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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 14

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. VP i JMinsuccesstul effort Halwed Agoln It bridge at WAS 1RIg00 = mee Moyle se domictlod at bn Were glyen a (hls weak when he 464 nis Club gave to transbhory these aged the Dell Theatre Wherd 0 the gusts of George BRAger of the theawss, © Mee ds Two Vout Thick erborough ~The Kawartha and Rico Lake are 'stil lees nnd men of the !Mkos sate thi it will be at leamt April 20 fare tho break up comes, "The foe fn many placss Is two foot thick dud thy lakes, ara gull being used igiways for vehicular tratfie, fed. went out eurly lust Bolum, But #18 going to be lato this wonstn, although 14 won't be a record by uny moans,' said one man, Who crossed Rice Lake 1 his car. this. Week, bh em bie ca Town Clock Knot Brookville, --At 1.47 oelpok Fupsday afternoon the town eloek oedeed to function becoming frosen theotigh the rain and fee storm. An way made to Kot the machinery in operation shortly after two o'clock, but tha lew wan too heavy and Lhe attemphk was glven up, } ! Thieves Nteal Hens Lindsay. Thieves . , made two trips to the henhousg of John Ker, Lore and. stole 'seven Plymouth Rates, all laying hang, About three months agg four hens weors stolen And three werp taken last Friday. Police say that no other thefts of i hens in the. district have been wl ported to y re. tr 5 { fod nelpatahiy gran Te or kety Bikey that a "sommiiios appoinied to ay convooation, ,0f any person decided upon. The m babilities fire that the specin! mitted will be continued in Bifice and possibly a principal ma be selected befors the session 1980-31 commencing' ig October noxt, h vas New ty Brock {ile.~When | In Torock: ville. lant wepk Colonel Alexander I'raser, of Toronto, the provinein} archivist, gave war Approval t the formation of a Brockville Mis~ torical Boclety, serving the town and purrouning district, and ox pressbd the opinfou that the soclety had a rieh field In which to work, as Logeds and Grenville formed n mobt Blstorle pert of the province. Vive Destroys Bavy Uanatiogue,~-A © iafge cement wlock barn owned by C. H, Hud~ pon, baker, situnted nt the rear 'Of his' property on Brock wstrast was badly'damaged by five this week, Tho delivery liorse and the contents 'of the lower part of the barn were saved, Tho cause of the five is unkuown, Cold Spell Dries Sap Kinguton.--Home of the farm. | ors in this distriot foar that there will be a shortage of maple syrup and sugar in this district, It 1» siuted that the present cold spel! has dried the sap and 4 it does not break in the near future, it Is doubttul if there will be much of a tunel sp. [RR NPS Heart Mane 1 Burockvilloe='Tho trips of Lhe Cannda. Steamship Linen steamors 4] Fed 1400 Chicks with Sumbeam Chick Starter' {lliamy Park, Vineland' Station, Ok, fuse y i hr be edhe Le Rome A § Read What Mr. Willem Park Con Dur py Pin found using half a fi hve a Says: ton of to. be an wn sxcaon ent pig i 1,400 Pin hk pi an yn ---- hy 1a ond ak vi e and he ten tam of trouble, SUNBEAM. CHICK STARTER Saves the Chicks and Builds Them Strong "SUNBEAM POULTRY FEBDS MAN FACTURBD BY STANDARD MILLING CO. of Canads, Ltd, MONTREAL ~ QUEBEG - SAINT JOHN HALIPAX ' A old in Ottis BY. COOPER-SMITH or thin will be innugurated this yedr on Sunday, June 1, when tri-weekly trips from MHrockville east and westhound will be commenced, to continue on Munday, Wednesdays and Fridays, The anfly trips will commeyee on June 14 and continue until Beptember 21, ---Ren wr Vaplan Veteran Dies Brockville, --= Terence Ulasier, veteran of the Fenlan Raid, North- west Rebellion, Houth African War, RussonJapaness 'War and Croat War, 1s doad at the Military hospital at Mtoe. Auue de Uellevye, Que., ageording to word received here. Glasior was born at Fafrtielg ast and spent most of his life In Urockville aud vieinity. Council Adopts Plans Belleville. ~The City Council has adopted tue plans and specificn. tions drawn by Archies B. Croelock, consulting engineer, who Las been retained by the council to superine tend the conjtruction. of a new bridge to replace tne lower bridge. Take Mileage oe Brockville. ~~Announnement hos been made that 24 miles of pro vincial highway, lying between Perth afd Carleton Fiace, has beel, taken from the territory of the Brockville vesidency of the Departs ment of Public Highways, and wil now be under the supervision of | the Ottawa residency. "Jitney" Service Stopped Lyn ~<(iroat indignation is felt hereabuots at the proposed action of rallway officials in cancelling thé "Jitney" service to Brockville, Home 25 students attend tho Brockville Collegintes Institute from this neighborhood and it will ontall groat inconvenience and dis appointment, Large Ico Field in River Drockyille.~~For several days past a huge figid of ice clung tu the United States shora of the Bt. Lawrence river, in the vicinity of Morristown, With the recent heavy cast wind this field of ice drifted across and Lp the river and 12dged firmly against the Caras dian shore oppoaite the town, clos ing up the entrance to the ferry terminal here, Church Has Birthday Preseott. The cougregation of Ni. John's Anglican church, Prose vott, celebrated the 70Lh annivors sary of the apenisg of the church on Sunday, Mareh 23. Rav, C, Pate orsop-Smyth, gave an address on the subject "'Beveuiy Years', In which he outlined the history of the church from the time it was dodicated 70 years ugo. Kingston Wants Air Mail Kingston.-- The city ecounell will request the L'ostmaster-Gen- eral to inaugurate an alr mail mtorvice in and out of Kifigston, A resolution asking such flights is being forwarded to Qttawa soon. Former Resident Dies Brookville.~Dr, W. J. Ander- son, aged 65, In dead at Jasper, where he had practised tor over 80 yours, after o» long illness, Born AL Glen Stawart, Duadas county, lie taught school in that district bo. fore studying mediiine at Queen § university, Kingstou, LITTLE GIRK BROKE NECK (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Owen Sound, Ont.. March ¥7,-- Suftering a broken neck when she foll a distance of pix feet while rn is he I "puta little BOVRIL in Sap Without Fat playing In the haymow of her uncl's barn, Pearl Bray, 12, ot Sydonham township died in hos pital here fo Yaslerda), f MAHOMMEDANS AID CHRISTIANS ON PILGRIMAGE Moslems Co-operate To Aid Eucharistic Congress Held On Scene of Martyrdoms Carthage, Tunisia, March 27. On the same spot where before Christ the barbarous Carthaginians tossed seroaming human beings Into a giant furnace as an offering to their heathen goCh, the Cathe olies of 'the world will devoutly gather on May '7 to, honor the Kucharist, On this same ground the Roe ans, couqlierors of the original Carthaginiune, built a great arena where hundreds of Christian mars tyrs were devoured by lions to the delight of the Roman unbelievers. To honor these martyred saints; Cathollg pligrims from every coun try 1m the world will begin soon tu the colebration of the 30th Inter national Eucharistic Congress, The Congress will start on May 7 and ond the evening of May 11, More than 40,000 Catholies are now on thelr way to this ancient uity of bloody history. - Specialy chartered boats ary bringing pii- grims from Ureat Britain, Aus. tralia, and continental Kurope, For four days the pligrims, represent ing many different languages and lands, will worphip in the name of a religion which was violently pér~ secufpd on the same ground cen- turies ago. This year's congress was osspeci ally planned to upito religious ob- seryance on'a site where Ubristiane ity suffered its greatest duress, with & tourist tour of an snclent region, The whitesrobed Mussuimane, partizans of a different religion, have offered their snristance to tha pour into Tunis and Carthage Yor fo'be' pe go rg mo- aud a 1 ry i. tack he we moriey as 'there werd so many pleces he was unable to @ warty them. them, INDIAN KILLS WIFE OF ARTIST BECAUSE + SHE WAS A WITCH Indian Woman Tells Buffalo Court Victim Threatened to Kill. Her Buffalo, N.Y., March 27 =~Nungy Bowen, aged Indian, told. a ' white man's court yesterday how she had Killed Mrs, Clothilde Marchand, French artist's wife, to break a spell she thought the white woman had cast' 'over' Naney's 'people, Sitting in the witness chair, the aged Senceu, speaking through un interpreter, told John W., Maloney, of defense counsel, that she would not have killed Af, at the last md- ment, Mrs, Marchand had not con fessed she was a witch, Questioning had brought out that when Nancy had called at the home of her in tended vietim, she first had asked Mrs. Marchand whether jt was true she was a "white witch." Mrs, March and, presumably in a epirit of fun, ll said she was, { ¥8he look Hike is smiling." thie witness vaid, and add e then ticel the witeh if she tended kifls fer, Mes, Marchand, o Sppatcutly amused, replied she did and the fenr-ridden "Cayuga, the. testimony said, heat her down with the hammer, and strangled hier with the drug-souk ed paper. wih told "you to" kill» this wom- an?" District Attorney "Guy B, Moore asked, The interpreter turned to the wits news, spoke orher. in Indian, and then replied' to the court ¢ "She shy Lila herseld and the rest." "I'he rest)' - was. interpreted meaning five other Indians upon whom the reputed death curse of the white woman had been 'placed, us ras ------------------ Bry: Ala heavyweight contest be- tween two men of diffprent heights the spectators had been bored by #ix rounds of hugging, The shorter man dropped 'his guard or a moment, his opponent shot out a wieked right... and mioed, This spurred the shorter man to action, and he started punching away at the head of his opponent. "That's right," shouted an one looker, "knock Ws blooming head oft, He ain't using ni" A well khown automobile face tory tosty cars in & machine that in a fow hours subjects them to the road shocks that would undergo in 0 senson's use, \ Experts have estimated the coul TS GE SC Sa a --_--_. ., Cakes of Soap Worth 30¢ for | HRA, MEW Cent ® With Every Purchase of 3/CAKES OF FAIRSEX SOAP AT 30¢ As a Special Introductory Sensational Offer on this new product by «= Colgate Palmolive Co. Karn's Drug Store NEXT P. O. PHONE 378 Joilet Soap available water power at 2,600,000 horsepower, | resources of Chile at more than | three billion metric tonns and its | hh Cathollg offteials in charge of the Congress. When the idea of hold. ing the Congress fn Carthage and Tunis was first conceived, it was feared the Mussulmans might re sent the présqubce of thousands of Christians, With rare generosity the leaders of this religion not only consents od to have the Christians come, but offered to ald the pligrims in finding sufficient guarters, It is res ported many of the native chiefs tains, none of whom accept Christe ianity, have offered portions of for the accommode~ tion ot the visijors, PENNILESS BANK DISGUSTS BANDITS Receiver and Friend Tell Robbers Only Musty Smell in Vaults 'West Alexandria, Ohio, March 27, Two banking men sat in the First National 'Bank here yegterday Sehate ting about money. that "used: there. Two other men, with ¢ ithinal intentions, Jratked, y and' or dered "hands #0 t+ The pankbrs, CI "harles Draper, res ceiver.for the bank, and: a neighbor cashier, just sat' ok, stared incredu~ ously. ey looked at cach other and shook th their heads, "Can'y gee 'you're: being held up t" J sxplined one one of the robbers, too ' bud," said Draper, "This bank has bee broke' since a year ago. The cashier who was here then - ki led himself, There's not a penny in the vaults" The robbers wanted to ae for themselves, They perched. and found what the receiver ised-= precisely nothing he Aa and a musty The! + backed' out' the door staring somewhat dan he oor elves, hen took their guns with 'them and drove away. ro st eat here "i be, MACARON SALMO Gxtra Sp ow, ME-JAVA COFFEE C OFFEE of satisfying flavor and pleasing aroma--a special EATON blend that is watched for by a great many economical housewives. This is extraordinary value -- the lowest price such fine- 3 2 o Ib, EXTRA SPECIALS! Raspberry Jam flavored Coffee has been sold at in some time. 40 Oz. Jar AYLMER r Xk CATELLI'S A Good Meat Substitute Ground fresh and extra special for this week only. PKGS. FOR y 3 Choice Quality TINS FOR No. PINK Tin 2 Aue SPECIAL Aylmer Choice Spinach "in Bre BSC SPECIAL! P H. A. G. COFFEE Ci flein-freesdelicious Collce wi th the Caffein extracted, per tin fe. SPECIAL! Karavan DATES "With New Recipe Book 2 Pigs. 3§¢ | HAWE'S FLOOR WAX Tmparts' Jasting" Tustre to floors with little effort, per tin P&G SOA Classic Cleanser "=: Jewel Shortening «4% C&B BRANSTON PICKLE Per 19¢ GILCHRIST'S FRUIT 'CAKE Fresh Valencia Fruit Cake, made with rich, wholesome ingredients, per Ib Re GLACE CHERRIES Delicious for Cakes iE Tae LL EL) NON.SUCH STOVE POLISH Makes stoves shing and prevents rusting. per bottle .., ROY & White Naptha--the worlds BARS FOR 5x 17¢ rgest selling soap TINS FOR 19¢ One Pound Package 14c POTATOES Peameal I Cottage Rol CR ES Loin. Pork Chops Biase Roost of st fol SEHR R RE NEB PER No. 1 grade PECK 0) -/ Ontario 33¢ EXTRA SPECIAL! 403 lbs 24¢ vel (ew Cava dae 3% I 25 Rolled Rib Roast of Beef i is 1 irs ai 200 lbh 'Pork Loins "-- By tha pites EN 33¢ Ib.

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