TRE OSHAWA DAILY TIVES, a a a salle ot la ' vaser, two boys who plesd: py 'to the theft of motor ire apd. were remanded for one 'sentence appeared before jo Mikel Monday, Crown Donnan thoughy i boys _ punished tly. in jail phen ded » suspended sentence of, , It was Wad grantady Ah blem Discussed wy a fob on city 1s still try- hy to determine Whether 6 hus loge ill pay here at the rate of takes for 26 cents, or wheth~ oild be better for the city io. buy the street railway and run ©. @ few busses in congection with'it, + The street car line has been closed "for two weeks owing to the burn+ pling of the car barns and cais, and .% bus company of Oitews is ex- __perimenting with a service, A de- 'vision wii not likely be reached wv, before June, : Wharves 'Are Damaged Brockville ~iteports from alony the shore of the St. Lawrence at IN W br A of the ovonit iol Vroeoom the Fesorts above Brockville are, aaruard iynch and | thet p numeroys Ju lugs Mt Summer got oy BAS bon amg ure the ice, combined with the windy of the past week, ; Celebrates 99UL Birthdny Lindsay, ~The 00th anaivarsery of the Bubday Beliool of the Virst Upited Church as ryed Bune day with large donireRnIons prose ent ot ull services, The special speaker for the day was Rov, Vrank Langstord, B.A, of Toron- to, Secretary of Religious Kduce- tions) Depertment of the United Chureh of Canada, J | Gel, 8) Spine , ohare uth Helisbury, R, , No, 7, Belleville, daughter of Mii Salisbury, was admitted to the Gener ' Hosplial Monday 'Yhe result of wn auteinobile sccident, on the Trent Road near the On. tario School for the Deaf, She sus. tained a severe sprain of the spine and was cut about tne hands and face, Church Was Birthday * Gananoque, ~~ Grace United -- HARD BUY General Motors Bone Dry and Stove Length Truck and Wagon Loads DIXON COAL CO. Tele. 262 Five Dirdet Lines wOOD i Church, in Gausn Church reached suother mille stony on its wey to ho first con~ vk, when bath anni of the tiryl Wesleyan Church, mow Uy Was served, It was in 1886 the church was opened, but in 1886, n year previous, the fivst resident minis. tar, Nev, Willlam Steers, was ap- pointed to Gananoque, -------- SPIRIT. OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP AT UNIQUE BANQUET (Continued from Page Fh try of agriculture, he opined, The raising of livestock was a very important branch of agricut~ ture, Hon, Mr. Marshall suggested, as the breediug of good stock was un #ign of veal inteliigence, He then disclosed a fact which ju nop generally known in this dise triet, Tribute te Local Men "Yours ngo," he stated, "a city man and a country man were inter opted in improving the dairying in- dustry in Canada, With the sole object of performing a publle ser- vie they labored night after night on this problem until finglly they evolved a travelling dairy which could « tour the provines giving farmers an iden of how to make better butter. These men: were the late Robert McLaughlin and the late Jobn Dryden and their de- seondants are represented in this hall tonight." Tribute: to the lLardy ploneers who cleared the forests of Upper Canada in order that they mighi establish their little farm clearings was paid by the speaker, They had performed a great work in the face of tremendous obstacles and had passed on a goodly heritage "If wo pay close attention to the problems of agriculture we will Iny a sound foundation of national prosperfy." he congluded, Musical Features The 'presence of sixty attractive young women from the country ad- ded not a little to the charm of the charming scene presented by Lhe banguet hall, The girls in thelr costumes of green overalls, white blouses and straw hats made their last appadrance on the. stage to- wards the close of the evening's proceedings when they sang in chorus a selection to the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More" but with original verses in which ware worked in the names of sev. eral of those present, The Hrooklin male quartet also delighted the audience with two comic selections, Members of the quartet included Messrs, C. 8. Thompson, K, Webber, Norman Wright and W, Croxall,. In addl- ll. and Mrs, Crage, Yon Mr. Thowpson wes beard to Mantnge in two fine' baritone re Jumerous monologue pre Wontod by 0 Patton, of f the' Hurt Mouse Players, Toronto, 'wes mueh enjoyed, Mr, Paton re. pented himself as a "io-geiier business man' giving advice to farmers, » An unusual feature of the pro- gram and ove which occasioned much laughter gocurred when Pros fessor If, supposedly of Austria, demonstrated the magle powers of the "If" serum, Pletures of prom~ inept citizens of the elty and coun try. wore flashed on a screen by & lantern and wore then sprayed with the 'If" serum by the pro- fessor, Immediately a transforme ation took place avd the picture changed to what the individual would have been had it not been for eduention and environment, For instance the audionce was sure prised to see the figuré of W. A, Dryden transformed into a bathe ing beach dandy while the effect was equally astonishing snd fun provoking when Mayor Miteholl's profile suddenly developed whisk~ ors and he became a jolly old fish erman, Professor If was fually revealed by Mr, Leon Prager to be ¥read A, restrall, vice president of the R. 8, Williams Co,, of Toranto, and a former resident of Oshawa, The Pirst Brooklin. Boy Beout Troop rendered valusble assistance by stpervising the cloak rooms, After the program was completed an interesting event occurred when ex-Mayor WR, B, Preston was asked to auction off the rvonstodsuckling pigs which decorated .ench table, A good sum was realized from the auction and will be devoted to the Oshawa Welfare Fund, At the Head Table Among those who wore present ut the head table included Mr, and Mrs, Chown, Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Dryden, Mr, Hannah, sssistant sec retary of the Husbandmen; Mr, and Mrs, George Mart, Mr, and Mrs, Hl, Arnold, Mr and Mrs, R. B,. McLaughlin, Mr, Duncan Mare shall, Mr, and Mrs, G, W, Me- Laughlin, Mayor and Mrs, Mity chell, Mr, and Mrs, X. W. Nesbitt, Mr, George Patton," Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Trick, Rey, Mr, Jull, Rev, C. Mr, and Mrs. WW, 8. Croxsll and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Irwin, Mueh of the credit for the sue cons of the bahquet must go to the arrangements committee who in- cluded: President, W, A, vice-president, MW, Dryden: Int Arnold; 2nd vice-president, BK, WW, Nesbitt; secretary treasurer, W. 8, Croxall; assistant secretary, ©, RN. Wanna; H, ¥, Batty, H, Dearborn, O, H, Downey, M, J. Duff, L. Gifford, N, Irwin, Roy Lick, R, Mowbray, A. Neabitt, I, Ormiston, H, Pascoe D, Thompson, HB. W, Webber, , The wives of those mentioned above constituted the ladies' exe cutive committee which helped to a great extent, TS 9? am, - 5,30 p.m, Saturdays 9 am to ® pm, Chiffon Voile In beautiful new pat- terns and wonderful designe--Just the thing for making up in the new spring fashions, Yard a CURTAINS Decorate your wholg, win. dow at little expense With these curtain which have averdrapes + wttuched in Rosg or Blue colors, Size 214 'yds, long = Specially priced at, pal = SILK SLIPS 16 only heavy silk slips of the Harvey make, assorted sizes and colours, To clear Al = DOOR MATS Cocoa door mats, Size 16x26 inches. Firmly woven, from strong co~ con fibres, each = $1.28 Now 1080 Spring J Morchandisd artiving daily, We hope to receive by Batuvday » Tine of Kew Ladies' three pleco dresses, == Something very new, No Phone or C. O. D. Orders on our Specially Priced Merchandise Child's Silk Bloomers 'good quality of silk loomers in small, me~ dium and large sizes, and assorted colours, Specially priced at = BLAZERS 6 only Striped and plain flannels, Vari sizes, To clear at -- $1.98 Pillow Cases An extra good quality in stamped pillow cases Pair = Silk and Wool Hose 50 Pairs nly in Assorts ed colors, Specially priced at, pair = 79¢ Luncheon Cloths 16 only beautiful de~ signs, Stamped Lunch Cloths, Sizes 54-in. % 544m, Special, -- $1.49 REMNANTS From Various Departments at HALF PRICE DRAPERIES A good assortment new 1930 shades in a 50. inch width and guar- anteed sunfast ~ $1.95 GOSSARD Corsets at the ARCADE at HALF PRICE Crib Blankets A few only in Blue and Pink shades 40-in, x 30 in. Slightly soiled, Clearing at «= 0c KIMONOS Cotton Crepe and ba. ronnet Satin Kimonas in sizes 36, 38, & 40. Specially priced at $1.98 SMOCKS 12 only -- stamped smocks in various col- ours and sizes, $1.19 SCHOOL HOSE Extra heavy quality of Black Sizes 9, 9, & Special, To clear nt Penman's hose, only. 10, pair 3.2 Store | Hours Daily, 9am. «5,30 p.m. Saturdays Dam to pm TOWELING Linen roller and tea tow ding In several different widths, Checks and plain, made from the finest flax, direct from the Caldwell Linen mills, Extra Special ard o- Ironing Board Covers 6 only stamped ironing board covers ~ Spe- cially priced at, each 49¢ SWISS PANELS Beautiful designs woven on a durable swiss net with floral borders, Sult« able for your best rooun, Size 30-in, x 254 yds, long Extra Special, pair = $3.95 Ladies' Cotton Vests All sizes in. white only with and without sleeves, A popular style vest 'of finely knit, serviceable white cotton, Phone 1000 THE ARCADE LIMITED Simcoe St NJ Luke's Week-End Shopping News That' Means Savings ! "6 Piece pul k Ww i - 1 9 Piece Dining Room Suite 1 Le Breakfast Suite = Le "= | Very Dainty Breakfast Room Suite in shaded Ivory, compris ing Buffet, Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs. Reg. $39.75, Special - $36.50 oo fi | Handsome 9-pce. Walnut gl Dining Room Suite at a re« markable low price, the suite consists of large Buffet, Full Size China Cabinet, oblong ex« tension' Table and Set of 6 Diners upholstered in Leather, Reg. $195.00 Special - $159.50 5 Piece Fibre Suite 5.pce. Fibre Suite in shaded Walnut or Antique Buff, Ena. mel, sompr rising | settee, Chair, Rocker, Fernery and 'Table. The seats are auto Spring con. struction covered in smart Chintz. Reg. $35.00. Special $49.75 4-pce. Walnut Bedroom Suite 3 PIECE DAVENETTE SUITE Kroehler 3-pce. Davenette Suite 'upholstered in fine quality Jacquard with frames finished in Wal- nut. Davenette is fitted with Mattress, Chair and 4 Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite An utusual Fine Suite in Wal. nut consisting of full Size Van« ity, large dresser, Chiffonier & Stowight end Bed very hand. some, S-ply Veneer Panels. Reg. $185,00, Special - $129.50 Bed Outfits Simmons Walnut = finished Bed with Graceline Tubing fitted with Simmona Link Spring and Felt Mattress. Reg. $26.20, Special - $19.75 Simmons Walnut finished Bed with Panel in head and foot fitted with Raised frame Link Spring and Felt mattress, Reg. $29.25, Special - $24.95 #0 ) EE A " Kroehler 3-pce. Chestesield Suite comprisi Chesterfield wing he Arm chairs upholstered in smart Brown Repp with 3-spring Cuahidhs 4] bjacauard or Moquette, beautifully Heavy ChuAlits Seamless Wilton Rugs of Outstand. ing merit, shades are Fawn, Grey and Blue ith nd eh Sid i exceptional value at x . in Damask this Suite is the Seats to bs taken out compr ter » FE frie" Chastesfe ui $125.00 NEW SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 19. 50 about the same price, Special, \ ak . Reg, $103.95 Rocker, complete, the suite. 'Reg. $125.00, Now we can offer you a spring filled mattress at a new low price. These are SPECIAL - $89.50 SPECIAL - $100.00 sure ta take the place of the ordinary mattress, now they can be bought at PHONES le i Suite in Walaut | Mobair with new Style very comfortable and well upholstered 'Suite ong service. , Rep 3149.30.