendency to go astray. The new, institutions in Manitoba, op- erated on' the lines that the attor- ney-general of the provinces has laid down, should be helpful to. d large. proportion of the boys and girls who are sent to them and, by boing helptul to them, will be doing useful work forthe com. FILLERS FILLERS FILLERS ., London Sunday Plctorial, Procrastination is the ability to 4 defer putting off the .postpone-| J. P, Steedman donated Melrosd ment of an unnecessary task un-|United church, Hamilton, ga ne til it is no longer necessary,-- ' organ, costing' $18,000. * General Motors HARD WOOD Bone Dry and Stove Length Truck and Wagon Loads DIXON COAL co. Tele. 262 Five Direct Lines munity. as g whole in the province,

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