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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1930, p. 11

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- PAGE ELEVEN {nieets CT] . Seller ON specialist in Se-- GW, TUOK; = OPTO eo musele © soos V8 08 750 Cshowa, Pon Bo " yr ned gre Medical DR M yal: CIAN.. SUR co and resi: woThel 14 tweon. Obstetrlbian, veto to ilo maternity work a* pHing Ev] years' post erence Offle 1] nd ro N. feor, B DR. GR nfanta i hy Ly ad (Mar, 4-1 mo) y to loan. "Alger Bids, op t Bier Phone 1614, ote, pole 5 el special "attention i on to: Xk) work ang Electro: 9, | Office, Disney : Block, Phone 9080, Office open § a.m. to 1] sm. X (desde 161 King Kast. Phone 8414, ¢ . , and 8. din Cig oo and hatet clan Fhane 3020 in Si, hawt 18 P 3158 eon, Oe a Office vata, FE 519 Simooe street north. PST Sh and Obstetrilan, office ya 185 Simcoe Street, amy, ¥ ury ry Lovells ETT fae jas am pox -- ae ear, nose and throat Cg AC Xo be mad: pt | hE he 3 cant oyosi it are and Bye Birain, Chilg and [ts Development, Dis ney Blook opposite Post Of Phone 1510, (Mar, 184 mo) VIS AND. SON, INSURAN A St. west, Os! fh ngy fi, N. Johvs, 80 Simeos oly Insurance wants Ab snd your 'pterests pro. n Os os. {en tected CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE: Bond W Upesialisth | J og LR hg Se 'ware 700 85. uh uliomant id rd 8 Local and" fon vA uling. Hmith & Cozy Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt. West, { ¥ re rs Py Par gh ql e (HR lock, 218 Blas 81 °F AEE [WHY PAY RENT--MOVE cheaper, moving or haulin up: Try un, focal sn distalice, Eagle br age. Phone 0. sh, 38-1 mu) nd -------- TT TROTTING 5 Betty Ward at Bett Permun. anit Ways Shap o. Marcel and shame 1, Phon WATSON'S BARBER Beauty Shop, 9 Gell clalize In ladies' hi eolling, shamogaine, | Xa For app ol ar, 10-1 mo) ri MARIE, LATE OF Paris, France and T. ronto, high class besuty euiture at moderate prices, vl Building HA No, Lu uboxe | He Phone Hoh fired 0 Mrs, MN. , Phone ® 50<1 mo) lugs ang RA yduys, aif Clarke, 3 od Bt Iichmond Bt, and children's to My, Fosh yA and wi A] f tong long RA aildin SA | electric Washer a Ld HE AND WECOND HAND J UR: niture boughtinnd sold, Also local re All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, ne Fn STRICTLY CASH ASH IN ADVANCE his rule bas been found nesdesry been htt php of this neture, i onhanes and number of | 'For thy convenience of sustomsts wha Bad it logins © come per will bring » fasielifty whoy will nd collect for edie, "Times" Classified Teleph ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ' sonally to The Times' office, a telephone call receive the advertisement Ady Bring Results one 35 | Work' Wanted Eo CHESTER: order, W ° ry Th " you Limate Mechanic ha stable, 74 ne ) and Gelivar, 75 cents. jon. tal supplied $1. Batteries re UJ Tle fidadn, 2 Phar 5e1 Wo) gravel, sand, pio and general trucking, Chris Graham, phone 2081IM {Peb, 84:1 mo) NG, VRERBING, DY- 2 y t We Phone in of % Ki Stree a Aning, 4 and ul repairing ER AER aa ; house ou Prince at. Apply U4 A For Rent | ' | like Ra. write lsuny dry, conveniences, ¢lec dryer; ete, 0'00 stoves, elec relrireration, bot water year round, Phone 1560 or 107 (ser) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMEL MOD i jern suites tncluding elestrio refrigy eration, stove, laundry, conven) ences, ete.) continuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 367). r The Trusts " and Gusrsstes 00 4. megager for owner, "aren FUNNIRNED apartmen te, one 'large « aud' ono small, Phone 2071, ; J 23-1 mo) ROOMBD » LBigin wot, (B71) ). | dry cle called f for and red. all goody ode 23 06 Bagot dy (Mar. 1 Ee A Building Supplies {EMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE orders 18 advance oi delivery date. delivery, p w. . Borrovdaie phone it'd de HOUSE TO RENT, FULLY MOD. ern, 6 rooms and garage in perfect condition, McLaughlin Coal wnd Supplies, 110 King Street West, phone 1246. (60¢) | MW Eine Rent moderate; phon IW, (68¢c) | Ushawe apd Ontario County, Plate For Rook, Selesmen PT wo TWO FURNISHED central, VOR R or unfurnished rooms, TO RENT-SEVEN ROOMS, CITY water, electric light, garage, furnace, extra lots , Phone ROOMS AT 94 WILLIAM STHALT East, iting places on wither sides, Phone 754w, (631) TO py -- POULARY, VRUIT nnd fkdey. farin, good, soll, and building, or'h of Bowmanville, Albin Clemens, R.A No; 4; Bow: manville, (87¢' bedroom, suitable for JIght house kooping if desired, Phone 1778W or onl) 216 Alice Bireet, (670) room, 'suitable for two gentlemen, Doard if desired, also garage, Ap. ply 40 Division street, (670) TOW WENT = bedroom, Breakfast or board it de. sired, Phone P1TAW, (076) ' uite bullding, 4 rooms, electric ange, Soirigérhtor, steam, heat, newly decorated, Janitoy orvice, Phone 1400, mi) opable, rental, Conttal 6b¢) to Jet, Nt Phone 1500, Wented To Tobt gufurnished vooms und bath, Close to Motors, Apply Box: 633, Oph dwn Timon. (070) WANTED od louse, in ood Toenlity, No children, Phone 2214, (5) "Real Eviate For Sale new home, square plan, hardwood floors, French doors, six, lovely fooms.. Paved residential street. Builder will sacrifice for 949560, £hone Holden 871W, (87h) r-- conveniences, For particulars apply 456 Agnos St, Phone 810J, (870) SALE~FRA rooms, good cellar, College Mi dls. trict, Apply 473 Montrave Ave. (68a) THREE HUNDRED FIRTY DOL. lars buys lot 40x117 with new three roomed dwelling. Coleg e hill district, easy terms, app! Come. (68¢) TO RENT ~~ ELEVEN ROOM apartment, - over the New. Martin Theatr . possession April Ist, reasons able rent, Apply Ernie Marks, New Martin Theatre, delive 'Articles For Sale D AND SOFT WOOD BARS load. Also bone dr Hor Tid aterous Meek Limjef. LNB MAN CO D| od Paeos paw ARd used planoe, istest models; torus A pron rr [+ Trail, Br [} eggs, d0c per dosen, § dos, for $2 delivered. (06e) for sale. AD iy 97 Moutravo ave, Phone 1741 We (870) 215 Mary street, Plone TT8M, oan afternvon or evening, (0th ood condition. A bargain, Pho fics 2980W or 2448W, "| Ls (870) right piano, snd Biuger drop head sowing machine, nearly new. Av ply 73 Oshawa Divd, 8%) tubes, size 20 x B00 with 20 In, rim, Phone 1084M, (670) two years and other household apr tigles. 425 Bimoow North, Rhane 4 \ (870) oval bargain for h, Phone P lekerin | fstunce er ing: 186 and long H, Phones hE | Bloor 8, K, closed CAT, state make und your to Box 084 Times, (8h) 8 a cars, old and radi ators, Phone Vio, hh, and rt 0 King W. Te DL plage 8 (Mar, 1«1mo) | Diviston street. (Maron 1.1 me) [I APARTME NT TO RENT--EVERY convenience, Furnished of unfurnishs ¢d, Apply 148 Athol St, East, Phone 475K, (68a) TWO SMALL APARTMENTS TO rent, all conveniences, Apply 437 Sime coe Street South, 'hone 507. (68¢c) TO RENT-FURNITHED APART. ment for light housekeeping, convens ences, near Motors, Phone 2297, 108 Colborne, East, (08¢) UNFURNISHED 0LAT FOR rout, Three rooms. Wired for eleer trie stove, hardwood floors, Apply to 321 Dearbourn Ave, (041) FURNISHED THREE ROOM apartment on ground floor, All eon veniences with garage, in quiet home, 251 Arthur Street, phone P09W. FOUR ROOM HOU $18 gardge extra, phon¢ 063 t A hort Street. TO RENT-TWO ¥U light housekeeping rooms, heat, water and telephone, 1'hone 2004, (670) APARTMENT TO RENT IN QSH- awa's business section, Kleetrie stove, kitoheu cabinat, combination sink and laundry tub, refrigera- for, Newly decorated, Nteam heat. Possession May, $405 per month, Dox 718 Timex, (071) FOR RENT--NEW LIGHT ROOM brick house, livery convenlenoco, Apply Mrg, C, H. Stinton, 187 Gib: bons street, Phone 30057, (87h) FURNISHED - HOUS PING reoms to rent, Private entrance, Central, J Avety ¥8 Bim street, Phone 1 (87¢) im D light, rooms, furnished or unfurnished. heat, Mght and water, Apply 63 Minimum charge 80c, (68) | 9 il tarlo, FOR SALT cit Sta SIX ROOMED house. on Lauder Rd, oak floors, french doors, electric mantel, side drive, Snap for quick sale, Phone ISOW, 08c "For Sale or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE OR RENT=2 room brick house all Sanvehienced. | Exchange far. smaller one or rent Immediate possession, Apply 2600! Athol St, (60¢) TOR FALE OR EXUHANOE, BIX room house and gerage with an conveniences, Will take ear or small house, Apply 220-Clarke St, Phone 1818W, (87¢) roomed house, central location, Will accept Inte model Ford. Ap ply Dox 708 Times, (4%) Room and Bowd 3 ROOM 1 gentlemen, aad if desired,' also warage to rent. Apply 152 Elgin East Phone 1040 (68( board, also lady companion 'Wants ed for lady between thirty and for ty. Phone 1510W, (660) with single room. Apply 156 4thes ALA Phone 8104, ROOM AND. BOARD TN ro ate home, suit two gentlemen, Har ue, 112 Gladstone Ave, (68h) ROO busingss girl, who Js willing to share' room with another girl, Phone 1453M, (68h) HOO for 8 business girly, Convenient to Gonera) Motors. Apply Dox 828 Times, (48p) 3 PLUMBER ---- NONE but experianced men need apply, by letter stating age, und experience. A, Notlatt, Hex de3, Darrle, One \ (870) orienced on Chev Apply 'Ontario Motor hy 09 Simcoe Bt, N CH b) Tut bo tirat 'Olaks, toa y 'position to right party, Adply tor aboclntment ante, Must be rolot Sales us b tublequant "oonaeaus v8, Jnsurttun 19 per Three oon five users Tore ws a giving phone number to Box Times, . | [1] + Situations Wanted kind of work, b AG sires houtekeepihng, or Houstcleanin tof Jeferences, Apply: Box YOUNG \ 25 VE M TT WANTS Tires, os: SON all tailing tes, coffee, spices, extracts, y day. Apply w Cels a fy . A DUBINESS OF YOULL OWN RE- toilet preparations, opening in age and whether your prefer city or rural territory to Red Bird Pro. ducts, 27. John street, Hamilton, (075) Nursing i, ity, Invalid, or general nursing, Kiormation phone 1298), (Feb, 24 RE ul "CIRCULATING ibrary, You will enjoy thading the fatest Fiotiop at minimum cost. Phore 1473, 87 Clmeos Bt. Noni. (Tr Dancing 7 4 [TADAME TENDIE 001, of 'dancing and physical iy 3 Bond. Street East, Lessons given tach evening from 6 pms and on, Seturdays from /10uam, For terms call or phone 3297W, ut: above hours, vr (Mare19-1 Mo) a Corsetiere CORSETIERE=PLEASE PHONE 248), Mrs, Derumsux fof particur ars; of the new Btting-4ine in Spi. ella, District North ' Gast, after 5 p in, NH rosentative, north" west and south oast digetiots, 106 Frederick street, Phone 3180M, (Mar 15-1 mo) ng AEMSTITCHING NINE CENTS per yard, Pleated. Skirts from one dollar up, beautiful embroidery work, including etikirpn s weariall on sale, The Dell. Shop, 2014 J | Simcoe South, (Mar, 19-1 mo.) A Cars UHTYOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 83 Bond street west, Phone 5198. All cars at one price $1.00. (March 1-1 mo) S (Mar. 12 tf) he fearned counsel glarelt it 'thé witness, "Arg you positive, sir," he demand- ed, "that the prisoner is the man who stole your car}' "Well," answered, the witness, "1 was anti! you crosseexamined e, Now I'm not sure whether 1 ever had a cor ot all"=-Lgthbridge flee. Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain, ow to. Trest ---------- Medical autherlties state that near ly nipe-tenthis of the, cases of stom ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc, wro due to an exceis dish droehlore acid in the stomach, Tite délicase stomach lining is iva digestion in delayed po fdod "sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms which eve ery stomach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not needed In such cases and may do real harm, Try laying aside ull digestive wuids und instead get from uny druggist some Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful of powder or four tab. lets In water tight after cating, This sweetens the. stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain, Bisurat- ed Magnesia (in powder or tablet form--never liquid or milk) is harms less to the stomach, Inexpensive to take and is the most-efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes, It Is used hy thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no mote fear of indigestion, "COZY COTTAGE" #8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 fruit trees, 3 mile from Lake, 03% miles from Oshawa, mail delivery, phone, close to school and church, Bargain $1,000, half cash, balance easy, DISNEY Phone 1580 Pets and Live N Ally males, § months old. pedigreed and registered, Irish Terrier. at stud: Star Xennels, Port Whitby, (470) TAMESWAY HATCHED CHIC RS his trap-nested - breeders, 8. White Leghorns, barred rocks, nite Wyandottes. Write or phone for éatalogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Farm, 144 Park Road North hry Bllonea 1887]. 13977. (Mas. 21 te] ENTLIN WOME "WADE PORR a AU a ll lh Ol Rl CE Cl tl lA Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION - CLOTHING CO, on Ki NG 81. Ww, (hone Bid) We Deliver LUMBER | | | | | ples, steak and kidney ples bol or cold brawn, takes and pastries, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple s*rgot.- Plone SEITE pr il Mulching Paper Reports Trem vers of Mulching Paper in Ontario say: "We had a gol crop in spite of the dry seas n"="We had cucumbers long bes Tore our neighbors, melons and tomas soa wate earlier and Yelded far ne ia ever before" Send for FREE SAMPLES, Write Halliday, Box 212 Hamihon, a (56-39-62.65-08-71-74 uction AUGQTION SALE-~--HAVING Ho galved instructions 'o sell for Mrs. Hranson on her ptoperty Park Rd. North near Rossland Rd., all hep household furniture and ethed goods consisting of piano, grames phone, parler suite, dining room suite, tables, chairs, . cuphourds, wardrobe, « stoves, linoloumd, care pets, dishes, tools, plow, harrows, 1 M, H, oream separator, 4 inous bators, ¥ brooders, iV Rock heows, a8 Leghor all laying, Other things too merous to mention, the above goods are all in Al con: dition, Sale Saturday, March 23nd, 1930, at 1.80 p.m, Terms cash, W, J. 'Bulley, Auctioneer, (060) RRR RL a TENDERS FOR FIRE. MEN'S UNIFORMS rate ate folios for any or all of the following supplies for the Fire Department will be received ™ he Jnlorsighed wp until § pan, Fr fay, Mar, regulation Firemen's unitortia and extra, trousers, 84 Firstiop! s shirts, 22 regulation' Firemen's hats. Speci cations and information may be obtained from the Fire fof, T, Hare, "City Clerk, 'Notice of Registration 3' of Boy Scaled se DAE F. L, BEECROFT | Whithy Lumber and Wood Xard "hope Oshawa 824 i i Whitby 18 W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fanltiess Lenegs . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to DisneyyCott AMBULANCE 87 Colina 8t. Phono 1088 A HARRY rLoons LAID | Klootrie Suge and Finishes | Complete Ww. J TICK TOW LID, | 20 Albert Street | t'hone 880, S81 [Provinded 'dnd Dorlition Will Soon Get Together in Taxation Conference fetorin, March 2) conference between various provisces and, the Dominion Government for discuss ing taxation in general, will be' eall- ed at an carly date, Hon. R, H, Poo- ley, Attorney-General of British Cos fnbia announced' yesterday, In making the announcement, Mr, Pooley stated that recent increased charges on Crown-granted ' timber, the fuel oil tax and other tax ine creases vere of Interest to neighbor~ ing provinces and also concerned the Dontinion, ---------------------------- WILLIE'S PLEASANT JOB Having been absent from ' schoo! one afternoon, Willie presented his teucher next morning with a note from his mother, "Please excuse the absence of Wil fie yesterduy afternoon," it ran, "He had to take, his father to the circus, wHalifax Chronicle, Th . EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialising enclusively in muscle anomalies o t and glasses, gr Phone1516 Disney Block © . Opposite Bard Offve Drink Delicious Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at Supesice Chain LOANED ! Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holdez MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD, Fels, Block, Room 8 Phone $790 gy STORE King & | HARDWOOD FLOURS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old tloors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors, General contractors. B, W. HAYNES, Residence 180 » 8 161 King St. W, Phono 481 | Lumber Co. 74 Athol 8. W., Oshawa Phones 18-1111, & wood, T tion; far it lumber, SR otic is hereby given that a 1 was passed hy the awa, on the 2nd day , providing for the is Reb enture to the amount of dood for the purpose of purchase ing a 'combined fire-pumper and hoteteugh | fire protection, and that daw was registered In the pe fice at Whitby, County 9 n the 16th day of Des Any metion to quash e.the same or any i made within: first publication "ot igannot be Made theres hn ne 1808 Ty of Mirch, 1930, re, ork, (62-68-24) fig ) » » light Where Shall You ; j Use Pine ?, Yau know wood is to wor NY y and screws A holde paint ON a smooth, beautiful surface? Pine has been called a versatile ho ly het i» ' 3 it takes mails. wives 4 § bud lt Vo dis. WER It "gan be used for exterior dnd * interior purposes; ir is hh, Sot § soft wood Is t gives complete ) used, Bm 8 it is idea] wherever | agtion

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