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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1930, p. 7

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5 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 PAGE SEVEN ews s of Stock Markets, ( rain and Produce Exchange és 16.bv "ene 20 17] 14.50 pr neat SLPAW ars + Oat Straw .ieeve . TORONTO FARMERS rhe Jolioning are quotations, retail, in oct on ing St. Law- rence Market, To 3 Produce extras, per dos... Rye: firsts, per dogen ... Butter, dairy, per 1b. 0.35 b Do, ery; per 1b. 0.45 Fraits and Vegetables | Carrots bus, ..ampeve mame | Do, 6 qt. css wore | ; i i | { ok, sha A Do, 6 Qs win im s+ Brussels sprouts, qt. ... Onions, o--_ 11-qt. bas, Do, 6-qt basket .... CADDABE coms t Somme oo Cauliflower «wes smmee ve, dozen ieee Spinach, peck > ushrooms, per | Leat lettuce, three for Head lettuce, two for i Parsley. per bunch .. § Cress, three for .... Celery, dozen .:.w:.= Oranges, per dozen ... 'Bitter oranges, dozen .. Strawberries, Pt eee © Grapefruit, each ..... 0 Potatoes, DAE: ~ws vues Cucumbers, eac Lemons, per d Bananas, per doz, ..-. Apples, 6-gt, basket ... ..- Cal. green peas, 6-qt. Eggplant, each ....... Green beans, 6 at. (Green peppers, 4 for Cranberries, qt. ..-e Turnips, Dus. coe Parsnips, 11-gt, ... ne DADA DB es OY SUS FATIWOODODIMANOOOD WHA R De Tomatoes, 1b . Pineapples, each ... Rhubarb, hunch Radishes, 4 bunc -------------------- PROVISION. PRICES Toronto wholesale dealérs are quoting the following: prices to the | de: il moked meats--Hams, medium, I 28 to-35¢: cooked loins, 48 to62¢ smoked rolls; 28¢; breakfast bacon 8 30 to 40c; backs, pea-mealed, 36 16" 40c: do, smoked. 46, to 55e. i Pork loins, 29%c: shoulder. 20%¢; huts, 27¢; ams, he. Basra wenisD®e i a 1 MARKET Ion ou 0 Tyr hard aT to rs _ I ah ie. Hoary: 22¢c; 90 to 110 40c; light-weight 'weight rolls, rolls, 2bc. Lard-----Pure tierces. 14e; tubs, 1 hei pails, 16c; prints, 16 to Stor entiis=Tiaroes, 13¢; tubs, 13%c; palls, 14c. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buylag Toronto wholesale dealers are buving produce at the following Eggs~-Ungraded, cases return. ed. fresh extras, 29 to 30c; fresh firsts, 27 to 28e; seconds, 23e, Butter--No. 1 lg solida, [843% to 34%e; so 2, 88 to 84c. Churin, cream--special, 88 to 3he; No, 1, 37 to 8c; No, 2, 34 to Cheese--No. 1 large colored, paraffined ana government graded ive Sel, M.F. 5 Ibs, 29 33 8 26 Spring. chickens, a Do., 4 to b Ibs, 22 Do., under 4 lbs. 13 ibs, 237 AY | | Do., under 4 bs, a Old roosters' Gan Young ducks, 'over 1 Ibs, 29 32 ws turkeys, dressed, 35 i *Gutnen ov, ha $1.76. Toronto hy dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Bggs--TFresh extras, in cartogs. 88c; fresh extras, loose, 36¢; hirsts, 34c; seconds, 30c. Butter--No, 1 creamery, printsy 39 to 40¢; No, 3 creamery, prints, 38 to 30ec. Cheese--New, large, 23 to 23%e¢; twins, 23% to 24c;. trip lets, 23%e¢; stiltons, 27¢, Old large, 29c; twine, 293 c; triplets and cuts, Se; old stiltons, 3Jle. Poultry Dressed Chickens, 5. 1bs. up. .sese Do, 4.to § Ibs. Do. 3% to 4 lbs. Do., 3 to 8% 1bs, coves Hens, over 5 Ibs. ...... Broflers s.cecvovssvnnes DUCKS, ovrvonnernncansas Turkeys ERE EEE vessenaedl 29 32 36-40 +83-36 46-48 26-23% ERE rE ERE Adopted" A By Tidewater Oil Co. | or York, Mar, 14.~The Tide r Oil Company has adopted a Ih Tied tion ot the n line "wit © sugges o Faderal Oil Cohasrvatiph "Board, 1 | hol announced yeste rday by Ate \Bpresident, Axtell J, Byles 'Since the_ first. of the year the n ny's re es have | pid aed NT cent, reduc- g at- a five tion elow the level maintained in | 1929, and its crude oil production has heen curtailed in proportion. four. Byles. - sald the curtailment would be continued as long ss it proved sfaiomiostly sound. : To i areh 14.--A decision or Ere yesterday ts a pount n the Unite any bids would of 'cattle and beef, it Hy Hah 14.~The weekly of the Bunk of England in perl ton nesared on Tocremed Bg. : i, of wd BOVRIL LIMITED SETS NEW SALES RECORD Third Ane Presiding at the thirt Bovril Li- nual General Meeting of House, on, the Chairman, Lord Luke, is' reported in the London Times as saying hat not only did the sales of Bovi.l 929 surpass all previous records, bot the increase was at an accel pace. The year ed a increase. over its predecessor t any previous yeaf with the one exception of 1919, when conditions we.e abnormal, Although advertising was consid- erably larg.r, their additional sales were many times the amount of the | extra advertising, so they had. ne cause for complaint, One of the robles with which the fom ny would ed in the tant a Be would be that hr a adequate supplies of first quality beef. Serious steps, he felt, ould have to be en to increase the i an 4 in rove the qual- the béef the Dominions could wy future spare for Great Britain, With the United States about to enact very aubstantial increases in the rates of duty against Canadian is 'encouraging to the Dl remarks 'of note, Lord Luke, that a market to replace hich Canadian stock be shup out is ri open up, mited, held recently at River Plate|1980 SOLLOWAY-MILLS WIN APPEAL IN ALBERTA COURT Sought to Restrain Crown for 'Searching Offices ent Calgary, March 14. =-Judgme allowing the appeal of Solloway, Mills and Company, Which Sougig to restrain the Crown from éon- tinuing search under a warrant of the company's premises, was handed down Thursday by Mr, Justice Hyndman and concurred 3 by all members of the appella division of the Supreme Court of Alberta. The warrants were issued: to provide search to obtain evidence |; in the action taken by the Prov- ince of Alberta against Solloway, Mills and Company, The judgment makes the seizures void, The decision was given on the grounds that, "The information clearly does not-allége any offence nor dees it state causes of suspic- fon as required in the form given in the Act." The judgment states the war- rant is, therefore, had and should be quashed with costs to be paid by the Justice Department and the {nformant, : "On this ground alone, Lheére- fore," stated Mr. Justice Hynd- man, "it seems to te the appeal shauld be allowed and the search warrants in question quashed. But although it is necessary to deelde the point, 3 would think that more accurate or specific descrip- tion of the things to be searched for should have been set forth In the warrants, as I can hardly con celve that in an office such as the defendants' it would be pos- sible for a police officer to know Just what to seize, I do not think it was ever contemplated by the code that anything and everything therein should be taken, but sueh things only as may be the object of the search." Auto Parts Industry Future Is Uncertain The trend of prosperity in the automobile parts industry has ef- perienced three major movements; an upward movement during the early development stage of the au- tomotive industry; a downward movement during the stage when manufacturing integration was & fetish, and an ypward movement since the introduction of the new Model A Ford car, aiording toa current survey by the' Standard 4 Statigtiés Company, of New York, which continues in part. "The upward trend which began some three years ago was checked somewhat in 1929, and is likely to nest further resistance during "While there is evidence to sug- t that the main trend over the ong term future' is upward {au ject, of course, to interruptions from time to time), it would be rash to forecast such a develop- ment with complete. assurance. This uncertainty occasions one of the chief hazards attaching to long term holding of the common stocks of companies in this industey. i TRADING AGTIVE 'AS GRAIN DECLINES Closing Quotations at Win- nipeg Are Above the Dollar Mark Winipeg, Man, an. Marrch 14.~Trae ders and almost "» smile toward market that has been spurned for dan and Winnipeg wheat prices ma« naged to finish unchanged to half-a- cent higher for the previous finish. Early break of more than two cents was wiped out and indications pointed out improved export busi- ness in the offing. Broomhall confirmed a sale of 300, 000 y bushels of Canadian wheat to Port for shipment to Vancouver and check-up among shippers and seashoard interests disclosed more than three- ers of a million bush els disposed of over night besides. At times pit t was brisk but the total volume fal to r very x, 0. 1 Northern ah) 3 n . the dollar. May closed at $1.05 AEE Tot hm deman 4.85 15-16; ir A oopat, Ld of one per cent dis- bor was not encountered. CREDIT CONDITIONS SUFFER - FURTHER RELAX ATNEW YORK Call Money Renews at 3 1,2 Per Cent, Only to Ease Agsin to 3 Per Cent. By STANLRY WR PRENOSIL Associated Press Financial Editor New York, Mar, 14.--A, further rélaxation in credit conditions, aris- ing trom the reduction in the New York Federal Reserve rediscount rate from 4 to 34 per cent aud the heavy accumulation of funds here in anticipation of March 15, tax payments, furnished the impetus for another broad advance In prices in today's stock market, A sprinkl- ing of issues, including afew high priced specialties, showed conscpte cuous weakness. Trading was in fairly heavy volume, Call money renewed at 33 per cont for the first time since Jan. 25, 1928, and then dropped to ¢ per cent, the lowest official rate in nearly four years, Outside funds were available as low as 21 per cent despite some calling oi loans. Time money rates eased in sympathy, and some dealers again reduced bankers' acceptances, § of 1 per cent. The fifth similar cut in the last fortnight, The olls, which had not particl- pated extensively in the receni "bull" market, again gave an im- pressive demonstration strength. Recent favorable trade develop- ments rave revived speculative ac- tivity in those issues and led to the formation of several new pools in the ofl stocks. With a few minor exceptions, practically all of the leading petroleum shares, in- cluding the Standard Oil issues, Sinclair, Simms, Phillips and Rich- fold, moved into mew high ground for the year. A. M. Byers, Atlas Powder, Am- erfean Tobacco "A", Peoples Gas, Auburn Auto and Texas and Pac fle Land Trust were marked up 4 to 6 points. Electric Power and Light which is reported to be en- gaged in natural gas merger ne- gotiations, ran up more than 13 points to a new high at 80. Gen eral ' Refactories, Warren Bros., Checker Cab, Internations! Match preferred and Airways Appliance also reached new high ground, | LATE NEWS FLASHES Village President's House Bombed Chiao IN--~The ote of Willigm Evans, President of suburban village of Broadview, wat bombed early today for the second time with. in less than two months. The bomb, placed at the head of the steps lead- ink to the front porch, wrecked the porch and broke every window in the two-storey house. Evans was in bed and was not injured. LJ » Ld Authoress Is Dead Metuchen, NJ~Mary Wilkins Freeman, 68, noted authoress, born in 1862, died at her home in Metuchen today. Her first novel wdas publish- ed in 1887 and since that time she had written some 25 books exclusive of her numberless ghort storids and magazine articles. | » Hydro Assets 500,000,000 Toronto, Ont.--~Asscts of the To- ronte Kidro electric System, both local and provincial sare shown at approximately $90,000,000 in a state. ment issued today by E. M. Ashe worth, general manager of the To- ronto-hydro electric system. Newspaper Man Dies Markham, Ont, March 14--Robert John Corson, owner and publisher of the Markham Economist and Sun, died here following a heart seizure. Mr, Corson, who was 72 years of age, had been in the newspaper business all his life at 'one time act- ing as reporter for the Toronto Globe under the Hon. George Brown. . * » LJ Police Find Dinamite Unity, Sask.~~Sufficlent dyna. mite to blow up Unity's business section aid shatter every window, in the village was found hidden in' a heating stove when Royal Cana- gan Nounted Police raided a Ly pee # easy. Juan 1jauor was fe y AL urnes and Dan Ar were am rested and will face charges under the a Liquor Act, | Erle opened Jeserday when a car ferry Marquette and mer made {ts initial trip to Port Stanley from Conneaut,' lo. The Bessemer reported the lgke clear of ice and even the usual difficulty of forcing an entrance to the har TAKE PRECAUTIONS AS RIVERS SWELL cf an oi ed rain 5 fil a alter a oain t which had been undermined ARS SNAKE das | Toon Sock Exchange ado ign Opens on : Stock Marie Prices Stock High Low Br, A. Of 836% 86 Braz, .. 39% Cau: 1st 89 Cockshutt 19 Dis. Berm, 8% Dm, Btrs, 22 Gypsum 28% Hr, Wal," 9 Int, Util, 42 Int. Nkl, 30% Int. Pet. p' 1] Ind. Aleh, Imp, O11 2058 Lob, "A" 13% 88% vol Ms, Hr, Mt. Pwr. 188 Pg, Hr, 96% Bhaw, 78% 8. Station 46 Standard 111 - eI CD QRWorCICe FEF FEF Abana Ajax .. Amulet Big Mis. Ch. Res, De, Mns, Falcon, Holl .. He. Oil 860 Hy. Gola 82 Hd, By. 1.25 Kt. Fir. M Lk, Sh. 2200 Nruda. 4000 Sr. Gr, 265 440 660 | Wr, Hr, a ) , "Hg. Venttres 321 15 75 186 Wiihwell 7 'New York Exchange NEW YORK Stock High Amer. Can. 143% Am, Fr, Pr, 88% Anaconda 72% Balt & Ohio 118% Can, Pac, 204% Chrysler .. 388% Cs..Gs. N.Y, 121% Col. Gra. 20% Dupont ...131% Erie Rally, b57% Gen, Fds, Gen. Mot, Hud, Mot, int. Com, Int. Tele. Jns, Man, Lee, Wis. Mex, 8! d. Mt, Ward 44% Phil, Pet. 37% Pl 8r. NJ, (0% Radio .... 62% Simmons 55% Bin. O11 ... 28% St. Of NJ, 67% Utd. Afr, 66 U.8. Steel 152% Woolworth 65% 60 Fam, Ply. 703 69 Money rate 3 per cont. h1% 46% 65% 7% 67% 138% 64% 20% 138% 04% 29% 44% 31% 95% 61% 64% 27% 68 66% 181% 66% 0% Standard Mining Exchange Toronto, !'srch 14.--Not even the phenomenal rise of Ford of Canada "A' shares the past couple of days has been able to induce widespread interest or sctivity lo- cally in the stock market and to- day trading on Toronto Sloeck Ex. change was again of that slow uninspired nature which betokens only backing and filling opera- tions, Those who still are béDetul of broader' movement upward take heart from the fsct that su ny ingly Mtitle Heujdation wis *Soilo Ford's spectacular rise in the face of a market recationaty on the whole, Today Ford was hold ing Stites fray ha 33% where it had closed last and which 1s between four rand ve cents above its recent J Then or, ho olly were tooking better today. B.A. Oli, Imperial and Tuternational Petroleum all show- ing gains of 3% point, Internation- {al Petroleum in addition recover. ed the 2b cents ex-dividend this morning. Supertest lost a point on & very small turnover, » WHEAT PRICES Chicago, Ill, Mar. 14.--Wheat rices underwent a material set- ack all around early today, influ. enced, by reports of scattered show- ors southwest and by weakness of quotations at Liverpool. Besides, there was persistent selling of May wheat here on account of possibili- ties of shipments to Chicago from Kansas City and of complications from track deliveries here. Starting unchanged to 2¢. lower, Chicago wheat futures showed gen eral downturns later. Corn touched a now low-price record for the séo- .| son, opsning' % to 13% c., but after- wards recovering. Oats were easy, Provisions declined. 1 cline 15. CHICAGO PRODUCE PUTURDS | Chicago, March 14.--Quotations were mot changed during the spo! egg call this morning but ft 'would seem that undertone was not quite $0 firm, The grade ir futures £his morping was negligible asd cone fined largely to the Novembers. Prices were slightly higher on the March contracts but not enough so to induce any increase of selling Spot butter quotations wefe un- changed this morning, The market appearing steady on most grades except standards which were firm. Trading was a bit more active on the March contracts today but set- tled gbout % lower in a session during which they were under pressure most of the time, Aprils and Novembers. also were easier and fractionally lower. Government report -- Butter, 46,613,000; last year, 11,910,000, Eggs, 84,000; last year, 11,000; Cheese, 47,870,000; last year, 49, 546,000, Open commitments - March shipping eggs, 105; March sto age eggs, 11; April eggs, 36; Noventher eggs, 246; April butter, 11; March butter, 544; November butter, 88. wo market receipts--Butter today, 20,145; last year, 18,861, Eo today, 57,654; last year, 71, New York spot market--Butter, extras, 87%c; no tone. Eggs, firsts, 20% to 25%c; tone easy. Street stocks--Butter today, 87, 085; last year, 96,337. Eggs today, 120,279; last year, 75,901. Four markets on hand-----Butter, 15,684,708, Eggs, 171,366. Bix cities-- Butter, 5,822, 289. Eggs, 93,346, Movement at ten markets--But- ter, net out, 490,209; last year, net out, 174,762, Eggs, net in, 41,659; last year, net out, 225. EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK ¥ East Buffalo, N.Y, March ' 14-- Hogs, 2400; holdovers 200; weights above 160 1bs.,, generally 25c lower; fighter averages strong to 10¢ hi he er; bulk 160-210 11.50; 220-260 1bs., 31%. to 11.40; 160 Ibs. down, 11.25 to 60; packing sows, 9.00 to 9.35, Cattle 150 cows unchanged, cutter grades 375 to 625. Calves 800; vealers steady at Thursday's full de- down, Sheep 3600; lamb trade not fully sap' li" «d; bids and sc" 'tering sales / Jwer; goo choice, 'wool A on quoted {ors to 11.00. WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg. Mar, 14--Wheat: May 1 1-8 to 5-8 lower at 102 1-2 to 103; uly 7-8 to 1 3-8 lower at 104 1-2 to {0 October 1-2 to 1 5-8 lower at] an 106 to CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Ehicags 1, March Mar. 1.02 1-2; May 1.073 Jul Corn Mar. 73 1-2; May 7 ~~ July 79 1-4; oats, Mar, 39 1-2; 1-2; July 40 1.2. 14, F-WVheat 1} T! BELIEVE FOUL PLAY CHISED { RANGERS' DEATHS Two Fire Rangers Lost Lives Four Years Ago in Haliburton Toronto, March :14.~~That theron was foul play "in the: deaths of William Stringer and John Bill." ings, Ontario forest rangers in Haliburton, four years ago; that the situation was never cleared up, and that the government should investigate ft thoroughly, was the thought - expressed last night in the Ontario Legislature by Thomes P. Murray (Liberal, South Ren- frew). y Referring to the deaths, Mr. Murray declared that a number of people bad thought that there was foul play. It was' also belleved, he added, that the goverfiment should have sent an officer into the district in disguise' to investigste. Both of these men, said he, were soldiers of the empire who had come to an untimely death, Sure- ly the matter should be Investi- gated, One in particular had an outstanding record. Stringer and Billings were be- lieved burned to death in a shack in Haliburton county some time between Jan, 8 and 20, 1926. An arrest was made in connection with the case, ] TRADING DULL ON STANDARD MINING Oil Stocks Receive Little Attention and Lindsley Issues Firmer Toronto, March 14---It was just another one of those days on the mining market during the early session toddy, trading continued unusually light with price action confined within 2 narrow range. The ofl stocks received some gtten- tion and the Lindsleys were firmer, but the big part of the list display= od the duliness which has charac terized it all week. International nickel and Noran- Were particularly quiet, and ends hly easier in tone. Nickel at #9. was off 10 from last ed) Noranda eased 40 to $40 n he face of some light selling. jolds were also inactive and m selling up a quar- ter to evidence of renewed interest. y 40] Howey and Kinkland Lake were off a point or so. Big kernels in small shells fn addition to the advertisements of the big department stores, of the grocery and hardware stores, of the millinery, clothing and shoe stores, there is another kind of advertising that is being read more and more by readers of this newspaper. That kind of advertising is the Clases fied Columns, A man or; woman wants a job. They read the "Help Wanted" col. : 'umne and probably insert an advertisement of their own under "Posi. tions Wanted." Employer and job seeker soon get together to the benefit of both. A man may want an automobile--possibly he cane not afford a new car, so he looks in the "Used Car" columns and finde just the car at the price he can afford to pay. Some one has lost a povisthack, vaiuthie procus oF 6130 4 pie don. The "Taet sud Found wn AT . "The Classified Columns. are s0 arvangsd that any 6nd can resiily fed. what he seeks quickly--business news, machinery and tools, house- hold goods, horses, dogs, cats, canaries, etc, They enable you to locate what you are looking for in short order. So in reading adver- . tising do' not Overlook the classified columns--the individual adver: tisements do not take up much room, but like the meaty nut they may contain a big kernel in a small shell--just for you. LOR 8 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR yo 'YOUR OWN GOOD. .. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS AS WELL AS YC DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS a i

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