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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 9

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i THE OSHAWA DAILY ee nn 'MARCH 29, 1930 5 "JE NINE i I is i ? f i 3 ht Jean sat stunned, Murphy { i she was going to faint snd Grace in from the next room. fave the girl a summary of the situa tion and Grace stood open-mouthe: before the squirrel coat and velvet dinner dress. arms about Jean, dear!" she sald, "It will all foie out right! Theres some terrible jhie mis, - take, but we'llSclear it up, ni me! We'll do something, hry know what but 'something!' She slipped u paper parcel under Jeap It's your nightgown : and some things," face explained, we were sunk when we came down here" ean' clung to Grace until Murphy. loosened her hands, Then he an d Haines took Jean up. in in the elevator to the women's divisio matron came forward and looked A Jean critically, She asked her name, age, address, occupation, 'As Murphy was. Jeaving he leaned across the long Soutfep toward Jean and said quiet Yi Wien Jee ready to talk, send for me, come, no matter what time; of day: or cht a, is, Better get it over, Good nig Jean did not d Right! She turned aid followed the matron down a long hall Thio a wider corridor where the cells were, She could hear the bfedth- ing of. many sleeping women, mattoft was kind but firm, ope a barred door, Jean walked in: The door shut with a clank, and the ba Yripe iB iid St ali a nd was or too if hurt too badly for her to move, the es Tan hk aly ro 8 Barat boa k ow ie, 50, Wi tot] Pi can't otto he PL Fi SE BE oh As Grace cotnes A asked, "I don't know, Mrs. Casey said. "All I know is what the. ha, officer oor wld. the woman wh the things identified, her." Grace talked a little. while : longer, then seeing that there hv to be gaine hn dult wa pro rend. mise to Jet Jenaw it was anything oh When she went out So the street it was after 1 o'clock: As she Sots ed up and' down for a «¢ she thought she saw somebody anding hcross the str ry "A Fw Suddenly a man came across the street: from the shadows, Grace was certain. it was the same one she and "Doc" had seeit » few weeks before. He came close e he spoke. "Better keep, our nose out of this or we'll Jove, jou in, too," he remarked curtly hn turned on his_heels and Way, JSrice siood ail pha. Then she ran to the corner burrowing in her purse' ody s mekel as she went, "Spring. 3100," told central when she was safe in the telephone booth, "Is Mr, Murphy there, De- tective Murphy?" There was » long pause, Finally a man's voice came into the wire, "Mr, Jurghy this is Jean's girl friend, she said. "You've been n to us. Will. you find out something for me?' It might help me, Or you for that matters Will' you find if any of your men are watching Tous house tonight?" Murphy's voice came back strong and r endly : "Lit call you first thing stn shone rough the bars of the window in J cell at police headquarters when she awoke, For the moment she. could not remember where she ini she hw the sh fed of Ea AT k ple which » for Grace, To ha "the Skies 3 Vera J i: A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds v4 | - the Grae » sequin- sven svend spoke me Took Vo You's re throwing ete June left A i to find' the ful and went, back to the living room back into the 'room A ne yo holding up & racoon coat pride, I Fie it 4 er June! reiters aco oe. rs wore to the office on i snowy days in winter, "She gave it ta you?" questioned r, Dowling, with amused increduls Yishe oi sure did" June, Si hasized ap say her boy fi ot 8 t of money now LL] yy n to/ have a lot of fur coats" Grace and Dr. Dowling leit with Jean's suit over 's arm, Once out In the sree Grace turned to the man B, sucited ow who Loretta's boy friend vi bt dhe ¢ demanded k his head A gy Bring friend is Johnson!" Dowling whistled 'ip surprise; "Come over to ty house and we'll talk about this," and Grace was om ing into Jean's old blue jacket, only. t 1 ho} make Murphy listen gy By Al Grace. talked until the shadows began to creep into the wi of the apartment, can't believe it" Dowling ' re- od again' and again, "Don't ex- ect 'any dele to fall for such a are as yours," Yet both he and Grace realized that his scoffing was fans to keep him from hoping too yi telephoned Murphy at § 'clock on Pact that he might in, "I'd rather. have » date with' you than any man I know," Grace told him with a laugh, "Well, I might consent if you'd make a pot of coffee for me," Mur. phy ro retorted, Don't come unless you are ready to listen to & fairy tale," Grace warned, "That's how I got to be a fired detective, listening Jo folks," Mur ph prom replied, A he expect, just because I wh 4 drink coffee with you, that wi promise to 'spring' your ghkl friend," was ha parting shot, Grace hun the receiver and turned to wing with her eyes ning. "He's curious, Doe," Grace said gleefully, "He wants to find those bonds. That will make him work. and | Orders from _ headquarters, you know, Because it's the great Deck. Then She grabbed both of Dow ling's h "Oh, I {28 § " only make se | Murphy be ove met" me! Te Be Continued Tomorrow gnized the coat us | dress, snd® BLONDE GIRL TAKES ROLE OF Passion. Play Breaks, Proce: dent wth Several Changes From Tradition Oberammergau, Mar, 20-Tihs year's Passion Play, beginning in May, will break tradition in more Ways than one, Two of the leading roles, the vir« gin Mary and the Christ, will be Jportrayad by actors whose appear. ance and style are in marked con- | trast to that of thelr predecessors, For the first time In the Passion Piak! # history the wothey of Christ hs be a blond, The new Mary, layed by Anni Rg also Is more Hr fuh than upusl, She bas a gent= le dignity and & melodious contral- to speaking volce, Alois Lang's 'presentation of. the Christ probably will be in marked contrast to Anton Lang's interpre- tation, which has come to be al- most traditional, Alofs, With dark hair and beard is expected to give a more lyrical impersonation then fair-ufired Ane ton, who will speak the prologue this year, Even fhe old text and muslo of the play have bean completely re. vised, The stage Is to be thorough- ly modernized, A large staff ex. clusively from "Oberammergau's populace has been {n full swing for weeks, Principals have been read- fog thelr parts regularly in re. hearsals, Six hundred players in the cast will be augmented by no shorus of 50' and sn orchestra of 50, Large dressing rooms have been built. with such designations as "Roman Room," "Room for Trad- ors," and "Room of the Priests," SEENS FURTHER PROTECTION FOR ONTARIO FISH Game and Fish Committee Sends Recommendations to Legislature VIRGIN MARY: Lslon tion of the possession of fish-spears and the use of dynamite, The establishment of mors game- fish' sanctuaries iv urged, together |, with the pur of waters for game' fishing Whett Tourist futarest predominates; a further. hnportant Fe cormendation f fs that the commer cial fishing ling be drawn five miles shore slong the entire' northeast coast of Georgian Bay, so that spaw- ning fish may have better protec. Js and 4 ipuriet anglers mor t anglers more sport. CARTWRIGHTS HAVE HAD LEADING PART Family Prominent In Cana- dian Government Life For Years -» Kingston," Ont, Mareh 20 = (Written for The Canadian Prest by G, H, 'Willlamson)~The recent | deaths at Kingston of Mrs, "Van Straubenses, 90, widow of Colonel Bowen Van _Straubengee, 100th British Regiment, snd Miss Fran- cls Cartwright affords one oppor- tunity of telling to' "the younger genaration of Canadians some- | thing of the outstanding part the Cartwright famlly took from 17902 fo the present day in helping to shape the political government of Mrs, Van Straubenzeo was the grand-daughter of 'Richard Cart wright, & United Empire Loyalist, who became one of the fiyst Eng. lish residents of Upper Canada in the early days and also became Executive Council of Upper Can), ada under Governor Sir John Sim- | coe in 1708 at Kingston, Miss Cartwright was the daughter of Sir Richard J. Cartwright, » grandson of the founder of the Cartwright family in Canada, The little bullding, In which that 'Upper Canada . Counell, first met here 138 years ago, still stands on Queen Street just below St. Paul's 'Anglican Church, The founder of the Cartwright family here was the son of an ¥nglish father and s Dutch mother, He had the vision the statesman as It is recorded that in 1703 as & member of the Council, he vole- od hig objection to the Council cal culating its measures as much with & view to patronage and pri- vate endowment as to the prose perity of the young colony, He prophesied that such wu policy would sow seeds of civil discord and perhaps lay the foundatibn of TRAMP STEAMERS Steamer Rates F slling and miserable plight of the tramp ship owners, their situation, and steamer freights [ae felling rapidly and the eargo movement is slackening, the great menace to them, becuu the restoration of exchange consequent upon {it will cause a fur- ther substantial drop in thelr freight ourrencies on overseas trade, financial burden wiso threatens to in sremsy, ne the mariner's life insur. ance law and 'the this country, hour work. plan are going udopted, submitted to the next session of the Imperial Diet and the latter enforced internationally from next year, the shipping slump, a plan for a vol one of the first members of the odin wu h ep p Ny notion was advanced but each time it falled scheme to counteract falling freights by effecting a freight pool in connec. tion with the restriction shipments also failed to materialize, pan has been unusually active with. in recent months, partly due to the policy of encouraging scrapping by the government and partly high cost of iron, MEXIGAN AVIATOR Sydney, N.8,, tor the murder of 8 srdnty, NS, in an hy ms d yobw ormer associates were unspi- mous in questioning Anderson's sanity, They are so positive of his mental ipcompetence that a fund way started by public subscription with which to send a lawyer and o 'member of his family to his as- sietance, ' Alf, Halderson, former president of the Napwen Ski Club, is directing the fight in Anderson's behalf, Anderson was a member of the club when his 190-foot jump t Brattleboro, Vt. established & ecord nover equalled in the East, WORRY JAPANESE SHIPPING INTEREST Negro Movement Is Slackening Tokyo, March 29 ~= One of the | most serious questions eonfronting the Japanese shipping basiness is the There is very little hope in The gold embargo removal forms rates on foreign Their necome which is based seamen"s eight be be to The former bill wil As an immediate step to counter ships is beginning o gain strength among tramp ships ywners, On Various oteasions such realized, Another to be of cargo The scrapping of old ships In Ja to the FINDS PYRAMID EE ---------------------------------------- That Terrible BACKACHE! Need Not Be Endured Gin Pills Will Stop It ; Bran is so often a cry for help from inflamed or ki s. They need to d restored to nor- on again, clogged be $6 N other fl So a Soints, an scanty or too frequent Take i Pills ==at once, Heal and wtr your kidneys, Prevent [1 J Tu ath fom, Sela 's ree serio tls, Lombage, pitle 'a are a liablewOc & box at sl} d ruggists, National Drug & Chemical Co, of Cenads, Limited. Toronto » Canads = TALKIES END Singer Sees End * Sacrifices Farrar, here on says the day of "struggling, skimp. ing and perhaps mortgaging the fam. fly home to send ambitious singers abroad for study" is over, motion pictures, she thinks, are pare tially responsible, velco and somo beauty and receive & good contract with the talkies bes fore they have matured, before they have been really edusated," she de clared, Just n progression, are not so educated were, ly affected our work on the concert stage and in opera, push one's way through great crowds and lose half one's energy going to it into his head that you're not pay~ ¢ } a concert or to an opera when th radio will bring it to one at home! That seems to be the attitude o much of the publie, "Perhaps--in a hundred or thre: hundred yenrs when all of us have become beautiful legends there wil be a tremendous reflex aetion tha! will revive opera, but it will not br in my day and there is nothing, ap parently, that can he done about it, There ure only two real opera com panies in thd United @tates, That in-band." $he sald she did not care for "me chanical expression" and did nol eontemplaty singing o over the radio STRUGGLE FOR VOGAL TRIANING - For Securing Advanced Training Mar, a 20--Goraldine concert tour, Macon, Ga., I do miss my garden, The cat knocked it off the window-sill last night, She was very anixous to know if her fiance was trustworthy, and so, before she married him, she made a {riend promise to go for a walk with soon as fey 'were alone, When they him and to ask him to kiss her ap returned 'the girl drew her friend pride and said; Dd Jon le Jack, ta ids Jogt po 'N & ldsped me before I had a 'No one is » hlamer-it 18) p00 cie0 ask him." ut the artista ol as they once Talking "Often the young girls have a good Young Husband : "It's awful, Every time I go to see your father he gets money out of me," Wife: "1 know dear, But, you see, father has always heen in the "The radio and talkies have great 'Why should one INVERA CRUZ STATE w---------- future revolutions, fears were Justified by the Rebelllon'in 1837 He did not liye to see those trou blous times in both Upper and Lower Canada for he died in 1815, the year In which Wellington de- foated Napoleon at Waterleo, It appears that Governor Simcoe had planned and outlined a mille ary road from one end of Upper Canada to the other, to which he gave the name of Dundas Street, supposedly with a view to accom~ lishing his idea of fixing the cap- tal on the present site of London, Hon, Richard Cartwright In one. of his letters, protested agalust the mployment of a hundred men of fre "Rangers" in cutting a road rom the head of Lake Ontario to the River Tranche (now Thames) where there was not a single ine babitant, Instead of employing 'them "In the service for which they are ostensibly raised, of open ing ropds and building bridgos be tween the different settled parts of the country," But," he furth- er remarks, "this Is a business {that the inhabitants are left to do or, _ themselves' as well ab they , we was @ue to the Hon, Richard Cartwright and his business pa ner, Hon. Robert Hamilton, that the famous Bishop Strachan came ito Canada, Cartwright and Ham- flton in the year 1700 sent to Shotinnd for ® Sompatent tutos 2 Jtheir wons, n Strachan, then Just 'ahead of this they saw what {nea 21. whotstght ait eben | appeared to be a small hill rising, | : NL 0 Dot examination disclosed - that be i later when Murphy te phoned Chpyviahly _---- Public Tadgor How are ng Seri char ole DEVICE HELPS AIR PILOTS T0 DETECT IGE ON MACHINES what oi ned to know, We se sinse Body J To a dro away last night. | Temperature Switch Con- trols Red Light on In What's - fog da had brought new cour. New York, Mar. 20-A device o Gra pr tell you syerthings wl. 1 know myself, 1' thing det secie i may need | designed to assist aircraft pilot in avoiding conditions which are cons RR fp the formation of ice on the lanes, Has been devels ureau of Standards, ork in the, past have that ice will begin forming on of an aerop ne at a tems ture between 26 de grass and be es Fahrenheit, and that under conditions the lift of the plane Shanwe in the the fee may 8 on he ite suce { 0) ort A fearon. ere, either by changing! his altitude, his nd -- If neces, by, making a device 8 chee actuated Swite red light on ang net "Hey, matron! The new Ah oul ¢ heard somebody hy sound of footsteps and mat and an assiotont © came to ro. "Dee" Discovers Ruins of Ancient Aztec Temple and Jungle Churches Mexico chy, Mar 20--Folowing a tiger's trail through thick Jungle on a huge mesa in the State of Vera Crus led Charles M. Drayton, pilot of the Mexican Aviation Company, and his companions, J. G. Philen, Jr, and F. 0. Willy of Brownsville, to discovery of two pyramids ubout 80 foet high, The pyramids were six nitles apart and connected by a broad highway running straight across the Party was the ruin of an edifice which might have been an anclent Antec temple or one of the first jun. glo churches constructed by the 3 A ' conquerors. Its state and the fact \ | ii iErey [STEELE BRIGGS SEED. (= this, 4s well as the pyramids and "CANADA'S GREATEST os Nouse » Tarento, Mar, 29~Gradusl but complete 'reorgansiation of Ontario's game-fish service, very extbnsive up- ward revision of the, scale of expen- ditures upon that service, increases in the number of men engaged and thelr Delng brought to the status of a trained and disciplined force, are among, the recommendations made to the Government by the Ontario Game~Fish Committee. The report. of this committee, of tremendous interest to Ontaglo ange lors, was laid before the Lewislature by Honourable Charles McCrea, It urges that the tremendous expans slon of the province in transportas tion, tourist traffic and game«fish de« mand warrant extended new efforts in propagation and gonservation, Among the interesting, recommens dations is that Kame. sh ating be given to pickerel, . lakes! an pike; the prohibition of t from motor boats and sail boats prohibi- STEELE rands that are ideal for all kinds of stock feeding yf "What's the matter, dearie?" she asked, The matron was fat and il, well! You've cut your head open on this cot. Guess. I'l send You over oad the hospital. It's bleed tt a. called an officer and | sxe -- ---- ous, v ties ace assured by on Prize Mammoth Long Red Giant Yellow Oval Yellow Leviathan Giant Yellow Globe Giant White Sugar Royal Giant aud I in cat highway, kept the men from discov ering whether it was Astec or Span lard, The discoverers of the ruins believe they are the first white men ever to seo thons, inasmuch as none of the Indians: fesident there hall any knowledge of the pyramids, Ihe men stumbled upon the ruins by pn accident us Jungle growth a om |} even within a yard pf the base The men were chopping thelr way through the jungle when sud denly they came to a low stone wall, " We don't know shat he | | is going to lk about-- 1 Sartor a few on ee ek yo {Hy to police head. quaglers, neither Jon Jot Dowling ed Ed ue the a Jean's ay, Ss " gk in Jen's di a ico and 1 in have bien = A - g tite fs Theronoid of avs | - Hy 4 + {the post and arrived. Roemer Was & pyrami® of seven terraces, fon the last day of 1799. Mr. Btra- | 04 300 feet along the base, and elian, altho a student for the | oo sos hiuh, On top were several Ministry of o Churel of Scotland sacrificial stones and a shaft which gonnected himaelf with the Anglls |, 0 been Alled With debris, an Church and Dygaue one Of Ita | yoading from the ' pyr y tout. loaders' | men found a highway paved wit i The grandson of ihe founder ft stone which led for six miles 0. Cartwright any the mesa, and at the other end of this p Riad 5 Cartwrigh ok | road they discovered. another pyre- (| adlan Ooh on | mid, almost identical In the open of the mesa, pis ia completely uninhabit y discovered hundreds of bu! i Lg some of which were twenty { foot high, There were also innumen § mble wells, faced with vook and still [i serviceable, going to a great depth to | rock, i The number of burial mounds and wells on the open surface of the mesa kept the men from thelr aeroplane on top of the table |} land and they had to set up oamp |p ra distant by horseback. i The ruins are 125 miles southwest Jembleo, about 80 miles from the |} and only 100 miles in an aire} EA controls A Moder Health Giving Appliance. Pleasing and | ent board awit LIT ke wit d i ned with the Liberals | 0 Me ng a member ° pod Bir Wiitrid' Laurier Mem TR of the Cartwright family have lived in Kingston for ipearly & century and a half, and ntly hie Jucendant of the H Ly Cartwright, of oronto, tied here' to practise aw, Ara is nae a Wiursted . a ed may form, i n cold, a" air the | TE © Warns the i la 'and don't believe he does BAREIS 1: "ROGERS wi SY Gupth Ariel of ENNA A ns, A man took & hard tumble And hip him up, inet happen fo fall Ey ne waning!" | or Nite asked | | on the superstitions of Lhe thtowite Young teh a hee The iota 0 treasure | rom had never been diss |} modern Indians, three Uiscoversry to Rn

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