THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 : PAGE SEVEN latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges ngrad returned, ures Are Low: when compared with $4,110,766 12 | took ; ch hr he! frost ane Fall wh | January, 1929, a considerable in oo yoy 4 Detticum uotie Mis Fi. one ang 1 ere § 0 Martamas J. wan Mine , seconds, 27 to "e, But Losses Increase] crense auni® is noted, The extra i i Topic. | duction ta ion "Study. Buck Was ook ind a oronto, the tock ar P rices Butt pNG, creamery, solids, 34% "| ordinarily. high figuros for Mabiil. | $ONArY program consisted of lopie.t very thoroy ly given by: Mrs..Ro har Fnand, y 0 n to ier No. 3 Wher : Ottaws, March 10. -- As oon ties wh Jue to ho tallure, ot) Nkraialant a, Cody iy Now le ers and next c "chapter by by Mrs: W w. Bb rents, ! Press 1 y Hgh. | (A280, Lro1erage 9 a man chard; vocal solo, ie | Beman, E. Bema, trea M Ww, Marke Summary by Osnadian cream Spel, 28 so to | pared with Taguary, 1020, o sig ties in excoss of #5,0000,000, 10 | Brace: Reading, Mrs. Clarence Al | sire, Me, a donation of 320 a list, Y Valier sre he' wth and 4 : oo ulce 1, 87 to 3c; ons in the number of assign Ontario, hm Terome and Bow Sark 4ineh Supplied by Cheese-~No, 1 large, colored, rh ment u der the Bankruptcy nd v lin, A social nissting will be Lsid(A ter Heten and Marjorie Lycett gnd at 'the former's 'home In Bee ; Mond I h 17, wi Biggar and Crawford, ; allied and government graded a Winding-up Acts, ss reported to on Monday even ng, Mare h hy on Iasi isten and Marioris Lycelt lington, c, 1 Lek Port Hope Y s Spring chickens over 5 wr 25 MF Cd, Raper Ag Sadie NEWCASTLE NEWS rt J by the local fea ue, thelr father, A, Lycett, Oshawa, Mrs, Harold Allis, who has been Wr, Har. 185 188 2 was experienc d 'n January, 1980, tertaine Walnwell 6 b [] do, 4 to 5 tbs, ' 2% : \ do, under 4 tbs, 18 22 increase, Commercial tallures num y: "Then wh: don't yohu work?" | in the Sunday school room last| G, Rundle ethesda, left 1a ( Sun-| Misses Greta M Maple Hens, over 6 Ibs, 2% bered 261 in January, 1080, as iM "I tried that but it made | Thursday afternoon, with a oplendid diy' for Bids to attend the funeral | Grove, and Nelle Kirkton "of Bow~ do, § bs, 26 compared with 26s in the same |me hungrier." attendance, President, Mrs, W. P| of their brother, Sylvester Potter, a|manville, spent the hin end with Newcastle, Marc 13~The Young| Rogers, presided. Reports from va-|mephew of the late Dr, L, Potter of the Misses Dorothy and Evelyn 321 while the Uabflities of the assis a-- The regular meetin the Wo:| Mrs, George Joli, of this village, | critically ill in Bowmanville Hosphtal 2 nors stowed a very considerable Bs eggar: "I am Jungry, y men's Missionary Society {ook place secompanied her sister," Mrs, is now convalescing, do, 4 ths, 26 month of the previous year, And do, under 4 Ibs. 2% 234 in Deceruber, 1029, People's Society met in the Sunday] rious secretaries were heard, hi Fnniskitien, Rickard, west of the vl Yourig ducks, § 1b 2% 32 The liabilities of the assignors. | School room of the United Chure PrOgEAm was in charge of Mrs. J.| Mr, and Mss, Frank Gibson have| Congratulations sre being extend. oung 5, 9 Ibs, amounting to 8,061,100, 48 com- | on Monday evening, After the us| A, Butler and Mrs arr font fated the Chapple house from 8.|ed to Miss Lorine Batty on 20 paisite 1088 | Young turkeys, dressed, 35 to' 40c. | pared with $8,060,234 in Decor. ual games, cop. ucted by John Ash. | groups, Mrs. Butler was in charge than, who Is making some| her Junior plane ey .minations of Guinea fowl, pair, $1.75, ber, 1929, showed a large increase; ! ton, the president, Clarence Allin,! of devotional ~ period, after which Se ns to It Toronto Conservatory of Musle, AR -» 00 «3 00 = - WOW MIS Te a - WONOM SEPP FSR SESE RRS 13 ; - TRA JE ARDEA IWS wom FE FRERF pay ; aver: not sha arch 19--Th largest ke, (A210. Te. 110 [oN bank i x ra th resources In 1 ace lk Ibs. 10.75 to 1125; | ovees $2,800,000, was formed 20-20 | ibe. to 1060; packing i when d rectors of "the Ease. National k, the Equitable Trust company ry the Interstate [ccmuoiiaption oF the thes Insciutions: ion of the nst! bined bank will operate un- charter of the tigre 'Service Your Tires Toronto Mining Mart Tototto, Mireh T9.--The mite . Dominion Tire Depot owners have ing market, during the early ses sion today, showed little response Sa B a reputation to maintain, They to the activity evident on the remaining irregularly lower nd i realize that a job well done reflects 1] the volume of turnover light, International Nickel was strong t --- credit on the whole organization eed {4 ate wae off & low conta trom | aa aig clos. "T0 oid, which : | that a job poorly done brings diss were mized, Dome recovering 10 bo! : credit. to $9.15 and Hollinger § to $5.85, Hi \ Lake Shore receded a quarter to emir | The owners of these Dominion Tire ¥ Vetitures, whose annual 'state: | 3 PJ i Depots are building on a sound ment will be in the hands of share ps ' | holders early next week, was up ¢ To f I . basis. 1.80, but I Basin held " while leonbridge od x ; roo. : : . i ih Fi wn | From them you may obtain tires at Home Of receding 18 lo $5.75, AF | ; I | the price you wish to pay -- each berta Pacific 5 to $1.8 ret ¢1a i, ails 254 io io Aa tire the best value obtainable in PRODUCE QUOTATIONS : x. | Canada at the price. ing produce at the folowing prec : Sl From them you may obtain. the er ag Na periodic tire inspection service Wicca ma 57 A Cid : \ which will do so much to lengthen CALMONT OLS, Ls Ly | bk ond. the life of your tires. | Il ([(//8 From them you may obtain repairs Calssont Wall: No.7 i at a depth ot fil vii | Ronestly and skilfully executed, = 9,665 foot and Well No. 10 is drilling , : , / 8 1,410 fost. Well No. 11 was spud asters, the 'wo | \ J Let Dominion Tire Depot ¢ oh ded in on Saturday, -- 8 and 4 ave our stock Pit seventy feet below. | A crew fs ) ne : oo (c% Rr the saving i ' sysing wp Well No. 12, apd at Well pr PERSP of months or years, Preparatory to running the casing. At No. 1 well the new whipstock is being cemented and at No. 2 getting ready : th rs : the .