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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Mar 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1930 PACE SEVEN. : of Stock Mark ahlic A To oo Trading Listless Stock , Moreh 17. Veh butk off. A id Ue "trom ron of Canadien | oH n Ha of mal "Otis, Ont, March 17 «= The t bret its A tn us o 1 FLA the numbers of iniirion a 1d here this week when a go fon-wide fish and game pro. tation will be formed. , Who is looking after ents, has Pocoived n- parts of Canada, amit vn TT -------- rd today after sn eb irregularity, The dem the oils wes by nfluenoed vale developuents 'and tumors that ho 0.8, Sena was Mkoly to Adopt uty on oil ! Bearer tonnls tried unsettle the ot In a fled to forg: obs iy &,dosen other (hrs sold PEA 10 8: points, relative to"dhe meeting | por t., money showing Tittle inclinatien to lower the official rate, Outside money was available as low 8 4% por oent, Time money and Commereinl paper markets also displayed. un easier undertone, . sin dd TORONTO PRUDUCE Quon, ad : fhe | Toronto wholesale deslers are bo ig produte ot the following ihe ngradod x i; 34 4 13 48 EL [ 8, i rh 0 ¥ grosmory [) be% onsen return. : 88 to di POR wef 88 to iB Ve. og A 87 to 88¢; No. 2, 34 And gore 1 rod) Ros Alive , ny aes 5 ibs. a. 90n 1 * SRV Ns Bb ibs... 89 LH dutke, over b ae " yo. turkeys, S14iand, TR! aunts tow], ., IRIN Toronto wholesale dealers offering produce to retail p Br at the following prices: to Frooh entres, in carton op Eves n, oon 0 TroAmery, Pint 4 A deat, large, 2% 333.01 twins, 28% to 24; triplets; '335; stiltons, 27c. ola, largs, 29¢; twine, 203%e;: triplets and cuits, 80¢; old st ton, 21. Praltry Chjekns, A UP svvine Fee vuan J "ibe." na over § |) Brolitm Wess semmen + IRL Geese LARA EERE Sebonsovovontnnee PROVISION PRICES Torontd wholessle dealers are quoting the following prices to Binoked ments--Hims 24 to 360; cooked 8 to bio, [8 smoked rolls, 28¢ yg ast a con, 80 to 406; ba fot bade. vag Th 0 I 300) dusts, te wn | Joe to " oy 1h Te ve % 00Tbe, 290i role 400; Rebtwenht rolls, 86e. Lard-=Pure tlerces 14e; tubs, 1a pails, 16¢c; prints, 16 to a frou 13¢; N 1a Dalle The, oe tubs TORONTO FARMERS MARKET following wie are Ltations, retail in effect on the $ 7m Mar ket Sarutto: Fans, girs, vo por doss dozen, hr pr Aged per floten 03 Do, creamery per 1h, 045 ruits and vegetables qt. Sritsels, sprouts, nions, dry, Heat, b8.e po Lag basket .ivoe A Sdive. dozen. seveiiisie nach, peck .... 025 OCOmOD0000=0m S020 ssssnnlnnLns S80S ashrooms, per pound... . "| Wheat, May 1 106 to 1 00%: af fettuce, three for,, lettuce, two arpley, per nh pl ress, three for 0 seven ont .. 0 Pi assesses vie ahonenat hong #, per rey N= 4d bas. Teen peas, 6- shassennin ha bhannine chensbiobary 5 6 Gb heee 5, sac 0 088 ubarbP bunch .. " Adirhes, four "bunches, 'e COO COO OeHO~ACOORCOCONTCOoS SSIRBTUVWANSUSVENSESZ2SE8ES 37; fi ow Datier, i; arch Butter, Ohloago, spot mafket -- Butter Ph og py rey 380s tone, firm; sues, vil fivats, 20 to Fre mar gout 0 Butter to- wp Hort sar, 30,801; 4606; it yoor, 8 a", York, spot mMarket--Butter, to extras, 88 to 88% ¢c; no tone; exes, firsts 26 ei tone, steady to firm, Movement at four markets--But- tor, net out, 407,164; last year, net out, 45,681, eggs, net in, 20,~ 634; last year, net in, 04, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the following ees for carload ots; delivered 'on k, Toront fo. 3 Tiothy,«s sas HEmw » 3 1300 10.50 Yevuvaes ont giv sbi Oat straw . wees WSO gion, GRAIN OPENING ; 111, March 17.~-Wheat, ar. 4 oh; M May, $1.07%; July, Fl Mar, 18% May, i? rut, Oats, Mar, Wi 1400 88%; 3 May, 48; July, 43%, GRAIN OPENING Lo Man, Mareh 17m $0 1% higher at uly 1% to 2 high- or at 108 to 109; Oct, 1% to 2% at 100% to 110%; Outs, May % to % higher at 48% to 49; i higher at 49%; Oct. % hi t 48%. TORONTO IIVESTOCK Toronto, Ont., March 17.The cattle teade on the Dominion Live stotk Exchange this morning opened slowly with salesmenhold- ing for higher A vray Early sales were firm at $0.35 to $10.38 for steers and at $7.00 to $8.25 for butcher cows. Calves were steady at $18.50 to $14.60 for choles, Hogs ors unsettled with bids, 50c lower st 31195 ¥.0.B, for bacon or $18.00 off ear, Western lambs made the bulk of the run, bids are lower at $11.50 for best lambs with lower early sales, Sheep sold up to $8.60 P* Quotations! af Cattle Yoceipts 145 Heavy bee! steers A to $11.50: Butcher steers, good to cholew, $9.75 to $10.50. Butcher: steers, fair to good,, $9.25 to $9.75. But- cher steers, common to fair, $8.60 | Toronto Stock Exchange High ] Block Low Close 5% Cockshutt 10% Cty, Dry. 46 Dis, Sgrm, 9 ind. Aloh, § Imp, O11 26 Lob, "A" 13% 870 1200 4 3945 880 1200 4 1b P 4 4000 Hd, By. 121 Kt, Fir. Nrada, Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Cansdian Press Movotite and New York sgook Quotations Supplied Biggar and Crawtord, Alger Bulding, Oshawa 270 840 8h, Grd, Bd, Bs, Tk, Hg. 020 Ventures 180 Wr. Har, 182 Wainwell 7 | New York Exchange 1 Stock High Amer. Can, 141% Am, Fr. Pr, 86% Anaconda 71 Balt & Ohio 117 LOan, Pac, 202% Chrysler a8 Cr. OF. N.Y. 118% Col, Gra. +. 28% Dupont ... 220 Erie Rall ,, 6 Gen, Fds, © Gen, Mot, 40% Hud, Mot, 066 Int, Com, 7% Int, Tele. », 05% Jus, Man, 188% Lee, Wis. Mex, Bbrd, Mt. Ward Phil, Pet, Pb, Br. N.5. Radio ... Simmons .. Sin. O11 ',,, St. Oil NJ. Utd, Alr, .. U.S. Steel Woolworth Yel, Truck 21% Fam, Ply, 69% Money rate 3 per cent, to $9.95, Butcher heifers, good to "chojce, $9.50 to $10.85, Butcher heifers, fair to good, §9 to $9.50. Butcher heifers, common, $8 to 9. Butcher cows, s00d to choice, 7.85 to $8.25, Butcher cows, fair to § $6 to $7. Canners and cuts tors, 84 to $5.60, Butcher bulls, fair $7.36 to $7.75. Butcher bulls, ood $7.76 to $8.25. Bologhs, 0.50 to §7. Feeding steers, good, $8.50 to $9.25, Feeding steers, good $8.50 to $9.20. Feeding steers, fair, §8 to 8.50, Btookers, good, $8.26 to $8.75, Stockers talr, $7.50 to $5. Mileh cows, choice $80 to ~ $100, Springers, choice, $00 to $110, ~ Calf Receipts. 168. Good to choles, $15.50 to $14.50, dium ad hoary, o>? to $13. Grassers, $0.50 to $7.8 Hog receipts 300. Ne Sheep Receipts 1268, Good ewe and weather lambs $11.50 to $18.60. Medium, $11 to $11.60, Bucks $8 to $9.50, Culls $0 to $10.50. Good light sheep, $7.60 to $8.50. Heavies and bucks, $6.50 to $7.50. Culls $4 to $6. ht NEW YORY EXCHANGES New York, March 17-Foreign Aashhngs steady, Demand rates: Great Britein 4.86%; Canadian Soiiare 6-32 of one per cent dis tations, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Ill, March 17-~Despite rain in fisas, wheat prices here advanced early today owing to sharp upturns "ia Liverpool quota~ tions. Liverpool reported British stocks of wheat decreasing, and fald Argentine sellers had with- drawn from the market. Opening % to 1%c, up, Chicago futures scored additional gains later, Corn, oats and provisions showed strength also, with corn starting 3 to 2c. higher, and afterwards EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOOK t Buffalo, March 17.---Hogs, ; holdovers 400; rather slow, car inactive, steady at Satur. y's 28c decline, Bulk 120-210 Ibs, 11.25; 280-260 Ibs. 10.76 to 11,00; packing sows, 8.756 to 0.38. lo, 1350; fed steers and yearlings, steady; demand fair: quality plain: bulk, medium and short feds, 11,85 to 12.60; medium holfers 15.50; fat cows, 7.50 to 8.76; cutter grades, 8.75 to 6.36, . Calves, ) +600; wvealers unchang- of, 18.60 down, Sheep, 6,800; lambs steady at fast week's full decline; sorting rather lenient; good to choice woolsking 90 1bs, down, 10.76 to 11.00; medium and strong welghts og oo La 50; shorn lambs, 9.00 SIX GHDREN IN - ELEVEN MONTHS United States Family Has Second Set of Triplets oh wha, xr. Ky. Mar 17.--The ris Back Home must be the end Dn the route for Mr, Levi Stork and like all good dlers he refuses 139 return Doe: ithout disposing all his hs lowered the 18th down the chimney at | Back Home, and 14th and the 13th, Triplets, all boys Cause for xcitamont in any fam. one not at the Chels Back STEEL GOMPANY T0 PAY §5,000,000 Appeal Against Judgment | for Common Stockhold. ers Dismissed Toronto, March 17,~First divisions al court at Osgoode Hall today dis. missed the appeal of the Steel Com- pany of Canada on behalf of the preference shateholders against the judgment of Justice Orde in the ac tion bi it by Thomas Ramsden and Francis A, Magee on behalf of the oldess of common stock. Mr, Justice Orde held the prefers ence olders were 'not entitled to participate in the distribution of net profits in excess of the cumula. tive dividend of seven per cent. une tit the total dividend decloved upon the ordinary stock 'shall be equal that paid upon preference stock, As the result of the dismissal of the appeal, the Steel Compan Canada will have to pay to ho how of the ordinary stock approximately ts, Grain and Produce Exchanges Slightly Stronger Trend Evident on Mining Market Toronto, March 17-4Thotgh & slightly stronger trend was. in evi. dence on the mining market dor. ing the early session today, there was little improvement in general trading, the list retaining the list- less aspset which hes markel it for several wobks. A few individual stocks displayed activity but they Pp A dh ood out in contrast to the dulle ness of important individual action, The higher-priced stocks were somewhat irregular, Nickel essing 806. to $88,856 on light demand. Nor 3 da moved up 15 to a3, §s.3s, hus Hudson Bay wes Tike amount to $12.10. Doe "ond 'eck Hughes were bigher at $8.26 and $6.25, but Vipoud dropped 8 to 95, me $5,000,000 since it has been estimated that the dividend disbursements on the preferred shares since the begin. ning have exceeded those on the or~ dihaty shares by from $40 to $45 a share, Cassel, Germany, Mareh 15. ~~ A woman lion tamer's herole attempt to separate a battling lion and bear in a circus menagerie wagon bas proved fatal to herself and to the beasts, HELP BEING BEING SENT T0 TIA Toi oD achistin, Match 17, Another incident in the long drawn" out drama along the northwest fron tier whete a small group rite ish soldiers is stationed the arid mountainous. country in the of hostile tribesmen was reported from Zhob today, A small party of militia has: been surrounded by trl at Suleiman in the Khel country, * Help has been sent, THE TREND has the bond market. fio Paulo, State of, With the steady absorption of high domestic issues, and a consequent lowe income return, attention is drawn grade foreign bends. Security and excellent return are te be found in the following representative issues: Com, DO Sp most A a Sarsd by Arve on oh SARIN ante: PRICE: At market, approximately 80, yielding 6.34% 8s due at 105 in 1960 of the TOWARD "F OREIGNS" Recent easing of money rates in ractieally-all the financial centres of the world already exerted a stimulating influence on ade to the oho Ithiest state in Brasil, gf At market, approsimately 98, yielding 8.21% Rhine Westphalia Elec. Power Corp., ts of 1953 ion of the o first mort Direct obliga upd only to Dawes of the company and Plan charges, PRICE: At market, approximately 935¢, yielding 0.52% Vokaliama C187 of sal 11 subsidiaries, as the principal, interest and re fund by the" umécured obligation of the City. PRICE: At market, approzimately 981(, yielding 6.12% Dominion SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED Government, ands direct 2 King Street East, Toronto Sell.. this new Way «+ « ' Hog Rar AF ge ba Back; 87, stands on her ves children on of six eleven months whieh is the Rag of something or another ou gee the same thin AD. Triootote: then {laned an Mra * it J by code numk To Er RR I ATS | --r

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