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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1930, p. 8

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i & . ! Both focal boys » "THE OSHAWA " \ DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 / w SHOW A SU 4 TH OSHAWA: HOC KEY TE AMS WIN e Crowd Attends ~ Boxing Show at Local Armouries - A Good Card KO Ragu ts yr ip nd 1 real treat, Fhey stood toe to toe and singged for all they were worth, They continued with this style of fighting till the end of t round, dman took the aggressive In the nal session, but Fudger needed no encouraglog: Fudger had a slight advantage In the exchanges, The bell found both boys leaning hard, Fud- gor. got the benefit of a close deci sion, The crowd was divided, ve, Twel ears old and hardly able to Took over the middle rope around Hed, most the ring, these youngsters will soon bouts were though not over-exciting, of the fighters were un- ; 0A ng to Injuries re. hi » Gos bouts wi . day and Ti Rg Yd was among this thumbs are disloca only on Mon: , Two or t of the Toronto boys also falled to ut in an appearance because of in- urles, Stosks Wins Feature The feature bout between Stocks 'und Ripley, two foe 8, gave the fans the treat of the evening, Bot boys tried hard to administer u K.O. unch and as a result each had to ccept a lot of punishment, Stocks was distinctly the better man throu, the first two rounds and the fivit part of the last. His cone dition was not as good as Kipley's, however, and he was forced to adopt defensive. tactics for the last part of the fight, but the decision was still hla, Bill Adumis scored the only knoek- 'out of the evening, when hie knocked out Lefty Foster, In the third round of the eight round, bout, Foster was anie and he went down three times elore he was forced to quit, Adams A) the fight with lefts to the body, Hiv' right wai not as effects 'lve as usual, He had been hurt in Paronto. on Monday night, J Ain Crise, two © Hutchinson and visitors from Classic A.C, po up a the fans, by virtug Il battle that Plead utchinson won the fight of the number of wide swings which found thelr mark, Faken all in all, the ecard wis a good one and the fans got thelr mo- ney'd worth, The 'officials in charge handled the bouts well, There was a nimum of lost time and most of . the decisions met with the approval _ of the fans, The o Id not agree with the decision which was given to all, "the local boy, over Hillier, u Toronto boy A F. Fudger vo. Allen 'The first bout was hatweon Fred Fudger, 110, and Sam Allen, 112, Al. lon, a newcomer to the game, lacked ithe technique of Rly opponent, but he took the aggressive, Both |} exchanged several heavy pun wd n the first round. Fudger arr the . Suit fn, the eeond tound, Alten { 0 going very ough, ot! Phe i a on condition, In round, Allen got in sey ke svened up d he N : oturned a draw ahoion whith was popular Both boys were new to the game and they put up a nice little scrap, Joo Dumentelle od in at 130 pounds, though Fisher bad the ad- in hi Maged a repetition of the pre- Wo 3 l ked ASL JE showed a nes to k | which didn't do mueh damage, bout saw two more los d, George | man, ue i A lies and they ai a al be {nteresting, champlonship of this week, H, h | wid: headliners, Guglottin showed the customers a right that would be the envy of far welghtler opponents, while Daurlo demonstrated some flashy footwork, Daurlo was slight ly outclassed, but aggressive, while neither boy seem ¢ to know what Inck of condition was, It was a clenn, fast exhibition of boxing throughout, but Guglottin's superiors ity In weight stood in his stead and he was awarded the bout on points, Jones ~ Catenhy : The next bowt saw C. Jones, Clas- sle AA, and Harold Gatenby of the Ontario Regiment mining it pp, 120 pounders stepped high and Both were fairly cautious Jones took the uggressive and Gas tonby had to cover up repeatedly, Jones opened up fast in the see- ond round and smothered (atenby with fast blows, Gatenby came to life a little und | In a few jolts, but Jones was still too good. Thy thir found was a repetition of the other two, Gatenby weunken- ed) fast and Jones had the fight all his own way, Jones backed his op- ponent Into the ropes and then pounded him . uamercifully, There was no doubt as to the decision, Jones was obviously the better man, Hillier, vo, Goodall Hiller halls from Central Y. M. C. A. sud made his fst uppearance loeally last night, Beth boys welghed in at 120 pounds. They opened the first round cautiously snd warmed up to the tune of some nico In-fighting and sparring, which continued throughout the first round much to the disappointment of the fans, The boys opened up and slugged in the second round, but neither wus able to show to much advantage. Hard hitting featured the three mine utes, but the clinches were u trifle too frequent, Both men came out for the last round, showing u deter mination to take the decision, Good: all showed more accuracy and ef- foctiveness in his punches, however and carried the Judges decision on nts. It was an interesting fight ut not particularly eventful, as has been some of Goodall's fights, which we have seen, Crise == Hutehinson The next bout saw two visitors J from Classic A, C. Hutchinson und Criss were the winner and runner- , respectively for thelr class in the tern Ontario Champlonship bouts Both were introduced as welghing 108, 'These battlers displayed lots © speed and were obviously anxious to mix it up, They went te work with a will, Hutchinson was inclined to swing wide, but he packed a heavy that did damage. Cela fought ully snd made use of all open. , Crise stopped a hard one with body that Jarred him, The third uoed plenty of heavy and fast hitthg, Hutchinson drew blood t both ers were nearly done utchin got the decision, which was mostly expected, Lieutenant Foster ve, Bill This was . Fosters first fight in Oshawa, while Adams has been the headliner here on numerous occa« sions, Both men weighed in at 160 8 ain seemed to be nurs. his right hand and from the ap- ening of the bout led with his left an Foster came in with a one-two second round ended with both men down, Foster showing a lack of con while Adams was Rllieg his punches with his right, nthe Adams began us- is 'and Foster went down for a count of eight and immediately again for a nine count, A few secs onds later, another left-right from Adami right after he came up again The i ' HOCKEY RESULTS National Playotfs xBoston 44.2 ontresl .....1 x45.80 miputes overtime, Oltaws +o.0.1 Rangers ,.....1 0, HA I Cup Playdowns sRagiis Pats 4 Calgary Can, ..0 sReging wing round 6 to 0, offs £810. ooh Detroit v0iiieiit Cleveland ...1 London ....,.0 Jonge Playott Guelph 0.0.8 alt st WARE A -------------------------- What Others Say Oshawa, Ont, Mar, 19, 1030, To The Sports Editor, Me Quuawy, Dally Times; City, Doar Bir: I notice in Monday nights Times that you have u letter written by a Mr, Bid Denniw, if you can spare the space in your valuable sport page would you be good enough to publish this letter, Mr, Dennis Mates that Gatenby will not fight MoDonald unless Jimmip Moffat fy the referee, 1 would like to inform the fight fans of the ofty that such is not the case, Inst Wodnes- day night, March 11, the Boxing Club of the Ontario frost., held a meeting and st this meeting Bow ton McDonald told them that he would not fight finteniy, it Jimmie Moftat had anything toWo with the fights, so I think that you will agree with me that Mr, Dennis has spoken out of turn, \ I would like to take & little more of your valuable space and explain 8 few points that Mr, Dennis is not near on, First of all I think that AM the fans will know me when 1 My that I am the avnouncer at these bouts In the Armourios and that I should know a few things about what happens in the club, Now Mr, Renniy should find out what he In talking about before ho starts ncousing people of being cowards and crooked ete, I was supposed to referee the last bout between MoDonnld and Gat- enby but I slid out of it und Sandy McKean carried on, Corpl, Mof- fat In my estimation Is entirely be- yond reproach os a referee, judge or timekeeper of a boxing bout and for Mr. Dennis or Boston MeDonald to say otherwise it 1s really very ohildish on their part and is noth- ing more than an alabl to get out/ of this fight, It had been arranged betors McDonald was to be referee and Jimmio Moffat was to be timer, I might say In closing that the Judge's decision was unanimous for Gatenby, Trusting that people in the future will find out before they write suoh an letter, I rem#in, Yours truly, Norman Walker, PIRATES DEFEAT MISSIONS sn San Francisco, March 81--The Pittsburg Pirates won thelr second straight game from the Missions oaterday, § to 4, The hitting of rge Grantham and Paul Waner featured for the National Leaguers, both polling out home runs, Oran. tham also cleaned the bases In the first with a two-bagger. sent Foster to the floor, and this time referee Donald didn't even count, Foster was / outclassed and there was no question of Adam's superiority, Final and Feature Bout The last bout was a real scrap. "Sullor" Bert Ripley and Bill Stocks, weights 147, and both of the Ontario regiment were the contestants, Stocks drew blood early, They went at it hammer and tongs, Stocks had the best of the first round, but just as it drew to a close Ripley got in several solid wallops, It anything, Ripley took the age ressive In the second session, but tocks did not back wp for long Ri y was bleeding freely, Stock's sth ft being mostly responsible. They fought hard and both took a lot of punishment, Ripley especially. The third round was torrid, Stocks sailed in with a lovely left which he followed with a nice wight, * He «got n more punches, but his condition was told, As the round drew to a close, Ripley took the upper hand, but it was too late, Stock was ans nounced as the winner, and the de cision was expected and popular, The officials in charge were: Reg, Nash, "Sandy" /McKean, oe Swanson, "Ed" Donald, J Mile of fatt, Norn Walker and Sam Murs § th 5 a ¥ OUR USED CARS NOW ! », Al Condition, new, QPORT SNAPSHOTQ By Guo. Oaurnma, Sports Editor Boxing Show a Success , The Ontario Regiment's boxing show at the Armouries last night was a success, The fights while not spectacular, were good and near Iy 1000fans got their money's worth, The Stocks Ripley fight was a real battle and although Stocks had a slight edge, the outcome was al- ways in doubt as & knockout was more than expected, The "heavys welght battle" between two local kids who have not yet seen a dozen winters, pleased the crowd very much, These boys have the goods and in a few more years, we expect to hear mord from them, L] " » » Oshawa Wins Double Header Quite a number of hockey fans went to the local Arena last night and witnessed the games in which the Blue Devils and the, Chev,' Ladies battled with the Bellevillg™ teams, The Oshywa squads were successful in"both affairs, The girly' game was a close battle, JKay Wells scored the only goal of the game to give theChev, ladies the vie tory, In the men's game, the Blue Devils were far too god for the visitors, "Doc" Rowden qiit trying after having scored five or six. The final score Is still doubtful. About ten to one, will cateh it » " \ » » Industrial Hockey Tonight Don't forget the industrial hockey at the Arena tonight, The ju- vente championship will be decided tonight, Red Aces and Oshawa Laundry are the two tgams that will battle for supremacy, They will start on even terms, each having scored one goul in the first game, The winner must be decided tonight, so overtime will be played if nes cessary, The same holds good in the sudden-death semi-final game '| ¥id heat that provafled op Wednes- In the Intermediate series, Toxtiles and AY.M.C, are the rivals, The diate title, week tonight, LJ LJ winner of this game will meet The Daily Times team for the interme These two games tonight will provide some real hockey, The hockey senson is practically over now and the Arenn will close a Admission tonight, "two-bits." " L] 45 Minutes Overtime Something new and entirely different was the outcome of the game last night between Montreal Maroons and Boston Bruins teams battle for forty-five minutes of extra time before a winner is decided, it shows that they must be fairly evenly matched, is hot over yet and the Bruins may suffer u rudejolt, When two The series Senators and Rangers Tie First Game 1-1 Ottawa, March 21-A solid hour bruising hockey failed to get Now York Rangers and Ottawa's Young Senators anywhere last night as they met In the first game of their home-and-home Nationdl League play-offs series, One goal oach was the best either team could do with their brillant play, and as a result will go into the de- olding tilt of the round at New York on Sunday night on even terms, Leo Bourgeault, relief defence mon, notohed the Rangers' counter in the opening period on a shot he litted from centre lose, The puck wont high enouth to get out of Goalkesper Connell's range of vis fon and he probably did not even poo it until it had Neked over his shoulder into the pet, In arrears, the Senators seemed to take on new life and in the sec- ond. period out-shot thelr oppon- onts from Gotham by § to 4, Gew ting one past John Ross Roach, the baldish little feliow who tends the net for Lester Patrick's team, was too tough a proposition, however, tor anything to come of the home: story' strenuous efforts, of Quéens Lose Six By Graduation Kingston, March 21,--Ad the result "of several of the regular players graduating next March Queen's senior football team will suffer and at the college thay are supecnlating as to how the Tri- color Will detend the honors they won In the Intercollegiate series last Fall. Of the regulars on last your's team slx valuable players will graduate next month, Bubs Britton, for several yeaps the outstanding flying wing in the business, steps out and with his goink Queen's loses one of ita rightost stars, Since: the days when Queen's fought In the finals with Ottawa Senators a few years ago for the Dominfon tithe, Iirit- ton has been the regular flying wing and performed in masterful style at all times, lke Sutton, the peer of quhrters backs, is ating an a full-fledged tor and his Joss will bo keenly t, Don Abbott, the regular snap, Jim Kilgour, middle wing, Ted Gaets, Inside wing, Horb Dickey, outside wing, are the other ulars to graduate this year, addition to stars, Erie ol, regular inside wing, has fo intention of retiring from At ties, while It is likely that Red Gilmore, flashy backtield star, will not be able to play, or SO | a Jolley, Bw 7 "Pate ¢ we ot 0 18 expec! 0 give t Vhite Sox a batting Pant, this donned his new uniform and helped the White ores of Tuzhs ine! ** GUELPH TIES ROUND BY WIN FROM GALT Ae ---- Galt, March 21--In the most gruelling game of hockey witness ed here In years, with the largest crowd that has attended a pro, game hers this winter, - Guelph came from behind in the dying mo- ments of the game to, nose up the Canadian League playoff ' It was a hard-fought game, erammed with thrills that had the crowd yelling throughout the 60 minutes, while there was a con- tinuity of spills, with the heavy- checking Indulged in by both teams, Ouelph's winning eountor was of a flukey kind, but the Leafs fought hard for it, However, on the night's play Galt deserved a vie tory," outplaying the Leafs by a good margin in the ffst two per. fods and holding thelr own In the final, until two penalties, one of them for having an extra man on the ice, gave Guaelnh the chance to tie it un, The Terriers lost the game through those penalties, Guelnh sending four men $0 the attack, Galt plays the thipd game with Guelph In Kitchener Saturday night, ' PHILLIES WIN Plant City, Fla., Mar 21--Phll Collins and Ace Elliott held the Rochester Redwings to one hit In the first six Innings, and the Phil los took an easy 7 to 4 victory here yosterday In an exhibition game. BROOKLYN LOSE TO BUFFALO Fort Lauderdale, Fla, Mar, 21 Roy Grimes' home-run in the Sth Innings gave.the Buffalo Internas tional Leaguers a 6 to § victory over the Brooklyn second team yesterday in a game that was call ed in the first hall of the ninth on necount of rain, AMERICAN LEAGUERS WIN Port: Plerce, IMla,, Mar, 21-<De- foated twice in a row hy the Brook- Iyn Robins, Manager Killefer took no chances with the Milwaukee Amerioan Association team = hore vosterday and sont his two best fingers, Sammy Gray and Al Crow der to the mound, The American Leaguers profited by the hurling by the pair and won an exhibition game 9 to 8, Dut tor ervprs, Crows der and Gray might huve had a shut-out, Ax a result of a recent drag-net urrests In Chicago a notable dos olin In the number of robberies is reported. Most of the innocent e¢itlsens having been picked up by the police, there wus no way for the robbers to get at them.---New 1rk Times, 1 A------ Products received into: Panama from the United States 'last yoar wore valued at $12,360,000; In the hope of Attracting femine ine passengers a London company is stalling large mirrors in its buses, ' Oxford's Stroke Is Back Again London, March 21.-'The Oxford University boat erew is performing its trials in oft atiractive 'style, But: eritign are elaiming the Cams bridge mon, winners of the last six Anter-varsity boat races, dre not ny stylish in their vowing as they could be, With C., ¥, Martineau back at stroke after an week's absence, Oxford had a short turnout yester~ day afternoon, They "did Mitle strenuous, work, though in a min. uto's good rowing they got in 16 strokes to the haitsmipute and 41% to the minute, They are com- monging training at Putney, start- ing point of the boat race, today. Guy Cantrell Looks Good Tarpon Springs, Via, Mareh 21, ~Hteven O'Nelll sent his Leafs out In two shifts for yesterday's prac- tice 'wnd Bteve tolled with both, The recruits and some of the une derstudy performers were ordered to work at 10 o'cloek, while the rest of the squad reported one hour later, but the weather way not the best for training purposes, In striking contrast to the tor: day, it was decidedly cool . this morning' und most of the athletes hind trouble raising & sweat, Guy Cantrell was dn exception, Wearing 8 rubbershirt in addition to his wind<breakbr, the crack right. hander pitched, Md some fungo hitithg, shagged files and in he- tween chores sat heside a blazing bot fire fu the clubhouse, He was dripping wet at tho finish, Cantrell confensed this morning that 'he was three pounds over. weight, which 1s nothing at al) at thin stage of the training season But he doesn't appear to be carry. Ing eveu that much surplus pounds age. Mo Ap ats to be in excellent condition anc y jean an n a pitching way he Regina "Pats" Put Calgary Jrs. Out Winnipeg, Mar, 21. Without once denting a hard-hitting Regina defence, Calgary Canadians, junior hopes of the Jar West, went out of the Memorial Cup tonight," Canadians waited through minutes of torrid hockey for 4 'break' they never sighted, Al Ritchie's Pats from Regina plung- ed through a six-man defensive systom that at first meembd fm pregnable, and In the same time scored six goals. They won last night's semi-final 4 to 0 to enter the Western' final of the Canadah Junfor play-offs against Winnipeg Elmwoods, Pats took the first game of the series 2 to 0, 120 BUFFALO BISONS WIN READILY FROM DETROIT OLYMPICS ------ Fort Erle, Ont, March 21. With two men sitting in the pen- alty box with major penalties to their credit, the Detroit Olymples faded out of the pleture in the closing minutes of play inf the first of the play-offs with the Buffalo Bisons, the thundering herd ring Ing up a § to 1"vietory, scoring three goals In the last 75 seconds of play, There. was plenty of exeitentent In the finish of the game when Evans, after "battling with Bow gardis, salled into Referee Rod. den. A spectator who took part in the fray was ejected by the police "iad Connors was given a major because he kept talking back to Rodden gfter being given a minor, Buffalo notohed tho first goal In 46 seconds, Martin slipping the puck over to Bogurdis's right at the gonl-mouth and Stuart never had a chance, Buffalo made the fount 2 to 0 befyre the »eQON period Was six minutes ol Duteli™ Cain weaving his. way mn ad out of the defence to pass out trom behind to Gross for a pretty Bad CARDINALS wiN adenton,' Fla., Mare - - focutive doubles hy ey So Manouso gave the St, Louis Cardin. als an 8 to victory over the New Jor Yankoos in 13 innings yosters Douthit, Cardinal contre sent 'the game Into Prin Polder: With a homerun that tied the score fu tho elghth innings. 1 a ---------- CUBS ARE DEFEATED Los Angeles, March 21,--Porte land collected 17 Nits off three young pitchers yestorday and des featod the Chicago Cubs, 7°to 0, fn 11 inpings, Lynn Nelson and Maloolm 'Moss ofthe Cubs * Ll fairly effective: but Al SBhealy wit hit hard. Hornsby, Wilson, Stes phenson- and English hit homers for the Cubs, tars were all by pod, N.H.L.--Both Teams Play to Exhaustion -- Oliver Scores Winning Tally Montreal, March 21-=After 40 minutes of overtime hockey, the fongest' game In the Mistery of professiena) hockey, Boston Bruing scored the odd gon] which beat Montreal "Maroons 2-1 in the first game bptween the two firsts place toams or the playdowns of the Stanley Cup. The gam) was prob. ably th best ever seen on the Montreal ice, playoffs or regular 'wosslonn, and, althoagh the Bruins fully deserved thelr victory, no profsesional hockey league game has ever been closer « fought to a greater finish, Playing rugged, flashy, speedy hockey, the two teams battled for an hour and three-quarters before either could show a degree of supremacy, A stonev'l defense, n flashy forward Mne ¢ spectacular work in. the nds fei... ed hoth the teampn, Over 14,000 people saw the two teams fight the" history-making struggle, Only once during the | Boston Bruins Win F irst Game From Maroons After 45 Minutes Overtime 2.1 Longest Game in History of #1is pass and slammed the puck Into the net past the weary "Flat" Walsh, Keech team scored a goal ii the second perjod;, and after this neither 'could secure dn advantage, Dui.c Munro, capiain of Maroons and relief defenseman, Appropri ately seored the first goal of the evening, Taking « pass from Dave Trottier at the blue le, ho skated oa few strokes and shot a fast one at Tiny Thompson, which landed in the mghk corner of the net, The crowd went, wild with delight, but nots for long. Three minutes later Boston equalized the count when *Uoonéy Welland, leading point score of the whole JJeague, tied the score on oj pass from Owen, It was a low shot, which didn't rise a foot off the fcc, but coming from the far loft wide, Walsh didn't expect it to catch the net, | The Brums have now won the first game of what may be a five! kame series, Saturday might they play the second game here, and then start back for Boston, where the third and If wecessary fourth | and fffth games will he played. overtime period wan play stopped, and then only for a few minutes aw tho ice wan cleared. It had become so *noft the players fell am they skated np and down, A Momentous Gamo Oliver's goal will go. down In hockey history as ono of the most momentous ever wcored,: Three qudrters of an hour after the fin. Ish of the regular ' game Oliver skdted down with Galbraith, took CLEVELAND" WINS FRPM LONDON, 1.0 London, Ont, Mar. 21-Cleve- land Indians defeated London by 1. to 0 in the first game of the In- ternational Hockey League semi- finals here lagt night, A long shot by Ken Donty in the dying minutes of the second period gave the In- dinns the victory, In the last min. ute of play in the third stanza Ar- chio Briden of London,' scored a goal on a pass from Steve Rice, bul Referee Tke Masters refused to al- low it, The ice was strewn with bottles, tin cans and peanuts as the official disallowed the counter, It was a gruelling contest nue tween two evenly balanced teams, and the Indians received a "break" in their favor when Doraty's long drive slipped past Dolson. London received a "break" in the other direction when Masters ruled no goal on Archie Briden's effort, SR TRIT, New Martin Saturday Monday---Tuesday Thrill . Show of the Year! ¥ RIGHT . PARADE Dramatic Smash in full Dialog with Hugh Trevor Dorothy Galliver Robert lis Alleen Photo she remains of building and 8 x - ¥ Bring in a Used Victor Record for each new one and get them for 'HAPPY PAY ARE HERE A | Prom bbe olin Rcbre ENASIN AUNBONS" Eons

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