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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1930, p. 7

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¥ g ; Ld THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 / PAGE SEVEN i . ed ews o Stock Marke ts, Grain and Produce Excha Y ] TORONTO MARK RGN GFF i) 1 H x / --ry Toronto, March' 21,Blightly reactionary at the opéning, the market on Toronto Btock Exehan firmed and moved frre, y high. or the latter part of the morning, Active leadership devolved upon ~ Bragiltan Traction which shot up abruptly around the mnoonshour, exosing 48 to register a het ad 'wanse of approximately two points, "The improvement, in nlkers wes one, of the standouts this mornmg, This stock has been com #lstently heavy day after day with the level of support gradually falls ing lower, However this mornin orders for large blocks of the stoo wero pinced at the opéning and fn. terests formerly on the selling side were making Jurthases. International Nickel made a slow gall, Ford of Canadas was up a small, fraction and Abitibi con- tinued slow advance, going to | 88 today, The olls were more ag tive than yesterday morning and the liquidation late yestenday ap- peared to he pretty well cleaned up after the first couple of hours | with orices at or slightly above Lhe level of last night's close, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, March 21~FPrime mer cantile paper 4 per cent, Foreign Exchange firm; demand rates (Gt, Britain in dollars: others in cents); Great Britain 4.86 1-2; France 391 3:8; Haly 523 1-4; Germany 2325; Canadian' Dellar 1-32 per gent, dis- count, CHICAGO GRAIN: OPENING Chicago, 11, Mar, © 20.~Wheat: May 1.08 1-2: July 106 3-8; Sept, 1.08 1-2; Corn, May 84 1-3; July 8S 1.4, Sept, 85 7-8; Oats, May, 44; July 43152; Sept. 42 7:8 MINING HARKET Toronto, Mar, 81,~Today' A senslons ew apother perio ull trading and listlews movements. with the ticker stands ing stationary for long Totervals, 'Olls displayed some firmness, but onl of fea od by an eadler feeling, smal losses being in the majority when the board was taken at noon, International Nickel recovered some of the ground Jost yesterday, selling up to $41.60, 40 ahoye lant wight's closing quotation, - Norens da a practioally unchanged at $40.05, Hudson Bay, Teck Hughes and Melntyre suffered under poor demand, all three stocks droppin JR San to $11,856, #18.256 an ' 1] I Among the lower-priced stooks, Wright-Hargreaves showed the most activity, selling " 3 $ $1.R0; Howey and Kigkland Lake gold ware off a fraction each, Pacifie Const lssues were mixed, Big Mis soyrl advancing 8 to 65, Pend Ore lle dropping A to $2.75 and Pre hier 5 to #1. " CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Ill, March 21=Brisk new upturns of wheat values here took place early today, influenced to a great extent by sharp advances at Liverpool and Buenos Aires, Redue- tion, of Argentine wheat shipments, crop complaints from Ohle and dearth of moisture in the American southwest cownted also as bulljsh fac tors, \ Opening 1 1:2 to 1" 3-4 up,Chicago wheat futures scored additional 'gains later, Corn, oats and provisions went higher also, with corn starting at 1:3 to 2 1-8 riser and afterward stear dying at about 3-4 cents general ad. vanes compared with ypsterday's firm Fila VANCOUVER =: Nm, 4 "Improved péhed "Modern Equipment 19, TORONED wens e Gilly 9,00 pom, " Av, WIRBIPOE omens Ar, Regine vrosn ns Ar, Calgary SeereereTerieey Ar, VEDROOUYSP crys Convenient connections at Winnipe points west; at Regina for Saskatoon; or onto. 1 on * CPA.CPR, 11 King St. E, Oshawa for all Calgary the balance of the lst was marke | buildin TRIDNGDULEON (LEGISLATURE, ~ MEMBERS Vir / TRAINING SCHOOL e------ (Continued from Page 1) char tershullding and cltizgnships making in full swing when they ar rived 'ut the' sehog varioys g% Wo ps 'and mitor- hee fwere visi Ay wn hth 8 ew se mnpsiuing recent A the one ol the Wi Y clubs of Ontage, the mi i ia a p of boys put™thri ot I ye building exerrises, some others entertained the Susi with a Hyves ly exhibition of boxing, In the swine ming tank, other bays were disporte ing themselves like human fish, and they staged i exciting relay race and gave & finished exhibition eof swimming for the beneht of the visis tors, In all they did, Jromnt obedir ence to, discipline, and & real mea: and master were evident, In the dormitories the members found mueh to interest them, chief attention being fait to the private rooms provi ed for the hoys whe, hy thelr all pound. proficiency and Geyition to their tasks, earned the right .of head boys of thelr dormi- tory for & peripd of one month, Busy in Workshops The crowning feature of the ln. spection, however, was the inspeetion of the various workshops, where the boys were seen busily engaged in the tasks of the trades and oceupar tions they are learning, Some were working as metdr mechanics," trying to put life into a regaleitrant auto: mobile, Others were dolg forge and blacksmith work, or were workiy with brass, Upstairs, in the wood: working shop, pimble fingers were busily engaged in weodecarving and wood turning, producing useful, and ornamental articles under the super vision of their instructors, High Intelligence Standard It was a revelation to the legidla: ture members to see the boys at work, They marvelled at the splend- id, healthful appearance of the lads, and at their apparens high standard of intelligence, "They are just as good an average as boys to be found anywhere in Ontario" was the re- mark heard frequently from the lips of some member of the house, whe, seeing these lads and their work for the first time, was ready to throw wit his pre-conceived notions overs board, and to admit that there was an institution, with undersprivileged young lads as its raw material, that was making a wonderful contribution to the life of the province In the production of citizens with great por tentialities for success in their chos- en vocations, Lunchean Served #After the inspection tour, luncheon wat served to H) party in the main dining reem of the scicol, those at the head table Including Hon, Wi H, Price, M,C. Scholfield, Dr, Reaman; Hon, Mr, Black ofrmer speaker of the legislature, and Lt:Cal, T, A Kidd, 'the present speaker, During ' 1 na the luneheon hour, Dr, Reaman spoke briefly to the Jatherin five ing au Interesting outline of the me- thed or admission of the boys to the Edmonto ; | : Sw RRR undreamt of low prices, EARN $102 TO-MORROW 12000 Sead TYTN New Spring Stock In Men's & Boys' Suis and Top Coats Is it worth your whilels To save $10.00, if so, walk just a little out of your way, down ta 21 Band St. West, Where rents are just a quarter what they are on the main streets: Here you will find a complete range of High Class Merchdndise at ~ ¥ v Men's The Finest of Ma a " \ i : --_-- Tallored Suits WONDERFUL VALUES ; terials and Workmanship----Regular $43.00 to $30,00, Sizes 37, 38, 39 & 40. Only To-morrow ws - $285.00 , | Top Coats Py Ta AY Ty 50 Men'y Navy Blue Indigo sire of comradeship between pupll| fo «| tes of the Juvenile court judges as & pr Cockshutt 18 Cty, Dry, 4 Dis, Ngrm, 8% Dm, Firs; 81 Gypsy 28) Hy, [] SAD ADEE RDAS Ghee nE ID school and the methods adopted in handling 'them, ot Behool Dir, Reaman lald 'great stress on the fact that the boys could not be committed to the school by maglstras punishment, that it was net an in dustrial sehool, but a school of ad: justment of lives which, through var lous circumstances, were headed in the wong diréction, The first ap- proach to the hoy was that the past md to be forgotten, and his mind turned In the direction of the useful purposes to which he could turn his ifs, The honor and merit systems were used in all phases of school activity, the boys-heing given definite Incen- tives In the way of special privileges and holidays, for good werk in all departments In which he was taking part, The gathering applauded with obvious sincerity when Dr, Reaman said that as a result of this system, 117 boys had spent thelr Christmas holidays at thelr homes, in all parts of Ontarle, and every one of them had returned Shelly on time, os raining ' The alm of the school was to give every hoy an opportunity at the vars ous kinds of work taught, #0 as tO find owt that for which they were best fitted by natural ability and tem erament, and to train them speg- lly along the right line: Of all the #*Muates of the school, forty per cent, had gone to work on hi and twenty per eent, had remained on farms, : The whele aim of the school, the superintendent sald, was to take these boys, who had not had a real change in live, and to develop them 80 that they would become useful and produst Y citizens in thelr ehos wn Wolke of file, Bnd the reswits Wore) hy ing he work, Fhe ows nville 00], he pointe , Wap ® unique Prtiuiion, and the United States authorities were so seized with its possibilities that they were anx lous to have similar schools estab: lished in" that country, Hon, W, H, Price Spoke After luncheon, the boys and the methbers of the legislature gather ed fu the AMmbly hall of the school, 'where a brief program was presented, The boys led lustily In the singing of "0, Canada," and H, Q, Bohifleld, who presided over the gathering, expressed his pleas sure with the manner i. which the hoys had received thelr distin. Kulshed guests, Hon, W, H, Price, in a brief ad- dress, expressed the regrets' of Premier Ferguson that he was un. able to be present, and congratus lated Mr, Hoholfield and Dr, Rea~ man and his staff on the magni floent wonk that was being done, Addressing himselt to the boys, Mr, Price sald, "We are proud of you, You are boys who have not had a chance in life, yet you are showing that you are determined to make useful oitiuens of yourselves," Praise For Contrll The school, said Mr, Price, was the result of the genercalty of J, H, H. Jury, ot Bowmanville, whe donated moat of the property on whieh it stands, and of the various Rotary and taken a keen interest in it, and had nontributed erally towards it, Rehind these, he sald, wan the atate, as represented by the mem. bers of the legislature, and al. though there were different parties fn the legislature, with Mr, Fer. guson; Mr, Sinclair and Mr, Nixon an their leaders, all were united in support of the Boys' Training fohool, Proud of | "There 1s one thought I wish to leave with FO sald the attorney general, t is that your lives are what you make them, It yo do things that are Wrong, make mis selves, - J Vi Ms, Hr, B44 Mo, ¥rt, 84% Mt, Pwr, 140 Hr, #1 §, Btatlon 47% Stock Market Prices Markos Summary by Canadian Press " Wevonto nad Wow York week Quotations 8p) lied by | iggy and, Orawford, Alger Building, Oshawa 8% 4% 186 1 i HTRY oy 196 7 41% Iwanis Clubs who had | Standard Mining Exchange Abana Alax ,,, Amulet 150 Big Mis, BS Ch, Rew, B06 De, Mus, "10 Falgon, 480 vr BED 100 ho Nrnda, ! Gor, Bd, he, Th, Hp, Ventures 140 Wr, Hr. 100 Walnwell 7 108 1] Kh 1176 4 2160 4000 270 Boh nah 1176 1 Haho 4000 g1h 108 Hi 160 hi io 80 Kh gro Hah 186 4 1] tock Alleghany Allis Cha! Amn, loo Amn, Inter, Amn, Smel, Amn, Tel, Anneonda 78% Baldwin 0 Ho Borden 18% Borg War, 417 Both, Bteel 104% Can, Dvy ., 76 Can, Pao, 208 Chrysler ,, 41 Dav, Chem, 44 Pew oavveee BB Gen. Elev, THN Gen, Mot, 40) Gaodyear ,. 0B trl, North, 100 Ken, Copper BTU dq, Carb, T4 Mt, Ward "U% Nt, Oh, Reg, 70 Pen, Rall FY Radio ., BB Rem, Rand Bim, Bed Alm. ONL 44 88% rh MEY [1371 78 M1Y% [T) Wy 9 Low UE] 0h 1 1) 8% 24h 1% 040 71% ih% 104 T4% goo Be % L] 61 New York Exchange | High Close be 0h LRA LL) 14% FER ME i 40) "104 TW 208 40 481 1 (f] LE nh (E) 40 4 a7 HE) wt, ftudohaker Tm; RK), Bear 4 U8 Heel EH 8 Money § per gent, WHEAT CLIMBS IN 250,000 Bushels Canadian Winnipeg, Man, Mar, 47% acting bullishly to reports of greats Iy-Inereased forelgn demand Canadian wheat, the Winnipeg exchange this morn» ing, The market was 2% vo 2% gents higher shortly befors noon, Three:quarters of a million bus els of Canadian wheat was sold for export in the last 84 hours ace cording Ao reports received here, At 31.10 a bushel, May was 8%, up for the day, July was also 2% 0, higher ut $1.16, rise of 2%, sent up the value of the far month future fo #1,156%, Strength at Livegpoo! and Heur nos Alves was alsh reflected in the / quick upyerd movement here, ' : | nges § . Ld -_ ] EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOC ' East Bulfalo, NY, Match 21 Hogs an heldovers 900; fairly nes tive to all interests Hy steady; hulle 120-210 1by, HE few 11.48) 2207350 Wow, B80 to 10,005 270-328 Ths, 1069 to 1025) packing sows B76 to v.28, Cattle 2505 mostly cows, steady; medium heifers 11.35; cutter cows, 376 to 25, Calves 800; venlers 80g to 100 lowers in-between grades catchy at maximum deelines j good to choles 1450 to 16003 sheep | lambs petive, fully be igher food to choles waol skins 1080 to 11.004 dippers 9.50 to 10005 wool ewes, 6.50 aown, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Mitig Mar, 21=Whent May: Side to 3 14a higher at 1,12 to| V 113 1:25 Puly 1 3-46 10 & 1-4c highs } or st 14 to 115 L324 October 10 to 2 Bde higher at 11% 12710 1, Outs May 1 1a8¢ higher at b4 3-4; July B-be Whaher at be, HEAD FIRST The teacher was finding some dif- fieulty In explaining & mathematigal problem, / Fortunately she remained blissfully unaware of the suppressed giggles of i section of the clans, whose sense of 0% 490 wi 187 28h NI, + 01% Ah% 190 Rubber "7% BULLISH TRADING » | vw 7 Wheat Sold for Export in|, @ in 24 Hours re --e / Aim ' Ql 1 y La 1 8] pi ] for prices shot up on EE SET Chicago, Mareh él. =Whest, May, | ™ 114 July 100 b-8; September, 111 3-44 [humor was keener than thelr sense oi, May Ad July 86 7-8) Bep=|{ of mathematics, when she announced; 1h Wig "Wellyseglrls, Ir you look at the Onatsr May 44 5:8; July 44 1.4; ; September 43 3-8, blackbourd, 1'l go right through jt" while Qotober's DOMINION OF CANADA INCOME TAX FAN APA SALARY AND WAGE RETURN DUE MARCH 31st Only 10 more days to make your Salary and Wage Return on Form T4 and avoid penalties THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE HON, W, D, EULER Income Tax Division ©, 8, WALTRRS Minister of National Revenue OTTAWA Commissioner of Income Tan --_-- py Spas -- All over Canada men know Tip Top Clothes! Over two million Canadians have worn them! Their outstanding value haa elevated them to the place of largest one-price tailors in the world! Now for 1930, we announce an ever higher, finer standard than 'ever before. Compare thém with any other clothes selling for anywhere near the same price. 'Phe result will convince you, ; We are now showing over 200 new fine fabrics from which you mey select your apring suit or oat. The price of any one of them is. $24, tailored to your measure. Every garment is guaranteed. Come in today and make your selection. ~~ He Evans po L 12 CHURCH ST.

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