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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Mar 1930, p. 2

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the pupils of B THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 "The Whitby sabsuriptions and aows will be received at the Brancu Oftios, at Gaz. (and ChronicloNelephone Gusioess Hours =~ ( hope BHD, | was very tuuuy many laughs from the" wudience. The Irish concert presented by of Bt, Uregory's schoo) to a large sudience of parents and ds was 8 great success, n all did their party excel : y displaying that consider. Jable time and care had been spent 4n preparation of thelr concert, The first number, a chorus by t! titled, "A Tribute to Our Trish srishioners," and brought in the names of many of the old i i "a delighttul * wplaymates." 3 Fi 8 Ad [ . i ' {| " + '4merensed its numbers i 3 milles prominent in the Lh Lo of these were the Vini- gona, the O'Relllys, the A'Regans, fie Tiynng, the Higgins and the Puckleys, Bo-Peep and Boy Blue was the name of the drill by the upile of the junior classes, The '1}ittle, tots looked very sweet in fheip pretty oottumes. pen sunk ' atherin A little song entitled Jimmie he sing A y titled "Smiling Iris ¥ oY Hy usual he won the hearts of 'those who heard him. "How the "Fairies Kept Ht. Patriok's Night, 'was & playlet by forty pupils of the 'second class, This way 811 In con- time. 'The junior pupils again ap weaved in another chorus, This Time they were dressed as bees, 'and the singing was & busing 'sound that they made while they 'danced shout, Evelyn Clarke gave a recitation entitled "How Do "Look." There were Irish selections 'by the Harmonics Band, that has since the 'Iast time it was heard from. Ane i 'other playlet that was highly en- * oyed was "Taking the Cansus" by A second and third class pupils, Those who were in the Irish dances « 'were' Jackie O'Brien, Jume~McAd- Billy . and Betty Marshall, « Jackis and Dollie Gallagher, Jim 'mie Callaghan "and Mildred Mo- © Dance. nd PE Pontiac Sedan--1928 model: . 'Adam. They were in costume and danced an Irish Jig and Country Two little girls, June and f| Fire and Light Committes, 'Co led, called forth Emmett Cayley and Harold Cone lin did thelr gue, The Irish Politietan," The inal number was u play whieh de- 8 scene from the Iie of Bt, br gid, Vendins With J shored gr Va al Ty fh pe i 16 for the Wratoing! of t spo Are deserving of a groat deal of credit for this splendid affair and the order) carr] through, x NEW FIRE HOSE * girls of the third and fourth classes AND LADDERS ARE BOUGHT FOR TOWN 200 Feet of New Hose-- Four Ladders From QOsh- awa Fire Department ------ On thé recommendation of 'the the Town Council on Monday evening authorized the purchase of two hundred feet of new hose from the Dominion Rubber Co, through a local firm, the ¥, J, Melntyre Hardware, The policy of the coun. ell is to add so much new howe an- nually to the fire fighting equip. ment. The purchase of four good fire I|ladders from the Oshawa Fire De partment for $1560.00 was nlso ap- proved of. The Department here has for years needed a 40-foot 14d. der, and when the tenders for same were opened, the prices were considered high, One tender on a ladder such as required was $200, The ladders belug purchased from Oshawa for $160 are In splendid shape and Iuclude one of B§ feet, another of 40 feet, and two others of » smaller size, The Fire and Light Committees with the Fire Chief visited Oshawa and Inspect. od the ladders. Oshawa is dis. Kaa arts well in a dinlo- pi manner in whieh it was Safeguard your health and your purse | of thriny ve with safe. doin the arm Vir lated home requires, Your Rexall Druggist - cor | operates with, the United | Drug Company, His stocks of [ll "Tavgest producer of drug store commodities in' the world, Rexall merchandise is always new and fresh, And because shop at THE REXALL STORKS Jury & Lovell King E, slmeoo W, Phone oo. Phone 08 carding them because a new truck with ladders and other equipment has been ordered, In deciding to purchase from Oshawa the gounell felt that a good bargain was being obtained, The four ladders particularly the largs er ones most required, are in the best shape, and they will be a valu- able addition to the fine equipment now at the Fire Hall, A request for a light on Byron street north of the C.P.R, was res ferred to the Fire and Light Com- mittes, Tory Js New President Ottawa, ~~Re-slection of Dr, H, H. Tory, president of the National Research Counell as president and approval of plans for placing the society on a sound financial basis, featured the concluding session of Sth annual meeting of the League of Nations Boglety in Cannde, here yesterday, Bowm ; anville Daily Time } News, advertising and subscriptions will be recvived af the Bowmanville Office of Ibe limes, | elophones==Oftice, 667 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK WHITE SHIELD CLUB ST. PATRICK'S PARTY f -- The home of Mre, Thomas Gould on Liberty street was the scene Inst eveniyg of much merfiment the oconsion being the annual Wi, Patrick's doy party of the 'White Hhield Club, 0 largest attend. ance of the present year was present, The program opened with the grand. march with most of those in attendance in costumg and ay the conclusion of the march prises for best costumes were awarded Mrs, VV, Bateman and Mrs, G, Priv chard, and tor the Lust comic cow tumes Mrs, J. Davies and Mrs, U, Somerscalos, The prise for the best kiddies' costume, went to the Misses Doris and Vera Clapp, Mrs, C. Mason sang « splendid vocal solo, "Mother Machreo" Mrs, George Pritchard followed with two more old timers, "Little Bit of Hewtven" and "A Tumble Down Shack in Athlone', sll of which were heartily 'applauded, A whist! ug contest proved most entertain. ing and at the finish It wis founo that only five of the ladies present were fn uny way adept at this art of the 'male sex. Two guessing contests and some games added to the evening's fun, the winners of the former being Mre, W, Hall and Marion Pritchard aud the wine per of the game Mrs VV, Bateman, Refreshments were served by the hostess and the rest of the even. Wg was spent in dancing, Mrs, Gatehell moved a vole of thanks to Mrs, Gould for the use of her home for the evening which was greeted with much applause, The National Anthem brought a pleasant evening to a close, HOLD NI, PATRICK'S THA AND PROGRAM A successful Bt, Patrick's tea and program was held In: Trinity sunday Bchool room yesterday als ternoon when the group of which Mrs, C, W, Slemon and Mrs, John Percy are conveners presented a splendid entertainment which wan exceptionally well attended, The room was decorated in green for the event and the pro- gram after the tes was distinctly Irish, This was in charge of Mrs, I a I, J. HW, Johnston sud ame the numbers were included the follow: oi olin sole of Irish aire by ¥rav. or teak J) (od Button; voenl duet by Beb Cor bett and Ken Morris; Ivigh veeitn ue by Miss Beth Ony of rtice, Hl tl, Sl aoe y 3 » Maly oon" soos Sy Mae far n r, Button and Mrs, Cocly Dudley, Ms, FA Hott gave nu interesting reading on St, coneluded with ap | 1 aumber by Mrs, HILL WAKES APPEAL FOR Church Must Not Ignore Russian Conditions, Seys Canon De Pencler Churches throughout: Canadas ing is Mads ethos Christie oun ries observed a day of prayer Bune day for the Christians of Hoviet Russia, who nocording to reports, aro enduring a period of severe persecution at the hands of the Bolshevyiki, «The Rev, Canon de Pencler at Bt. George's in the course of his morning sermon, made the follow: ing sonrching appeal: #_ the Church of our day too split Into warring sects to give at tention to that whieh Is occurring in Russia at the present time? Is there no high command, no sagle~ eyed and lonshearted generalship to discover the plain facts of the conditions as they really exist, to discover the purpose of the Sovie. government and its attitude and intention towards Christianity? Hall Against God It Is my personal opinion that some of the reports rehehing us are exaggerated, but there ean be no doubt about the unfriendly ate titude of the Communistio governs ment of Russia towards the Chris. tian Chureh, and its determination to wage war against her, first In fts' own land and then in other USED WITH AN THAT COUNTS To clear this stock at once, we offer, not only the usual reduction featured at Ogle, bue DOUSLE meaning prices that are nothing less than sensational, TN os thas Couns rd on any car 0 pendability, | The d Ford Coupe--1927 model in good condition, Powerful motor. Price. $175 $635 ~ Chevrolet Sedan -- 1929 model, only, driven very small mileage. Looks and runs like a new car. Price, ERE is a duction Sale to . a i secure the new Chevrolet parallel in a 0 This Geeat Double Re. bargain seekers to used cars that counts" at. savings that will be remembered. Du to the trrandous popularity of unusually large stock of fine used cars. THE MOST SPECTACULAR VALUES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED! : Essex Coach--1926 model finish \ OF yearl RED an OK we have an 1927 like in good T way. at $350, duced to Pontiac Coach, Ha Moor 0% 1 you are looking for a real Was. to tor S; Five sue iu come hi' lar event the greater are the Come NOWe=today ! dump doubly reduced values, this . of Ve. 130 condition every car was priced Re" $175 ain, soe this one. Reduced $310 a Oversize springs. Chevrolet model, mileage. Price, Chevrolet model, and have a ride in this one. We are selling this car for, CARS Chevrolet Ton Truck with body, 1929 model. tires, reinforced Extra value for, $695 Coach -- 1928 only driven a small $425 Coach -- 1929 late series, Be sure $550 Pontiac Sedan--1927 model. New tires, motor overhaul ed. Not a mark on paint or upholstery: Price, $425 Sales Limited 88 Simcoe Street North ' Phone 915 Patriok's. Day and the 'progren CHRISTIAN ONITY i re Ae Al the tod | 4 | ¥ 3 small for, ~~ Sprin Special, Special Lay Away Sale Ladies' 4 Coats Days Thurs. Fri, and Saturday |] Fancy tweeds, navy, black, sand and green Poiret Twill, All new 1930 Spring styles, Some feature the cape effect, and others fur trimmed, Sizes 14 Misses' to 44 Women's, A these garments until called deposit will. hold any of $14.95 We are local 'repre- sentatives for LADY MAC FOUND. ATION GARMENTS 'Entire Stock Spring Millinery , For 3 Day Special Of New $2.49 W. A. DEWLAND Limited Oshawa lands, This attitude bas engour-| aged sympathizers of the Boviet rule in this dominion and in the neighboring republie to advance thelr trenches and to rail more sudaclously against God, agalnst Christianity, and Indeed agains. all Jaw and order, We are today greatly weakened by our divisions, we would be greatly strengthened by unity, "There is today, however, & un» ity of thought throughout the Christian world, Tens of thous ands are on thelr Knees praying for the Christians In Russia, Bach Chureh and denomination main. taining its distinctive witness are yet all united in protesting against the persecutions of Christians iv that unhappy land, Church Needs Leadership "The Christian Chureh through- out the world needs religious lead- srahip clear, decisive, bold thinks ing and audacious, and immediate, determined and continuous aetion, We need leaders of high moral and spiritual passion, like a Bt, Paul, to mould opinion against the per. pooutions and the great tribulations which the Christians in Russia are suffering, "It 1s quite likely that the Bove fet government considers this pers seoution a domestic matter, part of her national polly, and' that she would not brook kindly any outside Interference, either of high ecclesiastical authority or of fore elgn diplomatia representations, Indead such Intervention, unless dono In the wisest and most dis- oreot manner, might ageravate the situation and intensity the peree- cution." ro ---- Mes, Watt: "William, will you never get that string untangled for mel?" William: "Well, Pm doing thirty knots an hour sow!" \ KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFF IX Tells D speptics hat to Eat Strict Diets Often Unnecessary It fn a well known fact that seme foodd have a an tendency to produce excessive tomach acidity and consequent . indigestion, y il ne Yom daily meals food that rionee proves do 0 1e8 An Hmiting the dist to. certain ante " a tiaing foods, stomach troubles Way in many instanced, be slowly evereams, ] times in ten, however, indigestion, gan, wie, Ale due to ewe ne weidity and the pramas ee souring of in the Stamey . I] the Hamas clean and sweet by freslag of 4 d po than ull aud hes' me oes | » ol people Wo this ely faning ahey. every Fy \ wre Mastaxia, which can \a an drugstore in either powder or tables \ nuratod ne tantly neturalises stomach ag Agnes |] i hy Slaps ormentation and meals fl huni 4 the stomae! Government Is Safe Until Parley Ends -- London, March 10=The Mane Donald Labor Goverpment 18 ase sured of a lease of life until the naval conference is finished, least, This is the Interpretation b well-informed circles of the d8 gislon of the Liberal parliamentary party yesterday to abstain from voting in the eritieal division over the coal bill In Parliament on Thursday night, Augur to Face Perjury \ Charge Next June Ottawa, Mar, 10-~Louls M, Aus ger, former members of Farlla- ment for Prescott County, wil stand trial on the charge of pers Jury at the general sessions of the peace here in June next, After the grand Jury in the Ottawa Bpring nasizes of the Ontario Bupreme Court had found a true hill sEeinst him yesterday, the trial was laid aver until the next sessio™ on the request of defence counsel, He Jisaded insufMelent time to prepare (is case to permit of the trial being proceeded with at the present as sluon, I ---------------- Gandhi Forbids Disciples To Carry Pocket Money Borsad, Bombay, India, Mar, 19, Mahatma Gandhi and his band of volunteer ofvil disobedience marchers arrived here this evening from Napa, Some of the Gandhi's volunteers evidently have carried thelr own pocket money hitherto, because the leader yesterday forbade thig and directed hin men to apply to thelr captain In case of need, "Scarface Al" Is Still Missing Since Release New York, Mareh 10==Despite the vigilance of many persons, in- cluding interested detectives, 'Soars face" Al Capone, Chicago's boss racketeer, had suceeeded up to to- night fn remaining hidden in the eobourity into which he vanished upon his release from prison Mon. day afternoon in Philadelphia, Propose National Park Rainy River Watershed Washington, D.C, Mar, 10-=The Nolan bill to create a national park of the Rainey Lake watershed was sent fo the house today with the ap- proval of its publie lands coms wittee, Ax It eume to the measurs was minus an amendment designed to protect developments proposed by the Minnesota ight and Power Company on Cabro and Bald Kagle lakes, The measure proposes to preserve existing lake levels foi wecle beauty, house, the Representative Nolan, Republi oan, Minnesota, author of the bill, made the report recommending it to. the house with endorsements from the state, foterior and agri- eulture departments, from conser vation societies and from world Ww velerans organisations of the United States and Canada, FINE CONSULTATION ACHING FEET WILL yUT LINES IN YOUR FACE March 80, 1080 Consult ¥, P, SWARTZ, of Toronto, Painless Chivopodist and Foot Npecialist, will visiy wre for one day only at the Genosha Hotel, All fotmms of "fool trouble treated, Po you realise how: import» ant the feet are? Do you give them the care they deserve! We all must use them and seldom Is. there anything more uncemtortable and ane noylng than sore or tired feet, Corrective boots or shoes supplied, 'also ortho pedic shoes wade to order. and elastlo stockings for varicose velnn and light weight arch supports, Mike your appointments at the GENOSHA HOTEL KX Ne: Bast ONHAWVA Hours from § a.m, to TUTE Prices Moderate One Day Only Registered under the Drugs less Practitioners, NOT JUST AS GOOD--BUT THE BEST Not Equal To put Superior To All L&W, SCRANTON COAL Rest an healthy oh! Sach Salo teams . Ww 0 yon ath M aking Risrated agiesia your daily tet-eating protection, Potatoes L 90:1b, BAG ) V. LANDER Phone 58 Mixed Sate Por 100 Iba. TE $2.40 | ns _. PHONE 203 HOGG & LYTLE, Limited 84 CHURCH ST.

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