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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 Xen 3 £ { EN, 9 y: i oa a " | y ot 'forniing' good 'habits 'while at the | J. 'Mudrey, W. Armitage, J. Stur-| undertake the purdhase otf its local | (hey would have in other systems) By / 3 y ipressional) teen age. Mr, Tresid- | gess. plant, Belleville soon . followed | who would enter into. partnership ¥) r y D il g! I r ; i ' der pointed out that it meant .a Entertainment Features sult, and others have since made | at cost, But they built up substan 3 Aud nv . al y A ime oP IW alr 3 | ; p | great deal to The Oshawa Daily| A feature of the evening's pro- | the same decision, #0 that it now | gal reserves to the extent df about . # Xt i as i 'imes if every carrier boy performi-{gram was the demonstration of | appears that 'all of 'the Centra: |$23500,000 of which about $1,700,000 MDNR S-- v Ihe? ' cd his Job efeiently. The boy who harmonica, JDlaying by H. Yalan, Oatatle. municipalities wii Jollow d5'id actual liquid assets, All of th 'N subscriptions will received : 3 { ; learned to put his best in: lis work | court, C.N.E., gold meda, 0 , . onancy the Government now propos News, advertising and be at the Gained 22 Lbs. min wou'l oe be fit for much bea- [ica soloist, Mr, /Vallaneourt can | stated. hand over to the pon pn rn Bowmagville Office of The Tings. Telephones--Officp, 567; paren baby was [in sndigation of growth fn eteuie' | PCT CIMPAY BE PR, Lc. (Rbleciona. were "much enjoyed: | bil dow being presented. to he | iver vaioes. nd cess il % gp) Se . i 0 ro n culas 1 A [1 mn were m d 0 ica 4 ¥ { o Py : 4 Mr, Tresidder enlivened the pro- [selections yen Ph ot Botan JO at Pl ed physical values and renmentnl born I was very weal, | tion," i i ; Reg: "Terrett," scoutmaster of the ; PH . . 3 p rill al vali» Ba] ceedings by leading In some gynina bth Oshawa Troop contributed | the surplusses would now be dis Ee 30 83 io the mie) ili i g Al 1 ad . i ; A iia, a TARY Sina Siti taking "Youp paper Is to be congratu- | stic exercises to the accompaniment ' y . , fine 43m feel | 1ated," We stated, "for the strides | of music, three comic songs accompanied on | tributed back to the various myni- "Ong can see at a glanee that WIR) } H, D. Tresidd it f Mrs, Laura Benoit. | Which it has made." =~ On behalf of the carrier boys, Ar. |the plano by Mr. Walter Jackson, | cipalities, on the basis on Which | yprough the operation of the coms . i ; Ares x represen Ye Ae noit, He was proud to state that ag @ | thur Turner expressed = appreciation] hich kept the audience i eH the profits of the system Bavebeeu | yission there has been saved $4,500,458 YH fie ned wh the ot they 8 i 0 15 poriad hoy Jo. bad eatriad pavers himselt, | for. th Splendid banquet which ha i EE ne he pa tonttbiibd by them. Tila very 000 in decreased rates," said Mi uv La I Eo recent carr Davy' con lids .S he iM |" "Make up your minds to 'given and for the efforts of the | With' Hen, Sususl pido Ne come sug desiratile {IT 0 pA Caoke, "plus 2 reserve of $2,500,0008 id JQ test' for subscriptions. The boys. ats | get soun gn "| Something in life, he told, the Lzirculation. department in cond | her) Bdded much 0 the oven | largely co this Senora) Suoh or | hich 18 approaching very closely t IS SHIN orang vas "Durch, "Slr. 47 0 al hak lr Ts mig | sun sop Se VAAL ve ihe sod Sat Corman | ORI ty i eel on de en Sv a ' > Richards, Harry Taylor . EL Jon... Manager Thanks Carriers. |) The. iful, dagfodils .* which | place, that has showis 6 substantia | 75: Lor 0d Ta it Ceremonies Hood as- | "Harry Boyce, popular circulation | decorated the tables had keen | (nerease in. the amount of power fi 4 uBicipilities served i py , constis vation vanish overnight, Sound sleep, sured His Worship, that mapy of i Mr. Ru Perk- 4 day. 4 manager of The Fines, thanked the | kindly loaned by am Sw | used: from year: to year, and thus | put EEN FTF Cobourg, New beg vide hp "Dunn; "A. : BOSTON m : andj Phillip* Patirick. vanish over y A Rrra, SE ------ wn: ayo ups - rst ME ; reat ions in ner special 018 youthtul hearers might some! carrier boys for the good. werk Lius, well-known loedl in the profits made for the Som : , i DAMAGE OF $1,000 | eogfltn Yat, Sea'cul. | anspor She honored Son) Sk nao tithe Bh [37h ates ssopi min" 550° (si | ish, Lit, Koons "oe ok ji ng I Ve ni By . paign, é of those who had t y . gp a anded back to this ely shoul Loveod boos Bs ; tablets, ger thah uninedi- D. R. Poo 1 pag. Had Bech remarkably sifccess- | Others who were present ast | yo, "yore ™ 0upoian cial hg ye Ey aie and hitb, c G ve rales 1 " "Receives Favorable Com- : ? Har song lo Speaker boul rAd a Yi! » cated yeast, Results in 3 time, No A message of faspiration -and | ful and these be- believed, were the [night in addition to those already | oon ie, 09 ment in Newspapers g CAUSED BY FRE yeasty taste, no gas, . encouragement and an earnest ap- h | v "ef. |mentionéd included A, R. Allo- : 5 in force by the Seymour' Compans ar nt 2 ol ) boys who had gone to the most efs [Wm secretary and business man- | Commission Will Decide up to and including 1926 are » " Ditch vill Money 'bake. n » Osborne, Bowmanville's oney 'back from mamufactures if [the National Boys' Work Board of | what they coul tribution to proféssional. hockey not delighted with quick results Canada and at one ti ; Printing Co,, J. H, Ormiston, edl- | pr." Conayt said. The local. com- contribyti p , y ne time secretary | An announcement by Mr, Boyce or of the Whitby Gazette and Dinion To ne yo bed a tinal £f . his first season's contract with Ti-| Loss in Blaze the life of Verd! with fllustrations. {stories which while immensely in- | ceived with enthusiasm, All eyes op- a odils s of that city. Bill Cole received ous mn The: 0g artists teresting serve to i " BJ Pipher, of The Times cirguld |'0y pouch ine local board had been a -- ger: number @ visiting artis were Mrs. drive home the | ened wide when a handsome and department, M. Wright, J. |} 000 on ity operating the plant Daffodils, regular price 75¢ clippings concerning Dutch which go Leb t Courtice, who sang together the i'to prove that he is doing well in o ; gether, impression of the t lained th infilar bi Members of the" fire department | very besutitul Paifierre. "sis. wishes to convey, Diawing use Gh 3. Jigdias bieycls Sond Péaige; Sncdde, loss] commission to #43. how ithe |] - a dozen i a reserves would be used until the 1 J fast for the Tigers, He is being Marivers Road, where n defective | Story progresses. = Miss Margaret | Abraham Lincoln, the great presi- | were also announced by Mr. Boyce. May Reduce Rates Russel P er kins asset to the Can-Am; champions, As Bho the re de ous, "The Night Was Calm." who had achieved fa of prizes to the carrier boys ir . BE , f partment re- o . me and account A ys in ac this is Osborne's first season in pro, spovded 5 one, and was on the | The most {nteresting part of the | Pished something worth while be- | cordance with the number of sub- might be used th part for's fur So quit being "skinny," tired; un. | Peel that all boys determine to go He * WAY. 4 ; nny, un fort, He 'hoped that the lads who sser 0 The Times Publishing Co., | '1¢ would remain for the local | $3,507,420. : of the Y.M.C.A, bere. Mr, iptions | r. Poole | that another drive for, subscriptions Chronicle; T. W. Joyce: Mrs, H. | gainer (0 Uy the Hydro Blec- i ( nk point which he has in LC. M, ¢ 1 George Annis and' Frank Walters mind giving | new CCAM. bicycle was brought out | gferpert © Mortlock, Bowmanville here since Jan, 1 of this year, and per doz. to be on sale To. professional ranks. ere called from their work at 7.30 | William Adams told the story. of One clipping reads as follows: | W t 3 "it | the libretto of the opera which | trations from the ,MVes of Lind.) in getting 75 new customers duri 1 o'clock this morning to a blaze at pe betgh, the famous" avisiey ug: thie Xampaign. Other. valuable ts DEBATE LIKELY members knew how matters stood played regularly by Manager' Eddie | V875 : | Allin rendered two fine solos and | dent of the United Statew, h .] The long awaited feature of the a ¥ | chimney caused considerable dam a e polnt program came witht the presentation ON ST LAWRENCE ay AL be, expecta, Aanever, Florist ' ranks he will be a marketable pro- ene in a vers} A t cause as boys th scriptions which they had received, y short time, the high | program perhaps was the duet by ys they nad determined 4 y |} ¢ wind had given the flames a big | Miss Grace Bagg and Francis Sut- | What they would strive for in lite, | ,.C: M. Mundy, President of The WA bore," said Mr. i re weg S------ a Re i a "of Boston 'my attractive, Get Yea in} iF st from [in Mle's-- right, direction was fort | had sot done so well would "brac ; AH AL d 2% great to by Mr. DR, P " 30 Mell ould & ase odfellow, managing direc. ; / . MOLrow, » DR, Poole, secrétary of | up" in the next campaign-and s + Gol ow, 8 public utilities commission to say ! AT LOCAL HOUSE h 3 re how Yor ot: the . Mund dtellow 5 this money should be applied, y "appears to be doing exceptionally : Te . » 1 well in Boston, where he is fulfilling | Harry Hamm Sustains Seri- bas the Bappy faculty, of . tell Id be. con in Apri . : : " iy ine | ce ities wy was re- [Baycs; Mill L. McKnight and Miss | fic'p ower Commission of Ontario, yecently from Boston' a number of Today one a clear cut and vi t fi , - vivid mental | on the pitiorm and Me. Boyce ex: | roprasentative of The Times, and |, 7's S1g® to So pie 7000 the morrow ' (Saturday) 50c "Dutch 'Qsborne is €oming- 'along 9 y the home of Harry Hamm on the | was interspersed with songs as the with the provincial commission, Powers and is proving a valuable Mrs, C. H. Dudley sang the fam- | 0 out that here were two men are returned to Oshawa, they 8 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 168 a rile n the headlines of a game piay i p ho rendered in Italian, the | "When Li y imes Publishing Co, officiated. at ne F /s tart andgit took fully two hours to | tom, whe r d talian, neoln witnessed hing | - --_ sad o ld d'rc against the Rhode Island Reds at| S07 SHAE MOF Very littie of the | 1anEUSES that the opera Was orige | operations of the slave rove pi the presentation of the prizes, and ne ange Capi] Spondituie som: g Providence Dutch receives notice I | ¢ rniture could be carried to safety | nally written, the song "Moun: | New Orleans, tho speaker said, | IC, Meartil congratulated the boys fontinuod from Page 1° with the electric plant, und it the ||| BIE Ca large letters, "Osborne's Goal" Stops and although if was not damaged | thin Home." with Mr. Sutton fol- | "his soul was so aroused that he | and especially those who had been (Cont oi to be blasted © elec whiik ant, an the | Ii A Few | Shutout" In the description of the beyond repair thy damage on the lowing this with the singing of | vowed 'I will hit this thing, and | Most success ul, plan hy 1 hii Rr No fr Jover Sonedmpt on kaqps up to i L PA Cc game that follows it says' "Osborne eyo ts was estimated at $400, while | the "Troubadour Song," also in | hit it hard A The Prise Winners out by the Untied Si ng Ady its p ut evel = was increased ! um er 0. a the Tigers : Jostens ve an ap the damage to the house brought allan rir oh fea haking lug 3 Mr, Poole then showed that the yond Mason headed the Jat with her k- oulty el Brockville Shout the necessity Noi il 74 Athol St. W., Oshawa | roar when a he total to $1000, which was cov- awkward young hackwood subscriptions, and accordingly re- 8 three miles BDOYO |.duo | 5, | Phones 12--1111 Burke. after seven minutes of play| the : has 3 plano dnst by the Misses Doris ana 4 Woodsmas | ceived the special prize of a fine suit | RAFTOWS. Some uction would seem to be logi- [fl in the first period and carried to the ered by Sastance, The house was of | Gladys Jaimfeson, violin- solo, the ha made thia Yow finally became | of clothes, Other prizes which he re. | Brockville, Here a humber " eal. = net before uncorking a hard drive [ 47 1 iy Tantasha," from 2 ovartute £0 | and that Reng fa. Viited State ceived included wa yellow slicker, a | Shosls have to : @ operas, by Mr, Sutton, the "Sol. with one strok Y When | pair of kahki Fin, a pair of golf middle of the narrows, Canada of the Hydro Electric Power Com- past Murray, the Providence goalie" iho Spars. af Mt Sutton, the "8 oor oy Whe . ' Dutch also received very favour- . us," on the plano by Mrs, % n be | socks, a pair of shoes, and a hatchet Yo -| able notice in the game with New LOCAL MUSIC CLUB C. H. Dudley and the "Auvil Cho- fread 4,000,000 slaves in that | sheaf. Billie's parents. Mr. and Mrs. | T0810 Femara 11486, 84 they 87 | miseion, F. L. Mason, chaitman of | Haven which cinched the Tigers a rus on the Victrola, Several Dea : Percy Mason were among the guests in Canad n Went.» the local Public Utilities Commis- UNAR place in the playoffs, he being one other numbers by Mrs, Clemens) oats Striking Contest of honor at the banquet. Cara Canada, ont-Ahoay Sod Jan lon; said that he did not wish to of the scorers of the two tallies that and Mes. Cole on the plano com- | i oo DE the career of Lin-| Aoge Johansen who eame in sec- summer awarded a contract for the a oy statement until the local ge aave the Tigers victory, Bowmanville Pleted the evening's study. fous Solr a Joie James, notor- | ond place with 49 subscriptions re- | removal of the Brockville narrows irag had. beta sivised definitely THE FE S| fans. are very proud of Dutch and ¢ ) the speaker Sie westery states, | ceived a shirt, two pairs of stockings, | shoals, Work was well under way ors aes any Judging back oe «6 '", IL T VAT 'Out that both | one bicycle carrier and a pair of [when the cold weather set in. It He said that there might be yea, 1) Mr. Mason's Comment chief one being Hillcrest Shoal, Commenting on the statement : : 5 he Will recejve by Joyal welcome whes SCHOOL TRUSTEES i bad had about thy Same oppor: | shoes, Walter Alexander, who rank be resumed in a few days. ou] tunities in life. Jesse Ja hy er, Who rank- | will be resu meanings placed on the announce- after completing his first season as a TO MEET TONIGHT many fin N mes had | ed third with 45 subscriptions won a | Meanwhile the same progress was ment, One 'was, that the H.E.P.0 professional hockey player. © qualities including cour- | pair of shoes, a pair of rubbers and {not being made in the United od ho wom 1 at the | LERD. A -------- : wi 0 ; through wrong decisions' fn his Irwin Merrick who came fo 8 CARRIER ¢ A 8, urth | work was not reached in congres LOCAL BOYS Geo., Arnis and F. A Jyeeial meeting of the publie youth he drifted Into a lfe of | with 35 new subscriptions, earned a |last year' and so no steps were Bunielpalities purchasing: their AT TIMES BANQUET| . school trustees will be held tonight | crime and became an enemy of hunting knife and a si taken to start the undertaking, |OWD plants, ag per the agreements Walters of Courtice in the Central Public School for the | foty, vy of so- ing knife and a slicker. Gordon The situation is very important | Of 1ast year, of the reserves. built | -------- purpose of deciding whether or n0t| ~The period of a boy' u Jobuston was Ath with 15 subscrip- on Canadian standpoint. Large | UP and credited to the local | The carrier boys of The Oshawa | qpere'vas o splendid attendance | 3 new heating system is to be in-| tween the ages of id y fe be. gy i Phize | cing a wrist watch, terminals are being constructed at [Systems entirely, or that it might | Daily Times in Bowmanville were| . the regular monthly meeting | stalled at that school At the last| one of important 4 aa 21 was 4s ot a 0 won prizes were: | scott to accommodate the up- | Dave the larger meaning of the resent last evening at a. splendid | oo ¢ho Music Study Club in the | regular meeting of the trustees the| pools continued dc sions, Mr. E Ag offatt, Edward ® Hawley, per lake ships when. they arrive handing back of the reserves built et and entertainment tendered | Central. Public School last Weds | question was considered of utmost would practically as ialona whieh ard re 7H Campbell Hay loaded with grain, If the ships [BP Dby'the whole system and cred- by The Times Publishing Company | negday, when under the leadership | importance and decided that a spec-| op his life. B J. Iegulate the. rest bo oh och, RS mous Bigwood, were not able to reach Prescott, | ited to the system as a whole, dis to all carrier boys"of the organiza- | of Mrs. Albert Cole and Mrs. H.|ial meeting was necessary to present | po "8 = BY © 2 bouks he reads, | A260 3 mien Robert Jonsson, Bill | ¥en the use to which this terminal | tinct from the reserves on each tion at the Rotaty Hall, Oshawa. "ID. Clemens, the club studied the | all arguments for and against the | pop, oF RTE towards his home, the | REE CVA AS Albert 7 ichards, | ©0110 be put would be very lime | local plant. Resides having three solid hours of | Grand Opera, "Il Trovatore," by | project. If the trustees decided that], =o 0" yang, the type of girl o or angton, ir ir Puinen; Ar- | fied. To Turn Over Reserves" ' = | and a general good time the Verdi. a new system will have to be install- | J CO ud the amusements le Ketell bed oir proule, Fred Heavy Expehditore Toronto, March :'4.<T : | r yed, one could practically tell | Ketella, Bernard Lounds, Gordon| ampere is the siternative of make ow March *§,=-The Central y LAE 5.aa0 . . age and ability i Visiting Artists Were Mrs. Yy in leadership but |a pair of trousers, States. The appropriation for the 0 0 Oshaws and other , zeceived some real 'sound ads | - Mrs, Cole told: of the.origin of | ed they will approach the council at ; Y I : i Ce from D. R, Poole, secretary. of | grand opera. and Nre. Clamens. a | the next meeting to request funds fo | "IAL SOF of & man he would make, | Jilson, John Fisher, Walter Morir, | 10g" an 'al, Canada. route. but. this | 4 Brovinen SOc Purchased by yw pgciy SAIINGS: TO EUROPIE the National Boys Work Board, and [6 most interesting manner gave | be laid aside for this work. Svapsaker a aplissized. Pov eae R ight, Gorge aot, ord would entail heavy expenditure, the ro wend Sai ke from ! 4 C 1 Oe pd 0) , of J y, and on are you go Washington despatches quote} .. | 4 by the Hydro-Electric Com- AWNIA + ASCANIE " -- ing?" he asked. "If you make de- Ernest Andrews, Billie Beamish, | genator Henry J. Allen of Kansas era | cisions for the right at this » do. Maynard Nelson, Clair Doble, altet | an stating after a conferense with | Mission, is to be turned over to the ANDANIA "+ AURE of your 1ife You are ct . | Alexander, Albert Walker, Voitto| President Hoover, that permission | 15 municipalities served with power, g Airactic realn $0 tra« | | obi "Fred" Britton, Abner Barker, | will begiven Canada fo do this | together with the assets and reserve MMTONIA + AUSONIAL vel in the direct! A : i G to success and yer Te ig Stirling Grimmon, Leo Kemp, Mel |work in the United States and the | built up by the Government, | i i Smith, Stanley McHugh, Arthur Tu- | channel will be made a minimum | This is the purpose of a bill in New Cabin Class mimimum rates--1@ ey . » make wrong decisions you are al- Thi i i son, Gordon Johnston, Lloyd White. |of 27 feet deep. The contract in | troduced in the Legislature yester. rth British Ports, $13 h Phone 2595 N EW Simcoe St. N. i iy Sad anes which | "Irwin Merrick, Jos Laurle, Wal: | connection with the Brockville | day by Hon.-J. R. Cooke, It would ran oF gor hi of H/ D. Tresidder ter Beattie, Bert Amey, Richard |narrows shoals calls for their re- | place the Central Ontario system on f Thomas, George Sanderson, Robert | moval to a depth of 25 feet. the same basis as the Niagara Falls In luxury of accommadation, © excellence . of menu .and = service H. D. Tqesidder, manager of the (McHugh, Eldred York, Edwin Co- ---- system, Toronto office of the Mundy-Good- |chrane, J. Salmers, Roger Oke, Wants Truck Tariff Mr. Cooke went back over the his. ! Special rebate of 12% on round | i -- 4 4) | fellow Priming Co. also, gave a short | Winson Wilson, §. Balsdon, Riches to t "ti 4 ra Si | K F R O( K S but interesting address last night in | ards, J. Darch, 8. Dunn, P. Pat On Level With Other vor ol he Dm Jom the time it| trip Cabin Class bookings durin ' , {| which he emphasized the importance | trick, R, Anderson, J. O'Connor, F Machi ry He stated that the Government of the fen off-season months. 'Touri / provident bargains those municipali Ottaws, March 14--The debate | ties were entering into with the pri- 'oo Y sailings from Montreal (and Guebed from April 26th onwards, that day became alarmed at the im- | Third Cabin rates also adjusted. EXCLUSIVE If Jewellers sold it~ on the motion of G. @, Coote (U.F. A.~--~MacLeod) which asks that the tariff on motor trucks be reduced vate-company and negotiations were started for its purchase. The promise was made by the then Minister of to a level corresponding to that | Crown Lands (Premier - Ferguson) | Corner of Bay and Wellington charged on other agricultural ma- | that there would be no sinking fund | Streets, Toronto, (Tel Elgin NEW YORK MODELS "In shower spot Prints, Printed Georgette, Photo- tone prints, and dainty floral designs in printed § : i { i Book through The Cunard line, I Adjournment came following 8 | cher would come down with inereas- CANADIAN SERVICE silks, In this showing are.a 'number of pretty Jacket styles. : Be sure you see these new frocks at this special price of -- they would 22 "gold" ting from pare gold and part baser metals , , . so is ic possible to make a soap from parc pure soap and part substitutes, Toe Karat mark on the ring tells you of its purity, but what mark is there J as it is possible to fashion = few observations by the Prime ing business minister wherein he suggested that since the Tarift Advisory board ha this matter of motor trucks under investigation he feit the board should be allowed to make its re- port before any parliamentary ae- tion was taken on the resolution. RETURN OF ASSETS chinery was adjourned in the | gor 10 years, existing contracts would S471). ar any steamship agent 4 SoaP House of Commons last night bY | be made to mould the system into a ] Robert . Gardiner ~(UJF.A-~--Ac8- | olan of. co-operation and actual cost . dia). and the assurance was given that the "This was done," said Mr. Cooke. "The Government of this . province are keeping today the promise made | === 14 years ago. Although those muni. | cipalities did not own the = system, | had not assumed a dollar of liability or responsibility in any way, mor had they invested five cents either for the distributing plants for their own lo- cal distributing systems, the commis Promise CABIN +TOURIST THIRD CABIN 4 THIRD CLAS} on soaps to guarantee rheir purity? ' sion wént on building up reserves, With Sunlight soip the "katat™ D not to the extent, Jit is true, - that mark of purity. is on gvery bar, It reds; Cameid Pr gud Cre BENEFIT OSHAWA no Adulterans Whatsoever." Sunlight is the only laundry soap with a standing money guarantee that it is #/l pure soap, Bei y str ess | 2 hour "10 doz, - ow mbna] - SALE A 'Bloomer with skint | Saturday z Sunlight fnclves seul forming attached, lace trim 0 ( | Because Sune] pny uw 8 aad "Tani" Appin | ang : lighets lt pus} + Which are lively and lasting, They shown 15 all the want. | JUVENILE DEPT. NE meni is i, imo haem'sofabric of Galour. * | tmosreconomical. © and 8 v's pure, gentle suds ed lingerie shades. | o pS : Saturday. special. . ens gw wil sever could roughen your hands . - public that she has found' 6 | i 5 » > ; ' r ¥ § 3 i 4 RE . gt Liar 1 fof from the headaches more. clothes. i de od ¢ ' ENTE | " : i tifat made her life miser~ y \ ara iN | - rd 'able. She gives 'us full credit. P. S.--Her husband also wishes to express bis SOAR 'thanks and appreciation.' ER $ FREE TRIAL OFFE . Any Spel, "GIANT" pac which make: x you 9 LH 0 ron EA he owe - " rial This consists of our (Continued from Paga 1) however, that as soon as all the municipalities had purchased their local distribution systems, or suf- ticlent of them had done s0.to makd it probable thai the others would follow suit, that some dis- position' would be made of the as- .sets and. reserves of the system. Oshawa Important Centre ' Oshawa, was the first of the 0 important cities: in the system to [| Afr. Fret wishes to inform : . her friends and the general

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