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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY; MARCH 29, 1930 PAGE. THREE Best Values of Industry Are Now Offered Public Important Contribution Made By Auto to Canada's Wealth: Cars Bring Millions Of Tour: ists Each Year -- Motor Industry Pays Much Into Palle Revue i on, A, BR BROWN View and Goneral Manas of Ci ira, rae On ans realize what he portant contributions are mado by thie motor .car to the coffers of the country, Bome European economs ists go ns far as to say that' the Jtos rity of the continent hinges, @ Jarge extend on the automo. vie Suter. How far they are right might be dificult to say, But it Is cortain thet from the very first step in the process of manufacture until the Inst gallon of gasoline has been bought, every car is con tinually providing revenue helps to lighten 'the burden which would otherwise fall on the non~ owner of n car, The automobilq has not only provided work for scores of thou. sands of Canadians and made life more pleasant for millions of othe ors, but it has added immeasurably to the wealth of the country, Ationg the new sources of noe tional Income which it has develop. od is, for example, the tourist tr fle, How important this has becor 0 may be judged from the fact that during 1929, some 12,000,000 tourists in 3,700,000 motor oars left in the Dominion somethi g aver $300,000,000-~equal to more than three quarters of the total ex Jpounditures of Canada's federal gov. ernment, That is one contribution made by motorists to the country's prok- pority. There are many others. A recent financial statement issued by the provincial treasurer of On. tario shows that the revenue of the highways department of this pro. vince alone amounted to $17,000, 000 during the year ended Octo. ber 21, This revenue is obtained almost entirely from gasoline tax and automobile lcenwes, that | The extent to which the auto. cars in count the from ron. a ie ata that Fons J stad v ni 0 000, mployees have Incr "trom B, 23 to 16,749: The value of pro- duction £,0.b, plant, in' 1928 was 162,867,499 as compsred with 66, #14, 200 on Yours 8go, sums paid the Fodern! Goverment in duties; excise and sales taxes and other imports by the automobile manufacturing com- panies are enormous, In 1028 Gen. eral Motors of Canada alone coni- tributed the sum of $8,482,008, Property taxes and other pay. ments to local governing authori. tion Increased the company's direct Sonttbution to He J ublie purse, rther, in spl foot t' % an Tr hats ni) large ostion of CGeneral Motors cars is being built in our factories, raw materials, parts and accessories gre purchr - od from approximately 250 British and Canadian sources, These pure chases amounted, in 1928 to about $18,000,000 and 1929 showed nan appreciable Increase, The distribution of dividends still further increases the contri bution of the motor companies to Canada's welfare, Huge sums are paid in freight to the Canadiana raflways, the motor comphnles' ane nusl bill on this score running os ns 12 or 15 million dollars, Additional millions are paid fa commigsions to dealers In Canada, which in turn are distributed throughout the Dominion, In thi connection, 8 is interesting to noth that in spite of the Industry's con. tribution to the public purse, car prices are mush lower 'than they wera a few years ago, The price of a Chevrolet sedan mn Oshawa for example has dropped from a peak of $1,708 In 1020 to $879, Al though the price fluctungion of the oper cars in the General Motors line has perhaps been not so pro. Routieed, it has followed the same rend, FE Rl | " Canada. share i. in, "the | Four hp CHRYSLER COVERS VERY WIDE RANGE Lines Are Re- presented by Thifty-Five Models m-- Chrysler comes with four distinet linen of cars represented by thirty modelu=the largest. range of cers ever offered by the company... The I, "73," "10" and 66" are shown in a wide chélce of colors and body styles, For the first time Chrysler is dis playing a six In the "66" line, priced under $1,500, A bntys ~cight horse- power ehgine with piston displaces ment of 218,06 cubie inches Is offered on the six models composing this line, Multl-range fours tranemis slon is a feature of the Imperial, "77" and "70" lines, The gear shift is standard, the "heavy-duty" range being notched off for. only occasional use when maximum power .is re quired, be possible at any car speed between the two higher gears. The third, or "acceleration," range is said to give swift ncceloration up to sixty miles an hour, while the "driving" range is. a direct drive, giving high car speed with comparatively slow ens Kine speed, Downdraft carburetor is found on the three higher-priced lines, The "siiversdome" engine, providing a compression ratio of 5 to 1, is stand ard sauinment on all Chrysler cars. Other features are counter-welght. od, statically and dynamically bal anced crankshaft, mounted on seven main bearings; positive lubrication through drilled passages maintained at all engine speeds by a fullpres sure system, und 'a new decarboniz ov. enabling the eylinders to be kept free from carbon by means of a plun. ger under the dash, Nolso in the timing chain is not always a sign of lobseness. It de pends upon the character of the noise. A slapping sound indicates looseness, while a humming is likes i to bo a sign that the chain 1a too tight, Noiseless shifting is said to |' New 16-Cylinder Cadillac CADILLAC SIXTEEN CREATES INTEREST) Will Not Be Available For Delivery for Several Months pd Be Visitors at the Soh aan York Automobile iriterest in the on las, on Lin Ayal display there, This new automobile, to be called the Cadillag V-16, Is the first 16cylinder car this continent bas known, The Cadillac V<16 will not he avail able for delivery to purchasers for soveral months. The two ears which Cadillsc featured at New York were specially prepared, ' When announcement is made across the continent, it will be found that the large number of body styles of. fered will be custom bulit by Fleet: | dillac wood, Outstanding features of the engine are' the smoothness and flexibility; the trim appearance; and the re markable capability under all trame conditions, In design, the engine Ig V4ype. The Included angle between brit New d Inder ' LORNE ARDIEL Sales Manager for the Car dillac Motor Car Company of Can. ads, Limited, and the POs Motor Works of Canada; Limited, the two blocks of eight cylinders is 406 degrees. The valve mechanism is overhead, operated by a single cam. shaft set at the base of the Vee be- tween the cylinder blocks, and as ptired of absolute gMence by a pats ented automatic valve silencer, The V-16 power plant 1s provided with 'two fuel systems--~iwo vacuum tanks, two earburetors, and two in- take manifolds, Aeccelérator control is conventional, Lubrication is full pressure to all bearing surfaces, Crankease ventilation is thermostats cally controlled, Ignition is by Delco Remy, incorporating two colls, an eightdobed timer with double contact points, two condensers, and 4 dis tributor, Brakes are time-proved wafoly me chanical design, all internal and we: ther proof, apted fo the V-16, Pedal efMcloncy is augmented by a unique vacuum. brake assister. The trans. Hilson iw the non-clashing Synchro os type applied to the power re- quirements of the V-10, Cadillse is showing a representa. tive number of bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood, on the eight-cylinder Cad- fllac and LaSalle chassis, A These two cars, it is sald, are to be vontinued by Cadillac as thelr principal con~ tributions to motoring. The long life of the sleeve valve engine employed ig the Willys. Knight "70-B"" has been material. ly increased through various tech- nical changes in sleeve machan+ fsm and a distinct improvement in the lubricating system, They Called in A Specialist How many times in cases of ill ness have you heard that statement? Today there are specialists in most every kind of business, It takes years to become' d speciar list because it takes years to "mcs cumulate the necessary experience to qualify and thoroughly know how to handle each individual ease, Motor ear; owners in the vicinity of @0shawa Dave available specialists who are Qualified to diagnose your motor car troubles, George C, chin: Limited, "Previously Géne Fator & Starter Co, Limited," have in their service station 15 Church St, equips ment costing thousands of dollars plus the experience of George, All chin, Wm, Ward, "Bill Ronnie Campbell and others of their staff, (ieorge Allchin's experience dates from 1909, at which time car manu- facturers and accessories manufac- turers were experimenting with vari ous types of self starters, some were using a semi circle wheel in front with a wife.cable connected to a handle inside the car which when it was pulled by thie driver, cranked the car. Some used an alr compression with a tank undeg thy car which held a yeserve supply of air, When the river released the air from the tank to the eylinders, it sometimes turned the motor over and the engine would start, Another type of socalled self starter was a tank of 'Presto-O-Lite gas carried in the car with small copper tubes running to the cylin- ders, The driver would tury a valve and the gas under pressure 'travelled to the cylinders, ane of which would be on the compression stroke at the same time the driver would push a button attached to the vibrator coil causing a spark in one of the cylin ders, If the right cylinder happened to be on compression the motor would start; From these early experiments the present day glectric x A hag been developed; our sell 'sturief of {ody Fitfot fail you, pividing) hagelectrical and fuel systonh of uyodr Car is in good lone /Ahis Ae the proper time of year to have the above system inspected and thereby i insure for your« self a pleasant summer's driving and escape undue expense apd ingonygnis ence later won, George: Co Allchin Limited Tins for some years heen the aufl hoslzed dine tributors and seryice station forsDels co Remy, Auto Lite, De John, Splits dorf, Basch, Eiseman, .Connecticit, Klaxon, Spargon, North East _elec- trical 'equip, +A Goll filters, , Auel pumps, spark plugs, , etc Arter, Strongherg Marvel, Schefler Johns. ton and Zenith LCasburetors as well as all nationally advertised auto ace cessories, You will 'diways fd the: staff of this firm glad' t6 tal over your sar trofiblgs, Consultation © and advice free, Chevrolet His Fine Colorings The development of color schemes in the automobile industry has shown the influence of real artisténo. This year . there "18 apparent & 'more thoughful attentibn to' the relation of secondary tonds to the mal. 'motif, with more simplicity 'in 'color com~ binations, 'Most' of these arg now based on only 'three tones~ore for body, or body and 'wheels, one for fenders, and one fbr" striping, Although simplicity' in "oulof 48 mo« ticeable, a favish presentation 6f color ful names descriptive of "fone "has made its appearance.' For instance, one new Chevrolet' model is finigfed in Scaraba green Duco 'with Arizona gray moulding and tusk 'ivory strip. ing, Wheels aré doi in the fame fashion, a The laboratories, ' fated with "the problem of producing color finflshes that, would not fade "in 'sun or din, have made remarkable progress in this direction during she past year; Y 1) OLDSMOBILE SIX a finer six,progessively designed /NIKING EIGHT" Pioneer of medium priced matt EE ) | MFORT The Oshawa Home of Oldsmobile - Viking An Invitation Is Extended To Everyone 1930 Models Now on Le ( Pi ae NI HETHER yoo pois foe six ox an advance eight, you will Gad in the Oldsmobile Viking oe jus. che modal you want at the price you want to pay. See these cars . . drive them , judge them . . and be assured that in whichever you select . . Oldsmobile or Vikiog . . you get the same high stmdard of value, SMOBILE presets a finer VIKING, pioacer 90-degree V-type ow fois, rt 4vgy comet to gi added perfor the Kobrin specs ous ve en, ex «v beauty , . comfort , « mobile. A smooth 81-h.p. engine draws a steady surge of power from its over. lapping power impulses. Non. Ak:terable windshield , , 4 whee! Saal § of new design , . and Strong body construction ensure SEE THE 'NEW MODELS OF smobile- | AUTOMOBILES prices hip a. Rey 0 pie 'Drive Viking and discover why its rm whim Vetype eight-cyliader ormance is price field, rs NOTA di peclongncs b Your dealer will gladly explain the GM A.C. OLDSMOBILE Six Plan of convenient payments:

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