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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1930, p. 25

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[ ! d * Won the car j i 4 » - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PACE THIRTEEN Cadi echanical Achievements Mark Season's Cars New Oakland Custom Eight, . With-Sparkling Colors, Is o New 'bodies, long low lines, Par b g colors and sparkling chrome int "und exterior fittings give the master touch of Fisher craftsmanship HD te mia ol ous H Qakland takes ith place ng side by side with the c Series ( Ly big £ 4 : y in Os ud dealers 'tom establishes new "ards of performance und "ing ability in the moderate tor cdr, With its new V-type, sight eylinder Kland cla A o hate driving. r to 35 miles per hour in 10 conds, This remarkable output of er @ due. to several new factors, cludi the complete downdraft of warburetion, the new type of ~compression, twosplane cylinder ads and the horizontal valve de- sign. These features and many other rmit the dgvelopmient of 85 horse er with @ gasoline. economy ap- p % the same as that of the i i akland which was rated at ke horsepower." The Oaklyn eight develops one horsepower 1 every 37 potnds of car weight, Again meriting its long reputation as an" gutomotive pioneer, Oakland has developed an entirely new type of engine mounting for the Eight. & The two forward engine. mountings Sare designed in the form of flat la« Sminated springs, While rear rubber mountings restrdin the engine from motion relative to the car frame, these Sfront spring type mountings serve to $absorb the normal reactions of en- fgine operation. In order to prevent the spring type mountings from per- ® mitting the engine to respond to road wahocks a new device--ghe "synchron- zer" was. invented. Synchronized ith the normal engine reactions, this simple device its the springs on which the front of the evgine is = mounted to absorb these microscopic reactions bet through its anc shocks from communicating extreme motion to the engine. This revolu- ®tionary engine mounting, in conjunc- tion with the rubber cushion. drive conngeting the power plant and the E propeller shaft, develops a high des » gree' of engine Jmiootbndes ; ARR Body Styles ho ty ¥ 'A choice of five smartly-styled fuodiey ys offered, cach presentin, distinctive elements of beauty an Fh y \ Low ly two inches along the lines of th pit Oak+{. land Eight is 2 narrow molding ex- ing entirely around the body ® from ote radiator edge to the other, Further smart emphasis is con- ferred by the slanting windshield, the ed window openings, the polish. metal top quarter, the new full own fenders whose édges bear an ™ effective new beading, the graceful few grouping of the vertical hood '®louvees, the ribbed gasoline tank | Sshield, the neat front and fear splash 4 |S was approximately one to every 4.5 N i , Tite net increase Jn automobiie Sprons, the trim indicator lights on the front fenders, the chrome plat« ing on the new design bumpers, and on other exposed metal and the heavy hub caps bearing the distinc. ¢ tive Qakland emblem, All sheet me. tal is heavily enanfeled' except in the . | 9 ts, er plant, Ohl : e eminated vibration points | | rion and to obtain | } tion from 10 milés per |". Great Motor Achievement i Ji NORVAL WILSON Piosident of Ontario Motor Bales. local distributors of Chevrolet « sixes and Oakland sixes and eights, one . nal OSul L CORBETE : 4 Cor bett, 4 I. rame, prevents: outside | distributors ort, mith, Oldsmobile cars for Oshawa, WILLIAM J. DA Pi sldent Davidoon jotor Co, Whitby, Dealers in Chrysler Pro. _ dusts. case of color finish models where it is .ducoed to match, In addition tothe veqtilating fea- ture of the 'new Fisher windshield, further: ventilation i ded by twin cowl ventilators, The angle of the windshield eliminates reflections : Ei The per capita ownegship of automobiles fn the United States, at the outget of the present year, fogistrations ' durin the last twelve months was 168,000 "veh les. "the same period a a of 38.09 miles was added 0 the naiwork 'of federal and highwa systems. Ee, Scns Se tre ls Showing Dousrity' motor: ou in, the United States during ng. the number of cars number ot miles of In ws Broviding ht Vehicles To Every Mile f Highway in U.S. Last Year @y | of body types which include sedan, {woupe, roadster. and tourin | "Beaause of the Highly sat | hippet r wod signals, oity 'by-passes for hrough motor tratfio, elimination of railway grade cross- ings dnd more 'highways are the pSistanding problems of the tute 'e Which confronts motordom," 'declares J. Borton Weeks, presi: | dent of the AMA, « WHIPPET 4 WHIPS THROUGH TRAFFIC J sid A i Rounding out completo line br the p 'ular Vo appet Jour, tut Wikys-Overs land's presentation for 1080 pro- vides cxceptiopully complete mar. te coverage. This | dine ot low priced mbdels, embraces a variety performance of the Hin the 'past, its universal poe! tf arove the sade of tens Ro pusands river over a than three years, oe ot mir taxes. May 1, 1999, and if [provided with 1 if [hoyr and 53 feet at 85 miles per hour, 1! to last from 20,000 to 30, Hl the braking, this year, is rollers to | | tinued in the new Eight, "per performance provided by the 'best FACTOR IN SALE Pontiac Realizes Value of gradual |R by. the non-glare type of rear view wiror, The front sun yinas % the military ty nishe 1) the vation horn 5 Bl a harmonize 'with the n new eolors y body Minish and with the garish ER new self-ene four wheel internal Mechanical brakes 286 square inthes: of | brake lining on four This new moulded linings are said miles of service, Any additional feature in carry the brake rods elim # 1g wear and reducing pedal effort, Another ithportant protecting de- vice provides in the General Motors Eight is an arrangement which auto- matically stops the engine in the re- mote event that the o P should fail to function, The shearing of a small pin would stop the distributor and halt the engine, preventing pos- sible damage {rom lack of oil. Bringing new smartness and fea- tures of safety and utility to the lighting 'system of the car are the indicator lamps, Patterned Jike the port and star-board lights of un ship, the lamps, seated snugly on the. crest of each front fender, thtow. rays "of light in ever, direction sroughs ) openings, Toaee Nights provide r ning lights in the city when the lights aré dimmed, The added safes ugh one bulb may burn out yet there is still a headlight or indicator Jamp lighted on each side of the car, eliminating "one-eyed" driving. Crank type window regulators are provided on the doors together with convenient inside door lock control, A feature of the door locks is an ar- rangement whereby the appliéation of extreme force to the outside door handle will result merely in the handle turning around on its shaft without forcing the lock. After thus foiling a would-be thief, the door handle may be repaived at trivial cost in any Oakland-Pontiac service sta- tion. "The adjustable front seat fea- ture of previous Oaklands "is -con- Six wheel sets of wire wheels and 'fixtures are standard equipment on all models with the spare tires car. vied in special fender wells, All mo- dels are equipped, finished and ap- pointed with a new degree of artistry and luxury to conform with the suy- engineered chassis and most powers ful engine ever produced by the Oak. lund Motor Car Company of Canada, \ SERVICE A MAJOR OF NEW CARS Efficient Dealers' Service oS y D t nis A few years ago the sale of » ear involved no obligation on the part of the manufacturer beyond delivering it to the buyer in satisfactory running condition and keeping it so for a rea- sonsble length of time. The pur. chaser gave little thought to the quality or accessibility of service facilities. « But thig' picture, like many others connected with the automobile indus. try, has changed completely in recent years, Todays buyer is concerned not alone. with" initial performance. Now he demands assurance that his investment will receive the pers ent protection of a competent, Domi wide service organization, trained equipped to maintain his car at top cfficene "Service, instead' of remaining a a 'major ) of new cars," asserts E. chard, od tales arn fo ac of Genera! ed. "Word from owners sold' by fr teprants a prige- 20 years ago own t service facilities i country 'because the yen beyond the terri. ry 8 by their home dealer, But today, jhe motorist, whether tour. Nova ¢ Pacific Coast o British Ci , wants to know that he is within easy calling distance of a service where he can et genuine factory parts and specially trained men to adjust or repair his car, He wants to know that his ger- déalers' mechanies in vice will be uniforinly good wherever may be" Bi further n and maintenance methods, hoth in the field at a training school 1 t at the fae for tha rails, . ; :. 5 ear, It is fs d ing of the brakes that i in hy. Ol skin Astant dis suid'to have surpassed ofl pre: |nchievements of safety. Early to i SY A out if [whee ew rgizng, | [inch drums that bring the car to &lof the woman~driver ure carefully ff |dead stop in 16 fegt at 20 miles pek | sonsidered. Thousands of suggestions om he ghia aso Sars and Woman's Wishes Play Large //Part in Designing Cars Woman's wishes play an important criticisms ang words of praise for features contained in a car are re power, Bhe is just as exacting as geived every year, These are cure and a cross-section view of Just what the woman ly : ¢ 8 In her cari Generally Ait Po wild that she wants bi Miho, lensing color combi fort Bhd plenty of the man driver in. nding per forsiance, while at the same time she A smartness of design anil ease of operation, / ' "For, example; Tn the new Chey: v rolet, many features" have been ad- ded st the suggestion of women driv. ery, The steering wheel fn the 1930 model has been set lower and the seats made deeper, With the idea of making driving easy for women drivers, much attention was puid by the engineering staff in the de- signing of brakes fo rthe new. car, with the result that one has been evolved which gives w maximum of deceleration with & minimum of exertion, Another thing for the benefit of women drivers, us well as men, is the Placing of the gaso- line fuse on the dash, making it possible to see ut a glance just how much gas there is in the tank and avoiding all possiBllity of running out of gas without warning, i "Much favorable comment has been yoceived from women drivers on the adjustable driver's seat and the smooth clutch action of the Chevro let as well us on the hprmonious de sign. of the luterior-ds well as the blending of colors en the outside of tho body, "All of these details have been carefully considered by the Chevro let engineers working in coopera tion with those of the Fisher Body Corporation, all endeavoring to give thy woman driver just what she wants," "Speakings of the renaissance Mm body design, Mr, Everson sald: "Be fore. the days of motor cars, much ttention was pald by couch makers "the style and beauty of their prog The coach maker took a par ticular pride in turning out a body that as a thing of beauty yet at the same time was sturdy, "When motor cars frst esme into being, this general tone was fol lowed out, but as the ear 'came to be more and more developed, More uttention was given to building & sturdy body, 'with the trend towards ruggedness of appearance rather thin beauty of line, "Within the past few years, how- ever, there has come & general swing towards beauty in the of mor tor cars, combining this wit of 'construction, with the result that all classes of buyers, men as well as women, have found thelr wishes met in the building of their ears," pe 7 W feature is the fact that even)' the side issue of the dealer's business, | has becopfe' a 'ma; Wer in svar a N° matter what road you take you are never far from a Dominion Tire Depot. The blue and orange colors of Dominion Tire Depots are your sure guide to dependable tire service. There you can have your tires inspected; minor injuries checks ed and attended to before they: become serious; pressures cor rected; and everything driving comfort. Or, if you need new tires, you have the choice of Canada's out= standing tire values ... Royal Masters, the World's finest; ¥ Dominion Royals, the best.stan-- | ' dard price tires on the market; © Endurance, a low-priced tire of exceptional quality for light cars and Royal Heavy Service for bus or truck. In town or out of town, make Dominion Tire Depots your tire head-. .

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