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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, MONDAY; MARCH' 17, 1930 "HOCKEY GUE PLAYOFFS AT. ENA TONIGHT Vest Toronto J rs. b «Win First Game From Soo Greyhounds 5.3 gun, ihe the Juncion forward the bat "the gion Ld i ds eating Sault Grey! to 3 Sat y night at the Arena Nl al $ (Wo extra scores give the Junc~| of ie'two 8 haudigap for the second . on the round tonight for the 10 advance further in quest of "Canadian unlor chan whip, : hockey was ordinary after the onder setigs between West Toronto Niagara Falls, the locals Show of 'weariness from their test of ope hard games iy iy days, while the Northerners d the finish of chumpionship A : There was not u great deal of ex- Aeitement, West Toronto always bein in control, keeping the' upper han flashes of great passing plays combined defence work, and it % only wheh they relaxed at the f the last period that the robin netted two scores to reef ° pee a four-goal deficit, The Hounds ere kept well in check most of the ftime, but their rush for the two Hosing counts put them back in the petition, and tonight it should be test of endurance as the North ners are from a beate us game on Saturday didv the He Bn more good than West oronto as it gave them a change to re the Junction play and put them on cdg for the second est wi- ' [1 hoJong idle dienes whip, waiting for winners, he, Hounds 2 nor display any veat téam play eir few: passin ts lacking the urance or per ection in timing so \ ay, for Sughentut plays, pa ually the' Northerners were good and with: plent nip of speed, als gh they & great deal al oir best' work with ragged and | al play, Lacks Action Rha last 'five minutes of the sec- period provided Jhout the only Rxciiément of the, game, when Hounds hemmed the Junction in one end of the ice and con~ ed a bombardment on the goal. jeore was tallied in the melee, from a long shot by Maki gh & maze of pl payers and sticks there was some dou About he "entering the ntinued Jv ie cag, fr her onto netminder st eo shots hefors the the r ( other mila? aaah chbnce Soe Jou and pass. in the scrambles, L Sault Ste, Marle could not fa lest Toronto's first line, of defence - J hows is 4 Cans unable to break shean trough for are rr 4 hey gen ized attacks on wo rives and po resorted to wild rushes 0 pik bud Ty re The ble. rad ) 1s Short-pusting of mou ¢ great Gre HE SE 4m t 0' Cu ¢ the trong Jo sticks of the Rivest Tor ronto % generally broke up thelr attacks | pl. they were prope under way, est Toronto only went in flash es and appeared Aired out after their | go wee 0 combination boi" ob" Gracle: and Bill Thoms did most of the damage to the Grey. hound hoped, the': pale completing clever passin Bays for three goals. Gracie Jaye star part In. the downfall of th : Hounds, who take considerable consolation in the fact that it was the smart play of a boy from the North Country that 'beat them. Gracle's ~rea. speed, shooting and stick-handling had the Hounds continually in trouble, while he com bined perfectly with Thoms, the play maker, Local Boxers Ready for Big Tournaments As there Ph & number of Jocal boys entered in the Ontario Cham. plonship Bouts which are being held in Toronto, the results will be watohed by the Oshawa fans with & great deal of interest, Bill Ad ams, 160 nds, Lefty Foster, 160 pounds; H, Blake, 112 pounds; Bill Stocks, 147 pounds, and Bert Rip ley, 'at 135, are the loeal boys who are going to give their best In an endeavor to win an Ontario Cham- Piassnip Title, The card has been practically com- feted for the local show, which will held on Thupsday night of this weok at the Armories;, This Is go: ing to be a big night for the local serap fans, The tickets ure now on sale and present sales point to § sellout. If you are intending to go to these bouts on Thursday night you are advised to get your tickets early, The management has prom- fsed an even better show than the jast one, so it will have to be bet ter than good, BRANTFORD PLAYERS 'THROW STICKS AWAY Brantford, March arch 17.~The Brant. ford Cappro players threw their sticks to the boys in the rink as a sign of the end of the season when they skated off defeated by Galt 3-1 Saturday Right, The defeat elim- irfates the Tomahawks from the change to edge into the play-offs, The game was evenly contested, It wad ¢asy to see why Herbie Matt g Courtney in goal ap teh man bo took Wilson's place was ght < oni He He picked, off three closes el's stick that were in shite rom short of marvellous, His work and that of the 'defence pair, Negailin and Lickley, with a rears funged Jo Ora line of Jellars, oyce an sloney, certa made the Galtonfan an J somet lke the team that led the ie for so Joo' in the first part sensi, a period, Fi wists scored » goal. Elmwood Jrs. Win in Easily ao innivex. 'March 17 ting the same trail carried them into the Memorial cup > finals a year but no f r, Elm wo Mul Manitoba junior into the semi. final ound: of the Canadian play. ouse rel stety. and to ships out to sea, so serve as a constant to all pur. and building ra. bounds, ot | bod wo Natlond) Hockey season for : wie a "HOCKEY RESULTS. Allan Cup: Ta Hamilton ...8 Ottawa Troll 00008 katoon J Memorial Play-downs ont Totus 8 Boo Greyhds, : Ottawa Rd, 4 Montreal A AA 1 tawa wins round, 4 to So ood MIL, 6 Vort William 1 "sElmwood wins round, § to 1, 4 National League Maple Leafs 8 Montreal ...e0:0 LAWR 00:8 Amoricans ....7 Boston sui iB Dotroft v,e0402 ssRangers ,..4 2 syed *0vertime. me, Butte' tomato Ningara Valls 8 Cleveland ,..4 Homilton ...,% #Cleve Be «+3 Detroit Cenadian Lei enghio Kitchener ,,.7 Guelph /.....0 seceeeeyd Brantford ....1 am, 4 unk, 1 venindd | What Others Say Re Boston McDonald & by Boston McDonalds withdrawal fron the loeal boxing 'card staged for the 26th at the Armories has come with no small amount of disappointment to the local fans, especially to the trim and body room boys, who have been anticipating a return match with this pair, Boston without a doubt has been given a raw dea), to his credit should be given the oppor tunity of an explanation, 'When Interviewed MeDonald claims that Gatenby "will only meet him on condition that bis friend J, Moffatt wots as referee as In the previous bout. Boston is not satisfied with the last decision and in, my own opin ion is asking no favors in his claim for a neutral referee, With all due respects to Gatenby's previous deel slon it would seem that he is trying to ind an easy way out and is tak- ing full advantage of the old axiom in finding that discretion is the bet ter part of valor, It is to be hoped that Gatenby will outstamp the many rumors flying around to the effect that he is look: ing for an easy mark, before again meeting bis (would be) formidable opponent, Burely Harold Gatenby isn't the 1ad to ask special favors as to who is the third man in the ring and I feel sure that he would not object to oven Erb Cook his foreman, or Alec Brown, Not that these gentle men have a wide experience in the interpreting of the Marquis of Queensbury's rules, but they would certainly keep these boys on the move, (8gd) ad Daninis, ody Room Ottawa Closes + "Schedule With 8-7 Victory Atlantic City, N.J., March 17.~The Ottawa Senators ended their regular National Hockey League season last night b moving inte second plate in the feagues nternutional group with an 8:10:72 vigtory over the New York Americans, The vietory put them one point ahead of the Mon. treal Canadiens, who have one more ame 10 play, meeting the Americans vesday. The game equalled the season's re- cord As scoring, a mark made early in the season when Pittsburg beat Toronto by a 10-to-§ score, Both teams relied a lot upon their younger members, but it was the stars of the regular line-up who did most of the scoring, The fame ont at a sizzling pace from start (O° fin ishy. and the defence men of Loth teams were a ites: useleds, downy here Saturday night with & 5 to 1 triumph over Fort Willam Legion, Thunder Bay champions, added to their 8 to 0 win of Thurs. day night, Bimwood took the round by eight goals to one. Only a slim chance of getting any further in the junior race mained for the lightweight Leglon- aires from the lakehead when the game started, 'This was washed away. in Elmwoods second period sally for goals andl only in the last few seconds of the contest didithe Forts a break into the series scoring Solan. Then, three Millionaires L} Long! bench and watch« rt dau lott winger, fee's nad rive the uupro- Rangers Win In Overtime Johnson Back vim York, March 17-~The New nd up the In ~- New York Jaa nigh by Pittsburg Pirttes a 10 3 in an overtime game th Snltvaned by AoA A bd, bursts or IY MEA] from Cheese Bow only" ouk point 'The second ind and the Hy frame as nearly all of but p ore od Hnmariy fat, ft | than Were HORONNEY: A BR so QPORT SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT By Geo, TT By Gn. Quo, Sports Bllor Sports Editor Industrial Hockey Tonight ¥ Like wll other hockey leagues, the Oshawa City and Industral / Hockey League Is now conducting the playoff games, | Tonight will sce the final game to decidg the junior title. The Oshawa Laundry Juniors and King street are the two rival teams, The Wet Wash, boys have a one-goal advantage by virtue of their 1 to 0 victory in the first round Is tied, at the end of the regular time, overtime will be ployrd to decide the winner, The other game tonight will bé This is a sudden-death game and a winner must be decided to meet the AY.M.C, for second place: These battles will be real, The first game starts at 7.30 pan. and' the admise game, If the between Moffatts and Textiles, sion Is "two-bits," oon Oshawa A number of well known local boys are entered in the Ontario championship bouts which will commence at Toronto tosfight, ts will be wate hed with a great deal of Interest by local fans, These boys Will be seen dn action at the Armouties results of these fi here this Thursday night, " ¥ Oshawa City Football Club All of last year's players and uny new ones who are Interested in playing for the Oshawa City Football Club are asked fo report for ut the YMCA at 200 pam, training tonight veguired, ¥ + West Toronto The Soo Greyhounds have a two-gonl lead to overcome in order to become Ontarle juhiog champions and it Is very doubtful if they The Junction team had little difficulty In winning the game can do it, and they should win' the series Tairly readily, and are now ready to, meet the wins eliminated Montreal AAA, Jr», ner of this series, grind, plenty, 'Close for Hamilton The Hamilton Tigers are cbyviously feeling the effect of their hard On Saturday night they faded considerably fin the last period and only the spectacular work of Marsh, allowed them to bring home a one-goal lead for the return game, Ld " Boxers The " v > Runoing shoes will be \d Lad Juniors Win The Ottawa Rideaus * 4 That goal may mean? more than J Oshawa Public Schools: IN Well, well, well! And another well, Here we are, all sot for the finals in public school hockey. Let's sée how the teams mateh up for the big event, In senior the contest is be tween Centre and Ritson road, hard slugging, hard shooting outfit, that ought to provide the fans with plenty of thrills, Against them are Centr: street who specialide in hard chegk« ing, team-play and trick shooting Their big disadvantage, however, is that they have been out of practice for the tail-end of the season and taking everything all round they have not been up against the stiif opposition that has been facing MRit- son road, In the junior play-downs the same teams meet to fight it out for the championship and here again the odds, if any, are slightly in favour of an "the South school possess os '4 heavier team with an almost impregnible defense while Centre street boys, on the other hand gre the fastest and. trickiest forwird fie" in the city, while the de- is woefully weak, Unless the shy North School players manage , score in the first period the game] ) go to Ritson, 88 finals are, by a curios co-incidence, between North and South Simcoe. Both teams arc eyenly matched, with speed and ex- perience for the South against weight and®apeed in the North, The game is sure to be a real battle, Anybody who wants to pick the winner can do so, personally, we'd hate to try ity will undoubted! The Third Cha Riteon Sree, ve, South Simeon Svs, At the Arena on March 7th, 1930: toon Sre. Position 8, Simcoe Sve, Siwowkowski Goal Shortt 1; defence ! Sheyan i Harmer r. defence Hercia Rogers centre Elizuk Sanaco I wing Clark Zedit 1, wing Herein alternates Rathion Chascrewski , MeLughin 8 4 ig, Referee=A, A ere wl JhacKenste "Big Joe" of Ritson, secured the puck on the face-off and carried oh the ice for a try, Hercia, of South Sug proved himself man i aching many of the Rit- aon d ne on when Ritson mada the J n. Rogers scored Su from Safiaco: South Simeos commenced a uy and Srila Offensive which asted tothe t the period, Time was called | fi Rw at Ritson nets, "i second scrap got under way a 4 t little at centre ice Wi : «Rion 4 were unable to get by the fense, | Shortt 3% the Arena, on March 8 Pp Lockie Donald Shortt ' centre Yourkevitch I wing Deeley r, wig Ballan Bligdon alternates Higgins Suddard " _ Labinoviteh Lang Perry Hoopér Seare by periods j== J Referce~JE, G, Nichol, The Game «South Simcoe juniors went down to defeat by Ritson road in the last few minutes of the game, when Mit. chell broke through on a single to make the lone tally of the game: Centre Seniors ve, Mary Seniors At the Arena, on March 8th; * Centre Seniors Positions Mary Sere. Burke Goal Michuel Gillespie I, defence Fraser Goodchild r. def. McCullough Salter centre Andrews Gibson I, wing LEdmodson Wilson ry, wing Bickle Wary alternates Walker " Barnes Score by periods i » - 1 ad Joel) 4 Referee". Lycett, The Game Centre street, layed 'a very Aone game, but, nevertheless were out and away superior to Maury steects Team play improved towards the end of thé game and considering that the boys froth the big school have been off the ice for almost four weeks they turned in A tule performance, but they sure will fave fo stretch them: selvey to beat, Rion, in the finals, 3. Simeoe 1} ery Ri 1irds she the' Fond J) anh hed iu wd 2 "Beer ger k ¢ «Rogers Clark t. defence Harmer centre Atamanchuk ) ng . Wann Ling Meonkey \ Highs bi "Score! by gui = {v- Hercia Refereo=1i; G Rubel, The. Game | uals Sitar had the toe al & own way and Hercia made the of play, centre joe and or an» a as call e second 'seriod was also' a dei ly South Simcoe, one, alt lias, of Rit.an, secured the for his team, By a strange on [Angidence both the Simcoe; 'street ls, North and South, geet in t nals and boy, uh boy, 'What a ran it will be. 8. Simcoe IV va, 'Ritson Iv ositions a Goal Fegtic Pact James D. Aitgl. . aed to add another tally, other pale of baskets, Score at threes af artes time 18-8 for Ca 16 le "RefereesE, 6, T ence Be elence ¥ Fontre R " Lawrence 1 wing Mite Yourkevitch 3 wing i i] Lesnick feore by periods ime ed) 204) Sel) 0 Refevee~E, G, Nichol, Gano Bell Zedic, of Ritson road, score] the goal that placed his team in the finals of Classroom hockey. in the dy- ing moments of the game, ' Both my wert fairly well matched with the breaks shi in favour of Rit son, South Simcoe al 10st scored se- veral times when Ritson players went ) the penalty box. Ritdon had atch their penalties, as they likely to cost them thé champ hr as not, -- BASKETBALL With Mar 2 tree. faking the North | O° group In p basketball, interest this week is , omired the south where Ritson and Cedardale this division, Judging by er, they ought to win the game hands down. But should Ritgon some new method of scoring ladie thelr week cut mt for them, The games for the championshi announced next week, e' under- stand that Mr, E, G. Nichol, the genial' Supervisor of Physical Bdu- presanting a banner to the us an emblem of the cation Is wining school championship, LJ . Girls' Basketball Stapding North [] / Jeam P;] WL MArY cosvisnnes 3.3 0 Centre ,.oiveenne y N. Simcoe ,., King Y--=Mary wins the group, South terry *Cedardale "Ritson * (ss Albert S, Simeoe 1 3.1 2 3 1 0 *.(ledardale and Ritson play off for the group. . vy Contre Street vo, K Street At the Collegiate on Contre Street Positions Kin FE. Elliott forward - J, L. Watson forward E. R. Brown centre E, Logeman : contre J. Whiley guard FP, Riee Pat Hobbs Pat Hobbs Rugy Gray Iza Morson Score by periods io ! 2-7 0 Bel 2 4 "Ho 28 2 Referee~". G. Nichol, me Centre street defeated King street without turning a hair, They had the game pretty, much their own way from start to' finish. Edith Elliott and Lorraine Watson were Tamblyn for King. and Jean Tamb yn for King Ritson Road vs, Codardale Ab the "'Y" on March 12: Ritson Road Vi. Troper B. Gutofskl forward DD, Crock centre V. Thompson centre N, Thompson gum F, Bowler guard S. Steban alternates D. "Tewitt i Ball " Gladys Fiuka » Score by periods jw Jig 32 +1 K, M, Arnold Refereo-E; 5 Nichol,' First blood wow to Cedardale when Ruth MacDonald dropped in the opening basket for her team, Ritson's guardin lowed Katie: Siblock to score four baskets before the end of the period, Bernice Gutofski made: the' first score for through the second frame, About two minutes later Verna Cooper, the Rits |* son star, broke from the Cedardale Pla AY was with 'Ritson this period and time wat Salied with the score' 12-6 for yo Nacpenud started the fireworks in the third stanza and Katie Siblock followed it up with an- Asin 0 wih started the last te to the a detegmination der fd but the po warding Ruby Swarts and Olive: Fraser paraly the Ritson forwards, Ga A sed with Cedardale still ten ir This makes Cedardale and Ritson § for first, h_ Simeoe ve. Albert 3 the "Y" on "March 13th (H Simeoe Positions lls Ly Wilton | p N. 'Sheplac \ Lee x § plac centre + D, vam lew H, contes, ueic Gh Smith 'guard Bo Chese rough , Carnegie ow 8 nder ternntes 1." Aduntyie D. Hotnby Grav t Oster a Wilkins Ha M, Tittly ' po Wi Marchal Soerg bv periodate acl SEE " 1th \ 4 forward forward 0 2 8 cpa » i FS Wan? 0 Lea shies wetter b will fi fight It' out for first place in their |" week's game, if Cedurdale continue to use their blocking tactics for Verna Coopy discover ithout using the big girl, the plucky litthe from the other side 'of the rail road tracks are going to have es of the homie and home will be arch 11th: Street amblyn Logan P. Sandford M, Swartz ruard J, Soanes Xi A. Rombough altcrmate S. Brooker B, Inksatter "0, Rontborough outstanding for "Centre stre * and Jean Soanes Positions Cedardale forward R. MacDonald 0. Marco . Andrews was weak and al-| Ritson wbout mid-way iby ts fo X Hamilton Tigers Win First Game in Ottawa Loses iodo a} Last Period, Rally That Almost De. feats Tigers--~Massh Out. in Victory--Sec- ond Game in Toronto on Tuesday ---- Ottawa, aMrch 17~Fighting off a fast period rally that threatened to totally wipe out their lead, Hamilton Tigers won from Ottawa Shamrocks 4 3-2 count in the first game of their Eastern Canada Allan Cup semi-final series here on Saturday night, The Ontario Hockey Associa tion champions and victors over Iro. quols Falls in the play-off carry the ong-gonl advantage Into the second game at Toronto Tuesday, The ser- fes victors meet the Quebec -Mari- time winners in the Eastern Canada ul. After piling vp a three-goal lend in the first two periods, Hamilton saw it: melt away under a deter. mined Ottawa onslaught in the third, Two goals by Farrell and another by Lough had made the ecunt 3.0 at the end oft Be second, but in a hectic third period, Hee "Pilon "and Art Tabor whipped in goals that com pletely changed the complexion of the series. Shamrocks rose from the position of un beaten team to that of chunipionship contenders in the final 20 winutes, Six thousand people saw the mame, The focal City league champions dominated the play 'for most of the first peviod. looked as bad in the second as they were good in the first and changed completely in the third tors, For the first 15 minutes of the game, the Ti ets seemed unable to protect 'Marsh from close-in shots, Only his outstanding goaltending #a- ved them, The Ottaws defense held up well at this period, but in the se~ cond it wilted, and Tigers were' able to get close in to Friel numerous times, A Farrell Starts Scoring Hamillon's first goal resulted from 4 clever passing attack by Farrell, McGowan and Oliver, The trio swept down the ice and eluded the local defense, Farrell beating Friel from close m, alter Oliver had passed him the rubber, This came 17 minutes af- ter the start, and it was not until the second canto was seven minutes old that Lough made it 2-0 for the yO.H.A, titlists, The Tiger wing dash ed down the right boards alone, slip- ped around the defense and whipped a Digh puck past Friel, Farrell's second goal was scored almost ten minutes later, after « scramble in front of the Ottawa net, He snared the puck from the pile- #p of players, and poked it past Friel who had dropped to the ice attempt- ing to. block, Ottawa Rallies Hee Pilon, veteran, centre, fooled the entire Hamilton team in gettin Ottawa's first goal, He stickhandle his way through the forwards and defensempn and when Marsiy fell try ing to save, hoisted the puck over his prostrate body, Heartened by Pilon's goal, Shamrocks swarmed around the Tiger net attempting to add to It but it was more than fourteen min. utes later before Art Tabor, husky Ottawa sub, got the Tocal's second counter from a scramble before the Hamilton cage, again 10 distinctly outplay the visi Maple Leafs Win From Maroons 3.0 Montreal, March 17,~The seo. tion-leading Montreal Maroons made a sorry showing before the lowly Toronto Maple Leafs here Saturday night and took a 3 to 0 beating. For some reason the Maroons cguld not, or would not, develop the form that has brought them through the séason in the yan 'of the Cgnadian section of the National Hockey League, while the Toronto men played like cham» pions and gave the seven or eight thousand people who turned out for this unimportant game, sen in- teresting 60 minutdy, - The Maple Leafs outplayed the Maroons in every respect, working an almost perfect combination system that fooled the Maroon de- fence at will, They were a little off on thelr shots at times and this, coupled th _ Flat Walsh's sonl-tending, préveffled a greater margin of victory, Lorne Chabot, although well protected by the Maple Leaf defence, had many op- portunities tosghow his skill as a at minder and turned in a perfect me, OTTAWA RIDEAUS PUT MONTREAL A.A.A. JUNIORS OUT OF RACE Montreal, March 17,~A goal by Paul Marlon, smart Ottawa for. ward, after 11 minutes of the final period had.elapsed gave the Rid- eau junjors of Ottawa, a 3 to 1 victory over Montreal Athletic As- soclation. junjors in a Memorial Cup playdown on Haturday after noon at the Forum, The two-goal margin was enough tp wipe out the single tally advantage Esined by the loest team at Ottawa on Thursday night and give the Rid- eaus the round victory By 4 to 3 count. Rideaus earned the right to moot ithe winner of-the West To» ronto-Sault Ste, Marie series, The local juniors entered the Fame holding a one-goal lead and succeeded In maintaining that ad- vantage for two periods, In tho first session, the teams battled scoreldss, with the Ottawa fore ward line trying lrard to break through a stubborn M.A.A.A,. de fence, tt-------------- ILFORD ELEVEN WINS London, March 17,~Ilford won from Northern Nomads by four Boals to two in a replayed tle from the semi-final round of the English Soccer Association's Amateur Cup Saturday, South Simcoe upset the dope by difeating Albert 10-8 and thus elim inating fe m from the playoffs. ®I'he uth thrned in a great game and d it over Albert street in six diff crent ways, Both teams were even at quarter-time and then South Simcoe ke info. the lead and were never eaded afterwards. Helen Klim, Neska Sheplac, ueenie Sills were outstandin South Simcoe, Lois Wilson an raing. bee for bert, and for Lor- Be in Marr Ate lle pon Man al 1 yy ve H. Rosser « Adams forward M, Staintdn , Copeland centre, O, Montgomery . Breault centre ndrews ; Diamond iy, 0) Touvey Joulter gua G. Denn, f. Doughty alternates 8 Crome . ' "8. Puller Score by 4 hariods HS 8 19 Referee=E. G, Nichol, The Game A record crowd of enthuslastic Be ie '| mos ng o eo yet paved on the, Collegiate Pony by ihe blie poli; Nort imcoe opened proceedings. with a rou sc! yell, This didn't mean aint Nowe ever, 'as Mar atrett got away x a rom the u ar; ress hard pi 8 te Rw the) end of iy phdame dropped In the first he Sh aoa The Pace fast and Juviotl: and play sur pte or, Ee Simcoe' oan: period and. it look- od as if the posit Maty street oul wud fo down. of the f and the second, iy citement was of ol e period ended with nly two baskets 8O, Jit frame, however, the us Ao of the preceeding tell on the 'girls, ary rot the at ot and neavier team, broke fast wount of eleven in the pe will now : meet the wir, of South frroun io ie and Same, Jor or the. ¢ LGR EEE + Melsaacs|' The To hy Ea Tannen seas down | EEE RR ff i f { 1 i { 1 i § Eat

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