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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 9

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i ; TIVES, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1930 an _------------------t prema arate PAGE NINE THE USHAWA DALY Legs! | ____ Optometsist am BARRISTERS an otaties hlie Bie. Con- cing. Pact, Otfioss | 14 Bimeoe ot. Sauth, .. Phone 4.. G. D, Conaat, CLE A k. Avnly,' B.A, FER Aix Ie, Convey- ird floor Pou 'Money { I / sid ISS forth Phoue 67. Residence GREER AND TIUMPEREYS, BAR. risters, Solicitors, sic. 24% Sipicoe St N. 160. Money to oan. ALEX 0. HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, old, vayanelhg apd general 0 § TY t. a Aine (tf) 4 759 Cshawa, Port Pérry arr Hy Sh, | + 4 (Mar, 4-1 mo) Bid Pho oney to loan. Alger Bidg, op- CEL BARRISTER. | e 1% : ADRS posite Post Office.' Phone 1614, Medical KAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: ccoucher, Office and resis nz St, Beat) cones. Victoria ~ TRI H (Sh cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special to anatervity work ard di. ; the Twa years pout experience, ce and . Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock : J , Phone 1155. clan afd Fh vi Woop, Fat iv «ay work ana Electro. theop. of 4 Disney 'Block. Phonal'20 0, Offics open 9 a.m. to esidence 161 King East. n. ent Wave Shoppe. 2968. eon, Obstetrician. Office and $12 Simcoe street north, ne 2415. n stetrician, ce andes Simcoe Street, phone 3107. er. Jury & | e cach Saturdav, for_consultation of ear, nose and | may be m fees 4 iy hy A tors, "eto. 41 Alger | h Solichatty and "Port Perry, n 3 lock, 215 Bloor St. E. (Feb; 22-1 mo.) WHY PAY RENT--MOVING IS RAGA" where C.. H, TUCK, OPTO " specialist in muscle anomalies, ight and glasses, Autbor of ye Care gud Eye Strain, The gh md Its Desiopment, | is. ney . opp oat ce. 'Phone 15a, ; i . (May, 13-1 mo) ol Engineering: and Surveying AND SALTL Oi R- eers, town . lanuth i municipal somingers, 365 pe a K A or = Undertaking Con: 45.| DUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulane RR c08 streat north, one £10) and } Corner 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Phone Bruce street. . nce. Insurance DAVIS AND: SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oi wa, The old: est Fire Agency in' Oshawa, 30 Re 'putable Fire Companies. 4 WHEN PLAQING. coneult R, N. Johips, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance' wvanis Aat- tended to and your interests 'pro- tected. MPANY & Coming Events, Etc. / STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal] accounts of this nature, For. ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient The Times' office, a telephone call' will bring a messenger who will rece' the advertisement' to come. personally to and collect for same. / "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT j,k ot Work Wanted For Rent Fire, SERIED § All Classified Advertising i TO REN IRE TOMA ox For Rent TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, ph conveniences, Phone 711M, Call 123 Huron street. (68c¢ rooms, Jight, heat, gas and bathe] room, 20 Maple stret south, Phone T09W, v * i(64ch rent, Three rooms. Wired for elec tric stove, hardwood floors, Apply to 221 Dearbourn Ave, (641) Te [] parts of the city, Also unfurnish« ed rooms and flats, Murdock, 27 Warren, 8027J. (64c) 0 A WANTED-~MAN 22-28, WITH AT least one or two years experience on Time Study and rate setting work Proven ability, accuracy and person- ality are main requirements and gen- dine opportunity is offered to the right man in a factory located 60 miles from Toronto, Experience in Tire Manufacture an asset. State full details of education, pagt em- ployment,' references and salary cx- pected to Box 609 Times. k (63c) 7 8 to 10 o'clock daily, Must have wheel, Apply 64 Ritson road south, Phone 1611, (64a) All conveniences. Nassau street, rent $30 per month, Phone. 1088 'Motor Cars (64¢) Hardwood floors. All Phone. 2844J, near ' (64¢) new home, conveniences. Fittings, , [) - ot A 1% thur St. Phone 2021), (640) light housekeeping rooms, light, heat, water and telephone, Phone 2924). ; (84c) re oY . chen, unfurnished, brick house, all Peconvenignces, cles, hot water heated, 'nice lucallty,' 131 Albert : (04c) Wanted To Rent "Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE. man's, 85 Bond West, Specialists {no furniture moviag, storage ware houses and moving van equipment. Phone 8%. CARTAGEy MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders Local and tong distance hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond 8t. West. 0 o lished furniture movers. Park Road car age. Local an I} stance, Frank Cowle, Prop, '65 Park Rd Souter. Phone 215. (Fab, 18-1 mo) RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. | APARTMENT. MODERN, BOMAK ke sbites, Some furpished, laun. ary, conveniences, ¢lee dryer, ote. o'ec staves, elec refriveration, hot water year round, Phone, 1550 "" (14 FOCR AND FIVE ROOMED MUD orn suites, including electric refyig conven) ouces, ete.i comtinuous hot weter SuppIst. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or Trusts and Guarsates Oo. Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (3741) TWO FURNISHED fields made to order. We save you money. tes free. G. A, table. 74 street. Phone 19 (50tf) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren- tal supplied SL. Batteries repaired, i MP). St. Phone Senay ido. 2 M0. }s-1 mos JOBBING, CARPENTERING AND eneral house repairs, cabinet making tare repaired, refinished and up~ holstering. Phone Bn. 18-1 Mo.) CARTAGE, MOVING GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long dis. tance hauling, ng 2739 cheaper, moving or haulin, 60 t W. T. Sib. [2621M, FIX UP YOUR , ROADWA[L, gravel, sand, cinders and general rucking. Chris Gralam, phone (Feb, 24-1 mo) painting. Also repair work. Apply 78 Bond street west, (63¢) cents ups Try us, local and long distance, Eagle Cartage. Phone 290, (Feb, 28-1 mo) Beauty Parlors . BETTY ou (¥ Special $5 and $7.50. Finger wave an he 0 $1. Facial Tbe, Hair cuttiig 25¢ Phone 2908 or 85 Simcoe North. : a RPERS iy (BY t tt erman. at Wave oie. Maree ind thats inh 12% called for and delivered.' * 166 Bagot 'Street, EC Dry Cleaning DRY CLEAN'NG, PRESSING, DY- Kisg Street West, Phone (Mar. 81 Mo, AN L ERT, dry cleaning, and iring, all s ry cleaning, and repai Ad ool (Mar. 11:1 mo,) "Building Supplies. poo $1, sss WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar» celling: shampooing. f i ace) Tastee For. apo eb: 15a) mob MADA , LN Paris, Hanes au (A Baton, 78 to, b class beauty cuitn phe riod rices. Disuoy Bolling rg Co tory, : 1s prepared for awa Tuesday, 6% Phone (1200) § of T. Re head LA Fob t olin teac in in Oshawa on Thitesda afternoons exams, liam street vest, upriairs. saba. 8350 body wood. Phone 1288. Eid, pain sow Also Intest ares SEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE-- '0 insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, phone 1618, "Articles For Sale {ARD AND SOFT WOOD load. Also hous diy oR Meek Lime (Apr, 26tf) SALD--AEI . models; terms Apply. C. Trull 1666J. { Q excellent condition, fully: equipped. For particulars call at 336 Simos Jt South. : gheap, 204 Oshawa Blvd. 63b) iy new. Bargain. Ligoleuin rug 9 x 15 ft. fo, Marconiphone and h Rad 260. | Studio" 86 Blein St & Fhone 701 {ron lawn. roller, Phone 1986. - ] ! (84a) ganist and choir 'master of -Kifg [FOR ~~ SALE--ONE WLECTRIC to X-ray Nirse in ate ase 13 £105 . PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: Spec attention. ction, | HUBBELI n was for extra. oval Bank Bide 8, 10/8M. wlan d's. ings fof music, Oshawa "I Public Schools, Studi on "trie and battery sets, tubes | batteries tes! Street Saies Chureh wil o apt ano, Organ and Vv pup ¥or particulars apply 650 Willjam street east. Jong A498. 1 pe Pr % ar phone 19849. (Mar 6-1 mo) "Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO 4! cessories for sale, repairs on elec A Lauisable Tor colony houses, 2619, range with annex, and one Acme electric washer, in good condition, Phone 781F. (840) hone 7 (84b) S| ™ Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SEUOND HAND FUR Rhicars bow an ry 1 Bloor and .' Also local "hauling, E. Phon Alri Lb. J Dalteries Se charged. rental supplied. $1, Phone 33 : Wales, 146 E JE504. Dhatias, Walt y {furnished Weated apartment 2347W. eration, wtove, lssadry, "RE Apartments. one large soiall, Phone 2671. one (Feb, 23-1 mo) WANTED--ONE LARGE UNFUR- nished bedroom, west; couple out all day. Phone 2066J, (64c) [0] "avo GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond street west, Phone 3198, All cars at one price $1.26. (March 1-1 mo) Mar. 12 uf) ' H A 4 truck for sale. Chegp for cash in good running order, Phone 2422W, (64c) Corset r ere CORSETIERE~PLEASE PHONE 2343), Mrs, Derumaux for particus lars of the new. fitting line in Spir~ ella, District North Kast, after 5 p. Mar, 15-1 Mo, 5. ' . resentative, north west and south nast districts, 106 Frederick street, Phone 2180M, (Mar 15-1 mo) sized tent, also 'muskrat traps; Ap- ply to Box 197 Timon, (64b) WANTED TO RENT-A FEW acres of good garden land, reply box 486 Times , (63¢c) NTED TO APRIL first, four or five roomed house. No children. Phone 1840M, NT (Gde) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE -- ON THURS- day, March 20th, 1930, of cattle; hor s¢s, implements, hay and clover, the property of Gordon C, Short, lot 84, concession 5, Darlington. Saie at One o'clock sharp, See bills for terms, Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (62¢) "Pets and Live Stock. FOR SALE-EIGHT PEDIGRLEED white angora rabbits, best woolers, TO. RENT -- FIVE Elgin west. Apartment on ground floor, conveniences with garage, in quiet Phone (601) home. 251 'Arthur Street, P69W. ROOMED house on Prince street, Apply $4 : (6711) also breeding butch, reasonable for pick sale. J. A. Foy, Scugog. St, owmanyil (62¢ 1 A COM set of 36 lessons on poultry rails. Ing for profit and an Al collie dog at reasobable prices. Apply 201 College avenue, (640) FIVE (ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent, with all 'conveniences and garage. Apply 564 uxford street. : (611) TS m-------- Real Estate For Sale SIX ROOM: BRICK, NEW, MJD- ern in every way, 3 A ep, TO RENT-S1X 200M HOUSE, newly , all cony He venue, Apply 122 Di- vi) treet. (62¢) | hou FIVE ROOM.HOUSE AND BATH bic furnished 287 St, Eloi Street, $30 month, Apply J, Fitzgerald, 116 vision Street. ( O RENT-POU RM two acres, class condition, barn, garage, eo, refrigerator, ly d HA db Vard's store, All Apply Bradley Bros. rooms with all com tral. Apply 79 Mi Phone 3820W., room bath flat, gas and phone, All Halg (62¢) conveniences, A C292 Street. hn ' south, house. "All conveniences. - 176d. Hance. 2 ler Cres. + nicely apart room 516 T furnished or unfurnished to suit J tenant. Phone 25575, oF " Minlmom charge 80c. Bach subsequ conser : Cg 1c ver word, i Threa fosers a ry six room house, first hen houses, hard and soft water, some fruit trees. This is an ideal poultry farm within 1% miles of the centr of Oshawa, Phone 416-r-23. 62¢ Stine er (Gd building, 4 rooms, . electric steam heat, itor service. : A 63¢) over conveniences. (62¢) , Cen= au Drive (62¢) with bath, Apply 72 Ritson road h (03c) © (62) t, a 1000. 140 Trier Con Fane pent, or furnished with small family, Apply Bo: Imes. © (83b quiet comfortable | vkiy Board 1: ---- i First tosertion=1 i Par % cenis | FIVE ROOM BRICK. BUNGALOW modern, paved street, $3800, FOR. SALE-SIX ROOM SRAME se, convenience, fine locality, ' nse EIGHT ROOM, NEW , HOUSE, every coivenience, hardwood floors, french doors, close to Motors, a bars gain, DeGuere, 84 Alice St, Phone 2091, y (62) FOR SALE -- TWENTY FIVE acre farm, good garden land, 1% miles from highway. Harry Burgess, R.R. No. 2, Whitby, (63b) saNE Y four rooms and bath, All conveni- ences, Small down payment, Ap- ply 190 Burke street, (68¢e) SMALL HOUSES FOR SALE OR 'Rent, $50 dows and $15 monthly, Phone 1979w, (63¢ 1) conveniences, Splendid condition. Twenty-five. Apply . 50 Colborne east or phone 101W, (64¢) A R SALE, ONE mile from Oshawa, fruit trees, pase ture, barn, garage and wood shed, large five room house, hardwood floors and furnace, hard and soft water in house, lights throughout, sidewalk, close to. school, Apply 617 Times, (64h) ----E Loan Wanted ED $1500 LOAN. GOOD "Apply Box 606 Times, (62¢) NTE (V] dollar first mortgage on eleven | [1 . ick house, Whitby. Excel- i ) 'Security, Apply Box 411, Whité by. 4 (63¢) EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL RIENCE A uutee, with reference, open for ens g 18 March first. Maternity or : nursing. e 742M, dered" " ae % 18-1 Mo. PR S| N+ ty, invalid, or general nursing. For itiotmation phong 1298], (Feb. 24-1 desired, Central, 78 Bond§t. West. id (62¢) tiemen vate home, all co voni- ences, 143 Agues St. Phone A110, g (68¢) AT 94 I STRE : b a: ping places on either sien AUCTION SALE AUCTION Sale of 25 horses and 25 milk cows and stockers the propeity of Gim- blett and Clemens, eastern limits of Oshawa on Kingston Road an Wed- nesday, March 19, 1930, Sale at 1 o's Clock, sharp. Geo, Jackson & Son, Auctioneers, (57b-63b) Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notice is hereby given that a by-law; No. 2001, was passed by the 'Gouneil of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, on the 8rd day of March; 1930, providing for the jesiue of debentures to the amount. of $88500000, for the purpose of constructing and equip- ping an: addition to the Oshaws Collegiate Institute for Techuical School purposes, and that such by- law was registered in the registry office at Whitby, County of On- tario, on the 3th day , of March. 1980. Any motion to quash or set d.ide the same. or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice: and cannot be made there. after, Ra the 10th day of March, 30, F. E, HARE, Clerk, (68-64-70) Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notice is hereby given that a by-law," No. 2002, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, on the 3rd day of March, 1930, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $72,700.00, to pay for Trunk Storm. and Sanitary Sewers, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office at Whitby, County of Outario; on the 7th day of March, 1930. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within thres months after the first pub. fication of this notice and cannot be 'made thereafter. 13 ed the 10th 19380, 'day of Mareh, F. E.HARE, Clerk, (68-64-70) ERROR GADSED BARKER'S DEATH bg Crash " TL ---- Ottawa aMrch 17=An "error in dgment" on the part of Lieut. ol, iam G. Barker caused the airplane crash in which 'he lost his ¢ here last Wednesday, accord to the finding of an official board of enquiry. y two (three cents a word). Miaimum cb Box number 106 adanionsi for three onita; Apply Box 507 dian | oitiude (63) 2 sharp climb. "The primary cause of the accident was an error in judgment on the part 1 Mo h 'arm, 135 acres, 'good Ls Hd at the pilot. i clei aerobatics 'Would exchange for house in Osh- A] swar or Whitby, 1 Times. : "ary Taal vn IRI | su says bh hie investigating ery Wer ust © ht: "36 § Eye witnesses of the fatal crash, which occurretl at the Rockeliffe Aire Jrome when Col, Barker took a new airchild biplane "up for a flip," de- clared that the machiné seemed to stall in mid-air when the famed avia~ tor attempted a steen climb {rom an 200 feet; The opinion was expressed & her airmgn at th scene that Barker aparently had miscalculated the ability of horse power engine with wi ich the plane was equipped to oull it hrough N e for safety," |" pr Jo WATCH ICEFIELDS U. S, Coast Guard Resumes Tracking Down Arctic Icebergs Boston, Mase., Mareh 17,--~Jcebergs, the ever present menace to all ships in the North Atlantic, are now un der the constant surveillance of the U.S, Coaltguard, On Feb, 28, the Coast Guard cutter Mojave steamed out of the Navy Yard. at Charlestown, Mass, for a four months patrol of 'the region about the tail of the Grand Banks, just east of Newfoundland, where the Arctic current, which brings the icebergs, meets the steamer lanes. Another cutter the Tampa left the Yard earlier in the month to make a preliminary survey of conditions, It is to thése two ships' that the United' States entrusts her responsi- bility for all ships, both American and foreign, that sail the gauntlet of the icebergs. It is an International Ice Patrol, and is s0' named, having been so ereated to prevent disasters like that ofthe Titanic. After she went down in the spring of 1912, the United States sent navy boats out on patrol, The following year the Coast Guard took it over, Great Britain and Canada place the port of Halifax at their disposal and the cutters use that as a base for operations. The Ice Patrol is sometimes a gen. uine lfe saver to the many fishermen that ply their trade off the Grand Banks. A doctor is added to the crew for the Ice Patrol to care for sick or injured members of the pat: rol or for fishermen. If some tramp steamer, too small to carry its own doctor, should have the need of one in a hurry, it consults the Ice Pat rol by radio. A diagnosis turned. The tramp steamer then states its medical resources, what 'drugs are on board, etc, and the Coast Guard doctor directs the treat. ment of the case by radio. The real work of the lee Patrol, however, is the locating and track- ing of the {icebergs and once one is found a constant contact must be kept with it and all ships in the vie inity warned by radio of its loca tion, size and rate of drift. The iceberg itself comes down from "Greenland's fey mountains" The ice cap in the northern part of that northern land runs down to the sea in rivers of ice, the glaciers. The most fruitful source of the icebergs is the Jacobshaven glacier, Slowly the ice river marches to the sea, in ches at a time, As it gets to its end, in the warmer months, it hur. ries, sometimes making the tremen- dous speed of six feet an hour. The lofty mass pushes on into the sea, fragments of it break off and float away with the currents in the Bal fin Sea. The winter pack ice hems is re it dn; then the pack ice surges and works loose. The Arctic eurrent picks if up and bears the iceberg down toward Newfoundland. As the current strikes the submerged table land which is the Grand Banks, it-splits, some of it going back north, some east and some south. The southern stream works ground the Grand Banks and in it float the icebergs that are the particular nent of the Ice Pat: rol, As the current bears the "berg south, erosion of the sea gets in its work and the iceberg begins roars announce it ft Gown, the ne. Spring sins melt it , the Sronion oho finally it strikes thé gulf stream. In this warm ocean river it disappears like the snows f il. . Yhy Const Guard boat manoeuvres up behind the "berg" and keeps it under 'constant surveillance, Some: times a sudden Jos creeps hand joeberg manages to escape y The temperature of the water is then taken and when patrolmen are sure that they are in the Arctic cur. rent, they hurry south - until the missing captive is found, Other "bergs" may be sighted and the boats must chart their position, not: ing the rate of drift, and other inci- dentals which will enable steamers break up. R! its splitting; . to avoid them, and then broadcast] their information. The patrols last 21 days and while the Mojave is on duty the Tampa is Jaid- up in Halifax, and: resting. * The sea is not crowded with, and rally one cute ter can manage to them all un: r observation, © Another duty of the Ice Patrol is the policing of the steamer lines, The transatlantic shipping lines have an agreement whereby each lire fol* lows a certain course, Thus the passenger liners follow certain cours, es and avoid the dangers of collision. Sometimes a liner is tempted. to "cut corners" and save time, If it does this and is observed by the Patrol, the violation is reported. CHANGES SINCE "" DIGERNS' TIME Mace Now Adorns Nova ; Scotia's House Of Assembly a ---- ol SN lee a n 0 Shenine of the Nova Scotia Genes 4 bly on March 5 of this year ho would have observed that the forms in use in the Parliament of or by the ser ker in t-Gor ho er a eu oat ! Ovemor 1 \ to, had been Introduced in a Nova Seco- tia legislature, Dickens' visit to the "House open- ing" .was on the morning of January , 19, 1842, when he had six hours in Halifax before resuming his journey to Boston on the Cunarder Brittania, "It happened to be the opening of the Legislative Council and General Assembly," he wrote, "at which cere. monial the forms observed on the commencement of a new session of Parliament in England were so close- ly copied, and so gravely presented on a small scale, that it was like looking at Westminster through the wrong 'end of a telescope." 1 KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC: HARDWOOD VLOOKRS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors ' finished like new. Storm windows, combisation doors. General contractors, B. W, HAYNES, liesidence 180 r 2 161 King St. V7. Phone 481 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 9 roomed brick and shingle, all conveniences, on Highway, ag Harmgqny, large lot, hen house, double garage. Small cash pay~ ment will handle or will trade for Oshawa property. DISNEY REAL ESTATE Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 68 KING BT. W. Fhope 2141 We Deliver LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard honn Oshaws 824 Whitby 19 Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 --_ a ---- le SS ra Coffe Always Fresh at

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