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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 13

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§ | i THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH: 27,1930 PAGE THIRTEEN ED SECT meets 0 eller ROPER O \ yb piri Pabic, dard Dank, Rutrance Grierson, FP "Ag 6. iby . & y J 'to loan, 46 Hit! vorth. ; Vhove 67. Residence ------r------ GREE ANOTTION Cars." Solltors eic. 1 24% iY heme J, Ney te ALEX U. HALL, B.A, DARRIS: tor, on Cb tranting and genera) Hs FY 4 Ki A nut ud Photon] 0 Fry Port yt 24 An ere. Sreite By pF 3 R (Mar, 4:1 mo) A. J. PARKHILL, BARR fA to loan," Alger Bidg, op t Office, Phone 1614, 'DRE CEWOOD™ 4" WARPER, Disney Block. Phone. "050, Office hours 8 a.m, to 8,00 p.m, Dr, AB. J. Hazlewond, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Dr, B, H. Har- per, spegial attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls 7416 or 122, DR. MgKAY PHYS CIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher, ce and resi. dence, King St. rip. ome Victoria t, Oshawa, Phone 94 clan, Surgeon. Obafutrician, Sopenl x 10 on. Ty work and di- vears' post raduat and' resi nee 1 cor, Brock) phone fh ll Oba tricinne. Hs, of tr nani a A hid Offic i" ence, Phone 2415, - fan, , §4 eon and Obsietriclar, office - ig res picky 185 Simcoe Street, North, 'pho i Sore 5 yc iN 8 TE OVER ye AS ; Norse | 4] "ui ANEYETAT ent, Wave Sh Rei, an poo' 81. Phone ne, 68 i NS BA AN effi 2 Shi Se. St, h. | celling," sh : pi MARIE, * | moderate rrices, oomal e {nia el 8 , Fen Author a Bye ' Strain, The | Chilg and Te Development, Dig ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 1516. (Mar. 13-1 mo) loan. | 0 A WAGON, COLE man's, 85. Bopd West, Specisiiste in fureltirs moving, ware ouse and moving YAR equipment, nme 83 MN 1 SANPAG Aol Leen) ea | My + Bmith 1% ont Cos, Phone 934, 10 Bond Ht, West, since fehl d Jur vure ee Eafe (7 eer WHY PAY RENT-=MOVING Ib chenper, moving or / hauling' ov cents up, Try us, Local and long distance, 'Engle Cartage. Phone 290, (Feb, 281 mu) ------ Beauty Parlors BETTY LOL PERM TE wave, Special re wave ir euttl 256, coe North Hoy Wart MARCE atty Ward. at Bet We hipas or apse mens sored ¢ j+1 mo) LATH OF is, France and T, Eston, To Hy bigh class betty cultufe mt Rake. Phone Mar G1 mo) MARCEL AND ( gE . 80, EVEN ings and Seturdays, Mrs, K, Clarke, 147 Agnes street, Phone 1% sonia. a 1, ubove Pp Mam street vast, uprial 26407, (Mar 20-1 mo) Music YNDE, VOCAL TEACH. urg. Conservatory, i Dehua Franny va 2784F, ~agtil TG. TRENBER, Sires: Du pole of King ] 2 Tah hupiis ar partion } William. stree: east. rogto) exams. ST EF fk 'one bed er suite, alse 1X rug, 1 yvde, sqUAPS. Ap. All Classified Advertising ~~ Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY: CASH. IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of {oss arising from handling o large number of of this nature, For th conv 5 come perso snd collect for same, "Times" Classified of ctutomers who find " ly to The Times' office, o losuvel -l will bring » pas: stud who will recalve the advertisement se and accounts Ads 'Bring Results ro lephotle. 35.¢ Work Wanted ay Br HARGRL, | cA LED ivi ren. tal up Bon, th moi sessed 1 8¢. ne ar 16-1 mo) 17380, (de) = Dry Cleaoing____ DRY CLEANING, PRMSBING, Dy« King Street West. Phone hol 12% Khu Sue ar el Mo) N dry cleanin " repairing, all called for and delivered paring, ul gol 66 Bagot Street, (Mar, 1141 no.) A Sr STIR Sulling Supplies | FE, BLOCKS _F R SALES dste. pt delivery, orders in advance AE delivery W, Borrowdala, phove 1618, ol. .or need, sale, Phone bi r 1-8. Lh ra me) wins §1 por barrel undelivered. Phone 183 r 6 Jobn jal orth, CTRUARD SOT WALNUE BI. ing room suite, Cas range used ¢ - hoard, one Tug an years, kitchen cul nts, Kellogg's 'w Bar Bird, Prem» Po and Pocomoke, White Leghota hatching HL Baron strain, an ble, Pho (7 Y 110. FIV tow. All conveniences, Pho 62 W. {Mar 46-1 mo) STTLARY Tian OVEN ELEC | trie range wardrobe trunk, eptie ae x ul '. ote, ater a ., Phone hi, i | ee ' (Beh) FOUR AND FIVE KOOMEDL MUD orn suites, (neludiog electric refrig: oration, stove, inundry, conven) utes. #te.; eontinuous net water | p big oat Apply ri hase 261, srantes Oo. 4d, Mb for bo or Toronte. (3741) 0 we FIVE house on Prince street, Ap Biglp west, be (87¢0) we WELL ¥ bedroom fof. | Sulina lady" Lor Fa el. With or without Ibert 'St. Oshawa, (71g) TO RENT~FOUR ROOM APAR ment, all conveniences, new building, Fiona price, Simeoe St, South JR EDT HOUSE TY. rent, furnished or infurghed, all conveniances. J% Burke St. (71e) FOR "RENT ~~ VACANT NOW w= Drew, Livision," Colbourne, Agnes, Sommerville, Burke, Warren, Thirty g up: See Musdogh- ior these, veo. ny NUAS pply Be Buckingham Ave, (710) bedrooms, suitable for two young Indies or gentlemen, Close to Mots ors, Phone 2390). (710) EX ROOY RE pd 2e John Street, or phone (710) ment and private bath, Unturminh od Iarge rooms, Good dlatrigh Roasonable, 18 Gladstone Ave, nL TO RENT-THREE ROOMS ) | A bath, "hardwood floors, lovely elec Aun. Apply dh Say Ma HO TO RENT AT | ren' Fala Apply 21 Fork Ta RENTZTWO LARGE FURN- ished or unfurnished rooms sulta for bed Sitting woms or light house. in conveniences, also 4 hone 1460, ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, hr oad Houth, Fhone (Tin) tery: eliminator; Will sell or trade tor ond oar. 248 Park road south phone | teon ay or Wisw.. OA hand cinders and general Chis, Girshaen. , ite (4 piscssi feles, Phone $000 and other ars (1%) sion, Phone 1400.5 . TWO OR THRED 1878 M A FRIGHT APARTMENT suite building, In contrat mix. furnished It desired, newly decor aled, electrig stove, refrigerator, Jonitor service, Immediate Ponts: (784) FOR RENTw» ANA LQ 3 t; compriging ving, Kitenenetts, | gerator, laun- ly Vhone var, (180) VININY Benion Jarvig ent, Arr avo Th HT \ k the | street, Phone 111 id foil tnd sect | wna (71) | | For. Rent fiat for rent, Throo roomy, Wired for electric stove, Hardwood floors, Apply to 221 Dearbora Ave, (708) TWO ROO home, bedrooms snd sitting room, well dngpished and all modern con. ven one losis frome business OX Fa on ground floor, Al with garage, in quiet 51 cArthur stroet, bone |' DROW, (788) A TURNED oF unfurnished Apartment, in good home' and locality, 'ri able vent, Box $49: i Brick house at 146 Burk St iif ion rid rk hasan s he o¥sosglon al 8, Apply to Li how ig nn, No 5, Bowman. ville qr.phi 4 close in, + Phone 1 TN Fi |) entrance, three Yoos, every conven dency, M8 Athol 81, East, Phone Athy apa fivent for rent v3 first, ATH Apt, 2 Cana Loma," 161 King St, I, (73¢) UG BRICK CR HOUSES 6 ROOMS, unroon, Electelc Mantle, Hardwood floors, French doors, All conven- lence, garage, divided cellar, paved street, eaidantial district, *'Posses- vil Phone 3207 (73¢) For Exchange FOUR THOUSAND EQUITY IN fwo seven roomed brick Oshawa houses, Agnes 8',, for exchange, would consider Peterboro property, Apply particulars Weber Brug Bore, (72¢) sterbo. Ist class In exchange for car, radio, true phonograph, furni« ture, bieycle; chickens-or anything, What have you?! Pnone 2535W, NT OY NAY first, five to eight reomed house, Good locality, Conveniences, Ap. oy Box 544 Times, {T8e) or Sale or nge DUPLEX HOUSE VOR SALE OR exchange, separate entrances, all con. veniences, paved street, double gare age, hardwood floors, Apply Box 548 Times, (72¢) or or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT- FIVE room house, large a if he bd y id Wade, Phone For Sale FOR FACE ==" FITERN""AURE lots, Cheap, Close to Ushawa, Small cash payment, Kasy terms, Apply 140 Agnes St, (794 A low, All modern conveniences, Well situated, Brock St. South, op+ Joite Town Park, Whithy, Apply to 1,0, Box 314, Whitby or phone 181W, Whitby, ($30) LOT TOR SALE" Tr FIRST oft BiSuncos St; North on Ari Phone 1493 Se) Room wu Board RNS lences, B o i | hee. or od if devired, Aue 0 68 Gibbs Tooms with private bath and ens trance, With 'of without board, 185 Centre Bt. Phone 8118J, (11) "Room and Board Wanted BUSINESS GIRL. DESIRES Woo | 5G and board in Privat 454 bis Box 4 R S a d and room, t, (ie) a pst be (7Ja) boy. for. messenger Urential Textil car for week-ends, Give phone nums to Box 848 Times H ey 3. with getond class ers, Apply Schofiel collen' Com i > ¢ loader for Kuok Presbyt i Ql eeu, Apply by letter giving tion pnd) Jpmuneration ofr to MH, Mi Pieri, 33 vi it wna enat. fo of in Boke | a " white y cath anal tn In woe 1 references, Ao (Tile) Ble in up to barber shop. 104 0 date Wilk! at, ot. Phone. 248, §, Bowma 1 THe) ed. pH a work, 1 Apply fo trie a4 | 0th Congession of the Township wn n oats § .'M. Poster, R ville. g a atten Ml a Lc "wo : ve co. Genera th ce Vor can te Dictaphone, He | Pots and Live Stock. JAEAWAV HATCHED CHICKS rom trapenested breeders, 8 C White Leghorns, barred rocks, white Wyandottes, Wilte Or phone for talogue, Onl hay Ha chery, and Foul? Farm, oh Park Road North, hones Phones 7 in 1337%, (Mar, 21-1 Mo.) "BAUY, Hono Nu montis old, Ti bbons street, Home Cooked Meats JNCLTSH WOME "WAVY PONR ples, steak and kidoey ples bot cold brawn, sakes and pastries, ota, oto, Frank Rai, 21 Maple sires, Phone 20790. (nn reaediiio Mortgage for Sale 788 | FOR SALT, SECOND MORTGAGE 3,000 well secured, on one best ages Durham County, Discounted to yield elght per cent, Box 504 Times, (71¢) Apply " > edly | At strife, earth's children, will ye GENTLENVUSN never rest Prom tolls made hateful here and dewn's distressed With raveling welf-engendered misery? And will yo never know, till sleep shell sde graves how drendfyl how dark indeed Are prids, polfswilly and od. anger, greed And HS with its subtle erueity How heautiful is gentleness, whose face Like April sunshine or and blind Your the sume buds' of it 1s; mer, fiwells everywhers the generous thought; #0 easy and so sweet grace Smoothes out wo soon the tangled knots of pain, Can yo not Jearn it? Willige not be taught? its Loot and Found CORT IIOYer NOM ORY % Lovell, King street, Anyone hav. Ing samo after this date will be prosecuted, Reward for informas Lon le leading to its recovery, Phone (710) , Money to Loan SORE TO LOAN = FUNDS available for first mortgages, on well located 'residences, Brodley Drop 84 Simeos South (hpstalce) (Feb, 28.1 mo.) and farms, apply A: J. Parks erty p ill, 37 King Fast, phone 1614, Motor Cars Dominion Garage, 88 Bond street west, Phone 5108, All cars at one price $1.00, (March 1-1 mo) §T00 CASH WILL BUY GHEVRO: fet Coach, good copdition," four new tires, 1930 license. Apply Box 850 Times, (73¢) a a GOOD, USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 $lmcoo Bt. 8. Phone 900 Order Your Spring Suit Now from the poMIN 108 N Siam G ©0, Ww (hone na We Deliver Spirella Corsetiere CORSETTERE=PLEAST 1 PIIONE 23) Mrs, Derumaux for particus lars of the new itn ine in Sp trict. North East, alter ot 'Ti (Mar, 154 Moy | . resontative; north west and south past districts, 106 Frederick street. Phone 3180M, (Mar 15-1 mo) HARDWOOD VLOORS LAID Electrio Sanded aud Finish. ed Complete W. J. TRICK CO. LTD. 85 Albert Street I'hone 880, B81 | wT Auction, Sale AVING RUC tions trom Mr, Lyle to sell at 148 Colbourne 8t, rw rave. on Sate yrday March 29th, 19 lece Chey terfield suite, divonette, dining room suite, 6 beds, 4 dressers, kitchen cab- inet, 4 tables,' chairs, couch, clock, cookstove, coaloll Stove, "cooking utensil, large screen, congolium rugs, { hallrack, other things top numerous to mention, Sale at one thirty pm, Terma quash, W. J. Sulley, auction. eer, (72¢) "OORY COTTAGE" 8 rooms and kitchen, garage, and 2 acres good garden land, 10 fruit tees, 3 mile from miles from Quhawas mail doMvery, phons, ¢ 0 school and ' church, Bargain $1,000, half cash, balance eany( DISNEY Phone 1000 Lake, 0 tions from Mike Stasi to sell at ¢7 Thigd Avenue, Oshawa, on Friday, March 28th, 1930, one plano, radio, bookcase, 8 plece [i k dining room suite, kitche et, combin- ationgoal and gas ove, Quebec heater, library table, lamp, new Simmons 'bed complete, bed, cot, dresser, kitchen chairs, beat utensils, other things 100 numerpus 0 mention: Sale at one thirty pn. erms cash, WW, ar, J. Sulley, auction. (73h) MORTGAGE SALE Under and by by virtue of the paws ors contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Publio Auction on Friday the #8th a of March at the hour of ) ionk nthe aliernoon on the premises Lot 8 | XA o 9th Concer sion of Naat! iby by William Maw, Auctioneer, ' the following property: namely, 'the North halt of the South hai of Lot 8 in the Kast 'Whitby and part of lot the sald Concession more He, eeribed in the sal sage No. 11064, for the Township he Raparty is sald to comprise about 60 acres of good arable land' ay itivanion. On the land fe to stand" a large frame house rilous vor | in gqod state of repair a bara and Jthe necessary out buildings, : Term 3¢ Sot cont of the pure hate ond to he. aid down at the and fa J0 For furthev nl Nh i or ot Sule hei Orava and Wiliam hale Ranh. yi } A oe oan) ONTARIO STARTS 'WAR ON WOLVES ttee Horr ust snace qeer will only killed on the territo! Ey [) Oy No Ww Kher the old rate REIT 18 wil' Vs i om hare the wolves flours RAN nw both bu or y r Watoh won against' unlers who attempt to kil ad gollect 1 a another, ln GE Th, \ DeTnoon earborundum Docks. AR TE Whitby 18 Blind shultitudes that: jer confuse | § URY & LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornli, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialise one B2IN OPTOMETRIST '8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with atmoss gomfors Hare's Faaltless ' Lenses > Oshawa Burial Co. h succossor (0 Disney«Cott AMBULANCE #7 Colina St, Phono 1089 Mort be sold subs ete 12th day | Jailosmade | Suits , Scotland Woollen Mills i 5, ROYISH, Maungor 83 NOND 81, WEST EYESIGHT SPECIALLY Specialising mussle vasa and CX Disney Block * Opposite Fart Oe Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores de LOANED Ef All Ne wr A G. R. Hold MOTOR ANS AND DIS COUNTS 12D. _ 74 Athol St. 'W,, Odhawa | Ld Phones 18==3111 We Dave ne hook = or ther materi today, nor ever had, cation of ¢ truthfully as genuine Wine for that malter ich adapts ual to, hie in dolor 0 pit I Please remember this whe plane for your Spring b renovating. This premier word: Tay 'interior. trim, is kept by us in pritge condition all the time, "pendly 'for im, medikte service, stained, or It can be. Painted, | enameled at will, with a | positive surety of satisfuctory resulw, | | | :

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