THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 I TTY TITLES NIO PLAY OMORROW NIGHT 5 Y.MC. Win Second Game 3-1 But Lose Round To Daily Times 4 to 3 In the finn! City and Industrial ve @f the season, at the local Avous 1bst ght, the AY. MC, and ¥ Daily 'Kimes, intgrmediate teams, in the second game of she play- iy to decide the Clty intermediute d into the title, I'he Newsies went wdvantagy, ® with a three-goal ro in the first game. Lhe Angil« an played their best hockey of the son and won the game by a score * Of three to une, 'they lost the round by 8 score of 4 to 5 Right nt the start, the Anglicans showed 'clearly that they were 'not disheartened by the three-goal hand. jeap and they started right into play the hockey that they ean play, There hia ge Ss i . td 1 ¢ ter. team, oir torwards worked Hike Trojans ut all times, and they checked close: The speedy Times layers were given little ¢hance to pak away, The game was product Ave of much better hockey than the game Monduy night, The Anglicans nd the Newsies both tried hard to 6p out of the penalty box, Referee ack Bond kept a close tab on.all I tactics and the game, although irfly sugged, could not be called dir- ty or rough, " Foe, fhe XM pid jorsards were the outstunding players, n= , the Little Brothers and, Blow all jorkad hard, 'I'he regulars for both teams were worked practically wll the time, H. Little scored the frst two and his brother gets credit for o third tally, Gibbie received so nasty blow over the eye when struck by he puck: Smith and Gibbie both worked hard, Elliott, in the nets for L the Anglicans, turned in one of his i best games of the year, He made o number of smart s.vep t Burr was again the star of the Newsles, und the stumbling block of oe Anglieans, Vic played ao stellar me: 'the AY MC, had four men practically all the time and some- Tey five. As a result, The Thnes' | was the object of a continual Bombardment ol shots {from all 'pos. sible 'angles; Burr saved shot after ot and two of the goals that slips fl. bg 3 the touch and go ety, 1. ch Eo am and' Morison were affective dn devensive play, but thle attacks did not. meet muely success as usual Re Boneham aud. ctchet Worked flhed all the dhey were on the ice, ; A Disputed Goal ; first goal came soon after 'play n started, H, Little got a slow The puck hit the post and pied the corner of the net, A mble ensued and the puck came ist inside the net, The goal-um- palm, the puck went in the approved opening, The T 'players and a number of fans sed the opinion 'that the puck mt in upder the side of the net, jo goal "was allowed, Before the od ended L. Boneham and Mor- yushed together, Boneham pass. over to ust in front of net and "Tunney" made no mis- ake. The period onded" wit th e110 1. | widtile ' of the se & shot and a number o bd thy rma of the | a from : t of the scramble and flipped Q Far Yor a nico goal "Fhe battled tooth and '| deserved to win, They came back then uth one nilhute from the end the ny more scoring 0 fi i. ont extra men took place, An, up {to the ray but the Newsies held them av bay, With a minute to #%o, Burr saved a hot shot, He could not find the puck to clpar and he and the were shoved Into' the net, 'Anglicans went down fighting or ot goal and the Newsies held an grimly to thelr slim lead, The team Ni | 1 Goal, Elliotts defence, |. | en" Sith ' b. Winnipeg, Man, Gibhie and Smith; centre, B, Little i right wing, Drinkle; feft wing, HH, Littles subs, Blow, Clary and Rows on, Times: Goal, Burr; defence, 1, Boneham and Morison; gentre, Nuy- for; right wing, 8 Boreham; left wing, R, Boneham; subs, Fletcher, Pur y and Rorabeck, Referee~Juck Bond, Cedardale Girls Have 8-PointLead For Game ' Tonight The snappy Cedardile girls' basket. ball team carries a lead of B points into the Inst game of the finals In the local league to be played off at the Collegiate tonight at half-past seven, Yesterday's game was a brilliant exhibition of real good basketball, the winners having the better of the play in easily three out of the four pers lode, The excellent guarding of Ruby Smith and Olive Fraser, coupled with the accurdey and speed of wee: Ruth Macdonald and Katle Sibloek, guve the winners thelr chief "advantage. Oressa Montgomery and Mary And. rows did most of the work for the losers, but neither showed the lass of Syne distinctive of Cédardale, Sedardale led off with w bang at the opening of the first period, the forwards securing ten points before quarter time. In the seeond Mary street. staged a magnificent rally to tle the score, just before time was called, however, Codardale broke out to head the game. The. third and fourth periods were minor repetitions of the first, Miry street only scoring once again before the end of the game, Score 20-12, Cedardaler K, Siblock, BR. Macdon- ald, I Holmes, F, Clark, R, Smith, ©, Fraser, Mary Street: H, Rosser, M, Stant. on, O, Montgomery; L, Peavoy, GC Denny, Mary street have a great deal In their favour tonight ag they ave Nosy ing on thelr own floor, which Is much larger than Cedardale's, Both teams are real keen so get ready for n real tussle Campbellford Wins Title Balleville, March 27.-Campe belltord, champions of the Trent Valley Jauine, won the district, ohamplonship hers last night by winning a fost and exciting game from the Canada Cement, winners of the Belleville Clty League by a woore of 6 to 8, Vitteen hundred Bpectators withessed the game which closed the local hookey wen- fon, The Campbelltord team were superior on the night's play and With & strong rally in the third jon d which completely awept the oon] team off thelr feet and try they might In the last ten mine utes the Cement could not over gome the margin, The Campbeliford team were by far the best in the first period but the Cement came book in the sec: ond and scored two Roa to tie up the affair, Led by "'T.B." Horkina: and Whitton, ubiquitous the Usmpbelitord HOCKEY RESULTS National Hockey Play ofts #Canndions. ,,, 3 Chicago .... 2 #01.68 minutes overtime; Cans diens win round 4 to 3, Belleville Final sCampbeliford , 6 Can, Cement 2 #Campbeliford wins champion. shiv, ns Industrial' Final AY MCA, ... 8 Osh, Times, , 1 #Timey 'win championship 4 Ww Bre pm ---- fon hort "Pats" Are Faster But West Toronto Boys Are Heavier March 247,~ Bast and West are ready for the annual inter-sectionn] struggle tor Junior hookey honors which starts on the loo surface of the Winn. pox amphitheatre tonight with the second Joie on Baturday apd the tnivd, if necessary, on Monday, West Toronto, , representing tho Kast, arrived this morning while the Pats of Regina Lave heen here mbout two weeks, enusing general destruction to) favored forces and paving their way into the sham plouship with a glorious resord of not being scored against in their Inst two series, The first chance to compare the rivals for Canada's boys' crown came around noon today when the Pats hald thelr usual workout, fol lowed Immediately after by the Roedmen from Toronto, Fats ap: peared impressive with dassling individual dashes and displays of speed in thelr practice, but Wem Toronto only went through a lght 'Hmbering-up trial, mostly to loosen SLE bodies after thelr long jour ney from Toronto, All of the West End team took the ice and the rafibirds ploked on big Red Head Doran as un favorite, although Bil Thoms with his play-making repus tation, preceding him 'wast, also Attracted considerable attention, Sm ---- Arsenal Will Play in Final Birmingham, ¥ng., March 27 - Arsenal and Huddersfield 'Town will meet in the flan! of the Knge lish Foothall Association cup coms petition, This was decided today when Arsenal defeated Hull City one. goal to nil in the replayed game from the senii-final round Jack of Arsenal scored the only goal of the match which way played on the grounds of Aston Villa, Hudderstield Town put out The Wednesday of Sheffield, tn the semi-final on Haturday, The thial will be played on April #v, After Arsenal's feeble disping on Saturday last, when Hull Clty lod them by twoenothing at bait Ume and they could only draw after Hull lost the services of one of their backs, the Londoners play: od © thelr normal game today. The Arsensl on Saturday seemed nolsplussed by Mull Olity's offside taotios, Jack ncored in the eleventh minute of the first half and his pefformance was all the more meritorious seeing that he was Fanerally shadowed by st least {wy Hull forwards, Towards the end of the first half ha showed signs of the rough treatment he received and lim 'badly. He was taken Out of the dentre forward position and sent to outside ' right for & whila, Hull had to play. a man short after the middie of the first halt, Childs, centre halfback, apparently fouled Jumes, the Arsenal forward, and the referee ordered Childs off, Arsenal were lucky .severmt times. in both halves, In the first Mills headed the ball against the oroasbar, while. Howieson hit it with an overhead shot, In the sec ond half, when the game had deteriorated into a kuok and rush affair, Hull were ui prevented from scoring hy the skilful defence of Parker and Jones: The finivh QPORT SNAPSHOT By Gmo, Casernmay Sports Wditer City and Industrial Title Last night de' the I Arend, the Anglicans snd the Newsies fought It out for tlie honor of being City snd Industrie! intermediate championy, Fighting desperately, the Anglicans made s gallant effort to pull the series out of the fire and they failed by only one goal, The: game was 8 much better exhibition than the firs battle, Both, teams endeavoured to play hockey and the game while rugged was fairly fast and Interesting, The first goal for the Avglicans was a disputed one, The goal-umpire, one of The league's executive,' maintained that the puck went into the net 'through the front, It looked very much to us as If the puck went Jnder the side of the net, " » * LJ] Worth While The Daily Times team have made a very creditable phowing this year," They finished on top of the league at the end of the regular schedule and then went on to win the City championship, Burr, in the nets for the winners, played a prominent part in the winning of the title. 'Vie does not know all there Is to lesrn about goaltending, but he certainly knows more than a little, However, Elliott, the Anglican' goalie, also knows what it's sll about," and he allowed no easy gouls, He played 'a red! good game lust night and made severph clever saves when 'he was the only ong left to beat, Pragtically all of the credit fof organizing, managing and financing The Times team, goes to Walt HBrafth, Walt, started out at the first of the season on Kis own hook, He enlisted the players, managed the team and provided practically all of the backing, He now has the satisfaction of having won the. in. termediate title, » J LJ LJ Oshawa Seniors The last hogkey game of .the season will be played at the Arena tomorrow night, 'Dhe Coen Colas, Tore ito Hockey League aré toming down to play an all-star team picked from the Oshawa City Juniors and Senlors, This will be the last game of the season and the Inst chance to see the Senlars in action this"year. The game is. sure to be a good one," The Coen Colas are 4 smart team The game is billed to start at B18 pan, LJ) L] * LJ Grand Closing Carnival , The Oshawa Arena will be officially closed for the season on Sat- urday night, not Friday es first announced The closing ceremonies will take the form of & grand, old-fashioned carnival, A number of valuable prizes will be rt ab for the different type of costumes, Four vaces will be held and after the prizes have been awarded, the, ree mainder of the evening will be spent in skating or dancing. The prizes are on display in Johnston's window, While it in the grand, closing carnival, ¢ostume Is optional for the skaters, ¥ LJ LJ LJ Oshawa Nationals The Oshawa Nationals will hold their. regular training practice on Thursday, (tonight), at the Motor City Stadium, at 700 pan prompts These training hours will be held every Thursday night at the same time und place, unless Otherwise announced, ' On Saturday afternoon the Nats, are going to take the field (weather permitting), at 230 pan, The members of the Nationals Football Club are busy selling tickets for their. annual dance which Is being held at Rotary Hall, Centre treet, on Thussdag, April 3, at 800 pm, Tickets arg now on sale and there Is only & limited number available, A large number of valuable prifes will be given away to the holder] of the lucky numbers at 'this dance, The prizes have been donated by a number of generoys merchants of the city, These prites are ut present on display. in the window at Mike's Place. b » Ld * . Meeting Tonight Owing to an error it was announced in yesterday's paper that the Fittings softball teams, Junlor and juvenile, would hold a meeting last night. This meeting wifl be Held tonight, ut the YMCA at 800 pam, The purpose of the meeting is to organize for the coming season, All softball players Interested In playing for either the junior or juvenile team, ure asked' to be at' thie acting Yonight. . Lacrosse Banquet ; The members of the twe juvenile lacrosse teams, Tod's and West. on's, arereminded of the banquet and presentation of medals which, will be held ut the Y:MEA, tomorrow night at 700 pam All exeeus tivd, members of the Oshawa' Lacrosse Club, the imanagers and, the backers of the two winning teams, and the sixteen' players ofieach team whose nimes appeared In Tugsday's paper are requested to be ut this bunguet, The names will be repeated in Jomorrow's paper, » " w What a Game The Canadiens and the Chicago Black Hawks staged a real gruell- ing tussle before it wan decided which team would go dn' In 'Yhe 'play- ~ offs. The Chi-Hawks fled up the roundand the two teams battled before a vecord crowd for nearly an lour's overtime, before Morens scored the goal that closed the series, ; 2 8 A } i a Howie vigorous and a numer of the Sell-Out Expected For "The Allan Cup Finals # fine wories hetween Port Arthur and Montreal AAA, Winged. Wheelers when they meet in the East versus Wont finals for the Al- lan Cup at the Arena Gardeus to- night and Saturday, for already the gesting capacity of the Avena Is being tuxed and Indications are that there will be a complete sells out for hoth/ contests. Hockey fans wre generally correct in thelr de sires to see or not to see games, for they form one of the most grit feal bodies of wpectators In sport, Beveral play-off series have been goon locally this season, and one after another they improve, The senior finale will in all probability oxeoed any that have heen played, Oxford Crew. Training Hard London, March 27.~A fast pads ding exercise was takon by the Oxford boat crew yesterday after noon, working out for the great contest with Cambriage on Apri 12) The Dark Hplue rot an unusual ly fast pace for a paddle with the long sweeps ut 27 wtrokes-to the minute, The gonch later wet the olght to do 10 strokes in 15 secs onds, which the e¢rew nce. mplished with, precision, Rdwards, Old Dilue, returned from his studies to the short during the afternoon and steadied the crew & lot, Despite. the absence owing to oxnmiinations of the veteran HM, N, A. BEdwarde, number five, thBerew this morning rowed from Putney Bridge to the first mile-post, M. Foole, of Bresenoso Collgge, was brought In to substitute for kd- wards but he wns unaey the hand: op of not having shared boat's training and the powertu ony of the absentwe was missed badly, The crew had a good sheet of water but a p or good tide and what little wind prevalled was dgainst them, New oars were again used, 'Mo oarsmen cried av 4¥ strokes to the minute and soon settled down to a long swinging stroke rarely going relow thirty, The mile was covered In five min utes and one seconn, They will lave a trial over the full boat rac pourse of 4% miles on the Thames tomorrow, Cambridge today hud an easy Outing, preparing to go on the tides Why tomorrow, They did a min- ute's row at 806 and another at 84 strokes, -------------------------- PRIMO CARNERA PUTS OPPONENT TO SLEEP Kansas City, March 87--Primo Cernera knocked out George Traf- ton after 54 séoonds of the fest round bout here last night, It was the Italian eafpenter's twelfth consecutive knockout vietory on hig Amorican: tour, The Italian plant had an welght advantage on 42% 'pounds, He weighed 271%. In' the. sembswindup, Meyer Gurage, 160-poundér from Chicago, won 4 fechiienl Knockout over Ivan Laftineur, billed ns ho Weltarwalght champlon, and Carners's stablemate, in the pixth round of their scheduled 104 round bout, Toronto, March 27~Toronto | hookey fans evidently anticipated Les the | IN JUST. 84 ECONDS, tha Canadiens Win Round "From Chi-Hawks After --_ ------ Canadiens and Black Hawks Play for Nearly Two Hours Before a Win- ner is Decided -- Howie Morenz, the Hero of the Series EL Montreal, March 27--In n game that will long stand out as one of the eples of professions! hockey, the flashy Canadiens defeated the Chiengo Bipek Hawks 8-2 after n gruelling struggle lasting 111.68 minutes, actual playing time, By their win, the Montreal team stays in the running for the coveted Hianley Cup and the world's cham« plonship, Some Jden of the tension of the struggle may be gained from fact that the end did not eothe un. til 13 minutes after midnight, The game had to be played to a finish to decide who should meet the New York Rangers in the secs ond round of the National League championship, The Canadiens had returned from Chicago with a one- son] lead, With the second game in thelr owh arena, packed with thousands of enthusiastic supports ors of the home team, it looked oany for the Montreal boys. But the hell rang to close the third per. lod and Chidhgo had tied it up Overtime was necessary, and there followed a struggle of 52 minutes of scoreless hockey until the Cana dlens neored the winning goal, Morenz Emerges Hero Howle Morens, generally recog. Miss M. Orcutt Still Leads Field Bouthern Pines, N.O,, March 27. Lounging comfortably around the clubhouse yorterday, Miss Maureen Oroutt of Haworth, NJ, saw ber brilliant 164 for the first 46 holes of the woman's mid-south Kol tournament here withstand the ussauits of 'a halt-tiogen entries, fn- clulng the American champion, Miss Glonna Collett, and retain tor her the lendership. at the end ot the second round play, The tall, blonde sls tmaker from Now Jorsey shot a great 70 yes: torday before the galelike wind and. rain descondod and oaused tournament officials to offer wp. tonal replay today to players caught on the fairways by the ele mounts The, 4, conplod with: her 10W. 78 "Monay,. enebled Miss Ore cult. to ®op the field, Migs Collett faced weather cons ditlony yestorday almost as bad ad Tuesday, A cold, driving wind storm swept the links as she made hor round in 84, three strokes less than she took yesterday. The 84 with her 80 Monday, placed her in fitth position with 164, 10 strokes' behind the leader, The American cnamplon hag only six par holes yesterday, Her driving was erratio, her approaches short, and she needed three putts on ene green, Hse round teday practically eliminated her from championship consideration, A Gruelling Struggle nized ag the speodiest skater in the hig longue, emerged the hero of the conflict, Outskating every play~ or on the jee, he remained a human whirlwind throughapt, a test of endurance and stains seldom equalled in the world of sport, It was Movenz who gzigragged in on top of the Black Hawk gosikeepey, Gardner, to regain the lead for Montreal after the Chicsgo crew hikd tied the weore during the re. ulation perfod of plays It was the same speedy contre forward who swooped in four hours after the puck had first been faced off to give vietory finally for his team mates, Never in the history of hockey has a player received such san ova tion as he did from the spectators, Wild scenes prevailed af he wtum- bled off the ice at the close in the midst of his {sllow players who could hardly keep on Chetr feet, Gardner Plays Star Game Last Thursday night a record for overtime in professional hockey was established when the Boston Bruins had to go 456 minutes extra to turn buck the Maroons, the Can- adionk' locas) rivals, and this record was expected to stand for some tine but it lnsted only wix days be- fore being exceeded hy the Cana~ diens and Pluck Hawks, In the Boston-Maroon game the overtime was due chiefly to the well-mateched ability of the two olubs, but the Canadiens were for od to play overtime because of the brilliant work of one opponent Chuck. Gardner, the Winnipeg lad, who plays goal for Chicago, Hora- tins of old had nothing on Gard. ner, Time after time the red, white and: hue-cled Habitants swooped down on his citadel, led hy tne flashing Morengz- swept down on him in individual rushes, in two and three-man attacks, but he turned them aside, He stopped shotg from long range and short range, blocked snap shots from re- bounds with every part of his body and squipment and it was not un. til he hed been Injured for the second time by a charging oppon- ent that he broke before the on slaueht, While Morens was here, there and everywhere and wak ably as Nisted by hig team-mates in an at- tack that worried the Hawks con. fnually and shattered the Chicago defence at time, he could - beat Gardner but twice, But for the cus. todinn the visitors would have been defonted hy neveral goals in the regulation hour's play, but with him backing up the defence and Taffy Abel the Man Mountain of the Teague, making the route to the cage a difMionlt one on one side, the Canucks were foresd to play almokt as lomg as two regular games. befora they could get the goal that enabled them to advines agninut the Rangers Ye CART W LumiR (© M ATHOI H Iw ) ---r qwlok sucoosaion in the third period and 'then proceeded to play the old. [ashionod defeusive style of hoo key, which funotioned to perteo- Horking i Whtson ols any o mpbelitord Aoam, with MoKay turning in a fue | exhibition, Cowle and Stacarthur teamed up wpll on the defence but {| they were pemalized naveral times, Colllng, In goal, saved the Cdment fn the firat period by a superlative ay) and he frustrated the Mar oONN Green Lyall==161 | terday and it may be sore when he 008. the rave but aoe) 0 | Fo Be Hie fueetion. of Sia 'pelus noratohed, At any rate, with the gly {emai Ne uthidass ot 'eb mo EE) PRA, bt, nou od to win a rather remote, With a MoCarthy---181 | rave of the Juinhing 1 and Capt, Webor--101 ikking bay hts of the National : Speck Grackle fs leading on' the Mist Oloswell-140 ng nt ach Donaselon Shaun Gelli Grakle Lordi ke Sandy Wook 1bstock K.0.B, players received minor injuries, GRACKLE CHOSEN T0 WIN NATIONAL, 5° STEEPLECHASE 55" Kin of the odds but the. vet lap. in perto! oa ire Condonce. a is rapidly recovering form y 4 SN 44 JOANADIAN. dAGm NS. Maxwoll=144 [FAVORED TO wk BO Browne---141 1: Vietoria, BC, Mareh. 37-=Diss Sutton -141 Davin the vy that arried. them ; gh to Dominion oham fonanip Ind Jasr,. New . Wettmine ¥ tained It has been tried, tested ~ {1 and proven on over (Continued from Page 1) With the scratching of Naster Hero, the American owned favors | Delarue Rr year's w yy WN oubtiul, i C. R, Taylor's Grakle har been | Dally Runwood made ghe. pula oholoe at 209 to ddd Flare * against, Sie , Tule ag \ sedond favourite at 100 to 11 | Blenner Hasset while Grexalach To quoted at 100| Reddymav to 6 along with K.C.0. gnd Shaun | flay FAVE 1 oro | Curtain Ralser: Mon olin, fir Lindeay, aster slableninte and' nig owned by |The John oi Whither, bo sumethint of an unknown quantity, He Wate pi at pI a two ok in ime and again. Goyer ah? Sir Lindsay were otfective while Hullon, un te wing, tried hard through: \ akin off trom or Alight- nese BE le RR SATE WAthine or rereshment shine 1 100,000 Cars a {| ter Adanaos motive Enplnsere on the Contingat he ro 2 Ww ye142 o FoWRl 140 a 1§point. lead over BBeunett--=140 | yo 10 "Winnipeg, 41-3 Bisgood=--140 | BA ee : 'or the Britleh "hy atond: ame NL be 140 {at Ne! Weathuinater. A 104 work oll on Winnipeg, | Mar, 37 '- 0. Winaipex.. el I Nrown, of Falr ' Ganad w \. J Tue Stewart: Warner-Alemite Corpora the confidence of Canadian motor ists, and Jheralore would not cheat thenwwith false statements regarding any of its producta, remove carbon from car you can Eo vl aniad Farther Tt hon been © proven on over 100,000 motar cars, ' Carbo-Salve is heralded by the leading Ante: Ba I oa Ll] ------ ; ARERS OF ALEMITY STEWANT.WARNERALENITE CORPORATION of CANADA LIMITED BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO - $0 "Upao-date dealers and stations are now \ i A har : : Buin copbsre domn, [3 PLA Ding pune 8 ho! and show t : bows. Made in Oshawa, [| "50" whbisho fnatuded For ates Pi | Hay on wd 4 checker champion Pen ada, prehci Ee ne art among the 40 loft. on RL he ritaas BL 1S -------- Sb Tomorrow's renewal A \ 0, ) : Co] worth hpproximately t abide t or interior fixtures for the | a at the Mhish threw' segom | bay, Prince of Ivengh, Boyt ho ps, Huegon and Ardeen, . pa nm i Vek | the at, : : \ Pron n ik tel EE PER | Eat AE | x