No, Ni ided the By from home rr yl 0, foi: pry 2 1 addition to the and gore SEE viee you get drom Jour ome fiers | W ude able oe oy ol ants, your ¢ity needs your dollars Slovgonsies have little to spend, bu ry need for your msi to ie stays in the home city | & tre Ub Mone ork, for hops ls keep, bo business of the fr 1% 16 Dt ton ty mov Other £ditor' ; ments Am---- D THE UNITED Splendid "For Kidney Trouble Nova Scotia Lady Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills "I have boon ld ely Dodds Kidney Pills fi long dl find hi, . itn or Kidnay wouble! Wii Sime and An vw. CG, Buy after on i) hr xs ' peared now and 's Kid. por Fa for ie, - ile ha i recommend pda ier Pile whe trouble,' die . family som, ry CANADA trucks, wh Li Tis the and L a 6 Along i fio. a haha tie up ker, chine id pun ttingdn. Were these to be ins Unite ° ways reserved for ou wa fhat-l {mes 114 300 Amount lings to ino! thei? work 1 «similar ; gouy fiber Wo a'sh il of ai fer DODDS KIDNEY { ils city fim you and y y'| & bes on need yous diy BL 9 Joyal to yourself only whe senger rsd oI week, Wy mall gob #4. fe u year; States, 95 ® your, 407 Bond ut ig oR, "Telephone 01 07. Hi D. Tresldder, representative, ain REPRESENTATIVES IN US, Powers and Stone Inc, New York and Chicago MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1930 USING VACANT PROPERTY Voll "he Lindsay town council has decided to undertake a scheme of reforestation within the town limits. Certain lands which have been seized by the town for fallure of the owners to pay taxes are to be held by the corporation, instead of being sold, and these are to be uged as the location for an am. bitious tree-planting scheme, Lindsay is to be congratulated on having a town council with the vision and foresight to realize the ultimate value of A-project of this kind. It will not mean anything much | to the present generation, but those who come after will reap the benefits, Not only trees planted now in' future years be. oa a ® of wealth, They will also to' the rN of its citizens, Moat towns and cities have idle proper. tis which: are of little use for building or any other purpose save that of -reforesta- tion. It does require, however, a council with foresight to take the plunge and turn this into reforestation land, But # council which will take a long view of the situation, and figure on the benefits to the next generation, will have sufficient reward in knowing that they have planted well and truly should they undertake a reforestation project, CONDEMNING GROUP GOVERNMENT . Since the Saskatchewan United Farmers, two or three weeks ago, decided in favor of. Belitical organisation, there has been plenty Sav apAper comment on this step, It has to an Ukrainian newspaper pub- : Hahed in the west, in the Ukrainian lan. guage, to make the most sweeping condem: 1 i ; pleasure gh duri 5 1 on Ts ¥ fe in heavy, and hile the ule - would be less dimgey when highway t 9 idea in'n post would be tima 8 a trisl ons nf in the most ! Be WHAT'S THE USE? Don, British racing car driver, 1s a | to on the world's Susgmoblle 281 miles an hour, ' Harry Begrave, also a "x an automobile that ls supé ble of doing 800 miles an t he hopes to set up a new anit 5% exsiye "gs 2 £3 : = 5 ¢ may be some value from an standpoint to the making of a Retard by a certain type of car, one cannot he up commenting on the general -uselessness such efforts, One cannot help asking if it Is worth the risk the at tempt entails, Of course, there always wi be foolhardy speed demons who will risk their lives in the hope of winning fame and glory by the record route, but sceldents' have taken quite » toll of thelr number, Don's 'attempt {s being watched with much Interest. If he succeeds In making a new record, he will be a hero, If he fails, he will be just another raging car' driver, But if in falling he shares the fate of Lee Bible, who was killed last year in an un. successful attempt to break Segrave's re cord, he will be just another foolhardy more tal who did not know enough to "keep hig life out of peril, iil UNIQUE HOSPITAL SERVICE | The Canadian National Railways system has 'been responsible for an Innovation in hospital equipment. This consists of & hos. pital on wheels, a railway car fitted up, not only as a hospital, but as a first aid instruc. tion and emergency car. It consists, in ad- dition to complete equipment of a small hos pital, including an operating table, a lecture | room to accommodate fifty students, with & raised platform and blackbosrd for the Avni R, This is an unique service that has heen inaugurated by the CNR, It ls Intended that the hospital car is to be the first of three, which 'will operate across Canada drom const to coast, rendering first ald and hospital treatment wherever required along the lines of the railway, and at thé same time act as headquarters for the training of C. N. R. employees in first aid, elo to iy Et lagi 8! niente | bie he warily dey ' other and n ation, adian people hg undesirable ulens: yome smuggling of Europeans or Aalstior is J hcilced the remedy Is to be found In periecting the imml- wration service, not checking normal and proper migration, ' GREAT WORLD (Guelph Mercury) Thivwls a "great world 'and people are only beg Most human beings grovel along en the surface of things, content. With what (helt own fancies conjure bes fore them, but to the thinkers, the fellows who seek not the PMudite of the world, they take thelr little ham ers and analyze the rocks to read wera still an unknown part of the Infinite, : HOSPITALITY (Huron Expositor) The eldtime home wy have pos possed few furnis! ngs and no cons ot ng but the hospitality it ex- tended was rich In welcome / an goodwill, Too many modern homes are rieh fa everything but those old- time virtues, and the world is not any better for it, | Bits of Humor WITNESS VINDICATED "Now, sir," said the cross-examine ing counsel, "be careful! Do you swear that this Is not your hands writing "I'm quite sure It Isn't," came the repd. Joes It resemble your writing! "I can't say It does, "Do you take your osth that this writing does, net resemble yours!" "Yes, oir" "Now, slr, will you kindly let me ite » specimen of youf handwrit. oir, 1 won't" "Oh, you, won't, eh? - And Why wop't yout" "Cause © ne write,' gouver Star, BOTH ALIKE Poet == All m¥ life seenied to go into thet m, | was perfectly ex- hayvied when J had finlshe whiting we Vane "Libor - 1. can Sympuihlae with you. I was in exnctly the same | condition, when 1 had finished read gained; however, oy teat ng i can . yon wre to oh eity, shits of vo lite to SODATAMS poisonous w ERC ¢ | from the blood, and so forth, i we are wonderfully "IWEIK e | And It wap meant that we 1d A. | Preserve the ability of these Sruane to do this emergency ork ' mors pounds has heen lost, men got vid of even more perspira tion, And the kidneys likewise have the ability to do a grest deal more work than they ordinarily do, The average amount i thrown off by the Kidneys is about | or retarded through improper func. 52 ounces, un little over three pints, be Increased to 4 or | lem need arises but this ma 5 quarts If t Now why 8 Nature so bountiful to you? In it because you are only A poor human being who is going to | do foolish things, and so u large | proper functioning of certain links | .o measure of safety of the system? Amen" you? 4 By Jamas W, Barton, M.D, NATURE JARPARES YOU FOR EMERGENCIES 1 often (hink if that body of yours were not so efMelent you would be better off physioally, You would be more free from the ailments that so often aMiet But Leoause your body is so eff ning 10 understand it, | alent you do a number of things that you would not do if the hody balked OF vefused to permit you to do them, For Inntagoe there are the two eyes, two ears, two kidneys when one of eaoh could do the ordinary amount of work ot the body, There Is only one heart, but it can the stories Huprinted there while we [do many times the work, five times in fact as much work, as you require it to do, The liver; the largest organ in the | body could have w large | stroyed and it could still work quite eMelently, And the skin which usually gets rid of about 25 or 80 ounces of per iration In 24 hours, can got vid of this much fir-an hour ol I have examined and weighed hea vy weight Wrestlers before a hout, and after an hour's wrestling 6 or is provided for ture +d Ty {ying way to excesses of any nd? thos Mored, in Astprdnnce with the|/ Copyright Aet) Eye Care Strain | » ©. HN, TUCK, Opt.D, (Copyright Wi) ANOMALIES OF OCULAR AC." COMMODATION a---- SC When «es consider that all seing its appendages being the medium of communication with the brain through the optic nerve, it is more | ys readily understood how a pressure, lesion or infection may act as 0 short cireult of the system causing faulty and poculisr sensations of vise i fon, Some of these conditions ave|!t found or changing of the power of accommo. dation, Memory consists in our ability to ortion de 0 ovdinary di hard work, the br. in fro images mpre do Ord | uasinting, Ws the most important part of the system to refer to these im. pressions long after they have been th received, th of urine |! developed, for memory to be lost tioning of even 4 part of the sys. When the memory does be: | iy nome affected ean, we afford to con: | sider that it Is due to one thing more | j, than the other, unless 'we are In jp possession of the facts to prove the To be continued. Is done with the brain, the eye and | your own concelts" spect for their opinions man knows that he does mot know suspected through -the glve truth cannot be men wee, he does refer "to 'imprewsions Interpreted tom. open-minded man is a eatholic an,- He believes that others sec upon the reting of the eye; the brain truth which he nmiay not see Teo get nlong tively with others or hel is ty 8 soar Mn lhl od ' whl 1930 Tople for the W, "COMING TO TERMS WITH OTHERS" "R for Others' Opinions" RIPTURE ou Verse: "Be not wise In (Romans 12:19 Read! John 8:31.40 MEDITATION Reverence for others means re» The wise sll, He knows that God does not ve oll of His truth to any one in vidual, even though'it be He; for less than what all He loves truth more than his own opinion of truth, helpfully and eco-opera- one must value eir opinion. Blessed is the man at sitteth not in the seat of the How easy for memory to bécome | scornful, PRAYER "Teach me, O Lord, how to love ose around me, 1 would he trie my convictions, and vet kind: st, and yet generous mindful of a truth, and yet ever merciful, Let me show Thy spirit of love in every lation of life, In Jesus name RB Allen, Nn Wil VISIT VOLCANOES INFAMOUS VALLEY Explore Valley of Ter Thousand Smokes in Alaska Washington, March 10,~An exp dition into the Valley of Len Thor sand Smokes and the Katmai Vole no region in Alaska. during the com ing summer 40 study the closure of great earth wounds caused there by voleanie eruptions ' has been an nounced by the National Geographic Boelety, The party will be led by Dr, Rob ert ¥, Griggs, who discovered tlic famous smoky valley In 1936, when It was described us a "seething in ferna of hot roeks, steam and aeld gasses," 1t was later mado part of # national monument by President Wilson, Neveral possible rebults of the e pedition ufo advanced by the geo graphie moclely, Recént studies, it was sald, indleate that many of the warld's ore bodies originated under Just sueh conditions nu those exem plified in the Valley of Ten Thousand Bmokes, It was held possible als that the vents through which vapor in poured Into she valley may be dy ing out, and eventually hot mprings lke those of the Yel lowstone National Park, Tempera ture studies will he made to com pave with data gathered by previous expeditions, Conditions in and around the yal ley after the last eruption, it was sald, wero comparable to the condi tion of the world itself in the re mote past, before soll was formed Astudy of the plants growing in the pumice-covered areas, therefore, was described an a cle to the processes of humus formation, and a possible solution of many still unsolved ugri oultural problems, will form Transportation PARTNERS IN A OR A a There seems to be no limit to what be done with raflway coaches, and this in. novation is but one more S¥idencd of the Ce ta wit mos evi atl who beitave their salvation lies in poli- ohn be abplied for the benefit of ne. people wes od lldn's, do ama} h of Can Government by blocs, carried to its x LT erty leads to but ultimate conclusi fon, one EDITORIAL. NOTES El ioe aa dari ruthless an ructive. The bloc to. favor The minister of highways seaks to legis: late agathat ov ng in the 'seats of automobiles. But often one person in the. . back seat constitutes too are a crowd for the driver, cok oor ha fone fore x ns Bu U] u in ¢ out the order, He pe, peked u Wr urd A ------ hen he made a nolse like a loon, It is said that the new pelice building in w-- "Toronto will be built near the city hall. | AMUSING Nothing lke it Bandy, ©, | bag gh ! po - he the : 8: she was diwvays fond of rats is wy v x Hindenburg has the 'Young: Plan Vee ANSWES, motors, is becoming an increasingly important figure that there will among the nations of the world, of Lats ; } Ne ig with Shia question, | FIR The Bank of Toronto has been & eonsistent and f helpful influence in Jie devalmuant of titipuite tion. In the days of struggle, this Bank ! wide credits, financed operations, and in other ways aided and encouraged legitimate derthings A Soa a century still wider and broader facilities to all commercial, industrial, agric and individual tnverest in this great Dominion, nation we have .read on the fostering of sup government, This paper, known as Canadian Sitch" has the following edi torial comment, which is, in itself, a suffi. glent ahswer to those in the farmers' move. ing WW!" am NOT AS LUCKY. { "Here, hae | J exclaimed u kind old randma, "I wouldn't slide down' 4 banisters. { \ouldn't do it" "THE position of Transportation in the compact is sure and is bound, in the future as in the past, to be perhaps the most vital factor in Canada's progress." «~BE. W. BEASTY at the 1929 Chamber convention of the Canadian of Commerce on "Canada's Economic Partnership." VEN WORSE "Your husband has Vicars been ridmdner: "Yes, he's been very badi 1 do my best to please him, but: nething seems to satisfy him." lear: "la hin condition eritieal?" ner "It's worse than thet it's Shiver SKA-DUT, 'VO.DB-voOP| Hey, diddle, diddle, The sax drowned the fiddle, degmimer woke up to the tune! 4 Twheportation has done much for Dominion development. Penetrating and subduing wilderness and barren land, linking up community with community, it has broadened every Canadien's outlook and changed a sparsely populated country into a self-governing Dominion of wide influence, Today, Canada, with its 40,000 miles of railways *and ite mighty fleets of steamships, aeroplanes and revolutionaryism is ot ated Aor he 7 of the He alms at equality o would rob the children | to recompense the off. yor a the gn intellectual of the pes | alot the bas } Abraham's Falthe='l'he promise, that he should be the helr of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, | through the law, but through the vighteousness of faith wRomans 4:18, Prayer: O Thou God of our fathers, may {our faith be as theirs, j A -------