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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 2

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'were there. / " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1930 cee amd atu Ent RR a 0 dt 'Bowmanville Daily, Time : News, advertising and subscriptions will be received st the "At & meeting of the high school : rd this faced, whether or not the rent the new auditor- for meetings or Three applications were received "(by the board asking for permission 4 10 use the ball, The Women's Hos- ; Auxillary wanted to use it for a bridge party. The Jerusalem Lod \ and AM, for a da the: district agri- « cultural rep: i Ang 3 Jpublic' speaking contest. committee of: Rev. W. W, Best and Dr, J. C.. Devitt was appointed to further inquire into the question and report back to the board after reviewing the matter from every «angle. ry ~ It was pointed out at this nieet~ ing that there has been for somo {years .a resolution on the books 'stating that the school "be not used for anything more than school pur. The. question of hiring a physical . training instructor in co-operation with the public sehool, Rotary Club Land local organizations was laid _on the table for further considera~ tom, TO GIVE CONCERT A patriotic entetainment is be- "ing given in St. Paul's: Sunday "yshool room this evening at eight 'o'clock, for which a' fine program has been arranged. - As an added "attraction refreshments will be 'served. week a pew problem FARMERS WING. "USE OF CLEANING |" PLANT FOR SEED | Plant at Training School 1s Kept Almost Continually A he 1 Running ; e---- The seed cleaning plant install. ed at the Boys' Training Schoo) last fall, proved very popular among the local farmers, and B, P, Bradt, agricultural director of the school hag stated that he is more than satisfied with the" results. He sald: "It is quite evident that the com. munity appreciates having facilis ties available for seed cleaning work, Sines the middle of Janu- ary, when the plant began opera. tions, there" have been over 20, 000 Ibs, of Clover seed and 1,000 bushels of grain cleaned, This is considered qoite a satisfactory rum during the six weeks' period; and it it continues to be patronized to the same extent during the re- maining weeks before seeding, the Government will 'feel justitied In installing a grading machine for next year's operations. This wa. chine will enable the taking out of veiches and tares that cannot be removed with ordinary screens and sieves, \ 4 "However, with the present equipment practically all weed feeds can be removed and a won- derful improvement made in the grading of any sample of grain. grass or clover geed, It is the large plump: kernels that are the suit. able ones for seed while the small. er ones removed make equally as good feed. TOOK SODA FOR STOM- © ACH FOR 20 YEARS "For 20 years 1 took soda for in. Jdigestion and stomach gass. Then "+1 tried Adlerika. One bottle brought complete relief =John B, Hardy. Adlerika relieves GAS and sour vstomach 'in TEN minutes! Acts on " BOTH upper and lower bowel, re~ moving poisons you never Knew Don't fool with medi- cine which cleans only PART of the Is, but let -Adlerika give stom- wach and bbwels a REAL cleanin and see how. 00d you feel! . Jury % Lovell, Ltd, Drugs. . "Experi tal work has shown increased yield of oats of from 12 to '14 bushels per acre from the large plump seed as compared with the small seed. It would seem tu be 'a paying proposition for any farmer to spend five cents per bushel for cleaning his seed prop- erly, when this fact is considered. The price for cleaning will not he raised this year. This has been decided because of the satisfactory use that has beer" made ofthe plant up to date." She: "And T suppose you would like me t6 returst all voltf presents?" Editorial Person: "Not at all, mv dear girl: only the letters, there's some jolly good stuff iy them 'T can use again." Can ba Stopped often in a few hours If you are lusing pep, Health *and strength from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Bladder Weakness, Burns ing, Leg or Groin Pains, 'or Rheu- mati Aches, why not try the Cystex 48-Hour Test? Get Cystex (pro store, for only. 0c! ney back you don't Sy find phins gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stronger, and ull oF ¢ SLIPPERY ROAD DITCHES. AUTOS No: Serious Accidents Were Reported Over the cel-end Apart from several cars being ditched as a result of the slippery highway yesteMlay Bowmanville spent its usual qui t. week-end, Following the sleet storm in the afternoon careful ¢riving became the order of the day, and those vho did not follow tis order soon found themselves oft the highway and in the, ditches. Local garage men had many calls. during the evening but mot one of the accis dents proved bad and no one was Injured, A few broken fenders and a few scratches was all the dam- #ge received, In police quarters all wag guiel as it hag been throughout the past week with no robberies, no drunks and no reckless driving to mar the tranquility of the day. In fact all that can be sald of the week-end is. that radio reception was poor and. that the first ice storm of Be Season visited the nelighhor- 00d, SALVATION ARMY HOLDS ANNIVERSARY Large congregations. attended the 'anniversary 'services at the Salvation Army Citadel! ou. Sun- day. The services here were in charge of Captain snd Mrs. Rit- ehie, 'of Toronto, the former giving two splendid addresses during the day. Special music was rendered by the Sangsters, ORONO FAIR At a meeting of the .. cutive of the Clarke Agricultural Society, held in Orono recently, the dates of the Orono Fair for 1930 were sot for September 30 and October 1. Steps are being taken to make this the greatest fair in the history of the society, HOLD ST, PATRICK'S TEA Under the ausplees of the Bowe manville Rebekah lodge a sue- cessful St, Patrick's tes and home cooking sale was held in St. John's Parish Hall on = Saturday after. noon, There was an exceptiopally us large attendance for the event, OF getting the best FOOD, the best Values, the best selection, the best service. That is, be with A & P. sure to shop MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS ORANGE : Marmalade un sna 31€C cach Lifebuoy Song Cakes 19C FEE 1 1b, Tin 49¢c Talk ggg 4 ox. Jar 25¢ Assorted Aymier Brand Soups 3 Tins 3 Ibs, 21¢ - -- Ibs. 23¢ Raisins, Seedless ..... 2 Ib. 32¢ orRib PORK LIVER, Sliced Ib 12¢ | Stewing Beef, lean Ib. 18c Weiners, Tip Top Brand Ib. - oy TRE Black & White Ib. 10¢ Brisket, Boiling . imide 20c ~ Backache | nounced Sisgstex) 1 at any drug [0CAL SOCIETY WAKES APPEAL FOR WILD FLOWERS 'Citizens Urged t6 Not Des- troy Species That Are Becoming Rare 3 © At the tecent horticultural conven. tion held in Toronto, several speak- ers referred to the importance of preserving 'the wild flowers, and: for calling the attention of the governs ment to the destructive habits of many of the tourists, also' of native citizens. in tho. hilessly picking large quantities of the native flow- ers, and in this way destroying the seeds and 'preventing future repros duction, For the convenience of those who are lovers of wild flowers, the fol- 'lowing list is given as a guide to nature lovers who go fo the woods and. often thoughtlessly ' destroy plants which are becoming altogeth- er too rare, This list is being given at the re- quest of the Bowmanvillé Hortieu- tural Society, who, togéther with over eighty thousand "other horticul- turists. are endeavoring to do their share in preserving the wild flowers of @ntario, Group 1. -- Wild flowers that should not Le picked ~All wild orghids and wild lilies, pitcher plants, water lilies, Lady's slipper, Moccasin: flower, Showy orchis, Cardinal flower, Flow: ering Dogwood, Fringed Gentian, Closed Genvan, Bluebells or Virginia Fowilip, Maidenhair and Walking Fern, Indian Pipe, Ginseng, Rose Mallow, Painted Cup, Oswego Tea, Trilliums, ' Group 2~Wild flowers that may be picked in moderation if the reats are not and plenty of flow ers left 10 make seed, -- Anemone, Columbine, Dutchman's = Breeches, Lupine, Jackein-the-Pulpit, Solomon's Seal, Spring Beauty, Hepatica, Dog- tooth Violet, May Apple, Bloodroot, Ferns, Wild Geranium or Cranesbill, Meadow Rue, All Common Violets, Marsh 'Marigold, Wild Roses, Mea- dowsweet, Wintergreen, Iris, Butter- fly Weed, Phlox, Hairy Puccoon, Blazing: Star, Group 8. --«Native And foreign flowers (weeds that may be picked free! Asters, Goldenrods, Boun- Bet, Butter and Eggs, Daisy, Golden Ragwort, Cat-tails, Wild Carrot or Queen Ann's Lace, Butter- cups, Jewel Weed or Touch-Me-Not, Wild Mustards and Cresses, Cinque- foil, Clovers, Vetches, Evening Prim- rose, Chicory, Milkweed, Dogbane, Morning Glory, Vervain, Mullen, Yarrow, Wild Sunflowers. (3) = Cut wild flowers with scis- sors or pocket-knife; « never pull them, . (b) = Never step a plant of all its flowers; leave enough to perfect seed, (c) = Cut cleanly and sparingly, branches of flowering or fruiting shrubs and trees. Never break or tear them of. Have some' regard for appearances after the operation and give the wounds a chance to heal. (d) = Do not expect to have na. tive 1lants gro unless they are lift- ed with plenty of earth so the root is not broken, and planted in the same kind of location and watere faithfully the first: season. If the plant was taken from an acid soil, put a mulch of oak leaves or pine needles over jt, Mention of many beautiful flowers that are rarely found in our vicinity has, been omitted but should an un. common flower ke found leave it in its original setting and try to have it identified, ------------------ ADDRESSES WOMEN'S CLU»s Norman McKensie, Professor of International Law at Torontg Uni- versity, will be the spemke™ this afternoon at the open meeting of the Bowmanville Women's Cana. dian Club in Trinity Sunday school room, Professor McKenzie 1s speaking on 'Canada's Place in In- ternational Affairs." $ SLOW WITTED "Tommy, you have no good excuse oe staying away from school yester- 24 "Well, it ain't my faplt" ly ny "Cause T done my best to think of a good ofied"=Baston Post, Everlasting, Bergamot, Joe-pye-weed | - St. John's Wort, Black-Eyed Susan, | | The Whitby Adverusing; subseriptions snd CHURCH OFFICIALS RESENT. CLAIM OF 1. 1, SMITHERS Man Under Arrest Never Officially Connected With All Saints Officials of All Saints' Anglican Church, Whithy, are annoyed over w statement made by J, H, Emith- ers, now under arrest in Toronto on a charge of arson in connection with the burning of a church at Bircheliff, that he had for seven years been assistant to the late Rev: Thos, G. A, Wright, They state that Smithers had no ofMelnl connection with the church, and thet while he at times assist- ed the late redtor, he did so against the wishes of the majority of the parishioners, He was never en- gaged to help in the chyreh, nor did the congregation give him any remuneration for his services, Smithers came only once to Whitby after the present rector, Rev; J. M., Croxall, took charge of 'the parish, but he did not take part in any church service, He was given to understand that his services were not required here, SUPREME COURT AT WHITBY ENDS; CASES TRAVERSED With a®™ number of non-jury eases still to be disposed of, the Supreme Court sittings were ter minated on Friday afternoon as Mr, Justice Raney had to preside at another court In Ottawa on Monday. All cases unheard were traversed to: the June Assizes, The court heard three eriminal and two civil actions and granted a number of applications for nat- uralization. Indications are that the June Assizes will have an exceptionally heavy docket, MAN OUT OF WORK COLLAPSED, TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL Altred Thorogood, aged about 41, out of work and travelling the road, stopped at Gulliver's service station, two miles west of Whitby, on Thursday night, and collapsed. Mr. Gulliver notified the police and the man was brought first to 'Whitby and then sent on to the Oshawa Hospital after he had been examined by a doctor, He appear. ed to be In bad shape and told of trampling tho country looking for Whitby Brance Office, at Gas Cia Alter Business Hours ~ | hone BM, ) REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTO Daily Ti aly. Limes wows will bc received at the Gr and Chronicle ~'Yelephonn work; Hae | bad been at Fenelon Falls but was sid arf, This ;winter hae bein the wors. for .men travelling the roads out of work, Never a night Dasses Yul' several seek refuge at the lov ¢al gaol, and next morning they y. aresaround town looking for some good Bamariten- to give thew a meal, One man who wag given & meal the other day by a local busi- ness man stated thet he could not buy a job, TENDERS OPENED FOR FIRE HOSE AND 40:-FOOT LADDER A meeting of the fire and light committee of the Town LCounell was held on Friday evening to con. sider tenders received: for the pur: chase of 200 feet of new fire hose and a 40 foot extension ladder. The tenders were opened and on Monday evening the Commitiee will present a report to the Couns cll for consideration, Those pre- sent © at the meeting were tha chairman, Robert Reid, Reeve Jackson, Depuly-Reeve Deverell, Counefllors Ormiston and Landon, TWO MEN ARE CHARGED WITH * SERIOUS OFFENSE Charged with an alleged serious offence against & young Brooklin girl, two men, Richard Bickle and Edward Bwan, have been taken in. to custody by the police, Bickle was brought here on Friday, and after appearing before Magistrate J, E, Willls was remanded for a week, Bwan was gathered in by Provincial Constable Thomas Mit. chell in Torouto on Saturday and brought to Whitby, Both men are awaiting & preliminary hearing, The girl in question 1s said to be only ten years old, SIX CONVICTS ARE RETURNED TO KINGSTON PEN Having been brought here to give evidence at a trial in the Su- preme Court, six men, all under heavy sentences, were returned to Kingston penitentiary ¥Friday by Chief Gunson, Whitby, and Pro- vineial Constable Mitchell, Oshawa, The men are: Chas, Lang, James Latimer, E. Harris, John Parry, Frank Bueno and Fred W, Plewes, The men, with the exception of Parry, who was 111, were in chains, No trouble was experienced with the men but Parry became violent. 1y Ill and ft was with difficulty that he was managed, Chief Gunson re. ports that some of the men made it miserable for Plewes who was sen tenced to seven years on riday, as de had given evidence against om, PILOT DREAWS AS MECHANICAL HAN FLIES AEROPLANE Sperry Gyroscope, Built Like Man, Guides Plane 20 Miles Norfolk, March 17..~A mechan feal man plloted a Volmer aero- plane of the LE-7 type for 20 miles yesterday, while the regular pilot relaxed, and stood by, ready to take the '"heel if necessary. The test was made at Langley Field, and it proved so successful that air experts who had piloted virtu- ally all types and makes of flying machines stood by in wonder+o. t and watched the antics of tha flying craft with its strange pilot, The mechanical may is an elec trical contrivance, bullt like a man, but in /reality f» nothing more than' the Sperry gyroscope, It was constructed or invented for the x ¥ | I mibidnd : Lowe Bird Pearls Jury & Lovell purpose of providing relsxation or rest for an aeroplane pilot on a long flight, By pressing a bututor, the mechanical man will go through all the motions of a real flesh and blood men, and is ex- pected to keep an aeroplane in mo- tion and properly steered under any conditions, MAYOR PEEBLES OF HAMILTON I$ CRITICALLY ILL Little Hope Is Held After Pneumonia and Complica- tions Set in Hamilton, March 17.~Mayor John Pegbles, was reported critically ill at his home, 20 Undermount avenue, last night and following a consulta. tion of five physicians slight hope was given for his recovery, Danger« ously ll throughout the entire day, suffering from pneumonia. and coms plications, slight improvement was shown about 6 o'clock but at a late hour he was said to be slowly sink. ing. ews of the mayor's, serious ill. ness will come as a great shock, for it developed "suddenly. Following a board of control meeting Thursday he complained of a cold and remains ed at home Friday, sending ward to the city hall that he would return again in a few days. Saturday he collapsed and has singe been uncon. scious, Prayers. were offered for his worship's recovery Filey night by the congregation of Jumes street Baptist church, COTTONSEED $45 rer Wh ' nthe stress? op Vii df BiB Pogo PEDLAR'S "MAJESTIC" GARAGE St wooden frame covered with. Nu. Roo! Siding ond Roofing, Panelied 718, » 8 It, twe lights of gless in Limited, "PHONE 950, OBHAWA, ONT, OOF GARA $86.00 Erected in Oshawa PEDLAR'S ME at PRODUCTS WONAN WHO BEAT DOMESTIC WANTS HER BACK NOW : Miss Earl Gould Held on Beil for Doing Grievous Bodily Herm n---- Simcoe, Mareh 17,-While Ann Matthews, 16-year-old domestic, Hes in Bimeoe Hospital recovering from her injuries, Mrs, Ear] Gould of Vanessa, her employer, is out on $4,000 ball on a charge of dor ing grievous bodily harm, At a special session of Police Court Saturday evening, . Mrs, Gould was remanded for a weex by Magistrate R, ¥, Gunton, Poctors yesterday - stated that the gir! was slowly recovering from her ordeal but she will have Lo' re- main in hospital for at least a fortnight, She may he permanent ly 'distigured. Mrs: Gould insists that until the tirst of the year the gir] was treat- ed with the utmost kindness, To Children's Ald 'officials she is pate to have admitted that several weeks ago her nerves had gone to places. What happened after that she was not entirely sure, Hhe denied scrubbing Ann's back with lye, She is sald to have admitted that she did pour some lye water over her, "Anh is a good girl," she re peated over and over ,and asked that the girl be sent hack to her after she is able to leave the hos pital, BELIEVE RICH SPANIARD WAS BURIED ALIVE Mexico City, Mareh 17.-~Des- patches from Tampico to La Pren- sa sald yesterday that exhumation of the body of Angel Trapaga, Spanish millionaire and former consul at Mexico City, showed that the boldly was turned face down. wards, and it is bolleved that he was buried allve by mistake, The man's relatives fear that he regalhed conscirusn in the coffin atier burial and finally died of asphyxiation, The body was ex- 'humed for transfer to a vault be- longing to the family, Perhaps the casiest way to acquire a dominating born feminine ~Montreal Herald, YOU POOR KID, WHY | personality is 10 be § ARE YOU 50 SKINNY | Don't your mother knew that Cod Liver "Extract will put pounds of good healthy fle.h on your bones in § just a few weeks? Tell ler every druggist hag it in J suggr-conted tablet form now so hit 4 y | moJust u few we: #5 she cai he you get 'back your appetite = inake your body yrunger - your fect nimble and yolir nund keeuer, Yell her it tiey don't help greatly § in JU days she can get her money back Tell her that JAcCoy's Cod Liver Extract tublets are chock-full of vis talizing vitamines and are the greats est flesh producers and health builds ers she can' find, One sickly thin kid, age 9, gained 12 pounds in 7 months, She must ask Jury & Lovell, T, B Mitchell, W, H, Karn, or any good druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets « G0 blets = 0 cents ~~as pleasant to take as candy, . i. Ll | HTNING COUGH 'SALE OF Table Cloths Pure Irish Linen Damask Cloths in a num- ber of very pretty designs, These cloths are slightly imperfect , but: hardly netice- able or enough to affect their wear, Sell- ing at Half Price. 70 x 70. Reg.'$4.95 Double Damask-~70 . Regular $6.50 for 70 x 88. Reg: $5.95 Double Damask, 70 x 5 fOr omni DRIES x 70, $3.25 OF meme $2.98 88. Regular $6.95 for x MEAL ] f ¥ i | fi 4 £ | |

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