"| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 The Town of 'Whithy's contribu- Itions to the. treasury of the County |r of ario have increased over one, hundred per cent, in a period of four Mears, according to figures obtained 'recently from the municipal books. Average ratepayers who looks at Bis annual tax bill and rightly comes to the conclusion that his taxes are going up perhaps not realize this 'fact, but it is nevertheless true. And the 'amount paid by the town to the county each year is an expendi ture over which the Town Council has absolutely no control, Increase in Four Years In the year 1925, the town of Whitby paid into the county treas- firy the. sum of $10, In 1929 it paid $21,260.23, an increase, as al- ready noted, of one hundred per cent, There are indications that the town's bill will be considerably more this year, as already an increased rate for county roads has been decided upon, 1f the bill is larger, it will have to bey provided for in this year's. tax rate, ; It is only, right to point out that for the past three yehrs Whitby has heen receiving a rebate of fifty per cent of its county road levy und this has offset to some extent the town's heavy county taxgtion bill, On the other hand the town stands to lose considerable money, probably $500 a ear, If legislation now before the ouse at Toronto, introduced by the Minister of Highways, is passed, Jt is an amendment fo the Highway Improvement Act which provides that towns like Whitby receiving a rebate on county road levies cannot collect for county debenture pripeipal und interest. The amendment, if passed, will be retroactive to the year 1926, which means that the Town of Whit- by will have to hand back to the County about $2,000, an amount re- another mill on the tax rate, any Ontario municipalities, thropgh the Ontario Municipal As- socihtion, are fighting this new legis- lation which comes before the House this week, It may be that in view of the ever increasing burden of county taxation the Town of Whitby in the not far distant future may consider it advis- able to consider the question of separ ation from the county, The County Council has very 'little control of large expenditures such as the thous- i of dollars demanded annually presentin by the Provincial Department of Highwan for pavements built in the county, so thut relief is "hot very promising. A new combination lock fon residence doors can be operated in the dark, ------------------ Bargains T n 1927 CHEVROLET A USED CARS SEDAN -- New Tires, New Bat- io In every way an Sadaptional $375.00 LLL rr EE EL LE 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE in New car CONGIRION savivtsrisesvnssassssessnisreissirrspers 1989 ESSEX COACH--First class order CE EC $450.00 $625.00 Ross, Ames & arshore , Lid vi HUDSON-ESSEX PRONE 1100 185 KING 8ST, W. Chamber of Commerce to Hold Luncheon Wed. 2nd, in Council Chamber April mittee Is Active in tries~--Seeking New -------- Whitby Chamber of Commerce has planned a luncheon to he held on Wedn 'next, April 2nd, in the Counell Chamber, , The luncheomwill start at 12,50 noon sharp, and the programme committee Nas' been fortunate in securing as the guest speaker the Rev, Dr. W, U, Gordon, (Ralph Connor) distinguished author and preacher, who ns a mission in Yuli United Church on Sunday next, 3 Want Large Attendance As this will be the tirst luncheon of the spring season, hod We the sposker 1s one who 1s well quali. fied to bring to the members of the 'Chamber a worth while 'mes. sage, n determined effort will ne made to fill the Counell Chamber to capacity, Tickets. dre now being printed, and will be offered fo: sale by the luhicheon commitioe almost immediately, The committees in charge of the luncheon will meet at once to ar- range all details, In addition to Dr, Gordon's address, it is planned Guest Speaker will be the Rev. Dr. W. C. Connor) Distinguished Author and Preacher ' eon Also Planned for Later on in the Month When Far- mers of the District Will Be Guests--Industrial Its Endeavors to Members es to have brigat community singing and a brief programme, It 1s als) planned to have the luncheon pver by two o'clock #0 that it willinot inconvenience business men. The Chamber of Commerée also haw plans under way for the hoid- ing of a luncheon towards the enn of April ¢* which a number of prominent farmers vf the district will: be guests, The committes in charge held a meeting a fow evon- ings ago when plans were discus. sed, and these Will = be further formulated, SotkLig Industrios The industrial .committes, = of which Dr, 4, L. Macdougsll Is chatrman, Is. constantly in touch with prospective industries, an just now corréspoudance is being earriod on with one or two, There Is nothing definite, however, 10 sunounce at the present time, The membership committee from time to time is seeking to get new members and~before long a mem- bership drive will be undertaken, Whitby's Light and Power Users Will Benefit from New Hydro Legislation tems in Four The Toronto papers recently car ried a rews item to the effect that the Government of the. Province of Ontario was introducing legislation in connection with the Central On- tarlo Powey System to turn back to the constituent municipalities a sum in excess of two million dollars. As this seems to be an astonishing piece of legislation, inguiry was made at the Whitby Public Utility Commis sion office where the following ex planation of the probable meaning of the proposed legislation was ob tained, The whole Hydro enterprise is this 'Province is "essentially 'a municipal one, It is truethat, to'a certain ex~ tent, the Hydro Flectric Power Comms mission of Ontario is representative of the Government of Ontario and through them, the people of Ontario, But they are glso, and to a much greater degree, trustees for the Lmunicipalities who are taking power under "The Power Commission Act." The, basic business principle of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario is to supply power "at cost' to the various municipalities and they Over Two Million to be Turned Back to Constituent Muni- cipalities in Central Ontario System, Not in Cash, But to Retire Bonds When Due and Provide Renewals and Other Contingencies-- Whitby Light and Water Sys. Years Be Free of Fixed Charges carry this principle 'out to the exact letter, And the method by which they achieve thii object is by means of the famous "thirteenth bill" that s0 much has been written and talked about, 4 Included in the "cost" of power to the various muicipalities of the Hydro union, we find the following ems! ministrative expenses. (2) Interest. (3) Profit, or loss, from power sold to private companies, (4) Renewals, amortization, These ate pro rated fo the various municipalities agcording to the amount of power used each year, will be noted that, so far as the the first three items are expense a counts, pute and simple, and are written off each year us sueh, But the latter two are of a different na ture, in the monthly power bill to the 'Thousands of Manufacturer's Miniatures Given - Away - Free! {TO CUSTOMERS VISITING OUR STORE TODAY, TOMORROW & SATURDAY Bags full of sam purchases Th ee, topiad i Bi Jou Friday 4 by Saturddy, leading manufacturers will be given to persons making Samples of Perfumes, Soaps, Lotions, Tooth through the cooperation. of Hudnuts, , Mennens, Williams, United Drug Co., and other reliable . ., firms -- are released for this big sample sale. Be sure to get your bag of samples. Jergens, Armands, 'Creams, Lotions, etc. = } ; | § |r \E i ! i ! ' LT : NE Containing a number of Samples -- all useful -- Three Flowers Perfume -- FREE ith' $1.00 Box of dudnut Face Powder 'will be given an extra sample of ree Flowers Perfume -- | B0c Size Hudnut Taleum 25¢ vial Perfume == FREE THURSDAY, FRIDAY | Put Pep in Your a Cnr fou. fever | special | West's if 3 i Ra Williams Aqua '"Velva -- FREE Wish: each 35¢ tube of Wil liams Shaving Cream will be given a large sample bottle of Aqua Velva Lotion, Containing extra samples in grand variety and is = Given with Purchases of | Giant Sampler $1.00 and up West's Toothpaste FREE A 25¢ tube West's Tooth Paste' fo with each Dr, Tooth Brush, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY * Smilin' Morn A dash of Regesan ~ making purches of $1.00 or more ong Aladdin -- A most useful Iratrument in any household FREE TO MEN KNIFE Value, 25¢ 3 Bt I Tho day os nt 19 Y, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A a ----_-------- J system furnishing power to the mui. (1) Operation, maintenance and ad- | (5) Obsolescence, contingencies and It | Central Ontario System is concerned, | They represent eash collected | Lo DIOSSTILE Tepe WouRSHI MELARE DESSERTS, ry THe, Mz INVINCIBLE £ | QU PUDDING munleipatities which Ts used in retir- ing the bonded indebtedness of the cipalities, By this we mean the yearly amount 'required to pay the original cost of the Generating Sta- tions, high tension transmission fines, step up and step down transformers stations and all other high tension equipment, The Hydro also collect from the municipalities an amount sufficient to provide for renewals and absoleseence in the foregoing equip~ ment, Wiping Out Debt It will be obvious that at the end of the period for which the bonds were issued that the whole system will hot only he sree of debt but that interest charges will also disappear This will reduce costs of operation by, perhaps, 50 per cent, Who then should own the system? Certainly not the Hydro or the Gov ernment, The answer is the munici palities who paid off the entire debt charges through their monthly power bills, the Hydro enterprise, "Power ut cost to the Municipalities" who have assumed responsibility forall charges Accumulated Reserves | We note from the 21st Annual Re | port of the HPC, that on October | dist; 1928, the Central Ontario Sys tem has accumulated reserves to the | extent of $2492903.03, which were wade up largely of items 4 and 5 | nbove,. It would appear to be fhe | intention of the Government to pass | legislation that would enable them to divide this pro rata among the contributing municipalities," This has heen done from the beginning in (he Niagara Municipalities, but not so with the Central Ontario System be. cause of the fact that the Govern ment owned the System outright and not the municipalities as is the case In the Niagara System. Lindsay, Oshawa, Belleville, Port Hope, Ster- ling and other places have recently voted themselves to a place on the Hydro Bond wagon, so it may be as- sumed that the Government is recog nizing the fact that the Central On ! | sent down, . . | Town of Whithy This then is the whoie. gospel of | WAT SCREEN-GRID tario System municipalities are be ginning to deserve the same treat- ment as those served by the Niagara System, Jt must not he supposed that this $2492903.03 will be divided in actual cash among the municipalities; in- cluding Whitby, This money will be used to retire the bonds when due and to provide renewals and other contingencies, But year by year the various municipalities will be credited with the amount paid in by them and will show this amount as an assct This asset will be the amount of equity that pthe municipality has in the Central Ontario System. For in» stance, Georgetown is shown by the Hydro Bluebook to have $29,810.67 ' us an equity' in the Hydro System, | Whithy has not any, neither has any other COS, municipality, It is to correct this inequality that the pre legislation | being brought What Whithy Paid We note that in the year 1928 the paid $1954.14 for renewnls and a further sum of $4, 247.11 for obsolescence contingencies and amortization, This makes $6,~ | 201.25 paid in one year alone by this Whitby of ours, but it will come back to us "alter many days" if the pro- posed legislation "is adopted Power Users Should Stop Stop and reflect over what will be the position of the Hydro municie palities in this Province, when the bonded indebtedness of the Systems have faded largely out of the picture by reason of the policy outlined above. Even now, we boast of the cheapest "juice" in the world, 1t will be cut in half in. the days that are yet to come and those days are not too far off at that, Of Interest to Whithy Another interesting side light on the eect of debt retirements that will be largely of local interest: There are only four more payments to be made on the original debenture of the Town of Whithy for $65,000 to establish the local light and water systems, This ' annual payment amounts to $3,758.95, "A penny saved RADIO Proved Performance / «es POWER... RANGE... SELECTIVITY / Onié ificent set com. bines.all the qualities radio engineers have been striving for ... the famoue Atwater Kent workmanship surpasses itself in these great new Screen Grid models, See... listen LR NOW! | ER Ry We WANT YOU 10 see and hear the new marvel of radio ag demonstrated in these new Atwater Kent Screen-Grid models. We want you to try the needle-point selectivity, the wide MALCOLM & HILL D oxXe. The Goodness of Beef Tins of 4 and 10 WRB is a penny earned." In another four years, the local system will be entire ly relieved of Fixed Charges to this extent, thus justifying the faith of thpse who, twenty-six. years ago, pledged the eredit of the Town to establish these utilities, Leek Annexation Kingston, W 1. Rigngy, city solicitor, went to Tor- onto Monday before thie private bills committee to sponsor the city's ap- | plication for annexation of a number of lots in Kingston, Township to the City of Kingston, The township is opposing the application and th. se sion of the Frontenac County Coun- cil which was scheduled to open Tuesday was postponed for a day order to allow the members to go to Toronto to fight the move, REAL EMPLOYEE In one of the big London stores during Christmas week a large, sulley man tried to get on the lift Look H, Craig and T.| mi RE RR EE Ry | reserved for employes, 'I'he open | ator told him he coul.n't get on He got on, anyhow, und the Jitu | man told him to get oft, When he didn't, the pushed him, | 1don?" | "Kmployes only," | | | liftmay he sald, "What's the § ator firmly, "Go and boll pther, 'Don't Banta Claus past?' you you know I've heen here for six yoar( DOCTOR KNOWS BEST | -- . "How is It you huve such a largd | practico and are su beloved bY your patients, doctor?" I tell those who are really 11 that they are quite well. and those that imagine they are ill that they are very il." N T range that makes it easy to get far-away stations--clearly, out distortion, We want you to listen to the tone--true to every note- «t any volume---peal, living music--and without mechanical noise or hum. with. inside. Seo what fine mechanical jobs these are, how §i f well every part is made and shielded. Stand back and view the cabinet. Made by one of Canada's sido f Xx m ¥ Rs nished in genuine NosMar, | - Thrillto this new magic todily! Kitchener, Ont,, Canadian Licenseey, 3 Adams Fu Simcoe St: S. rniture Co., Phone 701 said the oper. § self," said the §