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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 5

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J and afterwards 1 PACE FIVE Home ve and the Community BAI Notes for the Social Column and' other items of 'news for the Women's Page should bear the name and address of the sender, and should be addressed to the Social Editor, or phoned to No, 85.. Kindly avold weitiag on Mrs. T. E. Kaiser entertained a- "bout twenty guests, all ladies, at the Grand Cafe dinner. last evening bridge at her home on treet east, Miss Irwin, of Toronto, is in town visiting: Mr, and Mrs. Harry Porter, Masson street. LAld Society of both sides of the paper, Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, ot Parkwood, Oshawa, was the week- end guest of Mrs, Gordon Cameron, of Toronto. A Bt. Patrick's birthday tea on March 11 was given' in the tea room of St. ew"s Church, un- der the ausp of the Ladies' that church, The Needles Pain! Nowadays; people take Aspirin for many little aches and pains, and as often as they encounter any pain. Why not? It is a proven anti- dote for pain. It works! And Aspirin tablets are abso. Jutely harmless. You have the medical profession's word for that; they do not depress the heart. So, don't let a cold "run its course." Don't wait for a head- you ean always turn to an Aspirin tablet for relief. Aspirin is always available, and Be ae op. Familiarize b, id Weddings 'a very quiet wedding took place at St. John's Chureh, Norway, Tor- onto, when Miss Ethyl A, Brooks, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, 8. S. Brooks, Courtice, Ont., and Mar- shall 8, Soules, of Toronto, were united in marriage by Rev. Canon Baynes Reed. Inmimediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Soules left for New York and from there will sail to the West Indies by the Cunard Line. On their return they will reside.at 176 Kingswood Rd.. Toronto, where they will be at home to their friends. twelve tables were artistically de- corated for the occasion. This work - was done by Mrs, McLean, Mrs. F. J. Maxwell, Mrs, Broom- field, Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. J. Babe received the ladies in the parlours. At the large table in the centre of the room, Mrs.,G. W. McLaughlin and Mrs, H. A. Ross poured tea. During the tea hour the guests were delighted with a musical program when solos were sun gby Mrs. Begg, 'Mother O° Mine," and "Three Fishers Went Sailin } pciomsanied by Miss Ment; - 5, Mir s. Duizendstra play- ed a plano' solo and also Miss Ir- ene Bryan. Misses Helen Chapman and 'ustine James played a piano duet. The sum realized during the afternoon amounted to $84. St. Patrick's decorations ana pright yellow daffodils were in profusion yesterday at the homie of Mrs, Clayton Downey, Division St., 'when the ladies of the Guild of St. George's Church gave the first of their Lenten teas. At a table attractively arranged with green and yellow shades om the white cover, Mrs. T. B. Crothers poured tea. 'The tea assistants were Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. A. E. O'Neill, Mrs. Atkinson and Miss Gladys Barn- hart. Theg uests were received by Downey. The next Lenten tea will be held at the home of Mrs. C. A. Kinnear, King St. W, FOUR SHARE HUGE ESTATE Three sisters and a brother ol George Smith, of Medford, Mass. formerly of Fredericton. N.B., were notified recently that their brother had left them an estate of $300, 000 to be equally divided among the four. Each received $75,000. The sisters were Mrs. Murray Long, Mrs. Joseph Sands and Mrs. Annie Long, who in addition to the money was left the Smith residence at Medford. Sheer Chiffon Full HOSIERY As ATKINS HOSIERY & + LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St. Fashioned none i887 emmon, "i Opening SPECIAL i Furs and Suits We are offering a special price on fox' furs for the early buyers. We have a beautiful variety of foxes in brown, cin- beige or. grey. $25,00.. WEEK-END SPECIAL -- Regular Price $16.50 We are also giving a special reduction on 3 Piece Sport Suits In all wool covert cloths. Newest styles and colours in black, green, blue, beige and . grey. SFECIAL -- Reg. $22. 50. WEEK END $17.50 Misses Canton Crepe and : Celanese Crepe Dresses' Displaying all the new featurgs of the moment--Ilonger flaring skirt, even and uneven. hemlines, different sleeve treat- ments, tucking and sherring. All the Considerably underpriced in all shades and styles == new flared effects," also straight line and belted ef fects. Prices ranging from $25 10.$37.50 New Hats Exquisite Spring modes, fa- 'shioned in 'all the - newest straws, Delightfully youth. ful creations in all * head sizes and colors, $2.95 $3.95 and $4.95 = | The Ariistic Shoppe Do Your on Young Peopl's Meetings KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The regular 'meeting of Knox Church Young People's Society was held on Monday evening with Mr, M, McKenzie presiding, After the business had been disposed with, a' debate took' place. "Re- solved that: it is better to live in Canada than in the United States," was the subject for discussion. The affirmative side was upheld by the two McCubben. brothers. The nega: tive was supported by M. Mechin and H. Hamilton. When the dect- sion of the judges was announced it was in favor of the negative side. With this the 'meeting was brought to a close, The regular Monday evening meeting of Christ Church A.Y.P.A. took the form of a rehearsal for the parts of the Irish Review which will be presented 'by the As- sociation. It was an excellent prac- tice and the review promises to be a great success. ALBERT ST. YOUNG PEOPLE A well attended' meeting of Al- bert Street Leaguers was favored last evening with a highly inter esting and informing message. The special speaker was Rev, D, L, Smith, of Toronto,/ a missionary on furlough who has spent twenty- four years in India with the form- er Presbyterian Church," gave 2 most vivid and, varied description of conditions in that country, em- phasizing the importance 'of the field as the ldygest member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. He also stated that there was a most hopeful outlook for the fug- ure of India if the people were given the gospel. Mrs. Carkeek contributed an appropriate solo. PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION List of Pupils to Represent Schools in Competition for Honor of First Place Those pupils who are represent- ing 'the different public schools of the city in the final compétition for the Oratorical contest that is being held at the Collegjate audi- torium on Friday evening, March 14, at eight o'clock are as follows. King St. School, Louise Bennet, Sr. IV; Albert. St. School, George Wilson; Sr. IV; Mary St." School, Gerald Edmundson, Sr. IV: Sim- coe St, S. School, Violet Hooper, Sr. 1V; Cedardale School, George Kuzmeliuk, Jr. IV; Centre St School, May White. Sr. IV; North Simeoe School, Marjory Breault, Sr. IV: Ritson Rd. School, Maxine Noblé, Jr. IV. The list of judges has been completed and they will be Mzs. R. Price, of Toronto; Mrs. C. Aglars- aallen. of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby: and Mr.. Dippell. prinei- pal of the Bowmanville High School. . Only children accompanied~ by their parents or some guardian will: be permitted to. attend the contest on Friday evening. Ther2 will be no admission charge. Breakfast should be eaten in sil- ence, says a dietitian. 'A man who stayed late at the office the night before hasn't got a chance. -- New York Telegram. SIMCOE STREET LADIES' AID SOCIETY The monthly meeting of Simcoe street 'Ladies' Aid Society was well attended yesterday. The president, Mrs. E. Bradley, was in the chair, The business 'discussion consisted for the most part of the plans for the cook book that is to be publish- ed in the near#uture. The program which followedX§gas an instrumental trio by Mrs, ett, Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Hold®™, a piano duet by Misses Justine. James and Helen Chapman, a vocal solo by Mrs, C M. Mundy and two delightful read- ings by Mrs. Thos, Henderson, "The Wild Ww Jhite Rose" and a poem by Edgar Guest, Afternoon tea was ser- ved by Mrs, James' Group. ALBERT STREET HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB A well attended meeting of A) bert Street Home and School As sociation 'was held last evening. The 'President, Mrs. Higgins, con- | ducted the meeting. During the business) the president was ap- pointed as delegate to the O. E. A. and it was decided to have April meeting take the form of a social evening, at which it is hoped all the mothers will be present. Miss McLennom's class won the prize for having the most mothers pres- ent. Mr. Rocher assisted by the teachers presented a very enjoy- able programme of music and singing by the pupils from the different classes. Every number was well rendered and: gave credit to those in charge. Mr. Richer gave a short talk on advantages of de- veloping singing in the home and not to let mechanical devices such as radio, ete., take the place of children's voices. Also he an- nounced the May Festival which being prepared by the pupils of all the schools which promises to be very fine, At St. John's Church, Norway, Toronto, by the Rev. Canon Bayn Reed, on Monday, March 10, 1930, Ethyl A. Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 8. 8. Brooks, Courtice, Ont, to Marshall 8. Soules, of Toronto. CAKE HAS 93 CANDLES A birthday cake on which were 92 candles wae the gift received by Mrs, Sarah Jones, of Pownal, P. E.I., on the occasion of her last birthday. The cake was presented to her by the: Women's Missionary Society, of Pownai, of which she is bonorary-president. i According to an American novelist, "Uncle Sam has definitely put drink behind him." In his hip-pocket, we presume.~The Humorist (London). un, WOMENS MEETINGS || SEE OUR SELECTION OF DRESSES 5975 132 | Reg. $15.00 & $1850 The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083W | | Cheese Fritters 4! teaspoon onion salt, i ! Mix the rice thoroughly with the ette procurable, $5.95 Leatherette Trench Coats for Misses, Women and Children The very best value of the day. Made from the finest Scotch leather- It has an extra fine soft finish. Colors in Cham- pagne, Biscuit, Cinnamon and Chocolate Browns, Navy and Black, Sizes 14 to 42. Our Big Special -- HATS TO MATCH New Arrival Curtain nets from Scotland and Eng- land specially priced from 29¢ to $1.25. New Sunfast Drap- eries in the very newest colors and combination. Guar- anteed Sun fast, 50- in. wide. Specially priced from -- $1. to $1.95 Girls' and Misses' Leatherette 'Sport Coats Fleeced lined. Made from the same full cloth as mentioned above. Sizes 8 yrs. to 18 yrs. Colors Brown, Navy and Red. Our Big Special -- RECIPES One cup cooked rice, 1 egg, 1-4 1-2 cup grated cheese, 1-4 2 teaspoons pre- | pared mustard, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-4 [te aspoon paprika and buttered crack- | er crumbs. | cup milk, beaten cgg, milk, grated cheese and seasonings. Roll in buttered cracker crumbs, shape into balls and fry in deep fat, THE COURSE OF DEVELOP- MENT A young Lieutenant was visited in camp by a fashionable friend, and the latter was inclined to be jocular over. the tiny sitting-room which the young officer occupied. "Well, Charles," he said on leaving, "how much longer do you.mean to stay in this nutshell?" "Oh, until I be- comé-a kernel!" replied the licute- ant, Bick stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean ex- cess acld, The stomach nerves are over-stimulated, Too mueh acid makes the stomach and intestines sour, Alkali kills acid instantly, The best form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, because one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid, Since fits invention, 50 years ago, it has re- mained the standard with physic- ians everywhere. Reduce the Acid In sick stomachs--instantly Take a spoonful {in water and your unhappy condition will probe ably end in Live minutes. Then you will always know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake, It may save a great many disagreeable hours, Be sure to get the genuine Phile lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in core recting excess acids. Each bottlg contains full directions--any drug« store. show: end *"B, 0." loses ups doable *B .O. 99 (Body Odor) ~~ E had begged so hard for this date.. And now «+. ! Harry was still nice to her. But Edna felt the dered always lost interest. Then Edna learn: , she won * oo fey tricky. they least suspect it. . In any weather *"B.0." annoys "Never becaught off off guard. Ap iiss Berea Sve ff 2 rich EL oad A but we're as a qi why men. learned the trouble: Today she's ered with invitations. She found it's easy to --Body Odor. o ust keep perspiration Quick to betray--but urts its victims=--while * or causing HE THOUGHT: "You're not as sweet as you look." Yes, to be polite, For safety's sake, al Favorite of millions. S lhe ise gu wi a iy "B. 0." health--by removing ertra-clean scent, wh stops Keeps skins fresh and clear, too. HE SAID: "How nice you look today." Men seldom invited Edna twice... is so unpardonable bathe with Lifebuoy. - yet wonderfully in- Lifebuoy's deep-reaching antiseptic ifies. Pores breathe again. You feel than ever before. No chance 0 Guards 2 Jdfebuoy' s pleasant, vans ™ it purifies. Adopt Lifcbuoy today. els Laver Brothers Limited, Toronto Lifebuoy sols odor Laie

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