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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 9

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yg 2 red] HH i HEH rll § Jb gf i 3 3] i i . 4 { i Tean did pot Mrs. Casey in morning, 'There was not time, When's ¢ awoke the sun was shine ng ih Mer window and 'It was al most half hon eight. She flew into Loretta's dress, and went out shiv. erin ho. the winter morning, For the first time thes she came to New York she locked her door, The won. dérful coat and dress would be safer, nd Mrs, Casey had a key In case the needed them, "I'l telephone her some time this norning," - Jean thought as she banged the front door of the room» Ing houses She got to the office late, without sreakfast and found Johnson waiting to take up several matters with her, Every moment of the moming was rowed, Once she thought of phon. hy M re. Casey but put the matter " " never get through as it is," she groaned and every time she looked at the clock she Nondered wherg the minutes were slipp 10, "I'm golug over to the Ba table Building," Johnson sald, coming over to Jean's desk, "You bétter taks the cash to she bank, Decker will want thole securities before you go to lunch. I'll leave them in the private drawer of my desk, You know how to Ret yi ei The cath Is there on { top. all endy for you" : race "came to her desk when Johnson had gone, "I'm going to make you eat linch today #f you have to work all afte ers noon I" she said with a laugh, look as though we were nee " food, 11 wait ri Jul sr back from the bank. J J willen until just a few mo- ments before oy before im dows ie the first floor with the day's The office was radvally hing ou: Several of the girls Chrisman shopy d out forty to do some come, gone into bo be rush of ng 0 TL 7S was Jean cry. a he halted, So 3p, She ow Tuts before , repeat CHL 1 fa bien ails) 3 He ed § car With ue us and iy "Now! sid the I ih girl and he u yoo he y wits 8 thers "Iie, That's what theo ere. locked up In his desk when he {pered to her to shut up, for Grace her |' ' 4 t we have to know. How much "ih, J he that to think!" and Jean rested her rs hed on her thin ae Gince patted' her head tal to the while the turmoil iid about dusfing, but I gly ' lose Hs nt of money," Grace was ay: ge J Fa Jha ei ippes re ' oh Joa Fi hand in bis, "I ou By re safe and alive, pre wants those bonds," Reming: ton whispered in Jean's ear. The gn aren d went to Johnson's desk, Bie felt the catch to the Brlvate drawer and rh out 8 with a heavy rubber band Ie She looked for the itemized list, it was not there, - tha! child, i y/ , Joh lt lo ut 1 doeams 7 MJ th she asked as she handed the packet) indeed il go over them and » ligt t away--" As had taken the package in his clinked, Jean looked emingion ripped Pen and $10 rt he hand Samuething surprised and ¢ envelope, ills fell out, hers hy no bonds, echanically Remin, Sounted the money, There vas Tt 0 3M, He looked at Ae te face staring back at him Dian ki. "I took t! ly instead of the cash!" the th cried, Jean. never knew how she lived the the next few moments, Murphy and some reporters who had ben wy mildly interested before began to Beation her again, Il notify "Mr, Decker at once)" we all that Mr, Remington said as he turned on his heel and left the room, 'There was a queer expression. on his face. Jean seemed unable to focus her attention until' suddenly she saw Grace's face, and her chum's ayes were filled with a mixture of terror and anger as she put both arms about Jean, Two flashlights boomed. "For the newspapers," Murphy explained, "Now we're all going to headquart- er." Jean rose mechanically and Grace brought her hat and raincoat and the photographers packed wp thelr camerhs, ready to go along. "Wouldn't you know it would be Just our luck te have her look like she does?" demanded one of the on | photograph ors: "Why couldnt she k like the girl friend!" and he nodded toward Grace, In all the excitement and turmoil, ean caught the remark and smiled itterly. Even in a hold-up her face was A ia ntment. A reporter kept talking to her, but orly hake} or hersel A the elevator bok Aa bo arly, Gri 4 thot they were newspapermen, and the ear dropped to the first floor without ng. e're going to headquarters fo pe a report, Murphy said reassure' fy i yA be frig ned. Your nd Is going along and you're go- to te + boss what the bandit But { don't know!" wailed Jean, I n't be true, It just ean't, bon bonds, Johnson said, pinched her arm and whise poen the sudden attention given s remarks, slg Yo woman, if you want to go AT hatter shut up yours remarked ou o HE Readquarters pr and " " to ih eo second and in the is Dursat, ued them and Yi we lad, Sh hetie, Brice of on, there § to Jo dhs bape. 1 bonds were "Oh, I've ever since they § LA of 2 private in i prot A ge nd! the ory on ain dati wan oo with that juber an unusual RAN A business woman w ng to the pk 3 Boyde iio, M Mr, 2 ison flr dom HE, of Fa, " inte the kitchen and ho ) drink ol same upstairs, and that he in. Quived for you at the ume? What would you sit people in ) your office testify "that this man talked to Jou only tmnt week!" Murphy waited, Jeart sat ent, mm did not grasp the, significance of what Murphy was say ng to her, "don't know," was Hl she could 14 answer, Grace was badly igared, "Can't | 1 this kid have " sup of tea?" she de- manded {ndignant! v to cover u her funk, "She hasn't had any lunch and she looks to me as though she were t | ready to keel ri, i over, Murphy said t erhaps It could be pi 4 le od pe de inappeared Whils his partner Haines took'. his Pen felt that the last hour was & nightmare, Severs! reporters and , {Plkmographats with cameras were in | know hs. room Ma The on wore on, The lights were lighted, Jean sat hn hu chal. ut headquistors and again she had » queer feeling that nn was unable to make her mind function, Murphy came back sonifin wnd mo- tioned Grace out into another room, "Listen, kid, here's your orders, and don't try any funny stuff with us or your girl friend will be in & pack of frouble," he advised crisply, Grace listened intently to hls or- ders. Her heart sank, Then they both came back to Jean. "Jean, Mr, Decker has just called up and he says that all this is fool- sh, He's ordered us to send you home right away. Grace Is going to take you to her house. You better stay with her tonight. Understand?" Murphy said, o \ "Yes, and well have the party Just a though hothing had happened," Grace sald, and she tried to force gayety into her volee, ean rose, and the tears streamed down her cheeks. "I knew Mr. Decker wouldn't let them keep me here," she said gratefully, "I'm the happlest girl in the world!" Jean kissed Grace and she might have so saluted the big detective if Grace had not stop- ped her, Jean was so excited with the sud- den news of her release that she couldn't get her arms Into the old raincoat, and she had lost her gloves, Murphy drove the girls to Grace' apartment. He sald he was drivigg that way anyway, During the short ride Jean lsughed and cried hysterically, But when the two girls got inside the apartment safely and closed the door on their troubles it was Grace who threw hers self on the bed and sobbed as though her heart would break. And a mys- tified Jean tried to comfort her, "1 can't understand, Here it is all over and now Jou re crying!" Jean sald with a laugh "That's "the way I am. I'm fine hil there's trouble around, but ne after it's over" Grace lied {ivy a8 sho wiped away her tears. | 0 he was determined to rt. It was all'she could do now'for or Jaan, "Let's think about the party," Grace sid quickly, "First, I 19 go~ ing to dis op for » heh le. Just lie down and re oft to the store for some cake a eream," Fresh Trouble It sdemed to san to be oun later when the doorbell rang. he waited for Grace to answer, but the apart. ment was silent, Jean slipped into Grace's kimono and answered the bell, A woman whom she did not recognize epped into the room from the dark hall, To Jean's surprise she saw it was Vivian Brooks. "I had to see you, just as soon as I saw about the theft in the papers," the former school teacher sald. Jean way shocked at her face. It was drawn and old, and her eyes blased, It was a different Vivian Brooks who Jonironted her now than came to see r earlier in the week, Jean mo. tioned the ylsitor to a chair, don't want to sit down. I came ili t to tell you that there s such a t ne as Jujtice a and ou 're fois to Bulle or as 1 EE Pole lan Sout fs i Reo leet aat back an ani loated, way the only man I Tot was too Shun over Yoved: You ia took away from me ow you' re you suppose ul? But they and heart- | ache, thank, od! That at least was spared me oan in al ot wn Jat.In hr cha chair ud wi tried to 1» home and ha to her jhe ie be Joan bbe aF but her RC Fil vouItl. has sit there od pathetic! Eye hin tne fell , her ih a A as! she pw to wet control of herself sufs: felony' > talk. Joan leaned over Al hy the touch Vivian on her arm. fost We got to ate Jo yr ot n ro hard voice. "I never took 's sweet heart away from I never had a IE Look at iy , she com RAK Ne threw me over for Youn. aay Josperate. Her nerves | t th point, She water, When she came back her nerve was hoy Re Taaey waa gol he wit ha pit ae a low kn I righ 1 Pout new ie all right! t t play Wuppoy hed t hi t and bi ha avery oe oer r wo a og t wall Seay it the 'ele~ us | vator boy declares Ho has takén this woman cried, face 'hat b chair and At) her in any THE OSHAWA DAILY De THURSDAY. MARCH 27, 1930 of the Dkles Nera Brown| / 'who are ® Tue roy done The revenge, f fof me by atin the in front a" Te you think with all that: money you fiole 3 you San cut quite & figure in HOPS h hm! But you never TH oni ege, xh obi snd wonder ohn 5 ¥ waited dnd waited for a deslp "trom Haainle te gat he he X. t town was nC "3 eve y back hand thar rent saw me the night " left?" Jean asked, ivien gave her a withering glance, "Before you got' Into: Grand Cen tral Jake Westlake had told all over town he saw you kissing John Terry on the, station platform. Jimmie Relnsfofd saw you leaving on the train, You wrote to John Terry and ut' your address the' envelope, ro, Terry hag had'detectives watch. ing you ever since you left, She knows every move ve made, Don't you suppose the e Bre 5 ing to find out toot ivian laughed mockingly, 1s Convineed ean was stumped id the news. Then she spoke * qu fetly, "I'm sorry, for this caused Mr, Terry Plot of trouble." "Trouble?" and Vivian laughed, "It is worse than trouble, He's had to leave town, Home Is too uncom- fortable, But for you I'd be there with him |" oan reouldn's understand so many th things now e map whom Dr, Dowling insisted was shadowing her, Her unanswered letter to Mr, Terry. It made no difference now, Jean de- cided, what anybody thought. The damage was done. But she was de- jermined to make Vivian listen to must have what you say is a fie) Jean sald after & few moments of silence, Then she told the other woman how she hind wanted to escape from the cruel: ties of the little town in which she lived, of the horrible red party dress, of the sco fling 4 schoolmates, She also told Vivian of the strange meeting on the station lattot where she and Mr. Terry had waited in silence while Vivian's car stood on the other side of the station. She told of the farewell kiss and the money Mr, Terry had given her, "He gave me that money In the name of the woman he loved and had to give up," Jean added simply, Although crazy with jealousies and thwarted ambitions, Vivian: Brooks knew, deep in her heart, that Jean the truth, Ay never told you the name ed" Vivian pe ay Dg suddenly she threw herself on her knees before ean, "Oh! Save me! Save me! 't tell them about me. The po- lice will find out about you, but don't lst them know about me!" A turned away In disgust from this woman of utterly uncontrolled emotions, Perhaps all that happened was better for Mr. Terry than life with her would have been, "Go home now and keep still" Jean said sharply, "I "certainly shan't make a bad matter worse, Besides it is all over now." pnd, an breathed » sigh of re. e heard ech Iatchkey in ht Flv (Te Be Continued Tomorrow) GPT WAS ie HOES Ll SHORT SELLING Toronto, Mar, 37---Evidenoce that Was aware that buc- of Laguidiare Boal, chief Wp for controller : of reven a ne We. | nd BRA bein own house trading aos | he did vot thin files reco any br 'omitted | trom their books, Nace 1911 Mn | i up) ; Boal said, 1 5) never made, non iris returng 'w Iy, No returns wera Mn Boal was nbre wl um HILL SILK Te Amount Tor \ Hiv Inspectors were jnvestigating the non-member companies at the ok | presont time, \ Mr, Boal ssid be was unable to sey how many were selling stocks, TOPPER TRADE Few Professional Men Wear High Hats These Days London, Mar, 27-=(0P), The fall hat has had ity day, We have this on the word of so emMent nuthority ae Lord (Hamar) Greenwood, But Lord Greenwood Is one of the few men Who still loves the tall hat. His Lordship was attending a din. ner Ih connection with the Canadian secti®n of the British Industries Fair thé other night, A few nights before he had been present at a match he tween the Canadian Ice Hockey team and Oxford and» \Cimbridge Univers sitles,. During the miteh a shot from the puck struck Lord Greenwood's tall hat, and pretty well demolished it By a most fortunate circumstance Lord Greenwood's face wad just saved from serious Injury, At a dinner a few nights later a small uniformed messenger appeared with a hat-box, Inside it was'a brand new tall hat, u gift from the Cunas dian' Tee Hockey Team replace ment of the hat which they had un wittingly, destroyed, One ofthe lading West-end hatte " Ho touch the sool.af the car, Wow men, evenin the legal or medica! \ ducliron that fhe finiygrial use of the od the tall hat dn London. en do not like their ~ profession; vear tall hats nowadays Seen going about their usual occu. pations, RAGLAN PERSONALS Raglan, March 24.--Migses KIi- sie pnd Florence Grills, Columbus, visited Mrs, Gordon Brent recont- fy. The #tinday Hchool 1s holding a concert in the church on Good ¥ri- ny evening, April 18, ~ Born--To , Myr, and' Mrs, Cari Avery on March 22, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Reeson, Brooklin, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ni Hughson, recently, Miss Violet and Gordon Thomps son, Toronto, spent 'the week-end st thelr home here, A number from here attended the progressive euchre and lost heir purty at Columbus on ¥Fri- dny _ night, Miss Ruby Wilson broulht home the first prize for lost heir, Missos Hazel Pleyson and Twile Is Turner, "Torento, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Plerson, Henry Avery, Woodstock, visit. od with his brother, Wm, Avery, recently, Mr, dnd Mps, Roy Brawn, Oshe awn, spent Saturday with friends here, Arthur weak-end Perry, The Ladies' Ald iw sponsoring a Arama on April 2, 1030, played hy the Brooklin people, entitled, "I'he Adventures of Grandpa." Come and enjoy a good laugh, My. and Mry,, Thos, MoKee, Manchester, © spent Sunday with Mr, nnd Mrs, J. Evans, Frank Grose, Toronto, spent the week-end 'with his parents, Ormiston spent the with friends in Port -------- as ii ES ' PATE NINE IMPROVE "MRS, T, py 263 Huron St, Stratford, Ontario R. R. 4, Cobourg, Ontario AM E. Pinkham my Vere: le Compound le "Years ago when 1 had a od | sick fother and a nusing baby care for, 1 got all rdindown and took L: oh ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound to get strength to do my work. An- other time at Change of Life, | had severe headaches and felt tired all the time. I'took seven bottles of the Vegetable Com- pound and felt like a new woman, I recommend it to any woman who is at this age.' one AT, fr poor health should not Best tate to try ic, When 1 was taking the Compound I tried the sample Liver Pills I found i174 the 'package, I have taken them every night since and | can feel myself improv ving. lam so thankful for the they do me that [ have to d several women about it' --Mn, GC, W. Posliff. ~=Mrs, T. E. Sleeman. Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha LL. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyf Ma ind Cobaury , Canada. hn, Ontaric ES. a Mr, and Mrs, Star and won, of Mr, and Mrs, Ray Way, of Osh. Oshawa, have moved Into part of awa, spent Sunday with Mr, and H, Cool's houwe, | My ' ' . rs, Geo, Stacey, Orval Lyle spent Sunday tn Own. | MF G00 oe awn, Saran) SB Sei NR A RT IN ON STATION CFCA EX Nerd sAruBAY ro A & P HOUR, OF MUSIC, AGAIN A&P OFFERS NEW LOW PRICES These new low prices for Campbell's Tomato Soup, Meins Ketchup and Salmon are another proof of A & Ps constant leadership In offering the highest quality foods at the Jowest of prices, grocery list to A & P your tisfaction is § Bring your meat and 22 King St. West--Phone 263-29 Simcoe St, South--Phone 3170. ASSORTED sours CAMPBELL' 8 Jou Shale of RW rd pes r pol Oxtall Vego- gia Feppor Poet, Chicken Rice. Root 2 Tins Ei Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 Ting Ic AT THIN NEW LOW FRICD AT A & P ATORES, P Markols carey a full I Aehet quality at lowest prices. FANCY MILK FED FOWL swirrs LY DEN LOIN ROAST . FRONT QUARTER . BEST MILK FED TENDER, JUICY ROASTS A SHOULDER Bath Seey We 28e FREAN ATLANTIO COD AY ihe "FANCY QUALITY MEATS LOIN RIB LAMB CHOPS . Veal Fillets PORTERHOUSE BLADE ROAST RUMP ROAST FRESH FILLETS ' -~ ne of ments, Nish and powliry of w. 35 AYRE FINEST YOUNG CANADIAN LAMB - 33 FARR Ib. 28¢ ev aves oo lini 33e LAE EE RE J , Ib, 1% » 38 & P QUALITY BERF ib. 38¢ ib. 28¢ ib. 25e¢ ib. 28e¢ ib. 22¢ OLE nO ERY Back Bacon war i». 40- Ib. 420 Sunnyfield Bacon Side Sliced iJ 24¢ Pork Shoulders ix, ».20- LENTEN FISH SUGGESTIONS ¥ THE bt Lt ib. 1 §e i. 1 §e wl Hi" 1b, 17. 0 Ib 13 2 Pate 25c GOLD SEAL BRAND SALMON sockeye MAKES AN EXCELLENT LENTEN SALAD ULL Gondola Chocolates "i: ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS . Na? SPAGHETTI, Heinz ...i00 AREAL HEALTH DRINK Coco Malt HaiPound Tin J le MACARONI 2 sk Ble YOUR CHOICE OF MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI AT THIS LOW LENTEN PRICE 18-02, 21c SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MA MALADE JAR SKIPPER SARDINES, Imported, 1's, 2 tins 33¢c pep ot FE EERE E EE RR IR Cc A BRAND Pork & Beans 2 421. A LENTEN TREAT 2 bs. 33¢ LAYER FIGS " Tin §9e DORDEN'S FAMOUS MUSHROOMS, First, Choice LIL TR TOR + Tin Be. 0 Pe 4 §e ov Bde MALTED MILK AYLMER CHOICE PEAS TY Noy a er Fancy fiolden Bantam Corn™® 4" ton's ROYAL CREAM SODAS F Weston' s ROYAL CR SODAS; 2 Phi. 38% KRAFT'S FAMOUS Canadian CHEESE abd '3 §e ENCORE 'MAYONN SE .. | 27¢ SAE 41 a GILLETTE, the New Razor *TIt{tN* GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES A 3%. PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUS OWN. BUTTER " ower ONIONS Yellow ROMS Eady RS, RS adi dire | ORANGES ui SPINACH" Fresh ERTL TR POTATOES oiiff... | to' nay made wad T ATLANTIC & Pacieic Tra Co. ¢

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