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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 10

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5 od by pd pended TY ry ED 2 pt fom vn -- Ei ---- i toad Contract oke ~The tender for conv Y manent voad re Shared with Tive Theft Por ope,~On March 6. four ¢ fouhd missing from ptor Sales and as a Lawrence Howell was are ied on Wu chatsh of heft . bs "Hope police court. Before the ' bf y concluded, his brother Jack Howell and W. Skinnor were ointly charged with the offence, aflicting evidence was introduc- and all threo cases were ad- rned until Saturday. "pl mn Holds Tag Day . Belleville ~~ Capadian 'Legion Post 99 appealed to the people Teville and vicinity on Satur- it their annual tag day, Dur- eo past winter the legion and ss' Auxiliary have cared for countless families and veterans 'without funds. Altogether the Le- gion hag spent in the neighborhood of $450 while the Ladies' Auxiliary "had spent an additionat $275. Will Ealarge Vault * Lindsay.--The county property committee of the county counci has decided to make an addition to the vault in which the county records are stored. For some time the vault has been packed and is mot enough space to take care of the records that should be stored now, [5 i Want Street Lights !« Mallorytown, ---- The 'Women's Institute has appointed a committee fo interview the municipal coungil regarding the lighting of streets In the village. Dog Catcher 1s Busy Peterboro ~-- In Momething less than five dayy 23 wandering can- ines have fallen into the net of the city's dog marshall, Eleven persons 'will appear in the wolice court shortly to answer to tie charge of allowing their pets to run at large, wontrary to the city's bylaw, 5. Lay Floors in City Hall # Belleville.--The laying of 'hardwood floors on the upper hall the City buildings has been com- eted and adds much to the ah irance of the civic building, It is the intention of the council to further the worw by laying same .¢lass of floors on the council cham. ber and also the lower hall. 3 Hospital Gets Donations . Cobourg --- Donations totalling $1,200, most of which will be ex- for new equipment for the "Cobourg General Hospital and to add t, @nts' comfort and attrac tive of the building, have been the ackncwlsdged By the Board ot Gov- ernovs,- of which J. D, Hayden ix 1) = an from Rama Reserve were charged with putting the Indian girl's child in anger of becoming immoral thiough their immerality. The girl id that the man, a white, man, has 17 girl felends in Ra and that "He. is not a nice man," The case was adjourned 'sine die" with the condition that the girl return to Rama and keep away from the man, and that the man keep away from Rama and=~leave all Indian girls alone, Got Money Falsoly Cobourg, -- Edward N, Nelson, 22, was sentenced to seven months in jail when convicted by Police Magistrate Floyd on Wednesday of obtaining money under false pre- tences. Nine counts were charged and partial restitution was made, Potato Growers Meet Brighton.--A meeting of interest to potato growers was held at Brighton, Wednesday, under aus. pices of the Northumberland County Department of Agriculture, John Tucker of the Central Experi- mental Farm at Ottawa and Chief Inspector for certified potato work for the Dominion. of Canada ad- dressed tho meeting. Truck Driver Escapes Belleville.~~When the steering wheel locked on a large elght ton truck from Toronto near the rail. way crossing going into Point Anne on the provincial highway, the driver, Harry Sutherland, had a narrow escapes 'when tho large moving van took the ditch just as the shunting engine from - Point Anne hove in view, The truck was not damaged to any extent but it completely buried itself in the soft embankment. i! Object 'to Smoke Nuisance Peterborough.--The smoke nuis- ance is again promising trouble for the City Council, Residents in the south end have strongly complain ed that the linens and curtains in their homes are kept in a continual state of dirt by the fine soot from one factory's chimnpy. They urge that the couneil "must do some- thing about it," The couneil will probably pass a by-law making ex- cess dirt from factories unlawful, Loses Fingers in Saw Lombardy, ---- Robert Tennant met with a painful accident last week when two first fingers on his left hand were amputated while he was operating a sawing mach- ine. After receiving dressing at the Public Hospital, Smiths Falls, he was _able to return home, good company on any trip. Wrigley's is Its delicious flavor adds zest and enjoyment, The sugar supplies pep 9 and Addn | BN energy' when the day seems long. ¢ vIn short it's good and good for you. AFTER EVERY MEAL SE} RE - . log ! charged" A Fin 'Tuesday, was to have heen heard but was allowed to stand over, Another' charge, alleged theft, 1s also preferred against the accused. The prisoner appeared before Po. leo: Magistrate Bedford on Tues- day and was remanded for one we Tr -- Resignation Reported Cobourg.~It is understood that Dr, T, Stannage Boyle, rector of St. Peter's, Church, has sent his resignation to the Bishop of Tor ontoy dated March 1, which was the fifth anniversary of his ap- pointment as rector, No action has yet been taken, but a strong effort: will be made to have him | reconsider, Dr,' Boyle came here from Halifax, m1 Maritime Pastor Called; Cornwall.-~At a meeting of, the congregation of St, John's Church, held Wednesday night, a unanis mous call was extended to Rev, R. H. Quigley, of Campbellton, N.B/ The vacancy was caused by the re-| signation of Professor A, R, Os borne to accept a chalr in the Bib- leal Seminary, New York, Dairy School Concludes Comrses Kingston.~~The anoual regular course at the Eastern Dairy School for butter and cheese makers, which commenced on January 2, concludes on Wednesday of next week with examinations being held during the last three days of the course, Thirty young men have been in attendance throughout the last ten weeks, Business Ex d Peterborough, Officially the city's dog population last year was That was the number of dog tags purchased from the police de- partment. The tags for 1980, 700 in number, arrived at the police office Wednesday morning, and the desk sergeant announced that he was all ready to do business with the dog owners, Crossing on the Ice Kingston.--The ice in the har. bor-still continues very weak, and unless colder weather sets in, the crossing will be quite hasardous until the ice breaks up. At present the only crossing is, being made with ice-boats, Child Burned By Lye Picton.~Donald Hudgin, young son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hud- gin, was burned about the hands and face while playing with & ean of 'lye in the absence of his par ents. The lad 'managed to get the oan off the sink and in doing so spilled it on water on the floor. In touching it he was burned, but is recaverivg. ------ Canada's Oldest Man Peterboro.~Purported to be the oldest living man in Canada, James Hendley, former trapper of Bur- leigh township Saturday celebrat- fog in hospital the 108th suniver- sary of his birth, "Jimmie" Hend- ley, a8 he is known inthe district, who is suffering from a heart ail- ment, possesses records to show he was born in Gaspe, Que, in 1823. Work Is at a Standstill Peterborough.~~The Board of Works department is engaged with little work at the present time, A gang of twe five is employed part time in cleaning up the streets but otherwise work is at a stand- still, The ground hag not dried up sufficiently to allow the com- pletion of the work on the prop- orty near the Queen Mary Schoo! that was taken into-the city fast Elect Editorial Kingston, --K. Eliott Kennedy was Wednesday elected editor-in- chief of the Queen's Journal Staff at the meeting held. to appoint. the staff for the next term. The busi. ness manager elected was Lorn® McDougall and H. Hamilton will be the news editor of the Journa:. H, MeColl is the new managing editor, "Ga" Mungoyan the sports editor, Miss Ilse Schroeder, the Le- vana editor and 8, Lavell, the lit« erary editor. , Stores in lle, Ploton ana la to the number of 150, met at Napanee Wednesday night to better the comradeship that is Jan of this great organization. 'he affair was held in the town hall, with dancing for those en- Joying the light fantastic and cards for thoke who, wished to play. ° ow Belleville,~~The * lower bridge' which will soon be .a bridge of memory as the city counell will pass legislation for the construe. tion of & new bridge of the most odern design. The present struc- Te 'was formerly used where the ER eva Smad : antled an moved to its nt position and ® new upper "bulit, = ¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1930" DODD'S KIDNEY Child Kingston, Enid McCarthy, 7- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles MoCarthy, was struck by a oar on Wednesday afternoon, at the corner of Princess and Mac- donnell streets, and was taken 'to the Kingston General Hospital, suf- fering from minor injuries, She 16 'progressing very favorably, Ask School Boards for Estimates Cobourg. ~The School Boards of the town of Cobourg are to be asked, on authority of the council at its meeting last Monday night, to prepare their estimates for the current year as soon as possible, This step was taken with a view to the striking of the town tax rate in the near future, ' Executive Coundil Named Peterboro'.~~The elettion of the Executive Council of the Peters boro' Chamber of Commerce has resulted in the following directors being chosen but of a fleld of 24 nominees: W, F, Buteher, Charles 8. Cummekr; Charles D. Cook, Chare leé Lacheur, James Dutton, J, Walls Fraser; Frederick Hills, James Hamilton, ¥, D, Kerr, B, 8. J. Martin, H, J, McCanpan, George A. MacDonald, John 8. McKone, J, J. Turner, Dr, C. B. Waite, and John Marshall, Will Improve Cemetery Tincap.~Improvements are to be carried out this year at the old pioneer burying ground near here, to the east of provincial highway No. 29 and concerning the state of which there has been considerable discussion during recent years, Fol- lowing a visit of Ontario Depart- ment of Health ofcials last year, who discovered the conditions that were in existence, plans were laid for immediate interment of the bones that were exposed and f further improvements being carried out this year. This year is it planned to enclose the plot with a wire fence and to plant tress about the enclosure in order to halt the movement of the sand and fo make this burying ground a place of beauty rather than an unkempt plot with human bones exposed and the graves trampled over by wandering cattle, Carpenter is Killed Kingston~Qscar Cowdy, 128 years old, of Harrowsmith, was killed in. stantly at the ship yard of the King- ston Shipbuilding Company Thursday when stryck by the boom of a der. rick. Cowdy was engaged us a car penter in the construction of the ex tension to' the drydock. The cone tractors are W, B. Russell & Com. pany, Toronto. An inquest will be eld, Stole Horses Seised by Bailiff Lindsay, == Charged with being a horse thief, a Verulam man is in Victoria County jail on remand un- til the 19th. Police say that a team of horses and four cows owned by him had been seized by Bailiff John Warren of Bobcaygeon and sold at auction, Following the sale the for. mer owner is said to have gone to the stable of one of the buyers, took back his horse and later it was found in his stable by High County Con. stable Wetherall and Constable Pot. ter, , Is Leaving Parish Brockville, -- At a united service for the three Anglican congregations of Actons Corners, Oxford . Station and Oxford Mills, held in St. Johns' | Church, Oxford Mills oh Sunday the rector, Rev, J. Cantrell, delivered his farewell address, Junior Farmers Elect Officers _ Kingston, =~ At the annual meet. ing of the Kingston Junior Faremrs' Association, held on Thursday evens dng, Kenneth McLean of Gananoque was elected president with James Keenan of Glenburnie vice-prowident and Bruce Craig of Glenburnie as secretarystreasurer, Moves to H Belleville, ~Jdck Rooney, accounts ant at the Dominion Bank for the past four years has been moved to the main' branch of the same bank at Hamilton and = reported; to that branch on Friday. Since coming to the city Mr, Rooney has taken an active part in the social and sport life of the city, He was born in Cobourg and attended St, Michael's College, but left the school before Somp y his course to . accept a position in the bank. Audit warly Completed Kingston, -- It is expected fl ee v'929, w way o y the | City Council and which has been un- der way since the first of the month, will be completed early next week and' that' at the next meeting of the _- neil or the, set ing fall ng the 0 0 A ready "for ' presentation, was 0 from $1,500 to $2,000. that er the hospital" here following alleged attempted. suicide at Prescott, where he was employed as delivery man, Cochrane in the evening attended a dance at Ogd.nsburg and was found at midnight with his throat cut in a shoe shop over the bakery where he was employed. He uped an old- fashioned straight razor for the at- tempt, Hope is held out for his re- covery, Committee To Meet Kingston, - - The special -commit- tee appointed to deal with King- ston's transpcrtation problem will hold a, meeting during next week, but the date has not yet Leen decided on. On Thur.day afternoon the sub- committee, consisting ' of ' Mayor Craig, Ald, Shea and '1d. Reynolds held a meeting and' talked over plans of procedure, Busy Season Ahead Brockville, == Officials of the Ly« dro Electric Power Commission look for marked 'activity in this district during the remainder 'of the year, particularly in the rural sections. A carload of poles was unloaded Wed. nesday at Lansdowne in preparation for the buildi. + of new lines to Rock port and, Iyy Lea, which are to be completed for the summer seadon for the benefit of campers and cot. tagers, The reduction of rates re- cently announced is also bringing in a flood of new subscribers and in. dications point to an exceptionally busy season in electric power mat- ters in all parts of the district, Two in One Mount Pleasant, ~~When Mrs, a¥r. ry Sisson, Jr, Ida, cooked an egg for dinner Wednesday, she found upon opening it that it happened to be two eggs instead of one. The egp was of faverage size and. contained another egg inside, which was, of a smaller type, but was fully equipped with the volk and white and also a hard shell. Large Number of Patients Kingston, -- The patient popula- tion of the Kingston General Hospi- tal totalled 291 on Thursday, which is the largest number that has been in the institution at once for some time. On Friday morning, the nums ber had dropped to 280. The aver- age number of patients at the Gen- oral Hospital throughout the year is 240, | minal, foot of Home 1 mining, brokerage' House . A. number of men sawing oul ferry ters reet, making ready for the eatly opening of nayl- gation by the Elmer W, Jones be- tweeti this port and Morristosn, Broker's Office Closed Kingston, == After a two years operation, the local branch of the Arthur E, Moysey Co, Ltd, closed its doors. on Saturday, The Kingston branch was opened on November 15, Making Brockvillese-. | y 'were id Thursda the ee in the slip at. 7 RUMORS OF SINGERS + ENGAGEMENT Jeanne Gordon may Wed J. P. Morgan oronto, March 17, = Rumors of approaching marringe, which have flonted about two countries for the past year concerning Jeanne Gor- don, 'Metropolitan operatic star, have now become more persistent, hand they name her future husband an J, Plerpont Morgan, famous fin- ancler of the United States, To a Toronto friend, Miss Gore don admitted that the marriage was to take place in April; to an inquiring newspaper she denied the rumor with the firm statement, "I do not even know the man!" Last night, David: Gordon, of Chatham, a cousin of Miss Gordon, was appealed 'to for information, He found the query a humofous one, for, as. he explained it, the same rumor had begun to float among the members of the family at least a yoar ago, Mhny other names besides that of Mr. Morgan , had been mentioned, he added, ex pressing his regret that he had no definite Information, Rowley A. Gordon, of Chatham, her brother, wis ogqually vague. Joanne Gordon was born in Wale Inceburg, Ont, and was a pupil at Havergal Oollege. Dr. Albert Ham who taught her before she was 14 yours old was warmly enthusiastic when he was questioned about his talented pupil last ovening. "She was quite a genius in many ways," he said, "for she played the plano remarkably well, and had an unusual gift for languages, When I was conducting the National Chorus she came to , Toronto as soloist on several occasions and has appeared at Massey Hall at other times also." He added that he had always fol- lowed her career with interest, and had noticed that this season she had made very few engagements. Dr. Ham spoke of the beautiful summer home which Miss Gordon had built beside the lake near her home-town of Wallaceburg, with a music-room so large that it was almost a miniature concert hall, It is here that her mother, still lives. Her father was David Gore don, a well-known manufacturer of Wallaceburg, ' ! little over Dry Factory Cuttings Dry Body Hardwood Dry Hard & Softwood Slabs Phones 280, 201 Fuel! Fuel! Fuel! The Best The Mines Produce 2000 Lbs. in Every Ton Our Prices Are the Lowest © Quality Unexcelled W. J. TRICK COMPANY LTD, 25 Albert St, FRENCH COURT REFUSES 70 LST NATIVE TENANT Hold Foreigners are Not Entitled to the Same Protection Paris, Mar, 17, = The French rent court recently held that foreigners are not entitled -to thé same protec- tion as the French under the rent laws, The court made its decision in denying Paul Rockwell's suit to get possession of a house he bought six years ago. The tenant, whose lease had expired, refuszd to vacate, as- serting that a Frenchman could not be ousted by a foreigner, Rockwell is a citizen of the United States, This was the fourth time the suitd had been tried in six years, Rocke well losing each time but renewing his plea that foreigners 'were guar- anteed equal treatment with the French under the Franco-American convention of 1853, His latest suit, the first brought by a foreigner before the newly in- stituted rent court, was filed after Premier Briand last July has issued a circular contending that the courts should recognize that and similar treaties with other countries, Rockwell's case will be appealed, It was described as a test case by the opposition attorney, who said he feared that French judicial independ- ence was endangered by the pres- sure of foreign embassies. He pic- tured Rockwell as a speculator who had taken advantage df the low value of the franc to buy a house at a price "too high for a Frenchman, but a mete' straw for an American." al m B ic U in m B R w a if CUT HIS SALES Customer -- So you've got rid of that pretty assistant you had? Chemist ~~ Yes, all my gentlemen customers kept saying that a smile from her was as good as a tonic! == The Humorist, T a fated I'm Alone, addressing the Roy [8 from within and without the pire. He cited the obinion of a polit« of vulnerable coastline to defend, indignant about ?' URGES INCREASE IN CANADA'S AVY Would Employ British Navy | Man Thrown Out by Disarmament Toronto, March 17~Creation of z § substantial Canadian navy to absorb § British naval men who might thrown out of work by MacDonald's dreams" tlie "Ramsay § Tive-Power Conference was urged recently by Capt. John B Randall, late skipper of the ill- |B Navy Association here, LEvit and sinister forces were at work in the world today, Capt. Rane 2 dall warned his hearers, to unders ine the British Empire and destroy ritain's naval supremacy~both En Prime al writer at Ottawa that Minister Mackenzie King never faile ed to surrender the advantage to the nited' States in all Canada's deal- g# with that country, and quoted "the only lady meniber of Parlia- ent" as having told a gathering in uffalo that "all this talk about Brie tain ruling the seas is balderdash-- pure bosh." 4 "Canada must wake up to the fact i that she is a maritime nation," Capt, § andall declared, "with many miles In hat better way can she show her spreciation of the mother country than by building a substantial navy and bringing over to man it the ng. val men thrown out of work in Eng. land?" The United States were insisting § on parity with Great Britain, Capt, Randall pointed out, Why then, he asked, should Canada need no navy the United States required so much? "What was that Scotchwoman so " "She shot her husband and the § doctor wouldn't give her the bullet back." Brussels Rugs Splendid value are these hard-wearing Brussels' Rugs in soft; oriental designs and colorings. Easy to keep in con- dition, We always have on hand a good ' stock of Bissels' || Carpet Sweepers with: the new Hilo brush con- | tral, Ranging in price from 4 Sg er SIRE DY They are ideal for Others have small all-over design suitable for bedrooms, Size 4.6 x 7.6. Reg. $18.00. Special sn 312.80 Size 6:9 x 9.0. Reg. $32.80. Special ...... h Clearance of dining rooms and dens. a" $28.00 $5.75..97.50 63 King St. E. WILTON RUGS - Beautiful Wilton Rugs in rich oriental designs that would add a touch of spring to any room, close pile and are woven in one linen fringe, Size 9-0 x 10-6. Reg. $103.95. Special ...... icine These have extra heavy piece, and finished with $89.50 LLL LLTY TTL PITY Y WILTON THROW RUGS Here are Throw Rugs in fine quality Wilton that can be used in every home. A good assortment of Persian designs to select from. Size 54 x 27. Reg. to $9.50 ea. Special, each ...iiopniipininaiig $7.95 PALANAN RAAT IANS OVAL WILTON RUGS These popular Oval Rugs in Saxony Wilton are very smart, and give wonderful service. In colors of mauve, rose and taupe with spray design. Reg. $6.75. Special, each CHEER savy AA LL $5.95 WILTON CARPET 27 in, wide Wilton Stair Carpet in Hit and Miss Designee has beautiful thick pile that will wear well and line border: Makes a very low priced runner for halls. Reg. $3.25 yard. Special, per yard o.oo ST% RAG RUGS Hit and miss patterned Rag Ruge made from good, clean cotton materials that will wear and launder well, Size 22 x 44, Reg. 59%. Special, each ET LTT TTT WOOL REVERSIBLE RUGS Smart designs feature these beautiful wool Reversible Rugs in rose, fawn, blue and green. Size 25 x 48, Reg. $4.25. Special, each ETT TIT TY TTT PAAR APARNA A "GRASS RUGS These well-made Grass Rugs can such as ens and bathrooms. cilled d ve and come 54 x 27. Reg. 85¢ Spec. oa. Luke Furniture ACK ay lave en 3g C. . Phone 78-79 be § ursuit' of unattainable §

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