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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Mar 1930, p. 9

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/ | © PASE NINE erella. of the vr, Terry! came aeK.y door' and the i ] gp fom stood and looked nt pe other for a minute before Jean had prevence of mind' enough to In: Horace, this Is Miss Brooks, Tye of her to you," Jean said, had regained . her composure. . She felt sure nothing could ever up: def, her nial 1wan 'war ul \ "1 must be Josving . t Jedn and this hold-up," Vian said At a constrained a Grace + noticed that: she had been upeet, eryin d that Jean. seemed ing and that J and if you need me have y telephone me, and Vivian shook: hands with the LE Ay door," Grae ge. remarked, "And pray, what did that dazzling want" ooh, po bead "shout fe in and feels sorry for me oon Joan answered listiessly, ' Grace ordered. Jean back to bed until: 8 o'clock but the girl could not sleep, She went over and over { again that Vivian had sald, Sup- se the papers should sa she and « Mr, Tepry --= Joan buriey her head in the covers, a , must - think of me, "Jimmie, J "moaned, "But he couldn't de. #opise. me more than he does any- way face Tet Jean rest until § o'clock, [the first of 'the girls from the swer the J ed, "Let's. make ongirule--no talking about the holdsup. Jean is a wreck now, after the police and everything, Let's promise not te say a word about it." p, 3 ¥ Every d, but the evenifiyg | WAS not a 'success, Jars pale, dis. traught face ast a cloud over the whole evening, and Grace was sore ry she had insisted on going through with the y. "L admit it was an error," she remarked to: Helen Pare ter as the two got the coffee ready, All the girls invited had come ex: cept Lo Be telephoned that she had a bad headache and couldn't leave her apartment, ; "Things must Be worse than I : tta. won't even come for a few Wings. She had a lot of _curlosify:. But Decker will stick to Jen, 1 know," and Grace tried to uoy up her sinking spirits, i In the middle of the evening some reporters red, They had dis. Hearne Ya he police had sent Jean and they deman d more ples tures, After®that, it was impossible not to talk about the events of the 'day and Jean found some relief in telling i o whole story over again to [} i rls, | never forget. the way I felt 'when R mination sald that the bonds wi 1" Jean ended. { : looked at each other "and tried f° avald Grace's direet He ) ice of the reporters FE n't the tio ened the dodr, Murphy and Halnes stood" outside, X "Come on in, boys; you're just in time for some ice cep," she tol them, 'laughing, They came In, ate | some cake and chatted amiably with ev A FE "Phe Pig Boss down én Center) treet wants to tuk to you tonight, Jean Murphy ssid pleasgntly. after they had been there about fifteen minutes, "Your own boss is certainly strong for you, kid!" ¢ Fis bented on cushions, op arms of chars and on window seats, listened avidly for ghe detective to e the middle of a real hold-up and everything?" remarked one of the irls, WX ou" wouldn't be: very 'thrilled if it were you," remarked "No hurry, finish your party, The Commissioner won't be down for a while yet" Murphy sald easunlly, "He's got to go home and get out of his dress sult before he can come to the office." Everybody talked nt once and ques- tioned the detectives and spequlated and exclaimed. Jean's first party had at last become a huge success, "To think the hold-up man had nerve enough to come right into our office this week!" sald Helen Porter, "At letits if the elevator boy redlly can remembef him!" "o the way, Jean do you re- nmiember the name the fellow gave when he came in to sell you ins surance this week?" Murphy asked casually, p gs Questions 'No, It was an Italian name, I think, Ho gave me his card but I threw It in the waste basket," Jean sald quickly, She was reassured by this pleasant Irishman, "He had an accent, and Fm sure it was Italign, for I was too busy to talk to him when | found out what he wanted," Jean rattled on, "Did you go shopping any day last week?" Murphy asked after a tile. Grace held her breath, for "she sensed @ purpose in Murphy's guess na, "Oh, no, I never Lave any money I" Jean answered without hesitation, "Are you ever out of the office dur. ing working hours?" the detective had casually lighted a cigar and was looking at the glowing end. "Sometimes," and ean hesitated, "Let me see, I wos out almost every morning this last week, for there was so much to do" "On Friday morning?" was the next question, "On Friday--lot me s¢e--=I went to the downtown office; I think." \ Grace sensed trouble, She wanted desperately to atop Jean's talk, Bu sho was Welpless under the watehfu eye of Murphy. If she made a sign to Jean it would Just make matters worse, What was this pig detective driving at? Apparently Mitphy knew quite well 'what he wamed The questions Ing euded and. in 3 fow minntes he got up abruptly," | "Guess. we_Rotter be getting along down town, Jean," he said. The rest of the firs trouped intd the bedroom fo get thelr coms and hats and Jead went with them, Grace turned and faced the men from headquarters, "She «won't give us the slip, will shet" Haines asked, "Why should shel" Grace de- manded and lookéd the nian straight in the eye. =f "Please muy igo down with-herd" Grace begged. "She doesn't know what this Is all about!" The two men exchanged glances, and then Mw nodded, "Better puck her bag" = Murphy Added. "She may be gone for a long tan reappeared from the bedroom most immediately wearing the old raincoat, and they waited now far two 'Graces, When she finally came she had a package under hor arn, "Gaod=by, girls!" she sald and she tried to make her yolce sound light. "Jean und 'I have an engagement at headquarters, Sorry we've got to run along. Can't afford to keep the Commissioner waiting!" J PPR | and 2. 3s ontinue, J "Isn't It thrilling to be right in |ol ein, "Doll "| you want me to come right away?" ascii brightest thoroughfare In 'a 'bhiry, Tears game to her eyes, blurring the lights 'more, She. felt her career was d | ended, finished before it had really begun, "Jean, no matter what happens; 1¢- ana um with you of 90 1 Doe," Grace sald In a desperate volce as thdy neared Center street, "Wo haven't muel' muney, but mong), inns all that counts in this game, Keep o stiff upper Hp, Promise!" Police headquarters! Jen shud: dered, Saturday night Is a nl pH for the police department, l were led through a sjde entrance into a private elevator, but a battery { Fho raphers and Peporters were waiting for ham, Grace noticed that Jean fad agin that "frozen" look, ' "She seems to be almost Y Grace remarked to" Murphy. ¢ detective shook Hig hes ed, At times like this he disliked g 4 police oMcer, If he'd had his y) he'd have fet the girl go free. "Tait for the gel and the man free Sam the bonds," he thought eynie- ally, "I've no use for employer) who lace thousands of dollars in the ands of girls who don't get ¢ to eat, Serves them right if they lose it," he sald to Grace in » low tone. Grace looked up at Murphy and her face went white, She had de- | on the Irish She realized ow that he, too, did not doubt Jean's guilt, \ " THe girls were taken intoia small room adjoining the detective bureau, Two other officers were here, men who had been at\the Decker Build. ing immediately after the hold-up, oy knew something," Grace groaned, and she ed to be ale lowed to stay during the inquiry, But she was ordered cut, Jean faced the four detectives alone. She sat with the light shining down on her strag: gling blond hairs Her face was chalk white, and she seemed to have shrunk inside her raincoat, . "Jean, youlte in a bdd way, "Come clean and _ the agony won't be pro- longed," slid one of the men, "We want to give you a square deal, But give us one, ean nodded ; she was willing to tell all she knew, "Is your memory any better now about the man 'who held you up!" asked Huined sharply. Jean turned toward him and looked him giraight in the eyes. "I've told you all I can, | was walking down the corridos, hurrying, for it was almost noon==" "Yei, we know all about that, Did you seo the. man on the elevator?" J ¢ " "Did you notice anything in the clevator, any of the passengers?" ean hesitated , 'I remember somebody asked the elevator operator what hi an {riend was going to give ym for Chripte urplly grinned behind Jean's back; she was so naive. y "Have you we jarwe sums of money abot the "No, it was most unusial, It vas Jaturday and Mr, Decker ordered it OF an emergency, "Did you know Wednesday that such an amount of bonds would be there on Saturday?" "No sir, 1 did not know ft until Thursday morning." Murphy held up his hand, "All this 'questioni gets' se no place at all" he remarked. "Jean, do you know wh u were released this afternoon © had to convince your boss that you were guilty, He wouldn't believe ft at first, He made himaelf responsible for you, Since this afternoon we've found out a lot of things, We told them to Mr. Decker. Now he admits we're right, We wary sure of it on the oy d ere was sllence, Jean sat in her chair under the light, 4 "Since your arrest, a private detece tive came to this office and told ws that he has 'been watching you for weeks, He is paid by the wife © a well-known banker in Hillsdale. You left there under the protest of this woman's husband, He gave you money, we have proof that you ad $00 when you were taken to Bellevye Hospital. We know Decker wa new nothing about h pt Ned you, What reg Be CRY "I have nothing to y Jean an. all" New Evidence Murphy smiled. "That isn't Now, young lady, ust the money to coat and a wa ough you muy thems res fhe time I don't-have hough jo 0 voice plead floor room, 8 the clothed rg A by mistake: Jean teruitisd, and the det HEE felt sure, been accustomed to Have | wan tely forgotte Boo" Tr nd incn fhe Sort and | a Brown ol A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds amas A "The clothes | mention 'were Th your , They were purchased b, fou on Saaditon avenue. Frida pore 'The' saleslady Identified you on. walked in the building fast re he po re with the re. Murphy 'went (2 the next room returned with the squirrel, cont p at" ha to bout ve # these?" and he Yorew thems Pro he, ub b 1 le before her, hy nw them, before fh oan gu , "They were in nly toom pape Hou, and it was late and I thought I'd mk my landlady about them this niornin and 'then 1 was late' for work an a n't have. time and '1 'meant to call" Jean was Incoherent in her eagerness and excitement, Tears came to her eyes as she looked from one detective to another,' "1 don't know anything about them! Th © @ nomes, made thelr own clothes They. hisd + hospital st Smoky Luke, Miss MpcMaster favored sith an- other selection, and Miss Efecn Bal- On gave 8 reading Elmer Walters, Toronto, and. Mur~ ton Walters, Taunton, visited John asco8 on Sundays bu Mr, and Mrs, George Vice, Osh- awa, and My, and Mrs. Donald Yel. fowless and Tan and Helen, Colum- bua, visited Mr, and Mrs, Walter co / #Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Werry and Mrs, Sam Thompson, Oshaws, vis- ited Mr. a 9, 8, E. Werry, Mrs. H, G, Pascoe, Misses Elva and Irene and Miss Levis, Zion, vis- ited with Thos, Baker, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Tink and Kathalean visited H, E, Tink on Saturday, when, they entertained a few neighbors and members of theif aren't mine, honest!" Jean beseeched, amily, J a, ilymornan rusty grr ' spot cas special de- livery order. They rope when they do. This saleswoman Is sure of herself, You bought that cost when you were out Friday, There's not & chance the saleswoman is wrong, She describes you to perfection." Joan way sobbing silently as the man talked When he finished she stood 4 and clenched her hands, "I'didn't! I didn't!" she eried, "No use trying to talk to her any more' tonight," ny sald with a ways of ip large hand, Lock her " (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Copyright, 1080, by Public Ledger a---- MUST BE Father«"1{ you had ua Nttle more spunk in you, son, fod stand farther up in your class, Do you know what spunk ls?" Son="Yes, sir--past participle of spank," THEN BITTER SILENCE Small Boy: Do you really know bow to steer a ship, The Duke: My word! Why do you aok? ' Small Boys Well, ming said you must have come over to this country Pp the steerage. ANNIVERSARY OF SOLINA GHURCH Rev. Mr. Thompson of Ty cached Splendid rone Pr Sermons | Solina, March 23, ~ Sunday school at Eldad had & splendid attendance with & short session on account of the anniversary services, Rev. Mp. Trompour of Tyrone fave a helpful sermon based on the mer "Tell Me/the , Old Story" is sermon was deep und well thought out and his manner _ very phate: The gol rendered a rousing anthem "Break Forth With Joy," and two quartetigs were well gu b Mrs, John Baker, Mrs. John Yellowlees, Miss Muriel Baker an Mrs. Everett * Cryderman; Haro Shuttleworth, Mis Lena Taylor, Mrs, Everett Chyderman and Alan Balson, These quartette numbers Mrs, Jo Kyle, To- Jano, hard buh pin 5 at Ww of Mr. and Mrs, ur . on. Mn. Mlilson is - improving in t "Mea. John'W, Yellowlees, Misses Gladvy and Isobel visited Mrs, L, Thompson, Tyrone, on Monday. League meeting was held on Mon. day leh, with the president, W. R, Westlake in he chair, Miss Helen Baker then took charge and devo. tional topic was ably 'taken by Miss Dearborn The junior guartette com. fod of Jessie, Norma and Gladys oe sk, Pu " 's Way, pl Sol was . by Miss Annie Ne Mak ry Sho ve an interests 8 a eo grand o . 'ber CM ria. 1H ro for yook ) the t ol the * sin suid in-part that they were a rate ancient, t i Asia Minor ike, d 0 a in ah cont not condusive tot nearest settlemont lation Sp AA TT \ plucky, willing to work and - amin: They ao ih al ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS Shel Alan Balson has gone to train in an_ aviation school at Toro. to: Mr. and: Mrs, George White and Miss Squire were Sunday guests in Paterbero, Sip Miss H. Ni Werry and little Miss Marion Modntjoy, Kedron, ure the wwests of Mrs' A, L. Pascoe this week. end, Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Rundle wete the guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Lane in Bowmanville recently, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Raynolds, To rento- visited W, J." Reynolds. Mr, and Mra, Donald Yellowlees and Helen and Jean, Columbus, and Mids Elsa Bowman, Enfield, were aquestacof N.C, Yellowlees, ' H. E» Tink was in Toronto recent y Sons of Tapperance held their Box Social on Friday night, despite bad weather and poor roads, and it wis a grand. success, The program consisted of readings by Miss Mar garet Scott and Mrs, Roy Langmaid orchestra music by Miss Ileen Bale son, Mrs, Everett Cryderman and Messrs Allan Balson and Leonard Barton, plano polo, George Waerry, lano duet, Misses Baker, selections y quartette, Messrs Werry, Shuttles orth, Taylor und Balson. . B. G, tevens auctioned the boxes, Pro- coeds were $3500, Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Pascoe visited Mrs, Thos, Pascoe, Hampton, + MP. and Mrs, Jas, T. Rundle vise fted Mr. and Mrs, Silas Williams, Hanipton, Messrs. Thos, Baker, Will Baker and Chas, Howsam attended the sale of Gimblett's stables oh Vj ednesday. Jesse O, Van Nest, Oshawa, ¥is ted Mr, Carl Wilbur, The de' ate held at the Division on Fhursday on "Resolved that Wealth has made more misery than has poverty." It was debated so closely that no decision was given, Those { | dw upheld the affiemative were Miss | Mac Westlake and Mr, Alan Mer Aessock, while' Miss Helen Baker and Ernest Levis. upheld the nega« tive side, My, nd Migs, Ernest Larmer and family, = Blackstock visited W, 7, Taylor, also. A, J. Balson, bere Hillis of Taunton spent a couple of days visiting Thos Baker, Mr, and Mrs," Hugh Annis were recent visitors in 'Toronto Miss Lillian Dearborn, visited her home In Columbus, Misi Marion Rickard, Shaws, pent the week end with Miss Muriel Baker, ! Mrs, Dickinson of Port Hope was a recent guest of Mrs, F, Thomp~ son, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE GIVES CONCERT Claremont Group Presented Fine St. Patrick's Program Claremont, March 28~The Clare mont Woman's Institite gave a St, Patrick's Supper and program in the basement of the United Church on Wednesday last, The program consisted of selections from Canad fan authors, Pauline Johnston's writ- lugs taking up the greater part of the evening, Mrs. Henry Johnston gave an ablé biographical sketch as well as a read- ing from her pen, Mr, Goddard and Miss Mary Kerr of Ashburn and Miss Studderford of Claremont each gave a fine selection) while Master Ted Tomlinson in his usual lappy manner told the good qualities of his 0 Evang Ward and Miss Aldine Ward sang a duet, Mrs, Thos, Gregg and Miss Annie . Spoffard gave a duet which was heartily encored, Miss Mary Forsyth gave several se- lections on the violin which were well received. The chair was taken by the Rev. A, McLellan and ex< Warden G, M, Forsyth fave a brief address at the close. This was the third annual gathering of this kind held hy the Woman's Institute, Miss Bessie Graham of Toronto und Stewart Graham of Oshawa spent the week end with their pare ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Graham, Mrs. John Gregg who underwent an operation in the General Hospital Toronto, has. returned home and Is getting along nicely; John Nest and bride are visiting for a few days with Mr, and Mrs, W Neal and other Claremont rela- tives, Miss Ellean Cooper of Toronto speyt Sunday at her home here, Mts. Bella Forgie, who has been ishing friends in 'Claremont re- turned to Stouffville on Saturday. Thos, Bacon who has been econ is spending & couple of weeks in To . ronto, / Miss Margaret McNab Is confined to_her home through lines. Miss Evelyn McCollough of To tonto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mes, Thos. Scott of To. ronto spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, D, A, Scott, Miss Mary McNab is slowly re- covering from ap attack of bronchi is, Mr. and Mrs, 8, ¥, Robins of Whitby spent Sunday afternoon with Elafemont friends, Mr, and Mrs, Archie Fleming of Markham spent Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs, John Fleming. Miss Hilda Sulman of Toronto was home over the week end, Mrs, Walter Ward is il, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Brignall and little daughter visited at the former's hone south of the village on Sunday, Lyman McCollough is confined to his bed with an attack of tonsilitis, ! : Make Mang Toots Every year the Physical Testin, jaboratory of the Topographica Survey, Department of the Interior, tests several thousand clinjes! ther- mometers for government departs ments or for the general public, A certificate is Hive with each ther- mometer which sucessfully passes the required tests, Combine-Harvastéd Wheat Grades L Combine-harvested wheat in Can. ada compares very favourably with binder-harvested wheat from a mill ing and baking standpoint, In gen- eral no difference could be observed between the two in regard to.these qualities, although in one season at feast the combine-harvested wheat was slightly superior fo the binder harvested wheat, Water-Fowl Suffer from Drought Owing to drought conditions in Canada's Prairie Provinces during 1929 many ponds, prairie sloughs, and shallow lakes used for breeding pure poses by water-fowl were dried up: Canada's Lumber Industry Of the $170,000000 invested in, the lumber industry in Canada, $56,000,000 in in British Columbia $45,000,000 in Ontario and $87,000,000 in Quebec, Insect Control Insects are costly, their control one of the greatest problems with which any country is confronted, Chromite Mines in Canada The principal chromite deposits in Canada are situated in the Coleraine district, Quebec, and are regarded as capable of producing large quantities of ore, Several interesting occurren- ces of good chromite ore at Obonga lake in the Thunder Bay district of Ontario have recently been reported, Marking International Boun The International Boundary has of Years Vanish "For years 'wis troubled with bad hendaches, nervous dyspepsia and liver troubles, Pinally tried 'Vrult-a-tives' and now entirely well"=R, A. Bovay, Trenton, ton, Ont, Yoars-old liver trouble, consti pation end overnight with "Fruits a-tives," say thousands. Dyspey= wis, billousness, heartburn, ges, pick headaches go lke 'wn flash, Nerves quiet, sound wlesp at onee. Kidney and biadder ills, pain io back vanish like magic, Rheyms~ tism, neursizin, neuritis decamp quick, Complexion clears, Ton of nature's greatost remes/ dies combined in Landy little tab fet, Marvelous discovery of Canadian doctor, Speedy results, Get "Fruit-a~tives" at drugglet to day, Be new person tomorrow, teolt hy engineers of the International Boundary Commission from Ottawa, Canada, and Washington, D.C, The boundary marks consist of two appro priately lettered bronze tablets, twelve hy eighteen 'Inches in size, one of which Is securely attached to each railing of the bridge, Kootenay National Park The Kpotena national park in the provined of British Columbia fs univ que among the other Canadian reser vations... It was created originally, not so much for its own sake, as to preserve, in perpetuity, the beauty of the natural land scape and the charm of native animal and plant life Slong the route of the Banfl-Windermere highway, the first motor road across the central Canadian Rockies, A -- The Important Reason ATS and oils FATS are not digested SCOTT'S EMULSION is pure oil scientifically: for casy as' nt ator dlgeation, Jost Thie is the been accurately located and perman- ently marked on the new Ambassa- fined to his home for several months dor bridge between Windsor and De- important roseen ® the cod:liver oll you A should be Scott's NOW is the time to order your new suit or topcoat for Easter, At this store we are showing samples of more than 200 fabrics, any of which you may have your Tip Top suit or topcoat tailored from. We cordially invite you to come in and inspect them. Buying a Tip Top suit or topooat your jucigment is backed by two and a 'half mi'lion satisfied customers all over Canads You take dochances, Every garmen' is guaranteed throughout in every way. Materials, ance are of the buys today better clothing value, price, $24 Come in this finest. One standard any sult or topcoat. and let us show you

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