| | ) } | ' 3 and certain adjustments to obtain be | the House itself. sar Vancouver, B.C. Ei suicide yesterday. At Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer | The Oshawa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 15 Conta » Week; 3 Cents » Copy TWELVE PAGES News in Brief % Nigro Is Electroe: : Ph. ville, Be Tenn Care i Ay ack Tenn., Pet. idle at the state arly, today. . Bank Closes Doors r-old gir] near 5, was elec- penitentiary uted 3 "Guan, 20sf of a crim-{4 $1,100 Damages in Accident Action dpe Kas.--The C cial National Bank of Independence, one the largest banks in Kansas, sed today. The closing re- hed from losses occasioned by de- 7 Saications, y 'the bank's president, T, Guernesy, Sr., and from]: ho assets. The bank's statement, Dec. 31, 1929, showed resources to- talling $6,230,377.09 and deposits of } % Kills Two Then Suicides 'Johnson City, Tenn--An = East Tennessee farmer, his wife and her) brother-in-law wege dead today, vic- tims of a tragedy which followed the |: ling, 'of 'a divorce. suit by the wife. red Hange, 40, killed his 'wife "fat- ally 'shot John Dempsey, wounded Mrs, Dempsey and then committed hy TWVy, « Prescott Fr Dies Manila, P. I. A ar 'William M, Moran, attorney of Prescott, Ont., died here yesterday of acute nepbri- tis. He arrived Thursday on the steamship Em of. Canada while touring the Far East. Fire Threston Whole Block Tepento.--A spectacular fire in a woodworking shop on Queen street Iast night threatened to . gut a whole block before it was brought under' control. Damage: was esti- mated at $70, 000." KAYE DON TRIES OUT N ay STEED AUT AUTO ON ON BEACH Fun ow Bech. F Fla, on WAR Kaye Don, British driver, who seeks to break the world's automobile eed record, prepared to take his giant car onto the beach course to- day and probably again Saturday to limber, it up and get accustomed to the performance of the machine and the "feel" of the beach: The car ne- yer has been driven since it left its 'factory in Wolverhampton, England, roper 'carburation probably.' will pecessary after the preliminary' tests. A -------- T UNITED STATES AND REACH , AGREEMENT Canadian Press Lomion, March Pon ¥ United val delega- States and in na aval. de ga after rRO0! Hh aye ach- | British mbia's oldest. resident {| Mrs Aranfly Kefoury died in hos- pital here yesterday." Granny Ke- foury, as she was known, was 106 yreas of She was born in ount Le fron, Syria, 'dnd "mi- ted. to Canada in 1899. She re- fn Montreal and Valleytield, Que., before, coming wsets comatose eeest MONORARY GOVERNOR OF ao 2SERIA DE DEAD 1 IN ARES They pry 14. Fa rine Lubrief, {honomaty. oven I governor of 'Algeria since em #rom the colonial ser- vice several years ago, died here to- day. N 1 REE e., Mar. 14,--Two led and, two others ously: injured today. in a fire EES destroyed the Haheack Supreme Cou building a loss estimated pte $176,000. lid AR RR channel from Lake Ontario -fneither 'There is precedent for such a step Debate on St. Lawrence Bue Is Expected WASHINGTON REPORT SAYS TIME IS RIPE] Canadian Share of Deepen ing St. Lawrence Channel Near Brockville Has Al- ready Been Undertaken WELLAND CANAL MAY HASTEN SITUATION United States Has Not Made as Much Progress as Can- ada With Initial Work on Scheme Ottawa, March 14.--overnment officials here were reticent today to discuss the situation between the United States and Canada in respect to the negotiations for deepening the St. Lawrence River to Prescot. The gefieral belief is that a debate will be launched in the House of Commons in the near future over it and under such cir- cumstances little information is given out except through the me- dium of questions and answers in Despatches from Washington in~ dieating Canada was prepared to go ahead with the deepening of this stretch of the waterway on the United States side as well as the Canadian side at & cost of ap- proximately $1,750,000 could be confirmed nor denied. 1n the casey of' "St. "Mary's River, a: the, United States has done ¢onsiderable improvements to the channel on the Canadian side, Mast Remove Shoals The Welland ship canal will be opened around July. This will permit the big upper lake boats to reach Lake Ontario. The charts of the government engineers show that the boats could proceed as far as Alexandria Bay, N.Y., which is the heart of the Thousand Islands. Here some shoals would have to ber emoved to make the channel wide enough for such a big eraft. These are on the United States side of the river and the original (Continued on Page 2) Condition of Lord Balfour Nog Quite So Satisfactory | - (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) tion was not quite so satisfac tory today." The noted statesman has been ill during the past week suffering om a chill, He is 82 years old. 'of $620,314 as revenue - {through t France has not seen such de. vastation since the war as is re- slogty subsiding 800 re miles in tho southwest, The RENEWED DOWNPOUR THREATENS STRICKEN FLOOD AREA hay crowd Shomelent «in the flood Aomapons t a the stricken The photo- Tams met By | 0 n threatens here' Shows a view of one streets in ed ving a | of reat aed os wha Areas. ® Sinclair Moves Against Brokers Liberal Leader Asks for Re- port on Stock Trans. fer Tax Toronto, March 14---W. E. N. Sinclgir, K.C, Liberal jeader, took steps before "the public accounts committee of the Ontario Legislature this morning to throw open as far as the mn of Govern- ment Hoot of brokers and their transactions. He moved that on next Wednesday, F. M. Turnbull, assist- ant provincial treasurer; J. T. White, 1 K.C, controller of revenue arid W. A. Orr, assistant 'controller appear before the committee ready to ex- plain an item in the public accounts from the stock transfer tax. "As far as I can go." Mr. Sine lair told the press, "I will reopen the brokerage = situation 'discussion is committee. In other words it will be my own royal com~ IY THE LEGSLATIRE mission.' After: Hon, Ww. D. Black, former speaker' of the House had been el- ected chairman and Mr. Sinelair had made his motion, the committee ad- journed. until next Wednesday. ini LOST FRENCH FLIERS ARE FOUND IN AFRICA (By: Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, March 14.--A Brussels de- spatch to the netvspaper Intransi- geant says that the bodies of the three . Fregch ' airmen Roux, - Caillot and Dodemont Whe, left. Madagascar last January for Paris, have been found beside their wrecked plane in the Belgian Congo. The men left Madagascar on Jan, Cons, | 10, and were last seen on the 13th winds. were. Hoel Kusal Fie . .. Cons, Cons,, J. Davis, | in p (he's t. Granqui,. fighting. high near found in the Great , March Live: 1s proposed Lutourae culture at Goria te. Au land; F. V. on Elgin Taste of the rab is eth couiete? | Young Germans Protest. Against Reparations Plan) GANDHI CONTINUES TREK TO JALAPUR Calcutta Mayor Enroute to Rangoon--Poona Nation- alists Organize (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nawagon, India, March 14.-- Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nation- alist leader, left here at dawn to- day with his 70 devotees for their third day's march toward Jalapur, in inauguration of the movement for Indiag" independence, They ar- rived shortly at Vasns and intend- ed to proceed to Matar where they will halt for the night, In an address before thé vil- lages at Nawagon, Gandhi, econ- gratulated the eight head men who resigned as protest against Valla- bhal Patel's imprisonment. He ex- horted 'them to manufacture and to wear bomespun cloth and to volunteer as civil resistance work- ers, His exhortation for severance of government connections also brought about resignation of police head men at Vasna and Mahslal. The villagers vowed in Gandhi's JURY AWARDS DAMAGES T0 PLANTIFFS Pickering Man Was Sued As Result of Motor Smash (By Whitby Staft Reporter) Whitby, March 14.---A jury in the Supreme Court at Whitby Fri- day morning brought in a verdict awarding $700 to Miss O'Reilly and $400 to Miss Dwyre, of Pick- ering, for damages 'sustaiced in an automobile accident on August 23, 1929, on the Kingston highway, west of Whitby, The defendants were R, E. Mead and his wife, of Pickering. The plaintiffs, two well-known ladies of Plckering, were riding in defendant's car at the latter's invitation on the even« ing in question, when on the re- turn trip from Toronto, Mead"s car met with an accident, colliding with another car. Plaintitts calimed that the accident was due to the fact that Mead was driving at an ive rate of speedgsand presence not to fill the va i Ati the start of his march today Gandhl addressed the newspaper- men who are' following his move- ments, asking them to be patriotic and to support the country's cause, N Soviet's Plot Plans to Delay Warsaw, Pod March 16. Communist plot Ta this oat. al with. Famitlcntion. the provingial sities tor the a in April was revealed today. There were a number, ahem and i, thet oan Saif Yo be 1n delny sowing as much as TWO LARGE Wi SEEN NEAR "orcludes' to the bn ationalists and other of the * Reich ice di a bonfire Thurs-{w &, Eg ng eRe "aaa Lh ; at, the time of the im they called Mead's attention fo'this fact. In the impost, both ladies, it 'was _clalmed, were injured. It was also allege tdhat Mead made several trips to the vendor's days immediately prior to the ac- cident, also that Mead had several drinks at a house in Toronto on the day of the accident. Plaintiffs claimed, however, that Mead was not visibly intoxicated, Defendant's Evidence In his own defense, Mr. R. Mead took.the stand and entifiod that on the day of the accident he had one drink before going to Toronto. In Toronto he claim- ed heh ad several drinks, but that he was not. intoxicated: "Witness also claimed that' he had not dri- yen his car over forty miles. an hour on the trip from the city. He claimed that he made every effort to' avoid the accident in question faster than fifteen lies, au, hour Jury in the verdict : found speed at hiek, a he =» ee w. he was warehouse in Oshawa during the|fi and that he was not going any|. on the part of Mead} i 'who police said had acquired a mo- re] 'wounded last night by four 'men Joss | within 'a few feet of his speakeasy MARTHA QUITS TO WED JOE WRIGHT Wrigley Champion Will De- vote Herself to Sculls. Champion White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Mar. 13.--Martha Norelius, world's greatest woman swimmer, whose greatest triumph was scored in Canadian waters, with the winning of the Wrigley marathon in' Tor- onto last summer, 'will adopt the land of her crowni success by her marriage on Saturday to Joseph Wright, Canadian: SeuHing cham- pion and winner of the Diamond sculls at Al Hendley in 1928. At the pinnacle.of her success, with a trail of shattered records in her wake, Miss Norelius will retire from ' further "swimming competi- tion; to bask in the reflected glory of her husband she told the Cana- dian Press correspondent. today. "Yes, I am through with swim- ming," she replied when inter. view t th efashionable Green- brier 'hotel here where the wédding ceremony, will'take place on Satur- day night in the presence of the im- mediate' families and her most in- timate friend," Miss Helen Meaney, Olympic 'diving champion, "Ihave got all there is out of the sport, she continued, "and see nothing to be gained by further competition. The real fun of. the 'game was lost after I had won my ret and only professional race and realized that the thrill of victory was gohe." British Plan New Expedition to Visit Antarctic Regions (By Canadian Press 1 Press Leased Wire) nella: Mar. 14--=A ' new Antarctic expedition, the the Duly Herald said tony Js is heb Lorgantand under leaderahip. of olsley who was er per har the 'endurance 'in Shackleton's South pole:expeds ition, The may ine in" The expedition It: will : cost SE Ba pound I. ho Bootlegger, Shot Down: 'Bayonne, N.J~Feud among North iJ: Jersey liquor racketeers was seen by &} police today'in the second machine 'gun slaying 'within "a week of' a Fweattny bootlegger. . Henry Engel, dest fortune as a: er and his Jacker, was 'shot .down nd "fatally EW POWER BILL T0 BENEFIT OSHAWA. RETURN OF RE ASSETS: PROPOSED; MAY MEAN REDUCTION IN RATES F RESERVES AND FRANGE AND ITALY STRIVE TO BREAK PARLEY DEADLOCK Premier Macdonald to Go to Chequers to Talk With Tardieu By GEORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian Press Correspondent) London, March '14--France and Italy, the two great rivals of the naval conference, get together for a heart-to-heart talk this afternoon, Throughout yesterday Prime Min- {ster Ramsay MacDonald, as chair- man of the conference, with Sec- retary of State Henry Stimson of the United States, was busily en- gaged in trying to heal the breach which was largely responsiblé for the conference deadlock, Today Mr. Stimson hdd a talk with Dino Grandi, ItaTlan foreign minister and later Signor Grandi met M. Briand, rench' foreign min- ister, for a discussion of their dif- ferences. Premier MacDonald had {nterviewed both the Italian and French delegates yesterday, separ- ately. Mr. MacDonald will have a further talk with Premier Andre Tardien of France at Chequers on Sunday. Italy's resusal to produce con- crete figures of her naval needs lies belrind the discussions. At various meetings Signor Grand] has re- asserted the Italian claim for re- cogniti of parity with any Euro- pean nftion. But when asked for figures the Italian delegate is re- ported to have said in effect. "Our figures are those of France with this exception--France says her figures are absolute unless she gets a guarantee to security, Ours are not absolute, We are willing to re- duce if other reduce," Paralysis Germ Is Discovered '| Young Girl Pupil of British Doctor Makes Important Discovery (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) London, March 14.--Miss Kath- leen" Chevassut, young pupil of Sie James Parves Stewart, widely Known British medical authority, was reported today to have discov- ered what may prove to be the germ of "disseminated sclerosis'. This disease is often responsible for paralysis; and 15 causes have hitherto been obscure and its treatment unsatisfactory. The discovery was published in the well-known medical journal "The Lancet." If it is substanti- ated, the Lancet peljeves' that it will rank among the foremost aclfevments of bacteriology. Ex- periments are being made in treat ing the disease with vacciles pre- pared from cultures of minute bodies that Miss Chevassut discove ered. The results hitherto have been 'tncouraging, Disseminated scler- osis, a degenerative disease of the brain and spinal cord, slowly but steadily progresses in. most cases, chronic nephritis or tuberculosis fraquiently developing and causing eath, LEAPS FROM HOSPITAL CAT, ESCAPES GUARDS , Lorain, Ohia, March 14--Fred Hentrie, 42, Detroit, alleged rum runner supposedly bed-ridden from wounds received when coast guard- men shelled his armor-plated tug, Sedved from a hospital here last night, Views on Measure Intro« duced in Legislature Yes: terday Afternoon Regard. ing Central Ontaro Systenj OSHAWA IMPORTANT CENTRE IN SYTSEM Question of Return of Assety and Reserves Was Live Issue During Campaign for Purchase Bylaw Las} Year id wad The return to the municipalitied of Tastern Ontario of the assets and reserves of the Central Ons ario Power System, which is pro+ vided for in a bill introduced yes« terday into the Ontario Legislas ture, will mean much to Oshawa, and may be the means of enabling the local Public Utilities Commise sion to further reduce the rates for electric power in this city. "This will indeed be very wels come news for Oshawa," said Ge D. Conant, who, as vice-president of the Central Ontario Power As sociation and a member of the Oshe awa Public Utilities Commission, has long been a student of the power question. Was Live Issue The question of the return off these assets and reserves which have been piled up from the profits of the Central Ontario System as a whole, was a live bone of con+ tention at the time negotiations were under way for the purchase by the city of Oshawa of its 'local distributing plant last was also a serious matter of cone troversy between the Central" One dario Power Association and the Ontario government at the time of the increase'in rates po few years ago, Up to the present time, tye gave ernment would give no statement on the question, as there was na tudication when these previous nes gotiations were going ou, IDAL Suk ficient of the municipalitiés in the Central Ontario system 'wou purchase their plants, to make advisable for the government to hand back the assets of the system to the various towns, It was un-< derstood from the government, (Continued on Page 2) Former Peterboro Girl Found Dead in Gas Filled Room Toronte, March 14-With & six-day demand that she pay $4,421 in connection with a bro- gas jots of a stove had been op- ened and the cracks of the doors and windows, stuffed with paper. IN PARLIAMENT RL eid March = 14--Yesterday, in Parliament. The Senate did not sit. the: House of Commons the | motion of W. T. Lucas certain estimates to select standipg commitees was carried. ray ast proposed by Henri rasa (Ind, Tabelle) sin ammend 3 iS and Divoree ac was dot of 114 to 58. a) a ore Suolelon of : ovich, 3 rants by the dominion to the Hes. vinces for technical education was debated, Today in Parliament. The Senate will ndt sit. ; House of Comnions -- Seconf . Toiding of & Bill to-gmend the gx Edmonton, Alta, March 14. Western coal interests have, nos discussed or protested against any. proposal so far as he knaw, which would have facilitated the move- ment, of Canadian grelh to' Great Britain, declared W. MeBain, chairman « of the Canadian Loal committee, when asked to comment |are on complaints v $A A. J. Mc- Phail, president dian Wheat, pool, in an wddrons gina Thursday. It was claimed by Mr. Mebhain Vingthle sin. | Oe Ro the strong attitude taken by. the > Denies Western Coal Dealers . Protest Against British Coal coal people on this side of the Ata lantic had resulted in abandone ment for the time being at leas! of a British government proposa which would have aided the wheat business. "Mr. McPhail should be mor specitic," sald Mr. MeBain. "Wh. these coal people he is talking about? At present there is coms, Pi ke outa Russian anthracite coms ntario, but we have mot about that, and it is one 'of Alberta's most dangerous' eos \Retitors® ie J \ f yeaw, 16 ¥ 3