THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 equipment would not be adequate, | ut the cormer of Breda and Cole oni, 67; Blew, gi; 'Pamsetls| 7 pm, gupjoot; The Hye of the vivalt ¥riday, 6, , Trail Rang- " ! Aand the Townslilp Council wapted |borne streets wheke the\water as go; B. soregen 48 60); Mugrer, 64; {Lord --Ps. 33; 18, A lewtty wel- | etn; 7.45 Tuxis Boyh, Viellots ate So Skinn ! Hata: come extended to all 'always welgome, ) { to feel that in such 8 It up over: sidewalk ahd pe in call upon the Town of, Whitby fof Finn Ta wen oe ont, bess pon oo ron, hi by di nar ui a United: Cherch, miuisr, Whithy Baptist Qhupeh-T, v, fe Wilson 8 ro 4 11 he mong wor. | Het Seah Lil In'Bathing Suit. assistance, The same might oy This was ong. ot he ot places ply to fart buildings in the % in town, he thought, A Portion of Yarobonky, 48; Keer, 48; Mareh 23, 11 arin "morning WOT" | 'clansen for all ages, 8, L. Fire | met 0 ship whee Whithy's equipment | Byron str port nour the resi 4oou, 40; Anderson, 44; Ross, ons ship, special preacher, Dr, D. M. | superintendents 11 t. W heli, " might be. of & use, dence of r, Vin Wyck, Downie, 3% Cows, 91; Hark: | Meld his, gonoras secretary, $0: | worship, subjest, nd To- Gained 15 Ths. By WH Ahe net His | Worsp = Mayor Dowman | which fs gery "Bhd condition 'and | ness, kingor, '96; Clarke, |'oial service and Evangelism, Band | coche for Gooart) 79M thought that this question should | causing de property, wos | 85; Bell, 24; Johnson 22; Corw | of the United Chureh; 3 pim., af" | of o ghort wei / fon 0 To of Whith bo referred to the Fire sand Light |also nrentione hy, Hoave Juckson, | ish,' fad K, Sleep, 4; . Bloep, 6) |ternoon« worship af Almonds; 7] yan ontod Coa Tron aha ve pastor For unsd 18, or, sak Committee" for a report, He told| Councillor Duvidagn; reported a, .0; Burr, 0, pan, evening oi at both or oN, Mon ¥, 1 AL " Was always nd] Mr, Moekey Juat he felt sure Shut that ho bis in Intention of the orm IG, Arti Clowgltod, J » i; } Hin BYR on in "iin # of pon ay to wear bathing suis some satisfactory arrangement | Streets Committee to make n tout 964° J, MoArthur, 06; 8, Stettler ' nine lok y hoi Ling i" rome Ltapgmant vas net was not to ive he town Mmbia, could bé made, © {of the streets at an early date. td 0, M Mihalko, 95; ' R, Wiisher, ' groups, wosduy, 40 pi io oy I He hiang not i uld 've pines Jf there 'was, he opined tht tl. Reeve Jackson opined that If ascertain what work was required, | 90; a, Btotfler, 86; R, Merriam, | Wednesdn | Mens nd ho hur dar: ' fp Fulah Lanningham. tom ihe Town of Whitby {seemed like a pavdahip on rosf nis there swan o seriops fire An Brooke and to remedy wevera! complnings, | §4;- ©." Bendon, 81; 1. Merriam.' is 189 prayer and praise-meeting, BHAT, | mioueands write of § to 15 Ibs tig eduipment "could bo of places Tn close" proximity to Whey there would bo me difficulty in [At the present.time wih the frost i M, Corbett, 78; 1, Glevrke, 70; esses on '| ' Re. | 7,80 p.m, choir, pasetioe, Visitors | oof ei is Boeke with Irodized ho Whithy awe or other (town for the Counell to refuse (0lgeouring the service of the town's | not out of the ground and cone |C, Gentle, 45; K, Hoard, 84) 1, vivals," Caivinand the Swiss Re- | siways welbome, east, Bony linghs round out, Ugly Bn oi 5. thy 4 Sawnubip, Reove | 10nder help where It could be lps fighting equipment, siderable ditghivg required, very | Hownsd, 68; N. Bennett, 61: J o fill in, Ballow skin gets heals ting| utilized to advantage..Mr. Mackey |" "Roeve Jackson pointed out that |little street work eould be done | Maddatord, 52; J. Wilson, 51; brs a pi olor | like, magie, Nertouthes, {]] constipation sappear 0 Township Coline, rh od on {pointed ont that while in Brook: | .evi to the pass! t the committee's intent! 3 the Town Coungll at its Meeting Hn there was o Shemical trick iy prohibiting rr Ah on ary A the oY Canara bro, i sui. 48, 4. Yin : overnight, Sound sleep, New health 'on Monday evening, ' whigh had rendered vila 0 a 'ment to leave town, the local fire- [improvement program for the sea-{ Compierciul . B, History=--m. ) nd pep from very first day, Addressing the fouhall, Reeve in five' fighting not only In haf fopen ang * thelr trucks were fre |#on, and. considerhble gravelling Middaf rd, 66; W it ty 0) Cc " reat tonics in one-specis) Mackey guinea | 2 Jaore was village, but fu Ashburn, Kinsale |e, ity catied to extinguish tires|will be done, ag well as sidewnlk | li » armitage, \ b wig. ilding Malt - Y, p d "hard and fat Sule wiitue : and Shay oytiging Place, i the in automobiles along the highway |repairs, ' M, Nowmag, 76; rsssionky, 10 ; News of what the Scouts of Oshaws engehening Iron, Pleasant ttle on . year even of n ous LJ) 1d ' 4 the town's tite: fighting equipment threatened to cause great loss this Shieh we ari a, yaius, Hogs, '69; N. Green, 85; B. Ab- 4 V are doing contributed by. the scout iablel, Far Songs ru unmedics« tion for this service, The Town of HIGH SCH nw REPORT Th Jorson, 8 TH Harrleen, 50; 1 a Contributions to this column will be So! quit being ashamed of "si ni Whithy, had over $10,000 invest. The on Hep E the Faouits ably, tai ¢ Hi Ye tute and should be" sent to' the ness," sallow skin, Get Ironized - ca nie hive Saigmat | oH Bont Bmoatons bid} yy iain Siku 1 Tinie vs Tim ST is emo ip rt ' ous! Lu LL , Gibson rmitage, 67; oming each 'wes! : ¥ Gi Launches : New -- Jouve the town every time a fire a mY yy Soometry vy Roveet. Newman, 66; H. Webster, 59; 1, m wk ® nuiacturer if mot delighted" with It wis suggested to Mr, Mackey Jiang. y 3 Proper, 43; Ha Sinithe br N Mg 5 ad od dow : oy, 78; , Maun y ; By J y 02} ' i a | thit the Township might Insure | derson, 60; ,J. Grant, 48; I; Salls- SCOUT EDITORIAL any little ideas for stunts not Rtdierith. vent of she Troop had the town's trucks while travelling | Quinn, 41, 1 its de-1in readiness, Soap Sensation on towpship roads, An accident Forms 4 and 5, Ldterature~--~K. i, 43 Fy Ptr 1 ". u gy igh ping ia comin plank ius de. And who is going to do. all this? |an evening of games, y on a towniliip road about two years | Lomax, 87; M, sWesfhey, 76; LCF ant © ' s ets brighter, so the thoughts of all | Certainly the' Scoutmaster cannot At quarter to nine the meeting was Wo lave Held some vextrhordinary Sales and have placed ago which cost the town over $1, | Bascom, 75; QO, ~ Robbrison, 74; fF 00 ts an to the life of the out-|be expected to do it all, called to order, and finished with the before you some seemingly impossible values ---- but to the 000 was recalled, M. McArthur, 67; J, MaeConnell, doors, /It is up 10" you, to arrange with Scoutmaster's talk and yarn, bost of our memory ~- We have never befora made such a Mr. Mackey stated that nothing | 97) Ci. Worfodk, 66; M, Okhorne, f 1 your Patrol Leader to have a week- i 1. Brawley, 50° K. omp- IN THE CHURCHES Week end campy, 'patrol gamps, | Yo camp, or i you are a Pr L, it Ib ih 7 COUT NOTICES i sensational Soap suggestion ns we offer you this week, Here had bben said "with regard to a 60; I bh; ; the big Summer camp for the i800 new soup by - financial arrangement being made, | #o% 65; ¥. Newman, 55; J. Bent: OF WHITBY \ an head, | up to you to make the arrangements e e 35. B, Chap | 'roop are all things which are aheac meet oh Friday in the YMCA, as 1avine, 54s. B. Chap] but each boy should start vight now for the Patrol, pro: Th y . 3} but he felt sure that the Town of | oY, EF Th White 38. M, Puck Whitby would do what was right] man, 43; R. White, 28: M. Fue to-learn how to caak and do, the vari| . There if nothing so good for health, [Coty of Honour--7,00 pm, 0 V. . , . Col ate Fairsex ud tals by the 40Wnehip. | ou. BH; 'abwa, 2. Calum, J. Pat The following ave the notices |°%* things demandfd of cmmnpers, happiness and initiative as the Camp Troop Meeting--7.30 p.m, FL ct fi Bh el form 8, Ane, History--L, | of Sunday servizes and other meet. | While gating iy not the soul of dy p Yoh ous he i hy * | Boys must have rubbers or rinning carrying with ft ol the prestige of the Colgate, Pulmolive Cor carefully copsidered by the Five Pringle, 0147 - L. Levide, 87; | ings of the week in the churches | camping It-forms u great part of the -- i} shoes for usc on the 'gym, and must H Light ¢ tte by { Rosettanl, 6; BE, Bird, 77; 13. [of Whitby: camp work, und good wholesonre foo SCOUT NOTES bring their good turn slips with then, Pure in Qualit Daipty in Perf le Canal (eo WHA Dy the | Lawler, 74; M. Merriam, 70; W. : well cooked and cleanly served makes |. 9 i a ure in Quality, -- Jaipty in rerrume whele Counc | Baker, 70; C. Greenfiold, 67: M. All Baints--Bundey March 328, a great difference to the ciijoyment | Very soon the posters advertising | gu. Troon When the duestion of Satisfactory in use and lasting properiies. Sold to you at on Ree ouslder. Binders | Wostiiey, 07: J, MeOlintoek, 64; | third Sunday in Lent, Holy Com-|of the camp, ind ct pt the Sneriment I camp for this year came up, thd u price that appears ridiculous, but it 48 intréductory only : hough Jou onllers raaimel W. Gordon, 61; O, Mswiand, 60} munion, 8 a.m, Morning Prayer 11 Another thing to be sure Of know {ready Slat bute trees to ¢ # wi. Scouts declared, "Scouting would not and "this offer won't be repeated." colved for temming asd trucking,' y J" 756.0 Gu K, Wood, | ®m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Evening | jug when going to camp, Is clemen- | erm Will be appearing around the [he Scouting awithout a week or two for the season of 19304he Streets 60; TI, Btion,.46; M. Mantel), 45; | Frayer, 7 p.m. theme of sermon, tary first ald, countryside, under canvas," Before anything de : . Committee. reported to. the Coup- P. Levine, 43: MH. Meal, 40: H 'No Escape," Holy Communion at- ceidents do not always convenient These posters have been sent to |gnise could be decided, however, it uy 3 a es alrsex oap ot, that it was unable to reath 4 Morridm. se: V Halo 88; H. Ag: | ter Evening prayer, Wednesday, [ly happen. when the Scoutmaster is | every Troop in town and with them wpe suggested that the Scouts ask dedision, and recommendedy that bits Lf Coke, 87+ i, | Mareh 26, Rev. J; 1, Ward, M.A, | near, and while it is not a usual thing the suggestiofi that Scouts might help their parents' permission to camp, the tenders be laid over for fur-| Ad %: 'y. Obmaonn, oF J. [vector of Bt, Btephén's, Toronto, |to have accidents in a Scout (EAE, this"werk by doing some missionary | yzg op) patrol is studying for a pro at 30¢ thor consideration. 'Tho. question | feike "43 © oo COREE S43 401 ge, John's, Port Whithy--Rector, yet there is always the possibility, | work amongst the farmers and offer- | gejency badge, which they expect 10 of purchasing a truck for'haulipg | dP ps Lite Rev..D, B. Langford, third Sunday [and we must be prepared Ing to plant frees on wasteland, pass this month Form 11., Latin~R, Ayleg- 3 : gravel for the streets is still un- worth, "0; Maud Smith, 911 4. in Lent, 11 am, and 7 p.m, ser After having given thought to| ) _-- ) "- a ' : der advisement and the committee Ai . , 3 vices; 3 p.m, Bunday School and |these two items of camp life," some The Fourth Troop's concert will be | Her And Recelve thought that untill some. definite Lovins, AL M: Heard, Abi A Scott, bivle classes, Thursday (today), | consideration should be Riven to the [held on Friday of this week in the 2, Sevanth Cubana Bey ~ cou will declylon was reached awarding ae. | 817 D. fice, 78; A K of iby rd 7 pm, W, A business and devo- | matter of camp lay out, agd sanitary | Rotary Hall, meet as usual an Friday night next . coptance of tenders should be laid pM. Mac onuell, 1 Ki Sop 8 vii tional meeting in the. Sunday | conditions. All of those i who possibly can, |i 8t, George's Parish Hall, Centre 3 Ca es Fairsex oap over, 'The committee will present |X: Wood, 65; D. Smith, 66; School hall Wednenday, March 26,0 On these, health and happiness de- | should attend this entertainment | Street at 730 pm a report at the Council's next | Res, 65; J. McQuay, 63; P, Levive. ls pm, W, A, po rigs meeting and | pend, and too much thought cannot [which has been steadily growing bet- ' a meeting two weeks hence, 02; M, Niddery, 56} T. Mandersou, sen in the 8.8, AH % pm, choir be given to these points, ter Jreey year that it has been given, The Seventh Oshawa Wolf Cul § i ) F b The Chairman of the Commit. | 02; P. Neal, 60; Mary Smith, 60; | practies, and 8 p.m. service, ad- hen thinking of the serious side | = This year promises to be the. best or A ; tee. Councilor W, J. Davidsrn, re. | D. Butler, 50;1 I. Davey, 49; M. dress on "The Five Books of [of camp i vir lye, and the Joys have been working | Pack tore ae anen Cub Pack wil ported verbally that wh ctain Hol! 8; H, Blms, 48; B, Gale, PMonen," Discussion invited after look the lighter side of camp life, | hard for a number of weeks to make fest 8 on rid ay night next in St, work referred to st las. yeeting| 47: very, 46; B. Price, 38; bh thy service There 1s a period of enjoyment |the show a success, ATH jp. Parish, Hall, Centre: street, % bad been carried out, the 'matter | Dalby, 36; J, Wilson, 34; W. Rud-| g§ Andrew's Presbyterian |atound the Camp Fire at which - at. Pi , Karn 8 Drug Store of providing a walk over the C.N.| dy, 34; N, Clemence, 34; M. Bar| Ohugeh, Sav. John Lindsby, pastor. | everybody contributes his bit towards | The Fifth Troop met last Friday THE RESULT R, bridge on Brock street south | ton, 263 A, Downey, 26; 8. Cor (gunday, March 28, 11 a.m, subject | the entertainment of the others, and | cvening in the Y.M,CA, as usual, A farmer, wh hed 1 Phone 378 . Opposite Post Office vas still under consideration, rell, 24; E. Johnsou, 21; M, Mow« |#rhe Goodness 'and ° Justice of | preparation must be made for this." Since several of the boys had re. | 0 the hx q Wha ie 10 hvest p Reeve Jackson called attention | #i, absent, 0 |God,"~=1 Samuel 2:3, 2,30 pm, | The old mouth organ must be oiled | ceived permission to attend the final oo iddi a lege gue profits" o , to the bad eondition of 'the roud| Form IB, Art--Disney, 7; |gabbath ScMool and Bible Btudy:lup, or the recitation memorized, or |hockey game of the Colleginte In- | oi co GS MY BGC & Consignment a Londo one ad at oy EE aa er " NS \,.,. . . . ---- pia " a i. - oo . ---- , of the eggs he wrote: "I received ------ a WHS three halipence for this egg; hoy much did you pay?" { Some months later the farmer re ceived a reply written upon the note paper of a theatre: lems, $ ' "I received our EEE absolute! | ; gratis." -- Tit 3 French cattle od being intporte * ; into 'Belgium for fattening, Raising of funds for dole payments § i Is one of Germany's biggest prob Banks of Italy have been lending sfrong support to the nation's agyi Surpasses All Expectations =i A $5 postage stamp of Great Byi- tain issued in 1884 and marked "IR, Official" was sold recently in Lon. HEN Victor discovered and perfected the micro-synchronous prin - don for $600. ¥ Most of the "$0000 additional acres ciple in radio, hundreds of thousands acclaimed it as the realization To ge in au of the S000 additional acres | of true radio satisfaction. Those essentials of radio enjoyment -- tone, Hy FA, Ee. RE Yor S1% Shand By Toeticart selectivity, sensitivity, power and dependable performance -- became | Yea | A Pile Sufferers | reality in one instrument a last .-. , cach at the maximum vescichin. 2 | Say le ot ede al lasting relief by removing the cause perfect proportion. \ . |] % nds congestion of blood In tho. lower bowel, Nothing but an internal rem- edy can do, this=that's why cutting and salves gail. De Leonhardy's Now, Victor Dealers are offering all the feattreswhich have madefor _ gt | Sd jute lait Dt Leohurdps guaranteed to quick and. safely Victor Radio a place apart in reception standards Te in this beautiful . - = Yi . 3 banish any form' of Pile misery or money back, Jury & Lovell Ltd, and new console. Truly, a radio unrivalled at-any price. : Tr -- iran evirywhere sel it with thi : = ' : guarantee, gi Ay Victor Dealer will deliver Victor Micio-Synchronpus Radio, R-34, at'once on Convenient Terms. While, of course; Victor Radio-Elec- trola -- finest of all musical instruments -- may be had in two lux | VicToR RADIO R34 utious models, RE-45 and RE-46. And remember, the famous Victor gi) trademark is the greatest protection a radio owner can have, . VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA, Lord t ¢ CARI DIC