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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1930, p. 4

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THE DSHAYA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 19%0 rt ve tills fees he Bea io) » pour 7 Und your. 5) dui i saa omer Bats Adee 00107, 8 ATIVES IN US, were u RSDAY. MARCH 27, 1930. POLITICAL COURAGE pe ro son is to be complim ented ard and ytriking declaras val whith he made in the , Tuesday in referring to fhe : iy hit 0 hrouich io ir, : , In ng to bring politica yer th in a: mothers' allowance This, effort consisted of » postscript hin sha tten o a political consideration § 1 the mother ivolved would ort his' candidature in the last provine election, her cade would: be given ane r tonsideration, public by 'W, ho ainele aay batt ! . e the peo- | of. ntar have been waiting for an ex. ' tion from Dr. Godfrey, in the' hope ot he,could clear away the. incident, But f forth-coming, Instead, n a considered sta ] hope" 11t takes courage for a Jims minister to Juke that fondamnation of one of the mem hers of Ms own cabinet, In Host i: uld SPE Itoi ri it op wil. y ge that AH Premlor ; like the action of iy #aid 50." It is 0 im Sang ibe I 0 Joe wha y Gh I Dr, wPremier Ferguson hay Hiv if that were possible, ut handling of the situation might quite shally have tried to wi of highways is lesuing nw truck drivers that at in. halt during. the, Sel. "Tals ds a precaution. hich very necessary: at this time year, when he roads are just re "from the winter's frost. Overs ; of hedvy trucks Bt this period of re. sc:idurable damage' paved roads, of the: 'measure is entirely one & highways, 8 heavy ties provided | f this Ww, it should not Lh 0, Trosdder, Ing, New York and Chicago. 'own only' but inexcusable," and "highly «minister re. 1 nient are Mopting "oT Th iis oropaats I Wao, Toe TS a ( 8 ong Tufate, and the members of the" © ber of Commerce owe It to those whom Shey Fg-t comp to' fun ogt In ful foree he second opportuni 1s sso iin i 0. Drury, #0 ler of ur din br 23 an address. te St, Lawrence Water. id This is a subject h is orn to Omhawes fatire ay - hy port, and Mr, Drury has made so a study of It that his address "should be instructive and enlightening. With these features of interest, there should be & large attendance at the banquet and annual 'meeting this evening, and men bers of tis slasmh i hotly consider It a respon to bs 7. BEFORE THE COMMITTEE The hopes of the disabled and needy war | veterans of Canada, and of the dependents A the men, who served, are now centred in parlismentary committee which held ita LH fdexation' of their problems. The com» ttee Itself in an Wen one, with a ma- of war veterans as its members, and » be, at least; a strong desire on the part of the committee to do justice the Sn who are suffering because of p t inequalities in the Pension Act. 0 hopes of the disabled and the depend. onts, too, are centred in the officers of the Canadian Legion, who are bearing the bur. den of carrying the pleas of the veterans before the committee, The Legion's com- pleted program of legislative proposals, as it is being presented to the committee, 1s wide and comprehensive in its scope, and Is believed sufficient to cover all the points of hardship and Injustice which are known at the present time, It may be poo much, of course, to expect that the Legion's program will be accepted in full,' But if the major points are ae~ cepted; those which are intended to give re- lef to the most deserving and the most needy cases, & tremendous benefit will have been conferred on the veterans who, in- stead of being objects of charity, will be- come pensioners: by right of thelr disablli- ties incurred in the service of their country. INDIA AND CERTAIN FOOLS Romantic misses who have never dined with Arab bandit chiefs, whose great feasts are marked by the boiling: of whole sheep ig i Including the viscers, will not believe that Yshiels' are not a composite of Romeo, & \ movievidel" and ' the Yale graduate whose weary yoice is sald to 'wreak so much amor. ous oper over the radio. , then, will the "onward lookers' jeve the truth about non-Moham- ol. India, at least not until they read "Mother India." It Is not a nice book, any more than any other pathological report yr nice, but it does say what is wrong with the followers of Ghandi, and what will continue to be wrong with them long after his weird strikes and protests take some minor paras graph in voluminous histories, The problem. of India is not one of dem- ocracy, With the exception already noted, it is a problem for a clinic of immortal beings who know all and can do all The British in India pretend to neither superlative, They have, however, perform. ed one of the greatest jobs in history and are still working. Only by looking back can they seo evidence of real progress. EDITORIAL NOTES The Europs is now the champion of the: Atlantic, but if British engineoring genius "An still as it used tor Fadl Germany nd not "hold the honor very long. 'Many of the Ont "members of parlia. iplliy. of addressing Hing the poops || : on at; Lack of Iaentaly control: nowadays is often taken to mean that children are find- ne it hard te control thelr parents, Wonder many people could tell now ap the ow may Empire Party fuss was, i} LIN 1 A Now that the Hokey us Inatosse nd Ele in over, the 8 are, saying spring toriste red | The naval cor TL he cs hy Tawyers Rogie 1 en 000. But won't be very tor i Ted Tall 4 orp g En, nf meeting in Ottawa today for the con- | y reduced d ious of one ehiorids of Ay into the 10 In nervous disorders' w ore 1a real excitability, dus he Other 'Editor' 3 'Comments J memset WHY" ADVERTISED GOODS L {Port Arthur 'News-Chionicle), There ape many reasons: why nde goods sell bests vertised In speaks ing: «2 nationally advertised goods, for ins fie frutellers fo uble to shen nn the Cy all of ral orghimy wrond; fe asin th North us ln the South them are equally. goo And the pame rineip de. or uf Jered I ei The nd wooly now that | ® a oul advertiser 1s res y to stand behind his product because his wd- vertising Is proof of his confidence, The advertiser Is known and has pledged himself to stand back of his merchandise, Me has given his prints od word to the general publig and must keep it, It Is the marl of good faith and is recognized by buyers the world over uy such, Almost without exception, ait the Improvements Iu packages, or other containers have been the direst outs come of sdvertising, El L THE BOY AND THE "HORSE (Port Rowan News) The "farmer's boy Is Yosing hls pride In the horses that do Fhe work on the farm, He can't help it, In the old days (his boy pinged with the fouls, snd found names for them, halter-broka the colts, was present in the morning Liefore school when the colt did his first plou hing ruby bed 'his shoulders at nit to take the mark of the collar them, All these little incidents endeared the farm horse to the boy, Now the farm horses come from the west and arg bought at « ssle, Their harness In Procite front" some department store, It is cheap and inatinétive: These things do hot bring from the sralvies the thought o the pretty ittle foal which boys love to pla with, It Ia @nly & horse team to i the plodgh in he hot fa and draw the wagon round the farny There Is no sentiment shout it, no comrade« ship to gheer 'the Jife of the boy on the farm, By Jonny W., Barton, M.D, VALU : or CHLORIDE OF LIME In a large city hospital it was found that a coagulate quickly enough, and chlor ide of lime, given in a syrup, was used, Not only did the patient's blood coagulate more rapidly but it was found that an old varicose ulesy on the leg had begun to heal and with the continuance of the lime it was completely pured, The lime treatment was then used on' the other slow healing cases with equally gratifying results, Now lime is really a jart of ayery coll in that body of yours, and If the colin do not get suMelent Hime It In Only natural that old sores or uloers will be slow in healing, because a oell cannot be healthy without lime, Nature does ni require that you atient's bleed did not |" w C. M, TUGK, Opt.D, {Copyright 145) E CARE AND RYE STRAIN NEATH IES OF OCULAR ACCOMMODATION PART "y Some of the things to be consid- ered under this handing are, loss of power of one or both eyes, This ay show uniformly or may be confined to the one eye alone, They are liable tor be found In the eyes of young or old, may be due to a form of paralys sis, or paresis of the third nerve and are a great youtes of trouble when the eyes are 14 be used for close work. Some of the contributary eons ditions causing this condition In children are; malnutrition, after el- feets of infantile paralysis, infection due to nasal sinus trouble, digestive troubles and lesions of the nervous system and 8t. Vitus Dance, I prefer to consider these as a form of accommodative shomaly; they are in 8 senisd to be considered as forms of premature preshyopin, or In other Words, old sight, the eyes only hay: Ings jovst equal to that of a person in well advanced years, | fret more content to differentiate on the cases by placlug all Brdimature preshyoplc cases in thay oath here Lod are considered 8s un definite ocular cond] tion, being rendered so wy a follow {u A cleared away, To be continued, (To be continued) VERY MEAN Recently at a fashionable ball a young woman who had been sitting out severest dances Inn row was de- lighted » ses one of the handsomest men In the room approaching. He halted before her, Me bowed, "Muy | have this?" he asked, Smiling, she arose, prepared to tread ou juzey measure, "Ah, thank you," said the man, and pleked up a Spanish shaw! upon which he find been sitting, and went off with jt, AN EXCELLENT REASON Mother: Johnny, why do you eat more ple w on we Have company than when we're alone?" Johnny 1 "We have pudding when we're alone" European putomobile builders are experiménting . with front wheel drive for pleasure and com~ mercial ears, some physical trouble long|- | Lenten De vetion Prepa Rev Jay I' i? chi 1 12 Commission on elm of fadera/ "COMING TO TERMS WITH THERS' 0 "Charity for Others' Fallings" SCRIPTURY, Memory Vefie!: "Looking to thyself, lest thou be tempted" (Gal atinps 6:1-10, Road Galatians 6:1-10, MEDITATION Sell knowledge should give one sharfty, With all one's good reso- lution® one blunders offtimes "into the heart strings of a friend" Bot a man does not wish to be judged by chance mis-plays, He wants to he Interpreted in the light of his best, We all crave the megnasis mous Judgements of others, Portia sponks for all "We do pray for memy, And this sate frayer Gol Lege us gil to re nde The deeds of moerey" Men, frail and faulty, may by the grace of God becomes 'wise and gentle, the closing sentence of 4 book of stories Jf abnormal men und women the author, 8 dectective, says: "As un dream heay wo soft, far-away murmer--'Let him that is without sin smong you eat the first stone," PRAYER O Thou to who we look foy mercy in the hour of our shorteomn- Ings, teach - us to show the mercy that we week, and to practice the gentle Judgements that we crave Out of our need for charity, we would bring the mind of charity to our fellow men, Ames, I t------------ NOT ALWAYS The two men were walking slong Piceadilly, when they €ame to an art shop In which they displayed pictures of famous men of the past, One pleture was of a well-known musician with a rather unusual! flow of long hair, "1 say," said one of the men, study ~ lng the pleture carefully, "doesn't long hale make a fellow look intelli ent!" "Iu.some cases," agreed his friend; "but my wile found some long hair on my overcont the othes.night, and it made me look welutely foolish," ------ , lr in using should have to take lime in a pure state, because lime is In so many of the everyday foods you eat, fruits | particularly, body, the paruthiroid in the neck, manufactures a Juice which seems to have the power to inorease the amount of lime in the blood, and tn no ar late things that the blood Just absorbs into itself the right Sount of lime rom the food you on However just as there can he an interference in the work of any gland in the body, mo it is often found that something is interfering with the regulation of the lime in the blood and tissues, Naturally researal bn using thin knowledge have thering citne foal material to: how an ab sence of Mme in tisauen causes various aliments, Dr. J. ©, Drougher has gathered th ; Vin weir with considerable wa- formation, it was net 'found wa to "tap" the Poole he ve: ™ move the water, as Shioride of lime caused the water - beorbed into the ayeiem, In jaun eed, coloring of the akin due to liver shatry on==the 1 Pelee. : ne in th afaten. Hue fn 0 eppam, "mueh Sanat wit in i to 48 hours these oe Jatlonts BE hima an fever, in hives In ant aticareh in Jtomach, Brum! bout most, pring re 3 lesson ia we and our fi RR me is n of it ab made up by _" ne ne hain I "4d atered in' bonis A> with the About 89 t of the shih now under o jtruction throu out the world I be driven by in. ternal combustion angines, \ a8, 200 tour lived in cities, A veoent aus estimate A tion of 48 | whom . one J| OVALTINE | | and See the V,=lb. 25° Make Loblaw's Your Headquarters for LENTEN FOODS This week our Window Displays abound in Tempting Suggestions! Slices and Spreads" INGERSOLL CREAM CHEESE 2" & Pie 25 rh « Food fr Y Hl Red River Co Puig 2. 24. ms H.P. SAUCE { | 26 | "a Tonia Food Beverage" iI Medium Sis oa | Try a Half Pound This Week Howaver one ofl the glands of the | Difference ! 14-1. 48° One of the Many ADVANTAGES Blend Tea is=~you use a smaller amount each time, soems & little dearer than other blends, yet1t is cheaper because it goes further---at the same time giving you the most delightful, refreshing Subs only "smart" to use Egyptian of Orange Pekoe THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 27 to APRIL 2 SPECIAL=The Health Drink at a New Low Price TODDY nik 26° In other words, while it 'ea Obtainable, lend, but economical, It is not 11h, TIN 42° OAT SPECIAL=Robin Hodd Rapid es rT Good 3 Redjelor of Bone and 23° eo apg ott rere EL CCPC SPECIAL=Nestics Evapor MILK 2 3 A Nestlo's Cow Barn wu. with every purchase of 2 tall ting " SPECIAL=Caledonia~Cholce Pink SALMON rma 16° An Evcellent Food for Lent, A Heal ISPRCLAL Shen or Ready Cut--Bulk MACARONI 15 = 11° Natural Food--Children Love It Tins 2 1° rr I -- = ---- -- a SPECIAL=Choloe Aylmer Sweet CORN 2 Nera sie. 25°

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