§ wa Daily 'Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer -- 2 dimes A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City, ---- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12,-1930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES 3 Nelye in Brie { - 1 Canadian Banker Dies East Orange, N.J.--Willlam H. Monk, Canadian banker, who bad long served as managing divector of the New York office of the Royal Bank of Canada, died suddenly last night at his home here, : . = Buys Cable Company New York.-~The Western Union 'Telegraph company has bought the assets of the American Telegraph and Cable company for $27 a share. The latter company, incorpora in 1871 in New York, owns two cables running from Dover Bay, N.S., to Sennen Cove, England. - - MacCormack Hears Self Sing New York.--John MacCormack, renowned Irish tenor, saw. himsel perform last night in his new sound picture at its opening showing here. A distingiished audience, in- cluding among its members former Governor Alfred BE. Smith, singers and actors of renown attended. LJ "Lifer" Free Pending New Trial Lansing, Mich.--Mrs. Etta Mae Miller, a victim of Michigan's for- mer "Life-for Liquor" law, was free today for the first time in 14 "months. The &0-year-old mother and housewife, who began a life sentence in the Detroit house of correction following her conviction on a fourth liquor felony, returnéd te her home and her husband last night. She was released on $2,600 bond pending a new trial granted by the Supreme court, LJ . ; Trade Strike Ends Kansas City, -- 'The building trades strike which caused virtual cessation of work on comstruction projects in the two Kansas Cities and Leavenworth, Kas., March 1, has ended. All of the 8,000 to 9,000 union craftsmen will return to .work today under an agreement providing the astablishment of the demanded five-day week, a dally wage increase effective next July 1, and = an. identical increase = months later, Rebel Chief Slain in Battle With Italians __ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rome, March 12--The war depart- ment today announced that a battle was fought March 6, between Italian native troops in the South of T ripoh and. a fleeing rebel tribe headed by the Chieftain Suleiman Sefennasser. The chief and one son were among thise killed. His evidow and five other sons were captured when the whole Caravan was: WAS one of the outstanding figures of the Tripoli rebellion. ) Trial Is Set Over Until Next Assizes {By Canadian Press Loused Wire) i Stratford, Ont., March 12--The trial of J. Cecil Hamilton, who was { to have faced a charge of con- spiracy as the result of his alleged dealing in Listowel, as agent for the real estate firm of Hubbs and Hubbs, of Toronto, was set over by Chiet Justice Meredith today to the next court of assizes; Bail of $50,000 is being renewed. Refuses Presidency of Queen's University (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, N.S.,, March 12. --In answer to a question put by Hon. William Chisholm in the house of assembly yesterday, as to whether Dr. Henry F. Munro had. definitely refused the presidency of Queen's: University, Premier E, N. Rhodes announced that Dr. Munro had declined the presidency of "An Upper Canadian Univetsity" to re- main as superintendent of edueca- ition for Nova Beatin, i Estimates Reduced For British Army (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, March 12--Brit ish army tes for 1930 total £40,5600,000 a décrease of £605,000. The total men on establishment, exclusive of India, 15 14 0 as com- pared with ,500 in 1929. TE el NT i ate Bel so J at CL] a seed leon the ap- : Justice McEvoy, The Tuas. Um of Ju y / i I ieavica of Solloway, Mills Limited uashed - b d in Air Crash e Accused Is Now Being Tried on Charge of Breaking In- to Store at Beaverton HIS SECOND TRIAL 'ON BOTH CHARGES Plewes Was Previously Found Guilty, But Had Convictions Quashed by Appeal Court (By Whitby Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar, 12.--A jury in the Supreme Court at Whitby Wednes- day morning returned a verdict of guilty with a strong recommenda- tion for leniency in the case of ix'| Fred W. Plewes charged with at- tempting to escape from lawful custody . while ¢onfined to the county jail at Whitby. Plewes is now on trial on a second charge, that of breaking and entering the store of Percy Clough in the vill- age of Beaverton. Three witnesses were heard this morning and tne trial is proceeding. Til fo the second time Plewes has fa trial on these charges. At the last fall assizes he was found guilty on both coupts, and sentenced to three years in the (penitentiary. © He appealed to the appellate division at Osgoode Hall, | and the j e there quashed botn convictions and ordered new trials. Whitby, March 12--THe Supreme Court at Whitby, proceeded on Tues- the charge against Fred Wm. Plew- es, accused of attempting to break out of the County Sail at Whitby in November last. e Crown, represented by Crown Counsel F. T, Ward, fits called Hugh Lucas, governor of the jail. Mr, Lucas identified the tools which it is alleged thé prisoners were going to attempt to. escape. The warden traced the events which led him to believe an attempt at jail delivery was to be made. He also gave a graphic description of his search for tools which he believed were tobe used in the attempt. He stated that when he first bes came suspicious he moved Plewes to another section of the jail. Soon af- ter Plewes asked to see him and requested to move him back to his former cell as the other prisoners in the corridor were out to "get" him, and that if he were moved back he would protect himself. This request was denied and a search made, which revealed the exhibits produced. Frederick Hudson, an inmate of the jail in November, identified two saws and stated that he thad seen Plewes using them to saw the bar on the washroom window on several oc- casions. He also identified a file with 'which, he said, he had seen Plewes making the saws. Hudson claimed © (Continued on Page 2). STREET IN PARIS NAMED FOR CANADA Beautiful Section of City Will Bear Name of 'D - io (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) 'Ottawa, March 12.--"Place' Du Canada" will hereafter be the nam of an intersection of avenues in Paris. Announcement to this effect is made by Premier Mackenzie King on advice from Hon. Philippe Roy, Canadian minister at Paris. Mr. King has asked * that an ex- pression of the appreeiation of. the government and people of Canada be conveyed to the prefect of 'the Seine and the city council of a at The site to which Canada's name has been\given is near the Cada- dian le ; being in one of the most interest- ing and beautiful parts of the city. Year-old Motor Death Stratford, Ont., Mar. 12---Janies day 'afternoon, with the hearing of |. "sane and w | der. JUDGE DEPLORES JAIL CONDITIONS Justice Raney Criticizes Fact That Prisoners Kept Idle at Whitby (By Whitby Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 12.--In sentenc- ing William Ibbertson to sixteen months in jail for an indecent as- sault, 'Mr. Justice Raney in the Su- preme Court at Whitby Wednes- day morning deplored the fact that idleness was permitted in the county jail here. His Lordship observed that with three men in one cell conditionsywere not of the best and the fact that the men were idle, many of them seasoned prisoners, was an incentive to such plots as revealed before the court in the Plewes case. His Lordship did not think that a boy of eigh- teen with no previous criminal re- cord should have toO associate with men such as had appeared as wif- nesses in the Plewes case, The court recommended that young Ib- bertson be sent -to Guelph, Mr. Greer, of the firm of Greer & Humphreys, Oshaws, made a ples of leniency on his behalf. Bombay:Stores Gandhi's Campaign Stirs Followers--Band Plays National Anthem (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, India, Mageh 12--Disor- ders occurred in Bombay today as a consequence of 'demonstrations = in celebration of Mahatma Gandhi's inauguration of the civil disobedience paign at Ah bad. 4 Show-cases were smashed in two provision stores when a crowd parad- in ghtrough the Streets saw Eueop- rean customers inside. Windows of the offices of the Times of India were also smashed. : < An. amusing incident occurred in connection with hoisting of the na- tional flag in Congress house when the communal band borrowed for the occasion unconsciously stuck up "God Save the King." There was an out- burst of hissing and shouting and the band became - silent, 'the ceremony proceeding afterward without music. Two th d sch L] > strating in the afternoon clashed with police Several 'boys were injured and sent to. hospitals . SIR LINDSAY WINS NATIONAL HONT Lord Fingall, Amateur Jock- ey, Rides Winner to Five- Lengths Victory ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cheltenham, Eng., h 12m J. H. Whitney's stepplechaser "Sir Lindsay" ridden .by Lord Fingsll, amateur jockey, won the National Hunt chase over a four mile long today. i Grey's "Possible" was second and O; Hosgleys "Austrian tar' was third. : air Lindsay won by:five lengths while there were 10 lengths be- tween second and third, The bet- ting was to 4, 100 to 7, and 60 to 1 against, second and third respec- tively. Twenty-eight ran. The race had a value of 1,000 pounds wit extras. - ; Accused of Murder, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire)' Vanco B.C, March 12.~Den« nis William Barclay was, declared: in- Bagihe Gaglole's Po mio WM MB % FRED W. PLEWES CONVICTED] BY WHITBY JURY ON CHARGE OF TRYING T0 BREAK JAIL # hi GBP ol o3 TAR a 3 b RESIGNS REGISTRARSHIP Dr. James Brebmer, known the " AFPER 36 YEARS' ' U. OF T. REGISTRAR RESIGNS' A ch Lo SERVICE 86 years' service, During this time world over as "Ji i 2 University of Toronto graduates, is resigning from the post of regis. trar at the university after some Dr. Breb has had ample time and opportunity to study the evo- lution of the college student, SEEKING WAY 00T OF NAVAL PARLEY CRISIS Delegates of Great Britain, France and U.S. in Conference 7(By Canadian Press Leased. Wire) ndon, March 12--The naval experts of the United States, Great Britain 'and France met at St. James' Palace today and talked the task of trying to find some contri- bution for solution of the grave crisis which exists in the disarma- ment 'conference growing out of the French tonnage demands. The delegations today were fac- ing what was described in well in- formed quarters as close to an im- passe because both the : United States and Great Britain have in- dicated they cannot concede France's demand that she be given a security pact in exchange for re- duction in her navy programme. This, however, did not deter the experts from trying to find some #ayi out of the dilemna. It was expected that the entire day would be devoted to an analy- sis of the French figures involved in her claim for a 724,000 ton ton navy. Among those engaged in this work were Rt. Hon, A, V. Alexander, first lord of the admir- alty.-Rene Massigll and Jacques Louis Dumesnil, French minister of marine, Dwight W. Morrow, United States delegate, J. Theodore Marringer, diplomatic advisor to the United States delegation and Commodore Harold C, Train were present as observers, YOUNG PLAN GETS GERMAN APPROVAL Reichstag Approves War Settlements Plan by 266 to 192 Votes ° (By 'Canadian Press Loased Wire) Berlin, March + 12---The_ Reichstag today: finally approved the Young plan The vote today was 270 in favor of the plan and 192 against it with three eran was d reading e was given second rea In the Reichaton yesterday by a vot of 251 to 175 and today's approval had been jooked upon as certain, g plan measure now; onl er on Hindenburg's which the finanical aftermath ry Great War has been liquidated terda i d publication of the rati- ear] i, mi gazette for the become law as far as Germany WARRANTS 00 FOR (TTANA BROKERS Conspiracy * Charges Laid Against D. A. MacGillivray and R. H. Mowat Ottawa, March 12.----Warrants charging conspiracy to defraud the public were issued at Ottawa polige station soon after noon. today against R. Harold Mowat, and D. A. MacGillivray, members 'of the stock brokerage firm bearing their names, which recently was placed under an interim receiver- ship. After the brokers had called at the police station following a con fepence in their head office with Détective Mulvey of the civic morality squad,,' it 'was announce Arrest tomorrow. . BYRD MAY RETURN 0 SOUTH POLE Says Remarks Would Cause Sensation If He Divulged Future Plans Dunedin, N.Z, March 12--The pos- sibility that Rear Admiral Richard Byrd will take' another expedition in- to the Antarctic was forseen here today. . Admiral Byrd in an interview said, "If I were to say that I am going to do next, my remarks would cause a sensation." Although : the explorer, who re- turned Monday after more than a year at the bottom of the world dur- ing which he flew over the South Pole, declined to commit himself fur- ther, the trend of events here and feeling among his party indicate that he hopes to return to the Antarctic to make further explorations east of the Ross Sea, The vernment today granted Byrd and his party free travel over railroads and the Premier's lounge car has been placed at the Admirals disposal, In a radio broadcast Bj said his pirty would hold everlasting gratitude toward the people of New ealand, Gulls Drink Whiskey Entertain With Stunts Baltimore, Md., March 12, -- A flock of sea gulls went on 'a spree when prohibition agents ' poured 1,200 gallons of corn whiskey into the harbor off Old Fort McHenry, part of which is used for the stor- age of seized liquors until destroy- ed. The broadwinged topers were in such high spirits that they cir cled, nose-dived and did tail spins shove the fort, , But Leniency Recommended NOTED FLIER MEETS DEATH IN ACCIDENT COL. BARKER WAS CAN. ADA"S SECOND RANK- ING ACE IN WAR Was Killed in Crash While Demonstrating Aeroplane at Ottawa (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ont, March 12.--Col. W. G. Barker, V.C, D.8.0.,, M.C.,, who brought down [2 enemy aero- planes and-was Canada's second ranking air ace of the Great War, met death here today when the plane which he was putting through a demonstration crashed to earth, The tragedy occurred be- fore the horrified eyes of a num- ber of air fficlals of the Depart- ment of National Defence who were viewing the demonstration of the machine, taken aloft for the first time, Col. Barker had been up in the alr for scarcely ten minutes and was flying at an 'unusually low altitude when the machine appear ed suddenly to stall as the pilot apparently tried to drive the mach- ine into a steep climb, At the top of an upward swoop it faltered, remained suspended momentarily and then, like a gigantic wounded bird, plunged headlong to earth, a twisted mass of wreckage, ... Was Manitoba Boy Wing Commander Willlam Geo. Barker, V.C.,, D.8.0,, M.C.,, D.F.C., A.D.C,, was approached in fame by only one other Canadian war ace, his war-time comrade, Col. W. A. Bishop, .V.C. Born at Dauphin, Manitoba, 36 years ago, Barker was only 20 years of age when he proceeded overseas with the First Canadian Mounted Rifles, He served in France until December 1915, then transferring to the Royal Flying Corps. |. He served in the flying corps and the Royal Air Force cone tinuously until 10 days before the armistice. Barker was twice wounded dur- ing the war, severely on October 27, 1918. He was experienced in many special forms of aeglal war- fare, including artillery observa- tion, day and night bombing, re- connaissance, photography, cone tact patrol, spy dropping and just plain fighting. He was officially given credit for the destruction of 62 enemy planes and it has al ways been understood he account- ed for more than this number. He holds a number of foreign decora- tions, ' Two of Eleven Brazil Stowaways Die in Coal Boston, Mass, March 12.--The steamer Coldbrock of the American Republic's line, pue-in here from Santos, Brazil, with a tale of stow- aways and tragedy, Two days out the crew discover- ed '11 hunger apd thirst crazed men in the coal bunkers. A further search revealed the bodies of two of their fellows, who had died 'amid the mountains of coal, The 11 survivors were returned to Brazil. ASKS REPORTS ON BROKERAGE FIRMS Legislative Member Secks New Information From I Attorney-General 'Toronto, March 12.--Informa- tion as to whether the Department of Justice or the Department of National Revenue at Ottawa has - yd | sont additional reports on broker- age firms since the Homer L. Gioe son report was received by Attor- ney-General W. H. Price, is sought in the Ontario Legislature today by C. A. Robertson. He asks what firms are mentioned in the sub- sequent reports, i W. BE. N. Sinclair, Leader of the Opposition, has given notice of motion that he will ask that the public accounts committee be call- ed next Friday morning. Patient Hangs Himself Toronto, -- James McLeod, 50, tubercular patient in a local hos. pital, erept out of his bed in the 'detention room and hanged hime GANDHI COMPLETES HIS FIRST LAP Col. W. C. Barker Kill = Plewes Found Guil OSHAWA MANS HELD AT BARRIE HOUSE ROBBERY John Osborne Re-Arrested Aftef Being Freed on $10,000 Bail (Special to The Times) Barrie, Ont., Mar, 12.--~John Os- borne, of Oshawa, was charged here today with breaking and en- tering the home of W. D. Scoft, of Allandale, three weeks ago. A ra- dio taken from the Scott home was found in Osborne's rooming house. Chief Stewart of Barrie, brought Osborne here last night, He was arrested at Whithy and was allowed out on bail of §10,000 put up by A. L. Darch, Bowman- ville merchant, The charge against him there was a technical one of vagrancy. The magistrate here set Osborne's bail at $8,000, put up by Darch and his own bond of $2,000. 'The hearing was set for April 19. As soon as the papers had been signed and Oshorne was getting ready to return to Oshawa, provincial police redarrested him on a warrant from Milton where he is wanted on a charge of steal. ing goods from a store in Acton. Some of the goods from the Acton store were found in Osborne's room, police say. When Osborne was re-arrested, his sister who was in the court room, almost broke down. The young man is suspected of being mixed up in the' ring responsible for thefts at Orillia, Beaverton, Allandale, Bradford, Napanee and many other - Ontario towns He says he is well acquainted with Lee, the man who broke jail in Napanee and was re-arrested in Winnipeg a few days ago. - Lee, it is said, is one of the gang. British Papers See Election Believe 'General Election Will Follow Disposition of Budget London, Mar, 12,--The opinion is generally expressed in the news- papers today that the probable re- sult pf the Ramsay MacDonald La- bor government's defeat on a Lib eral amendment to the coal bill in the House of Commons yesterday will be a general election immedi- ately the budget is disposed of, be- cause the government and its sup- porters are getting tired of the growing tendency of the Conser- vative and Liberal parties to com- bine against its legislation. FRENCH ATTITUDE THREATENS FIVE PONER _ PARLEY French to Remain Adamant to Demand for 724,000 Naval Tons (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, March 12---Apparently reliable reports today said French delegation to the Five Power Naval conference had decid- ed to remain adamant in its de- mand for 724,000 naval tons for France unless the other four pow- ers consent to sign, or otherwise promulgate, a pact of military sanc- tions guaranteeing French security. This information followed an authoritative statement that the United States could not participate even in an agreement to consult with the other powers in the event French security is threatened, much less sign a military pact. It was understood, also, that the Bri- tish cabinet had assumed a similar position, warning its conference de- legation that no further political entanglements would be counten- anced. The developments, all of which have come rather rapidly since the return of a. French delegation here, headed by Aristide Briand, French foreign minister, threatened a most 'serious impasse for the conference, and clouded perceptibly h that a 'five power treaty limiting sea self from a pneumatic bracket be- hind the door, ; Need { armaments at any consignable . figure: would be evolved, the |. THOUSANDS LINE HIGHWAYS AS NATIONALISTS SET OUT ON JOURNEY TO CAMBAY Gandhi, Himself, Despite Increasing Age, Walks With Firm Step--Appears ance Belies His Arrest on Vice-Roy's Orders GOVERNMENT PLANS NOT YET REVEALED Party Plans to Produce Salt at Cambay in Violation of Government Monopoly, Thus Inaugurating Diss obedience Programme (By Ganadian Press Leased Wire) Ahmadabad, India, March 12-- Mahatma Gandhi, 61-year-old Indiarf Nationalist leader, and 79 of his dis« ciples today completed the first lap of their twenty days' march to Jadas Ipur, inaugurating their civil disobe< dience campaign for complete Indiag independence, There were about 20,000 persons gathered at the entrance of Ganhdi's quarters when he and his followers set out from Ahmadabad but the bulk -of those who had followed the procession turned back at the boun« dary and returned to their homes, The procession then traversed the road to the village of Asali which was reached after a four hours! march. There were about 125 in the group which reached the village Here about 100 townsmen with flags, garlands and music received the mare chers. i . Two places have been set asidg in the village for the party, one 3 rest house and the other a place: fos meals, Gandhi plans to remain in Asli today making one public address when a purse will be presented tq him on behalf of the yillagers, Leas ving' Afali Tomorrow morning a. half will be made at Bareja and then at Navagaon where the procession wil} halt for the night. Twenty thousand persons gathere ed at the entrance of Mahatma Gane dhi's quarters to watch the pionee party start their long march at 65 (Continued on Page 2) » SEEK HELP FOR "* SOLDIER SETTLERS Manitoba Legislature Makeg An Appeal To / Government (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, March 12.--Lesd stringent financial . arra t. for soldier settlers in the province was requested of the Dominion government in a resolution passed by the Manitqba Legislature yese terday. The resolution, moved by J. W, Pratt, Independent, Birtle asked the Dominion governm to appoind a board to reduce come solidated loans to soldier farng set'lers to the actual present realy izable value of each quarter secs tion, to re-instate settlers coms pelled through uncontrollable eire cumstances to discontinue operas tions, to substantially reduce ins terest rates on' contracts, and td extend the time for payment ove: a further period of at least 38 years. : Members of all parties in thd Sousy spoke in favor of the resolus on, COMMUNISTS GIVEN | RIGHT TO PARADR (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Mar. 12.--Coms= munists whose plans to m to the Legislative bulldings were frustrated by police bat- ons last Thursday, will be per-" mitted to parade this week. The police commission voted to grant a parade permit for Thursday of this week, IN PARLIAMENT - Ottawa, March H<Yeuterday LH] The Senate did not sit. In the House bate was au on ment to the motion to inte | supply and the sub-amendment, In members' hour a hill | courts to the A to amend the Navigable Waters Beotaetion at was also a Ci en en x ena" A of Commons de. | the ry pi