i Prominent Wurrier Dies Vieton,~¥runcls Woods who for 'the past 26 years hus been with the Parrington store here as fury Flor, snd who for many years way in business with his father and ster by himself, dropped dead hE] Hupday afternoon, He wus sitting the men's lounge room of the Royal Hotel whon welzed with a heart attack, Breaks Kneo + Cobourg, Hurry Lloyd, Hpring stroot, yustuinod u broken knee 'shortly "after golug to his work Tuesday ovoning, He was romoved to the Cobourg General Hospitsl and is reported resting comforts ably, Plans Ready Vor New Plant Bolleville~Vlans for Belle ¥illo's now titration plant were oxpocted to arrive In the city Thursday, 1. I, Austin stated but falled to arrive. Howover, it iy ex- pocted théy will be here any day now and tenders for the plant will be asked for immedintely, To Celebrate Vimy Pletod,~The local branch ot the Chusdian Legion is planning for a grand banquet on the #ne niversary of Vimy, April 9, Major General Garnet Hughes) of King. ston, will be the chef speaker, Ico Loaves Marbor Gananoque ~The bar of ice Which has held firmly in tront of the rallway whart since the river channel opened up two weeks ago, loft the dock Wednesday, There is still a bar of ice botween the head of Tremont Park and White Calf Island, but a good south or north wind would clear this out, Weather Hard on Trapping Potorborough,~'L'rappers in this fistrict have already hud consideps Ublo success in the taking of ni rats and a number of pelts have beon brought tuto tho city tor pure chase by the local furriers, whe Yoport the quality and quantity to be equal to other years, The cold Weather which bas resulted in the frost being still on the ground, the marshy land being still frozen hay Affected the quality of the pelts Which have been brought in by rappers so far this year, Scarlet Fever Reported Pombroke.~--A number of cases of scarlet fever are reported in the township of Alico. in the vicinity of Stressman's school, and as a Precautionary measure against the spread of the disease the schoo) was closed Monday and Tuesday Of this week for fumigating pure poses, Cadets Havo Kaster Vacation Kingston. ~Owing to the faet that the cadets at the Royal Mil. tary College will be In the middle of thelr apnual examinations at . Bester, this year, the coming week. sud 1s boing kept ns the "Easter Yacation" at tho college. I'he cadets oft Thursday for n short holiday 'and will be back on Tuesday. we parties wero formed among cadet body for the purpose of jaking trayel opyy, special busses ng chartered to car large Bumbers to Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, Hold Winter Fair Cobourg, = Cobourg's indoor fale, already nssureg of success as one of the finest community ef forts In the town's history, was officially opened at the Armouries Wednesday by Mayor A, I. Will mott, supported by members of olocted bodies of both town avd county and representatives of the ghurches, the Wench and civic fendorship in genergl, ! Take Case to' Railway Board Port Perry ~The Town Counet attempted to make settlement with local ratepayers: who wish to be transferred to leach Township, In one instance a settlement Was made, but the others have deter. Kallway Doard, Exhibit Curios * Kingston,~In formally opening the exhibition being held ®t, George's Hall, the lit, Rev, Dr, C, A. Seager, Bishop 'of Ontario, speaking before a large audience on Wednsedny evening, expressed his appreciation to the workers who huve arranged the event and his pleasure in the fact that such an interesting display had been made available 'through the kindness of those who had been willing to loan thier valuable and curious articles for the exhibition, Chicken Pox Prevalent Ploton,~-Chicken pox Is qhite prevalent in the county; Mr. Mat. thews, teacher at. Hilller, Is cone Matthews, Cherry Valley, teacher has just recovered, Many of the pupils at the Valley huve hed it but the epidemic there seems Lo be over, There are several cases in Hiller district and also some at Wellington, A of Five Totals 490 Morrisburg--A, C. Casselman, Morrisburg, was the guest of hon. our at u birthday party: last Wed. nesday when the ninettetl anniver- sary of his birth was celebrated by members of his family, including three brothers and a or, The combined ages of Mr, Casselman, who is one of Morrisburg's oldest residents, and his thrée brothers and ster, ayRregato 420 yoars, Two Fracas Kingston, March 28.--Mrs, Win nifred Massie, stabbed by her hus. band on Tuesday morning, is ime proving 'slowly at. the Kingston General Hospital, autabrities said Inst night, George Richardson, suf foriug from a dislocated neck ag the result of injuries received dur. ing a poolroom brawl, is also making steady progress, Highest hopes are entertained for the com. plete recovery of both patients, To Plant Trees Potorhorough,--As 4 detail of the work of the Marks committee of the Council this year, Alderman Stocker Intends to 'make &n el fort at tree planting on some of the streets that are bare of shade. His plan is to make wu beginning, however limited it may be season, and to lay 'out a modes program that could be carried ou from year to year Workman is Injured Pembroke. Christian Schim~ mens, an employee of the Canadian Splint and Lumber Corporation, suffered a fractured . skull. lust week when he came in Sontact with ----. "HOMES WANTED have a number of very fine children to 14 yoars == boys and girls w= ed "how wo are anxious to find good homes. Wo can recommend Given a falr chance Superintendent Children's Ald Soclety, , Dox B21, Oshawa, Ont, children, will make good, You owe theso good Canadian children that chances Correspondence invited: Address -- OM. ALGER, i fined to his home with it and Miss' "1 dorson,' ©, of - Military' District No, 3, mined to submit their case to the | - é et: i loy, Which dealt blow 'on the side of i he Kingstoo,~Colovel W, B. An- B, OMG, tn eommang whe was accompanied by 'Major L, M. Hughes, N.C.H.A. apd Lt.-Colone! H, Ts Goodove, the District Vay- master, carried oul bis sopus) in. spoction of tho 32nd (Kingston) Battery, Canadian Vield Arilliery, on Wednesday oveniug in the Armourios, expressing himself, us entirely satisfied with the pro- Kross, Call For Tenders Cobourg. --lwportant repairs to the town hall were brought near- or at Monday night's council meets Ing when the municipal building committee was authorized to cull for tenders on 'new 'eavetroughing and new flooring for the west cor- ridors, Tenders will 'bo asked, both on copper and copperized eave- troughing, on. ou basis of footage rather than a completed job, 11.2 a-- Hoy Vractuves 1 PYombroke~Gordon 'Kahl, five your-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kahl, sustained as fracture of the right leg - Sunday evening, when struck by ms motor car on VYem- broke street cast, To Buy Aeroplane Campbeliford~At the regular meeting of the local Flying Club, held last week, seven new meom- bers were curolled. It was decided that the offfcinl npme of the or« ganization be "Phe Cempbeliford Flying Club," The purchdpe of a new machine, the cost of whieh would be about $5,000 was dis- cussed. Accepts Pastorate Cobourg.~~Rey, George N, Sime mons, pastor of the Baptist church, New Biskeard, Ontario, has ace cepted the cali of the Cobourg Baptist church and will probably begin his Hhstomtey here early iu May, He succeeds Kev, J, N, Nor ton, who accepted a eall fo Wel land at the close of the past year. Sold $185,000 Debentures Uobourg.-=At the Council moet dng on last Monday night, Coun, McGuire fn reporting for the spec ial committee stated that the Town had . wold. debentures, amounting to about $125,000 to the firm oft J. L. Graham & Co., at $101.25, Calf Born Without Mouth Pembroke.~--On & farm neap the little village of Lapasse, a cow ast week gave birth "to a calf, Which, though normal in every other respect, was winus a mouth, The head was well formed and the Oars, eyes and nostrils were there, 'Dut no suggestion of a mouth, Completes Long Term Valentin. William Suggftt, who hins been superintendent of Val entis Sunday School for thirty. five years has resighed owing to the condition of his health, F, ik, Hoar has been chosen to fill the ney left by Mr, Suggitt, ---- : New Policeman Cobourg. ~Irank Leslie Barker bas boon appointed Cobourg's mote oreyolp policeman und will prop. ably assume bis duties on April Tronton Doctor Dies Bellevillo.~Diy Frank Jones Farley, practicing physician for the past 86 years died at bis home Wednesday after ao lengthy ili. 0 he end came suddenly as he took a turn for the worse late In the afternoon, The late Lr, Farley was well kuown in Tren- ton and District and highly re: spected for his keen terest in ail affairs pertaining to the ndvance- ment of his home town, Was Pombroke, -- Adpareity dew pondont because of domestic wor ries, v Gustave Gols, a repidont of the Hamilton's. Field section on the southern outskirts of the town, committed suicide by taking arsen- fe ontstund in rat poison, Her ddhth rred Bunday night, | Want New A Sobourg.--gul . Arena in rg wan unched at a banquet or the Co- Curling Club * In speeches y Father Butler of St, d chureh, A, J. Howson, Le V0 r and Harvey Sproule, The statement was made that Mayor 'Willmott is co-operats, Ne of a winter in Wednesday, March 20, saw the sixth. day of Canadian spring. But these pictures seem to toll another story. Repeated snow and min storms have turned woods into fairy fantasios moulded from spow and ice, Trees overhead and vhrubs underneath glisten with white and THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES SATURDAY, MARCH 29,1930 sliver; winter still voigns supreme, The picture on the shows » wooded gale pletn in its winter mantle, The pleture on the vight shows a seniptured-swan-eoye. ered in ice in ow Toronto city park, f ing in the initial effort, nnd mark- od enthusiasm greeted the forma! Inunching of the project whign may ensure a $50,000 arens for the use of Cobourg sportsmen and youth in the winter of 1980-31, Plan Battery Reunion Cobourg.~~All' officers . and delegates, past and present, of the Beeond Heavy Battery's Old Boys' Association, 'are Leing asked to meet with the loenl sub-section in Cobourg on April" 1§, to discuss plans for a Battery re-union some- time In the future, Pine Farm Sold Plainville.~The farm: recently owned by Mra, C. Horsburgh, lot 17, concession 7, Hamilton town~ ship, was 801d to Archie Bowman, of Plainville, The purchase price is stated at $7,000, rn -- MRS, GARSCALLEN, WHITBY, SPEAKS TOMYRTLE WOMEN Outlines the 'Mission Work Which She Did in China Myrtle Mareh 22 roception meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W, J, Cook, south of the vil: lage on Friday afternoon, in cous nection with the Women's 'Mise slonary Soclety, Mrs, Merriam presided and after the devetional exercises which was taken by Mrs. R. 8. Long und Mrs, Chisholm, the secretary, Mre. D, Leury, read the minutes of the previous meeting an the usual business was trans. acted. Mrs, Carsonllen of the On. tario Ladies' College, Whitby, who did mission. work in China for twenty years gave an earnest, ap: pealing talk on the work both at home and In foreign fields, stress. ing the fact that although consid: erable had heen done, it seemed as though the work wns but starting and there was a broad field for each and all to work in to fun ther the cause of Christianity. Doreen Williams sang awestly "Missionary Bells," Miss Lois Tor diff, dressed In Japanese costume gaye an appropriate reading, Mrs Clarence Harrison sang feelingly "talking with Jesus." All joined in singing "Blest Be the Tie 'I'nal Binds" and Mrs, Carscallen Ye. peated the lord's Prayer In Chinese, Lunch was then served and the hostess and all those whe took part in making the afternoon a success were tendered a hearty yote of thanks: The ladios 'were ploased to have with them a form. er able seoretary,, Mrs, Charlie Luke, of Raglan, and Miss Mary Martin, of Prospect; and Mra, G, Williams and daughter, Mrs, aston, of Belleville, visiting at the parsonage, the guosts of her daughter, Mrs. I J, Merriam, Mra. Wiltred Graham' was called to Toronto on Tuesday. owing'to the illness of a relative, Walker Brothers, of 'Ashburn, wont through bere last week with three new tractors which they weve demonstrating in Brooklin, Clarence Holman of Ashburn, with his new cleaner, accompanied them, Mr. Levl 'Tordift is visiting friends in Toronto thin week, Mr, and Mrs, Charlle Plikey vise fted the former's parents in Ham« fiton, over Lhe week-end. The first thunderstorm of the poason passed over here on Sunday and was accompanied. by a sleet storm which. made motoring on the King's Highway rather dans gorous for a time, Mrs, MeCoomby, of Stirling, has bben visiting her daughter, Mrs, T, Ry Price The Bible Class and Exceutive of the Bunday School held their semi-monthly moeting at the home of 0, H, Downey on Thursday ov- ening, with a good atiendance pre- sont, The President, Ross Broome, presided "snd after the devotional exercises which were tekken by Ralph Annan, A. Carmichael and Mrs, J. Conper took charge of the program and kept the gathering entertained with amusing games until Junch was served, Plans were made for the banquet which is being held in the church hase. ment on March 28 when Captain Best of Whitby, will give an ad- dress, This will conclude these gatherings for this season, MAPLE GROVE BRIEFS The Young People's Mesting Inst Wednesday evening was opened with a continuation of the lan. torn slides, given hy Rev, H, Stain. ton on "The Life of Jesus." The program which was in charge of Miss Ellcen Hockin, fourth vices president, included a vocal duet, Misses Betty and Mildred Bnowe« den; reading, Mick Hrown: topic, Mrs. Ivisoy Munday; voeal duet, Misses Iva Foley and May Free. man; reading, Miss Hilda Foley, After '8 short contest the meeting closed, Mr, and Mrs, L. C, Snowden and family visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T, Buker, Sollna, on Sun day, Miss Evelyn Rickard, Newcastle, spent the week-end with Mim Greta Munday, Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Snowden spent a few days with their son, Ray Snowden, in Teronto, Mr. and Mrs. A, Laird spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, T, Power visited thelr daughter, Mrs, Stuart Mom ton, Cobourg, on Friday, Will Plant 5,000 Trees in Palestine in Memory of Balfour, Jews Decide New. York, March ' 20-~The Zionist organisation, in co-oporas tion with the Jewish National Fund, hax decided to plant 5,000 trees in Palestine in memory ot the late Marl Blafour, Xabb! 8. 8. Wise announced at a mem, oral, service for the Mritish peer ow' who pledged his country's aid 1n the establishment of the Jewish national home in Valestine, Five thousand Zionist attended the service, over which Rabbi Wise presided. Other Jowish leaders oulogized Bar) Balfour, and Can tor David Roitman recited the traditional Hebrew chant for the dead, an hofior that is rarely paid to Christians, Of the 5,000 trees, Rabbi Wise said, Nathan Htraus has aires contributed 100, | | WESTERN FARMERS DONATE GRAIN 70 STARVING CHINESE Each Farmer to Give Bushel of Grain According to Novel Plan (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Winnipeg, Man,, March %9,~ Pleas from far off China where millions have died of starvation and millions more face a like fate durifig the coming. year have reached the little settlement of Demaine, Sask., centre of a thrive ing agricultural distriet, And from the business men and agriculturists of the district comes a noval plan to aid the people ot the northern section of Chins, where 5,000,000 persons = have perished from hunger and privas tion, The thousands of farmers of the Western prairies are urged, in a resolution adopted at a meeting of Demaine folk, to donate one bushel or more of waeat-each, and the pallway companies of the Do minion are requested (o WNW range free transportation of this gran to the Orient, Years of crop failures and drought, followed by floods und abpormal winter weather brought ¢isaster and death In Ching, trom where today comes stories of hos- ror almost beyond human belief, While granaries of tho West bulge with surplus grain, the Chin. oso of the famine ¢istricty strug. gle to obtain even grass and leaves for food, und there too have been reports. of cannibalism, The grain association of the Wont now will go forward, the ap- peal from Demuina--"Help ths Chinese, Have each farmer of the West donate a bushel or more ot wheat to aid." # -------------- | NEW AFROPLANES | . AROUSE INTEREST Canadian Materials Used in Finishing New Machines ------ Montreal, March 20-Many favs orable comments have been heard regarding the superior appearance of the Curtiss-Reld Rambler planes now being flown from the Curtiss Reld field at Montreal to Camp Borden where they will be de liyered to the Dominion Govern- ment, In addition to the design of the planes themselves, thelr smart appearance ig largely due to the aireraft finishes produced by Cane adlan Industries Limited which have been used throughout on all six planes. The fabric is drum-tight and has a smooth satin lustre which greatly enhances their at- tractiveness, Duco, which Is sn housewife, has been used for the sluminuw cowlings and other mets ul parts, Pome iden of the flexi. bility of Duco may be golued from the fact that repeated bending of the metal during the progress of the work shows thet the mets) itself will break before the Duce film cracks, 1t 18 a noteworthy tri. bute to Cansda's growing alversii industry that these fine planes are not only designed and produced ens tively by a Conadiun company, bul also that the finishing materials are' olpo made entirely In Canad SCOTS MUST SUPPLY BACKY, LIGHTS, BUT EXPERT FILLS PIPES i Glasgow, Beotland, March 2V, A professionnl pipe Jighter has been employed here to keep street rallway laborers (row wasting thei time, This man 1s kept, on the spot where the men are working and his sole duty is to refill and light the men's pipes os Lust as they go out, Wis job was established by an efficiency expert who found the men wasted too much time in lighting their. own pipes, The only cateh to it is that the men have to furnish thei own tobacco aud matches, KILLS THREE SONS WOMAN SUICIDES Harriman, Tenn, March 29, Mrs, Dorothy Welsh, 28, killed her three small boyy sud /¢ommii ved suicide by hanging hersell in wer howe at D'Armond, pear here, sometime within the last two days, It became known today, The bodies of tho Lays, ¥reddie, 8, Kdgur, 7, und Sherman Coolidge, aged 5H, were found flonting on a poud near the home and the body of Mrs, Welsh was found hanging from the rafter by Mrs, Bam Klis, who Is sald to be her mother, No motive for the tragedy could be ascribed by Bherift Will David. son, of Noane county, "Isn't Freddie the Image of his father?" said the fond mother "Yes," agreed the visitors "but he needn't mind that so long as hie has good health," Ea SR EET LERNER RAN WALTER In BRECKELL President of the Chartered Ne« porters' Association of Ontario, who has boen appointed Justice familiar to every car owner and of the peace, ---- -- . bridge hours filled. Readers of advertisomibnia ary the same people who de- mand the utmost efficiency in communication, in busi Time savers The great American instinct is to save time -- a lot of time----and then some more time. In the big affairs and the little things of life, time is the most valuable thing at our command. Limited trains, automatic telephones, special editions of » newspapers, sixtysmilessanshour automobiles, airplancs still faster--we have these things in answer to our de- mand for speed. And an equally important time saver in the lives of people today is advertising, Just as sure- ly as any other modern service, the advertisements and days for people who have wants to be ness, in their daily life. They know that a few minutes' reading of the advertisements will tell them more about 'products, values and the intelligent spending of their could discover in days by any other money than method. And 5 they ww . like the other great time savers, advertisements save money and energy, as well, The reading of them is a enuine human ecoriomy. - fii ta Ce = EE gr Jes